THOSE people hwho have been holding onto life because :hey could not afford themselves a grave sthe. can depart in peace- now; :1 Vermont ï¬rm will furnish them at $1.35 each. and Senator Proctor's ï¬rm offers them a grade or tw“ better at 31.529ach. (‘lieapenuuglL IT is said 150 “Freshwumen†have entered Hulyoke College. Mass. That does not pruw they are all "sweoz‘t-sixteenss.n however. as we saw one graduate at the great ['niversity of Chit-ago in July last, who rmre glasses. her face was wrinkled and her hair gray and she was born before 1’47)“. THE Methodists know a thing or two. The Rock River confemucv began its worka fewdays ago with a big banquet at the Auditorium. the gréat religious hotel in Ohio- ago. A banquet will soothe many an aching, disappointed man. “'E have one ion-d of expostula- tiou with business men»~(l0n't let erery dead-beat there is in town run up a big bill forjgnweries and other things and then when you can't get your pay. turn the bill over to us for collectton, and then curse the “old judge" because. he (l()x1't)llect your bill we will get water out of a well if there is any in it hut if there 15 a big hole in the bottomâ€"we dont care to waste our time and strength. . . a year. The “Father of the Sen- Me" is too able and valuables man to shame of! his» mortal coil yet, and the world enjoys seeing some of those ambitious aspirants for his place, shiver out in the cold. Distant be the day of Senator Mor. rill's (demise. CHICAGO pmptï¬es to have the biggest band in the country. All right. the biggest city of the coun- try should have the biggest band. Why was not this matter thought of before? anvway. GOVERNOR Tanner objects!“ the use of water in christening the m-w battle ship. The Governor is can- sisteutz‘ be has no use for watvr Ssxnon J ustin S. Merrill of Vermont. has begun to build a mausoleum for himself at his life- long hdme in Straï¬ord. But the citizens Of his state will see to it that he don’t get into it for many President McKinley's message tn the Spanish in Cuba: “Get out." And all the péople say “amen." ltthu duct. â€mm-amoe- 43,560 square feet in what 9 Will our old sixth grade tell us ? Lung B. Hmaun, A. E. Euxs; -. E Emered a: Edltor’s Residence. - - No. 8. Business and News Ofï¬ce. No- 93- Terms. $1.00 per year, 50 cents for six months, 30 cents for three months [Published in the Interest: 01 Highland Plrk. Highwood and Ravinia, every Friday aftcmoon by Ofï¬ce: in News Building. 255 Central Avenue, Highland Park. Illinois. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 ed a: the postâ€"oflice at Highland Purk, 111.. as second class matter. EVANS PORRBT. Highlahd Park ‘ News. >, - â€" EDITOR Bcsmzss MANAGER I JohnWVanamaker is one of the foremost business men ' of the country. He is also a life long republican. and a machine one at that; he says he has always Voted his party ticket straight. never scratched or kicked in his life. He was United States Postmaster General under Harrison. He has given ten if not hundreds of thous- ands of dollars for eampaign pur‘ poses. and raised money for such purposes by the million. He knows the inside of polities in Pennsylvania as well as any man in the state. At last he has got his eyes open to the peril of Sena- tor Quay}: hossism in state polities and is out in a tight against him. \Vliile Wt‘ always go a little slow on the deelaratiotw of a man who squeals on his fellows. Mr. \Vana- maker has new-r been aeeused of stealing or proï¬ting by others stealings and the time haseome he says for these Stealings to stop. Now everylxxly knows that “Mat" or Senator Quay runs Penn- .