Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 21 Nov 1895, p. 3

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Advice the First: Get your soul right with God and you will be In the beat Attitude for everything that comes. New win of voyoging by sea, new ways of "nouns by land. new ways or thrashâ€" ing the harvests. new won at thresh- hooke, and the potent ofllco in enough to enchant a man who has mechaniooi ingenuity and known a good deal of levers and wheele, and we hardly do anything I! it need to he done: inven- tion otter invention, invention on top of invention. But in the motter'o! gotâ€" ting right with God there has not been ‘ an invention for six thousand years. It ll on the come line of repentance that Doria exercised about his sine, and the name old Ityie of prayer that the pub- lic“ need when he emphasised it by II inward ctr-eke of both hence. no the “I Nth in cam: that Pool em- “ to the jailer the nitht the peniten. (If! broke down. An. that in the re:- n- irhlt l hue more confidence in it. It'll- his tried II: more millions tun But I must be specific This I . ett before me want: ndvlce to young no: men. I will tell you who the new woman will be. It will he the good woman at All the nun put. "em and there a dilerencc ol nttlrr, so the Inmmnry custom may command. but the some good. honest. lovely. Christian. all-in- Inentlol helog that your mother Ind mine wns. 0i that kind of women was Christian Eddy. who, talking to a man who was so much oi an nnhellnver he Ind named his two children Voltaire and Tom Paine. nevertheless saw him converted. he tar-calling down with emo- tion I: he said to her, "i cannot rtnnd you. you talk like my mother." and tell- Ing the story of his conversion to twelve eompsnions who had been hintsnt op- poeere ot religion. they asked her to come and see them also. and tell them of Chrlst. and four of them were con- verted. and all the others greatly changed. and the leader of the bend. departing tor heaven. shouted. ".loytni! Joyful! Joyful!" It you know any hetâ€" tet style at women than that. where is she? The world cannot improve on that kind. The new woman may have more knowledge, because she will have more books. but she will have no more common sense than that which tried to manage and discipline and educate no, and did as well Is she could with such unpromising material. She may have more health than the woman or other days, tor the sewing machine and the unitary regulations and added intelli- gence on the subjects of diet. ventila- tion, and exercise. and rescue from men: forms of drudgery, may allow her more longevity. but she will have the some characteristie'n which God gave her in paradise, with the exception of the nervous shock and moral jolt oi the (all she got that day when not notic- ing where she stepped. she looked up into the branches oi the trult tree. "nun deliver the church and tho world trom any one at (hm Iiylel at In. Iom-n. Bho will never com... l have no much mm In the Mann“.â€" tic triumph and in the prone“ at all thin;- in tho right diroclton that l prophesy that utyh at now woman will In" nrrivo. she would hand over thin world to dlnbollm. and (mm boinu, I! ah. In now. the mishtkut agency for the world‘s uplifting. the! would be the nightlrnt form tor its downthmu. It in the more important that tho pul- pit bo‘teurd on thla aubjoct at thia tlmo vhen are on having such an inimitable dllculslou about what is called the “New Woman." as though some new creature of God had arrived on earth. or were about to arrivo. Ono theory in tint the will be an athlete. and boxing glove and lootball and pugililtlc ou- oonnter will characterize her. Another thoory in that she will superintoutl hai- Iot boxes. alt in oongnuionai hall. and through improved politic: bring the millennium by the ovil oho vii extir- pato and the good aha will inatail. An- other theory II that she will adopt masculine attire and make mend it vulgarianiam positively horrific. An- other theory I- that aha will ho no M- thotic that broom handle and rolling pin and coal acuttlo will be pictorialiud with Halo from Ioit will" or annot- tiooa of ltomhmndt and Raphael. ' ASHINGTON, D. l 0.. Nov. 17. 1895.