Illinois News Index

Highland Park News (1874), 23 Sep 1898, p. 7

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When {he children gt! their act wt and take cold givethem , ho: foot bath, a bowl of hot rink, a dose of Ayer's Che ’ectoral, and put them to be 'he chances Ire they will~ be ll nght in the morning. LOD- lnuc the Cherry Pectoral a few lays, until all cough has dis- lp ared. Id coughs are also cured; re mean the coughs of bron- :l1itis, weak throats and irriuble ungs. Even the hard coughs if consumption are always rude easy and frequendyc w the continued use-of BB.“ Mound vice Fm! Everv doctor snows mu w... :herrv bark is the best remedy Known to medical‘science for 300mm; and healmg inflamed broms :md lungs. BSOLUTELY PURE. 'ALTER BAKER C0. Ltd. Breakfast @coa alieliiieraflnisi IS LESS THAN ONE CHINA CUP. Be wre mu 1e! the 32me made a: butdies‘ken m, by m reqvxzra mm: drones for home » subammlak goods run we nur have the Che-v. , "xaceofordlnuryprinm ,"v untied. Afik You! "\‘hflpfinfl'l" Prints. 3111 Simpson $50115 n1 1 guaranty o! the mdam of manly and c inn} um :bsolnwly DellciousuNutflfiOQn. - doctor knows that wild :ark is the best remedy to medical science for z and healing inflamed Mothers and Children Lml {sh perfecuy (tleMID ! no ‘ fl an-" , man and the mate broke out. The former attacked the mate with a knife. For some time the struggle lasted, both participants rqlling about the deck. to the horror of the passen- rs. who were unqbie to interfere. Finally. when the mate. who had been cut in numerous places. was about-to give up. he succeeded invpulling his revolver. With a well-directed shot. he laid the watchman low. Stephen Hugs, proprietor of the landing. went up town for an officer “1d returned with Deputy Coroner Boil. They found both the mate and watchman dead. lying on the blood- covered (1 eck. St. Louis, Sept. 21.â€"Word was re- ceived here Tuesday of a desperate and fatal duel' between Mate Bart Davis and the night watchman on board the steamer‘Mayflower. of the Diamond Jo line, which left here Mon- (My night for Memphis. Both men are dead. For some time there had been a fund between the two men. Monday nightrwhen the boat was tied up at IIugn’ landing. one mile from Creston, M0,, the quarrel between the watch- a“ Linen Connectxnx Between 500 and 600 Towns in the Northwest Form a Pool” Minneapolis, Minn"... Sept tintions which have bee COLONEL ROOSEVELT’S PRESENT FROM HIS ROUGH RIDERS. Charles Baker is the name of the watchman, who lived at Pnducnh. Ky. Bu't Davis is a resident of St. Louis. some time were closed Tuesday where- by the Northwestern Telephone Ex- change company. the Western Electric Iystem. the Western Electric Tele- phone company, the Minnesota Mu- tual Telephone and Telegraph com- pany, and all of the dependent and al- lied companies. operating in between 500nm] 600 towns in southern and western Minnesota, nthex-n Iowa Ind South Dakota, will pool issues and opente their lines in direct connec- tion. This deal will make it possible to teach about 8.000 miles from this city by wire. This is said to be the first time a Bell company hn's ever entered into such an extensive arrangement With an independent system. . There is now left. in the general ter- ritory outlined above not a single in- dependent long-distance line. The new alliance does not intend to com- batlocal independent exchanges. They, will be offered connections with the long~distance lines if their service is good. As the independent companies in the deal are between two Bell ter- ritories and now hate “repeating con- nections" with them the} will be able to substitute direct physical connecâ€" tions The result will be that Minne- apolis can talk “ith all parts of Iowa. Nebraska, Missouri Kansas. Illmois and in fact as far as electricity will carry the voice. The transfer of the lines of the Union company will be mode 10-day. Cleveland. 0.. Sept. {ILâ€"United States Senntor Kyle has become a republican, leuing the free silver people. With whorn he previously affiliated. This nn-' nouncement was first made at the he“quarters of Senator Hanna in this fity. and later confirmed by the sen- Itor himself. whb, lying on his sick bed ‘It the Forest City house, said his South Dakota friends would have been much better pleased had the announce- fluent come in a more formal and exâ€" thltory way from himself directly. T'urAL DUEL ON A BOAT. l o! a Feud Between the Mate and 313m Watchman on Bout-d a Mix-Jump! steamer. BIG TELEPHONE DEAL. A BPOIIIQ, "The Broncho Bunter,‘ Now a Republic-n. Hm"... Sept. 21.