TFOVES, RANGES. ‘ . ‘ HOUSEHOLD GOODS. ‘rin. Sheet-iron and Furnac Work m:- m Hrder. .TSON, aterial of All Kinds. [d Split Wood, Kindling. Chase 6: Sanbom Tea and Coffee flour, I1m,Fccd, Oats. Bran. Corn, ‘leal. Gluten. â€cal delings and Strnh md ‘GETABLES. )LL 6: (10., change... irs of All Kinds and at this office. :tent with good work '_;omS slp and Furnace Work. HOES NUE. lN LUMBER DISTRICT. Agcrt for Blue Flame Wicklvss Slaves. BOCK. ads and Crockery, Hiqhi‘md Park Illinois. Telephone. 54. 4‘f‘D ETC C.‘ A. KUIST. . Tea, Coffee ROS, 1TB? he News. Sewer Builder Highland Park. Ill. Hardware. TELEPHONE 46. (mods bunch-,1 Free n! Change UNI St‘“ it t pm, â€mm “vol uww IN“ 11.? raw-one P“- “- unborn 13- Horns: 1,0010 4,001’. )1 ofï¬ce: Highland Block neuter Buildlng nouns (HKShWOOd’ cessom‘ . by U. B, Fernald A. S. ALEXANDER, M. D. 0., V, S. Uncxcelled :nnston Venrinary Hospittl. Long stmncc Talc hone 2111. 10m )avls Street. Evanston. Ill From thc north . . . 12. From the Suuth 7.30. g x: [2.0]. 3.-5.3 537." , 29 p m For Cheskomng.Tribg-. I. L). R. M. No. 112â€" Meet at Muwmc Hall ï¬rst and lhirdTucsdays F. M. Ingans. Sachem: J. H. Dufly. C. of R A. t). Fay Lodgc, A. F. and A. .\l. Keb- | .u I“..- nlarmccting mgms hrs! and 1mm .uunuuy .u each month. at Masonic hall. uvcr M. Moses 8: H's store. 5 Indcpcndcnt Order Fores‘ers, Conn lligh‘ land. Meetings ï¬rst and third l‘huxsdays of catch month in Forestsr's Han. ‘Iï¬ggï¬ignd Park Council Arcanum. Meet in 31K and fourth Mondays of ev \V. A. Wilson; secrexary, u... , Modem \Vumhucn of Amcrica. Meekings ï¬rst and fourth Friday of each month in Forâ€" esxers' hail. \ViHiam Danncr, V" (L; R. J Rice. Clerk. a .. ‘v .-;(_ D......l Ravinia .\I. E Healhcutc pas! m.; Epwnrth Ka‘flllld .IL. L‘. n n. . _____ Heathcutc pastor Sunday school at 2 :50 p. m.; Epwnrtn League dqvnuunal mac-ting Sunday evening a! 1 u'clocx pr m. preaching at 7.45 each undu, - suing; prayer meeting from :5 m 8.3x); Epwurlh League business mremxg andsocxaltht: fourth Friday at each month. Swmhsh M. E. Shurch I'm-er aldu‘ Rev. 0. Wessling. pasmr. umlay as follows: Sunday schuul. 3.30 p.111“ Leaguc. 100 p. m.; Preaching. 7 Prayer-meeting ’l‘hursday evenmg ' cryunc 15 muted. First Lnned Lvangcncm LnuxLu, m,“ â€aside, pastor. ‘ pxlay serviccs: G man preaching. I043 a, 111.; English; p. m.;5unday school.9:3o; K. 1.. C‘ 6,45 p. m.; prayer meeting, \V’edncsduy 7.30 p‘ m. Evangelical A v. Rcv. F. M. “mm- mm». Sunday >cr\'lcv:>' a! Young Me 33de Room. Sunday school at [0.00 a. perman preaching at 11 0021. m.; \. P, 5. _ _. nmu:~‘\lnl7 at 1' Profcssur In Chicago Veterinary College ucnuau ylcnlulna a... --.... ... .. E. at 6:45) p. m.; English preacrhvmg at 130‘ D. m.'. Wedncsday a. 7:34) p. m.. cottage prayer meetings: szm'rday. a. 1.00 p. 111.. can» echctlcal Class at mum‘s smdy. I -- - -- n . n.,, 4‘ 111.; Baptist Young People's Lmon, 0.45 p. m.; prcaching, 7.50 p. in. Friday prayer meeting. 7.45’ p. m.’ Evangelical Lutheran Zion‘s Church. Mr. Saloman pastor, Sunday service. io.(o a. m. Sunday schnni. from 9 to 10.00 a. m. Trinity Chunh, l‘. C. Wolcnu‘ rector, Hoiy communion, 7.30 n, in‘ Sunday schuul, [0.003. m, Morning prayer and scrmnn. Ila. m. Senind cclchratiun ï¬rst Sunday in the mumh. Even song. 5 p. m‘ Presbyterian Church. Rsv. I’faqstich} pasmr Worship and prcaching, 10.43 a. m. ‘Sahhath schml. i2 m. Chrisrian Endeavor. 7. p. m. Praver service, Wednesday. 7. 45 p. "L LLOYD M. BERGEN, M._ D. E. A. NELSON. Merchant Tailor. Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing. DR. H. H. BOULTER. BB. FRANKLIN 6. WESBDTT, ROOM 1 HIGHLAND BLK. ‘ JOHN FREBERG' Livery, Bodfdingz-.