Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 5 Jul 1895, p. 3

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7. lad-me de Sorgnes ended the dis cussioo. , “You may call me aunt. Tiomame. Ind I will call you by your bnrbnrous name. It suit: you and itammes me." ”Oh! you Ilways hive such vmegnry ideas. Mademoiselle," cried Guillaume. "Why not ‘mamma.’ like us. since you) take her as a daughter. mamms?" "rm: rrn nrscnr nrsrnnn It the nu Art's. “ and «qunently all the advent- ages. «hit-h she had hoped to unite her own? from that hour. little Tiomane had an enemy determined to mint and destroy her. The party had to [use through the village of herd: to reach the station of \‘erton. Tiomane looked at the mad. the honors. the Belch. uhlch she know so well. and. when they pant-d the miserable hovel where she had lived. in spite of herself her eyes tilled with tears.. Madame de- Sorgnes treated her young protege as she wonld have treated arur'mus little animal which she had taken a fancy to tame. and on her arrival in Paris hnsied herself at. once with the metamorphosis at her young charge. Annie. who want very expert in all matters relating to the toilet. eagerly ofl‘ered her assistance. and it. would not have been without benefit to the first lady-in-waiting of a queen, but Madnmede Sorgnes claimed the work as all her own. She pan-ed a very satisfactory day in the shops of the Louvre. enjoying this truly femiâ€" nine labor. and displaying an almmt feverish actirtty in her shopping. At dinner that. eveningin an elegant salle a manger reserved for the tamily n! the consul general. Tiomane made. her entrance into this brilliant moiety as nyoung lady. Delicate kid boots fit- ted her small feet perfectly. silk stock‘ ings of the same shade as her elegant gownâ€"peacock blue silk. Thanks to Efi's curling iron, which had been nod. however. without great results. her heavy hair fell in ringlets on her brown. shapely shoulders. 'Really. the ‘ little donkey driver did not gain bvthe ‘ transformation. Neveflhelesg Mad- ame do Sorgnes pronounced her very «kins! in her Parisian finery, with her menners necessarily thoseot an nntntored little savage. Even the sun-burned skin and the golden freckles seemed attractions in the eyes of her benefaetresa She was delighted. too, with her gaucherie and her Piard pntoieâ€"everythingjn short. about her new plaything charmed her. After dinner a grave question was dis- cussed. What should 'I‘iomsne call Kadsme de Sen-gnu? The governess. while rolling Maritu's bright. ringlets about. her bony fingers. suggested that. “Madam” would be the only suitlble appellation which the little girl could give her benefactress. “ho knu\\'~‘.' Thu mlrqur “1m made hunk-hut in the family |-_\' an Id 0! lorruiuu. might the nut. hhrewd and inu-Higvul u ~|u~ wcmnl m lw. Imam we not lnllmmtc horn-ll IMO the gnu! 3mm a! Mary numbn- ul the lumHy. and. but cu. acquire an Um Incucucv. was counted another imam. by “.‘lmlw mulwllr." who was exceedingly humil- iated to find hersel! ubliged for the fin! Hum- m [mu-l with "w servants Decidrdly. the little newcomer had taken her place. and more and more. as uln- llmught u! it. um adaption Ip~ reared lu lwr u Ihrcnu-ning rivnl‘. 'lt‘f nanny. jt'u‘nll\ unlurc ever dev llglnod in ramming Hm (Mare. luuko in“ only lur chunk anal “an uhuyo dimmed lo exaggvrulv llwir blackuun quI site. CHAPTER V HE DEPARTURE of the family took place the next day. .