The ï¬nal report ofcasualties in the urmy since it landed in Cuba three weeks ago has been forwarded .to Washington. ; It shows an aggregate of 1.914 ofï¬cers and men killed, wounded Ind missing, The killed number 246, p! whom 21 were omcgrg. Gen. Shafter in his report to the navy department of the surrender of Gen. Tom! at Santiago says it would have cost 5,000 lives to have taken the cfly by force. WhHe bands played “The Star- Bpangled bannr‘r" and cannon ï¬red a nation-11 salnte the American flag was raised over 'the governor's palace at Santiago at noon on the17th. An enor- mous crowd 'witnessed the ceremonies attending the surrender of Gen. Toral nnd the Spanish troops. Gen. McKih- bin has been appointed temporary mil- !tary governor. Gen. Miles will go *0 Puerto Rico at once to decide upon a landing place for the troop‘as. The expedition will be composed 0(27 regiments. Inhabimnts of coast cities of Spain are in a panic over the expected arrirnl cf the United States fleet. Barcelona. which is not fortiï¬ed, is particularly In terror. A rmal decree was issued in Madrid auspending throughoug Spain individ- ual rights as guaranteed by the consti- tution and proolaiming martial law. President \IcKinley in speaking of the fall of Santiago said that he hoped for earl) peace. The news from .\[ad- tid that Spain had been placed under martial law is regarded as a most hopeful sign. Maj. Gen. Brooke left Chickamaugn for Washington to rc-ceive instructions for preparing the Puerto Ricun expe- dition. Minister Correa, of the Spanish cab- inet, says the matter of Cuban indo- pemlence olxght to be left to 11 vote by the peoble of the island. He says Spain will retain the Philippines and Puerto Rico. Maj. Gen. Otis and several hundred troops sailed from San Francisco for Manila, The cruiser Harvard arrived at Pofls- mouth, N. }I.. with 1.008 prisoners of Admiral Cerveru’s fleet. Gen. Shafter Wired the wnrdepart- men! that the Spanish commissioners to arrange for the surrender of San- tiago were raising points of objection. but that he expected no difï¬culty in compieting the capitulntion. A Havana dispatch to Madrid says 1.000 American troops have been landed near Cienfucgos under cover of the guns of the Montgomery. Gen. 'l‘oral telegraphed the Spanish minister of war that his losses at Sun- tlago had been 400.1)ut he still had 12.