â€"-â€"~Z\'ego- have been pending Snn Francisco, Sept. 21.~â€"The troops just ordered ‘0 the Philippines are all anxious m depart as soon as possible, and their wishes are likely to be grati- Milwaukee. Sept. 21.-â€"An important decision was handed down in the su- preme court at Madison Tuesday which upholds the low forbidding the printing of a candidate’s name in two columns on the official ballot. The de- cision was in the case of Carl Runge against City Clerk W. E. Anderson. who held that position in this city up to the time of the spring election. Runge in a populist but was nominated by the democratic city convention for city attorney. City Clerk Anderson re- fused to place Runge‘s name in both columns and suit was brought to com- pel him to do it. The supreme court's decree will practically knock out fusion in (the future in this state. Declllon by “'lncon-ln Supreme Court Sound. In Death line]! In That state. Hutton-l Assembly of Filipinos Helps Clear the Air or Misanderstund- In; with Americans. As the result of the meetings of the ) national assembly of Filipinos, thus ' far held in Mnlolos. there is now entire ‘ confidence in the American govern-; Inent on the part of the insurgent leadw ers. All the members of the assembly ex- hibit an earnest desire that the future relations of the Filipinos with the Americans may he of the most ‘riendly character. '~ New York, Sept. 21.â€".~\ dispatch to the Herald from Manila says: fied, for Gen. Miller. who hopes to head the expedition, is doing all he can to expedite their transportation. The numerical strength ordered to the orient is as follows: First. Tennessee regiment, 1,286; Twentieth Kansas regiment, 1,301; Fiftyâ€"first Iowa regi- ment, 1,251; First Washington regi- ment. 1.315; recruits Second Oregon regiment, 300; battalion Twenty-third regiment, U. S. A., 400. Total force, 5,856. San Francisco. Sept. 21.â€"The Cali- fornia heavy artillery. Maj. F. S. Rice commanding. has received instruc- tions to proceed to the Philippines. An application has been forwarded to Washington requesting Gen. Miller be assigned to command the next expe- ditionary forces. It is generally un- derstood that it will be at least two weeks before any of the next expedi- tion can get away. Rough Elderl' Horne- Sold. New York, Sept. 21.â€"Three hundred and fifty-seven horses that belonged to Roosevelt's rough riders went un- der the hammer Tuesday at prices ranging from five dollars to $77. but averaging about $16. Eight hundred more of them will be sold today and 'Thursday. The salesroom was crowded when the sale began. There were horses by hundreds. nearly all bronchos. Many of them never had been saddled, and few of them had been shod. The horses cost. the gov- ernment about $65 each. , A Tnlple Trnzedy. Johnstown. Pa., Sept. 21.â€"A fatal shooting nfiray occurred at Garrett, Somersett county, Tuesday afternoon, when Frank P. Myers,.of that. place, killed Constable John Lenhart and wounded Michael Kearns twhile the father of the young man was attempt- ing to evict him from a house, the own- ership of which was in di>pute. Late Tuesday evening M} ers “Ll: L'npturcd by a posse. and was shot to death urn-r [wing arrested. AGUINALDO’S CONGRESS. "' by Frederic Remington. BLOW AT ' FUSION. nuu was Illxu a nu“-.. “ ‘What do you mean, you old shrimp? from the ndvocate of bpun. “ ‘During the war With Great Britain the Britilh entered the harbor and burned the town of New London, didn’t they? “ ‘Cnurae they did. “hat of M f" " 'VVhy, somebody piloted them there and when he come home his ocketl wu full of British gold, paid for his irty work. 1nd his ' neighbor: hearm' (if what. he had done, at I i v ropes and made him an evemn' call. it , studded by the back door and never “ngde l e till he got to Bermuda, and he never ha cheek to come back.’ “ '\\’hnt you tryin' to git It." " ‘That there pilot wan your grlndpn .' And it took a dozen bystanders to keep t e ; two old sen dogs’om clinching,”~Detr01t Free Press. The rush» of gold seekers to the Klondyke bring: thrilhn memories to the “iurty ninern" still a me, of the time when they girdled the (‘OllIllIL'Ill or faced the terrors of the rent American deIert on the yourney to the and of gold. These noncen- tell some experiences which Ihould m howled by gold seekers of to-dny. (‘onutant expoaurc and fault diet killml large numbers, while neer y Ill the survivor: were afflicted Wllb d i I e I I e. m a n y of them with r h e u m I - tiIm. Such a Iufierer was AdIm Vangundr. who no“ II- I i d e e a t Blufll, Ill , where he has been justice of \(‘x the peace ‘ ,,. \;\ fhind was the fit preni \ dent of the “A Forty-aim." board of trueteeI. In a recent interview he nid: “I had been I suflerer of rheumntum for I number of years Ind the pain at time: wu ve intense. I tried all the proprietar- icinel I knew of but received no reh . "I tianlly placed one With Irvcral 1 physician: and docto with them for wine time but they tuled to do me my food. {ex Finally with my hopes of relief near hunted I had In article in; Dr lil- liImI' Pink Pills for Pale eople, which inâ€" duced me to try them. 1 VII Inxiouu to get rid of the terrible dueue Ind bought two bow of the pillI. I n uImg them about Much, 1M. After I Id taken two held I wan completely cured and the pain hu . never returned. I thin it lI the beat medi- cine I have ever tIken, Ind Im willing at any time to sign my unme to any testimony setting forth ite good merits." Signed?)e ADAM VANGL'NDY. . ubscri d and sworn to before me, thin l ‘2ch day of September. A. Dr 1897‘ FRANKLIN C. FUNK.Notnry Public. Mr. Vangundy's statement nu ht to be regarded as a criterion of thvoo merits of these pills, Ind what bette roof could I penon want than the above ecu. nessed since the opening of hosnlmes,” said one of the representutxvea at the re cent meeting of the cndntnxen, “took place in I quiet hew England Vlhagc of my .L‘Lf‘, Both partxcipanu had puscd the”: chm score years and ten. but were Ill}! Vigoroul in mind and body, and especially "some: in language, for both hld been follower. of the Den. "One of these 016 (rllowa espoused the cause of Spain, declaring that she had been jumped on because lb: was little, md thnt this country wu pllylng the part of a great big bully. After they had ex. changed hot nhotn {or I few mmuteu, the champion-9f thevg‘ovemment got thmp AL__.:__ n_‘ .L_ Bu! I! Took 1 “11019 C $23531?- ‘3; 'fiy‘wifiontinf that tfie other fa low came honestly by his principle- and Wu bred a traimr. ‘ 1“” The expense of repairing tire uucturec should be added to our ill-come tac s.-L. A. W. Bulletin. “WHEATâ€"No. ZRed Bepxember ...... CORNâ€"Nu, 2.. Ducrmlwr . OATSâ€"No. 2 Suspicious.â€"Nephew (to rich uncle. who has fallen downftainqlâ€"V‘W hope you are not hurt.” Uncleâ€"“0b, you do. do you? You know verv well that I must be enher hurt or dead."~â€"Cincinnati Enquirer. SHEEP Hull‘s Cltlrl'h Cure In I Constitutional Cure. Price 75c The twin who fights and runs nwav any live to draw 3 pensionâ€"Chin“ DnlyNem. Septembvr ......... BU ER »â€" Creamvry t'lory ........... Butchers SHEEP Ho» EGGS CATTLEâ€"Shipping Sn Texas Sm rs ........ Slackers. Feeders .. Bulls ..... B L’TT BR â€" Creamer) EGGS ....................... POTATUES‘ New (pvr bu.) PORK â€" hem Int-Ht . LABD â€"~ In («mm-r. RIBS 7* Jumx; H") GRAINâ€" “' h: At, St Member C or n S« ph mlwr ........ Outs Se member” “yr, quh ........ Burk-y. Choice. LIVE STOCKâ€"Steers Hogs ............ Sheep .. HOGS 'â€" Light Light \llx- d SHE HP . GRAI\â€" “'hun, Du‘ombcr. 8 ;Nos 1 and. ‘7 Northern. Days ....................... Rye No.1" ......... . ...... Bax-fey, No. 2 ..... . ......... GRAINâ€"Wheat,1\'o.2 Sprlnx 8 No‘ 2 Hard .................. Corn. No. 2 Mixed ......... Oats, No. 2 W'hhe ......... Rye, No. 2 .................. “One of the jiveh'eat'bfullfsl {hay}- wit Dglr) BOSTILITIES AVERT ED. THE RUSH FOR GOLD. From the Times. Blufln. Ill ok the United Eflortl of (I. ‘e Crowd to Prevent . Ho: Eng-cement. THE MARKETS. KANSAS CITY MHA‘VAITKEE ST. LOUIS "1 >â€" [ICAGU New York, Sept, 21. the world tor-(‘5 ion. Via-1. lent-Ion U "02:“ Icon. Wino Imlllnc. lovor Iona. .u 0“ Cor... I! never m1. an-omnu nave-u mound neuL thou-1v..- or Dolls. "Ruin!“ Cur? 55“?“ fi-L-xxuremm m.m II. I.“ by ”m DROPSY.‘ i‘unmn sums nu up Jyoti-rm“ Janka. m I: on. old non-M o- n and. will h-lwwdhâ€"o-m .cnuumumwvggflu-‘f-f 'ra ‘ quick "Htf'lfld curv- worn lul’ bowl of mumnuu and I..." fro. ulna-loony...“ NEW DISCOVERY: 3"“ .wvv--. ,_",‘, H, _ Inoully UNABLE [who “)3qu to .nvhodb' two Anmul “nonunion. Mn ouch w the Ionmlyfiu FMNCIDOO My). Ovarian flu Bu! 800K 8:; WM! mm a'ualatf Ill-Min"! DRAW Madman-9'

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