;! Seasonable Delicacies... In on: so cent Tea. Curtlce Bron. Canned Goods. Jams, Ketchup And Maple Syrup are libsolutely the most perfect goods on the market. None are so gbod. We have a particularly ï¬ne assortment just now of these goods, and are offering at low prices. Pure Plow York Buckwheat Direct from the 'Is and guaran- I’ teed perfectlypure Maplo Syrup Curtice Bros. Cele- bhted brand put up in cansâ€"pure nail. â€(- also keeps éillilvlinc 1;! cigar! Ind (obnccos. This gcntIt-mnn has identiï¬ed himnoll with (his community at a ï¬rst-classltarlwr. He has built up a lame acquaint-nee and I good custom by his genial disposiv lion and ntlistic work. Me i: 31â€"! way: 6n ham! to attend’ to bmi-; a small army of mechanics who have steady employment here all the year ’round. Prominent {among the list is]. B. Moss, arch-1 itect, contractor and builder, whose ofï¬ce is in the Club block, corner of Foote and Belmont streets. Mr. Moss has several large gangs of workmen in his employ, under competent loremen. and in this manner pushes to completion several contracts at the same time. One of the moat beautiful resi- dences in the village is his own house on Saratoga avenue, erected during the past summer. He is now engaged in building three handsome residences in different parts 0! the village. Mr. Moss enjoyed the confidence of his lel. low townsmen to such an extent that he is serving his third year as :a member ol the village board of trustees [mm the north side. Since he has "been on the board much important business has been trans- acted and Mr. Mos: has nlways been lawn! to [Mar those "tenures that are .1 hem-tit to his constit- Ilenlfl. -â€"-_m ___..__- - u. u- ununnnl I. W. H. Barnhart succeeded D. G. Graham in the grocery and pro- duce business in the spring of ’9r. Mr. Barnhart has had many years’ of experience in the business, is a good judge of goods, pays close at~ tention to business and caters to a good trade. He is ably assisted by his son Allen in the business. He has recently secured the ex- r elusive agency in Downers Grove yior the celebrated Washburn-Cros- by Co.’s “Superlative†flour. He also enjoys an excellent patronage in laundry business, bein the Downers Grove representative of one of the best laundries in this state. Allen H. Barnhart is the agent for the Victor Safe and Lock Co. of Cincinnati, 0. Groceries Can be purchased here as cheaply as anywhere and special attention is paid to prompt delivery of pur- chases. (iood quality and honest treatment are the features of this n. c; GRAHAM. The Exchange Oflice is located in Stanley building, Main street, ï¬rst door south of Central block, D. G. Graham, proprietorâ€"Rene ing, loans, collecting, conveyanc- ing and ï¬re insurance. Mr. Gra- ham has recording agency for sixl of the leading ï¬re insurance com- panies and has a large and rapidly Increasing business in that, as In all other lines he represents. He is also notary public and police magistrate. His reputation for promptness, accuracy, attention to business and integrity assures the public that all business intrustedl to him will be carefully attended to. He has special arrangements {or collecting in Cook and adjoin- . ing counties, and legal business at the county seat and courts, ah-i stracts and recording can he ar» ranged for at his ofï¬ce. A. u. AUSTIN. Among the staunch and firmly ‘ 4 l The building interests of Down- ers Grove furnisl} empAloyment for Inthe line ofgroceries "will always be found in endless assortment here. We supply the best sible goods for the least money, consistent with good qualities. Too much 3 ace woul be consumed in enumerating all. A few are: Choice Fruits, Pickles, Olives, on- densed Mince meat, Cranberries, Oranges, Bananas. Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Dates, Currants, Candied Citron and Lemonâ€"all fresh and newâ€"best grades obtainable and at proper rates. To our many customers in! tlic ltiml patmnnm‘ Ilia-y have an nrnormisly bestowed upon us «luting the past yeat. and greatly «lrsirc :l cnntimmnco. lccling conï¬dent that you too. will begrently lmncï¬ttcd by so (llllnfl. “’0 shall talus pride in, and can- that. our values and qualities are hilly the best. This Thanksgiving season we are in better shape than ever to please our patrons and a call will hither convince. AS.H BROS. "RSI“ PHIL“? ’. H. BARNHAR’I‘. 