HAS GOOD GOVERNMENT. RIiUTE TO BISMARCK.- n Franclu-u Pulnh-d Out I. I" lnuuum- of l‘rugrvuu v N-H (.vne-rnnu-nl. I) “I .1 be house. v sub- vmau- their He. no: In \i'. re- Vi‘: the ‘k‘ \lln‘ of l)r. mo- Illx'n', er ,AII ILY">L’ 1< fhe :‘ Mm- v. [HA rt his- hands The for Ind dcd H .lztun‘ Lt.- of Hon; “are is the {hit H‘t‘ HI u! .II‘OD 0X" UPS- Jud. of XS- IV Ilâ€" l'd siâ€" m 1113 d {'6‘ ~15, 13 he The "iminzner" of the war was neither a guerrilla nor a rubber in point of fart. though the element had its chums. llv was a man rt-stive of dis- ciplinr. llc'tlitln't >hil‘k ï¬ghting. but be wantwl to tight when aml how he pleasml. llis appetite craved some- thing l‘rl In'l‘ than army rations‘ and he ylso hall a ruriosity to know what was going on lit-twwn the linh. No mat- ter how <tringent the orders or how watchful the proxost guard. the “bum- mer†fuuml a way to get out of camp and no “ardering about. The advance: guard of :1 Illfll'l’hlllfj army, “hethvr cavalry or infantry. always found the free lam-v: ahead of them. Now and then tlmy actctl as scouts and brought in valuahlc information. but 11> a rule they had little concern except for themselw>. . Sauna the Provost Guard.’ Just before Hooker N-t his army in march for ( hunt-ellorsvillc a provost guard of lit) mm “as orth-rt'll out to rouml up a lot of "butnmrrs" who “-pr» ra'nllrg the oountry to the east. gmm‘. of 1x0 mm “as orm-rt'u out to round up :1 lot of "bummrrs" who were midlrg Hue ooumry to the east. Four ur the men had bven m‘orhnu'n‘d and Intuiv- prisoners, when 1110 guard rode ha: a confederum ambush in xhe “'E CA) JEST GET ONTO THE HANG OF THINGS." shot at him. The story got to Wash; ington and was commented on by Pres- ident Lincoln. and it has been asserted ; thut the president‘s levity cnuscd thei general to tender his resignation. i .\ “'omau'n llonnd-l‘p. l When Stoneuall Jackson tlunked in on Pope the "bummers" were scattered m er :1 large extent of territory. There was not it company in any regiment which hud not contributed at least one main. They Wont roaming in Squads of three or four over highwnys where no (Ullll‘tlfllldEF dared send less than half a regiment. and many “ere shot or taken prisoner. Enough were left, however, to terrify the people of every farmhouse in every direction. By some circumstanceabout M) of them reached a certain farmhouse at the same time, and. tinding only a woman and two (‘1‘ three children about. they killed the only pig left, devoured the last few chickens and plundered the house of whatever took their fancy. As it was a rainy night they took up their quarters in the barn. No sooner were they settled down than the woman took her children and set out for help, end after walking seven miles she en- (mmtered a confederate picket post and told of the game in the trap. Ile- ‘ fore midnight the burn was surround- l l i l rd and every “hummer" captured, and mmv of them had not got back to their rs giments when the war Nosed. . IInrnnldc-‘I Order. .