Illinois News Index

Highland Park News (1874), 9 Sep 1898, p. 6

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Q‘nrvd \u‘h ,lsifi was 12 The exchanges at. the loading clear- dng houses in the United States dulfing 1119 “oak vnded on the "M amregated 51.269.381.94‘4‘ against 31.249.607.012 the oprmirmu neck. The irwrense com- qx‘lrvd “3‘31 Hm corresponding week in George W. Dimick and wife. of Wind- ham. Vt, inst their lives in a fire which destroyed Mr. Dimick's farm buildings. A storm which swept over southeast Grorgia put- s‘rx counties under water and paralyzed business. Preside“ McKinley made a short visit to hi$ home in Canton, 0.. and was enthusiasfically greeted. The total attendance at the Omaha exposition up to the lat inst. was 1.095,- 811. The forthcoming annual repoxt‘ of the commisséoner of pensions wxll sh 3w that, the number of pensioners on the rolls June 30, 1898. was 993,714 and the amount paid for pe-nsionsdur- ing the fiscal year ended June 30. 1898, was $144.651,S79. The reeeiptsof the government. for the month of August as compared with the same month last year were $41,- 782. 707; increase. $22,758 655. Troops were ordered to Panu. 111.. to *quell riots started by s‘riking miners. President McKinley spent five hours in Camp Wikofl. Montauk Point. baroâ€" headcd mos‘t of the time. visiting the sick in the hospitals and inspecfing the we“ in their cantonmer:ts. The 'twenty-n'nth annual reunion of the" Army of me Potomac was held at Niagara Falls. N. Y. Depntatiom of the wealthiest na- tives in the Philippines called upon Consul Wildman in Hang-Kong and urged that every possible effort be made for the annexation of the Phil- lpgine islands to the United States. The war. department has up to the present time issued orders for muster- Ing out nearly 100.000 volunteers. and thls will 'be done as soon as the men have had their 30 and 60 day furioughi. u Upon Gen. Miles’ departure from Puerto Rico Gen. Brooke issueé‘an or- dq‘ assuming command of the troops in the island. ‘11} the torpedoes anced at the en- trance to the harbor of Havana have been raiscd without accident of any kind. , DOMESTIC. Fire and water ruined $200,000wort}: of flour in the New York Central fwighthouse in Buffalo. N. Y. The publ‘c debt statement issued on the lst shows that the debt decreased $34,789,711 during the month of Au- gust. The cash balance in the treas- ury was $927,144 640. The total debt. less the cash ba’ance in the treasury. amounts 3 31.012.870.717. Tramps wrecked a train near Sym cute. X. Y.. and Engineer B C. Dowd Fireman William Hall and Brakeman L L. Osborne wu‘e killed and nine other per-Sans W1", injured. BOUND ABOUT THE WORLD Casualties and Fine. Persons] and Po- litical Notes Business Failures and Resumptions. Weather Record. mmnxcn FROM ALL PARTS ‘_ WAR NEWS. Admiral W. S Schley and Gen. Wilâ€" liam W. Gordon. United States com- missione: s to some the conditions for the Spanish evacuation of Pucrto Rico. nailed from New York for San Juan. The national irrigation congress met- in Cheyenne. Wyo. Adjutant General Corbin Issued 01-- ders for the muster out of 19 volunteer organizations, numbering over 20,000 officers and men. Insurgent troops invaded the south- cm Philippine islands. and were seizing cvery‘hing posible prior to the settle- ment of the peace conditions. The auxiliary cruisers St. Paul and St. Louis have been returned