Professor Boltwood of Emuston has graduated 43 classes, tenin New England and the others in Princeton. Ottawa and Evanston, Illinois. A notable record for any man. but it is beaten by our old theological professor at Newton Centre, Muss-x. who has graduated 4%) consecutive classes in that one single institution. CHARLES B. RICE has put in some time at the city clerk's oiï¬ceJ’ooking up rebates on his property down on the Sheridan road. He has paid thmisnnds of dollars in special :issem: merits and so far he has recon-red about fifty cents in rebates. or to he mare exact 492 cents. and he feels encouraged. Such is the way rebates pan out here. District No. l, of the Evanstou public schools, graduated 8‘.) from the eighth grade into the High school. while district No. ‘2 graduated 4'1 from the mime grade. Education it; rampant in our college suburb. 121 turned out from two schools lutt) thc High school in one year. APROPOS of the improvement ufS‘t. Johns south liythe Military Academy. C 15. Rice told us the other day that us soon as that job down there was done or surely under way. he would Sign a petition for the paving of Sheridan road north. the old Port Clinton Lwnue, and he thought other residents up there would do the same. That is right and it would boom the town too. i THE little incandescent light at the junction of Dale and Hazel avenues is getting so it shines almox‘t as well as a lightning hug. We don't know how many ohms or horse power the little haiitling claims to have, but our private foot bridge six candle power light. which Mr. Morgan put in two years ago. furnishes nearly double the light of that street lamp. Lots of nights. if very dark. it is ditlicult to see it from our window. Mr. C. C. Yoe has been obliged to paint a lot of stones white and place them along side his walk and drive-way so that by the combined senses of sight and feeling. he can find his way to his premises. Give us a light for that dark corner, “like a hug puddle." Better comm to the Park and take a few leasons! in neutnws in such matte-rs. AMONG the graduates ofthu l'm'ver- sity at Evanston last week was ontï¬ Sndanosuke Kokubo. of Japan; an- other was Rollin Mailboue lieu»? of Highwood. EHNSTUX hnusts a city artesian well. whose cm‘imnmruts. iu the language of Alderman Norkell. are "Nine hundred men rejected." That is the striking \‘erdictof the ex- amining army surgeon of Massachu- setts. 0f the young men who vol- unteered for the Cuban service 900 were refused chiefly because they had the bicycle chest That is to say, their habit of riding with low handle Advenlflng rates mud. known on nppllutlon n this ofï¬ce. Published in the Interests of nghlnnd Park. Highwood and Ravinin, every Friday aftcmoon by LEWIS B. HLBBARD, Terms, SLOO per year. 50 cents for months, 30 cents for three months‘ Editor’s Residence, - Business and News Office. (Mice: in News Building. 255 Central Avenue, Highland Park. Illinois. The Highland Park News. “[ch ml at the post-office at ngh‘mnd Park. “1.. as second class nmucr, EVANS ; FORREST. FRIDAY, JUNE 2! VAN TELEPHONES REJECTED. s )IANAUER N0. 8. No. 92. L‘DITOR 51X Now that people are lonkingulxmt for goml drinking \vzuvr. u'v will :11- tentiun to an analysisofour artwmn well up there in front of the city building which our Clerk John Fin- ney hail [nude ten years ago. or soon after its water was introduced into the city. The test was mudo by Dr. )I. Dcllafontaine‘ an expert chemist in Chicago. with the fullowing re. stills. one gallon ml water was used: the figures zm- grnim. no nitrntv». no 11itrih-< which means no putrifying organic muttvr, as found in all waters which have been on the surface of tlieearth. The microscope shows the water to lw physiologically excellent. In 'my opinion that water i< a wholesome- 'ullmline one. Your urtvsiain m-ll water somnis to CUIIM‘ quiu- near to some extensiw-ly sold mineral water from our nviglilmrliood.