- 000 men left ï¬t {or service. The United State. government will now turn its attention to the capture of San Juan. Pucrto Rico. An expedi- tion is to I); started at once under Gen. Brooke. The Florida and the Fanita. conâ€" veyed by the gunboat Peoria. landed large expeflitions at P2110 Alto. on 1!):- comb coast of Cuba. Gen. Toral. commander of tho Span- !sh forces at Santiago de Cuba. sur- tendcred to (Ben. Shutter and the Spanish troops are to be sent to Spain under purule. The surrender include: all the fortiï¬cations and the entire eastern end of Cuba. Dispatches from London indicate an almost general opininn that the {all of Santiago will induce Spain to sue for speedy peace. The Cuban insurgents have a plan of establishing the capital of their gov- ernment at Santiago. A big expedition of American troops about to sail from Tampa, Fln., for San- tiago was ordered stopped. The war bond sale closed in Washing- ton, and it was announced that the to‘ h! bids amounted to $1,300,000.000, or six and a half times the amount of the hsue. A Havana refugee reports that Gen. Blanco attempted suicide when he learned that Cervera‘a fleet was de- ctroyed, Some of his ofï¬cers inter- fered and saved his life. President McKinley and his cabinet decided that the capture of Santiago must be effected with expedition in con- sequence of the terrible climatic con- ditions and the danger to our men ow- ing to an outbreak of yellow fever. “'AR XEW'S. The Spanish minister of foreign af- bin denies that negotiations for peace have taken place. WGENCE FRO)! ALL PARTS gighlmrtl gm: films. Wties and Fires, Personal and Po- litical Notes. Business Failures and HIGHLAND PARK. ROUND ABOUT THE WORLD Happenings 9f the Past Seven Days in Brief. TEE WEEK’S NEWS Resumption. Weather Record. BY EVAN’S a; FORREST ILLINOIS. The California middle-of-the-road populist: nominated T. W. H. Shann- han for governor. Judge John Coates w hopract iced law in Freeport, 111.. for 61 years, died at the age of? A ~ ““ Robert C. Kirk, who was lieutenant governor of Ohio from 1360 to 1862 died at his home in Mount Vernon, aged 78 years. Congressman J. G. Mnguire Yins nom- inated for governor of California by the populists. Gen. John S. Williams. ex-United States senator and hero of the Mexi- can and civil wars, died at his home near Mount Sterling, K32, aged '15 years. Congressional nominations: Michi‘ gan. Sixth district. ('lmrli-s I-‘ishbeck (dem.). Ohio, Seventeenth district,J. A. McDowell (dem.) renominated. Minnesota. First district. .1. A. Tawney (rep.) renominated. Indiana, Second district, R. W. Miers. ((lem.) renom- inated. Illinois, First district. Rollin B. Organ: Second. C. I’orterJohnson; Third. George P. Foster: Fourth. Thomas Cusack; Fifth, Elhmnl T Noomn or Frank Kinnnre; Sixth, Emil Hoechster; Seventh, Frank C. Rogers, all democrats. The democrats of the Eighth Ken tucky district nominated G. U.Gilbcrt of Sholbyvillc, for congress. A 'Frisoo pnsmnger train was held up at Andnver. Knn.. by masked