1 l r 1 Egltor’s Residence. f - No. 8. Business and News Office, No. 92. '11-‘- "';""I’:::w1l"" ; 2' ., 4.111;? :13. ' I . to,14mdon a tear days 2 to. to Wed. THE IlltxHIANI) PARK NICSW W The Highland Park News. I’ublislred in the interests of Ilighlaiid Park, llighwrmd and Raviuia, every I‘Iiday afternoon by EVANS FORREST. Terms, $1.00 per year, 50 cents for six months, 30 cents for three months. , Office: in News Building, 255 (Tcntral Avenue, Highland l‘ark, Illinois. ~ TELEPHONES '. Entered at' the post-office at llighland 1 Park, “L, as second c111 S nutter. Advertising rates made known on application at this ofï¬ce. LEWIS B. HIBBARD, ‘ - - Enrron. A E. Euss, ~ Brsmsss MANAGER. FRIDAE OCTOBLR 28 Bori1 political paities in Chicago I I are claiming 1ictory by the registra~ , tion ï¬gures. T111: (leriiocrats of Chicago will! hold another big street demonstra- tion on Nov. 1'), and State, Madison , and Clark streets will be utilized for the purpose. SIS years ago last Sunday night. October 23. 1802,Highlan(l Park had a $30,000 fire, consuming Mr. Mosesy l two stores, Mayor Evans‘ residerce a barber shop. and several otlierl edifices. Loan Macaulay was born 98 years ago last Tuesday, October ‘21-), 1800. He (lied in ISM), one of the noted men of the time, most not as great as Gladstone. but as an historian, a man of the ï¬rst rank. Miss Williamsof ('fliicago who went General Merritt, the military comâ€" mander in the Philippines. is a Vt'illiams. a prominent citizen of thatcity, and the founder of the Williams library in Woodstock, Vermont, his native town. daughter of Norman public FonTv six years ago last Monday. October 24, I852, \Vebster died at his home in Marhlleld, Mass. and the writer was on his way back from Franklin home to school at the old -in the ordinary p.11 t) ...,_ Academy, \'t., his first term at an academy, when he heard the [iews of the statesman death. Col. Roswell Farnham. since governor of thestate was principal of the academy. I CONGRESSMAN Foss. , "Il1e\1 1111's is not a political paper sense, but for all that it is interested in our representative in Congress, and as Mr. Foss was elected by abigmajor- ' itv,-â€" over twenty thousand -- two 1 ‘jééars agnwatï¬tâ€˜ï¬ mote popular i1%:l,,$mteinppra than then, he is sure of re-clec tion, hence we feel free to speak of him. lie was born in 186:} within two 1 anda half miles of our boyhood home and so we have '1 personal interest in him. His family and ours belonged to the same circles socially. politi- 'callv and religiously, and had been neighbors for yeais Attei a very thorough tit he took the full four yearsat Harv-11rd college studied law in New York city and from mad, and at Once entered upon the prac. tice of his profession. In 1894 he speech before the Marquette Club on Chicago where he graduated the UniouCollcge of Law" in delivered a famous General (lrant‘s birthday, and in the following August was nominated for Congress, the nomination being forc- ed upon him, in the face of very In ism; he had a fierce contest With an strong rival candidates. llltlltlâ€" neut backed by money to almost any extent, but won again, by the loyalâ€" 1 that very possibly that South Dakota 'paper had never seen so good an ed- lle has no opposition now in his own party. He saw from the first that the question of :1 navy was to be a lead. ty of Lake County n1--n too. ing one and has made a specialty of it, and proposes to make a thorough stndy,at‘ho‘1nean_d abroad, of the whole scope of this question. going to Europe if necessary, for factsand figures. I’residcntMcKinley has a special liking for him, and thcl’rcsi dent knows :1 good man when he sees him. Mr. Foss does one thingr no other Congressman here ever did, he has . the names of every Republican and , Democratic voter 111 his district and ; treats all alike. in the distribution of 5 When we asked him why he did it, his documents, etc. reply was, i tell the truth we should feel “Because I represent the district all the people in it, not the republr cans only, but all the people no mat- ter what party," and he was right, and for that reason we support him. He. is able holiest, public spirited, 1111111}r and has the promise of grzett usefulness before him, a man fo1 us all to be proud of and support. FRIENDLY ADVICE. , The Wankegan Daily Gazette seems to think it a great sin in its Dakota paper should copy word for word. one of the Sun’s editorials. Now it don'bseem tostrike us in that I way. We remember that while edit- ing the Farmer’s Review a few years ago some of our “brillant†editorials were republished in exchanges near- ly all over the world and they came ‘ back to us in our exchanges from ' India’and Australia and Great Brit- ain., Now it. never. occured to .us- that it was a sin on our part to write â€so good editorials that our fellow editors at the antipodes shoul‘IHuse them. A few months ago a 11111. ‘ burg, Germany, editor saw" one of our articles, translated and re-pub- paper. with highly complimentary remarks, or at least that was what we thought his lished it in his some German paragraphs meant. We frankly confess that we rather thought all this was someway complimentary to us, but perhaps we were wholly deceived. Moreover, it has occurred to us itorial as that one in-the Sun, and so It is said “know a " as that TheOazette can itself with this thought, that if it shall ever publish hastened to re publish it. to be a proof of genius to good thing when you see it, Dakota editor did 11tle11st comfort as good an editoral as that of the Surf this astute Dakota editor will ‘ hasten to copy it and then the (ira- zette will be in luck and honor. To highly complimented should our Waukegan contempt1raries see, the excellency of some of our good articles in the It would at and good NEWS and copy them. least prove their sagacity judgment. a» " “my, 1111113130111me I u ‘ I 1, I q I I 1‘1. 1 il’ 4 S I 1 .l 1 I. If,2 .1; 1 a I I; 1- 2 v I ~, 1 "x ,. 1 )1 11 1 1 I n I " I o 4 .111