Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 1 Feb 1900, p. 1

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WELCOME!) THEIR NEW PASTOR. The Larorte, Ind follow“!!! “39°" 0! Mr. and Mrs. (300- ‘ week : wuv- . “Music, addressee, conversation, rev freshments were the order of exercises last evening at the Baptist church. The attendance was excellent and the spirit oi" the occasion was all that could be desired. W. C. Weir was master of ceremonies, Rev. Dr. R. H. Hartley, pastor of the Presbyterian church, of- fered the invocation. George Cutler ex tended a welcome to the pastor on be- hall of the congregation, Mrs. Alonzo Cutler on behalf of the B. Y. P. 1).. Rev. E. D. Daniels, pastor of the New church, on behalf of the clergy here,‘ and the Hon. Lemuel Darrow. mayor of the city, welcomed the reverend gentleman to LaPorte, Mr. Moor re- sponding in that happy manner for which men of his stamp are noted. His remarks were quite witty and evoked much laughter. especially when he interpreted the name of the Baptist Young l’eople's union (B. Y. P. U.) to mean "boost your pastor up," and told a story at the expense of the mayor in u ,_ “.1... an", «. "W V reference to m; Free-ailvorilos who took their children from Sand-y school because the teacher taught the golden wuvv ...- -__, rule. " was pnthotlc 3: wall as humorous, spoke of the solemn du- ties that devolve upon I pulor at times. expressed the hop. thn church rel-Mona would nlwnys be usrmonloul, IVI-I-ku .7 and that they would b. propuod to moot ouch responsibility u It may pro- unt null. Anoru: appwpfllu hymn. [allowed by benediction by tho puwr. nod the honor for “salt Mvtn‘ com. to join molt fortune. with n. Col. P. I2. lloip of W [In It «oi-brutal Inciuu."8|non isn’- Thu-ht l‘p." at tho Conan-luau! aunrch 11mm!" waning. Jun", 25th. Tin loci-no wu given Inc. thmugh tho pianos“, oi“ on. 0! Chlcnuo'l rich Ind philnnlhmpic ciliuu. A. E Minor. nod was on. of NM bnni our sin! in Downer- uvon. The loci-an in I drin‘ u uiniln‘ nocinl "its. “to goddat Fashion being likened to "a old ‘1‘. of Simon and who” demands m u unsung and dot-pone. TM locum "munch with hm Ind oioqnom,ud is (all of wood common m 00‘ forci- Ny preset-10d um all an calmed bow with the them. sud NM onion Col. llalp. info" beginning his loc- Inu. said um he had long had such n duplnun-i in his incur. um ho wunied In 30 from city he“, and gin than (no in order um tho poor on well u the rich night oojoy thou. This being out 0! the quuuon, ho had to' ho conioni win. the ammonia undo by the locum human. but am now Hr. A. R Brunet oi Chia‘o. the proprietor ol the {numColu dan- drufl cure. had agrud lo pt, him and I" his expenses in order "it. ho night carry Into cll’oct this long-cherished purpose: so that" if the “dime. wu pleased with lho lec‘ura ms nlghi md profited later by M. it should give one- touflh credit to him. huh mmmm lo the Coke Dandruff Cur. company. When Mr. Bremor gave the world his moritorious hnir pnponcioa, whereby men could «all, rehin or rogoln their hair, he did immunity o good thing; and now. in delightinx them nigm after nighl gmtuitomly wilh Colonel Holp’u popular lectures, he is doing another equally good thing for the world. With his Colt. dudrufl‘ cure ho is blessing the exterior of men’s heads, and with the locture on "Simon Boys_’l‘humbs Up " ho is biasing the x A- x- .u_x__ Annkl- “av-{m Notice is hereby given the! I will be 3t use office of James lcCflntock. in HI-sdale. Tuesdays Ind Wednesday. that Febnnty In, and at the poswfllce In Downers Grove Fridays Ind Sutur- dsys after February let, non. for the collection of taxes. An penonnl prop. ortv taxes must be paid before Much no, mo. H. Gm. Puma-7, ~,.u,e¢-_. SEVEN TEENTH YEAR. Iuierior. 