men who 'sgcured $500 from the express safe. PERSONAL AND POLITI(‘\L. Missouri erublivans will hold tholr state convention in St. Louis on Au- gust 23. Edward Rmvh-y and wife “or? at ruck by n Wabash train at Brooklyn, 111.. and kil‘lcd. ’ Snrnh Cole (colored) wns murdered by her (livnrcell husband James ( ule nenr Washington, Iml. ., ammole also killed himself. The “'isconsin River Pulp A" Paper company's mill was destroy-ll by ï¬re at Stcvvns Point the loss bring! “00. COO. Rev. 1‘. M. Wz‘ddrll (‘vlohrnted a! mqun. 0.. the ï¬ftivth nnniwrnr)‘ of his active servivP in the “Opus“ min- istry. ' Fire that stnfled in the such nml dour favtnry of HM» Svm‘lkoâ€"Kuhihnny. compnn)’ in La ('rossv, \\'is~,. (-zxuwd n loss of $150,000. E. J. Aan's farmhouse nvnr Junw tion City. Kan, was burnt-(1 and three vhildren under six yvurs of ago pm“ ishetl In the flames. Frank anson, (‘hurk‘s “'innn! and Charles (‘Iark \n re drownml in tho Kaw river just above Kansas City. Mo. .\ row at l-‘nrnringtnn. In†in a saloon resuhed in the death of Push [term- and 000ch Hatter. the latter colored. “Mahlv's and S“ ift's pm‘ki in mzihu wvrv til-d up by 1!) 3mm of thvir men. The [.PN'PIHHL'I‘S 0! 1h» clubs in the Nmimtul hug: week n-ndcd on HIV 17!!) “on nuti . 5!; “05‘!an :(‘h-v‘ hiltilxxurv, .Girfl: ('hivngn, burgh. .333; .\'.-\' 'xurk, phia. ; RFUULU'H. .417; ton. .357: Louin’lile, .312; .295. ,- u Postmaster (:encrn] Smith estimates the pnbtnl rocciptx' fur 1‘1)?sz Sltmgmu, om, the largest in the hi>tur3 of the drpnflnwht. Edward .\l(-K1Ll(l«-r killed his wife and himse l! in Owossn. Mich. Domesxic trouble was the came. John Durrett (colon-d) was killed by a mob m Foaling. .\Xn.. fur xrying to provoke trouble buneon flu: “him-s and Marks John H. Chapman. of Chin-um, wa- ruelected president 'of the Baptist Young People‘s union at the nuuuul convention in Buï¬'ulo. .\'. Y. (‘oltfleorge Stone. 0! San Frnncisvo, “‘ns elected national president by the League of Republican Club: in session in Omaha. Nob. There were 215 business failures in the United States in the seven days ended on the 15th. again“ 220 the week preximn am] 263 in the correspnnding pericd of 1507. The; exchanges at the lending clear- ing hbuses in the United State: during (he w‘eek ended on the lbth ng-gregmed $1.204;414.3711, against $1.229ï¬l3364 1hr previous week. The increase compared with the cormponding week in 1597 was 113.6. The commissioner of internal rev enue has decided that all telegraphic messages must be stamped by thp senders. By (he explosion of a boiler in the Niagara starch works in Buffalo. N. Y.. the building was wreckï¬d. six persons killed! and 26 injured. Thousands of hungry 1nd naked