h, lain-ell h the flown. with much acmy. 0h ammo» of \In: min: In". nlnlel frol- I“ the world, II “In occlusion of ï¬n “gloom prion. when Dom ban-c tramfon-el Into the Manhunt-Men. with Jacob Dnltry “d the perturbed mu. do. motto for sodium: flow III! col- flncll m "chug" snout tho Iowan. with tumult-cling Inc. M in no Weatherman: mu. m a. [null-1hr â€If?“ yet an!!! ï¬nd-u tel-pom on bin u- The young olIcer hd mar-cam the Wad: Tar-r In the morning, In. Iohh pro-Ian. with the lug. mm. robe nqihlh for the girl. purcbued An for Mont. swept Pro-then- cluion of "I. mm M:- by the "inn“. will of Mom. Pun-mm uh. found Inn-ll lat-elm! Imid an non Inf-mill" «lemma 0! III». Arflmr Canon lot-owner: than the Mandi" "rt. (ll-"fl“! did Incl km“ w D“ had become a! this Cinder- elln‘. Ind yfl “no you. price- had u- pn-«cl I will to dau- wilh bu. Tho haul-m bound mt without bur-ya lug either nruflu union-o. at tho Infamml‘uglut "l have to ask of the Goddess (‘nlyp- some further plenum of the next qnulrllle with (ho youngcut and mast. hennflml 0! her nymphu. the Plum!- giu. for; partnen" The I’m-mm, "nuns! Who III the girl picked up by Arflmr Canon nonunion Ihont The ball Ihnt unwed was opened I», ï¬le grand duk‘o nml tho [mun-m A: the conclusion of the quadrllla he aid slowly: ’ljhv draperies Wl'I‘E once mm swept uide and ('nlypm. mrroumlmi by the l’lurnicinu. thc Greek and “no Roman. flanked hy the two knights of Mnlln Ind the British unilor. lgain (manual I u lmme to the auxmt gun; ’l‘lwn Linn. t‘m-znn. in uniform and grasping Hm national standard. was disclosed by llu: raised cnruin. The young emu-r ntuml on use lam-gin of blue sea. with a llglnhonso depicted on the shore and n mun-of-wnr in \he did-amen, embodying lulor III-lush Ml- prcnmvy of rule. Incl brought. the un- lennx m n ï¬ning clone. The Knight Lu Valletta next up- pelrcd. Find in mail. has nnlurled the banner at the onlcrnt M. Johu nml u-umpled beneath his heal the Ma- hnmrhm man-NIL ' Gen. "mun: wu II fuult. He had never men her mfuro. and did not. know her name. Mu fancied she was me halite. Mann-ac girl used for the Mansion. ' 0n the Mngc Hu- Hrzmd Master \'II- Hers do l‘lsle d’.\d:nn. in Hue person of (3an l-‘imngh . m-nring runabout! umor in licuu “rnughl Meal. Indi- «(ed the mem- of fortlï¬cntlonn begun In def;- mu- of his chow" island home. "‘Who in the l‘lIu-nieinnf'lnquin‘d the young prince of his hot“. “he: 3 ' “The picture is’now complete.“ said Gen. Lulmmirxsky, smiling. “Did no! “no Syhnritn carry these dogs to the 50th:. held nndor the arm. and even honor tlmm wllh luqnumcnts Ind 'cpltaph» nflcr dent "" “Florin followed ux.‘ xhe explnined. In audible tone“. to the home». "He would not any It home alone. I am sorry. Etil little beast: How dare A triuingincldem mat a the repo- “flan A tiny dog may blinga hall of white. lions nilk. rushed on the shge. Deon-d at the â€uncut-en grmflod Ind begun to bark vocik-rously. â€which forgot her pose. caught. up dunnimnl. kissed him an the nose. Ind thrust him under one nun. The rich coloring of the l’ha‘nicinn and the Roman formed a characteristic caucus! with the full symmetry of feature of Diana. A murmur of admiration and ap- plunr grected "ï¬n charming group, necessitatinga second liltinr o! the curtain. - 0n the right :ppeared the Romnh. mom mature in beauty than her com- panions. and in richlv wrought gar» menu nnd sandals. She held nslnlnelto o! Men-.ury. cmblmmuie of commerce. ï¬nd the wolf on u column. M well as the ruins Q! the Forum, indicated her origin. Diana occupiod the cenirul arch. as representing “rm-cc in the sllmluw of the Parthenon. Had in a whih- robe, with the silver