to the In- ternational Navigation company by the government. The hospiul ship O'iivette. which had been lying near the quarantine station In Fernandina. Fla.. sun-k through some mysterious agency. All on board wgre saved. The Mngport St. Paul arrised a! Manila with all we“ on board. Gen. Shatter and his staff arrived In New York from Cuba on the trans- port Mexico. - Maj. Gen. Miles. accompanied by hie staff and family. sailed from Ponce for New Yérk on the transport Obdam. , The steamship Covfindanga with 2.279 soldiers from Santiago on board arrived at Sannnder. Spain. THE WEEK’S NEWS HIGHLAND ,I’ARK. A transport arrived at. Corunnn. Spain‘ with traups who surrendered n Santiago de Cuba. Seventeen died on the voyage. gighlaud Ea“: $321125. B’Y EVANS 6i. FORREST. ngs of the Past Seven Days in Brief. ILLINOIS At Snmiagn do (‘uha two th-ks of earthqnakv shook (“H-r huuw in town with unusual force. War benwen France and Germany as a result of exposures to be mndo in the Dreyfus case and War botwern Great Britain and Russia over compliâ€" cations in the far east are confidently predirfled by we!) posted poliiir-iuns In Europe. A typhom-l destroyed 768 houses and killed 19 persons at Tuipoh. Formosa. Fire at, Bristol, England, gutted seV~ era! warehouses and other building-s, including the gveat Coluon hall. the total loss being $750,000. Wilford. \Voodruff. of Salt Lake my, aged 91 years. president of the Mor- mon church. died in San Francisco. , Col. T. C. Tupper. a retired officer who won distinguished honors in the civil and Indian wars. died at his home in Cleveland, 0., aged Govyenrs. FOREIGN. Lieut. Col. Henry. one of the chief witnezses again'sx Capt. Albert Drey- fur, killed himself near Paris. He had made confcssion that lhe document which he offered at the trial had been forged to aid the army in the prosecu- tion of Dreyfus. I'Hllstn'sl. .\\‘n POLITICAL. In conwntitm at Milwaukee the Wit crvnsin dvm :vrnts 1:. winntrd Hiram A Sawyer. of “'nukvchJ. for gnvernor. The platform (la-Euros tirm dcvotion to the dmnocmtic prinilpix's as vnunoiut- ed in thc (‘llil‘ugu antfnrm «#1900. ’11 conventinn in Duhuque the Iowa republimnw nominated u ticket hcudvd by (mm-go T. Dolmm for secretary of state and adoptpd u Nntform cor: gratulntixm the country upon the wise and patrmtu- administration of I‘rvsf- dent McKinit-y: commending his course during 111v \‘.:lr Mt}: Spain. an'l strongly upholding the gold xtandnrd. Mrs. Nam-y SIu) ton died at Lincoln. 11].. aged 103 years. The Wisconsin populism nominatvd a full staw ticket in Mihvnukcâ€"e headed by A. A. Wurslcy, of Racine, for gov- xrnor. The sooia! democrnvy of Wisconsin met in Mllwnukce and nominated I Fire in the Bartram shipyards in To- ronto. Ont. (tau-ted a loss of $450,000. Fire among business buildings in Owosso. Mi(-h.. caused a loss 0f$200.000 Fifty dead and over 100 prostrafions ls‘the record of the heat in New York city on the 11d. State ticket hmulc‘d by Howard Tumr? for gn’veruor. The [Tnitvd States steamer John )[Liggs of the smmlmul senive was blown up in the .