1. l5. MOSS. A pot and of tea, in pail, with cup and saucer for 50 cts. A are thankful Hats and Caps. Underwear Gloves â€and Mittenon... All seasonable articles of which we carry lull lines.The latest and nobhiest styles only will lie found. We can guarantee to clolhe you correctly and warmly. The quality and price are right, too. If )ou ’ve newer seen or examined our stock you'll be surprised. This is one 01 the many lines in which we excel. For Ladies and Misses we are the exclusive agents lor Drew. Selby k Co’s celebrated goods. For men the W'. L. Douglas shoe ï¬ts the feet and pocket book. Rubber. and Over-shoe- This season of the year must he Worn to preserve health. Our line is complete» low prices Era-ail. Boots and Shoes it. wuu'r'ms. Closely identiï¬ed with Downers Grove interests is the stock larm 0! E. \Vootton adjoining lllt.‘ \il. lagc on the south. llis limitless is that ol supplying the Chicago hotels and markets with choice a ring lambs and wasting pigs. 1 c enjoys a lnrgu aml lucrative trade in this Inusimws. nrcvmitut- in: his lumping constant!) on hand large flocks aml drawn 0! these animals. Hr frequently rev ccivcs telegrams in the awning: or- dering largo numln-ru nl dressed spring lunlm or roasting; pigs lur delivery tlw lollnwing morning at the hotels in thcciry. Financially Mr. Wootton has tau-n extremely Iuccesnlul. owning: vnlnahlr lnrm only a quarter 0! a mile lrmn tho village limits. hosidmz a handsome residence property in tlu- \‘illagv. on Gilbert avenue. He invariably gets the contracts for sub-division and park work. and ï¬lls numerous lslrgn- city or- dcrs. H VVVVVVVVV UvuI-ll v. vuuual IIIULA, 5' D. G. Graham. proprietorâ€"Rent a ing, loans, collecting, conveyancâ€" t» ing and ï¬re insurance. Mr. Graâ€" a ham has recording agency for six [I of the leading ï¬re insurance com- L panics and has a large and rapidly increasing business in that, as in; all other lines he represents. He is also notary public and police magistrate. His reputation for promptness, accuracy, attention to business and integrity assures the public that all business intrusted] 5 to him will be carefully attended , to. He has special arrangements ; {or collecting in Cook and adjoin- , iug counties, and legal business at , the county seat and courts, ab-i stracts and recording can be ar» ranged for at his ofï¬ce. A. n. AUSTIN. Among the staunch and firmly established concerns olthis county are the Downers Grove Nurseries, of which Mr. Austin is the prop- I rietor. Mr. Austin has been in . this business for a great many 5 years and is the soul ul honor and ' strict businessintegrity. Totrans- ' act business with him is to know 1 that you will receive what you bar a gain {or and that it will be as I C I ti uâ€"uwwlv-m: represented. At the nurseries can be found trees, shrubs, evergreens and plants that will grow in any climate, and which are always sold “ at prices so cheap that it is no wonder that Mr. Austin has built up the large trade he now enjoys. Downcts Grove in particularly blessed with excellent and wvll conducted meat markets. Among the but in the market 0' Louis: Klein. Cleanliness in the ptudom lnating cbanctetistic nl Ins plncv. and that. togetlwt with tlw [act that only the choicent ol mrnts Is kept in Mock has uctnrml lot Mm an immense traclc. He has been} in business about tom years and iv reckoned as one ol out but (‘9‘ tccmml yonnu men. l'oultty. ï¬sh. canned goods. vegetables. flame and oyster: are. sold here. in their mswctive muons. The legal business of the village is in the careful hands ol M. Slimâ€" ser and C. C. Camahan, both also having Chicago ofï¬ces. Mr. Slus. ser's ofï¬ce in the village is at the Exchange ollice. He is also the ollicial village attorney. Mr. Car. Italian may he loundcvcnings at his‘ residence on Fairmount avenue. All legal business entrusted to these gentleman‘s care in carelully attended to. We come next in our review to our popular merchant tailoring business successfully carried on by the gentleman mentioned above, Messrs. Roth, have been estab- lished a number of years and have always had a large patronage They are competent and expect ienced cutters and turn out super<| ior made clothing On hand Is at inice line of samples to select from. Perfect satisfaction and generally a saving of money is guaranteed Mr. Roth also makes a specialh or dyeing, cleaning, pressing, etc Mr. Roth always gives a perfcct ï¬t and the style oi his garments is up-to-date. W. E. FARRAR. One of our energetic and pros- perous young business men is the gentleman mentioned above. In our review of the town we wish to call special attention to the thriv~ ing business carried on by Mr. Far-i tar, dealer in and repairer 01 hi. cycles, also dealer in flour and feed. ' He has built up a large bicycle trade. He handles the leading makes which he can sell as cheap~ ly as any vdealer in the county. He makes a specialty of repairing which is done in the best manner, ‘and rents wheels. Constantly on hand is a choice stock of flour, feed, meal, baled hay, etC. “’e are pleased to note Mr. Farrar's success. Bum hmisbingu. Shins. loom“. ï¬nndhrch‘oh. 8“!an and School Supplier. Iofiont. good article. A'I'TOR N E \'.