Three Men Drowned. Philadelphia. PL. Aug. 22.â€"-A yaw! containing ï¬ve men was run down by ‘ river steamér In the Delsware river opposite the mouth of the Scuylkfll fl", and three of the men were Irown'ed. Erupdo- of Val-Vin. Nlplu. Aug. 19.â€"Vesuvius In 1311:: in 3 late of active eruption. Four streams of lava are flowing dowu the mountain side at the rate of 400 yu-ds An hour. The chestnut trees on Mount Bomma have been burned. Constant explosions are heard in the central crater, which is emitting smoke 1nd names. The parade o! the ships, from the time it passed the Battery on its wny up the river to the time it repassed on It. way to anchorage of! Tompkins- viUe. S. 1.. occupied just two hours and 85 minutes. A: Gen. Grant's tomb, which marked the beginning of the return of the lquldron, a national salute 012! gum mu ï¬red. The dilute ended. the re- turn of the squadron along the line of :evlew was begun. It, was a repetition of the enthushstic scene: on the way up the river. ’to get a glimpse of the ships, were ready for movement. Strung out along their decks in long. regular lines were the white uniformed jackies. with here and there a bluecoated officer. all strongly contrasted against the son:- ber, lead-colored armor of the ships. The Start. When the hour for the start'came it looked as if it- would be impossible for the ships to make their way through the perfect jam of river cralt. Sud- denly there was a movement on the flagship New York as the big ship started forward with a slow, stately lide. She was immediately followed y the other six vessels in the follow- ,ing order: Iowa. Indiana, Brooklyn. Hassachunetta. Oregon, Texas. It. was come time before the ships could get {into review formation, but by the time :the New York's prow came in lipe with Governor's island the other ships had Kenneth in a regular line. The start was accompanied by tremendous cheering. screeching voices and 'boomlng cannon. New York, Aug. 22.-Bundreds of thonssnds of people lined the banks of the Hudson Saturday to welcome the return of the North Atlantic squad- ron under command of Rear Admiral Sampson. and as ï¬ne an.August day as eculd be desired was nature's tribute to the return of the victors. For ai~ most three solid hours steam whistles 0! all sizes. steam sirens and small gm along the shores shrieked and; omed in the effort to display the he'irtiest enthusiasm for the home- coming of the naval heroes with their battle-scarred ships. Seven Bis Ships In Line. Early in the morning the seven big ships. the New York. lows, Indiana, Brooklyn, Massachusetts. Oregon and Texas. lay'in New York bay just off- Tompkinsville. S. I. There was no idea with Admiral Sampson that New York city was prepared for a rousing recep- tion. but the news was brought shortly by a tug from the navy yard, and all the ships of t-he squadron were immeâ€" diately put under preparation for dress revi w. By nineo‘clock the big. dullâ€"looking ï¬ghting ships, looming high sbove the picturesque confusion of smaller craft which had come down 1-30-11. Puget-t I. flew York Bar- “! oi the Eli,- That Sent Cer- ven'o Flee: to bounce“..