~'_\ l\':ll)1:l from one end to the other. and in all departments of its govern- ment from the Governor down lo the man who shovels coal into the furnaces to heat the state house. Mr. Wanamaker tells how Quay manages to keep his grip on the state. through the ofï¬ces. corporation. etc. Look at some of these figures: Congressmen and their clerk! - on State omeers and employes - 419 State Senate - - Not given State House 2! County ofï¬cers - < 4.] 0.9- ‘2†That in, there are a total of 14,705? ofï¬cers and employen, whoae com-5 bined salaries amount to the sum ofl 7,609,911 every year. I“ under Mn; Quay's thumb. Not only doen every 'I last one of these thousandn of men ! vow-e as he says. but every one in Ind; must be a worker for Quay and his: machine. Then there are the per. sons connected with the ntate educa- tional and charitable institutes. with: Postmastern Philadelphia mint l'. S. Collectur Internal Revenue Y.“ .Courtu - .\avy \ard. etc. Park. That was a famous course. and Boston 11ml inone Winter then as many such lectures as Chicago has in ten years. Hére are the lectures in the Parker (.ourse: Ralph \Valdo Emerson. Theodore Tilton. Moses Colt Tyler. “'illiam Lloyd Garrison. Charles; Eliot Norton. Anna E. Diékinson. ('has. Sumner. Rev. Samuel Johnson. John M. Langston. Rem-Inca!) M. Manning. \Veudvll Phillipriulnmvs E. Murdoch. All «had. I think. but Tiltun. Tylvr and Nurtnn. TIn-sv Wervgiants in flux-w (lays. Apnoms of our lecture course. we found in overhauling a lot of old papers a few days since. an admission ticket to the Parker Fraternity course in the Music Hall in Bustun in 1%67,thirty-one years ago. There were 12 lectures and the season tickets for gentlvâ€" man and lady were 32.00. But then Music Hall would hold all the populatiouuf Highland Park. with room besides on the big ur- gan platfurni for thv largest and» ience Wt‘ aver had in Highland Hun you read. or ntber reâ€"read your “Scarlet Letter,†which will be aoprominent a feature of Prof. Rolfe’a Mare on Hawthorne. Though you may have read it many times. a to» reading will make it all fresh and vivid toyou, and lend a Lem Ind appreciation to the Professor‘s inter» esï¬ng lecture. ROTTEN POLITIG. 400 381 438 rï¬â€˜r) ‘The Republican state comeutiou nVew York nominated (oi Room-- :elt for Governor with ewboop burn tab. The \ote stood: ‘Col Theodore Room-wit . 7535 Governor Black i _. ..V 218 Tammany Hall and Black a friends ltried to get up a were that (‘01.; i Roosevelt was not eligible. but it ? ‘Ifeil through and helped the Colonel? I z A I “3- an- not going to han- any truuhlc- with out friq-nd. Mr. Burke nf thv Antim-h Nn‘ws. ninlr tlw muttu c-uilnlazunvd un his rxn-l‘h-nt palwr. “Plvdgcd tn thv Rupuhlican Policyufï¬m‘iprlx'lt) Hlnl l’rutm'» tiun tn Aun-rivan industrit-s.‘~ t‘ll'. Tllt‘ thing “uan't luv did." hrutln-r Burkv. any umrr than .lnhnnic- can vat his l'flkt‘ and haw it too. Rm-ipnrity 1110!"!!! taking at! the tariff. or ('ustuum dutit-s; l’rutw. tinn moans putting tln-m um. and you can't duhuth at thv 3am“ tiun». If Bro. Burkv had alrnt as mahy as We han- "un the border." dmlg. ing a-custum ofï¬cer in our determ- inatiun to makt- smuggling a sum «as and evade paying tlw taritf. and then have a h‘ll y-anulvlight- ful experience of gvnuino- rm-iprn- city. that is. practically free tradv. when RH'ipnx-it)‘ came in at the hunt and tariffs tic-w nut at the- back dour. ln- would know mun- about thr matter than hv does. Then beyond these Mr. “'1":- maker says there Ire big and rich