\ nmnth before (Ran. Burnside “as re- !ievmi of his command the “hummer†element was called to his attention so forcibly that he issued more stringent orders than had ever before gone out. It was announced that any soldier who should be found absent from his com- mand without a pass would he impris- one‘d during the remainder of the war, with a forfeit of all pay and allow- nnces. The provost guard was in- creased and ordered to do constant scouting, but the “humming" went on just the same. Then came. a second or- der, to the effect that any soldier ab- sent for two days without lenve should 'l,e considered a deserter and treaï¬ed accordingly. This brought back some of the men to duty. but one of the pro- fessionals at least ca’me into head- :quarters solely in Search of informaâ€" ‘tion. 'He did not get to see the gen- eral in person. but he had an interview with one of the stafl', and, holding up a printed copy of the lust order in his hand, he said: “Kurnel. the boys kind 0' want to ‘know what this means, and have sent me in to ï¬nd out." “Can‘t you read?“ demanded the colonel. “More or less, but we can't jest git on to the hang of things. Is the war coming to an end?" “It doesn‘t look like it." “That's the way we all argue, and be- ing as Gen. Burnside can‘t down Lee in a square fight why don't he let us go ahead and eat him out of house and home till he'hns to surrender?" The “anxious inquirer" was sent to the guardhouse pending a return to his company. but he managed to get away in a day or two, and the next. thing heard of him was a scrawl in which he said that four of them had run a con- federate calf into the woods and would divide the vet“ with headquarters it u iegimcnt was sent to assist them t'o make a capture. Had Burnside hung LEWIS. <6W§W£W§9 CHARLES ,I/g/ on he might hme issued a third «uh-r. but even had it annollncwl xn~tunt death as the penalty 0! "bun‘nning" he i could not have uholishml it, . ‘ C-ught tn the Spring-nonlo. ‘ A portion of t'ustcr's votuniuntl was scouting towards lierrj'flllv one tiny before the battle of Wint-ln-stt-r when it came upon n queer state of utYuiru at I farmhouse. ’l‘uo hours previously a gang of heTt'n “buuimers†Lull (’Ulne along and sturted in to loot the house. The {mutter “us a confederate holdier, who was home on furlough to he nursed for a wound in the thigh. 110 um. not, yihle to lean: his bl‘d, but his “its hund- ‘ ed him his musket. and he shot one of ‘ the Illl‘n tlt‘ml und drove the rest out. They did not go (way. hmwn-r. being determined to kill liln nod burn the house in n-u-nge. He had his bed drawn to tho door, and being propped up he lh‘pt lllt‘lll aw“) from tln- rear of ‘ the houw. \shfle nib “ifo, “ho “a; ill'lllt’d \\ith on old imolwr, tin-ti often t'nough to pron-tit any tippt‘out'h to the front. 'l'ht-rc “us t Hiring llUllM‘ of solid lmiltl n to“ rttls {tom the lult‘k door. and the "bununc-rs" entered it to t‘egalc‘ tht'nlsohrs before t'lti.