Elfu, with her. gumdiun and teacher. M. Rayon. Hr» rc-sitlvnts of Highland Park, halving (3mm- lwre- h) be away from tho “madding (-mwd." *0 ('lljuy nuturv :14 it can 1w e-njnyml Ahmw is a portrait (if I‘ZHu who vnjnya u wm‘ld with celebrity \Vitlmut seeming to be conscious at being more than an nrdinarv mortal. foundations of the hcst known and most desirable snhnrhof(‘hicago. In spite of panics, failurcs amldisastcrs which discouraged somc of his asso ciates Mr. Wrenn pcrscrcrcd aml prospered. He has accnnmlatcd a hug; amount of highly (lo-sirahlc propeityin Highland Park and \‘icilr ity. The Wrenn subdivision has proved one of the most succcsstnl of North Shore real-estatc opo-ratioiis Mr. Wrenn is a promincnt tigun- in insuraï¬cc (‘irclvs of Chicago. twink prtisidont of tthil‘c L'mlcrwrilcrs‘ Association. Hc continues to niakc his home in Highland Park and is still active in promoting tln- highcst interests of this city. Mr. \Vrcnn is and has llt't'll cxcccdingly actii'o- in rcligious ('irclcs. and was thc first pastor and chicf organize-r of lhc First Baptist church of our city. ELFA. THE HIGHLAND PARK NLWVS SUl'Vl‘JNlH Sl'Pl‘lJ-LDH‘. \\'url(l um! |m~ l1m|.u.~ pupils. Huh-(I chun-Imwn and phyxicivnx. mnl pli mh- in\'<-~'h;_:uh)rs\\'ithum numlwr Rnynu :HHIJCHH h: H!" in smv ml instmu'vs Iwcnmv u L-c-ntvr of intvrtwt from which dummmiiivs Imu- ln‘utit- to-d \‘vry muturinlly ~lwmlw- t|u~ grmnor nmnlwruf tlu-ir \‘isitursvnnu- from :I (lb-(mum. and. :H fhvy all I) ‘- lnhg tn that unit-r whvrv wealth is c nnhinml with intvlligmu-v :Iml lq v:- trws and ages. Rayun is. in m~I'x'<-.~}mln!c-lx(-t- with vmim'nl im'vsï¬gnturs in all parts u?" Manny \\'lm Huh‘ this [ml'tmit “EH rmnvmlwr to [raw >t'f‘ll \nlmninmns rvpnrts \\ itl: rlnlmruln‘ illumt 1111i. 4w (-1 Elfu um] Ruyun. in lhu‘gn-zltï¬muln) wiitiohs uf such [Jillwx‘s n~ tlu- Nru York Herald, (‘lnimgu Tryhmw. “th tun Herald ('im-imuni lim‘uirvr. SI. lAmisUlulu- De-mnmm in Yam ;:I must every pllhlimtiun HI~ Hm! ('qus. Entirc [1“th Imn- ln-vn (Imam! In Elfu's and Ruymx'n \nn'h. whit'l: is. half in jan but Winn“) it: mn'm’sl‘ dwignnlwl :15 lhv “Illi\<i_llg fink" lu- :twm-n sw-vnluiiu- and Hart M‘it’llCi', Tht‘ir wurk wmsists in (“N'UVPl'illg and (lchlgping Hw higlwr fm-ullirs in mankind. and whim: .mmv of tin- vexing [H'Uhll‘llw I'eluting‘tu psych“ lugicul an “1‘â€Hï¬l>ll.\'ï¬i('illli\\s whit-h hEH't‘ humml {hr mn'unts uf nll ('ullll tries and ages. nowherv else and still lu- unhin 'I't‘iu‘ll 01"qu of Hm grc-M ('o-Mc-r- HI Hm “‘nrld. RESIDENCE 0F GEORGE L. WRENN umlnj er .lim ’l‘lH‘ fact Ims jib! (‘IHIH' to light Ilmt R'Iwm WIN In [‘1‘ last spring: In lnnk :It sumo [Ir/Ipo-rh inI tlu- plIr pus: (If vainllvhdnnfl :I Mlmhl IIIII] suIIitnriuIIL His \iwit â€10‘“ “it“ in nf xmtun- uml Hn- |w21utifuLit is vusil)‘ infurre-(l that HwirmlH-nt lwre- may porn-ml murv for Highland Park Hum mmlrl lw mrmiwd from Hu'ir \‘o-r)‘ uvmxunning «lvnwunnr in our lliitlxt.