S BROS" ies. Tea, Coffee E BkOCK .ERTSON, t Material of All Kinds. 'HONE 67. executed at this office. msistem with good Work WHITE, :d and Split Wood, Kindling. 'on and Furnace Work. VI) VEGETABLES. BOCK. Goods and Crockery, m SHOES. :1)1.1 6k cx3.,.‘ Exchange ‘ . airs of All Kinds Q CLE-IV'ED ETC AVENUE. IN LUMBER DISTRIUT. The News. ~ 3 Agent [or Blue Flame Wicklvss ()il stoves. STOVES, RANGES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Tin. Sheet-Iron and Furna n “crk Done to Order. and tom 533 Up. Chase 8: Sanbom Tea and Boï¬ee Flour. Hm. Feed. 0119. Bran, Corn, Neal, Gluten, Meal Viddllngs and Straw Hig h1and Park Illinois. szphonc 54. C. A. KUIST, Iro- prvparnd tu sell rm} quantity, Sewer Builder Highland Park, III. Hardware. ll TELEPHONE 46. Goods Delivered Free of Charge to you “who†"°- °' ‘I'ehl’lm"e 78' HovRs HOURS: 1â€â€œ) 4 00 P. Hatchet Building. Successorw [)1- B F ernald A. S. ALEXANDER; M. D. 0., V. S. Eva-aster) Long Distance_ '1 For 1h: south. 6.50. 9.30 a, m., 1 ~5.33, 7.29 p.111. for the north . 9.12, 11.39 3. mA, Mail pouches close 15 minums deparmre nf trains. W. )1. [>01 1 h.“ quuhc north . . , 1247, 3.14 p.41 From the somh, 7.30, 9.12. 11.39 a. m 12.07. 5.25, 5.37, 7.29 p. m. DIPARTL‘HE. Chcskmung'l‘ribc, l. U. R. M. No. 112â€"â€" Mcct at Masonic Han ï¬rst alul third Tuesdays F.M‘1ngallsv Sachem: J. H. Dutfy. C. of A. U. Fay Lodge, A. F, and A. .\1. R65- I',l \(_.._ ‘ularmceting niglhs hrs! 'and third Mammy m each month, at Masomc hall, over )1. Moses S: 11'. store. lndcpcmlcnl Order Furcsters, Court High- land. Meetings ï¬rst and third Thursdays of each month in l‘jureslcr's Hall. each month in Foreslcr's Hall. Modern Woodmcn of Amarica, Meeting: ï¬rst and fourth Friday 0f each month in For- csters‘ ball. William Dunner, V. C.; K. J Rice, Clerk. ._ -. ‘v . -1; l) a..- lucc, LACK n. Highland Park Council No. 1066, Royal Arcanum. Meet in Masonic hall second and fourth Mondays of every month, Regen“, W. A. \Vilsun; sccretary‘, Erank BAchn. , I Ravmia M. E. Church. Ravmla. Rev‘ E. J. Heathcmc pastor Sunda' school at 2.30 p. m.; Epwurth League cvuhunal meeting Sunday winning at 7 u'cluck p. m. prcuchmg at 7.45 each undu, - cning; praycr meeting from x In 8,30; Epwnrth League business met-(mg and su‘cxal the fourth Friday uf each month. Swemsh M. E. Shurch wver \Valdo‘s markctl Rev. 0. Wessling. pasmr‘ unday ach'ch: as follows: Sunday schuul. 330 n In.; Epwunh League. 100 p, m.: Preaching. 7.45 p. m. Prayer-meeting Thursday evening at 1.5, Everyone is invited. H L? ircd Evangelicaf Church. Rev. A. illnï¬â€˜wasmr. sundny scryiccs: Our» man p’ caching, 10.45 a. m.; Engli>l1.7.30 p. m.;>'unday school, 93p; K. L. C“. 1-24, 6.45 p. m.; prayer meeting. \Vcdnssday at 7.30 p, m. A n .. ..‘ I'J‘ r ' Evangelical Assn. Rev. F. 7M. Umgrich astm. Sunday scrvicrs .1! \uung Men‘s ‘cadlng Room. Sunday school at 1}) 00 a. m: Qunnan preaching an HMO u. m.; \A l’. S. r. [5.310535 p, â€L: English preaching at 7 :m 9. ms, \Vednesday at 7:30 p. "1.. («Mum- pra)‘er mredngs: batunla)‘. at l 00 p. 11'... cut. «helical class at pastor‘s filmy ‘ bt..