- pint-Jory of Seer“ Sodflic$ HIGHLAND PARK POSTOFFCE. u 5‘. Johns Avenue. ‘ TOWN" ’7' south. DR. E. C. KAYE, cc MRWI cs L'nned Evangclical Church Vctcrln‘ry $urgqon god Dentist... . Accommodations for Sick Horsns and Dogs. CHURCH DIRECTORY (iENTRAL AVENUE Suns Mmh- to Order at Reasonable Priccs. "'4 Sale .51 Moving 3L! Tea'minx PrlL‘t‘S are’ReasoLmbre DENTIST. m DIPARTL'RE Dentist. .uutn |L iouncil No. l066. Royal in Masonic hall second 3 of every month, Regent, rexarv. Frank R. Green. ,“ZC lr‘féï¬d’fxi '.\1. Keb- hrst and third Monday m mule hall. over M. Moses RES. HIGHWOOD. Sate‘StabICS- (over aldu‘smarkct] smr. umla)‘ services ml. 3.30 p.111.: l‘lpwonh ’rpacmnz. 7 U. D. In. ical Church, Run ;\. ptlay serviccs: (Ivcr a_ m.; English». ,130 Ravinia._ Rev nghlnnd Park. In. Ovncn Honu‘ v A‘ I. to 5 r, it Until further notice m Highland Park lllinoks. Telephone 105 47v 11 \V’edncsday at -2.47, 3.14 M. (hnzriuh 141* 11L, Ill Lake county has come to have an enviable reputation in the state on account of the excellence of its fairs, and last week’s was in many respects the best ever held. The races were superior, while some other departments were a little behind. Some departments of stock were not as full as they should have been, and there were a few gaps in the Main Hall. But taking it all in all it was a fair to make one proud of his county. By this we do not mean to ap- prove all on the fair grounds. There were a couple of shows that we think were frauds: at all events they ought not to have heenpn these grounds: they hurt the fair more than they got for allowing them there. “'e have run big expositions three years and a local fair one year, and we know ques- tionable things. that is things which our best and highest-toned patrons objected to hurt us more than we got out of them. Your best people furnish the sinews of war for a fair and they alone give it character and reputation: it takes years to build those up. while one or two years of low toned management can spoil it, Lord Byron was right when he said: There were a ten ()1‘ 11111121111 fortune wheels must of which Were 1110w11- right frauds and gmnhlinu I l[plat-ea as we saw them operated. 1 {and never ought to have 11ee111 1110Wt‘d there. Our exlx'rience1 1taught us these rules: first have1 no 10w tone questionable 111111151: ments 11r11ttrncti1111:se1-111111.11111ke 1our prices hivh 111111 int11xi111e;'1- 11111) a few of t1111111111111 1 (Yet our mnuev1111t11ft111-few [he 1thing t1» make I1r11111i111 11t [11'1-11-1111 11111111t11'pruminentis the f11i1;k1111 everything else subordinate. 1111.1 1111f the gruunds. locate 1111 the 1 5111111, pop-earn 111111 other 311111115 i11 ‘11r11er (111 a street. 11 few fukers in order too 111111 push the fair in 1111 its features to the from Conduct your .fuir on such high moral grounds that the bust [wo- plo in your county will “kt‘tfl attend it. and you can‘t kwp the 1‘1 ‘A thnusand years scarf“ sen c to form a stun- .-\n hour may lay ix in the (lust " The grrouml are “(linirnblv 11r- ranvetl for stock to £11115. trnek mull the z:Lgmnd stand is superb. Thenl the Dininw room. Main Hall. et1-..l are just right. The Ponltrv lmil<1*- is crowded too near the feme 11ml ‘ not long enough by nearl) one-half. 5 One thing more: there should be1 ltvm gatesï¬none for guilt" into the lgrounds and one for «minty out. .zind then tennis >honhl be put in place. ‘ The frequent. bluekmles :are a nuisance and could be tiisilx 1 remedied. , These are little things. lbut a little sliver under the ï¬nger limil 11 little pebble in the bottom