â€" wute Gel. Grant’s 'I‘o-b. Rousing Reception of Sampson and Schley on Thai: Retina. A FITTING WELCOME. __._.._ _-___v__._~ --_ vu-â€" vv‘wa‘A‘QA‘V\JI“‘JAJHLIIA ADIIRALS SAHPSON'! AND SCHLEY'S WIC‘I‘ORIOIS “'All \ESSELS Eth-ZRING THE BAY 0]“ NE“ \ORK THE RETURN OE OUR CONQUERING«FLEETS. Ail-Ira] Dolley sick. Bridgeport. Conn.. Aug. 23.-â€"Admir|l Schley‘h conï¬ned to his summer home In Wenport by illness, and no one ex- cept his uttendante are allowed to nee hlm of'have any corner-anon with him. fli- iIIneu {I pronounceé fever, the charnc‘er of which is not jet known. Gel-3 to Honolulu. San Francine. Aug. 23.â€"-â€"A telegum bu been recdvcd from the wu- do- pu-tmcnt ordering .u (be troops of Gen.“ Merritt's department remaining hero to be sent to Honolum with :1 leaf four months subsistence And medical suppliu 1nd to be held more until further orders. Preston, Minn, Aug. 23.â€"â€"The Fill- more counq bank of this place hu failed. M. B. Todd wee cashier and MI mother-in-law. Mu. J. T. Greenlcef, was president. Todd “signs as the reason for in failure that he lost heavily in wheat options. The at ailtent cushier, J. J. Hagen, ItltCl that the depoeite are about $50,000. Benton to Death. Selma. Aim, Aug. 20.-â€"A1ex Walker, a negro living near Plenuntnm, was called tram his cabin by a party of white men and carried to the woods. Here he was strapped to a stump and beaten with buggy tracu. He wax re~ leased and managed to crawLback to his home, where he died half an hour later. Thenegro had been very trouble- Iome in the neighborhood. y Carrasco. Judge Advocrarteï¬Ã©ra-nL-gé; Aguua y Leon. For Cubaâ€"M15 Gm Gonzales Punado. Rea: Admiral Putor y Landero. Marquu Montore a sence o! Ambassador (inmbon. who bore a. notiï¬cation from the Spanish gmernment of the military commis- sioners for Cuba and Pucrto Rico. Un- der the peace protocol each‘goveru- nient was to name its military com- miuioners within ten days. Ilieir meet~ lugs to begin within 30 days. The ten days was up Monday. Ind accordingly Spain gave the ofï¬cial notice of the ap- pointments; They are as follows: For Pnerto Ricoâ€"4‘11. Gen. Ones: y Digs. Commodore of Fiat Rank Valleflno Wnshington, Aug. 23,â€"The state de~ partment received a call from M. Thte- baut. secretary of the French em- busy. sad in charge during thc ub- lane. 0! Those Appointed by the â€ï¬lth! Govern-cut l‘nder the Peace Protocol. A comparison of Vhe total appropria (ions for 1899. excluding the war ap‘ propriatiqns for 1898, shows an in: crease (or 1899 of $2,636,608. The total number of new ofï¬ces and employmeuu speciï¬cally ldthorized amount to 301,353.51! :1 cost of $53,691.- 911. of which number 27;,909 at a cost 0! 343.240.1390 are {or the military es- tabHshmeut and2 5.996 at a con of 39 544109 for the naval establishment on account of the war. Washington, Aug. ZILâ€"The volume of appropriations. new oflicen, etc, re- quired by law to be prbpared “who end of each session of congru- under the direction 0! the committee. on up- propriations of the senate 1nd house of repreuntatives. ha: just been com~ plated for the second session of the Fin;- ï¬fth congress by Mr. T. -P Cleave: And Mr. J. C. Courts chief clerk: respectively of the stunt nnd house commute-cl. A summary of the appropriations shows the grand total to be 8893 23!.615. Of this amount $36! 859 92". 