†chcc if ymi want purv drinking {watcr every day free of vast. go to that urtvsiun “MI and pump your jug: or bottles or cans full and drink all you wish. \‘hlnri'h- Sulphuxu 5min and â€mum-e CJHHVHJR‘S 111m- and â€mum-~13 Teachers and others interested an- infonned that the Annual Teuchers‘ Institute will he held in (‘1-ntrnl SciiOuI building. \Vaukegun. during ï¬ve days. beginning July 5th. Miss Lelia E. l’atridge, Prnf. E. C. Page, Supt. (‘mnpbeiL I’ruf. Han- sen and Miss Janv I’inney HIC'UII- guged as inst ructnrs. All tenclnrrs and persons preparing to teach should arrange tu :mend duringr the rntire svssinn. M mom] martyr bars and bent over forms had so con- tracted their chests that the" Were rejected by thearmy surgeon There is no occasion for that habit at all; a wheelmnn can sit up comparaliwâ€" 13’ straight just us well as not. Most Of us are not examined by army sur- geons. but if we are contracting our (ghosts, developing pulmonary _dis- gases and shortening our lives it is time we knew it. Baptigt Young People's Union Will be pleased with a ride to Bull'- alo and return over the Nickel Plate Road. Choice of water or rail route- between Cleveland and Buï¬alu.witll- in ï¬nal limit of ticket. Call on or address J. Y. Culahan. General Agent 111 Adams Street. Chicago, for par ticulars. ‘23“ mu] sulphznvs ANNUAL TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. The Doctor MONDAY. JUNE 27m. 1898. M. W. van‘. County Supt GOOD WATER. adds of lime the No ammonia lullum which 1|†‘(lll Nickel Plato Road. train ti, lvm ling Van Buren Strm-t l‘zwwugvr Stu 1 . . , . - illOll, Chicago (on the LoopL :It 3::th lp. 11). daily, for Buflnlo uml local Estations, with Buffalo ï¬lm-per, Alw New York sleeper Vlfl Niche-l l'latc- and Lackawunnu Romlx Ham-s pl lways the lowest. The excl-Hunt ‘ train Service to Boston and Xv“- York {City, with through day coaches and lsleepiug-carn to New York City upd lthrough Hleepingcarï¬ to Boston. and the excellent dining car service. will 9coutinue as heretofore. 'ilt Are respon: ITELEPHONE u LA KE FOREST SCHOOLS. They do some things in LHkv Fur est better than We do; For instunw. they publish in pamphlet farm. the- report of their public schools The report proper ï¬lls I‘l‘l pages: Thun- are several valuable tables, l)lll‘ show ing enrollment by grades. in NH! of the hm schonla. stt iuul Nurtlz. anothvr by ward-x, with these totals: North ward 73. South mm} 5“ and West ward 188; a total of LNâ€, in» eluding the new ones to enter thi~ your. The school census shows {m the several wardsthe lullnwing: Fin-t 17W), Sex-(Jud 134. Third 263. or u tut- ul of .3713. If We read ‘llt' rrpnrt alright there \wrt- in thv svhuuh luxt year only 276, nr includingy thv mm pupils for next year LINLWhiUh tulu-n from .353, h-zn'es 273 pupiluif M'luml agi- “‘llu arr nut inthv pulilivschmnla. This nf (murw dues nut muun thin they an. out (if st-luml.‘ for they an- in privutv. ur uthcr than tha- pul:Lir SL'llu<)l.~. “'v Hugh! tn lmn- u mun-u but full report nf uur pulalir svlnml~ puhlhh ml. if nut in punwlnlot fux'm. tln-n in the columnsof tln- papery tlw Inn-1.1.: whose childn-n un- taught. “hm 'pu} the taxes, etc. urv entillml h) knuu what is dum- and wlwn- the money goes. Let Us have full n-purbhvrr, after. The cloflng morciws at (he Ravi!» in school hunsv. brought out the hm‘n en masse. or ut least all the- better portion of the tuwn. The grndmnex were: Misses I‘ImSzlnhurn. Murgnrrl \\'illnughl)_\‘. Marian Kx-llugg :uul Helen [{uwell. The mmt apprupriatr numln-r an the program \\H\ awng “inw- rcil‘ain was. “Dear. (lo-ar \Vliat can tlw mat ter he. l)llrl'l|i> “unit \i~ittln‘~clwull" lt \Vzw sung liy tlu- smallust cliilxlrt-ii and was z-spccially plc-zhiug. ' A long rccitatinn by littlv Catlwr inc Hcslcr slmwrd her to lw u child of talent and unusual nwnmryr-lmt cncmcs in a prugram .w lung “um uhjectionahlc. as calculatcd to ill‘(‘ tlic audience and tho pupil~ \Valtc-r Kellogg's snug: and whistling calln-«l out an eutliusia-Jic cucurc. Ilvlc-H Russell spnknx with gn-at dramatic ability :1 dialcct piccc. and \vlu-ii vii cored gavc zuwtlicr cqually [dc-mini; and indicativc of decided (uh-m and lwnltLy. (lvmm-rnlicdm-Irim- llmt um- uf tln- numrul righh Hf all vlnl‘ln-Il is tln' “Mining ulm-l; ('nllll'~f1‘nlll llfv' in the public ~vlnml~ If )uu um gunrzmtev: lnn nr girl an H.1lrl'llfr Thu! ik tlu- privulOM'hnnl fnd \'l‘r.