Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 7 Nov 1895, p. 3

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.m ought all to belong to those who , “a men out In ectlve oervlee. “We dld - .n m ughtlng whlle these men stayed at home In the garrteon and we ought a have all the treasures." But David ed Into the worn faces of these vet- mna who had stayed In the gen-lean. no he looked around and saw how elduly everything had been kept, and he now that the baggnge who all ante, and he knew that these wounded end crippled men would gladly enough have been at the front If they had been able. and the llttle general look. up from un- der his helmet and says: "No. no, let on have fnlr play? and he ruehee up to one of these men and he says. "Hold your hands together.” and the hands are held together, and he lllla them with other. And he rushes up to an- other men who was elttlng away hock and had no Idea of gettlng any of the not“. and throws n Babylonian gar- ment over hlm no on. Me hind with .m ' no he rushe- up‘ to' another man‘ who land loot all hle property In oervlng God end his country non betore. and I. mm or none of the cattle and me. The “tuning men 0! u... sam- un come out and grout them with wud luau. The Bible says David saluted them. That Is. he asked them how they all were. "How ls your broken arm?“ "How Is your fractured 13',» "H” the ulflened llmh been nullmbergdr “Have you had another chum- "Are you getting better?" Hn Diluted them, But now came a very dlMcnlt thing, the til-tribunal: o! the spells of vlc- gory, Drive up those Inden camels now, Who null have the spoils? we"I some ‘ and .oul Canasta um these tmsâ€" \ the Ibép Ind cattle that had, been “gen, gm: start back toward the at. noon. Yondq "gay man. yonder they Q. .woov “poll "woe cumming Amale- um somo of the Amllelmen are hacked to plem on the spot. some 9! gm ne just able to go sunning and Ilmnshlfll 00! the field. some of them crawl on camel: and apeml 0! In the (mace. David and Ma men gather to- M." the wardrobes. the jewels, and put them upon the back of canals, and Into wagon. and "If! gather together were overthrown In their carousel by “pr-hum and his men. 80. In our Clvll War. more than once the Mule wan loin mun. one or (he senor-la in drunk. Nov In the [line for Dun! and his men “Wynn. So the flyrnns were over- thrown In Meir clronul by the knob Its. 80 cnerdorlgonggr and his army low [of David and III: mm to swoop on then. So [he Emil-h lost the MI- “. o! manorkburn. been-n the nigh! boron they were In um" and how- bm count-(Ion. while the Scotch were M II qulto : dllmnt Icon. beta; meted In the distance. The Annie- kltu. hula; ruined and nnucked and robbed whole countries. we eels but!“ ttu-Ir luck-Tm In 1 mall: at- ncut. Born at them are «lunch. on the lawn with wondartul "ration of to“ and too. and non. of then no "- lntntna tho won- 0! vlrtoryâ€"tho In~ gar-mu- Ind car-mun. thn mettle... tho truth-to. the headbands. diamond curred. and the collar: with carom“. “d elerlllnl. and pearls. Ind nap-t pitta. and alter-ids. and I" the wealth 0! plate. Ind junta, and ant-Intern. and the other and the gold banked up on (In earth In prlncely protmlon. and the “mldartn. and the robust. nd the. “run. IN the donk- ot an tmpc-rtnl wardrobe. Tho banquet IIII gone on ”III the Maqm‘tnn are mmdltn and weak and ntuptd and Indecent and luttuonaly dmntt. What a time It In If you have never seen an army change quarters, you have no idea at the amount of baggageâ€"twenty leads. an, loads, 1 hundred loads o1 baseme- David and his army were ab0ut to start on I double-quick march for the recovâ€" ery of their captured tnmillen from the 'Annleklten. So they left by the brook Belor'their blankets. their