refugees are crowding Santiago. The stores have been looted by (he Spon- iards. many houses wrecked by the American shells and misery appears on every side. DO‘ESTIC. Fire in the Racine HHS.) Malleable “rought Iron company 's building caused a loss of$100,000. and three mvn were killed and eight other persons were seriously injured. Jim Redd and Alex Johnson. negro". who killed W. F. Skipper. I rich plantâ€" cf wére shot to death at Monticello. Ark“ by a mob. PreMdt-nt McKinley sent 1 message of thanks ‘0 Gen. Shutter and his army for the brilliant achievement; at San- tinge. packing house»; 1w 1hr strikv nf the hnknlml] 374;; Pills ': l'hilmh-l “ï¬shing St. Louis IL‘ 1'â€an HH Goon: Chung. a (‘hinamnn in Oak- lnnd. GIL. 100k refugv in a pmufrr magazine to vsruiw nrros? 1)"‘\\anhP works. and 119 um] ï¬u- nmvrrs and a woman were killed by the explosion. Sylvester Scru'pl. Hm vorrr‘ï¬pnndvnt of :1 N(‘\\' York pnpvr. flinmn‘t! l-l'n. Shaftor's {1100.11an \\‘:l.~ 50111 M; Sibmmy as a prisoner. Myron H. Huukrr. editor of tlu‘ Press and Knivkrrlmvkvr. dim] in Albany, .\'. Y.. aged 75 years. . " A terriï¬c Windstorm did mom dam- age at Marinetto. Marshï¬eld. Fond du Lm‘ and (ï¬ber Wisconsin towns. Thu <19umvr I‘rlmsyh'mzin suilm! from Sun I’runmv-n with m-url} 1.51;!) men hound for Manila. Half of thc- lmyimws hum-vs in Sun- dr-rlund. England. \wrv dmh‘nyml ur dnnmgt‘d by ï¬rt'. thy loss bring SUMO: Owl, The auxiliur) vrniwr Euclr de- struyn-d the Iurut‘ Spanish stunner Sumo Domingo ut (‘apv Frum-iï¬. The “H! ('I‘o :; sovivt)‘ is {rt-din}: (h!l pvnplv of Sunliugn. u'ln'rn- 1hun~nnds nn- domitnte. tlu- umply of fund in Ihe city being t‘\h.’|mh-d. l-‘nur gum and inflnm shon-r frm: hmmnn, N. (‘an {If I'm-1;. Shunt-r \il},\' that 1114* rush‘r nf prisnnvn humlwl in by Urn. ’[ln'ul gih'x .1 “Hal of L".' 75‘.) 1mm. Flu] Suddv-rl)_\.zlnIngim-1-r.\\')llinm XII-(111111}; :nn onginrm's )nrllrt'r. and Jowph l-jsinhnugh‘ :\'-<‘ily marshal. \u-ro (ITHHIn'd \\hil~ hnihing :1! Mind- Sh)l;n‘.,\li«'h. l’urt ('uimmuru. in (iunvz'm :mn Firv in Na-upurz. K}.".1":TH‘ Tliu'l) .HnumiH um! HI) ~mu!’ ‘7“ I,(\\\. $1310JHW, 1.1“) Kw}. l-Ilnun Keri. Sm mu!Stu-[101‘Hmwnflwirngr>r frml'n If: to ‘3" ï¬PHI‘K. \U-rr» «lrm‘ Shh Lukt‘ (ity uhih- hulhing lulu Mrninwl I‘Muvinrw rm ('nluuw um? unr Hung:- fn‘nl of mm mummy“: â€w ('1!) In thrm. Imxr-l ('.\ pr. Hrp IN IS!‘ ‘ 15er m} hr HT Admiral Dv‘woy pron-Hm! nyuinn the (in-rum“ mhnirnI's disrrgnrd Inf 1h- hlnckudo nf \luniln and inform“! Hm! imlhitlnn! vla'. if Ml-rmnny 5‘ M prurr “ill: â€20 l'v-Eh-d 513‘“ M- mnq (-Imhgo- hi~ luv-thud: "Ft“illll‘.