\[i>sisaippi rivt‘r nenr Fort Sh Philip. and Capt. Starr. Sengt Needhum. Ralph Rogers. l'at (‘orlésL H. Jackson and 'J. 1). Malone were killed. Three children of Mnry Ring died from being bittvn by n rattlesnake near Columbus“ Gm. and n fourth child fell into a spring during the vxcite- ment and wasdrownvd. :\ vase of Asiatic (-holvm was re- portwl at ()rluud. Ind. There we_rc 171 business failures in the United States in the seven days ended on the 2d, against 179 the week previous and 101 in the corresponding period of 1597. A ‘errific Windstorm wept over Torre Haute.1nd.. uprooting trees and blowing down houses. The secretary of the trvmury has ispued :1 mm nfi‘vring m rode-em the baInm-O of flu- lmnds. amounting to SHJKHJGU. issued to ”w Puvifir rail- rduds. Thv twin duughtvrs of Mr. Prater. aged seven. and u lmlv)‘ girl \wrv burned to Lh-uth an Spvrghuilh'. Tex. Frank Waller \u-nt 494 miles on a bicycle in Baltinmrr i1124lmurs,mak- ing a new record. The percentages of the baseball clubs in the National league {or fine week ended on the 4th “ere: Cincin- nati. .639; Boston. .0132: Baltimore. .(‘22: Cleveland, .599; Chicago. .550: New York. .54“: I‘iltslmrgh. .406; Phil- adglplxin, .405: Louin'illv. .425: Brook- lyn. .394; Washington, .351; St. Louis. .2m. Frank, George and Mabel Ferguson. aged 24. 19 and 14 years, respectively. of Brooklyn, N. Y.. were drowned by the upsetting of n rowboat near Stum- ford. Conn. Rev. James Stophc-nson, of James- town, 0.. dropped dead from heart trouble in ‘he pulpit‘nt the High Street Methodist church in Springfield, 0.23! the beginning of his sermon. The total circulation of national bunk notes on August 31 was $230,508.- 534, being an increase of 3431.745 {or the month and a decrease 01$).32930‘.‘ compared “ith the same dark 13:! yer. While blasting rock at Stiuesville, Ind., dynamite exploded prematurely. kililng John W. Williams. John Gruhb, Buck anpler and Edward Watts and fatally injuring Ben Fyfle, Milton Bike and Willie Liford. The southern cotton crop for this year is estimated N 11.11193!" bales] valued at $320.553.000. By the Accidental jibing of the sail of a pleasure yacht on Presque Isle bay. near Erie. Pa.. Mary. Della and Ella Pardine and Jessie Moore were swept. overboard and drownrd. ‘The gold reserve in lbeUnitod States treasury reached the highest point in its history on the 8d. with a total of $219,320,372. The American Social Science associa- tion at. its meeting in Sumtoga. N. Y.. clocted as president Simeon E. Baldwin, of New Iluvvn. Conn. During 1h: heated termin New York city 200 persons died tron: the effect: of the heat. The advance gutrd of Gen. Mileu’ army arrived in New York from Puer- Lo Rico on board the transport Chu- Ker. Hour Admiral Schlcy and Brig. Gen. Gordon. of the I‘uerto Rico military vommiminn. arrived in San Juan. Orders were received in Portsmouth, N. 11,. fur the 1.700 Spanish prihmm'rs on Swan-3‘s island 10 prrpurt to leave for Spain M once. The official records of the war de- partment. as {Ir .3 completed. show “.3 officer: and 231 enlisted men killed in battle during the WM th Spain. Two spans of a bridge undor con- Itrucfion over the St. Lawrence river near Cornwall. Ont. fell, and 80 work- men were thrown into the river. at ‘9“! 20 of them being drowned. The National Association of Pix-Prio- oners of War in senion in Cincinnati elected James Atwcll, of Piusburgh, uommander. A baikstorm that swept over Noda- way county. .\lo._ did damage to He ex- tent of 3600.000. 'l‘ln- vii) of HIM]. “1., wan placed un- der martial law because of flu- miner! alrikxn (:m'. Lard issnr-d a proclamation ('on- n-ning the Oregon legislaturc in special sessiun on September 26 to vlrct l ['nitnd Stun-s senator. The steamer Portland arrived at San Francisco from Alaskn with (nature estimated at 31.500000. A letter so!