knapucka. "‘9" ”We. and their carrlagea. Who lhall be detailed to watch this atutt? There are nick soldiers, end wounded: ”Idlers, and aged soldiers who are not able to go on nwltt military expedi- UWI. but who are able to do some worh. end no they are detailed to watch “0 5.85380. There is many I soldier who in not strong enough to march thirty miles in 1 day end then plunge into n ten hours' fight, who in nhle with drnwn lword lifted against his shoulder to plea up and down n a sentinel to keep 0! an enemy who might put the torch to the how‘s. There are two hundred of those crippled and aged OM wounded eoldlern detailed to Wllch the Muse. Some of them. I suppose, had hand-gen ncreu the brow, and none or them had their arm In I sling. and none of lhl'ln talked on crutch". They were not cow-rd: ehlrklng duty. They hhd taught in runny a fierce het- tie for their country end their God. They no now part. of the time in hol- pitel, and port of the time on nrrleon duty. They elmoot cry bee-use they cannot go with the other troop: to the (rent. While these sentinel: wntch the hemp. the Lord vetchee the mentinell l uloctoa being: 1. Sam. 30:24. “I“ ”‘5 Dirt 18 that goeul down to the battle. 3 aha" his part be that tarrleth by the u ." It flood No: B. I)... In Publicâ€"locum! Wail-m. Bar-o- by Dr. him-go â€"Auonur urn o-dlouco In." an THB SLIGHTEST SERVICE TO MANKIND WILL GET REWARD. GOD IS LOOKING ON. ABHINGTON, D. 0., Nov. 3. 1895.â€" Dr. Tnlnnge to-dny preached his second sermon since com- Ing to the National Capital. It possible the audience was even larger than last Sunday. The subject was "The Disabled," the text Sam. 30:24, “As MS There Is high enmnrngement In this for all who have great responsibility and little credit ior what they do. You know the names at the great commer- cial house: of these cities. Do You know the names of the confidential clerks-the men who have the key to the safe, the men who know the com- bination lock? A distinguished mer- chant goes forth at the summer water in; place. and he nachos past. and you say: "Who is that?" “Oh." replies some one, "don't you know? That is the great importer. that is the great banker. that is the great manufactur- er." The coninlential cierk has his week 01!. Nobody knows him. and after awhile his week is done. and he nits down again at his desk. But God wiil reward his fidelity just as much as he recognizes the work of the merchant philanthropist whose investment: "I“ nltnawn clerk to eminlly guarded. H'ndaon River Railroad. Pennsylvania Railroad. Erie Rallrondaflew York. New Haven Mmdâ€"Mulno'u Inn know the name. or the mice-ts ‘ot Suppose you give to two of your rhlt. dren errands, and thoy are to so on to make purchases. and to one you give one dollar end to the other you gm twenty dollnm Do you reward the boy thnt you gave twenty dollar: to for pur- chulng more than that amount or money than the other boy purchased wlth one dollar? 0! course not. "God glro wealth or eoelnl poeltlon or plo- quenee or twenty tunes the faculty to n man that he shes to the ordinary nun. to he solo; to give. to tho favored nun n reward hvmusc he has more power and more lnflnenrn? Oh. no. m other words. It you and l were to do our whole duty. and you have twenty times more talent than I have. you wlll get no more dlrlne reward than I wlll. In God going to reward you because he gave you more? Thut would not no (air. that would not be right. These two hundred men of the text who taint- ed by the Brook Beoor did thelr whoir duty; they witched the baggage, they took care of the atoll; nod they got as much of the spoils of vtctory u the men who went to the front. “An his part is thnt toeth down to the battle. so shall his part he that urrleth by the etnfl." do. but according to whether or not you do your full duty In (be when when God has placed you. be given "cording to the unonnt a! noise you nuke In the world. nor even accordlng to {he amount 0! good you u gnu! u Hm of Hannah More. tho by Ian oxrellonl books won for m Id- mlmn Garrick and Edmund Burn and Joshua Roynoldu. Rewards are no! to n nut .