‘ \In-kmi Un- l‘urrlu Hum. \l»~~1~. Zulu :Ind l’n-rrmn urrr f. cniHy of lilu-T and rut-h M'h'l‘Lv‘l‘ I'uri~ in n )n-nr‘: implmumnrm m 3.000 {runc's ï¬xw. (‘lnrcnm- \im-gnr (rnmn'th “as hnngrd ul (Hometown, K31, (or klâ€- ing his “â€0. . riwr m \Imka husho-h ]|l_4¢\l_1Nl {innum 'Hlo- Hm {rm-15.â€) IF rnan-n :Hmnt Anal»! 10, [\h inmmlvu- dqm» : u! 4‘0“] Lin IN-rn :Jn (-nlmuinmh “xll nail 31.40'ill'l‘itvclll :IV â€I" I nun Norm-hunt. l'runin ‘\ lil‘lldlt“): {rum Hun†lmlnhwnflnrnl of Human Evan “unhqw “uh M‘ri thv S' H hn~ lu-vn (L-vidmi 1.11.“ mu 1- n lrnups Ihnl puriivilmlrd in Hu- :1 ï¬ghling IM-{urv Snnliwyn shnll In pin‘u'd nn llw- I'm-r!» Him ¢‘\|vrd1 Thv \i~ih}¢- Mlmm n! L' h in ('nmlnmlnrr Schlrj. Lhd nlh Pnh'l'ld and inspcm-«I 1hr I. Suhliupn 'I‘Pu- suhmnim- m P\plndrd mm Hu- Mm-rwun ruin-d nu'r “441111115“! Mrs. Jnhn Dun-r1111 hcr tun daugh- ters “err killed by “ginning nrar Elma, In. President McKinley issued a prod.- mation declaring L'niu-d Sun†miâ€- tury power supreme in cusH-rn CHM, and declaring that the people and their property would be prnH‘cu-Ll. 'l‘rninn collided Lear (ivorgrmw‘n, Ind.. and the enginm r. William Kern; Ind twn trump: \wre killc-d. Gen. Miles and the rnnzuqrd of the I‘uerm Rimâ€! army 4»! inmpir-n left ('uha for 1hr island. It is Hu- rqmcm- (ion of 1hr “nr nfl‘lrinh Hm! nithin ten thus MH-w Amrrirzm soldiers “ill be in l'm‘r'o llicu. F‘OIEIGI. Emperor William of Germ-03' ha- donzm-d 10.000 mdrks to the Red (.‘ron sicimy {or the hem-fl: ohxouadud Spam is]: and American soldiers. The steamer Cottage ('ity Irriud at Victoria, 1!. C.. with $1,000,000 in gold from the Klondike. George Alfred Pillsbury. of the ï¬rm of Pillsbury Co. And one o! the bomb known men in the northwest. din-d in Miqnenpolin. agad 82 year; Ilrnrx \h. :1! [h 'H‘m rt ('uimmuru. 1n (iunvz'm :HH' hue lwvn ~11rrvndvrm? tnflw', Mo \\ l‘ x‘lx from Hm ‘M-f .i r. pun n1 ~1.lrlm} hr Hm ,.\ m hmln nnls’, S 'Il|-1H:\', .HI nunls h Inn .‘Y.|h'~ 404‘ III) \H-rt‘ struck h) thnz'mg )’ kiHml uhih‘ M-t'kilfl 1| Etnrm under H (rm- mmr Ur Hi'l. '-|'HPHIL'I. ullr 'Innlph “(‘1‘ prnpnmls fur Pk Kurt} Him LATER. qâ€) n! pl 1hr ht). u luanr) (-urn. litihlmn) 77mm: luuhrl ; no. I†up â€24' K “III Huh-v ir :Igr.~ Purging urp (lrunm-(l u! hulhing in the- myâ€: m) M hrr â€ï¬‚it-er! THIM\ xm \1..~~ «:n' runnrrr Lun- In Inrn (A. nlmr t! _\a-d 1h! rllinps. Vht- re Kl'l" m Hm! Hz? (I in d la) Tu m sat 0 Lin}. (‘lhuado Us). I‘llhk) Ford Mrlur. Du) J'ux: Arthur Day Fraternal l’mon u! Ayn-v Lumbermmfs lluy “'(JOdmvzl u! :hc “'orhi [my N. w Mo )1rulï¬ly Numnal Shrinrrn' Day NP“ Eng: an) Day... Oklahoma rm) ,. Modern \\' uudnu n' n Ila) Iowa Daf' ....... (‘ hhagu )a) (‘ommyrrial Trauirrs' Du), KY1()X(IIHI'KrI)fly _ ‘ l ()1) F hay ......... Truss 1M) Sioux Ci!) Ilay Huhvmux: Inn M..