‘luda luv de Sorgnen and the three chil~ Cron in the first. carringv: Mademoi- selle I'uscnk‘. Aunis (Mme. de Sorgncxs‘ xuuid), and the two tireck servants in the M‘cuntL This aiong side the vessel. The cnptain hastened to receive a very distinguished looking genflemnn. By me joy on the faces of Madame de Sorgnes Ind her daughter. Tiomnne guessed that it was the husband and father. provided with rich rugs and cushions, and manned by twelve_ oarsmcn. came l‘oor Tiumane fell ill onnngh herself. I but she found that it was necmsnry to{‘ cmqner her feelings. and, young asl she wns. she learned a rery important I lessonâ€"what will power can do. even I in mnqnering sea sicknos~. The rny- I age from Marseilles to Smyrna was charming. as the "kw! stnppul at many of the places of intermt. ('hihl dren rarely have any appreciation of, the beauties of nature. and what. i struck our young heroine mmt was the strangeness of those now mmntrim, the odd cmtnmm and ”in unknown language. 0n the eighth day. all the f passengers. even indnlent. Madame de Sorgnm. were up at. daybreak on the. taloon deck. They were sailing along } the shares 0! Asia Minor. end. as the [ ship sped gully over the snnllt waves, t they gazed with delight at the mounâ€" , tnins, the proves. the cities-snng by ' the poet: of I“ ages Suddenly the ; horizon grew nnrrovrer. new monn- I tains stood out ngnlnst the clear blue skyâ€"new forestsâ€"n new city. There was a sudden movement and ”mum. unong the passengers. marked, how- ever. by the [rennet order and preclu- ion. A great. number of small boats were seen putting out from the shore; they ante to anchor; they had reached Smymt "Mademoiselle“nhuml the adjoining one with the two little girls. In em in; the Adriatic the so. was very rough. hut Mademoiselle Pn- cale prudently nrohlnl ”nick- nrss by remaining in bed. and fmm that moment the Man of making I unnnt of Tinmano ramc to her. “The serum of dunkevs." as she was In the hub“ of calling her. might. [the thought. be her servant. Tiomane retained oni a very im- perfect and confused re: inbrance of her short stay in Paris. “'hat 3. din! ‘what an agitated varied. extraordi- nary life! How imposing, nay, annihi- lating. every thing uppeared! The luxury of the suite of apartments where she hardly dared walk or sit the army of domestics which filled the hotel. the rich toilettes. the beautiful carriage in which she drove with the family. the magnificent shops. the be- wildering display of rich and elegant stufl's trom every quarter of the globe. the visits to the sumptuous homes of some 01 the members at the Greek colonv in Paris, ali‘dnzzled the little donkey driver. One evening the family went to the theater. and she felt that she was transported to an enchanted realmâ€"unlike anything she had ever imagined. However. no happiness in this world lasts long without some shadows. Tiomnne con- tinued to let-l. in all her relations with "Mademoiselle." n cloud of dis- like. which terrified her more nnd more. as the enemy was evidently I l power in the family it “in she who {managed the extublifihmcnt. paid all the bills. and directed the servants. iler indolent mistress. delighted at i being rid of these disagree-aide cures, :gme her the lulh-nt confidence; ‘Mnritzn. hpoiled child that she was. won over by her flutterio». adored her; ‘the hen-nuts feared and obeyed lu-r. Uuilluume alone relaxed to yield to this ascendancy. his uuhic. generous nature recalling lnntlucliruly lroru her hypo. ritlcul wiln