- nm at In "em. iho bum Ind endowed the-clout“! uni-try bulldlnp. Your ref-rd will In just u (but of Plenum Nlnunnh. who moving so often nIaM by night rub 5 Nut In Mr land through the hmtuh. vu cnl‘fil by (In rounded the "lady or the lump." Your "word will be 1m! The Earl oi Klntore said to me in an English railway, “Mr. Tnimnge, when you get back to America I want you to preach e sermon on the discharge of ordinary duty in ordinary pleccs.‘.end then send me e copy of it." Afterward en English clergyman coming to this land brought from the Earl oi Klutore the same message! Ales! that before i got ready to do that he asked me to do. the good Earl oi Kintore hed departed this life. But that man. surrounded by nil paietlnl surroundings, and in e dis- tinguished sphere, felt sympathetic with those who hed ordinary duties to periorln in ordinary pieces end In or-‘ dinnry ways. A greet many people ere discouraged when they hear the story of Moses. end at Joshue. end oi Devid. and oi Luther. end of John Knox. end or Dehorsh, end of Florence Nllhtin- gels. They sey: "0h, thet Ives eil good and right tor them. but i shell never be celled to receive the luv on Mount 8i- nei. i shell never be celled to commend the sun end moon to stsnd still. i shell never preach on lisrs' lilli. l shell never defy the Diet oi Worms. 1 shell never he celled to nuke e queen tren- ble (or her crimes, l shell never pre- side over e hospitel." There ere won:- en who sey. “ii i hed es hrillisnt e sphere es those peopte bed. I should be es breve end se grand; but my busi- ness is to get children oil to school, and to hunt up things when the, are loud. end to see thet dinner is may. end to keep ecmnt oi the household expenses. end to hinder the children from being strenguleied by the chewing rough. end to go through ell the snnoysnm end vesstlene oi housekeeping. Oh. my sphere is so infinitesimal. end so inslg~ hilt-hi. l em cieer dlscouregod." Wom- en. 00d pieces you on gerrison duty. end your rewerd em he inst es greet The impression is abroad that the Christian rewards are (or those who do conspicuous service in distinguished placesâ€"great patriots. great preachers. great philanthropists. But my text sets forth the idea that there is just as much ‘reward for a man that stays at home and minds his own business, and who, crippled and unable to so iorth and lead in great movements and in the high pisces cf the earth, does his whole duty just where he is. Garrison duty is as important and as remunerative as serv- 1 ice at the from. “As his part is that soeth down to the battle, so shall his part he that mrieth by the stuff." some of the sheep that they had hrouxht Minimum/W. and he gives two or three of the cuttie and three or tour at the sheep to this poor man. It) he Ihhii always be led and clothed. He sees 1 man so emaciated end worn out and lick he needs stimulants. and 3° Sives him a little of the wine that he brought from the Amnlekites. Yonder Ill: 8: man who has no appetite for the ’rough rations of the army. and he gives him a rare moi-sci from the Amalekit- ish banquet. and the two hundred crip- pled and maimed and used soldiers who tart-led on garrison duty get Just 83 much of the spoils oi! battle as any 01‘ the two hundred men that went to the front, "As his part is that goeth down ‘ to the battle. so shall his part be