~ilig in onthc house. The door UlH‘llCtl inwards. untl “hilt tht-y “t-re pl:i_\ing hurnc with the milk pan< the “UHHIH np- protit-hwl nnd pullt-ll the (lliur to and throat it stick through thv handle. The strtwturc “us too solid to he bt‘atvn down, and us there was but one win- dow, the 1110“ tried to mulw their u- thin" that “my. [’roppctl up in his bed, (:ipv thut “in. I’rnppcd up in hlli bod “ith his “mind puiuiug him at our) umwment. the couh-derute ï¬red at (-v Pry head thrust out. and his bulh-tn flew so (‘i(l>(‘ that all uttvutpts “ore soon abandoned. We found him “in: his tuuskut in his grasp und :1 «ii-11d man on the thmr, uml He also {uunil the soldiershuihlied togethvr in the spring~ house. The .lllft‘Jt‘l'lllc could him: IH‘K‘H curried off a pi isomer of \\ur, hut he was not disturbed. ()u the ('uutrur)‘, while u huudn-d billt‘ (mats “rro (ii- \itiiug thi-ir t‘uliuus \\ilh the “Mr. the utiivvt's \nrc milking (‘ush donations tn tin i]l|.\iti|1|(i.\\fl||'lilt‘â€i)lllnlllt‘l‘\" tin _\ \n to tuim d nu r to tht r: ink and tile to he ki(k('tl, :u u thu gut in dime to bt‘ him-min led all tinit ti |_\.~. ( u~- tet‘ mthr-r fzn'o't'il :- mun “ho svt out for :uiwnturc hetuvru 1hr lim-s. hut he hmi no mercy on icon-1"; and rub- hers. The (irttynhurx Campaign. As the eonfederutes “ere ï¬ghting mostly at home there \\ ere fr“ “b'lllk I'lll’l‘S"lll(‘()llllllll'l>ull. There \\ 4' re guer- rilla bands who robbed friend and foe alike, but individual soldiers were not given to it. The golden opportunity came when Lee invaded l‘ennsylninia. liet'ore crossing the Potomac he issued thestrictestordersagninstlooting, but they were obserted only in Maryland.‘ When the Ynnkee‘ stute was once reached thousands of men went. to for- ngiug on their own account. They were ahead of the armyâ€"behind it»â€" on both flanks. They fornged on horse- back, on foot and in wagons. For 15 miles on either side of the highways they did not miss a farmhouse. The ï¬rst eullers gobbled the horn-s The next wanted provisions. The next looted the houses. Men on {out lnore away looking-glasses, trunks. bedding. crockery, tinwareâ€"anything they could carry. Those on horsebuek had great bundles in front and behind them. In a train of 29 confederate wagons captured on the retreat was found nlmost every article in use by civilized people. The “bummers†had taken plow points. drng teeth. old hnr» ness collars, rusty spikes, cracked jugs, kegs of Vinegar. hundleless axes, and even the "old oaken buckets" from the wells. There were crowbars and iron wedges; there “ere buggy wheels and luce curtains. There were fztriners‘ boots, children's shoes and women’s slippers, and hosiery belonging to all m‘ tlmln. In one “112011 a family Bible, of them. In one'wugon a family llible. two (‘lieckcrliourds. an old gun hnrrvl.l children's picturc books. Wehstor's' dictionary. (1 lot of ï¬ucumlwr pitfleS‘ nnd n worn-out harm-s: wvre flung into a box together. The l’rnnsylvn- nin Dutchmen “'ch the principal suf- fm‘t‘rs. nnd they (lid not gt-t through tiling claims for ï¬ve yenrs after the war. No houses or barns were burned. but no farmer escaped being (it-spoiled. Not onu in n dozen of them had time to hide nnything. and a quurtcr of un hour after the ï¬rst “bummer" showed up the X‘nruwr was a ï¬nnnciul \t'rvck. Nine-tenths of the stuff loaded up u’us worthless to the captors, hut foragi- nntl commissnry supplies “'(‘l‘c thronn away to take: it in. After the battle of Falling Wutors. “hon Leo tinully, (-rossrd the river, he left on the l‘t'llll- >_\lV£llllH shore about 30 broltexmlonn \\‘:lt,:till\'. In one of those wns {1 Dutch ‘bt‘thYt‘llll of mahogany. which lunkl‘ll ‘to ln' “JIM )t'urs oltl. nntl it Wux so liexny thnt it must have taken {our turn tn lilt it. In unothcr was nn iron Enft'. cmpty. nntl with onP hingv lirolu-n. l! “right-«l 300 pounds, und what its ('HI)< tors. \\rr~> going to do with it nus n lynx/.10. 