\ much “hrs" thaun it is hvrv, “1‘ ha) wursv. Iwcuuw \n- hnld tlu- muud Ill Prof. Gums will takv “lt' schnol another year and is cvrhxinly the moi-t popular tmcherthut RilYihiuilH~ (-H‘r hull. Hi5 pupils‘ exprese thv lin-li vat gratitude for his unselfish wil- lingness to assist them with thv'ir studies own out of school hnurq. Aftc-r 11w ('lnsing van-iï¬w i](' “an showered \x’ithrrose-s and vxpre<~iuii~ of good will. ‘ \‘HU- HChlml> careful training. Having“y IN‘Q'H nun-d from the Ruviniu m-hnul will probably gm (0 Lukv Fun-s VQ‘ZH‘. mruntev: hm) nr girl an rmirr 1:!- u mciul Imnlimx «>f:"w111~|\a-nm~. :11 may km-p him {mm the pub!“ Imul. nthc-rwiw (n lump him In pri Another Improvement In Traln Service RAVINIA. lw lmn uf Fun-st mm! l\l-l‘\ gnu! "'i‘ A. ROBERTSON, uh!) _ Hull! ;{“:;,‘Lumber and Building Material of All Kinds. EVANS 131205., EIE: Fancy Groceries, Tea, Coffee JAS. H. . DUFFY in ~fif'Express, Baggage and Dime Parcel Delivery. Frulu Ind \‘cgtublca Rcczhcd Dull) ST. Johns Avenue Floral Decorations, Cut Flowers _ “and Flowering Plants. OFFICE AND YARD: ST. JOHNS AVENUE. I?! LUMBER DISTRICT. TELEPHONE 67 MRS. A. BOCK, Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods and Crockery, BOOTS m.) SHOES. D. A. DRISCOLL 8: CO., ...ï¬icvclc Exchange... Sundries and Repairs of All Kinds Are responsible for all goods while In our hands. urniture and Pianos Moved, “Packed and Shipped. Highland Park Greenhouses, Hard and Soft Coal, Sawed and Split Wood, Kindling. Tin, Copper, Sheet Iron and Furnace Work. Goods the Best. Priccs arc Reasonable. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Trunks, 25c.; Parcels, 10:. To or from any part of the city. Goods handled with greatest care. Prompt attemion given all orders. HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. Bicycles to Order From $35 Up. FRITZ BARR. P flour, May, feed. Oats, Bran, Corn, Meal, Gluten, Meal "Mall-[s and Straw. Chase Sanborn Tea and Coffee “'1‘ nrc- prrpnrml tn sell H tn in any qugmtily. All grade» of J. H. . DUFFY, Manager. Highland Puk Illinois. Telephone 54. ‘ropric (or TELEPHONE 46. (loads Deliver->6 Free 0! (Zing: V" m H on" ' DB. 'fRMKUI '00“ 1 HIGI Hutâ€: 3 wnbi 00].†()flicr: Hmhlnnd Rim fol-95°" 7‘ chhcr Building N'ur ( 1 519“)! In In .11 A. S. ALEXANDH Lung “Island {'m-xu-Hul .\ for m- Yu'x ihc Chrskcm-nu '1‘: New! at Marni-Ix }' M lnualmfa‘ ularmrvlmg mph.» ill“ euh ummh. m Man-uni «\ 50!] b Marv; Indcpcwicm â€Mar I ‘mmiv Mcelmgs um I each mumh 1n Futrnld Mudcm “uninu-n u hnx and fnurfl: Fndny caters" hall \Vallmm Rice. CL-IL nghland I‘mk "mu Avcanum. Mun-1 m Imituurm Mumiuys a! \\ A \Vn‘mm‘ \€‘\V("I Mai'. pundit-k iepurtmr u? 11;: p. In. duty-41.4) ll prayrrlm-r‘vug- \uln] ï¬'lwlu 3! "Ian!- I“ i-Allnl >1 Mat} :- tut mm: Maiden. ',A.1~'w' 3 I1 mam, r100 Fun. M‘ l l‘hr Baphsl (‘hurch \I'rcnchmg. lo 45 u u: l12.;|51[)!ls€ {-1. ~- p m ; prravhln‘m. praye! mrchug. T 45 l‘.\angc!wal luth Selunm» â€nu-u Kavmla \1 1-. (‘mnn'f Hut In uh' p.151 u mm m‘ xuufll, 1/!" me \ulman l \uxmu .u ’. U‘ m 4.; r m h Sului.‘ . hum h ht h 34‘, Inn-(mu and an. i: mumh as (on-‘r 14-wuv. ZIII 5 11.. )‘rzn‘anu-n'hlw Thu hrs! !iat‘fr:r man 1le I). m ; HUM“ s 645 p m; I“â€â€˜ 7 3( J p. m hvaugrln a! .'\-c “16.17. 541111;“ l'hthU Runâ€; (grnuan [ï¬rl’al hi! I'. m 11:“); II. [â€11]th nary yum (he so! l're‘lyylrnun ( Iun‘h “'0'!er and prcavmu “hm-l, I? m ('hrlsl Frau-r wvvlvr, \\ with I. In Mummy 3 haul lrmln (‘hm h‘ l’ H )1, cum.m.nm:. f 3 I00 2 n» Mr-wm; II a. m, Nauru! gel the mnnth hvrn but Cleaning, Mercha Coal. Build am l'r ‘ I 1r» « .I Swrms! \(-r)u1n gunston Vfltl HIGHLAND PAN Mun phenory 01 3‘ ‘Hmhwmrd 51mm. ('5 7.20 p In ‘ Vciormnr nod Dam: p3,»: TILEPHO 5 HMâ€! CHL‘RCN DI (123"! k .\ Influx-nah 'l‘rlrplu‘ 1.4a Dav m DEN .'\ Nam ml] “Inn“ and H Aim: v‘hq-m; N am \uud