that tan-leth by the stufl. " Cherr up, man and women or nonp~ preclnterl nervleon. You will get your reward, it not here. hemfler, When Charla Wesley come- up to judgment. and the tlmunndn of nonln whlcl were warm! low glory through MI longs mu be cannon-need, he will take MI throne. Then John Wesley will come up to judgment. Ind After nu nine hon Mn montloned In connection with the alv‘lflon of the nlillonn of null. W: a God through tho mm which ho man.» how“! filo *‘ Clear back In the country there b I boy who wants to no to college and cat an education. They call him I heal worn. Wherever they and hintâ€"in the ham or in the honae-he to reading I hook. "what a pity it la." they any. "that lid cannot get an education" m- father, work as hard Ia he will. on no more than support the family lay the. product oi the urn. One night Ed. he retired to his room and there in I family conference about his. The air- tern ray; "li'ather. l wiIh you would send an. to college; it you will. we will hork harder than we ever did, and we will hale our old area-ea do.” The mother aayn. “Yen. i will get aiong without any hired help; although I am not as strong an i need to he. I think I can get along without any hired help." The lather can. "Well. i think by huslling corn nighta I can get along without any nuisance." finger in banished from the table. humu- ls han- iehed from the plate. That family la put down on rigid. yea. rum-ring econ- omy that the boy may no to college. Time panaca on. Commencement Day has come. Think not that I mention an Imaginary cane. God knows it hap. pened. Commencement Day has come, and the profeaora wallr in on the stay in their long gowns. The interest or the oeeaaion ia panning on. and alter a while it come! to I climax oi intern.- aa the ralotilctorian is to he introdnual ‘ Ed. has atudied no hard and worked so well that he has had the honor con- ferred upon him. There are rounrla oi applause. sometimes breaking into yo- clieration. It in a great day [or Ed. But away hack in the galleries are his aiatera in their plain hats and their faded shawls, and the oidâ€"iaahioned father and motherâ€"dear me. she has not had a new hat for at: years. he has not had a new coat (or six yearnâ€"and they get up and look over on the plat- . form. and they laugh and they cry. and they sit down and they look pale, and then they are very much iiaahed. Ed. gets the prlanda. and the old-fashioned m in the gallery have their full than in the triumph. The, have made that aeene noaalble, and in the day when God shall more fully reward neit- Iacrlhcea made for othera. he will give grand and glorious recognition. "As his part la that goeth down to the hat- tle. so shall his part he that tau-lath hy the atoll." \u-uunoap-anwgzqy.‘ Aâ€"a‘-‘_--_._._ a gage-vegan». A Chrlnlau woman was van to!" “on; the edge of I wood. every oven- tldo, and the neighbor: In lbw country did not undmund how a mom" with to allay am and “Item-- should unto so much Ilme u lo be ldly unn- wtlnx out "an!“ by evening. It In. hand out “luv-rd um aha wont than to pray lot Mr houmhold. and In“. (Inn on owning, aha 1mm» that boluâ€" um! hymn. (Imam tn all not tor cheering Chrmun Marts: I love lo uni awhile away From ovary cumbcmm can, And norm! IM hour: of with. W. In hut-Mo. [ritual pnylr. Mull mm N no rut-rd (at uni u- watondllm. yet cunt-“u. Ionian? Onee (or thirty-six hours we expected every moment to go to the bottom of the ocean. The waves struck through the skylights. and rushed down into the hold 01 the ship. and hissed against the boilers. It was an awful time; but by the blessing of God, and the faithful- ness of the men in charge, we came out of the cyclone, and we arrived at home. Each one before