of the shoe. or a little sand 1n tln le ye are vet) annoying. i The fair lacked one thinmâ€"wu hig Laké Counh Wedding uftc -r the style of the 0110 m 112111 at tin ,‘ Minnapolis Exposition wlmn m {had 20,000 “guests." at 27) cents 11 head and cleared up a net profit out i of the weddingâ€"abov e 0111' m eruge (lail) incomeâ€"0f S300Um1d made ithat wedding the talk of the Twin tC‘ities for a week. The two bands. Antioch and Libertyville did admirably. The in your county ‘ 1d it. and you cam of the peova amn‘ THE COUNTY FAIR. Antioch fellows had several new kinks for a band, which took like maple syrup 011 buckwheat cakes. “We saw lots of folks. good folks t! our old friends, though none from Valo. A great number T)E bright young people. Postmaster Murray and Dr. Knight of Waukri gnu and Congressman Fuss were there, happy and hilarious “'9 made our home thusv threw three days with Maydr A.\V.“'Mldn and were most royally entvrtaixwd. Congressman Foss was also his guest (me night and after supper. as we three Vermonters gaflwn-ll about the owning lamp and tnld Green Mountain yarns. the neigh hum thought Mr. Waldo had : cump-uuwting or n huskiug bee i Notice the Gulf stick piu'i at Schneider Cooke’m i E Commutation tickets of the street irailway are on sale at (‘ummiLg‘a 'drug store. 1 Have your eyes testvd fn-t- at ib'chueider K Cooke‘s ,by an expert iopticiuu lj Miss Elsie Boultun gum tn the .‘14.’ i Dllï¬it' school in Springfivld. .“iis5.. inext Monday and )liaï¬ .\luri¢-| has already gone to Kmnpt-rHullJtm-inv. The sm-inl side of the fair was immense and we found lots of fole knew 315 whose nunn-s hm] escaped our trvnvhcruus mvmur)‘. “'0 shall he rvml} furmmtlwr fuir \‘erv Shun Dr. [llgfllls had {WU ('(mpï¬ nf‘ «'hickv m1 at the. vounty fair 1m! ‘ “wk. um- of PI} umuth Rucksmul um‘ of \\ Hlntlottvs "ml lmtll hmk1 thc Muv rihbun and 1hr} \n- ro- n- r} fim- birds. lj Miss Elsie Boultun gum h» the 51(- 1 Duï¬iv school in Springfivld. .“iis5.. ‘next Mundu)‘ and )liaï¬ .\luri¢-| has already gone to Kmnpt-rHuthu-inv. ‘ E Mr-L (hmrgt- D. Buuhnn guw n littlv dinnvr to u {cw frivnds frum (‘hicugo lust Sunday Hflc‘rlumn. f‘ r Hue-r daughtersmrv (hwy Ivft hunw fur schuul. Thv street car folks nn- putting thvirtmcksintu nlignnn-nt thruugb gthe city so they can ruuzlll their cars dmvn thruugh the tuwn. Thvy are :{also packing more crusht-d stunv in grbesidt- the rails. E. H. (‘UOK of Hllnth‘y. .‘10â€" Hrnrycuunty. was thvn- with 321 varieties uf hvns. numng the ï¬lms! 0f which wvrt- his snow whin- Plyumuth Rm-ks mul Mum-my din-Ks, which runst in Inn-a ur fvnm-s. thv ~ullw us turkvys Erskincs‘ A fine (‘reole matron in New ()r- loans wax clmiï¬ug us pne day on our ignorance of Parisian French. and uï¬'vred to instruct us in the tongue in daï¬y use umdng all cultivated people of lwr city and hc-re is the ï¬rst sc-ntem-e shv gave us for trans lution: “Madame. jP vous aime de tous mun cueur." an d we are puz~ zling nur brain ovvr it yt-t. R. I’. Street told us the other day at (hum-r that wlwn he was a boy he lived some two miles outside Exeter, England. and went to school into the city. and jllht on the outskiru thi- following poetic sign hung m‘vr a cohhlvr's shop: “ch- ll\'(‘~‘ :I'man “ho dun't rcfusv To lllt‘nd .1“ «on! of hunts and sh-wï¬. \\‘xtlx um- um] pains he stop: all huh-x And \\ lu-n gum: unne- rem-W! â€11'†w-|c~ Tu ken: 1hr fret {rum cold and ram Shut“ nuuh' hc-n- hv JOHS TRHMMNI». For the beneï¬t of those who urei and those who intend to sell theirl real estate. we may say the revenue1 tax is $1.00 per thousand dollars on the sale. Hence every extra