A week [waned awn... um-umpuuied Madame do Surplus. who lnuk her run inch to his boarding school lrvuie Mange. The porting bu- tween the brother and link? “In In annoy. M for Tinmune. Ahr tel: very and when she loan-l her-ell in the our ringr. when the plncv of lu-r devoted fr'u-nd Ind champion mu rut-Int. Two dnys nth-r. they left Paris [or linr- u-illn Tim-nine. m strangely and suddenly [transported {mm lu-r lilo-It m-nntry. with its any so: and Its dr- wrtrd sir-mi, went into mini" Int the rizhtof the him- Modilcrr-nraw. lhn nugnlfirrnt madden]. and tho purlâ€"u tnmt nt mutrqmo n! the huAirrt in the world. Thry only ("and lhr {amt-u ram-blow to ‘0 tn tho quay. win-rpm they were tawmhlrk {or Smyrna The [not ship. who" in- terior wn like u palm. bewildered the little pus-M girl. The weather was prrlrct. and consequently filial] reigned on hoardâ€"- noisy. «roughn- flirty. prowlior In the Mtlm of the rust. who (rein, mtnnmhrred the other "wagers Mmhnnlvh‘omu «erupted the plan- M honor ll tnlvlr. It the rnptnln‘a right hand Alwnyw drrsorrllilwo anrw she lived in an nmlhmls rwrmuhdcd by horn-av. her dazzling; little dough!" sharing in her plnry. while the poor litih- rim-lay driver. in suite at her l‘nrhinn flurry. only served no. (oil In all this splendor. Madame de florgrues kept her muid. Ari-is. with her in her rahin, while “no nth-moon the little girln‘ CHAPTER V1. l O M A N F. NOW entered the feiry lend oforienul life. The Europe“: In:- my which Ind 30 dazzled and bewil- dered h e r w s s eclipsed. e f! a ced. like a- pale light by the mtddny sun. A boat decorated with the French fiicolor. to exert a healthful influence upon the liver, and to be tunable for disordered eyes; the letter qunlity being lien secrlbed to the mpphlre Ind emeraldâ€"the emerlld. when seen by eaerpent, being further supposed V to blind the reptile and render him harmless. The turquoise was supposed to net as n sort of health initiator. the intensity of its color being in ntlo to the physical well being of It: Wear". i it me also reputed to be e ufeguard Igainst harm in use the wen-er should Hall from any height. The ope] was loqked upon la a thunder-stone. posu min; the virtues of mlny other-n In communion. but the onyx was re- garded us rendering one peculiarly susceptible to annoyance from night- mares 3nd demons. which seriously affected its popularity. The nmethvst. was supposed to prevent intoxication. five coral to protect aglhmt the evil eye. and the topaz to deprive boiling wane: of us heat. em". and Supernatural lnflnem l‘nr- mrly Aerrthed tn Ilka-rent «on: While every one admirer the various jewvla from an ornamental standpoint. it may not be generally known that in times past nearly all of the more im- portant precious shines were snpprncd to [mess ocenlt powers over disease. and in other supernatural directions. A writer in Chamber'mlonrnal recently compiled an article descriptive of the supposed power: this possessed, from which we gather that the diamond, though considered to be of itselfa deadly poison. had. till recently. from remote ages been credited with the power of protecting its wearer from the evil eflecta of other poisons-â€" which may have been the foundation at] ita popularity. Pliny described it. an harm; the power to avert. insanity â€"â€"aad amber was credited with the same quality. The ruby waa sup- "mu to hr.” um " lune lo vial: Mayra. lure eat-dd am, In their memories I haunt! pleura of the “mu 0! III: Rum