â€"-â€" " Rev. Dr. Taimase took for the subâ€" ject oi! to-day'a ser- mon: "A Word With Womenf‘ the text for the occasion he- eing the following letter reserved by the distinguished preacher: Cincinnati. Ohio. Reverend Sinâ€"Jinn delivered I discourse in answer to 1 letter from six youns man 01 Fayette. Ohio. questing you to preach a normal: on “Advice to Young Men." Ate we Justified in asking you to preach a sermon on “Advice to Young Wounenr'l Letter signed by Six Young Women. Christ, who took his text iron) a flock of birds flying overhead, saying, “Be- hold the howls oi the air," and from the flowers in the valley. saying, “Conâ€" sider the lilies oi the field," and from the cinching at a barnyard i'owl, say- ing. “As a hen gathereih her chickens under her wing." and from a crystal of unit picked up by the roadside, saying. “Salt is good," will grant us s bless- Ins it. instead of taking a text from the Bible, I take for my text this letter from Cincinnati, which is only one oi many letters which I have received tron: young women in New York. New Orleans. San Francisco, London, Edinâ€" boro. and irom the ends of the earth. I" implying that having some months 380 preached the sermon on “Advice to Young Men." I could not, without ucg- loci of duty, refuse to preach in sermon on "Advice to Young Women. l It. New Woman, :- Pop-Inn] Under- uool, Will Hour Como-“nod In M Good to Allow lie: to Dust-co An Uta-unkind. DR. TALMAOB PREACHEB TO ' AMERICA'S DAUGHTERS- ADVICE TO OUR GIRLS. Now com the recon. Now th- dnuhtcr revlm her m» criticism of maternal supervision. For m In! tin. flu mum whit It I: to Ian a‘ mother. and whit It In tn lose I W won no. men an tomes. mu. m Health! Only those imow its value who have lost it. The earth is girdled with pain. and a rant proportion of it in the price paid for early recklessness. i clone thia though with the aalutation in Macbeth: Now good digestion wait on appetite Ami health on both. Advice the Third: Appreciate your mother while you have her. it is the almost. universal testimony at young women who have lost their mother, that they did not realize what she was to them until after her exit from this liie. indeed, mother is in the apprecia- tion of many a young lady a hindrance. The maternal inspection is otten conâ€" sidered an obstacle. Mother has no many notions about that which in arm» er and that which is improper. it is astounding how much more many girls know at is than their mothers at 45. With what an elaborate argument. Def- bans spiced with some temper. the yoniixling tries to reverse the opinion of the oldling. The sprinkle oi may on the maternal forehead is rather an Inflation in the recent graduate oi the female seminary that the circumstance- oi to-day or to-night are not fully ap~ predated. What a wise boardinS‘ school that would m it the mother: were the pupils and the daughters the teachers. How well the teens could cbnperooe the titties. Then mothers do not amount to much anyhow. They are in the way, and are always asking queao tiona about postage marks of letters, and asking. “who is that nary DJ" and "where did you (arm that acquaintâ€" ‘ ance. Flora ?"and “where did you get that ring. Myra?" For mothers have such unprecedented means of knowing everything-they any "it won a bird in the air” that told them. Alas, for that bird in the air. Will not some one lift his gun and ahoot it. It would take whole libraries to hold the wisdom which the daughter known more than her mother. “Why cannot I have this?" "Why cannot I do that?" And the ques- tlon in many a you has been. althouth not plainly elated, "What shall we do with the mothers. anyhow? They are so far behind the timea." i f Advice the Second: Make it n matter of religion to take care 0! your physi» cal health. 1 do not wonder that the Greeks deified health and hailed Hyseil as n goddess. i rejoice that there have been so many mode: or maintaining and restoring young womanly health in- vented in our time. They may have been known a ion; time back. but they have been popuiartxed in our dayâ€"lawn tennis, croquet nnd so", and the hi- cycie. it always method strange and inscrutable that our human race ahould he no slow at locomotion. when creat- urea of Iona importance have power: of velocity. wins at bird or toot oi ente- iope. leaving no far behind. nod while it aeetne no important that we be in many places in a ahort while. we were weighed down with incnpeciiien. and moat men it they run it mtie are ex- hanated. or dead from the exhaustion. it wan iett until the int decade of the nineteenth century to live the weed which we ace whirlinz throuah all our cltiee and along the country roada, end with that wood comes health. The tro- Inen o! the next decade will he health- ier than at any