Illinois News Index

Highland Park News (1874), 1 Jul 1898, p. 1

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TENSION INDICATOR bias for ”gaming and owing ‘heexutemsiom are Jew 2of the features that iphasize the hi grade brute: of the bite. % Send for our elegant H. T. Flog. 'mt Scwms MAcuM ($0.. | ClEVIlM. 0. ’Pturc comfort for present Fmingcconomy, but buy the wing machine with an estab- bcd reputation, that guar- ytccs you long and satisfac- l’Y scrvicc. J .85 J J" J OVES. RANGES. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. laninq. Dyeing and Repairing. cum Parlor: 'nms 'D TOBACCOS. .«mummmmmummfi Store. sh Every Day. to - Date ! Uulcanizing 5hect-iron and Furnace Work tn Order. nt fur E. A. NELSON. rchant Tailor. . A. KUIST. . mummmmmmmu PINCH TENSION m - ”1 Sundrms. Highland Park. b ”c é‘é‘mm Hardware. Highland Park, Ill. Blur: Fiame \\‘ickless (/P p! Highland Park is such a charm-1'” ”‘ ““W“ ‘3 WWW“ “ l"""“' inglv lovelv place‘ at all sermons of [ forcepunip.0peratedl)y the windrni the Iyear and so exquisitclv beauti- run the top 0‘ the tower, being coi , - 1 . . . inected With the will by Wire cub {ul in summer. that the. Evangelical‘ Church folks who are looking for a lthrough an arched channel ’up tl beam)“ for their denominational 6 bank into the cellar of the to. er u ‘ which a mancun climb on his ham colleue can‘t stay away from here. . ~ A P” [and feet on a long ladder. ,\\ 8 dl and so are on the ground again this l l' I be i l . .. u ‘ 110 . 1 , . S “. m m Ie‘ week. in fact on several grounds , t c m ) d e re e t for George L. \Vrenn has offered l dripping of the Hoosac tunnel du . Lira's “r W. 81118 oftl them a ‘20 acre tract out of his mun 1 10 1t count uctun 0 . . >w rk 'sl ' ‘ r'i t nd the balan: erous and \‘al‘lOllfily located holdings; 0 I” )3 cont (c a A and Messrs. Higgins A: Keeler have 1 the Judge told Mr. Edwards to g if rel them an ‘2” acre ”wt of Eon and do it and bring in his bill at 0 e K “ ‘ ', theirs up near the golf grounds. l)e'â€" lit would be paid. and h” is doing tween First rstreet and the Exrnoor hr“ clams 101’: Club grounds, We don't know _ whet i THE STIPE __ KEN-EWEDDINO her it i~' north or south of the new ”““’ .. The merriest. myest and pe new niacndzunized extensmn of \ in» l . é’ , ”mum-r. In: nnlpet “‘Pdlllng 0f the St new lll'dC avenue. 1 1 That would make an elegant cil- ; lege campus. \\ ith Grounds for dor-l mitoriea‘. professor} . whouses and the: whole equipment of their school. All‘; they would need or build for years: could be put upon the 2” acres Mr. ; \Vrenn otters. but like one of thc‘I Hoosier school master characters; they believe in the good and safel doctrine of “While you are a grittin.I git a plenty." It would he a great i thing for this city to have a Uoodl vigorous college and theolofricnl l school located here. It “ould add “ 111311} families to our population. inl addition to those directly connected with the college. and they “Qtlltl, as j a rule be good wholesome success ful families who would come to edu cafe their chiidren‘or to lhe in . college town. But they want a cash bonus. how much We don't know. that is we don't know hnw large a sum Would be their minimum figure We know how (lilficnlt it would be to raise that money" for it must come chiefly from people who are not in any way connected witlithat religious tlenonr inntion. Our judgment