Illinois News Index

Highland Park News (1874), 30 Sep 1898, p. 2

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o!’ H gighland agar]: if ru's. HIGHLAND PARK. THE WEEK’S NEWS Happenings Casualties and Fires. Personal and Po- litical Notes Business Failures and Resumption; Weather Record. ROUND ABOUT THE WORLD IX’I’EILIGENCR FROM ALL PARTS committm Springs C In an interview in Madrid Admiral Ctrvera mud he had a clear conscience regardfag'Samiago. Spain. he said. had lived in a dream. and she now but] to‘fmtc rgaiity. Maj. Gen. Miles has completed his plan fnr'the reorganization of rhe v0!â€" umeer forces into corps, divisions and brigades. The Spanish steamship San Fran- cisco sailed from San Juan for Spam with 500 Spanish soldiers on board. Gen. Milés safs that instead of mus- 1erjng out 50,000 volunteers wholesale within the next two or three wevks. it “'All SE‘VS. Sun-man Alger on his tour of h)- spection fixes the blame for the sick- ness in the different nrmx ramps throughout the country on the com- manding officers. Aguinaldo hill appealed to the powers for recogniiion of the inilc pehdency of the Filipinos. About 500 applications for pensicns nrising out of the War with Spain have been filed at the pension ofiice in Wash ington. Every‘bing regarding the evacua- fion of the Island of Puerto Rico by the Spanish troops is proceeding satisfac- ‘orily. In Santiago Gen. Garcia denied the legality of the present Cuban govern- ment and said he did not recognize any government in Cuba save that of ihe United Siates. wifi be the aim of the authorities to weed out the sickly, married and ufxfit tuiunteers gradualba The commission to investigate the conduct 'of the war department has been completed and will consist of nine members. Cap t Gen. Blanco has ordered that the remains of Columbus “hich are in the cathedral in Havana. be transâ€" ported to Spain. The Cuban military commission has been notified by the authorities in Washington that further deiay in the evacuation of Cuba will not be aliowed. Capt. R. P. P. Wainwright has been appointed mustering~out officer for the state of Iiiinois. with headquar- ters at Springfield. President McKinley has informed the American commissioners at Ha~ vana that the evacuation of the island bv the Spaniards must begin not iaxtr than October 15 and be completed b} December 31 next. The Spanish cruiser Infant}: Maria Teresa has been raised by Lieut. Hob- SOD. An order has been issued by the war éepartmcnt to file effect that {urâ€" !oughe‘d men are not entitled to trans- portation 10 their homes at govern- ment expense. Aguinaldo has reasseried his friend- ship for America and his determined purpose not to allow Spain ever again to gain control of the Philippines. The American commission in Ha- vana received from the Spanish gav- ernment a note claiming that Spain is sfiii absolute in Cuba. despite the pro- (ocoL The military investigating commis- sion organized and began its work in \Ynshington. It is said this government will object to r‘he intemion of Capt. Gen. Blanca