.‘dlllll’fll De“ vy lulurms Command... 0! hen-man Five»! That He Mull (hung? HI: ('ourle. \1 CALLED HEM DOWN. {run Klan w“ ('rmmwnt upnn fvz‘nxting silimliml ;<m between ‘ 1‘: ans at Santiago. c\;)rr>ses the vrr- \“hfr'vhaibui‘n .11.? l\' . xxrx frumiers. 1?: Vsd State; renny inâ€" »- nuulculahle error "7 Spain, Ihe less it. x of frontier the bet- H w); prompted to n ,r) mmsage by the :‘z‘I‘ZHdil cruiser Irene (unï¬wnt attack h1:‘1'.~4lf1 u.‘ Subig ’lh‘t"! him. . _ _iâ€"~ I; command :‘ l‘m-iï¬v. re- ;--\.\ :v I; «"n \sasupol- . ~.(:‘I'_:vmr_\'. But , *3 \el mi Dewey a i» (: own-cm! to the v; Herman ships v - buy unce and 4)\‘ _\ :ufaA dispatch to .\lnmlu. July 14, by Lhruu. says: Ad. : .x messenger to the z-eccntly to inquire ,n and uermany are mace, he demanded warships here pur- hv-z‘num govern- n‘l _1rtment has mm .|- to the at unis 'ixr‘ l'hliip- urge measure, re- x hrnsmn here-Ur kirrnmny would L-wcucum of our rm 'ha! l'resi‘ :lu)‘ dcharPd we proposalï¬ 11a. hlkd been Hh r: tn the se< \lzxdrid. U18 "H urequite 1-2:, PVCGPL n' uf Frum‘e. )xr’fxes are Paris. L'm- 1 {hr Philip t) max: of a P mm P?! prac- lmn and then .v ha}; cruising ; :e-turning in - Herman con- xhuuld DOV. be )ssxsvhe uriicle runs .513! d 'that Hm“. that Manila fl he would communiâ€" .- 2', uhether nizh time of l tPrx'ors re~ .‘.1rx1.\merâ€" ' sentiA infr‘l‘c'sié‘d m (IQ‘CIJK‘Q {:()(>(] b) \mr-ricans “IVA during vz‘ hand. it ‘mi many [1.stillshe 1 of Span- ‘r‘ctx‘ the x :n favor 50H“? mdmLSIiH he “ould senior ofï¬- wanted to himselfac- ch Hm} from r' impor- znvs de- 11 is avi- ‘zs donut mm»- to :‘. xmval zd u! through . or ‘he stated I run- (\f pre- rec- Zei- Santiflgo “pi-essh'e ,tméps laid the dines 01 The ceremonyover,(icn.8haftcrand his matf returned to the American lineiz.:lea\'ingr the city in the possession of thie municipal authorities. subject. to the control of (len. McKibbon.. )lltlrid S‘nnctlons Surrender. The foru: al sanction h} the \Iadrid govet-nnn nt of the, terms of ca apitula- tion tmrmeled the tangled slicin, of demands and counter demands be- tween the opposing commanders, which threatened to end’ the negotiaâ€" tions and compel a return to arms. After numerous conferences had re- sulted in the agreement. already sanc- tioned by Hen. Blanca. Gen. T‘oral de- cided that the approval of the Madrid government was necessary befom he would leave the city. Gen. Shatter maintained that no such approxalvwas necessary: that when Ueu. Toral agreed to surrender the province of Santiago and (Ben. Blanca sanctioned it, the agreement of surrender be came an accomplished fact. Hé in- sisted; that Hen. Toral had either sur- rendered 'l'hnrsda}‘ or acted in bad faith. but documentary evidence bore out the fact that (lea. Toral men- tioned that he only capitulated subject to his .government‘s approval. and Che six commissioners by whom the articles were signed at 2:10 o‘clock Saturday afternoon so ruled. The Terms. The whole matter was cleared up Sundq’y morning. however.'\vhen Gen. Toral received â€unnecessary sanction from Madrid. The agreement consists of nine articles. as foliows: Sdntiilgo de Cuba, July 18.â€"-Amid impressive ceremonies the Spanish .tmdps laid down their arms between the {lines of the Spanish and American {ordes at nine o‘clock Sunday mornâ€" iï¬g,’ Gen. Shatter and the American divi ion and brigade cmnmamlers‘ and gheil- stath were escorted by a troop of chair}. and Gen Tornl and his stutt' by picked men. 'l‘rumpeters on bot sides saluted with flouriahes. Gen; Shutter returned to Gen. Tornl the :latter‘s snot-d after it had been handed to the American commander. Ouritroops. lined up at the trenches, we“ eyeqvitucsses of the m’retttony. 0e11,; Shatter and his escort. accom- panied by (icn. 'l‘oral. rode through medityJaking formal llOsSUSSloll. The city‘had llt‘t‘ll sacked before they “r- rived by the Spaniard“. At the palace elnbérate ceretnonim took place. l-Ix- aetly at noon the American flag was raised over the palace and was saluted by 251 guns by Capt. (Tapron’s "bat- tery. .