THE GLORIOUS FOURTH. Some one asked us awhile since who weré the influential people of Highland Park. and we told him if he had a good enterprise he wished to make suweed, it would be all the culture. the push and energy. the‘ good common sense and practical ‘ wisdom to make things go aright and ! to a successful issue. I right if he could harness the‘ Club folks and the Daughters of the Rev- olution toit. They have the Wealth. That is what the Fourth of July 5 1'151ted friends 111 town 11115 nee-11. ‘ has done, just enlisted these meni Mr. W. C. Barrett will lK‘ engag» and women in its behalf and here is E ed in business in Kezmingtnn for 11 the program in general: every one! few weeks. ; “‘i†do “'b'dt is right in his owneyes i The Misses Vaille and Smith of; during the tl:1_1.11nd at. evening tide. £Lilrertvville visited friends here on 1 at 7 o clock sharp, or “earlv candle lsundd" l11~t ' 1 light" as the fathers and mothers , Mrs “‘ F Hogan left Thursduv “sad to 5111‘ in the 0M8" d11vs.e1'erv ‘ for the east “heresheintendmpend bod} is cordially imited to time t i111 1111; 11 fortnight 11itl1 friemh. the Park 011 the lake shore at the head )f Central aie 1e “I er “ill 52'“. Platinum Photo?" ï¬nest in (1. '111. ‘1e'1 . tl e 11‘1rl1l.11ttle ll'11rt11' ll ~tu l‘ . be ISL-1111 orataon l)_\'Re.1'..-\.A. l’f1111~ I i I P l I†stiehl and one that will make your blood tingle and fill your heart with north entrance Fort Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. E. W. \Veitlnke and pride that you are an American. nu» )1r.an1l Mrs. John \\ e~trelcher of 1 livanston visited Mr. Nelwn Mowers tive born or by adoption. 2nd. Join! with '11 good choir insinging patriotic: hundny. -songsâ€"like Star Spangled Banner. 1 Alderm'in TWIN“ 1’ ‘,"l“ is i“ America. Marching Through Georvix “-zwhmgh "1 D- C‘.. 0“ “1"" "'5" MI and others Don't fornet to bring D11)le will not Ieturn 11! til the first \our 111ice and sin†for ife1er_1l)o1l1 1' .f Allglhl- in the Park would only sing 1151161; The regular 111111111!) 1- 11111111111 as they can we can “ake them 1111l11f the bowl Templar-1 1111» held in o1er in Michigzin. and then .lrd. just HighWOod Satu‘r 1:11 lust. A l111«u as soon as it 15 dark enough to seeâ€"~l11ttendanm- from 511-. r 11111 1111;; t01111~ no pun intended by that paradoxâ€" i 11 ere present. “in come the ï¬nest di‘l'l‘W 0‘ fire-l Miss Nina Bell “'lm ltlls been 1i.» works We haVe 111111 for 11111113; :1 year. 11111;: friends in 111111111, ()hiu. fol works We have had for many a year. The Highland Park hand wanted to stay at home ‘r‘ud play for us. but our ambitious suburb. Wziiikegan. wants to make a sprawl. and ’so to make sure of our fine players engag- ed them for all (lay uml evening. Then the Club and Dziughtvrs (lltl not. wish to spoil everything for Wan. kegan and so consented to let the citizens of that town have, for thin year. our choice players We ‘wili haxe the hand some other time. but “einust and will have a Glorious Fourth of our own on tue lake fro'rit Monday night. Don t fail to be there» with