26 are to meet expcmes 6n acnount of the war with Spain. The Appu.rk¢~nd¢ by the hot Colsmu Amounts Io Over Elsi! audit-d Inflono. SPAIN’S COHXISSIONERS. Bank Failure. BIG SUI 0F HONEY. To Raine Spanish Shun. New York. Aug. 23.-â€"Litut. Hobaon has left ‘his city on xhe Sugurnncn for Snmingo. Who'n' he will suprrintend the raising uf the Spatial: “arships. Fatal Floods. 811111., Aug. 19.-â€"-Iluvy flood- 3nd dangeroul landulidu ha" occurred below Nuinï¬tal, 1n Kumnnn province. A brewery wan destroyed. The Euro- penn residents no believed to hue escaped, but many nuke: were kflled. lit-boo Pro-cud. . Wuhington, Aug. 23.911“: preli- dent hat promo‘ed Capt. Charla D. Sigubee. U. S. N.. now commanding the St. Paul. by uduncing him three numbers on the “at of cnpuim in the any {or "extant-din“, heroilm." End of War (In-Q.- Idle-en. ‘ Philadelphia, Aug. 23.â€"â€"Noticel have been posted at the Frankfort] arsenal to the elect the! the services at all the extra men who were put to work since the outbreak of the war will be diapenled with on September 1. Alba! 700 per-om are eflected by the order. The reduction in force will reduce the daily ouiput from 30,000 to 40 000 cartridges. i A ball at the executlve building. M which 2.000 sues}. were pro-em, was the culmination of {ï¬e {enth‘me- whlvh fol- lowed the ceremony of an; raining Al the conclusioiz o! the ceremonlu tho national guard wu marched to the pa- rnde ground: where the ouh of allegiance was administered. The municipal loci-[Mien or Hawaii and the existing cunoml regulations will prac- tically remain in force mm! the congress ot the Unilad Stale- Ihall otherwise de- termine. Tbs powers of the minister or iorvign Afâ€" fairs will cease. to {at a.- they relate to diplomauc intercourse between Hawaii 1nd foreign nations. After the Hawalnn flag had been taken down and the American flag ï¬nned, Minn- (er Sewn†rend a provlamnllon Inning that President McKinley direct: (but the clvl). Judicial and mmlnry powers of tho government shall continue to be nerd-rd by the ofï¬cer: of the republic of Haws“, All such ofï¬cer: will he required (0 u}: the oath o! uleglmce lo the United Bum- nnd renew their bonds to the l'nuod Slate- governmenL. "Mr. Pronidentz In the nub: of the United State: I accept the turf-(er o! the aoverflrmy And property of the Hawaiian government." Preside!!! Dole anncred, acknovhdflng the making of - Ire-{y o! politic“ union. and formuly yielded to Mini-zerSernu, u the rcprnenlntlve of the government of the L'nned BKIU'I. (he Ioverelxnty and public property of the Haw-Hun Islnndn. Mr. flewnll replled: Honolulu. Aug. 2:. -â€" Precisely nt el‘ht minute. to 22 o‘riock to-dny the Hawaiian flat amended from the Ila-u!!- on an the government buildlw. and nt exactly ï¬ve minute- to the nine hour the stun And stripe: floated on the ironic-l bneu from every nun-rm ‘ A. l-pnI-lvo Ccft-OIY- The ceremony van a moat impreuiw ‘one. To hear the "nth! 0! "Hawaii Ponoi" {or the Int u e u a nntionni an- them; to hrar the bug e blow tap! an the Hawaiian ext-um Junk from it. DOIIHOH. and to notice thu emotion of many who had hcvn born undrâ€"r it and had ich‘d the-tr Hm ~.~ under it. wax nohmn. But then mm.- lhr bright can for the raising of old glory and the utmina of "The Star Bpwird Banner" broke (orth u that banner was unfurled to the break. Then the cheer- brokc forth. ‘ and eyes that had been dim {or I few min-i utel became bright Ind “(tinned up when the It.