'l'ln-rc was (it lolut one- big looking-glass to every wngnn, and tho \nrions rug cnrpott- put togotlwr u oultl hnvc mmnurml UH) miles. A coflin and u tombstone were about the only two articles missing. Approved. Smithcrs (soric-Iy poemâ€"ram think- ing of issuing n \ulume with wide mur- gins. Do you like the idea? \ u y,AI " ' ’ a Miss Dc Facto (warmly) )nu cannot make )nur mu: uidc fur IIH‘. I adorn: blaul Harlem Lifc. (- )Amr margins \00 adorn: blank “Erna.â€" â€"-Indccd, Smu- (hntliy. The ï¬ltnnmul rrvurd of clillritall'v inï¬llmimm for monst cndui June 3:). 1mm; foHuwing: The lotul ordlnnry uxp-nm- 0‘ \h.~ 131n- llllannn wax 834;; W211 Thr lnlnl nrt ere-nnu to 1m- umu- was 035.1131.†The mm! numlwr of Innmttu prrmnl at 1hr he- xinnlnx 0! (hr quurlrr wu- $.11t. Hm-r ad- min-M. lirw, 1,53), former mum!†rrfld- mmud. 25$ ahsmtun rmurm, 360, mnk‘ mg wxolul 0! 11,23), Thu number dischurxzd or nbm n1 was 2.5 7. and M! dud Thug wrrc pn-m-m n! (he end or HIV qumler 6.26; main: and 3.3% {rnwlrs Tlu- “Vera“. cost per mmm Ins “1.14 George Mull. u pruuunent Ind Wealthy farmer rel-Ming mw milr {rum Masruutuh. committed auit‘idv. Hv got. up m midnight. hunk dnun a shmgnu and‘ “1-H! on! on â€A? hnul. “hrrr hr plucvd |hr pm. 10 hi) hmul Mini pullo'd both trim." |~ uhh his luv. 'Hw [up (-1' 115‘ ln-zui “as Iiwral!) bluun « 11' Hr- t-cusr-d \\ In 59 )rurs of 41:2 um] fur 1m 508% has nu m-dvm‘ of 1hr thin! farms in sQlHlH‘l‘ll Illinulx Hr it'fl‘t'.‘ u uiduw und'flmr 5:1 0“ 11-11;) x-hildn‘n. .\0 taunt i.~ khrmn fur 1h:- dvvd. I'rI-un l‘hnployr In Jnll. Ehnrr A‘ Luivh, u lrush-d emplnye of the ".inuib Muir Innilanuun. “a! arrt‘stml in JUHM am] )1.“ rd in 1h:- count) jail Ahurgna with “ruling \u - In“ from the sun- Haluui :u 34â€â€œ and of hnung bt‘ru nu nu umplh o- uf Prank I‘npn lhl‘ «‘unnivt. in pilfvring sn- vrnl hundred (iuHars' “0!â€! u! rattan {urn lurr- from tho prlmm “urn-huumn ],I:t1'.~ wmfrsm-d 10 [hi «ruling nmi saidit 1111(1‘tl‘t'nguingnllf(lf1\\'l:}'1‘ur!\. Guy 1'. 14'“ â€â€™18 \Vin 01h {rum \ludlsn lowrni Hm Val (10“ n Iln- lim'k ll:clz\-4-1n.\'v\\‘ UH†Hf \1t \I‘u‘u JuL'n-r The Mint- board of urlulrnlml (MW-Mod 1hr Huh u! (h:- szriLIL: m u! Puma l>_\ wanniinp Hw IHHH’ (Thislu-I‘1nn.gr(ms \u'nghY. and H mending that crrtuin Ul‘lil'l'h “hi1- wml «wmpunira :11 Puma lun't- lu- I-uing to Hu‘ir ompluyvs.um11hr cohming six pvr vent, when â€my 0115th be dist-untinuvd. ILLINOIS STATE NEWS. Dnughter- of the Globe. The Syvmnurc “Lughters of the Glubv. thz- ï¬rst nrgunizatinn in Illinois to ufl'or its bf‘X‘Vil'PS to Gov. Tnnï¬rr to {u'rn'n-h \llpplif s .for sick and wounded soldiers. is carrying on the “ork 0x- tunhiH-ly. The wnrk is undrr the nu- perï¬sion of Mrs. James Shuftvr, “ife 01th? brother of (h-n. Shutter, at Sun- tingo. 