\t the same time all the regi- mental hands in our lines played “The Star-Spangled Banner." after which President Mclx’iulcy's congratulatory telegram was read‘ to each regiment. The Thirteenth and Ninth regiments of infantry will remain in the city to enfonce order and exercise municipal authority. The Spanish forces are to ematnp outside of our lines. Gem'Mc- Kibbon has been appointed temporary military governor. v W Spanish Soldiers at Santiago Ede Cuba Formally Submit to i the American Dzmands. First: All hostiutles s‘hail cease pending the agreement. or ï¬nal capnulation. SecoI‘d‘ Than the caplmlation include-n A“ :heSpanish forces and {hE- surrende'; of :1: Wat matrrial within [ha prescribed 11m- Ls. sumac IS now uuna Ezghth T123 irregu‘ars «213 Cuba If : r; they wul :‘ the Unitéd S communicated to Gen. Shafter. “III Not Return Arms. \\':1.~ilzingtnn. .liily 13‘.#-'l‘lie arms surrendered by the Spanish soldiers I! Santiago to (Ion. Sliuftvr will be "9Pt by the [Mini States government. This COIH‘llhlUll, reached late Sunday aherflflm by rim president and Secre- tax-y AILWI‘. “as made public by the lat- ter as, he lvft his oï¬ico after six o'clock Sunday niglxi for his home. “.-\ll those who Have.- urms will turn them over to this government. Thisis ï¬nal." These Were the secretary‘s words when risked for information on the subject. “And." he added. in response to further in- tluirieii and to clear any doubtlthnt might; exist on ilie subject, “the ‘rifles will not be: remmed toSpain." This MSiOD. no doubt. already has been a .g‘ sum am tie Pullfe ‘exlbhon ughâ€"Al'nll ‘ gunned. and Stripes “outed Over we at Noon Sundn)‘â€"I§en. m Made )lllltury (Rover: as of ’l‘ural'n Troops to Be R ARMS. H OUR FLAG. Spnnlxh Commander of Philippine- . l‘rged to Surrender to Inllfrfl'l‘fltl. ‘ San Juan with a cargo of provisions “ and war materials. > _.#_., Storm Proves Fat-l. ; St. Louis. July Illâ€"3A special to xlm Repnblk- from Dallas. Tex. says: A Ennmber of the counties: of northern l'I‘exas have been swept b\ a lt-rriï¬r i hall and Windstorm. In Bdsqnvconnty iJohn ){anin was killed. ‘_In Johnson , bounty Mrs. Julia Rucker was fatally ;inj11re(l. (ix-eat damage ’was done to i the grain and cotton crops. 1, Death of “Cerro Gordo†“'llllamn. 1 Mount- Sterling, Ky.. July lirden. {John s. Williams, exâ€"Unned Statossenv tutor and 1mm of the Mexican and civil 3 wars, died at seven :1. m. Sunduy at his Ehome near this chity. Manila,July 13, via Kong-Kong. July 19.â€"An important interview has just been held between Gen. Aguinuido‘s secretary. Le Uzu-da, and a prominent native white man and the Spnnish commander. Capt. Gen. Augusti. The insurgents‘ representatives. urged Gen. Augusti to surrender the city. assert. ing' that 50.000 insurgents surrounded Manila and were able to enter it at any moment. Thus far. they added. the insurgents have been restrained with difficulty, but if the Spaniurds continued stubborn, the result would be that the insurgents would be com- pelled to bombard and storm the city, “with the inevitable slaughter. unpar- alleled in history, because in the ex- citement of battle they cannot d-is~ criminate.“ Continuing, the captain general‘s visitors advised him to dis- regard the official ï¬ctions regarding alleged Spanish \ietories in Cuba and reentoreements coming to the Philip- pine isluuds. and proposed a reconcil- iation between the Spaniards in the Philippines, under a republican flag. and a joint endeavortopersuudeAmer- icons to abandon hostilitiesin the Phil- ippine islands. Finally. the represent- atives of the insurgents proposed an appeal to the powers to recognize the independence of the Philippine islands. ’I‘h-s vnpmin general repliod that 1'30 must ï¬ght.11mvvverhopolcssthe Span- ish (':ll1\‘t‘. Le Gunla thou returned to (‘uvittx mking‘ with him the native, who is u pm‘o’led prisoner. Martial Law [or Spain. Madrid. July 16.