to have the remains of Christopher Co- lumbus removed from Havana to Spain. President McKinley has extended {he jurisdiction of Military Governor “'00d and i: now embraces the whole province of Santiago de Cuba. Capt. Robley D. Evans. late of Iowa. has been ordered to duty at navy department as a member of board of inspection and survey. .es~ Cushenberv (colnred) shot .tamh kilkd his Wife and then 'teU Suicide in Colorado s. Col. nggusy was 3115 cans}. BY Evtxxs a F‘QRRES'I‘ Lgs of the Past Seven Days in Brief. the me the The exchanges at ihc lendin:v vlcnr~ in: houses in the l'nitvd 5min during the week muh‘d on 1h» ‘23d nggregntg-d 51225590315, again“ 51.330.601‘2934112 previous week. The docron n- com- pared “ith the corresponding week in 1597 was 3.2. A block of stores hurnml (HY Edgv- mom. S. ll. causing a loss of “50,000. George II. Morgan. John Shannon and John A. Jones were killed by a {all of coal in a mine m Xantirnke, Pa. Eight men wore killed hy a gas e\" plosinn in a mine near Brownsville, A P. Johnson and his son am] Erick Bergman. fishermen. “ere drowned near Millers. 1nd. .. Floods and lyplmrms alnng the east- ern and nortln-rn shnrvs of Formosa destroyed 5.000 buildings and 400 peo- ple were killed. A passenger train on the Missmm Pacific railroad \\':|< held up by maskcd men hour Leeds Mu. and the expre» car “as rohbelL The An nnfu high (‘3855 free silver monthl} in Huron. has<usprnded pub- li ‘ation bc‘cnnw of kick of ~unpport. Rosser (L Brmn]. a farmer and his two young daughters \H-rv killml l\_\ lightning m‘ar “awn iHn, Ark, (‘hurlc‘s \\'. \Vnndrufi'. unJvr arrest in Ilufi'uln. X. Y.. it ~1lit‘ to have mar- ried nmre ihuh 7M “nmvn since 1“?) The perm‘nmztw of I)!» haw-ha“ 4~hxb> in {he Nminnn! Eeaguc {or the “(wk vudm? rm thv "ZH‘ “on-z Ihutnn‘ .znfl- Rnhlmore. .114 ('incinnnti, J71]: 15V (hr {Oundorln' of xhe H hlor - L 2 Monitor in St. Marys rim-r JUwph l'rior. \ViIYinm Former, Julxn 'Itulmrp and Emanuel Ituhzxrw, n! 53:11! Ste. Muriv, Mix-11.. am! John Fairy. 1)! Us} (‘11). “en- drr “Lu? ' John M. Taupe)". for many years gen- eral manager of Hm Ne“ York Central railroad. died in Fishk? Landing. N. Y.. aged 703'9211'5. .660: B11!!;1110r9..r\4 Cleveland. .336; (‘1; York, .523; Philmh burgh .4‘9: Louisx h‘n. .192; Washing! A! 1!)? rnmN in “‘ich?1z\.I\:m...\hr- Ihzl R. broke Hm rm-nrd for xun-ycur pzu-inu by making a he” milv- in 1:04‘ .-\ (‘ODL'I‘f‘Sh of mntherx umlrr H19 auspices of the national urganizutinn. “in he held in Omaha. .\'ob., ()cxobrr K 9 and 10. A tornado swept over LimiL O.‘ um! vicinnv doing an immP 0 amount of damage. Elmer Baty w crushed to death and 50 other persons were inâ€" .jured. “‘0 fatally. Advices from ‘he Barbadnes say that 30,000 persons were rendered homeless by the recent hurricane and 4,737 houses were destroyed. FOREIGN. The schoone’r (‘4 c. Funk. of San Francisoo, was “rem-Red on Flinder's is‘nnd, Australia, and ten of the crew were drowned. China and Japan have been \‘isived by thunderstorms and disastrou: 1100(1an which many hundreds of peo- ple lost their lives. Joseph Tvrrvil wrflnrw!) at ('hurlortuiilr. \':|.. {or of h}; lllh‘ltt r-i. .11“. “all: Corben annonnros xhn! muu‘h “ith .