qnnor. lull particularly at tMs Mm! of the Ranaâ€"called also the Street of the Oman. for ll Is inhabited ulna-mt exclusively by unlorhlhonnl families. in which the purest 12ml: type Ls pruned. After the lflernoon slash. the donrs M the elegant mansions Ire thrown mien, tllqclming spacious. ml vestibulaâ€" wilh npnrluling (mntninvâ€"fumishml like drawing ms. for here I: Smyrnlole lady displays her mos‘ ele‘ pm fnrnilnm 3nd Mica-brat. (ince- fnlly reclining on silken divans. the India n! the hope. in their most. charming toilets. an! occupied in roll- ing or in smoking cinrfls. (1-0 m: cnnmrln} OCCULT POWERS OF JEWELS As he ofiered his arm to his wife to -:onduet her to the hoat,she intro- duced her protegee. lie pressed his lips atfectionately to the brow of the little stranger, and welcomed her most kindly to his family. The little girl understood that he had been informed of her heroic act. Tiomaue found herself seated in the boat be- tween “Ztludeiiioiselle” and Maritza; Monsieur and Madame dc Sorgnce were opposite, conversing in a low tone. The consul appeared many years older than his beautiful wife. although he was not more than a dozen years her senior. Forty-four years old, very gray. his face tux-rowed by deep wrin- ’ kles, in spite of his aristocratic appear- ‘ once. extreme kindness was the promi- m-m expression. under the cold exteo rior ot' the diplomat. The Bay of Smyrna is one o! the wonders o! the world. A poet has compared it. to a cup 01 sapphire infusion. reflecting a heavenly land. it is lonia. the birth- place of gods and' goddesses; where nature attracts. charms. intoxicates; where the air is heavy with perfumeâ€"- it is lovely Olympia. The consul'a boat. stopped at the foot of awhile marble staircase. shaded with jemmine. A broad avenue led to the gardens. which were really orange groves. surrounding the mansion. It was a model of elegance and good taste. in which the Grecian and Byzantine styles of architecture were mingled; cupolas. colonnudcs. ara- htwluca, bah-onion. carved with such exquisite delicacy that they might he called luu- Work in atone. and then those oriental wrandna. aerial bou- tloirn. decorated with tapestries. (lime and flowering planta. The utory o! the marriage of .‘lonaieur and Madame do )oruuen would make a charming chapter tor I novel. At 211. appointed carnal at Tripoli, the young diplomat \I'lln [naming through Smyrna. aceompnnied by an Italian blend. They were walking, toward the clean of a tweutilui afternoon in the early nprinu. through the luumi bin-ct ut the "010‘, with lb. it hit» marble lldO' \uliu. it» ion-5y oriental human. hung with bright drulwrlm. where the par- lumo o! the mum. from which it i. namnl. intolirau'w the urn-ca All luurL-h “he have had the good lor- The hippineu of meeting uenu sometimes to nuke up for tha pain 0! “par-Hon. Monsieur do Sorgnos folded his wife and daughter in his arms and then turned eagerly to Guilâ€" laume, from whom he had been separ- ated even longer than the others. mg. Ilsa Uptodnteâ€"No. The Blble nya there will be no "xlvlng In marriage" more. and where more are no wedding magenta you he! were won‘t be many weddlno. Rev. wubuck (from Fencebumâ€"Hy mue nun. It palm Inc to In you watt- lng your tune In filth n frivolmu wny. Don't you know that life Is than. that dual thou art Ind unto dun! thou am". return? Samâ€"Yes. A mm m: me for a dollar. ' Hillâ€"Did you hit back? Millâ€"No. He wn In no right. I: a In. m- dofllr. you