crescent. Mlucllcd to her dimpled shoulders ‘hc goddess :Imd an aspect of cold :1 nd seven» bunuty. She gathered aside the veil. which formed a. (Hath-In on her heal. A torch. tanned. depended from her arm. 0n lhe left stood the l'hnruiclau. n (he ï¬rst colnnlst. Mxe was 5 girl robed in royal purple, girdled with a gold zone. and holding in her ï¬ngers a lotus flower. A temple, dedicued to Astute. was behind her. while at her feet. were scattered rude inslrnmouls a! astronomy and navigatinn. linen- mving, and the fusion of metals. clnr'rzn \‘Il. wan" Inuud.) 1 "I luv- hn- Invited to “I. to the Grand Duke." ennumlod "In nth". Inning into Englhh. Ind [spluklag in 5 tone at bland eyomm Ind {mm-my. "l “ppm: 1 3-10 on, out here. like - new-at. until I lull launched. I luv: haul of nucl- thinn before in London homo. during the mun. but I do M lntrnd to put up with it in my day. Just wu'n until I um hm: launched! vaerronx chain! The Munro It Mlln‘n my; Ihn my voice m the‘ am flexibility in hum. llld nm‘ quality \h-n sen-om "(I-hr. [ bu. In" - nlnd m In: one o! my db- mud sun In your black Inâ€. hutno! an much-d in oven non becoming. | You In the pram mun-lav" an In a, m- Do ya! Indmund English. mu. on?“ l The slrmigor was small and slight, l nml rub. il in pale gr :n silk. limped E with an rmbroidury of crystal held l with trailing Miler-lilies. leaves and ’ river “maven "PI‘ blnnde lilir. alight- ‘ l] Ill-‘illl’d with x'pnrkling gold powder. nu taught up with stairs of brilliant; A pair of large eyes, full of rivuciiy. animated her oral face. which “a piquant in cxpreulon. White gloves of exquisite flmneu covervd her tiny hnnd- and Irmmouclling to the shoul- dvr‘ Mic held I roll of Inn-in liar manner wn petulant. nl-rnpt, whin- Ilmi, vet Insured. Sh. rend phinly Inch flattery of appreciation in the [no of simple Dolores that her irrita- tlnn of (in previou. moment. nt being nppnnntly overlooked and forgotten, uni-lied. Dolor-w had not yet entered the inn; of (In- hall-mum. and thought she lmd never mum] of any (me an bunmifnl as ucr compxmian at. tho pres- ent. moment. "Is this ymlr ï¬rst h: :H. "“ she lnqnircd in Italian. bummhg Dolores. "\ m.‘ d the lamenlurulng tn the strange-r w in: a surprise which morn-II into uuti m numimliun as aha contem- pink-d hvr. Anutkvr girl. who had previously been paving the floor with marked imp-Hence. approached and stood be- »idu lwr. givingquch of readjust- men! In lwr mrn couture. and Imm- ming a nonu- meanwhile. Entering a deserted apartment. sh. paused. involuntarily. to survey her n‘vlrck-d image in one o! thou glitter- ing lm-kingglasses Shu was not shy with the thn'idlty of northern races under similar circum- Manors. She emerged {mm a dron- ing-room holding Florin tightly ln her arm; She must ï¬nd her grandfather. who waited in one of the colonnatles, and consign the pet to his keeping. "or whole nature booked in the light. perfume and warmth of the place mad the hour. She paused boloro a huge Chine†vase and rifled it of several mses of the color of her gown. placing ‘one in her halt and the mt In her cor- mgc. >3“: resembled the fairy princel- of the enchanted palace. All belonged to her in this realm of delight. Ind Illa must not be surprised at any marvel. Strain: 01 music floated through the chamber to her keenly expectant our, mingled with a rather uwe‘inspiring murmur of voices as of mnny people ‘nthercd together. When were all them.- people? The glitter of gilt. the flowing folds of embroidered , lump inns and the long vista. 