Illinois News Index

Highland Park News (1874), 8 Jul 1898, p. 6

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i. 011w of'Ohristobal Colon by the Oregon and Brooklyn Ends in Her Capture. .l‘lnpn Land hy Carvers and an 0- cer- to Escape iron Santiago Hur- borâ€"Took “'ron‘ Cour-e. Last Vessel of Cervcra’s Fa- mous Squadron Falls Into Our Hands. | uu. noun-u.-- .. Per Dispatch Boat Cynthia. vlu. Klnxnton. Jamnlca, July 6.â€"Atter a chase of 60 miles to the westward, the Brooklyn, cloaely fol- lowed bi the Oregon. overhauled the Crisâ€" tobnl Colon after she had run ashore and had hauled down her flag. Capt. Cook. of the Brooklyn. went on board of her. and the commander of the Spam-h armored cruiser‘ came forward to surrender. and was taken on board the New York. which Came up an hour after the Brooklyn and Oregon had completed the capture of the Crlatqbtu Colon. The latter was not aeri- oualy damaged. though she was atruck new eral ttmes by shots from the Brooklyn and Oregon. Dun‘ng the chase a clever ma- neuver of Commodore Schley’s tn headlng due west to Cape Cane)". whlle the Cristo- bal Colon had taken a more southerly d1- rectlon with a much greater dlstance to cover. rendered the Spaniard‘s escape 1m- possible. Due to Schley's Prompt Action. There seems to be no doubt that the Cristobal Colon. and perhaps the other three Spanish armored cruisers, would have ucsped had it not been for the prompt ac- tion of Commodore Schley. The Brooklyn, his flagship, alone was in a position to at- tack the Spanish vessels as they left the harbor. and the commodore steamed di- recetly toward them and engaged all four cruisers. inflicting great damage upon them. ‘The. Oregon was the tirs: to join the Brooklyn. and afterward the Iowa, Texas and Vixen closed around the Span- iards. all pouring in a deadly fire: but. from the beginning to the end of the. fight. the Brooklyn. Oregon and Gloucester took the most important part in the destruc- tion of the enemy. One man. George Henry Ellis, was killed on board the Brooklyn. His headwas blown 0!! by a shell. One other man. J. Burns. was injured on board of her. .The Brooklyn was struck half I dozen times. but no injury was done to Jny at the other American ships. ‘Plnnnlu the Sol-tie. ' Admiral Cervera held a consultation with his othcers before sailing out of the har- bor of Santiago de Cuba. and by a small majority the move was agreed upon. The minority said that (instruction was sure as many of the firemen had mutinled. and the best men in thafieet were worn out by serving the guns in the shore batteries Earty oh the morning of the sortie care- ful observations were taken of the sea, east and west. Admiral Cervera decided upon taking the westward course with Man- zanillo, Cienfuegos. or it possible, Havana. the port to be reached. He would have gone east but for the sighting of a large transport fleet of! Siboney, and the as- surance that a convoy of war vessels was still with the transports. Her Flag Hauled Down and Her Commander Surrender: to Her Pursuers. The Important Event Occurs at I Point ‘ Sixty Miles Welt of the City Santiago. As a matter of fact. there is no war ves- sel larger than a converted yacht. except the New. York. that could have obstructed Admiral Cervera's escape eastward. Naval men here are sure that me Spanish vessels could have disabled or sunk the New York and escaped had the eastward course been chosen. ‘ I: ls claimed that one shell kllled 100 men on the Vlzcaya, raklng the vessel {ore Ind aft. It was feared for a time by many lhat some of the sailors and ofilcers who swam ashore 'rrmn the V‘lzcayn, lhe Almlranle Oquenda and the Marla Teresa were kllled by the insurgents who were seen ln the chapperal near lhe beach. This could not be verified at this wrltlng. as no accurate estimate of the loss (0 the Spanish fleet was obtainable. uu cane-net, _- -_ , _ 7 Antonio. Jamaica. July 5.