-â€"'l‘1xe Oï¬icial Ga- zette published I‘rid. IV a royal docree temporarilv suspending throughout the Spanish peninsu ‘n the riglits of indhidunls ns guaranteed 1)) the con- stitution. The decree adds that the government will render †an account to parliament of the use it. may make of this measure. The publication of the decree is genâ€" erally act-opted as being convincing proof that Spnin is now ready to sue for pom-o and that negotiations to that t'flcct are actually in progress. The government wishes to have. full power to suppress any evitlvnoes ofdist‘outont or rebellion which might appear. The Carlists are furious and are sure to at, tempt to crmte trouble. a trifle less ‘hnn $20.000.000. threej quarters of this being in the custody} 6f thcbig trading companies, who will ! send it- down by way of SL Michael.‘i The May West hnd $750,000 and morel and the other boats which left June 2 and July 4 carry the balance of the output. The Dawson newspapers do not npproximMe ‘ho down-river ship‘ ments so highly. the Midnight Sun stating that the \Veare. Belle and Charles K. Hamilton do not carry to exceed $4,000.000. The (‘lenn- l p at DIN-on Clty. 3 \ictoria B. C. July 18. â€"Fditori Shipp3 of the Skaguay \‘ews.sa3's thal‘ dmxn on the Cottage Cit3. 52135 that this 3 ear ‘s clean-Mp at Du“ son wlll b I Serloun Riot In shanghai. Hang-Kong. July ISLâ€"Serious rim- lng is taking plnce in ihe French set- tlement at Shanghai. consequent on the closing of the King P0 joss house. Saturdm and Saturday night all the available men from the French cruiser h-lnileur “ore landed with four ma- chine guns. The volunteers; policy and ï¬remen were on duty all night. Sev- erl (‘hxnnnwn were killed and wounded and several foreigners were hurt by stones. . Pence Pro-neon. Madrid. July 18.â€"â€";\ member of the cabinet in an interview on Sunday a serted that the government was seek- ing an honorable peace with the l'nitod States. El lmparcial says that a mem- ber of the ministry declares that. ne- gotiations for peace with the l'nited States are only possible so fur as the question of Cuba is concerned. To demand more would be to say that Spain must commit giiicide. :nnboat Destroyed; St. Thomas. Danish West Indies, July 18,â€"«Tlie linited States cruiser Now Or- loans has completely destroyed the Spanish gunbnat Antonio Lopez. whose captain recently ran his \‘eesel‘ashore at Salinas. near San Juan de Puerto Rico. upbn being chased by two Ameri- can vessels while attempting to enter San Juan with a cargo of provisions and war materials. Storm Proves Fat-l. St. Louis. July lS.â€"â€":\ special to xlm Republiv from Dallas. Tex. says: A number of the counties: of northern Texas have been swept b\ a tt-rrii‘m ._.o.. Accident ‘0 Prince London. July 19.â€"-.-\ t at Marlborough house. residence of the prince the prince has fracture cap. WILL FIGHT IT OUT. ‘o Prlgce o! “'ulel. My 19.â€"-.-\ bulletin issued ugh house. the London the prince of “'ale sayl 15 fractured his left knee The farmer crep: utenlthll llon behind the fence. Step by step I181 ‘15an .alwayu with his gaze fastened upon the cherry tree, in ‘he dxslance. “Go! durn them town ban an\"‘\\ay, he muttered to himself, as he took a ï¬rmer np upon then - dooki lWi‘Ch that he 1d cut from the ickory “fuck of the hat-11"“! show ’em?†Agu~~ yvAl \ .u u..-,.... Meanwhile the boy in- the ‘tree kept crook- ing his elbow at a 32knot chp. The cherries were large and fat and red, and he had I wonderful tonnngr. Ever and anon he would smack hls lips and eject a hpmlful of Itones frqmrhil mout . It y!