0! lamps. mul- tiplied by the shimmer of mirror; charmed her eye. Surely the marvel- ous history 0! the milkmaid. who dressed in the hollow u! A tree to at- tend 11 county hall. was no more sur- prising than that, she. Dolores of the Watch Tower, should be hero in the paint» 0! the Knight. of Malta. E l’luring the ï¬rst quadrilln Dolores had nimbly divested her rounded limbs of the purple. Tyrinn druperies of the stage. and slipped on the pretty pink dress No nccklnca of pearls had she. but Iho lied n rlbbon around her throat. terminating in a coqneuilh Ht- lle bow under the left, ear. The class- lcnl sandal was cast from her foot in favor of the bhck 5min slippers of her mother. the Info shoe 0! 3 Spanish The ladies made no further objection. Tho haste“ may have reviewed the situation. with keen. icmiuiue insight. and discerned In unexpectedclu-ckmnu on â€winter- course of friend and cousin no oppor hmely brought lo'rctller buncalh he! "Dm‘ken her. eyebrows," tnggened Liam. l'urzon. The clever pencil oi the young lady just. out. from London had designed the decennial): {or each table-n. with the assistance of Capt Blake. and he! skillful proï¬ciency was opp-rent ludl the minor details of grouping and 00" ‘lflllc- She had demurred at. the new- cumer's titans: to ï¬ll the role 0! the l’hu-nician. ' W hat a pretty girl! Really. the sailor hu an eye for beauty." Miss Sy lathe bit her Up in silence. ‘ Am we quit... my lady?" mused the social “asp. resuming his brush with renewed ardor. in the interests of do- pl 213112 'the lighthouse and the blue sea on the ï¬lm! scene, ’Cupl: "lake, toilingin the cause like a galley slave, to use Ms own mm M stage manager. teens punter Ind acu‘n' in one, remarked. nudibly: misting victim. the annular collector. Mrs Grifï¬th had n-celrod thin fresh rerruil to her dramuuc and! with Ill.- Limy. but in the col-L blue eyes of Mimi Ethel Symlhe lefl- (Ii-approval was perceptible. “In knowing now nhnld in" 3 than" in born]! “I h 'n In In an. 9 (at uni-Ind wlth It: no Love hearâ€"girl mum: in w hy, when Ind how on 'lnl dkl m no . Ieuer written. Ind thenâ€"4‘ "0h, fl‘a llllo. Huh. I saw I: I. I that-r." The, In“: like mad light-hr the“. Win. Mat-fer. will. I m 1. lb. city luv 3 mm writ. a "top-p lm leller In menu-n Inomln. by the «mu Ho In . uni-r city teller. (ourâ€"l could un by Ml clulbm Why, Muler, whtn tho girl (hut. Igua- na wm «one. II. n. tool: loa- 'nm ï¬ve ninnmwnld IL I “Ind her. M no a.- In. Mr. Hayseedâ€"Marl". I‘ve and. up my mind ler lend our I!" to “I. on, writing school to learn how to rule. Mm Huntedâ€"lo write. I good bind. ' "Yo: Mulch in h". Io. flow for than III-ca. Th enr- ch plan to learn sump. Marion no um: um». aner "Ill mama MI phe- nod was In“ in thought h’lddenly In slapped his lug. "Well?" "Be nutter-d. "â€"Jhflol Bud.“ "lint. can't you telljun why In I. Tnmpkiflb? An- they his clothes? Can‘t you furnish homo positive mm o! identlflcuuon?’ And the under- taker looked expocunt "‘he nndertlkcr naked fur [mint information, but. l'nrmur "all could only any is was Tompkins. lllnhired In Manned “no Cup. The \rnfem of the boy had washed up I long, lunk body and (or two aâ€. it lay in nu umlenzxker'n nhopnwnfung Identiï¬cation. Nobody on Cape Cod knew the man. At last. In old rick“, wagon milk-d up um! 13er alum down. Passing into the bull room hi looked at "to body {or s non-ant Old mm: "Th-Fl him." _ â€" ' I In": some nice gloves.“ nfllrlned the Signurinn Giulia “91in. olmkiuul her head as slut: scrutinized 01mg 0! 1 Dolmen. 'Mr. Brown Ilwlyl curios! slot‘ in his poeke‘ in an: I should , chnngo my mind about I. Fair. Y‘our . gloves have a ï¬re“ den do with 1 i your temper. You Ire n Sponilnl and 1 tin an American, In our hunch In small. Give me the package. quick. 