\larys Catholic Lhurch. Rev. j (. Madden, paslur. First mass, 8.30: sccunll mass. 10.00; Eunday school. 2.30. “I: BapxiSL Church. \V'. H. Vincs. puslnr. Preaching, 10.4531. m., Sunday schlml, [2.00 ml; Bapnsl Young l’cuplc'b L'mun. “.45 1). ml; punching. 7.50 p. m. Fridg) P ‘ofessur neuelled Accommodations for Sick Horses and Bags. Eva-aster) Vetqunu ry Hospitu. LLOYD M. BERGEN, M. D. braycr , méeting. 7.45 l Lvangelical Lutheran Mr. Salnman pastor, S: a. m. Sunday schoui {mm 9 to lo. 00 3. iii. Trinity LiiurJi, 1'. LI \Vulcou. reunr, Holy communion. 7.301 m. NULL-.1) schuoi, 10.003. in, Morning prayer and scrmon. 11 a. m. Sccond celebration first hunday in thc mumh. Even song. 3 p In Prcsmzerian Lhurch. WorshipI and preaching, 10.45 a. m. SChUuI m. Christian Endeavor. 74 p. m. Praycr service. \\ edncsda’y. 7. 45 p. m â€Rn-w l’i.11xstiehl pastm 5m :1 lath JOHN FREBERG. Livery, Boarding! A on. FRANKLIN slitâ€"£36631; ROOM 1 HIGHLAND ILK. DR. H. H. BOULTER. , E. A. NELSON. merchant Tailor- Cleanmg, Dyeing, and Repairing. HIGHLAND PARK POSTO FFCE omctory of Scent Socitm‘» n Sf. Johns Avenue. H 1ghwuud) DR. E. C. KAYE, m Chlcago Veterinary College Vettrlntl’y 5079‘", um! Dentist... CHURCH DIRECTOR ( GENTRAL AVENL'E Moving and Teaming Prices are Reasonabrc - Telephune~ 216 1016 Dan x3 Strefl Suits \‘lade toUIder a! Rcawnable Prices. DENTIST, and Dentist. ARRIVAL‘ hrs! :and third Mnnday in Kmlc hall. over .\1. Moses m. , Sunday schnnl [2 1“:th c b L mun. l) 7.:0 n. m. h'n RES. HIGHWOOD. Sale‘Etables. Until 9 00 A. 1‘43 00 [01.30M M 7.00 :08 .OQP .PM P. I“. m Zion's Church Sunday servim, In,†Highland Park. Ill. minums befnrc the )1. DUDLEY, Postmaster. 'mn >fxvinfherr nouce‘ m.. 12-47, 3% Highland Park. Illinois. Telephone I05 1' lephon a7. Orrin-z Hyl'xs Evzmstun, 111 7.29 p. m Meetings m Chicago Milwaukee Subject tochan e without notice NOTEâ€"3n}: sc edule wlll be uchn'cd as closely as accidents. pavin . grading and other obstruuiuns inseparabc from public highways will permit. {6th Chicago . S Nun's Fustczumllh-zn'c Yum-0mm NEWSLETS. Butterick pattern†for mile at Mi.“ Erskines’. W. J. Hemstreet and family have gone to Chicagn for the \vimer. E. L. Lobdell and R. B. Gregory of Ledgmere. returned to the city Monday. \V. S. Cunningham and family have returned to their winter home in Chicago. Miss June Fiuney of Waukgg spent Sunday with the family City Clerk Fiuney. Mrs. D. L. look of Evanston was a pleasant visitor among her Park friends last Tuesday. st. Robie, formerly of the “Ma- ples." spent part of Monday in this city; she is now in Chicu‘gu J.M. Cutter and family, of the Lightner house on Vine avenue. will return to their homes in Chicago to- UIOH'OW WV. S. Lasber and family, who have bcfen tra‘veliug quite extensively throughout the summer, returned Saturday. A. P. Riclmr<l~10u 11ml {mull}. who have been occupying tllt‘ Lusln-r llmuse through the n11111111vr‘ Inf! last 'Friday for Chicago. \\‘l1¢‘rt- Hwy will put in the winter 111011111». 