In. Cgliy Mommaâ€"Yes. and you bet yer life. ole lockl, we're all out for de dun, teaâ€"Truth. a... lanai-t. Ills: Gmdlelghâ€"Do you bovine there VIII be any marriages In hegven? For a moment "In landlady assumed a thoughtful flxprnsslt‘m. But "ml was only a bluff. l’rmently she anstcrcd senlfinllnusly: "17hirkm." Readily rr-ralllnq many form" nxpr-rl- our»: wuh lho huny m-cks Ind "Vanni-:1 wings. lho border will: the Vâ€"shau nose hasuly pasted hls plate for more soup. V‘L‘m. :Irâ€"lhat In. ah. what Hm! n! ma! ban you Irv-day, Mrs. shragxs’” nut a month" umnsclmm um. Ind ”to tank wnmlm In the floor. 'Mk over her. happy In M- halved. "and Ram! lfmlndnul chafing-gloat- Ing.-New York World. "wm ynu"â€"- The landlady ginncfld across the table II Mn omply Mair. -~â€"“Imve mme mow snug?" “U! "ml spirlt nf caullnusmss um In fasten-d and grow! rapidly In a boarding Muse atmosphere he remind "ash-fly: "Ila" Bull ”nan-flank Deana-d Mo mom»! "I MM [kit _ foil film!" I334 are you looked III: I "MM In black!" "The motor-van "mud for run-Inn out you“ Iommr Damian, In: In“ about.” by "on mm". It In!“ would that Ibo Me of “III lunl "run of an Imllcy In In: lo M! own ”gunman “I'M arm": "sun at the clam in "ml Ir Dumknv turn u M. cm. I bmk M a low that! lam-lb; Fro-plot 7‘ "m! Inna [numb-m. m I‘m!» add]. am I no! I'Pflf to be reward? A hfltle M Ito than MIMI. n um Mr. and“: hum of head!“ high!" came from n» "an of Bull Under-«tout. "l Mn tuna In your waddlna. "run. and u A mlrl M my fllfl‘m ma unoc- mm (00' pm hath. I run mam mm. as a woddln: pnnnlfi hundmvnc know an "airy urea. lumllyn. I» my 0! Won't-m u! lholl I’M-flunk (‘huplI-r I. "Nu! I thnummd llmml no'” The {air girl ranm'd norm-l! up proudly Ind her lwu curled In cnnlempluoul scorn. "I nnum your [myth-rm] gum! Your "urban: nrv- Idlr. lbnw- pllxluml my truth In Ilnrllmc-r Dum-nlwuy. l'mnr he may be. but I love him. and It I um hll'n I earn I»! ynur'n‘ (‘hnpu-r ll. Dull-Mo- the humble rut that w" "m home 0! [tone lit-(Mlcuddy "w llnlnwr hr: at m» mmmnilrc worked In I swam u! mnvuww halt. "Tulle mm. men'" he Valued. "llul I um have my nwwur." "rut-[1V9 m}. l um. and!“ mm Una-Monk Mid mu MI hand. Bet-VII". I («It mun "mu. Inn! to lap Mn hum! In n It 'f'O. nun Undo-Monk. «be Dialed Mnkur. “out out lulu the «lam. “Aha!" laughed llHle'Cupld. As he hurrlod a final dart Then gamenad up his arrows And made ready Io depart. While a shadow crossed their dreamlnz. A cloud rose in their skyâ€"- The summer night grew colder. And each sadly wondered why. Perha'ps yuu'n- never henrd That thn-o‘s dvlmhtml company It Cupid Its Un- lhlrdf‘ Nor guessed at all the reason: But the Inn» love gm! knew. And scoffed at human wlsdom. A! the fickle nprlle wlll du. “Alas! poor (mum morlaln. In the lnlervenlng calm. The-y sat on the veranda. Beneath a spread< lng palm; And ho whispered love in rapture, “Almm, at lust. are wv!“ And she murmured, "ch. Us lovely. But It’s horrid when there's llu'ce. "mtwean the Dummy “ulnarâ€"Senti- uwntal Sully n the Sea-honwll Ilu- nun Wo-kIwuâ€"Flouum and datum [tom 'I'Icla 0! Fun. tanned. Elliâ€"You have a black eye (ma morn- MIDSUMMER HUMOR. FFCOIâ€"ZO O>O 02â€"0â€"2)... >20 mmrm04m5. AM! he VII lamina. A Human Wain-cu. "k (am-I (null-n. (Th-our 1v. Cir-pl" m ETWEEN THE dreamy waltz- -â€"I.Ife. Sch rage’s $17,000,000 - Rheumatic Cure Never Failed. ”am-I.“ :1 I uv‘nuuu-v â€"uâ€".