z-c‘ I’m-:5“ \xn SALT Mum's. le (-hivf rc-qnirynn-nt nf :1 ï¬rstâ€" vluss Int-M is a niw. frush. jniry nwnt sm-h as (-:m always lw fmnul ut tlu- m-nt 21ml tnstily nrrnngetl Inuit nmrkvt nf H. Mills. â€6‘ is The line of 01111115 1111111111111 In' \Iiss Erskine (‘UHIPTiSPH 111illi11111_\. dry â€1)O(iS.lIUtiUllS 11ml l111li1-sf11n1' '1' lmeiS 11111H111'11isi1i111rs. H111 511111; is inrgv. 1111i] 111'r1111g11i 111111 111- 11‘111'ti1‘11i)‘ disliiny-(i and 5.11111 111 [1111-115 that (i1'fy 1'11111111'iiii1111. Tin' 51111155 111111 has l111111 111111111i 11111 t11\[iss i'rskim isimt H111 just 111 1111111111c \111'1s 11f iiUiIHl"fli)i¢ 111-11!â€" i111r~.li1ii11r[11i11s 111111 11111] 1111:1'ii 11111] 11â€: \!:\\s is 11l1111511i 111111†11111111i1111 11111111 \1]111i~' <11 1i11<11'\' < iug 11f 11111is1. DRY Goons AND LADIES' FI'RNINH- Ixus. Five years zigoMiss E. L kaine established herself in lmslness here and those who hest know this lady‘s knowledge and especial tit- ness for the trade in whieh she is engaged are not at all surprised at the success which she has nehievetl. Starting in a modest way. bringing to benr exeellent .jutlgnient in her purchases. study- ing the desires of her lmly patrons holding her olil eustomers and adding new ones. she has (leVel- oped her business until today her store is the lending one of itskind along the North Shore. That Miss Erskineis Sin-regs eontinues from day to (lay and her 1m ml'x-l'it)‘ keeps pace with her exertions is sufï¬cient evident-e of this, lmly‘s Iiieri-aiitile ahilitv. political and f'i'utvriml cin-lvs and is an uvtiw and ounwst summrtvr of «wiry 1mm llH‘lli whivh Inns for its purpose tlw :ulvmu-muvnt uf tin- ï¬l‘b‘t intm‘t‘gts uf this his homo town. ' MISS E. L. ERSKINE, H. MILLS, THE HI (.illLANI) PARK NLW.“ JEWELERS AND ()PTICIANS. Ewryhmly knnws tlw vulno (if :1 yard of (-nlim) ur 21 ha!“ uf soup. thnugh hut fvw pvoplt‘ (‘ml juilgv intelligently uf tln- \‘nluv «if n watt-h. n gem ni' nrtivh-snf jvwvll'y. hem-v thvynn‘nhligml tn I'vly 11pm] the statvnn-nts and I'vlirt-svntn- tiuns of tlw nwl'vhnnt frnnigx’lnnn thuy pnrchnsw art lt'll'h‘ of this (-hnr- m'tvr and won liv to him if’hv mis- lwuls tln- vuï¬nmvr. Mvssrs. ('. M. Svhni‘itlvr ninl H. M. (‘tmks- hnvv J'wvntly (-nnw 'l'rinn (‘hivngu nntl ,ulwnml fur tln' inï¬lnwtinn mnl Imtrnnagr nf tln- lwultlt‘ :1 nmgniti- m-nt linv uf jt-wvli'y mnl nptivnl gumls. TlH-st- gt-nlh-lm'tl hm'u mnnv tn Highland Park ln-m‘ing llte- highs-st I‘t‘l'tnlllllt'lltlflllUHHJHHl haw liy thwil“ tinn-ly lm-utinn :nnl lilwrnl inwstlnz-nt shnwn tlwnisvlws Worthy tlw runsitli-rntiun nl' uni' lwnplt'. 'l‘hvy :m- nn-n ul' lung (:XPt‘I'lt'llt‘t' in tlw J't-wvlry uml uptirnl gmuls trmln- nml :m- [nu-â€" Imrml to Supply tlw wants of nnl' must ('t‘itit'nl lK'HPlt'. 'l‘ln-it' hum!» tifnl stm-k (If bright III'\\' gumls will I'v'm)’ (-xmninntiun. 