\‘ L. KLEIN. H. ROTH. Gme’anflmndbunimu man. His PHYSICIANS. Though Downers Grove is pro« verbially a healthy place, it must ol necessity have physicians. Drs. W. A. Tope, ]. W. Gourley and (i. A. Siddons, the latter a Hom- eopathist, look after the physical welfare of its inhabitants in an eta ï¬cient manner. All enjoy an excellent practice. The village is fortunate in having such well read practicalmembers of the medical and surgical profession. CHAS. wn‘r. Mr. \Vert established his ton. psorial parlors in Downers Grove in 1888. He is an excellent barber and soon worked himself into popular favor with the shaving masses. Hair cutting, shaving and shampooing in all styles is done hvar. Wert in a very work- manlikel manner, and those who patronize him speak highly ol his ability. nlIlixing and accommodating ways, until now he la counted one of our most solid and prosperous oung lmsiness men. To see that has been successful one has only to look upon the large brick store hloclr and handsome residence on Curtiss street, that he own: in con- junction with his brother, T. T. Thompson. He keeps an exten- sive stock of general merchandise, groceries, boots. shoes, notions, ‘ lancy goods, etc. He is sole agent in Downers Grove tor Pillahury's [lest Flour. He keeps several assistants busily employed attend- ing to the wants of his numerons customers. Always ohliging, â€Art" is a general lavorite' In social and business circles Succeeded John LISallc in the grocery business. When he sun- ed inlmsims he immediately drew a Inge mde and h hit man. ly business principles as he I Id- ding In his Inge panama: his F. A. BHUDE 8:00. A. }. Tmmmm It is ever ï¬tting that we return thanks to to the All-wise Giver for the blessings we en- joy. We also feel that it is eminently proper to express our gratitude to our patrons for their liberal patronage of the past We wish to as- sure the public that having thorougly remodeled our store and added much new stock, also hav- inghad a chance to learn the demands of the trade here, we are better prepared than ever to promptly supply superior goods at the lowest living prices. Very truly yours, iééfï¬" Wï¬ssauï¬atiailaama 3 9.3.5:... lanes-9353.3 BEEâ€"3.!!aioa l .8... .1. 5.81.5935 8 Maintains-mg!- ggitawaauaï¬uo its. «lazieaï¬ on. sag-2255.55 gigaigga 352:. inlio wakindmbloin 17in About two years ago this gen- tleman was burned out, but nnt~ withstanding this calamity, he has come to the front and now con- ducts one of the most complete blacksmith and wagon making shops in the county. Mr. Hoflert is an expert horseshoer, and gives specie] sttention to this branch of his business. With new and im- proved machinery and tools, he is able to turn out no class of work that may be broug t to him. Good work and honest treatment is the motto of this shop. ' Alum hit-iii:- , 7-..“. ._. _-.- ._,_-.‘.....-.. net in which she conducts the Maine». Tho-tonic the placc Above I" other! low the pun-Jinn ol anything in the line the cutie: It constantly disylnyn n nicn. lmh flock ol the choscest contactions, fresh btcnd and bakery goodn, school boolu and "applies, nation- ety, etc. You can nlwn a get the host here and at moon: I: prices. Miss Dienet has been in business but: short time, but is npidly building up I custom worthy of her clean nml carelnlly selected stock. Thil nut and mil hpl store command. I good patronage and too much pain cannot he given Min Diem! {or (he cap-Melaton- THANKSGIVING. SAIUII. "OVVIIT. IAIV I. DIIKII. 0. I. DAVE. lumber, Baal Hardware F. A. BRODE 8; CO. IQI'D. 3nd runs an unloads! may a I ballâ€" ,numbc of Micah-:11!“ #73 Int! includtng dis, I: No expense, bottom. it man _to equipping h! v ' *w machines arming pol-r for making pihpolqnd-y‘. 7' “â€9." mm 9’ Wamxfflnw‘mg flm'm‘uaigzopda 1' Dicks. ll! Dbhio in n .* «manna-abacus.“ [If-dying Anymiowalnwun 0m to. duattiqnmklhimm muonolonoolo' Inn-u--