â€"-.... c ’ Iv n B of?! is {or nlebyall dnl - mygfioc I .1 bank». but It in mus;- uhctnmd by the Cdifornh Fig Syrup Co. only, 1mm?" h pgmedo‘; clan-y hgo, I no name, ru 0 53 being well inh‘mlud,’ 0: will 3 W my minim]! l.llll=\l,. u 'wr v- - ruemmuarmm wanting in the tom moat W ”d an to the taste, the real-in! ”‘1 mly moan pmperflel of - W136 l“- gfive;__efl'ectgn_lly_clam_ 2n the m, A-) n__..‘ acm- Main ale-mi 'fln tyne- :wl’llng col ’hendwlag and in”; permanent] cud mlpulon. It bu wen stint-Mon million-and not ch the nppronl of the medical profedon, beam it set: on the KB- ner, Liver Ind Bowel- wmmut tech on as them and it I: perfectly [no to. evgry ohjegtggmb'le sum-am L- __ 4 L. A" 4|“, Bria comfort and improvement and tends 8!; mm! enjoyment when rightly . The many who live bob 1.; than othe- nnd gjoy fife more. 'Piuth expenditure, not: fill! flaw the world'o but pail-eh t; the no”! of ydcll being, VIII and the ulna b m. of the pun liquid land" principles mined in GB Portugal abolished capital pmmhâ€" men! In 1‘61. llnlmnd In H70, Swlller- land In If", and lmly In rats. Four cent: In stamps arm to Chat. R F». 0911‘! Fast Agra! Nmmbm l'nrflk- Railroad. m. PIIII. "I'm , WI" luring In mlum an Inhnflnn unmphlv-t. ll (mm! on Irflgnlu! lam-L It Is unm- lm fun. no! work, In Inhale a growing mm orchard m Mn uh or nltalfn Bold In "so. namu Va Ivy. There I: - tram-minus mclslnrlkm In fading "an ymn 0010"»an huw In! or haw now , A. A _-. _--_ ._-.-.L_- ,uu “a“ . . your cmm ‘rnwVand dun‘t can ‘hnflwr It ralmn 0r ships-n: ,,A.. ”A-“ "damn“. n y (0 am" M match In. “In: ll mun-1 Mphktl, v- um Ml autumn-n. um be tuned no um arplmlm m W n. Kahuna. (L l' t A.. Cpkato a th‘wmnn On «ch at (M Nuloml Educ-â€" llovul Anodnllon mnlln. at Dawn. CnL. July in. lo mm. the mole-lo Gnu Won! n Hallway will all ucuvuuo “clot II on. Mil-cu- (in. plan :10. (M "a mund mo, 1mm- on ulo uly «ll. uh um! uh and an I». In (of lulu nuvlnl In m. Jnnph at Run-u Guy on nul one. When good ulumlu' an"! 8091. l. I“ TM. pawl-v Mn- lul "nan-d la ma llmmah an mulch cm» "on nod- om con-Mam. Io mammal-lo ll. ultonn. Call um "clot am“ of um- mm- g-cuy tar Intern-non. Mill nun-- TN flth-Wncrvn ”no «mu-nan A Noni-Wm". R1.) 3- now am" on- rm na-n It "deed run In at run. lune-polio. Duluth. AMMM. Hayfield. I «one. thud-3nd. In. Ion. No! 8 up. Dun-r, (30me Human. III-Hm. 8:" [Ale 9”. and an Ian and mum!» run-mo ol I5. I!!! and Wham. rot mm and fun lufmmtkm_gyply M gm" of munch hi:c_hlciio. m CBICNU) S Innâ€"Reported Mn wan, than hm sum 0 mom and been mm [or Ibo “nous loll-«o h- u cute culled No-‘nrmc h I Iyndlcnto who nut to ulw II on no nuk- lnqul n we “nor-I ollru raved“ no I." “In o-‘l‘u-uw In no: (or uh to u» mm 3: fly price. No-‘I'o luc‘n mum l- m-tvoloua. Mum cm, Dmum In Anetta um Nw’l‘o- Inc under guarantee to an winced mu 0: "(and may. Wo-o-‘n loo-or Color Pom'flol- Bull-ll“ have bean accumulated wlllcll reveal Hun In "upset to eulor hllndneu more la A remarkable am"- euco between Illa “to Don». About three and om‘lulf per cent 0! man no mlur-bllnd lo a mulled client, while not mar. Hun (unr-Ienllm or one per ml of women In: llnun Affected. TM- dmennco ln culur perm-plum will Ilrlh: moot hull-nan \vlm luve been mm by lhelr 'lvu “pun ghouulnl embauulrl to much ribbon. u: under-hum), l! uny- "I!