your family or one or more members of some one 5 else family. you know, and We will make July 4. IR‘M. go into history with flying culurs Paper uapkinslnr picnic psirtiw '25" a hundred at Evans Form-M's, Mr. H. 1., Morris and family have gone go Silver Lake. \\'i_~.. for the summer: Arthur Loeb, sonof Lazarus L09!) who has been quite sick with typhnid fever, is somewhat better at this writing. Hartwell studm upon every day, Sundays includvd The finest work at moderate prices. C111] and see us. North entrance t0 Fort Sheridan. Mr. Meeker. president of Mt-eker Mfg. Co, of North Chicago. was ser verely injured while attempting to hoard the‘l :41 train. last \\ ednesdzu Dr. Huskin attended 111m. The city cuuncil will meet in regu- lar session next Tuesday night. Alâ€" dermun Silas P. Brand will prnh- 21111} take his seat and the muvor will announce “ham-1mcm11111ittecshv ï¬nds it necesnr)‘ to make. There were sewraldrunkcnbrawls in bull) ends of the city during the last week. and SHHIP are a disgrace to some of our up inthnu‘orld citi» Zetï¬, we are sorry to say. It begins to look as though our police force would have to be enlarged. Mr. and Mrs. H. Sampson enter- tained a party of Chicago school- teachers Monday in a able wa). A breath of pure air is a great treat to the teachers and \Ir and Mrs. sho“ great very enjoy. Sampson thoughtfulness in thus opening their, 1‘fro1n starting point, home and grounds to them. J. R. McQuiston reached town Sat- ‘ ()lni lveison \\ 1s 111nm 1\\u \\‘cck~' ago ha] 1- -il\ 111:"111ic1l 1o \li~~ l'lulu nwl ol ( l11 :11111. â€-lln \1zus wishes than 1111) Mltk‘t‘ï¬ï¬‚ and l1 1} 111111». Flank l‘l.\\i-1o1linll is moving; lIi~ funil} 1nd lwl1111~_vi1n_'~' 111(l1-\c- l:111d.( . \\l1(1c lic lizh :1 position 'l‘lic lionsc will l1c occupied l1_\ the engincci of the poucr liousem' lhc llnll Li1_1-\tlcc11:1ili1;1nl FOURTl'l 0F JULY:EXCURSION Uver Nickel Plate 1111111. at one farc for thc round trip. hctwccn pointson that line within a radius of Zlklniiles All particular! furnishul at 111 Adanh $11.(‘l1icag11, NE\VSLETS. urday last ahd expects to_spend the; month of July here with his family. who will occupy the home of D. M. Erskine till lhe return of tlueeanzly or and his wife from Enron». The McQuistuu boys will leave ucxl “'rvk for their season's engagement ut‘ Chautauqua. N. Y. HIGHWOOD AND FORT SHERIDAN. Mixs‘ Mae Welsh is bumespoudiug her vacatiuu with her parents. Min-a Frances Parsons of Evaustuu visited friends in tuwn this Wee-k. i The funvrul of LHthI J.. beloved {wife 0f Henry L. Hurvcy. was hvhl {at their home on \Vuhn-sduy {rum i 11:31) tn 12:30 :1. In, Thu serviccs €wvro conducted by Rm‘ 5. S. Clay, ? pastor of the Higlnvoud .\L I) church iwhu spukt- briefly upon “Sowing lThmugh a Glass Darkly." the sin; ,iug was by a min-d quarh‘me and a 15010 by a friend nf the (h-(‘t-uswl. af it‘er which her body wu~ lulu-n on thv Alderman Timmth 1) 5V!