would he that they had better go in the right place without a cash bonus. , rather than to the wrong place) with:. a big bonus. Location can't he cllungetl. money can be made up. and location is very Very important. That is the name of Judge C. We Fullerton's place down on the Sheri- dan road. where \V. F, Edwunk my! 21 few men are rewmstructihq the judge‘s water \mrksdownnn the lake from. A: everyone knows he has a large fine windmill towenabout four nr fine stories high. the others nf Wood. shingled while the upper one is all open. the rent and mill resting‘ Un pillars. This supplies the water fur his extensive grnunds. several acres in extent. beside his poliltry yard. kitchen. garden etc. The old supply pipe was two inches ‘and ran. nut into the lake titty tn an hundred ftt’t; this one is six inc-hes wrought‘ iron and extends into the lake two hundred feet. First of i ll Mr. Ed- wards built a settling \Vell six feet in diameter. :indtwenty feet deep the intake pipe entering: it six feet belmv the-lake level, while the outer end Will be only one or two feet below low water mark. so that the Walter will feed itself intu the settlifig well. .Tht‘llt't‘ it is pumped up to the tnwer (I: the. some 130 or inure feet nbm‘e the lake. whence it is distributed ull (Wt-r the grounds and gardens. .lust above the settling well there is built intn the bank a big fencing Wall Llf stnne laid in cement with 'd VOL COLLEGE AGAIN HRAVINOAKS” The Highland Park News. i The contracting yurties are old ; residents and connected with some [well knuwn people in Highland Park fund Raviniu. The bride is a sister {in-111w of Mr. Ms. Gent)" who is a ipartuer of Mr. J. C. Cue. the Well- i known stock farmer of Ruvinin and fifather of Mr. Schuylvr )1, C09 of i . Q nghlzlnd Purk‘ six foot doorway. Inside is a deep pit in which is located a powerful force punlp.0peratedby the windmill on the top of the tOWer, being con- nected with the will by wire cable through an arched channel "’up the bank into the cellar of the tower, up which a mancun climb on his hands and feet on a long ladder. ,We did not climb, as we remembered the dripping§ of the Hoosac tunnel dur- ing its construction. Some of the work is by contract and the balance the Judge told Mr. Edwards to go on and do it and bring in his bill and it would be paid. and he is daring a fi rst class job. l The bridegroom is the youngest. 19011 of Mr and Mrs. Sebastian Stipe; l who are old and Well to (lo residents l lof Ravinia. The) are noted for their! lsterling thrift and strict honest) in . ’ lll business-dealings. and for their ifkindness to the poor 1Fo1‘ vears lthey had a bed set apart for 111w may ifarer “ho might ask shelter; and {they have been prospered in accord- ‘ance with their conscientious gener- iosity. In the marriage of their 5011 Joseph their last child goes from ‘themzâ€"though forthe presentyo1111g, er, and Mrs. Stipe will make their‘ :home with the parents. 7 A large: 11111111l1er of \\ ethliug ("18‘- -t.- teqte (l the 1 resources of the Stipe homestead to} its utmost. The 11111rriage ceremony was per i l . . i . formed last “mlnesduv morn‘mt1 all St \Iarys church and mu f11ll0“e(l: l .l)\ a reception given l1) the parenty of the bride \lr. and Mrs J P. l\line. ‘ The ha} 11y couple took their \1 ed- .1lingt1ip to \\ isconsia in company :“ith \Ir.a1nl .