“ Phllndelphll'l Now lint. A new bus has ltruck town. and he has struck it with a rush. lays Phlla- dolphia. Record. For want or a better nameâ€"even the entomologist: admit he in a stranger hereâ€"he in known I! the elect rie-llght bug. Look at any are light on a hot evening and you will see hun- dreds of them darting about. attracted by the glare. They are about the size of a cockroach. only a trllle longer and thinner, and have reddlsh4brow1I wings. slightly mottled. They seem to be at- tracted by the glare. and duh mndl)’ ngalnst the globe. only to [all stunned ou the pavement below. After recover- ing trom “ll! shock they crawl away to recuperate. unless tmdden to denth un- der foot. I! a man wears Ipoctnclea or tycxlnuaes and looks up at the light at an Angle at which the glare wlll be re- flected on hip glasses. ten chances to one he will feel thnt one o! the bugs has dashed head first against his Ich- taclel. The buga have been In town a short time, but nre maklnx their pres- ence loll. Cid. I’m no..." a! hula. The Tum Mm filo-7031c. mutant 1‘“um “SGMM‘ Inn-co Tum luau. KNOWLEDGE Dc-nt. III.- ABSOLUTELY PURE r n, 1mm 0. r. a 1'. L -' In! Add“ I nun PAIEITSJBAE W. N. U. CHICAGO. VOL- I. wm.~::-vmfi'r::_m _.‘- bummdmfnauhdm Mm hon "u- lam m I cm!» with mph“ "pram ( in luhrrcflav mine", '1‘ In. 0' and elm-e mistin- ad mun. The lulu! dmrtpunn ol the Chino-O Emperor portrays him .- “hmllng .5011. I1. - Ihtn-Itmuldrnd. narrow-chat“. trill. warn-out buy." then In M I“ m m an n." mam-mo- :- mun. Imusâ€"Io ‘ put-l In. by Hal. raw no” tub. Queen Vlctorln nu Ill down on all,- plna don’ ur- nr Hill. No mulling! dot born um ll“ um be mun-a to o ptlu to any Hugh-DI honor. chow. 'Mmztmrn*;.gm?: «In twuumfltmâ€""h In I“ waguâ€"uqqgw-u. In James A, nundd. widow of (no Prnldrnt. will nprM Ibo lulu-n a h" nl-o-‘I ruidrnco. mum". N. 1.. IM town a! I'm-flaunt Ckvolnnd'o m I". lulu I“. In“! ova-cl. Tim lnuhvllk I Nnhvltk Ml!“ anpnny hu jun hound u mm: mm hmflmn of Aluminum CAN. I: WI] mun-4! Inn Illuntuud. Tl. (all h by [17. _ll. "mun c. a In? man at rbnuflc aunt-mu. m It. Illuunu-mn arn numdncumn 0! [0|an "ton by M lint. «MI In lump- or cum. all to c . Mm. noon! ulna-m ml, Infi- vulo. K1,. um new. a m. u. 7):: "Mi" mm“; " lld'q' m: M on an ,AAA_--. _- L :23 Illu Buunno Adlml‘ II ”noun! Amerlcnn girl who MI Jul! undo I III.- cculul debut at. the Grand Opu- Houoe. Plfll. uniâ€""7J3: .- my Illl mun lb... 0‘ Ill-lanolin and m but IN] um It- 0‘. 'M'Ilmmwn" WWI-d to W" or m M A." WM" lt. Walla-nu. Over Mr. Glad-tom"! bed-tend :- hung the motto, "Chflstlnn, Remember What Thou Hut to Do"' In Chlnu ordlnary day board can ho had for n Chlnnmnn {or shout [our “MI. In twelve mun-lake. out of every hun- dred one of the parties In: been In”- rled before. flo‘ollll'l c.- on- Io. in. am I'hoorIcl-II Ind uly'uhuuu. Cum-WM mrm.o.umun-.uc.o. autumn no,“ The population of the German on- plre II Inertia-lug a! the nth of Iv. hundred thou-and I you. Dr. PIERCE’S Goldenrledlal DISCOVERY I] m an: it “It". m III-n manual! and val-MOI m. I‘ 'mv‘. mun-o In" [or Childre- m The Chinese ten crop ll aid to ho up to the average "III yen. In Inn. at the wnr with how. . BALL‘S CATARR" CURE II I liquid Ill. taken lnumfly. sold by Owl-u. no. I'llo'n cié?kiÂ¥6fifim|6un nu- olna. â€"â€"Mrn W. I'ICIIIT, Vu Stolen III Blah Ave... Bunklyn. N. ,0“. M. I“ “human-0n can! I”! IN unlugmyhcha-O‘ , 1113-! Plate) Columbia A "$3233.; bicycw 73'6": mogul- led a Columbia. No «be: big em unit-am; . {30'9th 4 urbia bicyflfaof this fed- Ila-k; t at name- to appears. t uni 1:3. Imam, and mm mu wtisfactionnndhighe‘efl- hum}. to H” '3‘!" New Price 3100 mmnmmuuo. mummmm THE BEST BICYCLE . "pd ”PE m. 00.

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