â€"The first and only statement concerning the recent naval battle made by the Spanish com- mander; Admiral Cervera. was to a cor- respondent ot the press on board the bat- tleship Iowa. It was as follows: “l would rather lose my ships at sea. like a sailor, than in a harbor. It was the only thing left for me to do." Gun. Were lie-hipped. London. July 6.â€"A dispatch to the Even- ing News from Madrid says that after Friday's battle at Santiago do Cuba the marines anti guns bel nglng to Admiral Cervera's fleet were res ipped. preparatory to the squadron's sortie from the harbor. Gen. LIn-rel' W'ound. Madrid. July 6.â€"An omclal dispatch from Santiago says that the wound of Gen. Limu'es has developed no complications. lie is profoundly touched by the numerous congratulations he has received. His troops also are grateful for the queen rcgent's cablegram of felleitatlon. How the Army Received the New; A: the Front. Headquarters of Gen. Shafter's Army, Before Santiago de Cuba, July at via Kingston. Jamaica. July 4,â€"- Early in the day a. man on the lookout had 'reported that the Spnnlsh fleet. under the commknd oi Admiral Cervera, had sailed out of the harbor of Santiago de Cuba, but it was not until late this afternoon that the result was known at the front. As the word of the magnificent victory flew from sentry to sentry along the firing lines. and was shouted to the companies. regiments and brigades. a great cheer swept down the line of weary men. which gathered torce as it went. until the rattlo of musketry was drowned in the roar tron: glad American throats. The news was flashed .back into the underbrush. where the reserves lay. and the men almost stam- peded in their enihuslutic desire to get u the from. fie Only Thing Len. or: Santiago de Cuba, July 4. vi: Port Antonio. Jamaica. July 5.â€"The first and .L_ _ A... Of! Santiago de C_uba. July (. WP ONE IS LEFT. One Shell‘s Awlul “'ork Although the firing continued all day between the outposts very little dun-30 wu done on either side. Gen. Chmce vu- wounded slightly. 1 rifle bullet cuttin‘ through hl: foot. but he will not be com- pelled to have the field. Del’cnte Sight Alt-ck. . The Spanish made a desperate nixht nt- tack upon our left shortly before ten o'clock Saturday night. The uuuit was directed at the position that hld been ctr- riqi by Gen. Kent's men. The Smutu‘d'l left the trenches and charted dams mo wen, striking henvily upon Gen. Wikolf'l brigade. consisting of the Ninth. Thir- teenth and Twentyvfourth infnntry. They were roenfon-ed by a heavy nre Ali-1011‘ their line of gum Ind butter-in, And luco cecded in drivlnx some of our men from the trenches. but the heavy fire the American. The cheerlng common! through the evening as [he detail: 0! the fin: fight cam. in. The men could not have display“! more enthusiasm htd the victory been their-1n- Head of the nnv'y's‘ in turn poured in staggered the Spam-h line and sent it reeling bnckwnrd with heavy lou. The American! hnd advent-ed from the trenches for the flrlt time. Ind while the Spaniards were in (no open some of our Gatling: on the extreme left did ter- rible execution The casualties among our men was not heavy. Gen. Hawkins was shot in the foot. Ova 200 addiilonal wounded were taken to the rear during the