‘LEJVED ETC VENUE. IN LUMBER DISTRICT. OLL 6c (30.. Kchangc... Lirs of All Kinds LOCK {TSON laterial of All Kinds. nd Split W'ood. Kindling. BROS" 5: Tea. Coffee NE 07 SHOES. il 51m cs‘ lin, Shcet-irnn and Furnace “'ork mm: to Order. and TOVES, RANGES. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. mm 55; l p BOCK. oods and Crockery, 86 COOPER. AGTS. WAUKEBAI. 'HITE, Chase Sanbom Tea and Coffee and Furnace Work. GETABLES. nghland Park Illinois. Telephone 54. C. A. KUIST. \zcnt m Blue Fléme Wickless vrip pnw‘agr Sewer Builder Highland Park, Ill. Hardware. HM, Feed. Oars. Bran, (urn. "cal; Gluten. â€cal ‘Hddllngs and Straw. TELEPHONE 46. numb Delivered Free 01 Chnrge Kr-llushd and return IV \V mkc-gdu I P'KL'?‘ Via. STVEAMER l I Suggay at ll Tenvhfl“ N° Horus (HUI ngl Tenphone 73- Fletcher Norm. ,2 001†»1 U0 P. M Smu- D A. S. ALEXANDER. M. 0.13., V. S. Vl‘ MUM P M 11151111111 111111111 111111.11; or men 1 c>tc1\'111111. “K111111111 11mm“. kicc‘. ( 1crk 111\V111an11 1nrk (111111911 _\'u. \rcg11111111 Max 111 31115111111' 411.1 11>11r'11 \1«11111z1\',~ Hf cvcn 1111 \V, \ \\ 11111 scc117'1.1f\,1\.lnk Sunvlzn' x' at 7 H L" fr m, w '. Ill and :3ka me \‘nr m Chm LLOYD M. BERGEN, M. D. Chrskpp (11‘ \\' ' ' x.“ quwhm Pr.“ DR. FRANKLIN B. WESPDTT, ROOM 1 HIGHLAND ELK. .Ir 211cc: GIESER BROSâ€!1 DR. NI Fresh and Salt Meats, W- Central Ave., ()mcc: Mani B'nu'k West Side Barber Shop F. “01 in h {ht Evansmn he HI ‘ ‘UHh. 1cpcml-znt Hrdcr l’urestcx5;CnurI Highâ€" Mucungs ï¬rst uml thml ’l‘hursdays uf mnmh in Furcsxcr's “All, A m “Madmen uf ,\xnr:r1tu. Hcctingx 1nd fumlh l’n'uiay at cnch mth m FAL- Directory of chrcz Soc l)l\LH IHIII HIGHLAND u \I m» m ll lHLLLAHs. The Leading Market, 275 Central Avenue. u“.- U, B Frrmxld Buildlnl DR. E. C. POULTRY, FISH, BUTTER AND EGGS. :1 .\I. E. Clmn'h «:- pmtur rium mrth League (Wt‘HIHL’: in l U ( .IH wrih ghwuud‘ 1th. (LSD Veterinlfly surgeon and Danish... JOHN H. MOHR. Prop. CHURCH DIRECTORY PI'OKSSIGMI 0 uh ' l'L‘h‘pth: 2111, Lum ha ' >1er E\ .1lmiavutcnchmumh'ml \\: Himu lhmncr \. k l\ 1 1m [‘mu- 1r [Ll TELEPHONE 42 m< DENTIST. \l £1.11 mxmmlunmh for SW]; [h and Dogs. Vethinzry HospitaL Dentist. 'mchmg. 10.4; :1, m (‘hnqmn Embnvm \Vcducula). 7. 431“ ago Veterinary Cvllz-g PARK POSTUFFCE DEALER5 N c LU. R. M \u. [112' [1 ï¬rst :md thml [m MLL)‘ ‘2 cm J. H Duth. L‘. U! ‘c, .\‘ l".;‘.1m..\ \1 Regâ€" ~ mxt Ami Ih'ml Mummy m ‘. BOULTER. .Uuu‘ \ ANYK H q. ;o RES. HIGHWOOD 11.31) a. m.‘ 7,201I1111 13 zmnmci l'cf‘uru 1h \\.Nl1l)<“?l,}‘7\'. l‘c wimnx‘h'r, â€Hg, 3 P. 1“. h. Kcv. l‘f.1n~‘.nch1 p.14 ,1 ma. 10.4; -.1, m. 57.11.th ‘ dk‘“ ('lUCKl lay 11> mu; 1 3“!†M 7.00108 00 P. M. L'nm 9,09 5 M hll nghllnd Pnrk. Ill. l'mil Inrnm h for Sh‘k [h nghland Pukc Ill H] nghlnml Park 4111111015. H Telephone I05 \V . m, I pnn'cr yukuy Fruiu)‘ Ill hm. Mm ,u-‘l-‘n r. M iekies. moo, Ruyal lull rs‘ccmu'l mtlL Regem. 12.47. 3.14‘ Kcv. h 11 (It 2,:ix ml lnm' LI)‘ m~lun {OAK} M :q p‘ m mommy: ‘vm'hmn mccting luuwnus.‘ Ill nrurkz-(l ‘llrv I'llhhl. 