thou- sand you can get for your property will put one dollar into the war fund. What a delightful thing war is. The man who sells, pays the tax. Sell your property and sell it high, so as‘ to help the Cuba libre fund. l Butterick luntorus for mlv LOCAL ITEMS. u! Stop at Schneider Cook/o’- and have your eye glasses adjusted free of charge. If \()u or your friendn want a house for the winter. give us a call: me don t want people to sleep out of doors the next six months. Quite a number of our Baptist friends attended the Chicago associ- ation at the Fourth church on the West side. They had good preach- ing etc. and especially good dinners. The last local telephone directory 1‘!) to August ï¬fth. about six Weeks ago. report two new phones installed No. 87 at the electric railway otï¬oe. and No. 74, Mrs. Van Schaickn. There are a few murv citizens that want to fall intu line and put in the helln macmnv. Everytxxiy horn in Boston ix smart of cuursoa Hence the nehuol child- ren down tlwrc- writs, cumfmititious. The {ollnwiug one shows how smart. Boston b0y~ art Tm; BARE. Bures‘ an: of many sighses and all big. The chief kinds are tho‘ grizzly here which is black: Um ~ini c-rmon hare which is good and gvmlu-L the white hare wl'lch hlrnclu-s m Jain w hide in “In muw and make u a rug, and the him-k hnrc- which In common and H careful of in cub.» Bares li,»_;lul hows fur lmney. which is mean Ink-num- the hues are littha (hum u‘ lmn- fnumi wine curmnt jelly Niltmg on n ptrdvu hem-h m dry. and he at:- it. and {1.9 lady Imdn'l an) munz whit-h \\‘u~ grmdy. â€ilrt.‘ urr pigs «|.\Ml2’~' CLARENCE (Emu. fled. (U. Schumachcr’s \Vr umkv uur Plow's ï¬red. «1. Schumacbcr, iHorseshoeing a Specialty. A. E. WICKHAM. Electrical Zonsmlction, Orders Promptly Attended to. HENRY EWARTJGIESER BROS. Horseshoeing Blacksmithing BOTKER SPHlIKLIIB WABOIS. FRED'BOTKER am Central Ave Has recently remnvml tn his new and commodiuus brick shop un Central. corner of Park uwmm and he is prepared to du A: prit-vs as low with gnml “ark KEEP COOL ICE CREAH SODA. New Work, Lamps Fur-Ishcd. All Kinds of Electrical Material. (mice: Cummlnp' Pharmacy PHESCRIPT!ON DRUGGIST Have Your Fro-1935 59'9“ FY Allegretti Candies Fi A FRESH STOCK OT ALWAYS ON HAND Drop : punt-I. or (all un 1hr pmpnrtnr IV DRINKING Hum-n4 Puk. ll the Fruit mm Syrups din-ct from and the lh is (-mminlem Electrical} Electric Light. Electric Bell. Burglar Alarm. Fire Alarm, Private Telephones «4 Speaking Tubes. Highland Park Electric Light Co. 'Hot Rolls and Bread ‘ Delivered for Braldast. w. J. MCKINNEY. Painter, Decorator uwil’apcr Hang OFFICE: HAHTHOIF 85 KEIIEBER NEVIS SHIRE. All Work ext-emu} promptly and in the best manner. SOMERVILLE’S Bakery and Restaurant, A Fine Line of Bakery Goods *Clothlng Cleaned. . Dyed and Repaired. Highland Park. Laundry, A. a. ORTLUND, manger. TELEPHONE 25 l. B. BECKER. Merchant Tailor. Suits leaned and Pressed. 75 Cents V. CamdAvc. - WPnï¬m TILK'HONK ‘2. West Side Barber Shop irst Class Work At Reasonable Prices. nniluuch :- We are nmv prepared w Elmm‘nlu nutrufllofl ‘ (bur wnrlnnen arr elm-n. Ire nae (unly IM- lu-st mun-rial and our pnrn m u 10" u 19 l (mmMrnl ‘ nh ï¬nd work Goods sen! for and delivered to all part:- nf the city. Orders by post or telephone promptly attended to. The Leading Market, 275 POULTRY. "SH. BUTTER AND EGGS. St. John- Av¢.. next to P. 0 and Cold Meals at All Hours, RAWBAKR I. Building Material, and Ice. ,uicftcflon Gutrunud. JOHN H. MOHR. PM- Tntruout «0. :¢ Ladws‘ andï¬rm': alu an on hand Central Avenue. Itoyc INCH- Construction. DEALER! N ) do Ill kind-u! work md rep-1n