9 Mr. Brown. Thea: pink one- wlll III“ . you. child. I wish I could :wptu help i you bum": them. but I may no you lupin. Inter Don'. t 1mg“ the night i o! my debut. and to come to the In“. 1 door. she may bring me good link. ! Mr. Brown. “ho know-i?" ‘ "I know it," confessed Dolores. mo fully. “They ure old on" lhlt I found. in n box. I tried to clean than with bread-crumbs. and I thought. perllaps‘ they would not dww "mull." my debut." the Add. “Auk Ior Mr. Brown It the It.†door. Bring your grandpa. too. Andâ€"your glove- nn shabby. child.†Inning. with em- ï¬ction. “Cm along. then." was her nicer- amnion: uncut. 1 In!» bola; FM]? ind. though," she union any n lur men. n- umbered Dolures. mu buckï¬mi killed her ’ugldcglyt "qu mutr come to . She sighed impatiently. uni shook out the train: 0! her dml Mr. Brown mulled I {at smile. a fut-ill wrinkle that rippled over cheek and jaw! as the surlace of writer in sun-ed by a falling- pebble. bowed pro- ionnmy.nml kissed the up. 0! ch: girl's ï¬ngers. as it ulntln n prince-5' "l’ngienec. my «mufï¬n: aid. in- dnlgontly. “We Built strive to null. I good impression tonight by our modesty and gm Later. we dull nuke our own terms, Eh?" “They are ready to hem- yon sing, my dear." he announced. In :pnternal Ind 11sz voice. “Give that, uh. from the Sicilian Vespeg-s with as much ï¬nish is possible, Melitn." "Am they ready {or me?" aha ro- torted. with n nil-antic intonction. “Suppming thaclnm not. randy to: them, Mr. Brown?" Mr. Brown approached. Ho wa- u portly man of mature ago, with a high- ly-colond countenance, nnd jet black hair ind mustache Ho wan attired in what may be termed eflulgont. mul- culine evening dress. and Ind the ponderons grams of manner 0! the that mun-r of a clrcul. "You know him. a! course. No? You must. have helm! 01 Mr. Brown. Why! everybody known him from Vienna and Paris 10 Landon and New York. Mr. Brown is It pmenl my guardluu dragon. and keep. In shall try It I ate (ï¬stulas I! l Were- nee hum of blood, you might say he had bet. on my winnlng â€"inveseed inmo. llel: ngood ml. tom and looks unm- my onion soup as well as my future engagements." emkfyo»Divu. quickly. "IE Browirf" repé'uted Dolores, lu- kmgstively. und lunch interested In herlww gequintanco. “Oh. how I wish I could!" sighed Dolores, duping her hands mum. “1 {cu- thu gun-{papa new ‘06! to the the-hr." of! “I an. no: uirnid to 1 m.- Grand Duke: in CH tum-d Hm Undina of t with a little (ï¬nance. 1 mnyubuiu in «mg: l'elcnburz man. 1 nm debut II tho Milka you know -iu flu "Oh. ya" laughed Dolores “I III luglhh. ur Maltese Ily notlm um spauish. I can dunw. perhaps. but I should be nil-uh! to >3 : here." “_'1‘hero comes Mr. Brown.†uid um (To me cont: brisk-n. Hm u o maku opera-ha ‘Bu-ber Illa n un hMm ulme rleie-L _'.‘ hops u! 5!. kn my o‘clock: w. you «on!!! have Inh- ‘ - l to lye-cc- and you ‘ In yumlur ihlrd gallery yum all. I =' man u! the World. Imi. yul wish every- body well. \\ hiic llw clerk-s um sunli- ing ruuml in your sunrc. ur tin: men in your iaclury am taking lhelr anon npoli, Milli. om- sn5z., "ll-vc yuu heard that mm of (mrmeu has been cumvcmll 1 ul. Hm mvival meeting in the )lcliuuiist church?“ While it is being talked over you say. “Well. i do nul believe in mvlvah. Thaw thing» do not lust. l’eupln get excited and join llue church and an no bl'llul‘ ‘hau they mm In- lorn. l whh our men vmuicl keep .17., fro- limw menu-gs." [lo yo“ know. oh. man. win you did in "on minute of dcprecifliun‘.’ Then ware um young men in LII-i. group who that 1 light would have gun. to name ueeh ' in†1nd hen um! {or this Rarid ud line-next. but. you decldod zhcln m lo . go. The: no mcial Mill-an. The, .lmdy drill: mm “III in good (or them, Incl arr disposal in In wild. Frmn the time they heard ’0‘ In, um they under-led their mp. o- t ‘ WIWOI'I! mid. In in yell-n the, wii through with thc‘irdimipallom Ind pus Into the cunt hug-II. Tm link hill ol ’6": decided their dos. . tiny lot Ihh mid Ind the next. You} Ind ll opponlnity u-t you unhin- proval,|ld how will ya- kriwhn you Mimi. ihou two Imminuls in the I»! judgment Ind they tell you n! um unfortunate Ilih of your; thui. ï¬n; than over “In pncipioa'r 0h, man 01 the world. why did you noi my in that noon upzll oi «mum-slot, Wind! lam .lui lhfl mun luu gm religion. i wish I hid it Inuit. hot as all n4ln-nl'ht. (on. on; I will m r \t tin church «lo-3r}; I I!) In the second plum) opportunity never come» Buck. Perhaps an uppor unity vcrv much like It may nrrh'c, but that. one never. Naturalism k-N us 01 insect-I that am born. full!" thun- miulon. and expire in an hour; but m-ny ammrtnniticscliu nu ma ultor they are born that their bruvlty 01 um in inulcnlublc. \Vh-t maul. Imam- me in Hull. ommrmnhicn do much over- Mudmring‘. (Ir reaching and trv- mcmluu» won: in such mm warmly ulluwnlwc. You In: u bus'uwM man a! large «perk-nee. Thu pad. eiglm-un months lune been hard un huniuvu‘ men. A young manhunt at Ma \vltn' ‘ and tune into your ofllec. or your hmmc. and you Mid. "Times am hard now. hut both-r days will ammo. l have ‘ seen thing: a: had. ur mum, Inn. “0 got (mt um] “I: will get out at HIM» I The blighted an†thnt this country ' ever an“ are yet (0 cu no." The young nun to “hum ytm said that \un ready, ‘ {of suicide. ar noun-thing nun-o.) mum-l3. u Imuuulrnt turn to gut nut} 01 Inn dvspairlnl lubillun. Yuur hupc- 5 {Illness inapirml him fur nil than, and ' thirty yum. uflrr yam urc (hr-d he will be raping the mlvnnuge of your. uplimism. \‘uur uppurtunlty to do [but um.- lMuu for Hunt 31mm: man was nut half m long In the time I ha".- ‘ “ken la ruin-Inn it. Fin», iv. is Very owl“ In its modulus Sometimes within one minute n slum from the throne of Um], sweep- Imam! the earth; and mace-cl- the throne {mm which It started. Within lens than Aixty mcumdn It fulï¬lled in amnion. E What is In owlrlunin'? The lexi- L eographor would coolly tell you ll. Is a coujnnctlou ol {nvomhlc alumnus-unec- {or uncompliahlng a purpose; but wunlu con not. tellwh-v. it It. Take u thon- uand ya»; lo manufacture n dollnlclou. and you could not successfully murrlbo ll. Opportunity! The maturing rod with which the Algal of we Apocolypw measured heaven could not. measure this pivotal wonl u! my text. sand on the edge at the preclplcc of all tlmu Ind let down the humming lino land under hand. and lower down and lam-or down. and for n. qulullllion of years let it sink. null the land will not. urikc bottom. (lpporlunlty! But wlllle I do ‘ not stump: to nmum or ck-lluu the wonl. 1 will. “0“ helping me. take the mpomlblllty of telling you wmcllnlng than}. oppm‘lunltv. T DENVERJ'OIA, yam Ito. on nu- dlenco lad num- = bled {or divine worship. The pa:- tor of tho church for whom I was to preach that night, interested in the muting of the peo- ple. stood in the pulpit looking from side to Aide. Ind when no more people could be crowded within the walls. he turned to me and said. with startling i emphasis: “What an opportunity!" . Immediately that word begun to en- llargo.lml while u hvlun was being sung. at every stanza the word “op- portunity" swluly um! mightily un- lowed, uni] while the opening pmyvr 1 win heingmnde. the word piled up‘ into Alps and Himalayas o! uwnning. ‘ and spun! out into other lutitmlrs and longitudes