“ by Maximo Gomez 10 Jhc American commiuion in Havuu is addressed to Gen. Butler. and in it he places himself uncondiuonnlly I'. the American commission's disposal. Th? middlrof-thvâ€"road populism met in nutionnlconvcntiou in Cincinnati and nominated \thrtnn Barker. '01 l‘onnsyhania. {or prosiden! in 1900 and Ignatius Donnell}. 01 Minnesota. for vivr pn-sidrnt. The rt-fcn-mium hys- tom “as adopted an 1hr cardinal prin- ciph- in 1110 future of the party. .\ hmu)‘ frost was rrportvd in N9- braska. “i'vh H‘I' thick on standing walk-h l’rt-sixll‘nt McKinley um! his I'nhinfl haw m-rcptod un invitnxinn lo \ifii‘ the Trans-Mississippi exposition at Omaha on ()cmlwr )2. People from all over the United States are pouring into Honolulu. Clarence Ewing. William Dean and Iohn Bride were killed by the vars at I Tossmg nenr Princemn. Ind. The insur em: n Manila are said to haw {ortifi themsehcs in trench". and fun of trouble is exprcmcf. Aryan-{v J. Funk. who was the third governor of Duke“ territory. dled at his home in Ynnlnon. S. D. The regular army, at it will be con- iith-rm] aher the war. will cousin! of 75,000 men. Queen Wilhelmina. of Holland. wu formallly crowned at Amsterdam. Many editors were gathering at Denver, Col. to attend the thirteenth nnnuai comention of the Rational Editorial association. Mr. (‘maignum minister {or vur fer France. has resigned bvvnust-‘u! a dis- agrfl‘mcut “1111 his collengnos, who desire :1 n-vieion of the Dreyfus cuse. The chintz factory of Hunuide ((- (‘0‘. u! “Mnnnny, Pram-o. was burned, ‘he low lwim: 2,000,000 francs. A trolley car was struck by a pas- wenger train at ('ohmm, N Y.. and 13 m‘rsnns “ere killed and ton fatally in- jured. Labor day wus grnrrally oburved throughout the country. A mrnndn swept overSt. Jon-ph. "0.. and rraidences were unruofed. barns :orn dnu'n and many buildings unerly dexuulis'm-d. The loss is placed at 8150,- 000. Grn. “'heeler. in co-xnmnnd of Carlp Wikofl. Montuuk Point. L. 1., reports '0 the secretary of war that the health «1' the troops is improving and that the Vihit of the president. was very bene- ‘it'ial. ‘hv I‘.YV‘V ("7' .ruut in [he Swami. Rear Admin! bumplofl, MI}. Gen. James F Wade. Maj. Goa. MalthewC. )uncnn and Licnt. Col. John W. Cloul. numbers of the Cuban commixsion. .rft New York for Cuba on the Buo- lute. A! the oflctlon in Arkansas Dan W. loops Mimi.) was reelected governor with very Hula opposition. Frank and John Mane. 1b and 17 wars old respectively, and George Grass. H yvnrs old. were drowned while bathing in Lake Erie nt Buffalo. ' [n the Vermont elevtion the rrpnbâ€" ioans domed their Pnfifl' Hn'r tirlu-t. ended by Edward C. Smilh. for gm"- vnor. h_\ n nmjmin n.’ H.101) mu? ra- ‘t-Mi-d ”an l'm\t‘r~ n'~ (-“v-i'n'nvrnn The twwmile tnndem qucle record was broken in Detroit by Jmeph nud "0er. who went the distance in (:01 3-5. 'Iln \nglo- Egnntinn fumes under Mr Herbert Kilchcnn‘ defeated the norrisbrs in a great battle at ()mdur man on the \‘ile. the losses on the Brit. ash side being 300 “hilt lhousunds of the denial)“ were killed or wounded. President and Mn. McKinley lcfl Yew York for Washington. The police discurorrd n revnhnion- try and anarchist plot in the Iuhurbl xf Harm-long. The thirty-cecond nnnunl‘encamp- nent of the Grind Ann; 0! we Repub- ic began in Cincinnati. 