night, one batch consisting of 120. Our Lone- II the Elihu-g. The fighting Fridny and Saturday coat the American army 1.100 men This Ulti- mate ll made by the surgeon- at dlvlslon headquarters ai’ter cardul figuring by the surxeons at the hospitals. The list of wounded. as made up at the division head- qusrtern. is very large In proportion to the list of those killed outright. Probably leu than 100, all tcld. of the number 0! wound- ed, have died. making the total number of deaths in the neighborhood of ND. The re- mninder of the wounded will probably re- cover‘ “Washington. July G.â€"As l result of in, cablnet moeiin Tuesday. innrucilom were sent by [is prelldent to Admiral Sampson and Gen. Shafter to conier io- gelher m r wining a Joint plan of ntuu‘l upon [ha i. 3. Upon the outcome 0! (hi- conterence xix-pend: the line of Action {or (he lmmedlue future. For the present the land bombardmc‘nt by Gen. Shatter'n force! has been deferred as the situation has so completely chnnged by ihe anni- hlluiion of (he Spanish fleet lhui it is mam ifcstly the part of wisdom for (his land bombardmem to await the grim» ratinn and support 0! a bombardment from Admiral Sampson's fleet Gan. Shuher's drmand for [he surronder of Santiago, on [hr plan of homhardnn-m. was made .1! .\ :9" n'vim-k Sunday morning An hour later Admiral Cervera made his sulvulnl dash from the harbor. resulting in u comply!» trans formation of [hp naval and mihmryuxwru- (ions. lnsiead u! u mx'mu-ing spunixh nc-o-i within ihx: harbor. Ihv way lms tum-n cleared sun: for the shore bauemw fur the entranwa of lhv Amvrn-un i’lccl up in (he very wharvcs of the cizy. 83-p-o- and Sinner to Arrange a Plan .1 Ansel: nan" lied-cu. the CH7 or II-1lll’o. . VVlth thls material change wruught. it was obvious to the authurtties lwre that (ha blow. first Intended to-be deliwred by Gen. Shatter alonr, would be doubly e!- {(-ctlve and decisive if the two forces could be brought together and strike simul- taneously from land and sea. it is for this reason thnt the conference is held be- tween the Americnn general and the Amer- ican admlrul. ‘ Up to the close of office hours Tuesday no word had come either to the war or navy department, so far as “'5‘ disclosed. as to what determination had been reached at the conference. At the same time it is the clear expectation of the authorities here that the conference will result in a de- termination by the admiral to take his fleet through the narrow net‘k of the har- bor. make his way past the shore batteries and fortifications, and take pusition before the city for a bombardment. There is rea- son to believe that the instrumzona sent to Admiral Sampson at least corn _\'Pd the desire. if nor. the instructions. that he enter the harbor. But it is said that the admiral and the general continue to he the supreme officials in authority, and that, be- ing on the scene. fully alive to all lht’ runâ€" ditions, their judgment will be taken an final in the course to he adopted. There is said to ho no nimtm-iv. an fnr ul navigation is convertibd. to the entrunw- at tho harbor by the Amvriu-an tin-ct Th0 Cristobal Colon. whit‘h cleared the .