Illinois News Index

Highland Park News (1874), 20 May 1898, p. 5

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e Parcel Delivery, 10c. )f the city. H. DUFFY, Wanager. while In our hands. Moved, and Shipped. and Cigarettes season. ‘uerhxg for parties a specialty. Nest care. H orders. 1’ Choice Candies. fill of All Kinds. ».K£D ONLY «tor. Iers ‘lowen‘ng Plants. . ILL. ‘ eenhouses, :s and B. P. Rocks :ans. Superintendent LE AT ALL TIMES m LUMBER DISTRICT. D VHRK. ILL., ,L a: cot, Inge... of All Kinds CO., bland Park Illinois. :phone 54. Furnace Work. ‘oultrv Yards, . . CK. and Crockery, {mods Delivered Free of Churn indling. \Y {P TtLlPHONE as Highland Park Laundry, First Class Work '5 I At Reasonable Prices.§ ELMary's Catholic Church, Rev. ]. L‘. Mmldcn. pastnr. First mass. 8.30; second mass. 10.00; Sunday schml, 2.30. The Baptist Church. W. H. Viucs‘ pastor. l’rcaching, [0.45 a. m., Sunday schooi, 12.00 m.; Baptist Young I'cuplc': ['nion, {>45 11 In; preaching, 7.30 p. m. Fnday praycr mating. 7.45 p. tn. tvangclical Lutheran Zion's Church, Mr. Salonmn pastor; Suntlny service. lu.oo a. m. Sunday school, fmm 9 tn 10.00 a, m. Trinity Church, I‘. C. \Yulcatt, rector. uly crumnuninn. 7.30 a, m. Sunday school, 0.00 a. m, Morning prayer and sermon, H a. m. Second celebration first Sunday in the: month. Even song. 5 p. m. Presbyterian Church. Rcv. Pfanstiehl pastor 'nrxhip and prcnching. 10.45 a. m. Sabbath hool, [2 mr Christian Endmvur, 7. p. In. Prayer servicza “Wednesday. 7. 45 p. m. p. mi ~ 'dfiéédfita 15}; rii... ”6015;; prayrr meetings: Saturday. at L00 (,1. (IL, cat- echcncal class at pastor’s study. Ravinia M. E. Church. Ravinla. RcV. E. JJ Hcatncntc pastorvSunda ' school at 2.30 p.‘ m.; hpwunh League evutional meeting Sunday uvrning at 7 u'clnck p m. preachlng at 7 {5 each Sund..,_ - cning; pyayer mectmg , frum H to 5.30: bpwunh League business; meg-mug and social the fourth h nday of each ‘ month. ‘ Swedish bl. E. Church {over “'aldu's markct) ~Rev. U. \\ esslmg. pastor Sunday services. as fulluws: Sunday schoul. 3.30 p. m.; Epwurth. League. 1 00 p. m.: Preaching“ in p. m.’ Braver-meeting Thursday cvenmk at 7.45. ffg'erhmc Is mVlted. , ) First Unllcd Evangelical Church, Rev. ‘H. II. 'l‘horen, pastor. Sunday services: Ger- man punching, {Q43 4, m.; English, 7.50 p. m; Sunday school,9.3 ; K. L, C. I‘ r 6.45 p. m.; praycr mating, \Vetlnc'sdgy'al' 7.30' p. m. Evangelical Associathn~Re\'.'S-. J. Hapch. astnr. Sunday services at Young Mgn's radmg Room. Sunday school at 10,00 at m; German preaching: at 11 00 a. m.: Y. P. 5. C. - 1-,. at 5:45 p. m.: 'nglish preaching at 7 30 N n m. . r'nnullnl'fl no 7.1m .. “A..- Highhnd Park Council No. 1066, Royal Arcumm. Meet in Masonic hall second and fourth Mondxys of every month. Regent. W. A Wilson; secrctary. Prank B. Green Modern Woodmen 0f Amarica. Meetings (in: and fourth Friday of each month in For- eaten' ha“. William banner, V. C.; R.J. Mammals“... ,,,- - . - -. ‘. A.(,). Fay Lmtgm .\. l‘. and -.\ .\I. RC"- ular meeting nigh‘s hr 5! and third Manda» in guch month at Masonic hall. mer \1. Moses. Son 5 storc. Independent Order Foresters, Court Highâ€" land..\1eexings first and third lhursdays of each month In Forcster' 5 Hall. Cheskuumg Tribe. 1. 0. R. M. No. 112... Meet at Masonic Hall firm and third Tuesdays. F. M. Ingalls. 53:11am]. H. Durfy, C. of R. DR. H. H. BOULTER, For thr: South. 6.50, 9.30 a. m., 12.47, 3.14, 5-33~ 729 P- Y“- For the north . 9.12, 11.39 a. m., 7.29 p. m. Mail pouches clnse 15 minutes before the departure of trains. \V'. M. DUDLEY. From the north From thc south. 