“ And Itripe- blew out ‘ The Tran-tor. The ceremonial opened with prayer ‘ United State: Mlninter Ben-all then row. and, addressing Presidt‘nl Dole, presented ’ him with a certiï¬ed copy or the joint reloâ€" | Iution of congress nnnexlnz the Haw-lint) 1 mum- to a. United Batu ] San Francisco. Aug. 23.»-The strum er Belgio brought the following: Pn-IIe-I Dole 1'."- Over the In. lands to ll-luer low-ll. I'D. Ao- ec'll The- In the President‘s laneâ€"Tho Gen-on}. The Stan 1nd Stripes Are Row Floating Over 3.1.11!- OLD GLORY lS RAISED. lueeeulully MI-Ol“. Phlhdelphiu, Aug. 19.-Tho Aderd Dewey, the ï¬rst of die {out numer- being bull! by tho Crap. for tho American Mail Stumubip company, wun Iucoeufuxly launched u 2:00 o'clock Thur-day Afternoon. Gcn.‘Shnlter u. Santï¬lgo nné 1;;d'ered bi. relignnuon to the rebel govern- mum. is now at Gibnrl. He has landed in his resignution tor the second time and it has been accepted. Gll‘cll houn- HMBHI. Aug. 23. ~Cllixto Garth. th’e rebel leader who had trouble with Will have (or Iml. New York, Aug, 23.â€"A dilpatch to the Herald from Human; sly! that the “tuner Rein. Man‘s Crininl. which some time Ago nn the blockade into Cienfuegon hlrbor, hu arrived at B» VIM and is prepared to sail for Spain with mail. pungengern Ind nick :01. Men. Aged Couple Inn-Ides. Milwaukee, Ange 20.â€"-Bugo Zeanr and wife, of Chicago, aged respectively 65 end 70, were found dead in' their room Friday njght (t the Boarding house of Mn. Goelz, No. 91 Mnrtln ureet, hlving committed suicide by uklng chloroform. The aged couple came to Milwaukee on June 18, and have been here ever since. Sin-.hlcr Collin-en. London. Aug. 20.-â€"-Tbe [Kong-Kong correspondent of thc Time. out the slaughter 1' southern China continuet. Corpus 210:?" pas! Wu (‘hau daily. Two hundred rebels who had entered Tu Wow Kong were den-med by Gen. anho, who killed mo of the rebels and took 40 of them prisoners. The gentry in xhe dinricts of Paklal and Wungun daily L(‘Hd to age mtgistrltel beHu-en ten and twenty rebels for ex- ecution. gt once 10 Santiago. Cuba, and there report (0 Gen. Lavuon. The Twemy~ ihird Knnul is n regiment of colored â€cop. and in said to be an excellcm organization. I! is me purpose to muke the regiment I part 0! the per- manem gnrnson of Santiago. The movements 01 the other three regi- ment: is bclicrcd to be prcpnruory to musteriug them out of ihe service. ' Wuhingron, Aug. 19.â€"â€"Ordrrt Were iuued 1)) mm. (in. Corbin Thursdly night for â€It Second New York. now at Fernaudmn. Hm. to proceed with :11 in equipment. cxcep! wagon tron;- porutlon, “3 Troy. N. Y.. nnd there ‘0 into camp; {he Stcond “nine to pro- ceed from (‘hichamauga to Augunn. ML; the First lliiroin cur-try to pro- and from Chickamaugn to Spring- ï¬eld, “1.. and the Twentydhird Kun- ut. now in camp at Topekn. to proceed G \Vushingmu, Aug, 2:1. Admiral Sampum ruflul nu l‘rrndrn! McKinley Mnndny and ï¬rm. 35 minutes with him in (Uncut-Hun of the (‘uluan com- minimfn- plum um! nHu-rmntH-rr Washington. Aug, 23:- Iear Ad- miral Sampson “Ii! retain command ’0! (he Nunh AHBIIHC flee-1.xwlwilh- sunding hu serncr un1br(uban mil- jury cumminiun, and Rear Admiral ‘Scbley wizl continue in' his preunl Mural command. 