brewen' orglniutionl. the Saw Liquor League, with agents and Idealers in every city" town 1nd hamlet in the state, all "Quay men." \Vnnamnker ny- Iou of the judge! fof couru of records are Quay-‘2‘ mols. iThen there are lots of big md little lucu‘flpapern in his service because he turns fat ulvertining and job tirint y'ing their way“ Pravtiull)‘ the prem- jof l’euun) lvauia in in Quay‘nnenhen, lens in eu-r} ~tatv, ()ur own (hn. Tanner nhnwa whrn- the- Altgehl administratiun stole about a million tlnllarn. \leu \A ill nhuw up Tanm-r‘: â€one“ men and honest It‘giphfliun in In-vnming almmt imlmnnihle. The mune)‘ Whil'h thin Quay machine makes them- oflicials, elnplu) 0:- 3w! workiugmen put up in every holitical content for his campaign ‘fund in- prohahly uol lens than 51,50".th tn corrupt politics \\ ilh. A "land Iqu'r" don't knnwmuvh about sailing a ship. unlms I)» has Wurkcd n fvw m-vks in a country saw mill. This will place “Teddy" in “)9 ï¬eld for the White House in 1900, we are told. Perhaps, but you can tell better when he has served as governor [WU years. and we bow he wears. But Mr \Vana’maker «aft-all these, as numerous and appalling an they seem, are oul) a part and a mull part of his machine. There are the railroad corporations. ‘who hare ofï¬cers and employee in the state, 85.â€? men. or nearly six times a:- many as those given in Mr, \Vana maker's tir~t lint. Street railway men. â€.079; Standard Ull men, 3.0“â€: the Lei! of thousand:- ,in the great Carnegie and Bethlehem iron Works, who nell iron platen. etr . to the gov. eminent at very proï¬table llrll't's Beyond these are the telephone and telegraph operators. Tl e telegraph is ehpecially dangerous heeaune then- Qua)‘ operators can give to an} part) worker: any tllllphlt‘lu‘h pent m e: . ) the Wire. In the light of all mi.» in it an) wonder Quay lmld.‘ um, sneer:- at reform. and is re elm-ted m the Sen ate every pix )earn. I! l.‘ jun-l nu in New York. New Jerse\' and mum at the prisons who bow to 1nd york for him or lose their job. TEDDY ON TOP. BAD LOU 1C so. A. DRISCOLL c0.. . ...mcvcle Exchange... Sundries and Repairs of All Kinds § EVANS BROS» . a iFancy Groceries; Tea, Coffee? Fum- on‘ VW Ruth“ 0.") Job Printing Central Avenue East. OFFICE All] YABB: ST. JOHIS AVEIIIE. II UMBER DISTRICT. Fancy ï¬roceries, Dry Goods and Crockery, BOOTS AND SHOES. chrcnctl A. ROBERTSON, Lumber and Building Material of All Kinds. ST. Johns Avenue Practical Plumber “4 Sewer Builder HardandSohCoal.SawcdmdSpflt Wood. Kindling. Bkydeu to Order Fro- !†Up. Tm, Copper. Sheet Iron and Furnace Work. Good: the Best. Prices at Rumabk. Prompdy and neatly exuded at this dï¬ce. Price: as low as is conï¬dent with good work FRUITS AND VEGETABLES; CATCH BASINS CLEANED, ETC. C. H. WHITE, 'I'EIJEPHONE 67. IASYE ILOCK. MMvamdM. Oil Stoves. STOVES, RANGES. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Th. Shect-h'o' and Farm Work Done to Order. ‘ The News. Chase 8 $21an ’ Tea and Coffee We are prepared to sell it to in any quantity. "our. lay. reed. oats. 8m, Cori. Nell. Glnel. led mama and Snow. All grades of C. A. KUIST. Highland Park, III. Hardware. TELEPHONE 46. 1d Park 1 «who!» Tehpï¬m Fletcher ll 3m dcpa L lwskuhl hit-m :1' Hal 1- )1 (mud MWâ€- mM Hug I†l'm-xrer Lung [mm-l um. um um ra.h*.-u1h A , ~11! \\ 7H.†um I‘. a! ‘ .40 l p In . “4 pnnrv Inn echuu 'd C mam px’mc! “I61 I \;m (H Hm} wk» llfl flu n pas! ‘ u MI Liver Me n lull: Clea P [Mr 'M . M )f .SJ‘ may rm ( l\' r\ I24 \1.‘ LLO‘ l. DR. F1 l'! lll l)! (l Hnl‘fl (Mm Ham! Dirt (“all l“ NOOI \lar hr 1hr \101 :yfl' p pul