\lv('n_\ i]. “I PERSOVAI. AV" POLITICAL. Michigan repuh‘ionns in cnnventim in I)etroit r0n(uninnxed lInzen 5. Pin gree int goxvrnnr lu‘ :u-cYanunion Thép ‘aflorm mdnresthOQOIIMnnd ard apnd the prcsent natiox :fl ndxniniv trntion. in convention at Tacoma. “'ash.. the republicans nominated Francis W. ~Cushman nnd .Willinm L. Jones for congress, and J. T. Anders and Mark Fullerton for supreme judges. Democrats of the Fifth Michigan giistrict nominated George R. Perry for Congress. The sovereign grand lodge of Odd Fellows in sc‘ssion in Boston decided that no more insurance lirt‘nses will be hsuml. The republican campaign in Illinois was opem‘d formally at sovera! points in the state. Richard .‘Ial‘colm Johnson. the lee- turer and now-list. died in Baltimore. Md. uher an illness of several months. The Oregon Ieuislature convened in Salem to elect a Unixed Sxatvs senaior. slums u ru;mli_\wm-rl- Hun arm“ :1 pump-rm» the inuhhtriul imvrr-s 7<xr_\.:\11(l\:l)\ Hutrh| (h‘kih‘d. Even state in the smnh has estah fished a rigid quarantine against 31 ptlrt‘ons of Mis.~i~sxppi bzcaun‘ of )9! km; fen-r. The Omaha expusition has in bank 330.000 above its IEahiIlIies. The republican state conrrmion at Trenton. N. J.. nominated Foster M. Voorbees for gmernor. Charles A. Schnefi'er. presidem 0 the University of Iowa. died at hi home in Iowa City. aged 55 your; The funeral of Miss Winnie Davis took pim‘c m Richmond. \'u.. and was atiendod by a iarpv (‘rmxd n! peopiv. Herman R. Dahle was nominated for Comm-P55 by the Second ditlrict rr- puhlicnns of Wisconsin. The Connecficut democrau nom- inated for governor ox-Iinited States Treasurer Daniel N. Morgan. 0! Bridge- port. 2h Baltimore. .1147: ('incimxan, ,4711; kind. .336: ('hivnun. .543: New .f‘lm Philndvlplfia. .519; Pins- A .4‘9: Louisviile. 4H: .Iinmk- 192; “fishingmn, .2231; 9L Louis. Morwh “as h and lodge 0! Odd in Boston decided linfl'ulo 1:11 illuharp San}! Ste. H', 1)! Ha) ’.rn\\H fighting urdz-r Inn" During lu-uxy nnrxnr in Hu' Baltic SH) 120 fishvrmeu \n'ru- drmuu-d ht. “Neon I'vlungvn and Lihau. Th9 kwnmulne tin nu-n in fit’fibii)“ in Torumn. (my. rel-h-ctml l". l’. \‘argwnt grand muster. "I in 0171;“ rnr and all (he highvrstmc ofl‘uinls in (‘hina haw bm‘H! In tho- (‘m\\ugvr enwrrss and «‘H‘I’Mhm: “11 . qnim The (‘nmpnnia “ixh lhe l‘nilrd Nah-n pram: vomlninhm on board ‘1’- rired in Queennown. Robber: New open the safe 0! the Farmers' bank in Flora. Ind.. and ma- caped with over $13,000 after seriously wounding “.11. Lenon. Yhe proprietor. In the Fiflh Ohio (Nitric! 1hr repub- Hvans nominawd E. M \"ilcox fur con- gres: and 11m drmocrau- nnxm‘d Sam- uel M'rekisrm. All th( Brili‘h. French and (Zr-rman warships hznr left Manila. The 1)n:tIr-~hi;:s ()rvgnn. (‘apfi 1.9. Barker. and Irma, Capt, Si!