14m The Candid-In. While (he undid-ion of (be machined middleâ€"oi-Ihe-rolder- ibrprnidemnnd via pram-n: hnve never boon ~ln public lite. yet both of them IN well known. They have been Identified with the people’s puny over lime in inception and both are known In ulln-ndictll on the most extreme doc- trines of iho poplin-u, Both of them lupâ€" poried Thom-l “Wat-on {or vice prmdoni in HM Ind biiiuiy oppo-ed [he afloru at fusion I! (hit lime and our ninco‘ They are both blileriy opposed to Col. Fry-n.1nd rhnrgc him wixh mitigating Senator Bui- in no (he «:rnirmnn o! lheir former national commuter in hit efloru to drive them lnio fusion Ird in bro-ix up (he peopie'l party. wmnon lurker. of Phil-deiphin, the an- manu- {or prelfdenx. u the editor 0! the Amerlr-n. me national organ of the mid- dle-ofâ€"im -rondcn. Lord “new uruw (h may! cradmd x0 H'wklsznsr4-, .1111 I.- hi~o (hr aw) w 4 ' . v» IKKYJU!‘ \urksm,1ypu;af'\ ‘1 IL. , Cincinnati, Sept. 7,â€"The middle-o!- !thcâ€"road populism Tue-day rears-n- ‘lud the people's party, renewed it. ' former dfllnrntion of prlnciplea, and t nominnted itsnutlonnl ticket. two year- | and two months in advance at the data of the election. The object of this ‘ early notion “m. to held 06 nny such I quon as that of 1896. “'htle the rad- :icnls controlled the convention. they lcould not carry out their prognmme 1 without a bolt from the northern del- ‘ egntu, .The ircstcrn and southern del- egate. nominated Wharton Barker Ind ~lrnatius Donnelly. and declared the ' principles of the reorganized party. ‘The eastern states were not repre- sented. 'l‘leIu-I Named. .\ft¢-r IlllllH’er.‘ “()mlllflllllt' umt QPC' finding Aspen-hes in preventing 1W0 nutnea for presidential candidate». a bxillnt “ is tnken resulting 3. follows: Wharton Barker. of Pennsylinnta. 128 4-5; Ignatius Donnelly. of Minne- Mitn. €09 l»5. On motion of Mr. Don- imlly the nmninntion (if Mr. llnrlu-r was made unanimous. Ignatius Don- nelly “an tht-n nominated b) ucclutnlv hurt for five president. The Bolder-I. Those “ho followed l’almer. of Illi- nolu. out «if the t-onwntion afterward held a conference and appointed Jo- seph A. Parker. 3T Kentuck‘: Jamel E. McBride. (if hilt‘higflll; James 1!. Ferris. of Illinois. and llorare Mer- ritt. of Tennet-M‘e. a committee to draft another mlcln-ss. This commit- tee reported an address whioh was nnanimoualy adopted by the boltera. It in in the nature of a proteet against the action of the convention in naming a ticket. and lmplorea the populiata of every state to pay no heed nor attach importance to such action. The ad- dreaa was unanimously adopted by delegate: in “hole or part from the state! of Michigan. lndiann. Kentucky, Missouri. Illinois. Ohio. Tennessee and Arkansnl Ignllms Dvnnelly. of 8! Paul. 1h» Pandlv dale fur \ifl- prtszdrm. hll be”. Kro‘! (or yarn an the nuxhor who ndvocau-d that After he rue detented on his motion to refer nominations and other de- cisive notion to the national commit- tee Mr. Pnlmer attempted repeatedly to get the floor on a question of per- sonal privilege. He was interrupted by Dr. Fay and I chorus of other ob- jector: who insleted on proceeding with the nominations. At this junc- ture the disturbance of the small erowd became so fieree that Mr. Hat- hc-tt. manager (If the Lyceum. ape peered and requested the nssemhlage to vnente the hall as he was appre- hnsiu of the wourltg‘ of his prop- erty. The Nutter {notion hid h)’ Mr. Palmer, of Illinms.