~:-our1hay Kama! l’u)‘ Edlmrs' Day“ Labor I)“: r31“ , .. " Ftp! 13,1‘ Sum-Ill Ibny- al (Inn-Inn Expo-“loll 8hr“; ruyhxrc' hay . . Aug . 1mm 'nlxhlsn!!’.\1hm>lht),. ,..Auk 1 Km] .\l~ h'.~ 1H!) . Ann. I! TH :mmre Ru} Mt [2'3 In.) , . Aug 3 S: Jumph Day . .Aux 1: lilhlmrs «- Fianna] .‘\~~n Du) .Aux 11 Hpnkmuoâ€" (Wax-h.) Frun ’I‘rxufl, ha; A Tolrdu 'l’n- Tnn du JUYH‘HH' “'nshlz'xh “'«H \ .rx \"ru u!,.~.!. “'z.» â€Ls. Ne“ JIYN') Inn-SI; N: ‘ York, Snuruu Norm (‘urul rzu, Rah N»\a 5mm:- l'mwm. um“. ('wlumhus “Klnhnma linihrlv un‘armf‘a: Slw'th‘ Manly, than†V: Gramxns' It: Harms Uqur I’q x.x.n_\]\'n: .4, H «11 l‘l.;iud-i|-hm Qui‘luv En ~r1mn “ha-lo “In Frans: H! 1,01; 5‘ S. Imu,9i ‘(vuth I .Irn.:x.u. ('ulux Ihmlurz (N! Mp haw: , 131nm} Rup‘du . S: 1»: Mn “nu-1n Hnnmnr, . ..... Hem Ml‘iu‘pp, \‘hknhur‘ . .\u\ .\l.u~1n.~Im-, â€mutton, Nan he! (Ml Mll-Mvuli. N1 1mm» (n1 Kt-hruskn EumumnnJ ‘nmhn June 1, New-Hrunxulrk, 5! Ju!..-: Sept Nzuvï¬nxlnm). l’urzmnd . .Aux Nru‘naymn‘JQ Human," T l m SID! 1““ JAnur).r\\a\'l-v‘ ‘rn Sun: Rum-Ir “ l\ H Mulrr. IAIAI- )‘IY31dY'L '1‘.m hiflbsfl‘ rmutzp u! Flour guru-nu!) d.nmp: \\ :4 n! l uad~ .ulr. um} ' '11 an}! 1‘. y: mxm “v.1, nn 1:, Hum“ n: 1!.u)|r.x [Hug]! nus Sam}: l‘aknin “arm “15?: light nu!- lu-d Ihulf‘rl Hx-rmg “he'll I'd (an lhldJ)‘ mm“, bu: m min) “1-de uh-H below damnxcd by hul und- hind!» x-nrlly hluhud, Hat‘hrrr brad» lun‘ I‘Hh plum;- brrry, nwclnlly In when! R.†and hurl†hln'ul cunnnurl Corn urd 101mm: pmgrru rapidly. ' Mm:uu11«Ah (IN-lien! I‘uk {hr haying. IL} hun\\ any of ,Llnufr.) In :1 x Hwnr-d In Michigan Front did much dun-u- to run†puulml, bm‘kwhrat, hvar> and xavr dun ‘YUFI In Lorlhurr. half at lune-r prntn- nuh \\'hrnx bring mm, unvurcd and Ihrrpmnx h‘n begun. (mu rimming and unnnx ILL) 2n xunrnl 1.1x“. uu-k Ham 1:- murh nndrd, :ppm-ully {m (‘nr' \‘h‘mh fr rolling and (u: IMhLP. puuxucx Ind unr- Qer {rmk ()hlo~A}2 rrolus dumnxrd h)’ drought. but condtnonn mmruhut rehn-cd l.) ('oploul IhOIerI in latter ponmn, mpminlly lwnr- flnnu torn, urn" nrd [undula- â€lynx-k- In; and mun â€arr-Mn; ronl:1.uo Mnny wmplnlma u! nhrh'rlu? grain. Some uni! cux. had: “(in and nut nhorl Corn Inn-min; an†Hiking (Nu/l 1mm: in tall! meun Injurrd corn In nurlhweu munma, Light (run in Fallon (mum) on 1hr 11â€] Tolmvr-o {In ‘l’ollh Grimm. Jul) 20.7-11â€. mm“ H to 'E'r’iil'ï¬omliz ihm- Him-n in». "no runditlun of the Props thrnnghout lblood. hum avr‘m and mum-ll (he ruunln. mnl Hw unmml â€has of 1hmhhy "â€â€˜h‘ “"1" ""5 nu 9": ' pcpsu and mnnwntmn. the “vmlu-r on â€no [:rtmlh. (-nlliuniun _ -- . and\i‘>I of the same. \Arnâ€" Turnday “Mon?“ talk» ,. H tlmrv in mm]:- b3 tin- directors of 1hr sen-rad ('H- coming 1.0 you, lbs“- back talk male- and rrnp unflinnh. 