\Irs.Mart1nht1pe. and if anyone (loes not wish them all the - .joy that helong< to los'e's young ‘1lream. it is because of the envy that generally follows prosperityor good- The inerriest. gayest and per- chance happiest wedding of the gen- Hun “as that of \Ir Joseph H. Stipe of Rmiuia and \[iss Man Kline of Highland Park if anyone does no joy that hehmg< dream. it is hem-an generally follmvs UPS ‘ Excursion to Chautauqua Lake. ()wr Nickel l’lutv Road, July 8. (me len' for Hw round trip. By I luwitinu tickk‘tfi “"11“ N-crotury one tun' tor tlw rmmu “11). u.» u. positing tickvts with N-crvtury of Chautauqua Aswmbly. mnm- 2m- m‘uiluhlt- fur rvturn pussugv thirty days {rum (late of sulv. ('ity Ticket Office 111 Adams Street. Van Buren Street Passenger Station. Chicago.uu the-loop. 4U 1110 and return over the Alt'iit‘l Flam» Road Choice of wutvr or mil mm» hertwwn Clovelandand Buffalofiitlr in final limit (If tit‘kt‘i. (‘nll (m nr address J‘ Y L‘alahuu, Liam-r211 Ago“! 111 Adams Strevt. Chicago. fur pair ticulars. ‘29 Baptist Youné People‘s Union \Vill be pleased with u ride tn Buff 1110 and return over the Nickel Pluto» Road Choice of wutvr or mil mm» SPEND THE'OLORIOUS FOURTH With your friends. alum: ilw lim- of the NiCle Plate- Rond. Tickt-h on sale Juh 2.. 3 and 4 gum! in return Jul\ 3 at nm- far» for tho- round trip \\ itliin u mdim of liN’miles from starting point \zin Buren Strovt I‘:A.. Pd~\k11"t r 5121111111 Chicugu. T1L1ik1 11111w. 111 A1121m~ St HIGHLAND PARK, ILL, JULY 1, 1898. BY [11 (‘i‘y a! E rh sunny morn. In ()nrntnl. rich array. L‘Ilnmng. with tendril fingrrs In [hr :4.”qu Each ramy mum. In iewel-sluddcd garb unnu- Still higher poised. Wm: fur spray. It hcmldfi with a ’HYUU< nr Through l’Iflll horn undisnnu'cd. It bears aloft a brllhuul fiagnn. nmgu’ mmlc me rlfin hum ~.\1Rs. HERTHA BAKER GREEN “'9 print in Vfull below the class prophecy of the class graduated from our graniinar school last Thursday evening. It was written by Miss Bessie Sites: WAsnlxuros. D. C, Mar. 10, “02”. Dear Friend: W I arrived at Chicago lust Wednes- day, after enjoying my visit to “ii“. consin very much. ()niny return as I passed through Highwmd I notie» ed a sign that bore this inscription "Frederick M. Bell. Florist, Dealer in cut flowers and plants.” You re member no doubt. Fred was “ith u.~ in our clziSs at school. I heard of land saw many others who were with lus in the class of "03‘ Clement told her that Annie (‘uhh ihnd lwcunn- a nun. ln-rhnshnnd hav- 1ing died while- on their “Hiding Iunr | Europe. Inliu hznlv Invfnrmn-ll us hvr train Mopnrtvd and I “Put tn the Anllitur- 'inm tn dinv 0n mm rinu Hm mm 11 saw. at munn- didnnce. u Very fush i()11:1l)1\'dr«'.~'~‘vll Lwntlenmn. and I fl s:1\\‘. 1115111111-111~111111-1-. a \r1_y 11”.. :11)11:1l11_\' 1111-91111 qutiemnn. 111111 I {after closer inspc-ctiun. r111‘11g11ix1-1l ihim :15 Rugvr \‘uil. 1 51111110101111)” i . . 1111111 111 tho c1111rs‘1- 11f ourconversation ‘hv told 1111- he is gout-r111 11111111u1Ar 11f Ethv .\1)rth- western lif1'111snr'1111c1- 1-11111 ! :pum, 211111 15 married 111111 li\i11;,Y 211 ‘ Lake Forest. 1 1111tic1-1i sm V1~rz1l lumi- ials 111111 documtinns 1111 his 1-0211 1111111 1 l . “ he told 1111- 0111' had h1‘1-11 “1111 :11 :1I gulf (1)111'11211111‘111, he hm] raceivmiun i iothvr :19 chzuulfiun of 11 {1111111111111-11111‘ [111111 l11- had rc‘CQ‘in’ll the third :11 hi~ 2 1club 11! 