- glonous. . _ Nearer and neam he drew to the spot where the engn amen! 1m to occur‘ Soï¬ly, like a tiger vanoing upon its prey, he edged along through the Weedt, from one fence corner to another. _ Suddenlyj: «(1 form seemed to rig:- up out of thegr and anmebod) huwled 1n tones that wen: husk) _\\ith_ emotion: “r .u-. - It was one of those moments when a word may win an or onus? all (0 he long. The bov dropped (Le- lvimzesf. reddont, juiciest cherry that 111 had been ahln to reach, nllod himsnlf together. drvw his bare, brown Sega up under him, and replird: "I'm remomlverin’ the Maine. ' _\Ԥ'hen he could speak again the farmer sau : "If ‘hoy ain't enough hare fvr you. lerr'l another nice (too full of '0m. up yondvr in the orchard.â€â€"(,‘lcve!and Lender. “Here. drat your hide, what are \ ou duin up_ there? ' ... ,,,.,,,|,,.AA,,,J From the Gueue. Blendlnsvme. I]; The wife of the Rev. A. R. Adam, p‘utor of the Bedford Christian Church at Blan- dinsville, 111., was for years compelled to live a life of torture from disease. Her case haf- fled the physicians, but to-day the in lime and well, and tells the story of her recovery as follows: “About six 'ears ago,†said Mn. Adams, “I we bed 5. out. 140 oundl but my health egan to fail and lost fleah. My food did not agree with me and felt like I stone in m ' stomach. I began to bloat all over pntil {thought I had drppsy. LIA J). vvcn nun-n . """‘b"' - .. â€I had pains and soreness in my left side which extended clear across my back and also into the region of my heart. During these spells a hard ridge would appear in the left side of my stomach and around the left side. A _ _ . . _ . 1c“. u-uve . “These att‘acks left me sore and exhausted. All last summer I was so nervous that the children lau hing and pln 'ing nearly drove me wild. f sufl'ered a so from female troubles and doctored with ten different phylicinns without receiving any help. ‘ “My hus- |! {Bill ES! !| band h-ving read in the newspa or x of Dr. \-'il- liams’ Pink P i l l I {o r Pale People. induced me to try them. I be nn tak- ingt em hut November. but experi- enced no re- lief until I “My Hmband Read." $1,022"; am now taking the eleventh box and have been greatly beneï¬ted. u. u -.I a n- â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" "I wan also troubled with nervous pron- tration and numbness of my right Arm and hand so that at times I could hardly endure the pain. but that has all passed away. I now have a good appetite and am able to do my own work. Have done more this sum- mer than in the pm“ four years put (0 ether. Dr. \Villinmq' Pink Pills for Pale ’onple cured me and I think it my duty to let other sufferers know it." IIuSéI‘P-(‘lgv 6f "équallv remarkable canes have been cured by Dr.\Villiamn’ Pink Pill; “Your account is a good round sum," said Hie gnu-or; “dun! yuu thunk you‘ could square the circle 2’"*I A. \V. Bulletm. Ofï¬cer (to reoruiHâ€"“Viller I bohme \ou would have fallen off your horse if )ou had been a cemaur!‘ â€"'Fliégende Blatter. To Cure a (‘old In One Dly Take Laxative Brnmo Quinine Tuhlc‘tn. All druggxsts refund money if It falls tocure. â€250. is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientiï¬c processes known to the Clinton“ Fm Si‘m'P Co. only. and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the CALIFORNIA Fm SYRUP (‘0. only. a knowledge of that {act will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par- ties. The high standing of the CAIJ' roRxIA FIG SYRUP Co. with the medi- cal profession. and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families. makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It in far in advance of all other laxatives. as it acts on the kidneys. liver and bowel:- without irritating or weaken- ing them, and it does not grit-e nor nauseate. In ordertoget its bereï¬cial eï¬ects. please remember the name of the Company-â€" 8A! FRANCIIOO. OIL wtmuuz. Ky. 5" i STONE IN HER STOMACH. “'l- I Keen Boy ï¬nd “'-I Equal to the Oren-Io. When Caught at Int-lien CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP C0. PRESENCE OF MIND. NEW YORK. I. I. m__torpr1ouum lu(>llh}:l.2u;ll:llrd1"6" V |. In. 14- An) Int-fly