“ Terry, rocvivrzi onion an sui‘. for Muniim It hm hc-c‘n dm‘ide'd 1tvv-~'!:nlu1i~h the hrndqunr'ers M 1}]? sen-m! \merivan ('nmrnnxfl‘ m. ('ulu at Hu\:m.l.1‘uvrto The prtXxninur} klunvy nf th‘ rm!!! n.’ the pr-Ipou-d Xirnraunnu mun} has bow} m-znyirtt-«R Tht‘ rutinpn! (mufr‘rr’rm- in nzxk'nnd, .Vclv. of 1]"? Sue-dish Rapiist‘chnrch ju-Xitimzmi I‘rvszdwnt McKmIr} tnkm‘p (hr vnt'yru- l'hiTippino islnl'd'i The Ann ricnn Mail Sieamship com- paxzy's swarm-r Adzng'rn‘. Sampson “nu launrhed at thv ('mmps' yank in Phil- ldelphiuf The Cuban-American h-nguv in New York urges President McKinlr) to pre- um the n-mains of (‘hrlsluplwr (‘0. hnnlmé bring mken 2) Spain ‘ It hm hc-c‘n drcide'd 1n .- hrndqunr'ers n{ 1}]? SPn-r: ('Hm HHI ‘ ‘n ('ulu at “M Fri: 7 .» .114 Suhtlngn. The presidt-m :n‘d {our Int-when of h§> (‘abmet win In”? “'ashington Oc- tober 10 for mer trip to the Omaha exposition. crmng Ninth ' Purxhvr repnrh ~hnw Yhn‘. at hub? 15 pt‘ruuh “vrv kiHc-d by MW <~_\(‘Ione a! MorriMn. 0111.. and \ioiLi' (‘nL Thrudnrr H. Rnnsereh uzw 1mm- innted for unuw‘nor by (he rrpublicnn 4717+) vmnrn'mn ir' Suratngn Springs. Mrs. Iluw Sangr‘r and hrr Pr}: :nr-old daughter were asphyViah-d by illumâ€" inating 2:.“ in Miiwaukee \\2:il¢- they slept. .Qm‘c'rnl thousand veteran- attl'ndml (hr Illinois state fair 31 Springfirld. making “old so‘.di9r>"' day a great success. The gmemmvm at Washington ha: drvide not to furnish food (0 Cuban insurgvxxts who are under arms. l’pnn instructions from Washirptnn the schools in Samiagu win he nprnrd 01'] HH' fir~’ Mlmr’;\_\‘ i1 “(‘31er R. P R. ~hr-p “m rrrnn vn‘ed {or rv‘nnhl mm in Hue caner ;,\ '* I The Americans now hold {aux-fifths of (he ishlnd of l‘uerto Rico. John Willinms. a negro who serious- !3' stabbed Sherman Dunn washnched n a mob at Mountain ( it)‘ TN: n. Th!) report that Spam will demand 'ha :hr‘ rlmxn her v~0\(‘n $2M} in Ihe "hihppmrs and have Man“): rmt'orrd m Le-r hy-fnn- she ratific: the Irv-313' of ppuwt‘ E< mvnfirmed. Tho m afliw 31.] H!"- “0111' <ln-r.tT. Mrs. In the Xukon hv- fiumrx Thr- rrnignntinn of Gen .319“an L Wumlfurd :m minzfler In Spain bus Owe-n acropu‘d h) 1hr prosidrm. KHZ Thoma.- H. (lrm‘n h I“ (.r W‘and the election to be bishop of the hpisflr pnl dim-ecc- of Iowa Fanny Dave: PM ”.13 MUM)! lvlkmrli), the celebrate-Ll .1: H M! u! hrr summer lwnnz Mrlhul .ulL Ln l)u.\bur}'. Ma .apn-d «h _\t '1 he Yrruch n-nhim-X has Mouth-«3| rmi~iun of H10: lrml w! ftrrHH r t )rt-_\ {my ('01, “iiliuln Jrnnirgh “mum of hird Nebraska rrg'um-nt. was ur 'I'hr New EX.;_":\1.-i Lu: :n.) “en! im“ fhr h:.:. ,1]: I'm-1n) iiuhzuur: ~ in Us: 3101”,, 1:) Thu Amrrn-nn and ommissiunrrs urrnmi Hen. (Mm-I has up 'nixrl Stun-s to help Thompson Smi aim-d a! $15H_U«m h. MiI‘L 1)} hr I'hiélpplno .\ (ruin “rt: rr repnrtrd (hing MAN) 1»! Hann'inn. \ (‘_\rlmm al Mrrrnun. (H t , k:!'«-d u- [it-nuns, .nJured nan _\ 41ht'rs am! 1-»! rn)'vd pruperly. The (‘iiy of Santiago ir- rIrnH-I nnd vultldrr nu“ Khan Hrr })«-{t n 1“ As Univ: of $.34 Thv burn :IV. .\|mn. \ hildro-n and :nc “:hh. 11.~ lay on tux-um: l ufx !'(lv 1] 11- Nurllnufl trrr “H. Um. :xzd xhnt Pram-«- 1; [Sir 1hr Yxlqrhn )U valley in nmn “1m robin-d the» post fin M. .