time since the world was created,whiie the invniicllam which hae no oiten character-trod nomnnhood will mu out to manhood, which by its poetnre on the wheel. is mmina to correct mine and cramped cheat and n 1 deiomily ior which another ility yarn will not line power to rnnite rescue. Young men. alt up etrntnht when you ride. Darwin any: the human race in descended from the monkey, but the bicycle will turn an hundred thoumnd men of the prenent generation in pine- irni condition from man to monhey. For good womanhood. i thank God that thin mode or recreation has been invented. i‘ee it wisely. modestly. Chrlelieniy. No good woman needs to he told what It- tire in proper and what behavior in right. if anything he doubtful reject it. .\ hordrmish. boisterous, mascuiine wo- men is the orientation of all. and every revolution of the wheel she rides in towards depreciation and downfall. 1 Martin Luther writing a letter oi con- ‘ doience to one of his friends who had lost hts daughter, began by saying. “This la a hard world for girls." It 13 for those who are dependent upon thelr own wits and the whims of the world and the preferences of human favor, but those who take the eternal God for their portion not later than 15 years of age. and that ls ten years later than it ought to be. will find thnt while Martin Luther's letter of condolence was true "I regard to many, It not most, with re- spect to those who have the wisdom. and Promptitudc. and the earnestness to get right with God, I declare that this to a good world {or girls. I dare to state lest I come for short oi the brilliant man. All who through Christ earnestly tried to get right with God. are right. and always will be right. That gives the young woman who sets that position superiority over oil rival- rles, all Jealousles. all misfortunes, all health failings. all social disasters. and all the combined troubles oi! eighty years, it she shall live to he an octo- genorlan. It the world tails to apDI‘B' clate her she says: "God loves me, the angels in heaven are in sympathy Wm‘ me. and I can ail’ord to be patient until the day when the imperial chariots shall wheel to my door to take me up ‘0 my coronation." 1! health goes. she 383's, “I can endure the present (lis- tress. tor I am on the way to a climate the ilret breath or which will make me Drool against even the slightest dis- comfort." If she be Jostled with perturâ€" bations of social life she can say, “Well. when I begin my life among the thrones of heaven and the kings and queens unto God shall be my associates. it will not make much dillerence who on earth forget me when the invitations to that recepugn were made out." All right with God you are all right with every- thing. Ammlou doll-n {manta-thud! chm In Chin-hum; mover-Ib- mflmtnflmmmmt a In“ and mm umlouc- .0- dlsu I. m pea. He hold: me when the Milan um; I than not ml; It short 11: slurp. It Ion. 'u: um; He mm m. I have on board: Above the roaring of the (II. I hear my Lord. Ith‘aua Young woman: draw out. and decide whot you will he. and do. (lod helping. Write it out In a plain hood. not lilo the latter: which Jooephino received fro- anoleon in Italy. the writing It screwing nml arntterod that ii wan anmetlmea taken as a map of tho not of war. Put the plan on the wall oi your room. or write It in the opening of a blank book. or put it when yon will he would often to one it. A thw and mutation of your rooting life yon can nettle now. but there in one non-lion you can nettle independent of uni woman, angel and devil,and that is that you will be a God‘s wn-aa now. hence: forth and forever. Clap hands with the Almighty. Pythagoras npreaeated life by the letter 7, hecaoae it early di- vides into two wayn. booh out for op- portunitlea ot cheering. inspiring, roo- cnlng. and saving all the people you can. Make a league with the moral. liea. l seek yonr present and everlaatâ€" ing anfety. David Brewster said that a comet belonging to nor system called Lexeli's comet. is loot. as It ought to have appeared thirteen tiniea. and has not appeared at all. Alan! It Is not only the lost comets. hot the loot otara, end what were considered Ixed titan Borne of the most brilliant and steady some have dlaappeared. The world wonder: at the charge of the Light Brigade, in» mortallud by Tennyson. Only a tew of tho nix hundred got back from the charge under Lord Cardigan. of the Muncoflte guns. and all the havoc was done in twenty-Ive minutes The. charge beginning at ten