7 12~07~ 3.1% 5-37~ Goods sent for and delivered to all parts of the city. Orders by post or telephone promptly attended to. Long Distance Teleshone 2m. 1016 ans Street. Evanstnn L nexullcd Acurmmodazinns for Sick Horsrs . and Dogs A. S. ALEXANDER, I. D. 0., V. S. Succcssnrm Dr 0. B. Femald Fktdwr Building Telephone 78. A. (I. ORTLUND, manager. (mm: Hig! land Bluck HUFRS: 2 00m g uu 1-. 3x arm-u norm 1 co m 4 on} r. x Horus I nghwmd Telephone No. 6. Professor In Chicago Veterinary College Dircctory of Schet Soclqtles. :vanston Vctqutnry Hosplnl. LLOYD M. BERGEN, M. D. DR. FRANKLIN 6. WESGOTT, ROOM 1 HIGHLAND BLK. HIGHLAND PARK POSTOFFICE. CHURCH DIRECTORY. DR. E. c. KAYE, Vehrlntry surgqor. And Dentist... .. Professional n 5/~ DEI' DENTIST, Dentist. ARRIVAL. 12.47. 3.14 p‘ .30, a. 7.29 p.11), AKTLVRK‘ 9.30 a. 111., 12.47, 3 ass. mauwooo L'ntxlBOOL M. 12 0010130931 7 00 “18.00 P. u. Highland Park. Ill. v A, x. :65 if}; rum further notice. Postmaster Highland Park. Telephone I05. HPFU'B HOURS Illinois Ill There is, or has been, a bad place ’where the new water mains have been put in on theR. J. Street corner. The filling has settled badly, leaving one very bad and other bad enough places The earth in such filliugq uhould not only be Wet down, but carefully trumped down so it can't settle much more. C, Street. Miss Adele Everett, dim? tors. ' The otficers for the coming year elected at the annual meeting of the Ossoli Club were: Mrs. DanielCubh. president; Mrs. JzunesuHull Shields. vice-president; Miss Van Schaick. secretary and treasurer; Mrs. Henry ‘Mrs. Look. whose husband (lied :1 ’ short time since in Florida, has just returned to the Park to make her lhome with her daughter. Mrs. E. H. ' Brown down in the “Pocket. " Decorate your “indows “ith the lAmerican and Cuban colors. Two beautifully lithographedfiag», one of ;Cuba and the other of the l nited States, on good paper. “le4, for ' five cents, at the News office. l Mrs. James BIL-Donal! gun a 'quiet tea Saturday afternoon. for IMrs. McDonald of Seattle. Wash. {and Mrs. Leach of Chicago. It \vnsl lan old fashioned allâ€"the-afternoonl Evisit with tea at the proper hour. l Has the peanut vendor piml his‘ annual licensa fee 2’ If not. nhatc‘ him; the people don't want him with his cart and fire and himself on one of our most prominent streetcorners. Get a more on him, Mr. Murfihnl, and i l that right early. l Has the peanut vendor paid his ; There are several famil'es down annual licensa fee 2’ ll but. “hate ‘ MK)!” ”NJ-“'6 “‘0 vacant Cusbing l0”; him; the people don't want him with UI‘I’USW‘ Dr. Bulxvck‘s. Who are p; - his cart and fire and himself (\n one Ut'ntl)’ cryinguut in soul. “How long, of our most prominent streetcurners. fiOll‘ how 10“}: llHVt‘ We 10 Plulure the Get a mow on liiin, )Ir. Murfilml, and ‘ he“‘“"iҤ{~“ 0f “I?" Old (WW-H fifth?!“ that right early. leilthere without permimaion and tin n The finest beds of tulips We have 1 '9“ t" “if" day after day {0" “'3‘"- seen this season in this or any other It lu-cziuw such a nuisance to us community. were grown in Cashier i bumlny afternnon as we sat Ill our Richard J Streeti' yard Tliev are :moui trying to read that We were | not only \‘erv large, but verv bril- i moved to counttlie number ofbellow- liant. of varied hues and made a l ings; in the» shurt'spacr- of five min. most striking appearance. itesw and how many think you? Only Th 65 r f H _ . o ‘ ltliirty. or six per minute. As the e 0 ce 3 or ’6 mull"?! gear: boarder said of his baked beans diet elected at the annual meeting of the fin a Busmn hoarding liuuse. H few Ossoli