\{i\'h.. um“. shn' Sum- imu- bumvnpturvd 1:} (he Smith's Snnk’ s3“ mi f John Lie-N I‘I'ai‘ Fair“ ua‘ hurried. "In! his two thrr-c horse-a perish“) in ‘(Nm LATER. through n1rn Ms (1. 1 {our Int-when of I In uhnal :13 burned at (he- nn Trmt vom- .d~ u! a rvrrhrr TL? 1 ”In" HflH‘f by u hr n- [inlrx I Dun 8L, ”Vt :H nrs “ilk run r ("a all! Mubnumo Mrlhuurne d 4‘ ) r8". p111) «Mr nvnr Hmns in of ()uk naH-n A SMALL BOY'S scamm- IN“ .'I CC upon iftnn a! It In “mud by de-e thznke-n 11m (be gruum :4 an: wtmn u ue to the lime sund- xng unmw «If the world. m winch men I]! ofh-n madr to calm 13mm ‘bfll’ “ll, Ind ihm lm-nmr dxu'onlenud “11h culling eon dmunn. The growxh «If a Mm r race of u-uple u tlue h; the- lam sale of «mrlkr’l ‘ Inmnrh “men. whuh n the bed. medmine {or unln‘enru. dvupe ma, (era, Ind .11 rwrvuu- tnmhln. ‘ry one hot 2. )0 Un' Ilalhr up} .\u the u-ry hr»! opportumiy the mother nd In {he nu \‘c-ur nld “My dear. a But did you do "iLh thou cal you wok {mm the hen hon-9"" "0h. marmn,” ”piled Hu- bn}, “I dndn'! Ian! \mu u- tnnw ghoul n " "\\ in. n'. n.. nxhl," uld mnmml. "10an wnnx zu know uhax my hov did mth them " “I ind “mm m the nubie,” said the mu. “why 19?“: "lt'v- a mighty right more wicmn when uh- make: him flunk the hm in‘rmtad thou: (0 km uh/r’xhry nrr mn locked up In her jun-'1 h’x." he rflfllod. Th. 11 ILH' Junk. d a! narh other. and ear-b rv U 1-71 that xx um (um- 2': r their tummcr fl‘rlanun 10 (-nd ('hamgn Post. A small bov who 1| not {amxhar "llh run! up an. {ah-n by hi fund nun-mi {of I and stay an the country. On 1 mrm m a neighbor-m mumy In inn-d {at And sunburm. an [erd up I . ~ndruus slum of Intonuhmg expcrmucn. Hm- day {he farmer Imnlmg!) and [0 bu ll'hflhrr' “Jml ask your boy that be bid two egg! in 19.0 Habit fqr’" .. .L- _AAL..- I'll. VI , "Whr. mu on, mnman" aid the little phn‘mmphrr. "Ihcn eggs horned m n (‘hn ML huuw Hwy 1- always 'iulc rbnrkenl. an' [fink 2f lhr)’ tn horned m a stable dry mum: In 1:71}? )mnra'” If n hwdlmu u add that up to the limo of in» 1e“ an: 'hr {arm 1hr "yr-rial)! um 1‘: n nrodlmu u add that up to the n of in» lenang 'hr {arm 1hr mind: In t unau-umpiuhcd (Wu-ohm! Plum Dialer “'heu n maquu-xunâ€"r has Imm‘edcd m making Pun 1.iAHH' a guannlrr of th ext-(J- lc-me u! m. good: 1m nu rur'm-d the lug!)- en pmm «11.1.8qu m the (mmmtn ml world. A». an exumpm the name u! \\ m Summon Nmu on any 1.11an is a guaramw u! the hxglmpt hundurd of quahl). ru'. -r and fin- nh. Evuy pun-r u! (but “mull bars I (wk?! nu uhuh 3;» “an (hr mum “$1me finmpsun Nan, hut ”pun-n 1hr qu‘hU. Dram-rs I In, han- I-md and mum”. Moo have bought and worn the mnwrxa‘. made by lbll home Arr auured o! the exmilenm of any piece of ‘rudl I'hH‘h hear. the name, and the Womrn u! the l'mled 5mm who have worn bdnpaon'n prmu u long an the) an re member are null warm: them and In)! nub urnliy maul upon having the good: bclnng (ha! pinion)" nnmc uh (he twLel bccluse they give the most perfect satisfaction. p»- . 7*.