1 Swan Johnson, an age-d ritizrn. drumwd (loud in church in Mulim‘. He had just chm"! tlu- testimony of his faith in (ind uvul unnouncrd that he was onh \\ ni'ing fur the summons «her: he lnwinunl \Hllk‘)8(kill1(l his chair um] c xpin‘d “ithuut n struggle. Dvuth‘Mns ( mix“! by 1) art di'wum Drownrd In thr “lb-III. John F. Taylor, Hoorgc Wilson and lid Slrickvr. \\'(-H-knn\\n citih'nh of \anmsh 1u\\n:~,lxip. “err druwnrd in the Wnbash riu‘r‘ right miles southâ€" emu of Marshall, “hilt: wining. Join Davison and Irvine ('x'ulnrimu of the same pal‘!y.!1:u.n wry nnrrrm (nu-ape from dvuth. All. haw {lllllihl‘h. "l‘hc‘ Hun-rinwndz revokui lht- lirrn: â€linuh nf1hv I-Iqu; OI “051nm. Thmnns An :n‘my um! nmy Ira}. izr-(i ut Muunt \'«-rnnn v llimmm :s prvsidvnl 1: â€0mm. M‘vrc‘tur}. \liw lu-m-xu \YuHmr. t( \\n~hi}L \Hnnirrml (hr \‘(uuiu unhmlt food. \‘ 5110 “as insane. ’l‘ht' 1:11'31' ‘uhk burn o‘uuwi 1‘) \I Hmw» u! Wl'X'Q‘ t',r-H'n_\l~d I») 11““ Harry Fumh-I‘ {011 fr n! his hmnv in ('nu-_\' Ht Dix. fA-I ArI-llrnlur- .ktuh- board 1; (11hr ('il‘t‘ u! (l 1):; 1n 'n\'.nn‘.il To "run†In a ('nnnr .Ln-I'. of Hm-kfurd,u 8! (I Inâ€. [m D“. '4 mm of lim-kfurd, u shuh’n! In n~1nlnziu-r.~i!_\. hzw started sun to Urn/z} m in tumor. lle m.» Lukv Mnnunu and fa!- Yuhnru snu'h. Ha- uill gr) lim'k rim-r â€.u {he Miminiillu, Xv“(H'lt‘.ll“,1)l"llHl'l'lW‘th‘ z\".vu nun} 31w ( :n'llvln :In l-l‘h ml; \Humn- m-vun and liia 11h \Humn again“ It \\i Died Suddenly ml nmy ln-ugur “m urgnn 11 \'«-rnnn “All 31â€,“. N prvsidvnl and Mrs: J. F unha burns in H4 mom H9114» (If HutYulU. .\', Y u’ I»\ 1w uh). {Churn-9 «Ru {011 (rum :1 II.†n lull in (nu-y and hrukt- his uln making :1 1‘ rrmw mr ixw dry: sh; qun in- l,.:m-ul in Hn- l'niled nx'.il1l|dvngninzuh~ )y .l migr Shun :‘Ilrr u,\\hu“a.~nn:Hflhlvr- munrrn. Aim! at the mud 4C of the Globe. >11! of inhurnnvo has r In (In luminns in mhh- Life chmpuny â€cold... I urlulrutiun has 11- 51141»ng minrrs W â€W IHIHI’rh 1H ‘. hum! ('0!‘H1\jUF\ :Itinn (If I".\:u..~lnn m» pulmrh hm. H‘n \rm' «1:L‘\~m Xhl \Hwn ruptured u smut-nun hzw started ‘1 vulmr. He Uf Unknlmmu ' Lmulrr LN" Ear pun In nu) Hum“ “113“). :he nut. ‘11? thrre .hmu the l-n is n dis rum- ]; 11w Impihn uw for Cowl-1mm. mes By )4. 12m... A! the iiuir ruilruud Hunun 011k?“ Burr thwr “as a )uung umu hing o. the platform wllh u brukt'n leg and . dinlm'uivd Humidor um! in \w inquired “hut sun of an accident he had me‘ with, an old man who mu:- supplyin‘ (he xii-mu mm “ulrr to drink, ex- pinnird: "it's my run. Jor, and it “are [hit bull- gine on that other Iraiu “hat In†him om. Jest pit-hm] him right up and histvd him 30 it“ away. and he won't gil on-r it fur mouths." "He got in the \\ a; of the rngine,did be?" “up ush-d. "Yrs. huh, and he- gnl thur' on I“. uwn um‘mml. 1 ‘old you not to do it. duin'l l. Jm"."' “Yrs." “as tho fnim 11ml): “Hr rm'kum-d no hullmuc rnuld buck him of! â€no truth. but hr didn't “and no ShUVL If i! had hen-n a olrplmln he Hugh! hnw ml: hold of hi: Hunk.