Club were: Mrs. Daniel Cobb. ‘are all right. but when it comes to president; Mrs. JamesiHull Shields. , that hm" “ft” mm} and (13," “if?" vice-president; Miss Van Sclmick. , (lay for forty days in successron. ms ' . ‘ too much. Let the bellowing. cow‘ secretar) and treasurer. Mrs. Hem-v . - » - » \ 1 Hrs. Rover Moore gate 11 partv to ~ ithe friends of \Iiss Bessie. last Sat- 1 urdag, afternoon, to commemorate lthe tenth anniversary of her birth. More children are required tomake the children’s class a success. They had a jolly time singing and laugh- ing and they did verv nicely too. 1 Edward Nolan ex- superintendent of streets is in Seattle on his “21} to . hlond1ke He sold his excr llent hi- c_)cle to Citv Clexk F Mme} before he. ,lel’t. George Elvey. ex‘clty marshal. is helping out the city board of health as inspector. George has good eyes and pair of olfactories. so look out if ydu have any bad places. Charles Kuist is doing tin-tin Work for the repairs and additions on the Wilcox house. in the “Pocket." for- merly the Alta school and the Mul- ford home. Mr. Glenn P. Hall, tenor and Mr Mr. Clarence~ Dickinson. organist are the artists engaged for theChor- ill Society concert for June 7th. A valuable dog, the property of Frank Gallagher, was run over by the electric‘ car and killed. Wednes- day morning. Dr. Ingalls. and Messrs. Kilpat- rick and Vance of tbeRailroad Men‘s Home visited friends in Waukegan Tuesday. August Noerenberg is building the new cement sidewalk for WIS. Las- her, in front of his residence. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Erskine spent Sunday with Mr. Erskiue's brother, Lewis Erskine. in Chicago. ’ See Allen about )our milk supp!) if you are not satxsfied \\ 1th \\ hatyou are getting John Duffy has been on the sick list this Week. Good rich cream always on hand at Allen’s dairy. P. 0. box 40. Wm. J. Michel and wife spent Sunday at George L. Vetter's. Miss Annie \olan has been very sick this “eek. NEWSLETS. d'i Thiq utlico 1.~. printing tickets um' 1 posters for a hall to he giien hv the 18 Highland Park hand next “ulna-- roiiluy esweuing Ma} '_51h thepnun-(ls 0f to go timarils the- purchasing of nui- ‘(li forms. As the hand “ill pmw 11 1 1r mluahh- Addition 10th» Park. it is lhoped their ball will be successful l‘ a inml liberally putrOnized. It is the in-1 11‘ ll‘llllUH of the members to hold .1 aer- i ies of cuncerts during the summer, 1 m or as 80011 as enough u1one\ can le‘ 11 lraised fur uniforms. Gina them a flirt. ‘ l First Excursion o! the Season to g Cleveland [Via Nickel Plate Road. June 3 to (3 inclusive. $11.35 for the round trip {on certificate plan. Tickets good returning until June 13th. inclusive. [Three through trains daily from Van | Enter) SlreetPasseugc-r Station. Chi- cago. For further information ad- dress J. Y. Calahan. General Agent, l 111 Adams Street, Chicago. nuisance bdabuted. and done alsn. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dinner wish, {through the Kim‘s to return their {heartfelt thanks tu the neighborsaml‘ lfriends whosu thoughtfully and kind- l Elly rendered all possible human aid ; and sympathy durin the recent ill-l 1new» and death 6! thgrlittle son Harâ€" iry, who died May. 3rd. and especially lgrateful to the membenaof the Eran- lgelicul Church for their prompt and lusgduious attentions and attendance, lat the funeral. i The latest in address cards is one 'with the American‘and Cuban flags embowed in red and gold in the up- ‘per left hand corner. It is uutpnly a rich and neat uppearing card. but lis substantial lx-sidc-sundcan he pm jourvd :It