1m: in h 1H Regular meeting of the city corin- cil Tuesday evening. Put away your straw hatand crash suitwthe summer is ended. Brand, the photographer has been quite ill. the past week, but is better at this writing. Mrs. Henry Kelling. after a two weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. O. B. Brand, has returned to her home in Milwaukee Miss Stella Finney left \Vedues' day for Spoom-r. \Vis.. to be absent two or three months. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Flvtcher at tended the Old Settlers' Reunion held at Grays Lake. Wednesday. Prof. Louis E. Pope of the Lewis Institute. Chicago. who has been spending a few Weeks at Ravinook. mturned \Vvdnvsdny. So far as we can learn only one summer resident has returned to Chicago. and that family experienced the'keenest sorrow at leaning use The many friends of Paul B‘dittlll. a former resident. will he pained to learn of his serious illness with t_\'v phoid fever at his home in Chicago. Every one who could get into or hang upon a street car. or who own ed or could borrow a(wheel went to the military review at the Fort Tuesâ€" day afternoon. The new cit)‘ pound is now eonr plete. The new corrugated iron roof i> on so it “ill roast a co“ or dog in the most approved fashion, hem 0 this kind of weather is called "dug Fred and Hattie Norvnlwrg \vmit to Xzipvrville tn spend several days with ex-pustor H. H. Tlmrou Pl). 1). Monday Fred Went on to Tlmrntun Park, some twont‘y miles suulliwest of Napervillc. J. M. Billmrz. who has been ill with typhoid [ever for some little. time. was ahla to be out Wednesday and boarded u trolly car and came- dowu to the Park to see his many friends. He returned home in tlw ; m1 tu the Park \Veduvnduy [moquv iug had a most charming and success- ‘ ful summer. Tho city marshal says that out nf .m‘m' 1501mm! {Me dug (>\\'hl'l'~ in ï¬mwu. and of HH‘SP ull hut 37) haw paid. ith‘ unusually lurgc- prupurtinn ‘huviug paid up. This in the lust tunticv or call to tlw 3:) dolinquo-uh ‘tu pay up. u» tlw city pound is dmw and uvxt Wee-k hv will go for tlm nu evenmg Harvey and Paul McQuietnu who have spent the summer at tlw (‘hun tuquu Assembly grounds. New York. teaching mandolin and banjo. return ‘ 501119 of 11111“ many correspondents idnn't seem to kllmv then- is n h‘t mud iflihlxnd f:1111il_\ in 11mm l11-11ce- let- {1:115 etc 81111111) addressed ‘1“ Hih I hard. is 21-3 like!) to go to tlw other 11112111 ask) us. It dun Q tmuhlv us any i ht'C‘dllSt‘tilt‘ misinku- i$ill\\'il)’hltr1illllvt m pay up. 22» â€w cu)’ pnunu 13 and nvxt Wee-k hv will go for tlm un licvnavd (lugs. Mr.» A‘tnrne‘v Snmm guw a quiv! dimwr Sunday ufh-rnmm (u I‘rmi de-nt and Mrs. (h-urgo- .\" (Human mt t'm- Lmvis llhti'lltt‘ (‘hicugw am] In l’rim-ipul \[i~‘<\ 2 \uhru L Silh't'll‘ nf [‘2 rr\ Hull Luke Fnrvst I n-sitlvm ( 2mmâ€: 22nd the Smuuh m- u culle-g izm~ tugvtlu-r at Ann Arlmr 21ml tlw rrlwn'ulufthv01d(inu-Helludintunt't was wry ple22<2mt HY“ lit-culisetlm llllal’illit' is 11l1\'1i\1~ 11111111111 l\ ratified but ~till. it must lie-1111 nm ing to tlw " other fellow. ' to lu- wetting our iliinninu letten t'lCi lw is 11111 llSt‘d to that kind of Currt'> pondence. \ vrl). 