'l‘hr n-porll “UHNW. .__-d.._ receiwd al (‘hirugo \wrvas f()â€0\\!~2 A Dlle-n- __‘ '.. “1 l‘. I. Donn-non o! Lyric-lure Crop Bulk“- ot “’uller Bare-I [or “MI.- B-dI-x Jul) 12. '10 hmmnml Inn: Watt. ['nk STATE FAIRS, ETC. .a, w: I . Amp: lemxlw: 'Jrzm rn, (‘mmma v 't .71.!v.n N.“ \\n- Sir Ian“: u. Lu. ('ulun.!mn THE CROPS. .nd (HI-tr Lrndlnu r2:- nu Hlmu Aim 6 . n pp (. 145ml)“: Nnd \ \\ Mte ){w‘er Hmwurum .a1, Hniifax Srp'.zl Aux 29 Sqn , 0c: , 3, "' hlfvrd N<J 31*, I)“ ('uihr Lul‘ Aux 1;, Stan, \\ .m- ! â€Marv:- T)tllUl.,Ht’]I11‘6, w Aug 23. Sept 73 .. .Au: 2: Aug 21‘ mp Aug urn: Aug 3n, S; p 31 pl 26 (m up: {1 up: 1‘4 747‘ u:< Est. “.24. u:< x:< 22¢. u:< u3< x:< Um no: 16 con. .03. l‘ Oct-dbl..- Clea-u. Vs“- eooe [’IH- mm, Feverflom “d nil (â€lung 1. nwer um Dawson-Hm Suva expom and “flan“ Cum permanent. Bouu". for A5009â€, Ion. Iona. CI“. Ind all Fm. Wot-0.. B);kn tic Boot free‘ J. P. ALLIR .EDICI 00.. M. tau. ‘5... “It by Drum _he o_n)y sun fare ll:_ (be 1:0ng foL 95m " AMI I vs. Ind-cod I. try (‘on IITI. I will never be Iulmm mom an we bonus. I! “vet III in I very Ind uhnpe Ind my hm Ichod um I hm unmnrn lruubh- Fol “not uk- Inu (“cue-ml feel ï¬ne My wife hnuso um lbrm Illh mueflcul rennin 1m snur slum-PI " Jol- KIIHLINU. ml Cunareu 5!, N Mull. lo. Much more etsny and rmnfnrluhb by [mums and km-pmg your [way m mm condition by name Huml‘n Sarsupanlln. 1‘ mums gvod blood. promotes proper circumuun and kovps every organic openuon {me from friction Hood’ssgzï¬f. Sflllf Stomach Hood's Pills? You Will Stand the Heat \‘Vhrn ii [VN‘H\ 1:sz hm- gmud it â€MI 11111"! that shr has an mu an mlvlt' nwlm-y ~ .Mr'hwu. lilulw. Afmr sh yrnrs suflvrmr 1 Wm run-(1113' PIS-L†(‘m‘r Mar} ’I‘hmhsnh ‘5' ‘ Utno Au- AHegm-m. l’u _ Mun'h 19‘ “M 8mm: pc-upll‘.‘ l in pr! \uu lezgl u um \\ uhmgh A powder lo be hhflkl'n min the shoot At Hm warm: \uur fu-rl im-l pI'uHo-n, lwnoul Ind but. and gel hm! â€mix. H )‘nu huve nnnrhna fee-t or huh! shoes (r) AHI-n'l Foul linu- Ir nonh- Hue 10v! nné mnkeb “walk my run ('urms swulio-n and "wanna fr?! duh-r- and ruliuunputr RI'IW‘qu-rurllbhn humans of a“ pmnandgwm rm? :H"?(~nlll?’ufl. IL. mm“! “hn131'umfl ‘ 1h: ,'~v.~' [flat-r; Hm gh‘nleml unlu- n! (mu 0 â€ml sqwnl 1n rum. hug and denying ."U'IHFUH um!» I. [)1 Nahum l'mm-I, I’AUN‘UD. v... lhv (mu (Ir-lulm." 1).. Hm hww lwux Hu- tu mm. H raid“! ‘vn run \ (11-! l!.:- ( H "‘II'U h: HM Nothing pin it“: 147.11 I». The dnwnc n I" the blood nnd nervou. nlrm and n m the nunshluhmml prt du- Yawn“ Hm gm»: pow or (n the dun or {al- rh nr ()1 hu' 0 x: 11mg mflucun en, to «ma 1hr dnv-mu- and nmkr «me man sufl'n I’hll. umxhrv gut-n zrrr nu n x I make: one man have Hay- Frvrr m Asthm- and ulmlher rw‘apc enure- ly nghl by m- undo, exposed to the same I- len, mmo dual, uum- .fluemveu" The M u not 1hr "use. the pollen u not them; Inga! [ruwlln are nut the callnw There an- Niochlda of “an hwer Ind Asthma ruflrn-ru \rhu «mum: rewrl (o ‘ change of clumxe durmg their nnuuu) at. (John, (‘Ilhef lmaunr u: my own.