â€or if n hml {um-n u hull ln- might hm “(A hold ufhnrlmranmlHun-Wunn‘!nu1hin‘10 Lclch Uh Mr. .Im: “an 100 rumpugouus. lkmmed lu' \Hu- pn.n' to hr. and I may. Latch Uh Mr. Joe \\ lkmmcd lu- \\.'u- 4.1 lo him: " ‘Jm‘, dun'X Kn In lnukixf a {tile 0' )(zxxrm'lf. Thu! lmllgme ia- muvhhwry, und no man van‘l lurk]: machinery. You‘ll git hin-d. furrunh.‘ lbuid their; wurda‘ to _\uu.ditln'l1,.101'7" "Yuu did," “1:!in .100. â€Hut 3011 thought _\nu “as ear-(b- qnnkr: um] uh-Hwimla rolled to- grtlwr. and you jut tlxruwed down )nur hut mud “lumped and «hired that lmllgine \u come on. Joe \un too pvnh, grmlnm-n- u hvap sight too )u-ul’k" “And lw's hmfly injured, is he? Irkwl (MW of H1:- punrngers. “l rcwkun lu- is." rn'lnhrd the (ï¬ber. "You'd (‘nll Al bn('l_\' injurvd. “(midi)" “'l‘lml ll g i.~ brul‘rn, >lmuldc'r all on‘ 3‘ nlmpo, and lu- m-c-un lnun-«l up all around. I l‘nmu-d lu- “Ulllkl 1w, but I l uuldu'l lltllll him. \\ hen uyvlmgnian gilt; um pI-nrl llu. hl‘llhi’ all you “1110' gilt; um pI-nrl 1h. hl‘hhi’ all you “1110' lm~ lu-mL Hv'd Ln'klrd h'uH and bull- :md 1mm. and LP llu-ugm nuthin' on nsl'lh (-«mhl Mum] “yin him. That'l mnh mm uh" )nu llll'\h t-nnlnl xtuinl :ipm mm. '1 mn- “lint )nu thnuyht, tlluln't } on. Joe ?" “Rerlum l dul," rtplned the \ictim, u be opened and Hmml hi:- ï¬es. “Yes, that's “lint .ulu thought. and you \Vns lumelu-«l :10 {en-t high and all [mated to Minneh us u (‘Ullht‘ht’nce." “I! he get: “ell he'll probably know more." mid the l'tHHiUClOT, as we wero trendy to proceed. ‘ "That‘s what I‘m thinkin'," replied the father. us he sprinkled on more water. “lie-'2. a 1:1 'roarin‘ young man. Jot is, but he was gittin‘ altogether too peart. He‘d got to that pan whlr’ nuthin' had too many claws and teeth fur him to tackle. l'xu thinkin' it was the doin's of the and to bring him to his senses. Do you feel that. it. was good fur you. Joe?†“I reckon." “Yes, I reckon m. too. If you‘d whopped that hullgine you'd hev turned on your father. and your own father Would hev tlriv you out 0' Eight into the uirth and bin a murderer. Yes. it's all happened fur the best. and if any of you folks ltin lune we a chnw of terlmcker and n ltetle whisky, I'll git him home and ï¬re that he don't tackle nuthin' bigger‘n u landslide arter h. git. well." jOE HAD GOT T00 PEART. He Knew LIN-r. “Ilka preny uanw."1hc impresaion- able traveler murmured “But tell me, “bydolhf'yCnll)0l1MunEla?" 'l'hvre “as an arch bxullc on Um sav- age maiden‘s fave. “Evidently." she said, as she signaled to her hrothern, who were concealed in the bush with dubs. “_\ou did um know our quoxiu' food.“ Hark In Life. M-Inlllnlnu Her I "Hut _\uu dmfl «urn 3 far“ hair'. the l-nlI-‘r u; rhgm (hut “mm H ghoul in 1110 uur.†l} I (in... Y‘lj‘Hl’Al “Eur "Sure“ I Lin." Y‘lfhl’tl \zl'h‘ 'Knoit- Mm-lu r, “I run-H In Mm} Mr‘ Meeker (n â€w (run! up my .kulnlilulvf'n-(‘rhj- (-uuo Tut-um: (ago lnMr ml»! 1 Hnurfl. MJII). i1l“'»‘ j Hnml. Hun (1‘) though Hume-3 1! 1'" (mm .hllâ€l (h Jul Hilllll Ilrr \nnuuucrmcll (Hr uumru ahuuhl take a part ,\ llrprnul ,uznxl , m: “'1‘ (‘rt-um Jr p'lnme 1 km mnv up in m h'r git murrird :11: r!) _\( r l'xlluvlgru‘ 'nurn ' 'm1r} \!.mx.~ M: . madam, 1 Lm I am eng‘ged. Her l‘luhn. \. mr \jvws so :nt. "as m unk in yo? )unr , (it-Id \\ uh 3 rr u ï¬nd â€I.