8'“ to nnmkind “Onc of Dr. King’s you Lire Pills ml) night. for two wooln has put me In my mna’ min" writes D. H. Tur- nor of Dempseymwn, Pa. They‘ro the Min the world for Liver. stomach snd"Bovols, Pun]! "gamble. Rover grip.) Only :51: u Bunk 31mm cou P. I. "cilia actual. norrcu 1‘0 TAXPAYBRS. MADE YOUNG AGAIN. and so Is doing double conic. Ind., papers my. the Lo! 9. reception given 30. C. floor there last. King’s {In Ln‘e Pills Collector. Piano to rent; inquire at nuances factory; Blue flame oil for blue flame stoves} at Nash’s. 3 C. S. Hughes Co. have a. new gen- eral ad this week. The only place in mwn to buy blue flame oil is at Nash's. Ground feed, chicken feed, corn, outs etc. . at Hughes 8; 00‘s. If you want a high grade article buy a can of Ferndale pineapple. at Nash's. Dr. Caldwell'a Syrup Popsin convin- ces you of its merits the first dose you Domestic and New Home sawing machines; latest style at Mort: lio- chel’a. The Senour floor paints are the best on the market. For sale by Hughes Gallup. Will exchange dentistry for hay. oatmgrnin, or potatoes. Dr. A. W. Morrow. l have money to loan on real estate ”corny. 1t 6 per cent lumen“. D. G. Unhum. Fresh Baltimore oyster: at John Hun muket. Good, wholesome most: It Iowan prices. Tho Hanan-h nady~m|xod paint: an zumumd urlctly pun. For III. by Hughes Gullup. All Idndn of stove npnln (unkind on abort uotlco. have order: It um; Mocha“. "on u. no («x-In wllh that pun N. Y. buckwheat flour; m. but. on tho III-III“. J. W. Nah. Curing. and wnxon palnung neatly Ind pmmptly don. n Q. Edwin.“- bllchuml Ind wagon shop. The no". occaomlcnl “on to us. for all kind. 0! [ml ts tho volcuno ho‘ Nut sold by Mom A Mochol. TM Llano“. fludolln club will fin: mum]. u the Bopuu church Tun-day «um, Fobruuy 0th. Hugh}.- 5 Unilup Mn pm |o - «9c:- 0' pal-b ad filoâ€"tho M rally and Ind Honour floor punk. New York buckwheat. Clout lllll haunt. Vernon Ila-pl. syrup. la a conbluulon um annotbo uccllod. You will llnd H at Nuh'l. Pfihocnhoflcn £thwa Boar. put.“ and be» In an world. Onlm “no dollvond by Albert Jam-Ink, Down“! (hon. l‘mt all!" hot MO. Natlonnl Light. oil at Nash’s. Artistic wall paper at Buck‘s. Buy Standard oil of E. E. Morris. Additional local news on Mth page. When you hIV. I Ion! of out! I. u" and want cub. him “an to C. 8. Hughes I: Co. They will Ink. "to loud at my “an nod pl, nut-I pdco. D. i). ("sham hu logfl blush nod ull [admin for execution of wins nod bu Md you» at successful upoflouco In um lino. (Mn him n all. Chan. mauve. Hughes 00. bus on exhibition at thiv «on the "PM“ MIC-gone!!!» lug gasoline “on. and could ho glad to hue you an no practical omuon. huh oysters ("not I‘ tom Baltimore. chucked not! cunnod the day 0! "H'- InoM. in qum can u Hugh‘s I: Unl‘ lnp's. Par superior to sloppy bulk Tho populsr personally conduct“ ox- cunions to Cnlflornh on tho Burling- tonleave Chicago ovary weok. All through mm um stop at Down“: Grove for manger: holding tlckou lion‘s mine for you. Tho Globe washing machine {or 95.25. Ind it I: one of the beat in the market. The old reliable Western Wuhan No. 3. for $2.”. ThoNo. 2 for .140. Hort! ‘ loch“. The Kuhn! Indemnity Comp-a1 of ChicagoJlllnois issue- tha but had“), “Mont fnnonl benefit policy In ox- Isumce. In protection and con moot the want: and nppmnl of all. A thouroughly reliublo and not!" “out m Dubuque. St. Paul, llnnnpom, Kansas City, Onmha. Donut sud bo- yond. 3:333“ checked through. Slnpingur berths reserved. Cdl a tick“ one. for any other dashed in- formstion. ’ 'gntqd. Give l full pnrfloulns. Manager Martin of the Pierson drug stoninforme ne ll.