inlnutea pas: eleven o’clock. and closing at thirty-ave minutes past eleven. and yet nothing left on the lleid but dying and deal nten. {dying and dead horses. But a smalfer proportion of the men and women I'l: ) {so into the battle of lite come out un- wounded. The slaughter has been and will be terrific. and we all need God. and we need him now, and we need him all the time. And let me say there is a new woman. as there in a new man. arm that is the regenerated woman made such by the ransacking, transforming. npbuildlng. triumphant power of the Spirit Is who so superior to all other spirit: that he has been called for 11893 the "0|! Spirit. Quicker than wheel ever turned on its axle; ‘qniclter than fleetent hoot over struck the pavement; anfigf than rig-sag lightning ever dropped down the airy the reasoning power I spook of will revolutionize your entire nature. Then you can start out on a voyage of life. detyiag both cal. and cyclone. saying with Dean Alford: One tho haa known in storm to sail Chi-hum In America out In. on old. did any of no appreciate how much mother was to us until she was gone! Young woman. you probably will never have a more disinterested friend than your mother. When she says anything is unssie or imprudent, you had better believe it _is unsafe or imprudent. When she declares it is something you ought to do. I think you had better do it. She has seen more at the world than you have. Do you think she could have any mercenary or contemptlbie motive in what she advises you? She would give her life {or you it it were called for. Do you know at any one else who would do more than that for you? Do you know or anyone who would do as much? Again and again she has already on- dangered that life during six weeks of diphtheria or scarlet fever, and she never once brought up the question oi whether she had better stay. breathing day and night the contagion. The graveyards are full of mothers who died taking care oi their children. Better ap- preciate your mother before your up- preciation of her will be no kindness to her, and the post-marten: regrets will be more and more at an agony us the years pass on. Big hcad~stoncs oi polâ€" ished Aberdeen. and the beat cpitnphs which the inmiiy put together could compose, and n garland oi whitest roses from the conservatory are. often, the at- tempt to stone tor the thanks we ought to have uttered in living ears. and the kind words that would have done more good than all the Calla lilies ever piled up on the silent mounds of the ceme« teries. The world makes spuiaudltory ado over the work oi mothers who have raised boys to be great men and i could turn to my hook-shelves and iind the names of titty distinguished men who had great mothers: envier's mother. whiter Scott‘s mother. 8t. Bernard's mother, Benjamin West's mother. But who praises mothers [or what they do for daughters who make the homes of America? 1 do not know of an instance 0! such recognition. l declare to you that I believe I am uttering the first word that has ever been uttered ln ap< proclation oi the sell-denial, oi the intiguea. and good sense and prayers which those mothers go through who navigate a tamliy a! girls tram the edge of the cradle to the school-house door and (mm the schoolâ€"house door ‘ up to the marriage ell-r. This is an achievement which the eternal (led celebrates high up is the heavens, though ior it human hands no seldom clap the faintest applause. fly! fly! what a time that mother had with those )ounuiers. and it she had relaxed care and work and advice and solicitation of henvenly help, that next generation would have landed in the poor-house. idiot Asylum or penitentiary. Ii L- nhtiv- ‘ Ihn in living. but now-r willie x.h¢- ill tfl‘ltl that some glrin rnli lht-ir umlhrr "Ill-Iit'l'ilni nncorior" or "the old wom- A. Antler indiiionai anon MIC-led to the m II chicken pic. Lilo every use good lining. it dilm in kind. huh ”not". In Mr o'- Iny of mm. IL m m mull ll not no I... II «on can. nniorlumieir {a the punters. To man a nil-(actor, oid-iubioood pic. lake a pair oi ("an allele” 0! m rurnnl year. Um l. {min dun, non antics! towi- Iu to find. but indmon don-ad: m but tor this «union. PM the chicken Ip into convenient pimn. Thai! "it all m loin run: from in pound: 01 brunt of veal. Boil line bones of no val with the ml and (in-rd of the chickens in three pins of Inter; lino um would be cold when lino mu m put II. then left on the hack of the sun to simmer 3'0"] nnill reduced to curtail Ii: quantity. The veal. cut ’ up into small bits. in laid upon the bot- lou o! I deep baking dish; tine plans of thicken. one! being skimmed. um inld over iho veal. Broken-up totem-eat ball- .nd extremely thin slim-s of all pot! are put over the top. One cnprul of soup stock, or cold water it than In no flock. is poured in. Pit n nirip of thinly-roiled pastry I" around the edge of the dish. sticking it on with cold '3'? Ind turning the upper edge over the rim. Cover the whole pie vim (Melt. rich pie-crust. cutting out mull diamonds or circies near the middle. to Allow the escape of the gas generated u-u.v-V_ ..