11cuk1-4V11ik. You 1-1111 «‘1' by} i this h1- is itiil quite a society l1-211h-r iiugvr mid 1111‘ Willie K1~1111_\' h:1- 11 drug: stun- i11 l‘qunston 111111 i~' wry 0n mulching the station at (‘liiv ago I met Julia Murgan “'llU “'le «in her way in attend 21 horse-shun“. hlu' is still veryniucliinterestml in liurm-s and is devoting lwrself to tln- study of them). Silk has been nmrriml for about ten yours and is livingin Cliic ago. Juliu told me Hlll.’ had seen Clement Smoot on the street u (ow days before: by i“ z: successor to Bar- num J: Bailey. is nutniarried and be» longs to the Bin-lielur‘s Cluhuf Chit“ longs to ago. prnspvmus, Having finishml my dium-r l (Iv- (‘Med (0 \'i~it tlw ruins Hf (‘nrsuln l’ivriv. Scutt and (‘olnpzln_\"a build- ing. as l nvurvd the- llthSiVQ‘ walk I suw nu udjuatvr main-Ming in thv in (l'rt‘~t,~ uf M-Verul firt- ilnurunvv (‘vm punirx l n-cuguizrad him tulw Fred R. Mmm. nmv m'urly «an-n fen-t tull “v inh'rruph-dMainline-5541!“!rpulw m mr and l luurned Mabel L‘nlv hm u 411;;ng sclmul nt Wnukegzm um! unuthvr in Examston. she has in all! ahuut (hr-hundred puplls and [uh hm‘h ho-lping and studying with Wi! lium L. Tumlius of (‘hicugu I had Mary Clark's address at the- \’irgiuiu. su th-cided tn visit ln-r he- furv leaving fur New ank. I had the good fortune to find Mary at home and I greatly enjuyud my vinit with her. but l-czuumt tell you how tortu untv I considered myQ-lf tn hun- n L’Hmpw of hvr mums. She- ix truly THE MORNING GLORY CLASS PROPHECY. nuttthc hrruk ut dzn' uplnrm-Il [H Hu- "(ixlmnfi' u! {min-V. and an 1 ml With her Hurruundvd by lwr kkrtclnm and dainty wulphxriuu. l frll Ms thuugh “1‘ of 'SNWrro- u fm‘uro-dclau Bidding udivu (n Mary I wvnt tn talu- tlw (min fur Now Yurk, In) hump \thn I nun-hm! l’nuglnko-vp~iu whu should board tln- train but Miss Bunw as “1‘ shall alu‘nh n-uwmlwr hvr. who has been instructor at Vassar in nmthoumticx. Shewas tunde-ri) uutch ed uvvr by her cumpuniun who prm: ed to be her newly Wedded husband. She said tin-y m-rv going tn Now York and later to \Vashingtnn tn wit lie-9s the- inaugural m-rvmnnie» 1 then decided that l’wmild tlikt‘ tht- trip tn \Vnshingtun l ruwvnrly thr m-xt morning und \wnt intu the uh svrvzition our to (ivriw the» in“ twin. fit of the beautiful N‘o'ln‘l’}. Av- l ('Utl‘rt‘li thv cur I invtdnwlih XI‘VUNi Mitt-ring. Ho- has gik'lfl I‘xpm‘tfltiulh of rot-viii“: thr nmminhnvnt ma run 511! to ltul). Edith Lindxtruin. i leurnvd in nmnuger of thn- Girl’s Ho You rmm-mln-r Aym'nrk mnhitinn \\':a~ In lu- u v Hull writI-K and (h \w- m-uryd tlu City on tlw lll1>lll|tflill~,lll0' tbrvd the ('ur and ufl'n-rqd and music and my (‘)'¢'.~ M and music and my (‘)'¢'.~ h'H ulmn Un- nalne. “Sir'l‘X-sw'n‘lt‘lx." his HI» I»- ingy given on Hw first pug». 1 saw hr was a grant scirutilic le-adrr in Luu dun and it appears 11m he has been 50 great a favorite m vnurt that he has been knighwd. As 1 Ir“ the- [min I met Herbert lnmzm who (HM mo- lw i~ living in va York. but hm] lu-c‘ll h-m'hing in u military manic-my in Pe-nn. Hu. likv mun) nthvrs. hm! (mmc- t» “3141ng tun It Mum» lln- muugurzuwn «:1 uur rwu' Irrvsidmut. ”II‘M‘H (‘umlmm Jnnm. .\liu- ”mm! \\u~' :xnvthrr What}; 1 saw an \thinglun; she mid whnm 1 saw an 419 had lwvn to h» \Vushinutun vn ding tuur, ()u rvuvhing tin clorly lmly w; 1km man and HM)“ rH' clorly lmly w; Hung mm :1 unllymmg man and mum ro-mmninâ€"d .