‘ then left the hall and the othrr faction proceeded with the nominatimw. A Morn-y Boone. I’rmious to the adoption of the ad- dress .\tr. Foster. of Minnesota. ere-Med a scene by hi. hitter objections and was hissed down as. were others of the Butler fnetinl A bitter discussion then tolluued on a motion tn proceed with huntinntinnn for president and viee president. The Butler tak‘tion moved to amend by relerring the whole matter to their national committee. Thil caused great disturbance and the Butler uu-n were knocked out. Joseph Palmer, of “linen. then called the Butler {action tugether in another part of the hall and it was announced that they would butt and leave the hall If the mutton tn prueeed with nomina- tions prev-fled Ind tuch action was taken when there hld been no reguhr en]! Ind when only . portion of the states and territoriel were represent- ed. The PnuMI-‘I. When uu- convention reassembled in the morning the umporury organiza- tion man made permanenl. and Chair- mnn Ignatius Donnelly made a radical 3399c}: denouncing all thou who had rmpomtul with {no-ion mnvemenls, An rlnlmrnu‘ address to llw people (‘1 the l'nite-(l 51mm was mlnptrd. h u-nflirnm llw prminus platform of the pnpullbls and (-mq-ru many additional qquimm. and slrongly ndwx‘aflng the nâ€"nrgani- action of 1hr party. not only for an in- deprndrm presidential tivkct. but for indepndvm vaudiduu-s for congress, flute ~me. He. Campaign of 1900 Opened by Kid- dle-of-thc-Rond Populism. 1-“qu (‘o-ve-uo- at (‘Ilcln-ntl El-r- “'I-rlo- Barker [or P".- Ichtâ€"lxlnllu Don-ally I- Give. Second flue. A TICKET PICK ED OUT w: quazion an- 01. a Iiinlc quuhom irflm‘é use: .0“ D! m l A 850 BEWABD' §“‘£'§- WW3. luv‘Vln the "um: Mun Io-I. MUM'HQ will“ ”up.” to .I'Nl‘ mm x mmwmm "M - WWI-m“ WHEN WRITING 1‘0 AD‘ llll'l‘lllll. plcm nun (In you saw the Advcru-o' belt In am pm. lover In...” ”Ill! W“ I? “Ml-33¢. %"m°°m‘:r”..... “"- 52:33:; DROPSY. An the w “Isl. of impure Hood. The] chow {but the strum of life in inland condition, tint halt!) u in dmpr of wreck. Clear the coll-Io by making Hood‘: 81m porilh tnd the blood mil be made pure, eon- plexion fur ud hwthy, tad Me's journey- pic-ant ud mace-fa]. :- Anertu‘sGmwn Medicine. 81,31: for t ”09". Pl". cure ludxgexuon. blnmn‘. Hood’s ‘33? Well Drills WE. MAKE all kinds and sizes. for DRILLINGWELLS house, farm, City and Vllhgc Water Works. Factories, Ice Plums, 3m- crlcs, Irrigation, Coal and [ultra Prospecfln, 0H and (in. etc. LAT ST and BEST. 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE. Write us WHAT YOU vim. And now our thoughts are all 0! pence Ind home. There nrr, too often, peep}: to be found who hue no humr. and n 13 to than these few wnrds 'm‘ addressed, lf'you nu. 1y want a home yuu (am “only get one. but, _\ou would an n! (mn- before the tel-pa from the war [ruifi pm-m on the :dvauce. In Mat-Anette (mun), “m-umm. [in- may hues! farm-1‘ iaud ua in he had now at I mm modes! I] uru. Ext-elitist humr mun ket- am at han (u take whaww-r the farm‘ or raises. and gmd [more are gnu-n. The. land. an an the ('fiu. .ngu. Mxmaukeek St. I’Iul Kmhray, and full nvfnrmahon ('Oh~ tuning Ulrm “'1?! l'hA'L‘rqu)’ be furmubed by (‘. E. Rn hnx anugmlmn Agent, 161 LI Sane-Street. (‘hu'agu “A [lo-o- 1- Tex-5" ll the title of a _.;amphlet mung full de~ Icn'ption of 