- ll Cou- Nothing to Get Our look “ A Home In Ttno." ammo norm 0! {gm hudu for sale 8% Chatmille. Tam. amp oxruniunn. “'rnlcroguftwglup; 59_ Ten. fr] “ht-m. He Had II Idea About It“. Which 'I’O-|I“ - Splendid lie-II: to II- Illd. I cannot tpenk ton highly of Pino'l (‘uro for (‘nn-um ion ~Mn Frank Mobba, 215 ‘5'. 22d 5! , New York. Or! 29. In. Colonization Cov .Vlidilimlw Build‘g.Chksgu Apparently trifling incidents in women‘s daily lite frequently pro duced'mplaccmentsonhewomb. A slipon thestairnJUtingduringmen- struatjon, standing n I counter. running . sewing machine. or it'- k-nd'mg to the most ordinuy mks. guy 1::5ult in displuemcht. find I train of serious evils is shrtcd. The first indication of Inch : trouble should be the signnl for ~‘ quick nation. Don‘t let. the condi- tion become chronlc through neg- lect. or I‘mismken hie. that you cu: overcome it. by exercise or lelving it. alone. More than a mllllon women have ngtined hcdth by the line of Lydia K. Pinkhun'a Vegetable Compound. I! the slightest ‘rou ble uppeunwhich you do not undersund.write to Mrs. Pinkhun 3t. Lynn. Mus., (or her ndricc. md 3 low timely words from her will show you the right. thing to do. This advice costs you nothing, but it any mu life or happiness or both. 3m to you {or Vyour advice tall for the benefit. I lave received from the use of your medicine. I write this leucr for the good of my suffering sisters" and mounted on A roll-v. villi hmluuvufldn-o-mdflj Mum!- In Wm my Int poem. ad lung min. P r4 H'HTHJ‘M‘J Pmfimgfi CH 00 R.R.<'mm-o.lll. s ' The abun- letter from Mrs. Bennett is the historyrof my women who have been mtomd to halt!) by Lydia I“. Pinkhun‘l \‘egeuble Compound. "Mr; Mm: Bzxxnfi: m Annie 8t... by City. Mich, writes to Mm Pinkhun: mlcn., vu 1K5 u.- an». . .uâ€"........ “I cnn hurdly find words with which to than: you {or the good your remedies hove done me. For burly four yen-s I suflcrcd with weakness of the generative organs, continual backache. beaduchemideoche. and til the pains that accompany iemle weakness. A ‘ lriend told my husband about your Vegetable Can- pound md be brought. me home two bottles. After taking those I felt much better, but thought thsl I would write to you in regard to my case. and you do not know how thankful I m Mrs. mum's «M Van: but W “Von-'3 Ills I UNITED STATES llll .ng â€"--â€" Actual-um“; A can at on It. tum. v and mounted hop-tuna). Th0 It In an! :|IM‘”I';:I ‘m'y Ichrmr ’ Your «heme? And whit I your And “but for?" MANY (FEMALE ILLS RESULT FROM NEGLECT. Use Our Well \\ hon "'0 Really “If... 'I a \cr‘ sulvmn lhlna " Sh? hid. n a “man unruxu a man I. lb her “I”! Minuteman-ml. Writ ml”! need. (iron II at Sui-IIII. lOOIIS 00. T) e he (I. fix. that. mu hook-1 Ten-How Ordinary'ruh layProdnoeDW mt Threaten Women's Baum. l-‘rre [lo-cl in “run-r- Flor!“ Thrrr are nbout LIIIUJIUU «cm of Gov- rrunu‘m land In Norzhuw: Manda, sub)” to human-Id em ,and abnu! half I! modl aga.“ of railroad lands Eu! LL: at very 30' “1H1 Tin->4- mud» are an or w-ar the lino u.’ the Loumnlle Nashvnle Ran'md,“ Mr K .1 Wuny». (Qt/rural Land Comm sinner, I'emawln. vuli be (Tad to wrue yo. all almut thrm. I: you “25}. to go do“ 3 and look at film. fl.» Laud-wile Nash- uHr R-flhmd pun-Him. Uh; way and m. upper-tum” un 12.: fin: and I'mrd Tue- day of etch mnml., uztv. Fxr‘ununm at only III?