__.-.. , ......~ mummm “my W‘g‘ SOUP-TUREEN. menu on Thanmlving day In roast turkey. One need hudiy gm direc- tion- !or its cooking. for everybody knows how it is done. It was Ametiu 'hlch nu the din: to England origin- ally, but England has taught us Iona very nic. ny- oi cooking the "noble bird.“ From that country to have re- ulvod the Idea or using torn-moat to sin flavoring to the callus; also or uni-bin tho dint: with iotoomc-t ball: in Iuflicicnt numbers to allow of one being nrvnd with Every plnlalui a! turkey. Then baliu, which are near- iy “In to unum. are cooked on the out: with the turkey. The] In nude of (to non- o! nv icon he“. am pm at part: or nd and on. put 0! ill. m or unit wk. and bound by minus; with ou-iourth their bulk a! brand crumin. than“ In And mold"! into mm. M It. cooling program. ihn Int trim! out In. tho pork in mm! in 1mm nu.- lur- hy. line in It ho um: um lrmuenl haul; in on of the vim! puinll of W in mating. There are families who szilt. in ro- membrance of their Puritan ancestors. lorve dishes that might be called his- torical. and to still further recall our country’s past. they serve the dinner on that one day when the sun is high in the heavens, instead of waitlng. as uaull, until long after the daylight is gone. The prominent nnd Inevitable dish um no housekeeper omits from her HE American Inb- ntitute for Chi-iot- mu some travelers called Thanksgivâ€" ing in tar-buck times. when the Pilgrim Fathers and their children set apart just one day out of the ~ ‘ ‘. whole year upon \ which they might - conscientiously cut. ‘ conscientiously oat, drink and be merry. ‘ Our years are starred with many hoi- idhya in the present age, but as a na- tion we honor and celebrate most unan- imously the day of thanksgiving and raise. which of late years has been ap- pointed by the president as a general least-day. to be held simultaneously in Iii the states. Formerly. each gov- ernor decided on :1 day for his state, without regard {or the selection oi other states. THE FATE OF THE GREEDY TURKEY. 0F flit. So It the lasts "a mu 'm a!“ our fleet, Our notes from tar-on dun wm ll“ their on; The pm Ind the recent in on clam bleudlng To "on Thanksgiving hymn around the Throne! All! than.) no lnllnl an mu "all plant. Hem clout- a hurt. I: hold- 0! non. unflvu. they "fled. Our prune- Dina for their ml.- he Mug. .1 Ito-mt... OI! coup no "team! {or (In my BUTTER-DISH. N l nonunion-o to (to brandy to (no!) med In no cookery o! n. W. country. Au hnnded down to the prawn! [or crutlon. Hm rule for mind can ovum that .1 gm of nut be ulnod Into three [Illa ol mllk. Into Hill In ulowly and Ira warn of butler crowed with on pound of aunt, I pound and a lull cl flour nod (our can. The comet lulu- od, I bellow. In lo work hull of thou ‘ Ingredlwu Into the milk and you! I“ leave "no mlxlun to rlu all nlnt. In no. morning. u the dough In prep-fly lluhlonml‘ work In the run-lad". boob- 'lu "w bum-r vrry thoroughly. OI. moral of uwled Illlln. and lull a my (ul of cunnn'u are the. wall Sound I“ stirred In. For fluorlu. our I'm- monwru and um: uphm :- their Ila- der "warm allowed. some 0! Cult younger Ind man “you: tannin,- nn. II II lo In lured. I! records m to ho Ira-(pd. Added a null vino-uln- lnl a! New Zulu“! run bum“ toll" Mlnce. pumpkin and apple plot oll b.