'l'hv'v nmkv u spwinltyitl'suvivty (-inhlt-nis “ml (-lml‘ms. ('nt'rying n linv Hltu‘k. A full li‘iw nf lllllSlHll instrnnwnts :iml numirnl nn-i't'hnntlisv is also vnrriwl. Thvir adjusting mul I'v- Imir (lvpnrt’nwnt will lu- in (-nnr lwtvnt llilllllh'. mnl :I trninml upthnl- mnlngisl will «urn-rt t'I‘I'HI'H ml \‘is- lull 21ml supply mnl lit glnssvs :nnl slm‘tnt'lvs. 'l‘hvil‘ stut'v. is m-ntrnL l'\‘iilm':itvtl in tlw llnsyt- â€lurk. in \\'lll('l) (Itll‘ l‘t'tHlt'l'H :m- wmlinlly inviml 'l‘ni: N15“; without hosiâ€" tnnv'}; [nu-(lids fur our nvw nvigli- lmrs n prnslwrnnsnml ngrm-nhlw business curu'l‘. lwnlilv. At this market run lw fnuml thv w-ry hvst (if vvvl'ything lumwu tn tlw llll-ln-(ltllt‘ nwut zunl [irm'isiun lrmlv. ' l’nultl‘y. vggs, fish. "tune and hulk-1' mm lwst he lmrrhusml hvrv. ()ur rmulul‘s will liml Mr. Mills mul his tlm‘o ('lt‘l‘lis prumpt. (‘uurtvuus nml tum-omniv- (luring; Thv proprictur enjoys an vnviuhle trmlu. and his l‘t‘lnltflllnll in our business wurhl is‘uf a high (mlcl‘. guinml thrnugh yhu's nf squnrv mul intvlligmn (killings. SCHNEIDER COOKE; SUK'YL‘NIR SK'I’I’LEML‘NT. I’LI'IIIIINII. (Us FI'I‘TINII ,xxII Sn“: IslIAIIIZ. IIIIIHLINTI PARK. 'I‘Ilis IHISIHI‘N‘S was IIsIIIIIIis‘IIIII III‘I‘I‘ IIII‘I-I- VI HTS mm in II‘HINIIIHI‘ In IIIII IIIIrI-III IIIIIIIIIIIIIs IIII II Iilst I 1.st IIIunIIIiIIIr ("‘Ull(4 I'II in Highâ€" IIIIIII I’IIIk IIIIII IIH' IHII'I‘ IIII rIIIIII IIIIIII HIII;HI\ IJHIII up In \Ir SIII Ii\IIII sIIIIWI-I IIIIII III- I IIUHI‘ IIH‘ IIU'IlI IIHH‘ IIIIII IIH' IiIrIII PIRU‘ III I- IIIIIIIrk iII IHISIIH‘SS Ih‘ “4 in IIII )(‘SIN‘(‘I\ (‘uxrlcermxuur AND (mules. ()ni AND (,lASULlNE. This attractive and well-stueked eunt'eetionery and eigar store is one at the best patronized and most popular ibusiness places in this eit_\'. The proprieturs thor- «Highly- understand the particular trade of this (-nnununity and every etfurt seems tn be made to meet all requirements. l'u addition to a line and fresh line (if pure eunfee- tiunery. this sture contains an as- sortment of the must pupular brands of cigars. tobaeeos and snmkers‘ artieles. (treat attention is paid to the seleetiun and dis- play of faney eandiesmte. A well- kept soda t'uuntain dispenses ('(mlâ€" ing beverages and iee eream is served and Sulll in any quantity. This business was established by the presentprnprietnrs in "J7 and they deserve great eredit for the manner in whieh the business is eondueted. A few mnnths agu this firm purehased the l0 all business «if the SM‘ereigu'Uil (‘u.. (if \Vaué kegau and now handles the anti- .trustPennsylvaniat)il(‘n.'s“:\ulin" ni'l and "('hz’unpiun" 7| 3 gasnline. Their \raguns run in all parts of Hf Highland l’arkand \‘ieinity and they are reeeiving a splendid and Well merited trade in this inipnit ant line. HARTROUFT SOLLEN BERGER, 1. P. SULLIVAN,