“ III Inulw -â€"_-~ 777 , m unm‘ unexpa-lnd tut but hke am of band-me aadcrwd chew ou’. of the cloud of prwnlwn an rudurunoe has been tho Iork (but The Amenun Tobacco Co. has done Among the L'. 5. Suldaern And Salon ever uncc the \nr beganâ€"for when ‘ ducovercd mu the camps Ind hospx' ‘cre no! supphld u‘lxh (ohamo they d¢~ nded lo prowdc them, free at can, thh enough for every man, and have almdy gn‘rn outright to our Sohkens and hiion m‘er om- hundr'rd ‘hOUMUd pound; of "B“. Ax Plug" and “Duko'e Mixture" Snob Tolnu‘o, and have bought and dinnb fihy thouund br'nr u'ood [:;;IP!, I! I lotd out of between hi1" 1nd ux'.) thousand“. an. This vork bu been done qumly g.‘ thorough}, by Hubhnhng headqmm’ in each camp no that every ramp and crazy hoqma! of the l'nued States Amy 5.. been summed with . enough tout-co In I â€". __ ¢Ll_‘- Nood'o Pm. 0-0 I? over ‘nm‘ fan‘, frr r, “'nte Mr. C l’ Axnwn ger Age-m, lnunxnm. K} lithe lynx EnnlnmwmmtotM$n ”#ow 3'9 Mornm-mll than iii-vein; :naâ€"uirt "if < ‘ (rm-nun. lion} g»;â€" tog 43000... fimufi‘n... ecu, m ..,.,...... m... Muv, . 7 every man and the Silk)" on tinny l'nitod Hates Sbupo :n (‘ulmn taken luv. rh-red with the widien xhis most welco- of d) "nhomv" Perhapr it will he oan' faxr M menu when we hen the remark 3pm 15‘ “carport-1mm have no st-uisf' that then in 'one Arm-noun (ofpnmhon fho-e‘nd Take Laxative Bmmo Quin‘ne Talk-(1. All drums refund money A! It fazls w cure. 25c. A great deal of duhty z: nmry prup'tri) managratlh 1m. - Au 11w“ Uh Another pugilm (one wrong-416: dead.~ Bufiaio Tunes». * Good Blood Makes Health Hood’s Semaparilla uur nu- (III a.- has been xrwd and ham. n61 I'lnlnlfl In "-pmmua! k nduoss. “Did he (e11 hzs love by Irord of mouth?" ““‘eH. nm enmly by u-ord.”â€"Town Tomes. null'u Cot-tr. Cure h taken Internally. Pnce 75c. These I'ur tunes have tned men's - ‘ . 'u..- Hundred Tho-uni Gr-(etul 3“. Glen. PRACTICAL To Care a Cold In 0-2 Day [lo-cl in “run-r- Florida. curve .11 [Am m; Icon“ ”0-1 Tim‘m” ' ‘ .‘n‘é In 198k buy: out .1; [any r unrizd Hap lu-ked. n. UNA-r3} Passen- u , for parucuuu. u‘iube. Eavemi .otirfl .nd Is? one) of main The no {av \\ lxl‘re .mg'm‘. Then. 1 (0 b)’. from ‘1 good 1 so nicl uop a and! mole i or nib iroubl 1 try 8“} R ‘If hi Sun-n. hard t «\rr)‘ could em ra pun-ml ‘lhtl. 1 almul J nuuh frrl 11 work] 10 f“? “But would do. for ELI a 1~ Edit, 54 I113 Lu‘ in g 0 he ItkU bu‘ s 11.} so ll] gr! my 212 Mm uh} A; iur an 11131.3( nwhhe hr" 1 pit-null 1w!“ ('1 good 1 Qn‘ in amt-i ‘ riod d1 he 5:} ‘round (in 82 duughl hr u! 11 bur on his TLg-n : fr‘t n’il me a I mun)" gray: Xhe o no“ The oflentl yuan, and m tunes mend? 10 (99? b) I)?! (‘08? “1' 1 blue (‘ look < of his 100. v Hr]- I slum 3 Mn from spoke! “he to u! out I “‘ilmn‘ hid U4 bid “1 calm- jug dl own, I allow ing ml u): rlfls h! mh I 'd Th 9M

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