‘lvi‘i‘i- mac and got out of the harbor Sunday. drew 23 feet 3 inches. which is within S('\'z‘n inches of the draft of the hattlenhipx iowa. Indiana. Massachuuettx and in't‘ghn. and IS greater than the draft of the battleship Toxnsi Moreover. the navy dflmrtmvnt has known (or the last ten days that the neck of the channfl was open, df‘spitP the sinking of the Morrlmac, and (hm there was a Clear sea way of seven futhoms through which any shlp In our navy could sall, Thls removes all dlfllvulty. o-xm'pl from Hubmariue mines. or {mm {he shore batteries. Luann-n... As to the mines. llule account ls taken of them Rlnc» (he Spnnlsh fleet paused over them. The Spanlards .u‘e in (he hubll of using contact mlnos. so that tlwre ls llulu llkellhood of there belng mmes operale by electrlc connection wllh Khe shore, ' The form and batu-rles have be”: bndly weakened by the constant fire of me fleet {or many weeks past. and whlle stlll n (actor. they are greatly dlaabled. Once up to the city. the flee! and army could comblne ln 3 lerrlnc double fire. No lean than 29‘.’ heavy guns would be trained from the American sblps on the clty. and a! me name xlme the blg siege gunl. which ll ll expected have been brought m the from ,,,.) __... a--.“ .. '.\>, BOXBARDHERT DELAYED. ved the he the the he. Indrfld. July Lâ€"Senor 3031-“. the pro. mler. hu announced omchily lhu Admtnl (‘ETVUI'I squadron hu been due-led. lh-t the Almlnnte Oqundo I‘ll burned and the hunt: lam: Tenn sunk and that Adm“! Cerver. blmulf u l prznoner at ‘ur. Ell-prrltod Over the notch! 01 (‘or- war. "or Pop-Inflo- Threaten. Ian. (nblIIh-c-I at full \“Ir. London. July lâ€"-Thc u-dnd correlpo'nd- en: of (be may Tommi taker-punt Tue-any night uyl: Disorder ll Ipmudlnl won. the military; mo crowd!!- ulg d1- are xeuln; riotous, and everywhere nuns are upwrenx that the population 1- umln; {or civil war. Mu-Ihal Marlin" (‘Imooa tnd the cannula gonenl of Madrid have held lou con-ullnlianl an [0 the vuy- ud means 0! preserving order. London, July I «The Dilly (‘hronlclo lays: “'0 11mm from n lure tourm- that the Bp-nllh government lhlnkl M lmwlv alblo to maln- pc-u‘e now pro-u" to mule pelts ll pron-m would lflro“ lhr bnlnnrc of power In Spun mm the hands of the Carling. The Mtdrid corro-pondrnl of 1hr mum. 3rd Jan: The publlc ll Still In hunr or prolonged resin-nu. but (-xcllement In in» crenslnx amen. all clunsu. and strong prr- caulloun are being taken In all the large (on! I'here lhc gurnwns urr rnnnm-I (o barnckl‘ The correlpondent dru-rlbru the lrnuuon 0! (he newpapcn. wmch unm- hr‘ld the Ipoclnl reports tn (0 the Munster lo Carveru'u mundron until the govern» ment': conllrmullon had been received Madrid. July 6.-â€"The cnbmet couan Tye-day night, utter a short urn-nun, du m e not to open no‘odnllonl (or man, hu! to conunue the wnr, with IN Hill. while I Dingle noldler rem-tn!- ln (‘ubn The gov- ernment mu no new: an [0 - bomlgrdmonl of Band-KO. and ha. cnblc-d Gov. Goa. Blanca for deulln o! m..- nu‘nl Mule. Madrid, Juiy |.-â€"Prlor lo Basal-'3 An- nouncement of Cervera'n dole-t nlmoot In- ducrlbable chihuahua prev-“ed our m- IUDDOIed ucnpe with hII nundroh from the harbor o! Bunnaxo dc Cuba. The- ad- mlral'a nlme w:- on every Iontue, and H I“ claimed that- II was he who-awed San- nngo de Pubs. by "ldfllfl‘ in den Lin- nrel' handful of noldlerl hII brave nil- orl (0 man (hr gun: anhore Ind rrprl the Americans under Gen Shiner " Buvh IVA- about. (he exuu-ni euloxy of Admiral (‘or- Vern hrnrd on all lldu, this site of puth {eclmg being due to the ofhrul announce. "Wm-n A-lmlml 4‘rr\vru found that H was vermin 1'0] kurm's x'ronhrn-rmo‘mn Wrrv 1n proximll) lu Summgo. xhe ud- mlrul hr-ld .1 council with [hr rummnmhrs 0! his yquudron, disvlusmx \0 them u plan to row» lhl' Nookudv 1n broad dayllxm The commanders respondvd ununlmounl) mom-l {rmn Sumingo For mum ur. om: statement Irum Sammgo H (u {n lawn "Ad limit-W (Forward) “1! wax then arranged that the inrprllu- boat destroyers should take the lead. reigning an attack. Anti dist