Dnn't forge-t the roller skating rink up at For! Sheridan Park. “H? haw lost some-what the niman-ss of uur youth. but think We» shall take a turn on the waxed flour. .They use hall Innings unw. so you can fall' dnwn (waaivr: “'0 A‘haH nut new! any. Leave your orders for Plows‘ ur Allegro-Hi candy with Frml Schu» machvr and have the frvsh candy do- livered at your (Mar. Hum saving trouble of carrying it uu‘f from the city yourself, v This utï¬ce ackmm'lmlgvs the re? ceipt of a ï¬n». plain and up tn dutc- HUU calendar from W. E. Brand. the hustling insurance- agent. All kinds of hand painted picture-s for sale by \V. E. Brand. Hut soda at Schun-aclwrs Fine stationary at Schumm-hvrs‘ NEWSLETS. STOVES, RANGES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Tin, Sheet-Iron and Furnace Work Done to Order. 'l‘lll‘l HIGHLAND I’ARK NEWS SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS $1 A YEAR “.LADIES HOME JOURNAL†and THE NEWS, $1.75. C. A. KUIST. D M.- ERSKINE CO., Hardware. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Chicago and Highland Park