leaving the ship thanked Captain Andrews. I do not think there was a man or woman thst went 0! that ship without thsnking‘ Csptsin Andrews. and when. years stter. i heard of his death, I was como pelied to write a letter of condolence to his (anally In Liverpool. Everybody recognised the goodness, the courage, s the kindness of Captsin Andrews; but it occurs to me now that we never thanked the engineer. He stood awsy down in the darkness. amid the hissing tumsces. doing his whole duty. No- body thsnited the engineer. but God recognized his heroism and his con- tfnnsnce and hls enemy. and there will be Just so high reward for the engineer who worked out of sight. as the Csptsln. who stood on the bridge of the ship in the midst ol the bowling tempest. "As his part is that sooth down to the bettie. so shall his part be that tsrrieth by the stuff." those reeds and of the prominent di- rectors; but they do not know the names ot the engineers. the names at the nwitchmen, thenames or the linemen, the names oi the brakemen. These men have awful responlihllities, and some- times. through the recklessneu of on engineer. or the uninithiulneu oi a switchmnn, it has brought to mind the tnithlulness of nearly all the rest of them. Some men do not have recogni- tion at their services. They have small wages, and much complaint. 1 very onen ride upon locomotives. and I very often ask the ques- tion as we shoot around some curve, or under some ledge of rocks, "How much wages do you get?" And I am always surprised to find how little ‘tor such vast responsibility. Do you suppose God is not going to recognize that fidelity? Thomas Scott. the presi- dent oi the Pennsylvania Railroad, going up at death to receive from God his destiny, was no better known in that hour than was known last night the hrakeman who, on the Erie Rail- road. was Jammed to death amid the car couplings. "As his part is that sooth down to the battle, so shall his part be that tarrieth by the atuii'." Prol. Howard B. Gran. registrar and “shunt professor of Mm in an autumn] extension department of Chicago Unlvorutx. bu reamed m position to an up edltorlul work on n Baton paw. (an an In. 0cm nu. "I think the flavor of pure cod liver on u very pleasant." said a citizen. "but my wife can never see me “he fly without i'llting up her face, and exclaimingz‘flh. the horrid stun! Hot ‘oan you possibly like it?" A few days ago i was in I drug store when an old "pool physical came in and naked for s quart 0! enter oil. A. the drunk! poured the man into I measure the doctor thrust one of his fingers into the stream of oil and transferred a spoon- ful at but to his mouth. "that's good oil.‘ said he. smacking his lips. Then for a moment I knew just how my wife min when I much my lips over cod liver oil." Hr. Barthold Tom-s. the well known composer o! Anglican church music, 1. broken down physically. Hr. Tours. who is nearly 60 you: of age, wu the son of a Rotterdam mum. and smdkd at him Ind Brussels. In M. rariy days he '0 muse-ml In 1mm. 09"?»- and than bee-no a teacher and composer. 01! Sir Joseph Bumnby re- signing In 1878 the M of clue! mm!- cnl to Somalia. Tour: w wetter! for me past. He Is an nbln musician and wu complimented by Gounod on M- planoforte arrangement 0! "The Rev dcmptlon.“ "Some Int-mun of this mpeptlon are A lot of IrIcIn um I am "red of Irylng to an. them out." It um In the” words Rev. It. C. Hancock of the Broadway Momentum chum-h ll Cam- den. N. 1.. nuanced Ma Intenuon tn rain. The "totem." have been wlnh- In; a rhange o! pastors tot none tlme The body of the confirmation "(ml to lot Mr. Hancock leave and the con- ference InsIsted on Ms Irylng to paIch up dIsngreementa. At um he Iatled. There I: n scheme to In to freeze out the Icicle: and reuln the mInIster. that “.0003”. A! Name“. N. 1.. R". J. B. kn- Illn has succeeded. by the all of (be mm I. "will. the rec-(mug a! One. Balloon-l than] all”! m vine. of the congregation and Bhbop Bartram». bold, is has been preaching Io e-pu' pews and the punk In become to Involved In «N that the elm-ll has been armored to all the churrll. This, It In expected. '"l amt Mr. Jennings. Th Church a! Our Euler I! la.