52111 8.1! The nziint-sof the ladies of tl1i~ pl ice who Went to Furt Sheridan in aid in feedinu and otlierniw curinn for the returning soldiers. 111113 11m er get into the papers. and they may never get a pension for their service, “for the deserving do not always get that. But their deeds are writ- ten on the boys' hearts. / The couA NEWSLETS. |l1hut 37) haw lurgc- prupurtinn This in the his! ~35 delinqm-nh it)" [round is dum- 'iH go for tlw un dition of things which made such service we imperative revealed only ditiou of our war departmvut in \Vasbiugtou. You can’t have an eflicient service in detailn‘ if incumper tency rules at flu- heud. Butterick's Pattern:- for sale at ' Misc. Erskine's. Don't forget the oxeursion to Bus. l ton over theXickel Plate Rmul. Sep. 5 temher 115th to 18th. incluaivo. at rateuf SWIM) for the round trip, Utmtl returning until September 30. 1898. inclusive. . tit) MiSs Lilian Cushman has return 9d from her summer °\'flcéltiuu. :uul ' Opened her studio for thc-uut of (ltxfl'l sketchihg class. so that ln-r Ultl pupils“ and those who wish to lwgiu “wk; will know where to ï¬nd her. Shel comes back greatly l‘t‘ll‘t‘sllt‘tl and l with increased enthusiasm for her‘ chosen and divinely appointi-d work. for We believe must fully thnt lun‘ls % arrhwrlhund artists endow-d fur tln-ir work. ihtlt’t‘d it was ~‘U('it't.\' “1m \\'2I~ luh'. the boys \N-n- on tinm and m \\ ;1\ 21 hot and burning um and the-y mt there in it waiting, wilting :md faint ing for the ceremony to ln-giu. Finally it begun. tlu- buys «lid \wll in rm‘icw ulln-it Ullt‘ 0r tun “‘vrr mush-r011 by their fructiuus huh ~ undsmue- fuiutml and \wrr- curried :1th “10 grounds on n litter. A [tr-r a! hrivf rvvi’ow just long vnrmgh tn “'wnrln up" the pntivnt lmyx (-uuu- u 1 Int of long winded, meaningless «pm- ches. we say meaningless sin-"chew. fur they m-re- {rum the Imys' xtund point. lt “’1“ the ro'fillvllh'nl Hf crm-lty to umkv thus“ tin-d. u'uru and unulnriu stricken ~Hltht‘r~ stâ€) in that lhurniug sun and “stem tntlum- "lmn t‘nmlw' slut-t-clln-.~, \th was rt-slmnaihlv ftll'1‘|}l"'llll.\ K perforumm-c- \"t‘ (ltm‘t kmm. but If t {that is HH- kiml of gv-zn-ruldnlu thv} :hml at tln- frunt. \n- \Vnmio-r any «>1 Hht' huy~ 2m- uli\v The big parade of the mldin-rs rut Fort Shvridzm. Tuesday ahvnumn was u very nice thing for “1080 fulk~ {mm (‘himgu whu mum- out In m-e- it. The thing was gut up for them .\'» uluttvr if 1119 buys \\'t‘l‘t‘ tirml and sick or dying. (‘Licngnwunh-d sunn- thing: slnwtuculnr and muat haw H. and did have it‘ But liken“ fashion uhle eutertuimm-uts M'erything was behind tiuu-. but that mu nothing. *(K'ie‘U’ dnn't fn-t an inch nccusiun. Meeting Soverlgn (irand Lodge. I. 0.0. F.. Boston. Mass. Setho-zs Fur thisuu'nsiun 1hr NIrlu-l Huh- Hnml will wll tivkwh u! ruh- uf «mr {.m- fur Hn- rumul Hip. Twin-h Uh ~ulec-[ltc-mlwr I'M: in th. ilwllh i\'«-. gum! l‘l’Ull‘HillLï¬ until Swlxh-llllwr IH- â€mud rulnmn†um H .w 'u u- 5§l'l|1.in(1u~i\v. lHl [until ul.