barge theâ€" int. pedOes again» the enemy's ships. the t‘ris- tobal t‘ulon protecting their advance. ghet- tered by the batteries or Morro vastie, and diatrm'tinx the enemy's attentiut: while the remainder of the squadron ullied out or the harbor, The Americana at first Irre taken by surprise. Then recovering. they ogened a tremendoua i‘lre. especially againm t e torpedo-boat deatroyera. which vu- seis Admiral t‘ervera had inatructed to steer an oppostte course to tln- attitudron The Americans were deceived, umi nmv neuvred toward the auppused (-ourne oi the Spaniards, while Admiral l‘erVrra went iuil etenm ahead. maintaining a continu. oua tire unti‘i clear 0! the Ameritar. linea and then Iteamed away “run-uni, pur- aued and breasted (or same dirtnm'e by the swtftest Amerit-an vessela‘ until they were 10!! sight or from Mnrru (astim In the meantime tho turpedoioat duetroyt-n sank under a rain of shell from the Lib merous American warships. It is pre» «timed part of their crews “ere saw-d by the enemy or swam ashore. A number 0! life hunt-n Were pruvidvd on [ward the torpedo-boat destroyers, Ihoae cnwa an- “(‘lpaleâ€"d that their \easels would be deatroyed.’ 7h.-- .Aâ€"O-ualt‘IA'av ‘1», KORE TROUBLE FOR SPAIN. uenuu;vu. Foreign mws glvlng rontrudlvlnry \‘crâ€" slonn of (he sortie, have can! a unm- n! perpli‘xll)’ and dampnesn upon the gcuurnl rejon-mx ,,..A_, A .L... IKJv-\ In milimr)‘ via 19:: H is (‘onsidrro-d lhui Gen. ShnIlH' has born chukcdi that lirar Admiral sumpson has bren burnt-d, and that (hr nhprrt u! the war hm tum-n changed. but the unixersui txprruion or opinion in mm mum is impossiblr until something omurs which is natisizu'iory lo the nllionul teelin; Chicago. July 6. r'l‘lio population of Chicago, according to the school can sun, in 1.551.555. indicating I gain of 234,953 in the last t\\u'\‘r|rn. 'l‘lu‘ re- sult. of the ceulu: of 1596 “in 1,616,631 The entimute made by the publishers of the city directory recently was 1,893,000. The school census show- the North side to hmc a population of $26,817, the South side 680.527 and the “est side £44,244. The Ill-gut wgrd in the city is the Thirtieth,'with a pop- ulation of 110.062. The population of the (ity (‘mihistn of 94.1”)" nlnlt‘l .nd 903,7:01cumk5. hapcl Near Sanfugo Pterced by ChIe-‘o'l l'op-l- (lo- EFFECT OF x3â€"INCH SHELLS. Chicago, July «Lâ€"Thn- repurh an to the- condition of flu- (‘ropn lhroughunt \hc country. and the "mu-rs! vflrcih u! the weather on "w grovuh. culliunion and harm-n! 01 the name. unre- Turmlu)‘ made h) the dint-turn 0! [hr sen-rule”- mnu' and vrnp sections. The repart- rrmiu-d at Chic-(n wrrr nu folluvw: Roporl- fro- lie Dllrront sun. I. (be Grow-lb and (‘ulllv-Ilu o! (fir-III Ind VruItu. u-u . vuu... " ‘I -~ ‘ , ‘ \hc country. and the gvnerul rflrcih u! i “i gin-n out an follow: the weather on flu- grovuh. vultiunion 1 "Hoan'ml'. July s.(;-vno.Ju1yLâ€"Thm and harm-n! 01 1hr name. “a-rc'l‘urmlu)‘ wru mad (he Churn-ton nrflvu‘i y..- lord.) The (‘hurlulon captured (:uun, made h) thedurrrtnrpu!lhruewrulch- ludrou “no“. on June 11. No ”a"- mnu' and (‘rnll sections. The repurfl i nnce. Brou‘hl spun-b otheen from tho remiu-d at Chic-(n we're as follow“: (urn-on. [u pacer! | iflvflfli 10» ””1“ 0 ~- .' - 29 the 8pm wnr vac-£11m burâ€"hook?!" wet unpl lhll pom ()n In) ud surrendered to to" nrpd more man When, hnriey and an. out of a rh’er clover harvund (morally What and ‘ he. having exh-uned ammunltton and bnrley lhnnhlnx Inc-gun, both (in: mud. food Ir. rrpeliln‘ Quark- by Insurgemt And [00d qunllly Much clover hay made ‘ 8M Md on hon-d 5! oflccrl and 91 men, and mmunx Cultlnx llnmlhy begun Hull maturinl, HIV-i " some run (‘orn and lob-rm, fine [rowlh “ammo; DEWEY; (‘orn (Iran and Iome luflarlln‘ (iurdrnl 1‘1... uhpmdx also says that the nu:- :fll'xrff c2735?! AW," poor mu" “““n 3‘ Manila “ ”.