the NEWS other with yum :' name neatly printed on them forSl ‘23 ;{or NM. or with your namv and ml fdress for SL5” for 1”“. Call and“ ! see the-m. ' They say a new broom sweeps clean. so long since we had one that We have {orgnttcm but the new city marshal swim to he- making a pretty clean sweep of the wheelmen on thu side walks. A” the 0M arrears ('U the old judges' office rent are paid 0H and there will begin to be a ”sur plus" at this rate. Mm. T. C Platt. wlm Iormerl} lived up on old Port Clinton. died in Chicago last week. Miss Middleum. Miss Hivaell and Mrs. C. H. Warrm attended her funeral at Rosehill Sat- urday. Her liuslumd died while the family lived here in the house nuw owned and occupied by Charles B. Rite. Mrs. H. 0. Stone will spend next Sunday at the Exmoor Club. High- land Park. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Secor Cunningham. Mrs. Stone re» turned yesterday from a short visit at Ocouomowoc. She will return there for Decoration day. ~ Chloagu News, Tuesday. ' Charles Patcheu ruffled ofl' hisf Derby bicycle this week down at tbel Kellogg switch board factory. No.‘ 56, held by Mr. Delamy 0f the Rail- 5 road Men's Home. drew it. Plenty at good milk and creafn is a comfort and a pleasure. Keep your own cow. it costs very little. Allen rents or sells fresh cow'sat low l“.ices~ (borougblv U01) Printing Cent al Avenue East. Lalo, ”II-too and Wuhan OM. Ohm Bamboo-low York. London and Hamburg. mmathmm-mu o! Ion-M m 0a. Mal um.» luau". You W. Loo mom. and tuna Jon... lDoors, Blinds, Glazed Sash Brackets, Mouldings, Screens. i MONARGH AND DEF IANBE BlflYfllES are {he productof mechanical Inmlty. 840.00 . $50.00 $60.00 All our lumber is thoroughly kiln driwi and \w guurzmtw our mate- rial to lwmuml in qualin‘ and workummhip m nnv mudv. Sand for astimnte ALL ROADS ARE ALIKE 70 A MONARcl-l. Portootlon Is the result at our long OXDOI'IOI‘IOO. Prufassor L'mbach of Northwest ‘ C em college, preached for the Ex-an- WM TILLMAN 314 Ccntnl Ave gelicnl people) Iin the reading mom) last Sahhuth. both morning and even. Highhnd Puk, Ill ing. The Professor has a wondvrfu) vuâ€" ~--»â€"~~ ._~._._.._.._..___... â€" talant in the expounding of the gos- FRESH p91, he is very plainand mmpn-he-m ' sire, a child can grasp his clear. hilH- DHCk’S Eggs For sale. ple, yet fitting illustrations that serve? the point in thought. i The Evangv]; JO"N MOONEY. "I‘M.“ Pnrk. ‘ Meeting will be held in Cleveland. U» June 7 to ‘J inclusive. account Of which the Nickel Plata Road will sell tickets at “1.35 for round trip on certificate plan. Dates of sale June 3. 4, 5 and 95 inclusive. Tick 929 good returning until and includ- ing June 13. Fur further particu lars address J. Y. (Taluhan. General Agent. 111 Adams SUN-t. Chicago. Congregational Home Missionary Society Monarch Chants: “00.00 MONARGH CYCLE MPG. 00-. Promptly- and neatly executed at this office. Prices as low as is consistent with good work II. C. DASYE, AGENT FOR HIGHLAND PARK. JAMES WARREN, SR., IVTER'OR FINISH IN PINE OR HARDWOO MILL WORK OF ALL KINDS. MANUFACT’URIR OF Tin. Sheet-Iron nnd Fur-ace Work '2 Done to Order. The News. Agent {of Blue Flame Wlddeu Oll Stoves. STOVES, RANGES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS. TILLMAN SPHIIKLING WASOIS. ical people will be thus served from Nape‘n'ille- Institulv the coming fire- Sundays. and should any be at leis- urv Sundayevvn'ings. are invited to attrml and enjoy a rare (mat. ththhbchJJJ J fin" Your FronE W by . A. KUIST, Hardwarg. Dray a lawful. m full on {he prnl-rlctm

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