o! nigullieuncu until it hoe-me hemispheric. and it still grew in altitude mul circumference until it encircled other worlds. uml swept «mt and on. nnd ltl'olll'ld until it was llh big: an eternity. Never since have I read or heard that word without being thrilled with its. magnitude and mo- nmntum. Opportunity! Although in the textto some it may seem a mild and quiet note. in the great gospel lurumuy it lsn 1.an passage. It ixoneoi the loveliest Ind uwl‘uk-nt words in our langu-go o! mom than one hundred lhouund wunls of En- glish vocabulary. "As we have oppor- tunity. let us do good." , THE TALM AGE SERMON 'An I. III" thou-blow Opp-mum: Lu II- D. (hourâ€"ud- “:37â€"A “of, II III 0m! l'mthh II-y- W In†’IJ'I'I Until-c Victory. .Â¥J<.â€". OZâ€"PMHKWPZâ€" 2‘ to FUNâ€".330 HIP :>.Fâ€"ZD.FBOLLO. .m'n inâ€" m In I» W Then an the m. "Dual m Imam that maul-n who: yo. was driving the any do" lbw-[lube alloy-n! rut-o um- would it Mom I“ am you. win. thr- mph-t! o! mum-- on up pub Psalm. "Th. [lull in; Hit-M: I mu not mu." "Yon. m“ an Ibo â€upheld. "l nu humor wlth nu harm you man born. but I I. IM.’ In‘ 1 am “and lad...“ Thu aid the put-yr. “You how :m P."- up. “Trmv'b I Will: through the valley of tho-Mow 0! Mb. I am far noevfl.†"Yaw-u tho dyl-g shepherd. "I knew that Edam you can burn; but u do» not jolp in." A Well “upheld wu dying Ill had lhe W and II. The dying shepherd It“ to his wlfe. "llâ€. pkm‘ophlo than“ rm lot! wam tom the minister “one." When lhc um were ï¬lm the dying WM aid. "1 Ian Imo'n tic "IMO I“ I] Me. but I on going. Incl [I'll than! loam.“ Then the pum- quota-M... l .\ military ofllccr wry pmflno in his hubitn was mnlng dawn iulu n Inlne M. ( aura". Enulund. with u Flu-Ir lain miner, {or many at thou ulcers ‘r nm(hrlsthnn Tho ommr uw-d pro Ilum- lnnguago while In the cage [0 :muuluwn. As they won mull-k up mu. of the mine lho main: 1 (min-r um. ~~u n be m : tar dnwn In your wurk. how ) lunch hrlhnr Would II. In to the hot- ' tunic»; pit?“ The (‘hrlsllnn min" ra- ‘ .spnmlml. "I do mu. knnw haw hr it h dmvn In that place. In". if this rope‘ Humid break you wwlvl ho them In . minute." H. mm tlm Chrhlinn miner‘s \ umnrlunhy. Many youn- ugu I rlcr- uymnn was on n nloup on our llmlmn rlvvr, and hearing A In." I‘ll"! 3 MM- L phemy. Um ck: mynum said " 'Yuu have hpultcn uglinst my Inst frh ml Jew» (' MM" sen-u ycnrs after. this name clergyman “'Is on Ms wsy In "In awn- unl amt-mlylv of tho D'rmhylorian chum-h at l'hllodelphin. when In young mlalucr midi-cued hill Ind Inked him i! he was not. on I nloop on the "Iod- mn river such years balm-2'.- Tho to- ply wu 7n "no afï¬rmative. "Well." aid the ’0ng minister. “I In! the man whom you meted for altering that null. It led no to uni-I1 Ind n- pem. Ind l I. trying lo “one m that {or my all, behavior. T I. I maker 0! the ml. sad I doing-no m the plan! Int-Hy." Bern â€In blur: on Ila-t Madam river Iloop was the elemymun'o emu-fly. “Minn-dine" muck-neural It was the heartland possible invilnllon fur the Wanderer m came home. ’l'lblt Wu lhc city Inhukmury‘u opportunity. And tip-re urn onmrlunlucn all .lmut you, and on lIn-m wrnun by the hand of the God who will III-m you. I‘ll. Mm thou: whom you help, y: upitain 0' light, the word "immedialr." A city mluionnry Sn the lunar park 01 the city found a young woman “I wroteheduou Ind min. "0 “Id "Why do you not go hunt-1"†She Mid. "they would nut moving Inc It Immu." "a said. “What. in your {nther’l name. lull where alums ho llvci'" "living ob- lulncll the address "ml written urine luthcr. the city mimlunury gut u Irv-ply, ml the unlsialc o! the letter Hm wun‘ ‘ I7‘ 9 I | l’ The day I left our country hon. to look utter myself. we mule ucrou the country. and my father wu driving. 