‘mhflor'v' that ‘ . . .1”. ”mm. are debukmg. Ind that an Mlvhltnnâ€" tfllhl‘l’ gvxnrrally favorable for his) ln‘ hun'vllln‘ und xrowlh of mm: Hnylng grnrrnl and bring wrll serum-d “'hrul and no burn-ll In proxrrnn and will hevuml- y-m-rnl thu- Iruk t‘mn hm made nptrndld progrru (mu hwndln‘ IhOl’l lndlnnn Eta-Hem 'hurnlt wralhrrm wurm. dry and nunny pr: \nllM (‘orn In but grnulnc rundmon Mundn in (‘lrln Held! “Wuâ€".4: ls all m Ihm'k and Ihruxhln‘ has lwuun 1n Kho- nmnhrvrn xmrllon Hur- u-Mlnx r'onllnuc-a In Hm northern. lhormp ll huny An lmrnrnnr hay «rap ls mm; Mr‘urrd Illinois Highly fun-oral»)! 'le “'htmt Ind nr hnrunt prnvtlvally finlxhrd. ex- t‘t-pl in nurthun dlutrht Whrut yieid Ihort in t-rntrnl rountirn (mil barn-M wrll tn-‘un in muthmn half l‘iuvor mout- ly rut and noun-d inrgr yield Timothy haying prngn-uinl, abundant yield (‘orn cultivation made (not Itridel, «Any 0116. lnid by. late clonn. All \‘igoroul, but Ilight dnmn‘e by rhinch bugs in southorn halt Wllconlln â€"Temporllure and rnlnfnll |b0\e normal HI)1n‘ delnyrd tn centnl Ind wet-urn rounm-n by heavy rum- In some loo-Mne- (‘orn m-Inn‘ good prog- reu Vultures, {null and potatoes in good vondmon lou‘lrrl‘orn mostly ind by m rxN-llrn! condmon Good pronvu mule in huytng and hurvrfl n! I'lnu-r whv-M and rye l-lurly burl») n-ndy In cul. Spflnx when! and 0M! Ilandlnx up men. wxlh 1mpr0\ed Condition: Shell: from an Amerucan WITlhlp. North Inkotu Hun) runm runs-d grain prrnmsly dnmngul M drought in nnmhrrn mu um; Too mm h min 111 north- vasxrrn MTHUH. but no damage M mummâ€" quuu-r \\ huh! um] Mhe-r xx’uln homdm‘ out and dump; vu ll ‘ \r up! in aumhnrn porâ€" uon, “hrrc n w» Aamupd l») druugm. l‘orn hm kunrd and Kv-nvru) rnms uh Jun: 7’- nnd Jux) 1, Homv of ufhh “'11" unummlu hnnv Furlhrr Hum} h) «Sruuxh! ondvd H, 'm- middlr‘ vurq \\ Inn" 0,41»:«Y‘u! l-xrim II‘Y4~ Hmnr rnnk, “uh >nm.. an.” 1041:)“: in»- I‘nusn n! 1m u] Huyms “th hu-uhnr m Rm] )(xnr \n1|~_\. und unmvr “Imus .md ryr rnwmnx m :«mthnnt “onsm-rnY-lo rlouw ‘ l” and mur‘h myurvd 1‘) rain A'urn nmlh hnr St. Louis. July 6.77 At 2:30 o‘t-‘inck 'I‘Imhduy nhvrmmn fire- hrnkt- nut in the Muhln- of Dr lln-riiu_\i~ at the {air grnunds jun us the firM rtim- \iai- be- ing (‘llill'IL :unl \sithiii ux; hour [We \nluuhlt- ruu- harm-n and nix stable! had lwrn (‘llllhulllt‘d uiul h('\(‘ll other ntuhln-n hutll)‘ duumgml, Spot-tutor- and trau-k lllt‘lt rushed to Dr. lh-rnayn stable and did what they could Hill: the fair grnumlu' hose. but the two tetra-Innis mun- im-fln'tuul and the “'Ind rpm-nil lhl‘ firt- rnpidly. The horn-- were cut lmnw {rum ull thc- litflllll‘l uml turm-d into lhr iiifirld n! the truck. who-re a (-rnud of npvututurn hml vul- ln'tc-di 'l‘hc {rightrm‘d animals stum- peded, and it “as b) the merent vhnnte that the crnwd “up not run down. A general alarm had been turm-d in. and by the time the depnrt- men! arrived nix tumbles had burned. Dr. Brrnnyu' lust Equitutnc. Aimnyni. and llry'del (Rina. and (‘lem ('revcling lost Abe Fashion and Ft-rdowrr.. Sev- rrnl horse- rc-m-iu-d injuries in the “Impede. Two firemen wero injur'ed and cuni'cyed to the boupital. The fire is supposed to have been of cigar- ette- origin. Fh’r Drill-u). Iho Sllhlrl 0! Dr. Her- I-)- II II"- F-lr (.ruund- I- BI. Loull. Luv-r it “an found (ha! (‘lem (“row-l- ing. “ho is in Chicago. had lost a third born, a chi-nun! filly by Fan-tun nu'. of Black Crook. and fine mun valuable of hi- string. The entire fire ion '1- enimuted at 810,000. MInm-m-m «Show era our FINE HORSES BURNED THE CROPS. 