- eov to completed only 3 (av nan m. I“ summed In beauty any church of modern (Inn. It in bull! to mnemonic mo datum-co o! lone-w m- Ibe finch, and It can 1% much about (7mm II to 9mm 1 hm o! (m; to preach Chrlu I. w apt-and a me-Ooldnn Rule. Tbo I'd uny- ilvn a nun to "no In no. he uh lo climb n moun- To won‘t}; non-m a! God you must In“ for "so power or Cod. A not! It loo-o and I In". abroad preach In M Monday'l do“ II no plumb-lino [or Sunday‘s work. lon'u Ipplwu ll not Always God'- approval. God never let: the Miami hand bo- conm amply. Punt In tho morning. peace at alum. The worker for pulse wutoth hll dun. The divine wisdom. power and good~ nees are infinite. Therefore. there in no reason why faith ahould not he un- limited in God's willingness and trust- worthiness to do {or hia children what- ever he seen to be (or their but good. From this point of view certainly there ‘la no limit to faith. From another point or view there are limits. Sin in no operates a. a limit. So {at u we consciously continue to do wrong, to that degree we hinder ouraelvee from the exercise of a perfect and trium~ phant faith. Ind, Io to epeak.~pui. it out. of the Divine power to reward our iaith. We make it impossible (or God to hem or our iaith conlietentiy with hle own nature and hie knowledge at what I! beet ior In. ~ ‘ “I... I“ throne. But between the two thrones at Charles Wesley and John Wesley, there will be a throne higher than either. on which shall sit Susannah Wesley. who with maternal consecration in Enworth rectory, Lineolnshire, started those two souls on their triumphant mission ol’ sermon and song through all following axes. Oh. what a day that will be tor many who rocked Christian cradles with weary foot, and who patched worn-out garments and darned socks. and out of a small income made the children comfortable for the winter. What a day that wlll be for those to whom the world gave the cold shoulder, and called them nobodies, and he- 3 srudged them the least recognition. and who. weary and worn and sick, tainted by the brook Besor. Oh, that will he a mighty day when the Son of David shall distribute among them the gar- lands; the crowns. the sceptres, the chariots, the thrones. And then It shall he found out that all who on earth served God in inconspicuous spheres, receive just as much reward as those who tilled the earth with uproar o! achievement. Then they shall under stand the height. the depth. the length. the breadth, the pillsred and domed magnificence of my text. “As his part is that goeth down to the battle. so shall his part be that tarrleth hy the stufl." 00M.- ll-l- Prov-rho. FOIC’I In God. "Hun-a! and anal." the fairy open by nmpennnk, which II In huh: played :1 Day's Thaw, New York. come- to Hoolq'l noun- mm 100- um”. (loom). Hum: ul- chkaaf- ranging ml w m (It maul”! alum m m Roderick Wade ha nnnouneod that be 'm reuln "Runnynudo" In his run- crtory nfler all. but he will not no m o! Friar Tuck late“ of Robin Hood, no no basin his season doing. Lucia Moore nu been MM to In. Wndc'l company for this team. ”The Two Calonell" came to (net at Lexington. Ky., Oct. 10. The my n: attached. we are Informed Ind 080 rut-ed, which paid (heir hotel 5m. and patch-ted their ticket: to New York. Hr. Good." Ind hll Vito were left he- hlnd. also Charle- Ilelvlllo. the u- nneo scent, who m tick II n haul than. an ticket to return a New You wu left with him. Sidney R. Bliic' "Bennie South-d" will nuke it. In! visit a» China "I; appearing at lcVicker'l Mr. Tilt play uince in production It the Choli- nnt It. Theater. Phihdciphin, has be" meeting with cut Incas... Henry lrvln Ind . mt Ml lesson In Boston. vhao be played at no Tram: Theater for three vents. Rh receipts "and over 33.