\Ir~ Haw vu.uur brlmwrd prim-i‘ml and hm‘ sun Heurge Ml'h. Bun-1‘ tuM nu- during our (mnvvrsntiun that fit-urge i~1l prufm'wr Elf \Vvs! l‘triht. hm tin-v (‘mm‘ In sm- Rllswll inuugurut duv. \u- \wu- N a good vie-w of unx‘ \\ l' \\‘t mlr lurun 312th :n nun! 1 PHNMI'I him {Hr ht‘ \n-ighs 1|! 101“ .VUIIP Hf Ila haul l‘\l'l \\‘1llm~~wl Mu iInIIH-x‘iu‘ u (Tn-mun) Hu- qurkc- z-luqm-ml)‘ ulmn l|i~ u-url) hh- nliml ing nf vnurfic- tn hi- whwnl duy~ Ml Hiuhlsmd Park I Imtu'r-d il \"HI'I ing nf (‘ullrm- In hh- \(‘IHKII HM Highland Park I hum-rd :1 ‘ uhlo- gvntlv-nnm Humbug at tlu nf “llrit'll .md luv-nrtl ~nmq- m; "Hmv L'rmnl n h In haw Mr c-tt Mill 2mm“;v us and 1m“ man up shall ht- glaul In my. “I “m l‘re‘ida-nt Junm m Hn- cln~~ w :1!um-hIn-Iurnn-n of wane-r ur mil mu land and Huflnlu. \‘ of “Ck!“ For fu call mm or thh’hh (h-m-ral Age-m. H Chit-ugh \\' a First Excursion 0! the Season Buffalo Th» xth lnurnin un-r 01in nmlt- daylm-d hnr H ‘(Hkr H1!" Hath Hf 'Iml'o' in "In Hf 111v [HAHN] Stdhw WUHM lmnH) hth‘ rv't'ugmn‘l! Ir lll' 1~ ulmm ~l\1¢'l‘! tall and . :1! Ivan! 3'15 “w L'l’iHn wvu- Mr 1 ku-l l'l u'l l'l.|!r Rudd. Jul) H 17V (0‘ fur 1lll'nllllld {Hy ('hnu‘u' ur mil rmm- lwhwrn (‘1mv Huflnlu. unhm filml hunt Fur furthvr Infnrmutn n town-hing um-u- Ir\' Hull and Inn I luthINvllh XI-Vufli 1h gn-nt I‘xpm‘hltiuus zlplminlnu-m ma run Edith Lindxtrum. l lger of (hn- Girl's Her Luke Hum-m and m. :IH 1hr ('l‘rl'llll’hit‘~. ""l’l.‘ impn-swd “In-n 0Hmlt- durlm-d fur PM In'! utunulu: ID to In!“ ~I~ J Y (‘aluhun 1H Adnun SUN-l '31 mum-r and fr” upxm UH iHH'II‘Ill lam l meg! uh r] :1 unllymmg ns hunkL nunu‘utiMH ('rusm-hl ,rto‘rvn UNI! “m \vxlh . 1.! V‘JN I'll! "1th \\n H]! -.I\ [ll Manila} . July Hli. ilwir “ ill be a L'Iulf llnllllh'ull. In; hole-r. mmlnl lulu), 'l‘ln- ('llll'flll(‘\' lm- \\ |ll lu- fun: All ('llll'lt’h r~li<mld lw Iumlv Milli the (‘llilll'lllflll nl llH‘ Sl‘ml" :nul l'urllnn‘ ('mimiiuu- Inl'iur In lln- H ciiing of July L’lltl, (liq-(month Ft‘lct'll‘d lvy «ll-n“ and plu} tn begin in 10.1“! a. m. Suitable ‘l'(i"bl(‘h will be given [how making two has; scum. Fill-- gornld'n oruliez-tra will furnish music for dancing, which uill vunnuem-c OUR MAGAZINE DEPARTMENT. m A! the lust umnlLy Int-fling the- (‘Iub o-Ie-vtwl Hw hulluwmg memlnâ€"rh: John (' Flvming. Han) B. Clown Frank \Xm SchmuckHihlmrd. $045011 \\~ ('ho-t-m-y. A (‘. Frthl. A. 15. Dick ('1 H l"ur~_\1h. \V Hulunm FUrsyHL 1hl-(|uhi~1i|hngulvnt HM rate u! nlmllt 1m: :1 mm 1h. and it Mwms lmhuhlr that thc- uwqu-an will lw vumplvtr hy autumn Mr John ln‘lI-mmg whuw xmuu- nmwars iird nu the list i.- manager nf tlw ( nrm- 'h- Stew] (‘.u \ch ufiium influ- )lnrquelh‘ Btuhhngl hicagn. and is (-nnsidvrml Ulw Hf thr- lws‘t mnhnri‘iw uh gulf in NW (-numr)’. and the (‘lnh mmurnhllnh- IN-lf upun wvuring Mr Fh‘HlIIIL' u~ u nn‘lnht-r. liulln n-n h-m ‘ 'Hlntrn-kl Mi!“ lihkim Ill :llh “hm “1 mun and g ()ur tum-r. Mr liml (i Allil'll 1- In Highland Park and Hum!) t‘\l‘f_\' numth Dr-T u~ u [mum] mm! and hr \\ in CH” ivmm J m1:- “\LLH A l)\\1~ f]!!i\Hh-\\:1YI-Y Ill EX MOOR NOTES In ,wu hvn til-M r~_\1h lM-un Fqurl PIANO TUNING NFAVSLETS ~1i|hngulvnt Hw rate 1 “numb. and it Nl‘l‘lll.‘ tln- mmnlu-rflnp Will H‘ autumn Mr John Path-rm “.Lr V Hulunm Fursylh \\ intt-uann-vds xil~ II [lle :1 film syr Ill‘ \nurlh {4 NO. rl ulw'ii‘ m _\'('I Hun-rug lm- In ml) put an]. H“ hi~ at

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