- 1013; especially to Thukulvlul Glu- nor. and there are persons who do not thlnk the day righteously lpont unlu- ihe memory of tholr mentor- in W' petunted by finishing the dinner Imh the old-fashioned bread-cake. or “tb- iog-cako," as name call it. “Bull. cake" [3 a still older noun {or the old colony delicacy. In the Whllo Homo. Mrs. Madison always altered the an to her uuesia on Thonkulvinx. Hu’ reclpo I'M 100 yearn old even than. Probably ll was the evolution o! no precious uni-coke or the early Iot- llen. In thou day: the cunt In an and preview. and tho rah-loo worth their weight in gold. can maho u. but 1 find few who do not spoll It. To succeed. first 'uh tho berries. then put them on the are with on!y a hull cupful of water to two cup- (uls or terrtcs; let them cook slowly. crushing the berries with 1 wooden spoon alter they grow tender. Wk. they are done. put In sugar until tho! are pleasanfly sweet. Al won ll tho sugar molts thoroughly. take than from the fin, as cooking with the nun: ll them makes the berry-nun- tough. CranN‘ry sauce I: an Inevitable Io- companhncnt of an ormodox Tinn- glvlng Manor. Every cook uyl Ill. Even when the dinner ll Introduced by raw oysters. according to modern modes. in deterring to old custom: they should appear during the tent II I hot dish. Rigid revlvlllstn lnlllt on their belng served in the shell: or u I neuter way of presenting them. new“ or summed in butter for n few moments utter being opened. Sometime. this ll done with great success upon I chantb dlsh at the (able. The oysters, which should be large. are llld In the bolllll‘ butter. covczcd and left for five minute. or until the edge: curl. The light ll then extinguished. a glue or wine. 3 tenspnonful of lemon Juice. pepper and salt and n spoonful-o! hum-radish added and well stirred in. and than an ‘ oystels can be laid upon halt Illcu‘ or lyuitcrrrd toast and served. 'In Milan. Bale very Ilowly'hl II hour and turn-annual: than but u tunnel In on. o‘! the opening at tho crust and pour In the liquor ohtllnld by balling the glbloh Ind Dona. -â€" mom 1'. Plchrl. IRE PEEIILESS In poptltmy latâ€"«1 Inna. mm d ' Tam in ml to b- Ami l'port. tramway.“ so nod Christ dwollotl h a In“ Almmemmolnnmd“ Peru“- K with I (rm ‘g’f: We MN m n M“ . Toledo mm: It um M, to pronounce lay of the am.- ”7 end In "Mn." much u "M wlth we nee-t on the mum-fit lubh, m In H (In “1th" m 7. "unis." mu“: m fla- “ "lumtcynnl" for "mm-mu Quid," I" A“. 3 gllduunuch ups-1M. mflr' Ital tori «mu m- m uni-.4: 1 (heal-cot whammy“. M one. the run “mod. (to In“ ' Iloklnl II um um mount. m .. (Eu-hing and III. on om ht an: men. In: 0! non-nun m..- . {2 mud; but € mam m . 3" 3mm. 00-".th Int-Ill“ h m durkm. he on. (ow-M It. a. u that n in one! Ila cut. I“ M 4‘ to No norm. and II" to“ W ‘- m nom- u... In! It. all.”- m ‘ an out. and M In": “It. In IIA, , one- «no... Cull-c can fit. O‘ 1 Ida when I. In; and win. m A than». and m “In“ I. I” a; ‘ m M u Inn: mm than. _ " bum In". in In“ M h I'I- helm m but“. cm H blow the “II. t.- ‘} um day In nun-d cm ”‘25 Inn! at“ of the. III I. I. p," own-Ina shout no fut Ind (In DC . dye-and "out“. He M? m R no". and u“! no m I. H without {and no mm m from the Inlay Ilaâ€"In. flu. ;; Juan-sod to :le Inch-mod In. a Gnu "lap. and In“ to m . II] tow-rd the lat. 15nd M Mame-lunmllmn camp of mfodmh mm human-banking! In paddled o: through a. It“. And am through no can... fl lat, nunly torn out. In MIC “ «mam ad wu plaid ..â€"-"”" Tun from Annual Hilton." fl Theodor. Ron-even. ' A" Mann'- on I'm smut chm. 1 Meanwhile on the dock oi a» “ho- mrlo tho uilon rm mnnlu to m (on. Ind tho soldiorl no I'm, down to aid in hot dorm All a. droninl hullou cam tiny: “I“ through the dark night. Out!“ a flood upright in his little «an. m and controlling her by voice and dad. while in hi: hind. In nu up I”. which led to the torpedo. A. tho but! liid our the boom. in Mt in l.- podo tun lulu! iho somber dd. 0! it. huge run. And iuiuiiy exploded it. al- am: at the an. (lino lhu the pint- min oi the rum. load“ with sun. v. fired point hint ll him. not in M sunning quietly on thronghdth'e‘ Inter, and feeling hll wuuut towerd where he knew name he null, nude out the loot- Albemule through the WM. once drove It her. He we. um W" ‘ her before he wee dleeovered; thee-IN ‘_ ‘crew and the eoldlm on the M1 opened are. sad st the nine auntie, V " wu brought to by the boom. the a ence of which he he not hmn. The rifle-belle were IIIIIII‘ about hill - he etood erect guiding hie lunch. I“ he heard the hustle o: the an M therein-ml the noleeoltheneetull -' ‘ no they were not relay. Bulb. 0.. he awn went all emu thud. IQ. Actually surged over the ellppefl I“ _ or the boom. their mu would “'00". . V I moment's notice to (m at [and her. not own [In m In.” elm tot mien, Ind looted Dynamihoomotl out roundsbout. of which Int tho radars!- know nothing. went upâ€"lirum with than“! lion, and by M luck. pal-Id, unr- ilcod. u ooniodorm lookout bola! Ill ~Harfla m “WE

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