“. hr each performance. in. lrvlu begin Ml Nev York engagement at Abbey'l Theater tomorrow night. luslc [oven and “alter: of Illa ulllan Run-ell 'Ill be glad to new "In ulna vIll mm" In "LI Pnleholo" during Ibo second week of be sum not at the Col-nun. mm. no Ihlrd and mt ml 0! Int "mall II. nus-ell wlll um" In a new vor- lion 0! “The Lmlo Duke.” the In! pro- duction on ny also being and. It “a Columhla. ........... Continua paint-nu lloptlu' (South sue) ..... ........... Gnu-mu performance Oly-plc. . . . . ”Co-llama performance Tenn .Conunou parlor-nu anfln'l... .. . .PI'I This! no 1'30 Chute... ..Dnliy. I to I] 9.!- In: 1'. Jun......... .. Bum-é Lym- ....... . ..... ”Vaudeville mm Alli-o“... [or In. '0... Columbll...'.. ..... Mill-n Ito-all Hmky’u. . .' ..... .. . .Lmk Christoph crud”... ................... mt Dull“! In "Tb. Win“ a! the Nile” Hun-tin. . . . ........... Town Tople- Mlnum. .. ............... nun No. 1 Acids-y o! lulu ...... TI. WI“- Elli Lincoln ......... .. . .11.» [M51 What Cut” ........ Confluen- potter-nee Hull-1’ (We-t mac) .......... traction It Mchcker'e for the week commencing Sunday. Nov. so, will be "The 201i: Century Girl." This combi- nation of comic opera and oxtrnvegnou II by Sidney Rounteld nod Ludwig Erlenner. nutbore o! “The Penning Show“ and hen been revised. remodeled and improved oinco it was Int seen here. in the present cut nppenr Incl: favorite: no Molly i-‘ullor. One William. Wm. Cnmeron. Thom-314w“, Annie 8t. Tell. John 1‘. Kelly. Cntherlne Un- gnrd. Hurry Kelly. Georgie Hurley and Emma bevy. 'l'be cbnrncter and merit ol “The ton: Century Girl" cannot be described. It is n whirl oi gauze nnd llm, n blending of colored lights. I mixing up 0! odd ooneoitl. I touch oi ‘ comic oper- bero. I bit at {one comedy ‘ there, I liberal epluh of variety in (be glenâ€"end the strange conceit in com- plete. it in n good big brood laugh Rom beginning to end. It in I delight to the one end I plea-me to the m. n ber- monlouu mingling of inbumooioue ele- menie, no deftly handled by It. clover builder that one in oi n loan to give it n neon. Nothing of tbo name prow- ilooo, oi the name manning. or no elebn onto in dmrniloo. bu over wrong from our native tbeotrirel toil. CHICAGO OPERA HOUSEâ€""The Merry World" returned to Chicago for a one week engagement, which began last Sunday night, Oct. 27. at the Chiv csxo Opera House. The present indi- vidual complement of the organisation is practically the same as when inst seen here. The travesty o! “Trlihy” contains the piece de resistance, while those on Mme. Sans Gene, Wang. Robin Hood. Devil's Deputy. Dr. Syntax, and other leading successes are not much less in popularity. Amelia Bummer- : ville is yet cast for the roles of Trilhy and Sans Gene. Frank Blair is Tally and de Neipherg. Louis Man the Sven- ; gali. Willard Simon; is do Fehre. The Laird and Fouche are still in the hands of David Wnrheid. who has since added a new hit in his characterisation in the composite comic opera. Marie Laurens and May Howard as Robin Hood re- main as features in the comic operas. In addition to the above are Janette Bargesrd. the clever Little Billee and Vaseline, Lee Harrison as Napoleon and Jacks, Wallace Block, W. A. McCor- mick. Randolph Curry, Hattie Moore. John Keefe and seventy-live others. In: no Inna-roof no 'm M M'VICK ER'S THEATERâ€"Tho lt- CHICAGO THEATERS. AMUSIMINT ATTRACTION. FOR COMING WEIR- Du... Wald-ulna and can“. ht Mmlmulam ammonium. ".mmlhfl" a ”mun-u. m h ammnumnt- dhdhonlhb‘. ‘. Amman-mainl- undocummallth. indium It.