31.000 um of irrulc {um lnmh on uh: at Chalevnllr, Colorado County Tenn. Thi- vmh tun parucuhnm regarti to cheap ram. «'04. furnuhed free upon ap- Ella-Hon u; Eoutlherl-in {elu- Colon‘i‘gat‘ao‘: mpan . .o n .m er om, Mgr. ‘ 0. Kill!» ld‘., Chxcago, 1H. A Done In Time Seven Nine of Hlle'o Honey of Hombound and T" for Coughs. Pike'l Toothache Drop- Cure in one minute. “'he- I Inn ‘1 00th who; a“ Ilia troubles, his neighbor: never Ln)" "'3‘ much about Ms 121k. a intense love of an oil taper for “qua. goe- Lo n that {unduly “curtain” reed a In oomnnm. Many I man who dunm’t know enough to ma when n. ram. know: enough to ram.- tho umbrella he can get In: hands oa.~ Chump Evemng Neva. nre thousands of men and women who are unnbli 10 sleep mare than An hour or two. night because of nen'o‘nneu. '91an dynprpua, hmdavbe and comm man. A cerium remedy for the“: 51:90: cm in Hog. iiiiéfis'iégiéh mum. Alldruuisu sell it. to“ god Mal-our“. â€"â€". pun-l. “m.u.m It‘ll}. A. 31’ ~ (50 tun::l «1. Own- 8| Ill ("ha anon-ulna!"- mun-3mm“ ”tum ant-n I'I "' II-IICIII- I Inu- M. =35 u. It in reported that a mu in ludmnu bu notjud an hour's blt‘l'p {or five yearn. a. constantly walks almm, unable tu rest and in now huh man than (skeleton, :fbem Poor in the Immune! whose vows 6“.th chxmh and em ties 13h: pews. :3? woman's 1 ea 0 mm in to: .;; (lime in an efion in san- nigh]. ”“94 All gemum no mom or Ian eccentric. ‘ law have even been known to pay ‘1‘ dobu. g: Eve Ind hcr fauna, but dunner fly, through Adam's pockou vhflo he wu at... Love blinds some non, und it make- lot-d “ other! tgq nur-yzhud {yr mnmy m. I .....,..F "v __. w. ....._ _â€".â€"., w-v_. A chainin- ‘hul mdem trouser unnecessary, but It a dxflcrenl with 5 oh... la-glog. dom the «ooh ddh. be Some gxr c Ange color came- the ‘ be; in angina» _ “I nun y more I mu 1: w , hinnelf the colde; hejs. _ ripped ”h. â€" 5181;“ oilén wms 11w first bank, bu‘,‘ ”WI“. Gil-Wm 55a an n ~ than in I bricpk «:33 the hat now- '5‘ The man who 13 wedded .0 an. should a model wife. ‘ , “It Short Sentence. VI Inch W Truth. [nerd-d In tin-m 3;. on- \| a,-. 7 51;; B.- lol Slcpl [or I’lve You". POINTED PARAGRAPH: Pimples . 1‘0 “'II' I. over MSIYIAI,IIFFI,M FREE! ’ssszfififa NEW MVERV; I"? lulfi _. aubfllhmcflu Cebu, b‘“ ‘h' ' dolcl .‘ Hun“! new ”PM" [mm-d Sum l‘SPor'l' FI‘II 10.9‘ (omin‘ proflorhon 1 Splhh “ho I. \he 1m. n a! d ‘1npyg “Hick-I sivelyproduca fiber on W”! “haul. but be! m- .\!n .11; hp J“ Hum ”my Hi“? ll;l1hud prvpurirg {on «ruukui Hit-k {810‘ uhu-h, i prvpurmg 10“ «ruukui Hit-k“ {alu uhu-h, 1 (-f flu? HUN)” ~¢-ar\n, :nd {In '11”) whim}: 1| withluyt mnl rrnsun «.f file“ 1 dm- 1hvrr. ‘ for ‘enre pal bland ltndr- h; Lands of thet mm Hr} few near}; 1.11 lh of 11:0 lhlfillt fanning by « oOHl-s. 'l'hl “Iniddlmnah” lots myrrhen Hmpo by bal‘ 1hr”. lo Ihe Hm exporter The small d1 ruunxry hu- lwrn mmrely «rgy of {he Q 1L1- Spamnh ‘ IA(‘b(‘. “1.0 w \u-th)‘ and Mm) mum and ”my we island's and l The Spanish IbC)‘ Lad mg I Maw, left v mm mmumi x-rodumd nnl Iliute “anus, Iax ga‘hrrel LX111 "Llh'd yuldrn 1gp." yuldrn nyp,‘ Inna} “at. \u-rr uhhge. MM) lo ru-Iu m lln- \\:._\ I «Mum rim-(- {ml r\\n\_ m ILHH 1.1.41 m 'mrh' 1m,” 0 rvum nm b: all 4)! hit he hbhorbui by 1h-- pig-mil. The fiber I 1 xpaxmion. a improu-d m lvmhufaA'iVI '1‘!” ID: :1! (l {-11%} 4| Hm“- 1mm 1-! MANLA GL HIE T‘ Kalil :5

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