1222:0th boning temporariiy on the Pucrlu Hicnn com- mluion. Thin “atrium: wu made authorhaxnrly ax the any dant- meat. The 1m 0! nun! anignmcntl ponrd contain: that n! Admit-h Sump-on and bcbley to the (‘ubnn .nd Put-rm lln-an rummiuionl respective- I}. but no rrfrrem‘r it nude 10 any change in the new! command; Al-Iflll lbs-poo- Inc bailey Will Kerp'rh'lr Kenya-tho (‘o-nald- II Ibo North All-Ill. Squadron. TROOPS ORDERED BOIE. I Go In": C.-. at \‘nrlonn Itn|e (spunkâ€"lay tool I. I..- nor“ OIL TC RETAIN CONTROL ~IIear Ad- Shnron. Han" Aug‘ 22.-â€"A fflï¬tffl .37 Du Duh-let Mldrid, Aug. 22.â€"~Tbe Spanish troops at San Roque have been ordered to Barcelonia. “here they wil; prob- nb!y_ be dilbandcd. unless the (arm agiulï¬on attain: imporunce. CIII-od (o I. 180 You- OIL Omaha. Neb. Aug. 23,â€"0nehundred And (hiny year. of age wn what: Lewia Wuhington claimed to be. a col- ored mun who died of old age at hit ruidence here. Bin wile died in Feb- ruary, 1890. in this chy. at an age of 104 yenâ€. rules was captured and his force- were defeated uhd scanned. Iii; (allover. betrayed the hiding plnce of Mordâ€. When captured he was very ill. and ï¬led 5oon anu- the capture. He 1: mp- posed to hue ban exbuuted by [RF utionn while hiding among the rocks of {he mounuinu. Gel. Monica h In“ Pnnlmu, Colombin, Vil Galveston. Tex. Aug. all-The {nuurrection lauded by Pro-pert) Morale: in ï¬nal- ly crushed. ending in his death. No- Havana. Aug. fl. -â€" There arrived here Sunday from Hancti Spiritus Livut. Wight with some American clv- airy. Capt. Johnna, o! the Tenth United States infantry. has also re- turned from the ï¬eld. Capt. Sttmrt Rrice. of the volunteers. 3 son of Sen- ator Brice, arrived here this morning on the Norwegian [steamer Bratsberg from Santiago de ('uba. He will all {or New York on Thurndny. on M!- count of illneu. .IIOI (‘o-llg Home. Ponce, Puorlo Riva. Aug. 23.â€"-Th0 slrumer Arunsug, with Gen. Miles on board. 1on for .va ()rleana. Congress‘- man \Vudsworxb accompanying him. Gen. Brooke has rmurned to Guay- nnm‘ where his headquarters will be located unï¬l lln‘ commission arrives. when he will proceed overland loSun Juan. Immedinlely upon his deplrâ€" ture (Pen. Wilson‘s headquarters will be mun-d \0 this place. The work of trnrmg out the tunnel has been pushed night and day ti] I force 0! 200 men. Much blasting has been done. and although it in Inid Hrry precaution had been taken to prevent casualties it seem: that. by using 100 large a quantity of explo- mire, an unexpected amoun! of earth and rock was loosened. which caved in on the w or'kmeu. Neva. Ile- Killed. Pittsburgh. Pai. Aug. 23,â€"}; terrible accident by which seven men 10:! their Ines occurred in the tunnel of the (‘liartierl division 0! lb: Pan-Handle railroad at Carnegie. (,f theâ€" hotel Hun more lives wuâ€"‘e 1.0:! and ‘ha! when Icarch in made in the ruin. uverfl bodm will be found. l- .I Fl" II Hot I’M-3|. Hot hpringn, Arkt. Aug. 22.~â€"A ï¬r. which resulted in the Ion of two ho- tels. n lixery stable and seteral pri~ ‘ntt‘ 'esidem‘u and Cost at man three human liu-n started In the National boar! at three o‘cluck Sunday motn~ in}, The identiï¬ed m-nd are: Abe Mutttwwa. Urn-mule. 51553.; W, H. “illx Randolph county Ark. and Mr. Hughes.Tulna.l.T. Amungtlmsrrioulâ€" :3 burnt-d an .