01 tonne I said nothing that lmplld how I felt. But there If. ' hun- dredx 0! mm: here. who from their own experience know bow I felt. At such n tlme 1 young man my he hopeful. and even in- pntient. to get. low the hnttle o! llte himself. but to leave the home where‘ everything has been done (or you: your {nther or older brothers taking your prt u hon you were Imposed on by larger boys: Ind your mother I.- wlya around. when you got the cold. with manual nppllcntlan- {or the - chest. or hurt: ten to make you sweat on the lever. uni ureet. mixtumslnl the cup by the bed to stop the cough. taking nomelimos too much of it be cause it wnn pleasant to take: and then to go out with no one toslannl between I you and the world. gives man I chuk- - ing ï¬t'lllllllil’fl It thu throat. and a hmneslckness before you hu we got l thmo miles away from llm ohl folks. I There was on tho any I spoke of a silence {or u long «bile. and then my ’ fathur began to tell how good the Lord hut! hCI'II to him, in sit-know nml In henlth. and wlwn times of hardship coma how l'mvldvncc haul ulwnyu provided the menus at livrlihuoll {or the large hon-whom: and he wound up by buying “in- WI“, 1 have always found it sun- to trust the haul." My {other has I’Pt‘ll flood thirty years, but. in ull the trim» of my lila~nml there have been many of themâ€"J have felt the mighty boost of that lunson In tho furm uugnn: “Ho Witt, l have always fouml it Mlle to trust tho lur .“ The fact w“, my {ntlu-r suw that \vln his opportunity, and h:- impmwad it. This in one ren- mn why lam an enthusiastic (HA-ml of all Young Men's Christin]: umwlntionn. ‘ They get hold of so many young men inst. arriving in the oily. and while ’ they are very llnpreaulonublc. and it la ' â€he host opp-rtunlty. Why. hour My ‘ ; the house» lookcl tu ms an we ï¬rst cu- tercd the great. city; and m nun-1y peo- ple! It seemed unnu meeting must. hnvc just closed to ml the street: In that “my; and then the My plmnl- annmmcing ell styles of â€nun-menu. end I0 many of them on the lame night. ml every night. utter our boy- hood Inul been spent ln melon» when only once or tlvlce in n. whol- yenr then bed been un entertainment In school house or ohm-ch†Thlt is the opportunity. Sturt that innocent young man in tltc'rlg’ht direction. six week: nfter will be too late. Tell me \vhu nuch I young mun clues wlth hl. ill-at le week: in a grant city. and I will tell yon what he will be through- 1 out. hln â€to on clrlh. and whore he wlll «pond the ages at eternity. ("mor- tnnity! Iggnrpnynp__.ngu_-__ would hue go. than young". omen-nu)! ' . {unclean-I19 indent-II 1...“. ï¬gs-ziis. .. £111.32: H: H... I... 11...... ., . 13 Est-no.1 Icic- ol- 89' can. .. 3332.2. luau. .olS: can}! signâ€"Mach“. "a! 1...! Iago-lint my. little-Icon! in: ulna»!!- ï¬t} 0‘ £33 :01“ 0A. .3: . . .930 .4. ,8. 3.12:, -P .lM-Hdcra rial-.12.: 1 0h- noun- m AMudnfr-luouanIAh-Iul Ala-[Mound that Ila-[luv on." flrlhh trinket... I I whollmdcnldo‘flyhrhhï¬ the M that kn pm“ inn W datum-«Mn. Ila huh-Ila a V»: mac-plus pot-- in! .0 rl elm a .6. Mr I." m- ..nm': m’i'i. - r m in! n!- m. hm about. when Inn-In. 2'1.†Ina-Mom and they will continue to [Ian-ye In“! Hwy have 1:»! mm lust slang: on the “pi. m. ndn club which ladies were excl-dd would it bereft. of the contributions 0! “no on who an. n [II-mu. not Ion-nami- uma Ind pct-hp a mu. non hour flglbla than men. roouno TDLI 7 ocnooulnu. Mat-cur". In modern “an It. bu been the My punter. who. In on ug- grugale. bring the grated Inc-ll of [gt-Int In ï¬ve mill of the (‘ull'so co.