†mire-v J Y, ('uluhim. (u-In- -I.ll \ Ill Adumé Stu-M. (hit-nun $26.00 T0 BOSTON AND RETURN. Un uvrtiht'nlc- Null. \iu Xivkz-l l’luh- Rand. ucvuuut Hf tum-ling of Slrw-t Hallway .\~~nviutinn Hf Ann'rim. Suptemho-r ‘3 '-'. I‘M“ Fur furtlwr inmrmntiun. writz- J Y ('ulnlnmJ H Adnnh Strm't. (‘hicagn Dru»! Vun Bun-n Sire-n1 I‘:l»vhgvr Stalin“. Uh thv Lump. 0'25 Fecal, Building Material. 5 and Ice. - mm h nmn' LUST »A black and whin- wmt'nf ruiimzul track. I kimlly nutify owner sit-J .\1( ur Adams-x. Highland Park Less Than 7c. a Day Fur thv comfort. cunwuic-m-z- :uul snfvty of your home haw n tvlrphmw in yuur rmidencv. (‘himgn To‘lephum‘ ('0. (hm. B. (‘umminp. Mgr l.\H Ih'nh mull-r llw ulmn- lu- ;: mumum \thh'lL Hle mm]. Lt. .3 Cents per Llne. ldth‘ knumn on :umlw’atum .n mn- tlmn nnv |I|~rfllllll I FOR SALE. T0 RENT. ETC. TUESDAY'S PARADE- it was ~‘U('i('(.\' whu \\'u~ luh. ‘ï¬orseshoeing a Specualtv ml: TELEPHONE NO. 34 Pattern:- for sale at and]; â€fired. w. Schumacber’s iHorseshoeing ‘ Blacksmithing \Vv makv nun Plow’s ma 1h: Origin; Allegretti Candies Fred. w. 'Sclmmacher. HENRY EWART. BOfKER SPRINKLING WAEUNS. FRED BOTKER Cleaning. DIC’M! merChant Tailor Repair vour Carriage -- m Shoe your Horse JOHN FREBERG. Livery, Boarding. Hm rvn-utl) rq-mmwul luhi~ 114-“ and ('«rlmnndimh hrivk shu]! nu ('rnlxul. (‘wlln‘l “I l‘urL nH‘lIllv. and lu-1~|~vaurvdlntlu KEEP COOL ICE CREAM SODA. Ha v: Your the Reliable J 5“"°â€Â°"‘° '1' “1"" “5M" A Fine Line of Bakery Goods 0! price. Catalogue tells you why. wnu cor one. i . I all .n , nv, hand PRESCRIPT10N DRUGGIS‘I’ ‘\ luru'w m In“ ilh :mul “ark ll \1. Juhru A\rnuc A FRESH STOC LWAVS ON HAND . A. NELSON. av Dnmmno l'.\H(\l .\\)\ Wm Park, In. Hw Fruit and Mn Syrups (hrm-t from Fronu gr Sp! inkkd by and Rrimiring. Back of Freberg's Livery. 1n“ HA- “"4.le Salc‘StabIcs 314 Central Ave i~ mun-hum! lrlrmnf ’7 Electrical A. E. WICKHAM, ' Electrical ZOESWCflOB, Electric Light. Electric Bell. Burglar Alarm, Fire Alarm. Private Telephones m Speaking Tubes. Highland Park Electric Light Co. 1 Suits leaned and Pressed. 75 Ce an Irnzruant 25 OFFICE: HARTRUNF KEMNEBER NEWS STORE. Highland Park Laundry. First Class Work At Reasonable Prices. Orders Promptly Attended to. I. B. BECKER. Merchant Tailor. Clothing Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired. SOMERVILLE’S Bakery and Restaurant, W. J. MCKINNEY, ainter, Decorator and Paper Hanger. Hot Rolls and Bread Delivered for Breakfast. AH Wurk vxc-(‘nl tlu- lx-st umnnrr \"c :ur mm prrl-arrd Hm â€n a! ,- Imrurnn (In! V .iumls scan! {or and delivered to all lmfls M “In city. Urdm's by lum‘ u! tvlvplmne prompt!) unvndmi m. Hot and Cold Meals at All Hours. A. (l. ORTLUND. Manager. Her work. Lumps furnished. All kinds 0! Elm (run! Man-rill. ()mce: Cummings' Pharmacy. am h an red Denman h; I III go Suï¬sfxcflon GUI 7| ntcc‘ SI. John. Axé nun Io vkzm St, Johns A\enuc. Highland Park. I I I go rum. and the price In nun): rlxhl. ]:rrharrd w do all kindsâ€! lmuut‘nnn work and repair- “Ml Construction. usyq Iloch [nod pmmpfly and ('1! nu! r11, \IQ‘ nw nan [hr mu w an HP low In ‘1 “qu nrm