(m nun. Jrffrqs. . vmtur from tht‘ lmtuu tnrtnr}. and I‘mrnlmau “Vie-y. of t2.e 10cm police dqmriman .\ don-t. or mute wcre xnurr or 11-53 smut-rd. and n n {where-d by some of the gun-Ms and cmployu ’I'Iu- president and hi! Mar linlgen are much pleased with 2hr gtm‘rul'l dispatch. They accrpl it as an aunt- ancc that the American commander Ln the Fxlx'pi'bon under control. Hc- will “0rd to the war drplrtment 1221! he needed no more troop; Thi- “moment was in response to nu in quir)‘ from the “hive huuM‘. \\'u.~.hing10n, Aug‘ 23.4}r‘n. Merritt 1; master of the situation at 34111115. Hr h in a pon'non m control Agui- naldo and his insurgent hordr. Say I no ll.- l-IcIr-I Troops I. Can- Irol A‘UIIAI‘. at the Pin- lppl-e Illudo. A vwman lupposed to Le Mn Walton. o! \Vbxirn). IL I Mr: L‘ )L lirtscoe. Run». Mn:- "Ahead colliiion' occurred in the Sharon union of the New York. New Even Hartford roilrond at 7:†Sunday night. when an express int: which urn running so the tecand por- Uon a! a long train crnshed Into tho ï¬n! uectiou, composed of local can. Al I resuli seven person. Were killed Ind 36 seriously Injured. The injured were nearly all removed to Boston on a npecill train. which on met by um. bulaucn and surgeom. The rear ear 0! the local train was completely de- molished :nd a poHion of Ihe second cur. ulnle the engine of We express train was crippled Th1 dead are: 4" H. Fr). ulectmun of tin-pro, Hun. Franklin H Wan-n. Sumrrwl‘m, Mans Mn “'HHnm J Fulpaxrwk. Ramon. hor granddaughter, Mar) l-‘Hxx-axnrk. u-n )tar» 0! “t. and bur xrwduun. 15 run Coll-clot Pull- :- “nr- Engine. .1 no PM-‘l‘ T“‘I-‘¢I‘CI Plan-Icon Ruled. ‘ HERRITT IS EASTER. First In Hlvunl REARJ‘ZND’ COLLISIOI. Thin Npt than“. M Mel-char.†Imlioatr t emu-d 11m in): years- Thr (w, hr nhnl nmxgl‘pm-r‘ in Sprig rm (‘hir‘uyn‘ Nona! 11-.- ‘hr flrv*;} 554.7,? An yrnr‘o! $31 The ï¬ï¬‚m pan) }“ Fj In fur} The mm De Kalb no with ovrr] The ï¬rut over him! 11 dédicMeâ€"d, } Tine. pram mun. T1 in] church. nn‘ “1'“ Buylil; for conpru Elem-mt h (w The, mtiz: 01 JOHN W! vote (m the September-1 The .h-fle Inilon' arm the fair pro! 19mbOr £3 :1 .7 l).(’<mklil U‘ S, CUUUOI Th!" pvnpl: dxn-Hlt K32. day at Mun am :1ng Int'hi 1M)“ hum†lowing 0mm drm. Ii (_ )2 is Hm] (Ward )1 ('1 0mm! of the Inurr‘h i}. {u The use": a! property; make "up "I (01111 ((C’I'rl‘l "Mire rim. 7:51:29 agnl ‘ your ‘ (‘hir‘ngn's zen died the lee! eight im )2!) pounds. 1h h i>,n'.H-p( music den!â€- FR}. am Hwy hme vlnprd.‘ three (1|.Mr 22 yea" and dull is; (Me baud, .nd to put torurk TIM strike mvn. Whirhk June 1.1m!» pl 0 oonfrn 1.04 Ind nwruiol speed) bt'iila "1181â€,. Muse ciem N,- run] (ogmlwr Inn hu‘r I L‘I'lv‘d‘ “bidders of 1 taken Hm. thl the prnvd (â€-1 link!) Wm H sur‘ilulm n! < hlne an 01‘“ MI)» num- 01 “mm; fullnw war 1m“ n-rn Thmnmm Vishnu» ('al of HM ermbll Q John “'me Ne“ Urn-mm 1 probably 1a!- to escape fro of Pink) (i. B] some “time pm Alton lune be who infest (I: being u junc Tuadb Bruuk three times. Inflow-ed from "i’rt-nsum n! trun’. muâ€"nmm of 1hr l‘nmn \ [turn 1 (1.41: 01â€,: mum†ormshlzw’m. I and â€.4 Ft-‘t‘n Irnd «ungruun all ‘ Phlo- A1 1hr th‘ ment of the Bock bland mnnï¬vr in H .pnkr â€1'11““ 1 .MJIEH‘IUIM, I; dquxru-nh ‘ for†izzl 1hr {on}: um- rh- Prrsidvm Mt conn Him. m ‘lLLINU. )I hall (ir‘n‘ Ne“