“ or beâ€" uuw dulncu u huunr \uH no! perm)! than ‘bll‘lu‘t. They lmn- to flu) And buffer. Then an man), «mu, m ho are yea! by yet! ï¬ndmg 11ml plat-m {mu-{Mum «Xe-mp! an conning Inn. and Ins w, and (In-y mus! mov. on to ï¬nd new locnuum where they can e.- cape the Hay-Fever bend _ 360;. Mm 'n.a‘|‘)‘;i:mng. “'th dockon tell you that Ha) I‘ru-r cumml be rurrd. they lumnll)‘ Int-an that lhry mun“: rurr )nu __,_ x...« I)._ Because of frequent nun m (‘uhn 1n. lnrial fever- the _a common ulmem (luau, pm In! {hey we I‘nqmany soft-«gm _ of. It. -_-, _. , tum Nata; Ailmcnu ol this hnd‘ no matter in whu pan til the glohe (hm- occur, ure quickly (‘1!er wuh limit-Her} Nomad; Blttcrl. Bail“ lawns: a npouï¬c- lot my lnrial trolxl)lu.1h¢w- th-n Ilsa mnkr my. blood. hum avr‘m and muscle». and rm, healthy llm-lL TlHT have no equal {In dyn- pcpsu and mnn um mn. 513"}: h “\l‘r a] )w! up!) Pg! In Amt-rival Gmams! Modirinn A Bile-Inn and lie “It Out. Try Alln'u Foot-Eula. h' ln'nnn‘ w‘ â€1111) run:- Illll'l (‘nlnrrh (‘ure an-InuU)‘. l’ru-A- ï¬e Oil-at. a! 0th.. My! nre us m: N (hm: 1‘ PM two m w 'HI n: (In. 0'11â€.â€" l)1'lnut 1.. an {hat MM h m mm» uh! hm m I ind} Mr by an alrnu H‘s m:- n .q . £K"L“ Vu‘. \' L4] "ll‘lhui# u hu hm Nu \ -[vl'.'|. Yuu nr‘sr.‘ 1! thu I‘Hh are femur. mudmeflec- [w Atldruumna, the. H {hr-N is any than In l’l'H HM; xmnvn uwmu m H'ugm-h and Mme Mgr FR FE Ad- r-JH'IHHH'MHTk. [ H}nl.h..~. “(IM’ m4 â€1 'l‘xidmr’l ..\L nu :mnl duos P." Im- nl ('Dmn. ‘11“ I “up Ir 'he A u r. 1 h P-m lmrn r‘ 11.: h ‘1 \m- lam (l. ‘u': 'u.'\' A! the Drum. In“ mud wnso man!) but M I) ““8 .1 \‘P f?! (m Jul} l¢-.\ Hgm-d 1h? meni Statue. H “on: pas-l Yhnf (’H mm In 1h: .-. ' ll‘ ‘iml .Knnu .- '11)!) no an indl‘pe Prat Hum; tl'mlnn. LS “nth 1h" 1hr 53411:! 111 1:1». \‘ Icl'l'ivur)‘ \un'Vl‘ ‘lln um “nu '{run ul’l :Iu'leh 11†hi: ] Vuhll {wily prnhvtinu (3i ‘HHI 1(‘1'1 H In!“ vhu (Hr) (hr 1ԠJum H†11‘“ Mn†“Xh- king ux died (:1 hm hm dr-mhr 1mm: he Iurm-«i 10‘; snrx‘wtinn u! Hannp‘ broken on ‘I'lll (NH 3n Jummr “mint†a 1hr ran a, ï¬nal" mfl ‘1'" Ho“ kunw 'Hm ;‘ in mm SHIN“! u n no-VA 11'! I? (11“.! [50 “ pungv 1 port 1.? 00mm†â€King: ha: and m ('1 27.1525fo B} ron. ( 0 Honolulu ‘ )nH um} . {HI 1 bufllc- of I hr um- Ii!" . Jruh "HI (1:141- a p00! mmds had i l 'J‘hI-V I HM and U!“ \ §;Lll in Hi1! r‘HHH lrh Hull IHH 11H ml zph d (J dc