3 A foot ball team if t 10 Military â€"\cu(le1m “em to ( himâ€) \Vk'illlt‘h (lay to witness {111- game 11f [nut hull between Chicago Luiversity and Physicians and Surveons. \Irs. Harry Raymond left 8111111. day for a trip to \ew York ( it). to 1be absent about mo \\ (mks \1\ llt‘ll iMrs. Raymond returns the family :will remove to Chic-211.111 for tliv win lter. 4 ’ Mr. and Mrs. Gus Maerklin re- mrued Sunday evening; from a twa Weeks‘ vacation spent in Milwaukee and La Salle J. Newman and H. Goudnmn. who have occupied Dr. Colbnrn's hunsv through the summer. returned to their Chicago homes yesterday. Cuipenters are at Work on thv uld Bmhuny Church. on Central :u‘enuv. remodeling it into a cottage) to he used as a parsonage by that society. Mrs. W. H. Ememun and dnngh ter. Miss Belle. whu removed to Chicago for the winter a shnrt tinn- since. spent Saturday and Sunday in the Park. Last twn cars du not go north of cur 6.10 6.35 7.00 7.25 cupied Henry C. Street's house dur- ing the summer, returns-d m Chi- cago‘ Monday, and the Streets. who have spent the summer with the Boultons, returned totheir own home. Mr. and Mrs. McNahb returned Sunday from their wedding trip and Sunday evening Were welcomed home by a large party of friends. The evening was spent in a most enjoy- able manner. Mr. and Mrs. McNabh are occupying the house recently “1‘ cated bv A. L. DuBois. on St Johns cated bv avenueh The Buckinghams, who hz'ave ‘25 50 10 40 05 Electric Railway. NORTHBOUN 1) SC“ HDL' LE. 6 IOIINOON AITIINOON 10 35 l5 10 S) U5 3!) 55 20 45 10 10 00 1] 10.25 10,50 11.1.3 11.40 house at I 0 3 5 0 0 â€(In lK.’ A person on Central avenue was trying to nail down a board 'on his sidewalk when he noticed that a small boy had stopped and was watching him with great attention “Well, my young friend." he Hui" pleased to see the interest he excited, “are you looking for a hint or tWo on gardening Y" “Nu." said the youth, “I'm waiting to hear what a parson says when he hammers \ his thumb.“ A line from John H. Conorton. Co H. 15th Infantry, at Fort Hunchuca Arizona. whom many will remember as an old Park boy. who ulerked {or nearly two years for Moses A: Mid dleton. say his regiment has all its goods packed for a start to Hunts- ville. Alabama. and thence to Cuba. When his term of enlistment is out he will come back to the Park and entertain the boys with yarns about Cuba and the Spanish. Are you going to buy a cow If so see Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Warren. with Mrs. Vines. the pastor‘: wife. as their guest. attended the Chicago Baptist Social Union Tuesday even- ing at the Palmer House. “Saving the City" wathe theme of discus sion. with Henry L. Morehouse. DD of New 'York and Carter Helm Junen D. D.. of Louisville as speakers. The President of the Union is John H. Chapman, formerly of this city, a man who claims that he makes the best baking powder in the world. and as Baptists only claim what is. true. "John's" clniin isv prolmhly COTTCCI. \Ve are glad to