crossing to pick up or drop pus- seugers, will certainly appeal to (ho public in a most. favorable light. ,,A, ‘1†When completed the Milwaukee Electric railway will pass through the most.†famed and beautiful of Chicago’s aululrbs, including Evanston, North Evanston, VVil- mette, Kenilworth, VVinnetka Lakeside, Glencoe, Ravinia. High- land Park, Higliwoml,;Fort Sheriâ€" dan, Lake Forest, i Lake Blufl', North Chicago and Waukegan; a string of niunieipal gems and home towns without peer anywhere on earth. The marvelously beau- tiful scenery and natural parka along the North Shore attraet not only local people. but thousands of visitors from (‘hieago and else- where. Fort Sheridan the most important and modern l'nited States military post in the west. is located directly on the line of this road. its ears running along the entire length of the military rwservation. thus enahling,r visitors to reaeh with least ineonvenienee‘ the guardâ€"numntinga. drills. eon- eerta. Soeial tultt-tions and objeeta of interest at the post without hav- in;r to drive or walk from the dis- tant railroad stations. f“.R()l'Xl)LESS FEARS U‘ISPELIJLU. THE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS """" SOL'VENIR SUPPLEMENT. sister towns nnd cities frmn High- land Park north. WHAT WE MAY EXPECT. ()wing to theeluse business nml social relations existing hetWt-en the NOrth Shore cities and towns this territory lms long stand in need of the 'Service contemplated In the. “Royal Blue Line†and the aim of the (emptm) will be furnish safe, speedy, cheap mm frequentlserviee and to fully care for and foster the true interests of the tnwns along its line. †T1111 g111111r11l 11fï¬1-11S of H11- (‘111- 11mm VIilwnllkt-v Elm-triv «Rail- \111_V(‘11111pz111\ 11111111 10“ 11113111111 15 .. (’1111-111111zth11 s1111111int11'111l1111t .14 11iï¬1‘11 i111i11g 111 Highwond. The {1111111111110 11111 11111 “fliï¬rk‘ 11f this sl1i11111ii1i (111111[11111\ “huw 11l1i1it\ faith 11111! 1111‘1111"111is11 11r111111511 111 1111 substantial†r1111'111j111111:( (i..\. B11ll.111'csi1l11111: 11101911151. \‘i1111â€" l11'11si1i1111’1;J. \\ \[1111k 11'11113111‘111'. (11111. M. S11v1 1-1r1l. 11111111111) 111111 11111iit111': R. S. i1‘11s.g1111111'1'1| $111111- i1111111Ll1-11t. FORT SHERIDAN PARK. TllrJV I’UPI‘LAH AND HIGH (TASS NHRTH SHORE ANH‘SEBH‘ZN’I‘ RESURT. h is rmnnrkzddv. vunsidvring Hw impm'lzuu'v and gruwth 01" 1114:1 Nurih Show. flint Hum“ hiis hwn. until recent-1y. no â€l'si-(‘IHHS' plum- uf lmhliv amusvnwnt and wwwâ€" tinn Iu-twwn (Ihimgu :md\V;u1k¢~ mm. This mm nf nfl'zdrs has. Im‘ “(‘(‘II duv in “My lm-k Uiflwr (d' demand fur Stu-11nn‘insmminn.m' tn lurk uf natural surroundings nr hum-dim). but mm rmhvr 1w zlsurilwd (u insutfivm-y of truuspnrtntiun fucilitivs hithvrh) afforded. Thv udwnt nf thv (,‘hit-ztgn Milwau- kcc chctricrailway has rcvnlntinn- ithi int-n1 Conditions in wow ways than ()Hl‘. hut nothing that this cmnpnny has St) t'zn‘ nccmnplishctl hasinm'cfnrcihiy:nnihm‘innninnsiy struck thc pulmlm‘ ('li()1'(l than thc npcning nf thcii' charming and ncccssihlc rn‘SHI‘i. Fort b‘hci'iihin Park. which occurrctl on Juiyï¬tith lust. During thcshnrt timc which has chipscd sincc its-i gatcs wcrc thrown npcn tnthc discriminating public of the North Shorc. Fort Shcriihln Park hnsulrcmly hccunic a rccngnizctl and Impninr picnsnrc ground. 'I‘hv pnrk m'vupivs svn-n m nf 1hr most ('hm‘ming Inmlsv Ilw 1m tl1o\ ‘ 111111 Shore 111111 11111110111- ntvly adjoins the Part, Sheridan \{ilitmy 10811.1'21111111 T1111 build- 111th 111111 [11111311111 "1111111115 1111+ situ- zltvd in 1110 midst'3 of picturesquv unk 111111 111111111) groves, Llffm'diug urntt-ful 191111111) in' 1119 wannest 110 111111 (,‘OSTLY IMPROVEMENTS. The impnn‘bnn-Im,. which are but just cmuph‘tf‘d, represent an expmditln‘q of about $10,0M) and include 11 hand stand with a seat- ing ('nln‘wity for forty musicimls~ (lesiguml for open airmncvrts. A tasty pnvilinn irt8x17t) foot with a truss moi". polished lnuplu floor. stugv and scenery has hwn pro‘ vidotl fur dancing parties. conven- tinné, musimi and thmttrical vntvrâ€" tainments. A convenient two- stnry franw building,)‘ is HOCIIpiOd by n rvstuurnnt. und us the apart- ments uf thv park emplnyvs. The vars nt‘ the olwtrit- road puss thv park vntrunw. and :1 high fem-v surrounding the gmunds give the (‘XClllSth‘llt‘n‘h‘ (h‘sil‘eit. The outer- tuinnwnts thus t'm' furnished hau- hwn Ht :1 high (-hzu‘zn'tvr {ind will (‘nntinuv so tn tw. Although the Park has hwn ()lwnvd but ntow wvvksthmtmninunt fonturvsufnmnâ€" {.gvmvnt. anti m-t-umodntiuns have ht'l‘ll suvh us tn pint-v Fnrt Sheri- dan Park in thv frnut rank of ï¬rst vhtss suhm‘hnn rvsorts‘ ‘ 1)l('('(‘S: ljl'UHKH . ("'(‘l' INIIHIIHI' 139V- und Regiment hnnd ()f (‘hiengn with nnnje than usem'e of talented mush-inns tugt-ther with string niusienf' high ehui’netei‘. Althungh the enneerts hnveheen m‘tistie and popularsueeesxes the management have prnvided each week 111:1in :idditinnnl nttmetiuus. sueh as the (Tinemetugrnph and highâ€"ehiss vaudeville pei‘t'urnmnees. For next season. the park peopie have already under eunteinplntiun and eunh'net :1 series of nttrnetimm nnd events whieh enmmt i'nii to please the must exneting nnd fzmtidiuns taste. Money is being freely and jndieinnsly expended. tind nothing will he left undone tn make Fort Sheridan: Pnrk nne of the heat resnrts in nr nem‘ Chiengu. In entering tn the pntrmmge nt' the