1n the ‘ vet ‘ ru\1\r-d druuum m ’X‘hr dispak‘h also says that the am:- miun a1 Manila in uliuftflory. that the troops are debuking. Ind that an hrahh 0! ‘he men in excellem. Manila. July 1. via flungâ€"Kong, July 5.â€"Tho l'nied Sink-s troopn on tho ‘ransporh; (‘ity of Sydney. (‘Hy of l‘vkiu und Aunrnlia. (‘onvoyed by the n ‘ “u. ...v l'nitn-«l Stuteo cruiser Chnrleston. ur- riwd of! Unit» at five o'rIm-k yum-r. day evening after an eventful \oym. On her vmy here the Charleston called at (inahnn. the urgent of the Ladrono islands. the group in the Pacific which belonged to Spain. took possession of the \\ hnlr group, made prinonqu o! Gov. Gen. Marina. him It“! and the en- tire military force, and ruined the star: and Hripes (n'er the ruins of Sanâ€" tl Cruz fort in the hlrbor of Sun bui- de In PM. The troops are in good i-ondition. and our oniy loss Wu Pri- vate Hutchinson. of the First Oregon. who died on the City of Sydney on June 20, and was buried at sea on June 21. London. Jnly 5. â€"â€" The Bong-Kong corrrspondt‘nt of ‘he Times says: The Amerirun vruiser (‘harlrnom with the trunnporu. appeared 0K Gunman. the rhief of flu- l.udrune iulnnds. onJune 20. Tim (‘lmrh-uton fired a few shells at 1hr Snmu (‘ruz form. which did not rrply. 'I'lm Spanish we‘re' not aware 11m! n Mute uf war t-xisied. The gor- 1-rnnr and 11:0 garrison surrendered. um] HH- \mrrirnn nmvreipnt)’ in ‘he Lndruno islands wua dm‘lared on June Hum: Kory. Jul) .5 Tht‘ t'nitl‘d F1:Hu-saii,~pmrh 1mm Zafirn. “Mob ar- rixrd lu'rn- vnrly Monday morning from (into. “ilh Hu- rt-pofl lhnt the Anwrix-un lrnnps nrrhod on June 30, Trpurlr‘ also 1111” Admiral Deuoy. \‘lH'H 1hr 7.ufiro loft on Juh~ 1. wan phmning 10 "Mark Mnmln with the flaw-l :md Ironps 011.1(ny 4‘ "3, Shanghai. July 5. ~» It is reported horn lm pnnd nuthorhy that Germany has arranged a concession {or a port in 1h? Philippine islands. ”(editing the prom!“ urination thorn. Hum: Kory. Jul) FHHI-s lii>szVh 1m: rixml lu'rn' (-any from Undo. “ilh‘ Amrrix-un lrunps : Ofl' .hirnpmi. on Board the Divspatch Rout Hand). \ia Kingston. Jamaica, July 5. tit-n. Shutter has demanded an in~tnnt and unconditional surren- dvr of Suntingn tlc- (‘uhIL Thv Spanish I‘Ulllllllllltlt'r rurtly and c-mphaticnlly refused. Th0 American gonprnl. in. sending his demand. warm-d all for- eign rt'I-ulvnts nut (){tlu- city before ton u'r‘lm-k Monday morning. July 4. at which hour the )mmhnrdment “mild. lia- Miid. lwgiiiv The nhl)‘ noâ€" tivv t-‘r-n, Linarc-u tank was that no ('nl-uns “mild be permitted to leave. 60-. smaller “'1" Bonk-rd ”I“... an Soo- n- “'0-9- ”d (1H- lr¢l An lit-owed. I-‘ulluu ing is Hm correspondence of (ion. Shnfu-r demanding Hm surrender of Sunnngn. h is dated Sunday: "!‘o the t‘nm landing (‘renrrni of the Rxmnish Fort-H. anti-[o do l‘ubu~8ir: I Hm!" he uhlxgrd. unis-a you nurrmder, to Lhotl Santiago de mm. Hun mfnrm 1h. r!:éur:s of rureun. countries and all wom- 9n and L-hlldren that Hwy z-hould leave the city lmfon- xen o'r‘lork 10-morrow morn- "VF R SHAF‘TER. "Major General U S A." Following in the Spanish reply which (‘01, Durst returnrd: "Santiago do Pubn. 2 p In, July 3â€"141. Eh‘rllmh y. (he Gen-nil Commanding Force: of l‘r ”Pd Slums. 8n: Juan Rn-rr -â€" Sir: I haw ”in honor ion-ply to yourrnm- muvtlnannh of leaky, I'rllun It 5:30 a m.. and X‘mo-HHl ni nnv p m., drmam’llnx :ho nurrnmh r 0fo1! PH)“. on [hr contrary can. Ilihuuhl‘ll.g to me that mu will lmmlud 1M:- iny; and zhai I advise 1m row-um “omen «rd «hlldren that ”my rm.) luvs 2L.