note the very sub- stantial improveu‘ents A. 0.31350“ 3 making nn_ his home at the lukei front. above Mrs. Val. Sclmick'a It: was built for n summer anne. but hel has come m his better self. and wants: to live twevle months in at year in the} Park‘ and We are glad tuuuteit.1 . l He has put m a cellar and heavy“ fuupdation walls under (be whole! lxmlse. is putting in heating gppnm-l tus and all the comfnrts of_ a ï¬rst-l class wiMer home. Alderman Ghee: is doing the mason wnrk in his m- 1 custumed tlmmugh manner 1 SIDEWALK ORDINANCE, Fur ‘Mll'“:|1kl|" ["4“ ~ulc 44 La frmn l’rmqu'm \n-nnr h- Lawn-1 .V â€1'IlHrdiHVh‘v‘ll\"‘h'L‘lY\ (U: x'u x1 of Hmhlaml l'urk. Lflkl‘ (,uunu SH ‘1 INS 1 'l hut .l sl1lz’“;1lk M' on NIK‘ can! sulc n1 Lukr .nun :urh 2n 'm'v! n? Hu- (ulhmmu ".1 ur 'IIHK‘I‘HI Lmd: 'l!1r~\r.-lnm~ ht J \l k‘ldrk ~Rvu "H". In lll1‘(l[\ .1 .uk«- and Muir u! rust â€H’H‘UI ln- kw uf land m prnpmt surh nth-“Mk SH' '1 .‘Jld'ï¬ld umlvr â€\l' ~luu'n 1‘ \‘llfk Andaman-('1 ! nlll‘ ll k rm; BOTKEH svmnxuus muons. frcd. w. Stbumacbcr’s EHENRY EWART. We make our own Syrups direc‘ from the Fruit. lHorseshoeing 3 i « Blacksmithing Pldwfs and the own! Allegretti Candies ma. w. Schumacbzr, A. E WICKHAM. Electrical ‘flonstrumon, Orders Promptly Attended to. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Hus rc-cv‘mly roman-d to his mow and (-nmmmlinus brick shop nu ('entrul..(mriwr uf l’nrk uw-nue. and Iw is lrrvlmrc-d (u do A: lll'it‘l‘h :n- lo“ 3» in- cum-ism†With good work. KEEP COOL ICE CREAM SODA. New Work, Lamps Furnished. All Kinds of Elcurlcul Mulrrlul. Office: Cummings’ Pharmacy th¢ Reliable .13 J' Have Your PIESCRIPTHDN DHUGG'ST A FRESH 'TOCK 0' ALWAYS ON HAND [Hm IV DRINI|N6 Highl-nd Park. II Frontage Sprinkcd by Electrical Electric Light, Electric Bell, Burglar Alarm. Fire Alarm. Private Telephones ) a-d Speaking Tubes. EA Fine Line of Bakery Goods Highland Park Electric Light Co. W. J. MCKINNEY, Painter, Decorator and Paper Hanger. OFFICE: HARTBONF 85 KEIIEREB NEWS STORE. All Work executed promptly and in the best mamwr. SOMERVILLE’S Bakery and Restaurant, Hot Rolls and Bread Dclivercd for Breakfast. Highland Park Laundry, A. (LORTLUND. W. First Class Work At Reasonable Prices. I. B. BECKER. Merchant Tailor. Clothing Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired. GIESER BROS.. Suits Cleaned uld Pressed (tumour 25 Fresh and Salt Meats, W - Central Avc. West Side Barber Shop 'RAFFENBAKER. Coal. Building Material, and Ice. We ll’l' not prepared to dn I†kind» Henna] u nmrudiun wurk Ind rum mu. such an t (mr Myriam-n arr run-n. we uue only (In but male a) and um putts an.- †Int 3:- u- mums! (with «mud wmk. The Leading Market, ï¬nale; sum fur and delivered (0 all parts of the city ()rtlt'rh l)_\ post or telephone- prnmptl)’ uttvnded tu. 275 POULTRY. HS". BUTTER AND [5665. St. Johns Ave†next to P. 0 nndWM‘Aflm sulofsctlon Cunnnuu JOHN H. MOHR. Prop. TELEPHONC N0 TILEPHON! 42 Central Avenue. Lme- and ln-M ‘w on hand 3;qu Ilocn DEALER} IN Construction wand Put, In. . 75 Cents