naming um nnnnai luhu‘vl; mm- M ll'I-nrh In lheHvrrzund Mummy. rAh' D HASVH-k‘v. [ample oven-nu 6c. alou (‘nuln down. Rt cling. uh ten: llnnL ï¬ï¬‚lflflLï¬ï¬‚m Isl exect reproductions of the $10,000 original: by Hume. which will be given you ABSOLUTELY FREE by your grocer on conditions med below. These Phques are 40 inches in circumference, no free of my suggestion of advertising whstever, and will ornsment the most elegant apartment. No mufscturing concern ever before gave smy such musble presents to its customers. They ere not for ule st my price, sud cu: be obtained only in the runner speciï¬ed. The subjects ere: Americsn Wild Ducks. Amer-Ian Pheasant. English Quail. Enzush Snipe. The birds sre hendsomely emboesed end stead out nature) ss life. Eech Plaque is bordered with I but! of gold. For DECORATIII III.“ a“ BEILII†MURALO WA'I'IER COLOR PAI_N_1_'§ PAINT’BWALLS I 'I whvvuu - "-- wu-w â€" . -\ --vl- V from yourtroce or mum drtlur and do -r own dew-r anal TM- mnurul In I A .- I' III. ... n- .Mu .4 nun - laugh and hen I .- h-rd nl ‘rmrnl llllrd In Iva-n!) IV|IYJ|Eli Ind um yourtroce or palm urn-«r lnu uu ll tomawleavul-muwandlm lulu-rd l n in - won qunuly n loll Illh mid or hm \u r (V'IQII (hr IA- Ll rout} PA Iâ€. um If you (mot "Arch-u um lantern! ho you! 10:11 donor- lot u. not and ‘0 \-| I put you kl (he "7 “WW“ "I" THE MURALO omuuv. NEW amonton. 3.1., NEW YORK. has been the lundud lot 23 years. TWENTY-TWO MILLION puhges of this broad were sold tut yen. That’s how good it is. ASK YOUR DEALER to Ihow you the pluquea And tell you about Elastic Stuck. Accept ... 4- - vâ€"â€"â€"â€"'7â€" , I down. lit-modeling to pm! nylo Rout- LA- uh tum; I! u enunrelly rue-Inn! (or m ll ndl-umelnmron Emu-A I12- Lm Low â€1‘ In. filth". no substitute. | 733m: ELASTIC ST ARCH g 01389STEELFillNflLFll.fl325 is like a plant. What bakes the plant fade and wither? Usually lack of neoesnarf nourishment. The reason why Dr. Ayer‘s Hair Vigor restores gray or faded hair to its normal color, stops hair from {a ling, and makes it grow, is becaua it supplies the nouris at the hair needs. 9% hair ï¬bx TRWHFH Efï¬ï¬kï¬ï¬ "9?. ï¬gefls Wat? vigor. upon cpl... rung-0nd: A Italian.†C‘TL AtIIOI luv“. lento. Mn. 00.. II. “Luck of bnin {now On my recovery. I found lay-elf Moody we and. rod. long time. x feared 1 Mid be vmmdy no. Prion no on no DA Ayer’l Hui: ' r, 1nd. on doing my ir immodinwly bog“ w grow, I Incubus-ha nndï¬no-Wofhiruomconld wish for, being _chn haw-var, from.b]ondo mndark éjiic‘ao_ -1 n ----v---- __ _-,, Hu 018 inch lel to]: Cooklnaservico 30:34 lnrhu. ovv-n 12 â€when my}: 17 turban with] 1-9 “who: don: lb-nllon morvmr truth! ‘00 ‘ba Bum. Wood or C051. for .35 ruh‘ frrlrhl prepaid boynu! Il-tum m I my: “(w-[u I nix-monthl not: natured) IO m‘rxusr Ind YOU PAY PR'YUHT \n Iutï¬ But-[lulu vfr "(viva Bonn-t Wm. luv (rm 4"“! pun pumpkin ‘r-‘L ‘ x-'._.u WM. 0. WILLARD. MFG-,1 I WAR Bul'fll’t‘UJ 5 hound 1nd sum;- im 14- An) Indy mumâ€. 'I-nrh In In:- c Ivrrltnd 1i liifl‘féua I wll‘ menu you Dunn. mo dyI} Io id. haw-var, fromblondo to dark [Wilton 152 Pnciï¬c An, 8mm FREE for a few month- to all user: of the celebnted ELASTIC STARCH, (Flu Iron Brand). To induce you u: try this brand of starch.†am you my ï¬nd out for younclf tint all claim: for its superiority and econ- omy nre true, the when hue Md prepued, at put mean. a mi:- of (our pl. in ï¬nding, Ohio: [ind p mag PLAQUES A Beautiful Present ttwl ï¬rm! :5: bool- o! In DROPS! 55er Iccps Elastic Starch. Do not dbl-y. This oï¬er h [or Alhon time only. flow To Get Them mat Imam Ail purebuen o! (hm 10 mat or nix been: â€than 0! Elastic Burch (Flat hon Bran \, am entitled to ro- nivohom theirgrocor one o! thee. beautiful 0m Hum free. The inquu will not ho gem by mil‘ 0] cu: be obuinod only from your I’I'RCH PAQKA C‘b and 115‘ N by 71 . mm ‘v- lull loans I. II. Ullll‘l “In. All-Ia. Us. mt p-vumou Only NEW DISCOVEHV; quwk n u" .m: nu“ \vrl