“ Mlnmuhnldfl- ,, manna-am " To meant. an. m m d uni, (be shell of W M. K7,. anmm'uu "I. '5! have gala thdrm'mh-Itfldhlb with”! can. , Ir. Loch 001103.: km I luv Inn. Prunes. in I “I M M bu. n. bop: than. u and". ymmuhfltu nbullm _ Ala-tern- ta cm by out. which mm m my m- M M m Con-allude: with 00- i 0“ by than '0 W Amen hula-I t- han 0-1.; the an. III-tr ”an. and 00! 0100.00.00. 'm. 0230‘. I00! I! .00 000- on. m.. nn A lively pair of "In, a..- II no! aid-flu their a... Tiny m mintyâ€"0m nu. «I m an no and mm of mum to uni unit-l In hub-um mwtmpmmmdm 11. ”II x I Mu In at no; Ilhnd by m mile-Ila d It. m o! a. mu m. I’m-Mon Am at Dun W. I: it. man 00 In ummzammmmm 3:; ‘ "any in but non-ml: m Inna-"y. M m '- a!“ lo the «do-mt. ll. Ina-a m- n- curiae- wu no mu. Inuit-l. nd 00 luau-cot [mm-(Mucu- m-bwâ€"m (In mm I: m or m luau “out nu pram derived fro-I m. Iowa-m1 no ‘0 MI: for (I. you «do. Art! n n (ml to In but um». All lib VI. decor-n, com ”napkin-ll. :1qu en preceding your by m fund. of the “Intuitâ€"av“. no. byldnnoflo-nm “parent... one. than manual. TM- “ h the non mum-3 In an n m not mm mm by any Mull-cc II- nu! eons-ht The Menu. of the Ml.- “ II. dud mm one. which “15.01““ year an!!! About chm 1.1mm.- mcnlly «and and llm I. 0 Club-- (In In the vein-- at mum Ill 11mm. his human! b .0- rouuod for II part by m w nan-[mm o! (to pasta-e. m mm. but In a [nun nun: by II. gem! (Ila-Io. ol «tau.- and. "nun Accordion to the inn poaiofloo report more than 80,000 lettere out to tho am mm one. contained money to the noon nmount oi coo. iIMI other lotion contained dram. deed- and chechn to tho nuonnt of” than 31.500.000. A maiorlty o! the money and the evldonooo of lndohtolv neu were returned to the ownore. bot laat year ”00,000 in choohn Ind not. nod 010,000 in cash remind outline! and undintrihutod. The nnlnhc d Dareelo oent to the dead-letter one. In‘ not lam. lore than ".000 Mm finding their way to the Mien. once yenrly contain photograph; l very large proportion of the m which reaches the once doeo no not he- cnune o1 any deloein in the pain.” ayotem. but because of want of one on the part or the patrono oi the India. it would not be poeelhlo to otaie the proportion in “um. hecanee the tool. luau dintinciionn ot “hold tor pool-(0.” “undirected." ete., include lotion which. while properly prepared and ‘ dlopatchod according to the MM otill tail of noccoenlul delivery by [‘09 non 0! hour and cnreiaao dimtionn. ooniuoion ariain: from clean oi tho name or eiullar nnineo in em ntnteo, and other oaneee. it in a po- culiar fact that while nanny pcoone an extremely careful of their pen-an,” in indltlnn lettere to pernono who on inmilier with their writing, they are ein‘ularly negligent in MIMI. 00 envelope. thc-h In to ho “4 hr DI“ none uninmlliar with the writing. M upon whooo ahillty to In“ it in w- oni the note delivery at the m. the mtollko Wilt, bin ~ York 8“. It in km II“- V?! flat. llllldlmM um In ma to tho mm W _ . Wublnmn Ind than no on“! M It poulblo udlmud 01M“ under 0!‘ tho alarm '11:. III-Id ‘0! lemon and» upon-o an: to a» letter ollco In a you :- 0,000,000- 0!. than 6.000.000 us will! II “III. «48* nary unclaimed lemon. 1m ., mm- mualmtoa by boobi- II . Unltod sum to person abroad. til about 80.000 letter: when to man'- mama, while 500.000 lama II 3. un- uo mulled by poop]. In couutrlu to Incorrect “drum in ll" United emu 'LO‘I’IAI AND JI‘I’IAI.

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