†is in \Y-ushiugtnn, I). C. on lul‘iln'Si. M 1' Duyle will not rcturn until the “I'M pf August. nf the Gw n1 Templar» nu» Highwoml Satu‘r‘luy lusz. uttendaum- from sllz'raunli “ere present. Miss Nina Bell “'11†hils been vi.» hing friends in DdyLun. ()hiu. fm sunn- time returnvd Immc this m-ck Her cousins. Mus \‘s ilin-mvnu .\l¢-_wr and Mr. Fun! .‘Il‘:u‘1. :ux‘umlmlm-«l hvr fur a visit hvna 13:471trniii tuuiwnftiwut) (-mm- tcries and plan-mi tu rm! iii u \‘mllt, Mrs.H:Lr\'e.\'\\'1L~ burn Jun. 12;. H73. and married Mri Harm-ï¬x Fri». ‘3‘". 1533; [WI health failing she m-nt tn Florida 121‘! “intm'. linixiii; than it might be rwmi‘d. hm ~hr- ri-tui'iwii not inllf‘il aiming-r. AHM‘ being at might be rwim‘d. hm ~hr- ri-turnml nut much ah'ungwr. Aitvr being at huiuc u fe-w Weeim was strickcu \\ ith typhoid f1‘Vl‘l‘; though her sufluring “us wwrr- s'm- >tt‘iiilldl‘d “w (-urrvnt (or six “rt-ks. lighting death :um) scwrul times. Her frivmk hmi strung; impw of imr recovz-r)‘. lii~\\'c\'vr,zm it“ “im- Fuliwr toul; Imr spirit away ju~t :xt Hn- ‘ null; «,f day June 27%]: Hz-r 1M1 \\i<§n s \err that \ln: might div :4 Hunt siu- might be {my hum pain Alihougb her luwlvzuul :Intl friruds (Hugh! luml to lump Inc-nthvy meekly sniunith-d m tln- hcqu-nly Slllllllhlll~ ~:|_\ in-f "1. ml. II.) will In- dmw." Hvr fntht-r. Mr. Smith (,1 “Rsnul'i. and mum n-lznnv-a zunni snummm ~:|_\ lll'f "1. down" Hvr fntht-r Miswuri. untl mun) fricnds-“wrr in .m cummuguity at Mr: >ympathy tn l'nv .u. and fathur. John A. “Indy. ('ity cullw'tm‘, hm joined :1 var!» nt' cnginm-rs and i~ sum] to he (yrdvrwl to ('uhu. 0qu Iverson “'41s. “curly t\\u wvek‘ 31:0. ham-UV mzu'l‘iml tn Mi~~ Hul‘uugel of ('hivugu. 'l‘ln- szws wishes them mvr) mum-e55 and hay Hul‘uugel of ('I: wishes them t‘\(‘ pine», Uver Nickel Plate T for the round trip. that line within a r: ‘from starting point furnislxul m 111 AC FOURTH 0F JULY:EXCURSION ‘ Clothing Cleaned. HIGHWOOD HAPPENINGS Plate Rn’ aid. at one faro l trip. hetwwu puiutsun I'm a radius of Zlkhniles point, Allpurticular! 111 Adunh 5L. (‘lnicugm ’lille-z nnni :Im-v 'Hn‘ \‘Tt-ml Hwix‘ «2'. lmslmnï¬ ï¬memmwuuwwmmmsmumauw cursimn tn Chic Hus umhnril rvtnrhmy Yam [hm-n Futurt') uf .l :1) HI AthIlH‘ St. l’ussnngnr Stutiun \\ 3H1! mil‘ \i ANTED A girl fur general mm. wurk. (‘mml wagrs paid Apr!) (u A RUM-rho“. North St Juhns WANTEDW Lady or Gents win-«l in t-xvhuugr fur uplmlslrring, :H‘q LUST In 111wvinguilvn Meal guHUliut- stm‘r. lhi> â€Him" WANTED ()nvnr tn‘n ge-mlruu-n {Hr mum andhourd. privutr lmuw FUR SAL} FUR SALE 1 six 'IUEt‘ but “Mar uhu<-‘.m.«-M. 1 wand hmh‘r. 1 luundr} mk lmdsteml. 3pm.; and \V. A. “11,an l'Xar t'm- comfnfl, c1 311wa uf _\nur hunw h in Man rmiv‘m; (v. ( hu nun '1 nlNlho‘ 0n Juno L’lllln. l“.\. l mmml m to my nrw hllklll at “l" w ruer uf St. Johns and Park mus. wln-ri- I will lw pleased to Int-I'l all \‘f m_\ UM pulruns. and n-spvctlull) when u shun: of the. new patronagv \Vurk promptly dun» at mumnahlu- win-c.» Ynuh n-s wvtlulh. l l . l \H HI‘lh> H‘H'V 1 L I A: nu u NIMMJh humux. H. . umv Lu ,5 Cenls per Lam l. B. BECKER. Merchant Tailor Suits Cleaned nnd Pressed. ANTED Englhhmm \\.mt~ )pr as gardHn-r Ho. Uh ga~|.llvnmn'~ place Highlnnd I'nrk. rainy-taking; can‘t- tukvlL (grlnllc- lvmvltlvnnl) n l’rvfe-r small I'luw wlwn- an.