- (‘l‘)‘ lwlure irn n'rlun-k :Uâ€"mkflflr' murmnx l! in m) duty to my in _\'\14| the". Hun- in!) Will no: rurrindf-r. um 'hu! l I'Hl inform the foreign vommls and what:- Hunt. of lh!‘ conunzn of )our menu‘s. Very n-qm Ifully. “JOSE 'I‘ORAL. "(‘ommanmPin-Phi”. Fourth Fury!" Tim llrilish. l‘ortugurso. Hum-so And Noun-gin: (‘OIIEHIH rum» in (ion. Hmftvr‘u lim- wilh Col. hunt They u~lwtl if nonwomhmunu umld oH'upy 1hr town (if (am-y and railroad pointl. and flhkl‘d until ten o‘clock n! July 5 before the city he firrd on. Th?! (‘lnimml flint there “ere lrmworn 15x 000 and 20,000 people, many 0! them old. wlm \xould leave. They asked if (ion. Shatter could hllppl)‘ ihv-m “Mb food. The following in (ion, Slia’u-r'l reply: ink \"r)‘ 50 f'\ 8Y1. Washington. Jul." r'. u'lrgrnm w the ”The ('omnnndmg Gena-5!, Span!” 7'0“". flamingo do rum «Qty 1:. 4”de- prltlwn a! the rt-Qunll of (he r‘zmvnm and officer: In your vfxy for delay H. FEW-1'1“! om my Summon to fire on xhnui'y am In the interest ux xhopoor WUnon and cum-«o who will :ufler vary grungy by :h. u halt And PMOTPPd def-Arturo, fram 1hr I"). ~ hnve 1m- humor to annoumo That I ‘m 69“! IUI‘h m‘llon sololy 5n 1h-1r 'v town um” noon 0! {he 61h, providing :E'nrtvg tho innerv-l your for"; mllu no dry-[u Nun- Hon what: \wr upon thou ofmywuu lam. Illh Kym! rlfi‘pc-(L, _\'(lurq’,hn-4I|QLT ~of\'lnl. "(SIN-63 w r: snw‘rmi. 1‘ S A.” "KaJrver sâ€"HL I pl“ REFUSES T0 SURRENDER. HELP FOR DEWEY. nou-I- an nutrvlm Ito’- l- ‘M-to to 'l'lke MOO- ol Lulu-c Ill-DID. nuu-mfully, your obedient July 5.-Admir|l Dev- 4) the navy 'dcwrtment 1, by Xh? human. COMO. Jammrn, July (w-Admlrl 0! (hr arnmrrd Almxruue qu And Vizcaya I flT(!_\'Q‘.'F, 1hr M had Iwen hvld tumor 3.:(‘ubn 101 .u lquhdl’ohi or H Cummodoro 5c] chm: llw mu the“!- from n‘mo 3.4m pr Emu-n naV) 1 I’ll) O-J Th: America .u‘ordxng m l ‘Hmf. 1hr Am UCIH)‘ ul‘luuv 811104.0-oughj the hum. \ nu, me ha. Ho _____lulu' ( PI“ “I: Admzrul (‘e YOY {Hwy-:3 and ohlp Rummy n in 1he hlmory} nee of ow-rwlj boron mm M‘ currender If he (rap “1 whithi he made a the time an M 10 do go. find. 'l)‘. even WM linking. m. u“ "u wfluvn on loan tun Int-4 The Ame?“- lell [he harbol of defitrucuan o: (I'D thoy N [0 \ho tum"! mg shot uncr‘ turmx (rat I cowrhxg (htlr klhed And I’OI Pluck At no tamed} dh’mllon lhll wlu: than fill nn lignuls 10 mm. comma" cloud» of km! ohuvud lit." ‘ the” mud! [4 . "me away. and rocks. III noon uomphll came the ‘1‘ which the M upon them, a the firm hnd 5‘ three cruiser- utroyers won‘ amen mt!" ' to pike“. um thr) pl?! all «nan hm wit! for mu»: )hn')‘ rxpl rurred vVPT)‘ am.” wmxe ur. Ind am And Mar! to am. The bl! wnh 1m roar 91:31.11”: \"1 Imo ‘h* M vhHr hulls IO pitched forwd ‘gvtâ€" HIM " Admh‘e! (‘13 in a boat 9:! "Mutant-e of and as soon surrr-ndu-nd I LIAU‘ M'HOI board He! (Sl‘ Amumur \‘(1 nneral “V M! m" of I!” ‘ uptn an , MAI-on - l (rom San“ â€".Iirnrh litmus“~ oflin {our ovhm “(round nrJ 1hr 01.!) one mum hp! he CHM ma! (‘014 mm” fur d1 lho‘Wrd ”11‘ I The (‘Hfllull‘ Spunuh whip hid over 'JI harbor. and d ‘Mr'h drum nv‘mad aw! Urrgom New olho-r shun- u )w vow-tum“ Mlvn {rum mun from ll Admlrul (‘eu shun .nd ha in I l"0fl‘ of Work, and t um“ Ihe w. “\th41310! only mun In wgl klllod In Slnuago 8w Commodore l "hlch oflh‘O Bmuh upy no". In (‘51: by aukldo I while swank imn. MVMI tom-1 21‘ 1871‘ bud, he an: 0m utter: naked in ht- ynh. Ind}. I Mllf'x- “'1 or 01 Sam; xhe I’thalv CU M ‘1“ W1 Vu Hm r K)! I rI-t

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