- pnny. M In not that lha lldlol one. go 10 the mulmun of unke- lo ha I!- .uml 4th In In n-ml loo “nob am {or that: but they phy twill-l1. I’d Que, h:“l_ cgnghyg t9 yin) [I‘ll Another mm-tio- rude to l!- porplexod malnutrition b that IN _ club (cu-thou. a! mus-nu villi-on , ' should be out-blinked l- mun!“ wlcl- tho l‘ulno. It lid-k W W “ml" for the pun-pow the pun-ha cl Jim "on! Monk-l‘ulo, but II. in (II.- cult to no that. the “much! pro-puny of the Casino country would In In- § trues-led by Mlpfll-Qlflnfl' tho ulna-g tripul. with I club. Vlllton who really belong lo manor-mm club- lnnd can cull, Income Inca-harlot tho 1:"qu do I. Mann-nun It Nina. and. Iner I“. It. I- am the lotion :plnyeru, the lulu-Illa opal-non I ' lmnge ol- nolr. who duplu the new, lmt frivolous (In. a! mid“. that are â€II nova lunar-ll" mm"- 01 Ill“: Cull-J. M. trumpet-quack ll ‘ls hall: malbla to VIII ":7 jinn-go mm- 01 may. not. [I- deod ‘0 mi tho huhâ€"I‘m flupoleol'l dictum of tho bl: haul- lonn cvmtull, W'lllll' All! hold. um! llwnys will hold podâ€"but enough to amp tlu ulmhlunfloutoclouol partlcplu “Me {on kw hmn. At. roulette, however, for on. win-Into! my mnldenblc .monnt than“. albly louwho. mum-or lulu, wlll be utterly 1nd hopelmly due-nu. or "vie-nod out. " cum-on a nu‘ Hunt... The English. “an American- nd the French are pmhnbly the moat run-n- nerulvg pumn: a! Monte Cnrlmnd B h w swims-land and 1:05 to tho frontier of Italy. that. 1|“ u» II- jorlty of plouure nelson up“: In Mnmner. an the Landau Dull, Tel!- guyh. Agnln. at tho vrry period when the Culim poopic wuh to sunr- Engllnh “than to the lllvhn no London hue-no- h n It: holght. Ind the purl mu w in u M uhnwn no “3:131 waning. Thu M- luuic noun-lull)- no hauls. to Eu- rope every wank lho-Il or Anni-I lonrhla. but. our lull-ANII“. vb hor- usually put tho nun-or in Lot- donor ltd-flat Batu-h owl’l'lloh w-urln. plan. and null. cooler weather balm they journey down dying any we inn tin Ill. plant Opportunity! Under tho not 0! that splendid ward in this multitude 0! I; i lie-rer- pun into tlw pardon. and hope. Incl triumph oi the (asp-l. (in by Pomp-ales at n hundred each. 00 by regiments of I thousand «all. The tuned Inning on I null: the Iniddh ’Igeri throwing all their burden us they pass: Illll the young to have their lprom-lit. joyl augmented by um Iu'lorimm ntkilotioni» l‘vrward late. I the kingdom! As soon uyou pan the dividing line there will be shouting nil up and down the heavens. Th crowned immortal» will look down And cheer. .)qu oi the may war- will lrujulco u one mun 0! his «:4th ’ucrlllcu. Departed “int: will in lgiuhlcued that. their pug-er- mu:- Imvored. An ortlm‘ will hozlw- ior 1mg spramling of a- annet at. which ‘ym: will be the hunched guest. Frau pm imporill slalom. the \vmflu will be twisted for your brow. Ind from It. hulls o! eternal music this inn-pen will bring their harm Iml the trumpet": their trumpets. and all up and down the Inn-thymine shinny: oi “I. castles, and in all the mom: 0! the House at Many Mansions. it will he talked over with lluly “ix-u ill-t. thin ‘d-y while one plnln mun ntood on the pistlorm 0! this rut building tiring the gospel call. an ummhlauomuk up from all part» a! the earth and pit-d up in these "ll.l‘l'h5||. ohms Chrilt. In their partial-mm) uni-tell {or lie-van v as their everluting haw. Ilia Ill the helix 0! Huron It. the (id up! Ntrilm all the cymbals -t the 5:32 Wave Illtho ‘p-lm b'rundm It I triumph! Victory! Victory! ygu‘g Ibophnd ‘9; pump, Luvs-i iii damn-m m Gm. lu.‘ M- hra. but rum-hin- ubovc." lo lhl pr: .- 58... râ€" loco-I. II 81: {if D: 1-... g - Faalrl =5 1...: Ga org-rite MONTE CARLO'E PATIONCa