†flllxvnim‘ Will '10- npprrviatul Atldre>s33. lliglllund l‘urk Nun 1| \‘t'lllH' 1n 'h 2. tll H FOR SALE. TU RKZNI'. THE NICKEL PLATE :{-i)'\l) Hm†um‘ {SALEâ€" A c To the Telephone 28. gum imzlr bu HI Dvgd and Repaired. Less Than 7;. a In) SllelCNOD Gutn Mud B fr h Ihv lrml {11.31.1’ Ladn" .ul [.1 frilllliun. vivm syrmr . .. Am \ F- -‘ @2233. mi: Store. â€lginxmui. It 3 =9¥¥~~~“’W" California Fruit Fresh Every Day >l|:::\ :114 Mug...“ [rm-t m 4:!th l‘n\1|}_'t'll“lll~l ('IH .llyQ Block luh H tly dun» a! mumnah‘. r.~ n-slu-vlfull) . HENRY EWART KAI"- Ur HIM“ {m unlum. uwht syrmr lophom \nl'nn 3 .m . l.\ hum 1:â€qu \\ Hun-m. 1 air“; l laundry :‘IUH Public. l5‘0'l rm: Alllllll :IHJQ‘hN fl\l I" H'k'h H 1M Q'm Hunt“! ‘ l’mhu H.M\U â€qu “11h :ulr tight [2 TC ll: um 75 Cents. (Hi ll ntr. The Hibbard. E1 RCYI La Reina, - ul I“ l‘ ' Job [Printing Call at Telc hone Exchan c and i ct new rasxcen P ‘ party line insh'umcm. This pmy line ins1rumcnt has bean used in Chicago wi such great sa'jsfacticn to the sutscn’bcrs that it is new to 1 installed in c -un‘.r\‘ exchanges. CANDIES, NUTS AND TOBACCOS. Central Avenue D BASYI; BLCCK. Px‘v'mptly and neatly executcd at this oflicct Pnces as low as is consistent with good work elephonc Exc‘ mngc and inspect new rasic‘ence It: Crew Soda GEORGE ‘ CUMI'vIlI\CS, Manager. NH binds cl 7m?! ‘Frul s a. - Ice Cream I‘aflm. a CM: Disks. The News. STOV‘ES, RANGES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agent [or Blue Flame “ickless ()ll Stmes. 'I In. Sheet-Iron Ind Furnace Work “one to Order. C. A. KUIST. Hardware. IlighYand Park, Ill. The wssinn d! o‘clock. (M mg u a] memben- and detained by an i the Buildmg am The reading of 1 twenty minutely o‘clock when but A petitiun fl citizen. huldier l Turu‘ey. asking near his lmuw n idea of nllmnug Inge of â€lghwu I! won! tnlhv a mitwe with IKW the pum'm [.7 an and showed the. to water pumpr ï¬gures are gnlh Daily 8" TN!“- Total hwl nil Daily awrufl" - For svw-«x flush Street sprinklil Snot-t impruu Sold to railrnm Yerke's {mum Water taken an June pnmpnge The engineer» )5 per cent mc but the railrum 10115 more in J1 Five m-W [Elli Then came want that 28‘ ¢ house or burn sewm,‘ a thin 28 are (sureJ pose mun oft anything a'uuu {Ir-ding their l‘ '1 he mturnm w lurcr 1hr nrdil 1h'lllfll-H1HIHW‘. thlIl The (‘l1_\0llfl Mr Hmshm ls Johlnâ€" (“numb-t- paid all hm M â€act prim» up 4 if an). UH the npprme Um u} for that stun-1 The cit) q for the “PM yq‘ madr (hr rpm-l 0d HM‘QUHL‘ Tl 19th. Ingl‘llu‘r‘ “gin-111;: HH' ML of (‘c-nhn‘ Mel 1hr lull ua~1lll Tin- }ilr-chu' r gin-n unulher lu IMAM ‘hl‘lf 1hr jllhl'Hth a\Hnn-~_ in II: 1hr n-Mo-m-n vn air was full pf m'er rut-h «Mn: CH and H111 up Thr unhxmu- be pulalu‘alu-d rmd it an! ch; baard v nmap aMx‘rm m [in in1pr<m~xnvm~ J uly 1‘1"; n- had been an)†1H†01 nnprtfl' I’mHm. an! (i u M iv! thv no! clzear um and 1 (base two “0“ mg of S! .luhl} mucallumnmg A‘ Mrs ligl new unlnmnm VOL IV. Aid-«um wssinn d‘ CITY unlit