“ he ls Inning e great. mu on Chemberlein’e Cough Remedy. He sells five bottles of thee medicine to one of my other kind, and It gives great satisfaction. In these days of legrlppe there Ie nothing like‘ Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy to stop the cough, heel up the sore three: end lungs and give relief within e very short fine. The sales m growing, and ell who try It ere pleeeeil with it prompt macawâ€"South (Map My Gelnnu. For eele by Duel: e amoe- WITH THE MERCHANTS. HAVING A GREAT RUN. rent; inquire at Straube‘s Give relentless tad write for DOWNERS GROVE, DUPAGE COUNTY; Valentines at. Rnng’s. White Rose gasoline. Nash’s. Try Morrin’ Standard gasoline. Masks and mask holders at Rang' a. Try those 15c layer cakes at Bang 3: also 50 pics. M. K. Bush In". last Sunday for a. brief visit in Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Iehl were Napst- ville visitors last Sunday. Moll“ Blanchard has been ill with grlplor the past. three weeks, but. is slowly recovering. ’ ' ~ The only party in town to engage his whole time in the sale of oiland gasoline in Ho". All else being equal, you should trade with him. According to HIcks‘ Almanac there were two new moons during January, and March will also have two. a phe- nomenon novor before occurring in the World’s history. All lovers 0! good musIc will enjoy I "out at the Baptist church Tuesday evening, February 81h. when the La- Onngo Mandolin club. assisted by prominent vocalist: from abroad, will 5110 t musiclle. The wuthor mu! In tho Audltorium tower at Chicago but decided to open the ooldmuthor {Inc-t widu twilight, Ind consoquontly this city nay cxpoct. a sun lower drop In tho umpornuro. Tho Ion. howonr. will Shh). In un- dhnmod IN“ on n nlulurlng world. Goo. lo, and Willi. Wing, the CM- nau Iwndry non. col-baud the Cole.- mu now yur‘l‘uosdny wlth npproprlnu anneal-I. An “about. Iuppcr an “goblet (“human “chop “n," 8'- lon wu dished out. to their Maud» Ind patron. In the lat whool upon nu orror oo- curnd In the upon 0! Illa Jonah (lur- m'u noon. what-Mn Ill pupils won ro- poncd and, (or the month. In junuoc w her It should be “nod am no cues of “he. occurred dating the mouth or In In". IIIC. the Mania; 0! the taboo! you. Luann" fludolln club. and" an mph-Io! tho w AM would! 0' lb. Baptist chumh. w|ll gin I music-lo Toad" owning. Folmnry am. mo. The club wlll In mind by Ila-All“. at Aaron. and In. Mabel “mun. vocals“: II. KI]... o! Cannon uhool o! onwry. olocuuoulnt. and other nut-«lu- mun from abroad. The «th11"“ will be held u the mun chumh. fiche", adults. 25 coon; all pupils of public schools, 15 can. TM IMHO “tuition n Skunk} 9M0 new" ran-1m pmucally we “can“ wool. No no- dovflop moon In" oecunvd 0! any “(an The factory is um "mung nhorl- Inn-10d ted the strikers have been not Mon! to union an» tools from the new". Both thn alum-Int Am] Ch. uni-m m oqndly dohrminod w continue in tho" "spoon" positions, and I scum.“ of "no difl’lculty is no‘ likely to h consumnuud in the our futon. A number of sporting men (rota Downer: (Iron will «and the boxing much In Chic-go ten-night. Eddi- Santry. who will no“ Tony )1on- on, the [mono Brooklyn leather- wdght, n Tuturstll's, Chicago, is us 0ch Aurora boy. II. In born In um eity,ud for n “no wu employed 3: l printer on “to Post. No much that has boon and. II thowas‘ for your: ha attracted so much “nation as this mung. In which thc Anton boy will try to want the pnmior honors from the near-Mun chovorn. Are you lehrostod eepedelly In baeo- hell, golf. billiards. shooting. bowling, prize fig: fie. yachting,hicyc|lux or race track nerve? Reed the “nee-Herald and you will know more about these thingsâ€"en] one of thorn and all of themâ€"thus your neighbor: will know If they happen to b. unfortunate enough to omit the reading 01 um great. Chicago newspaper from the“ duly plea-urge. A. 3. Austin is prepsring to issue his snnnel analogue of fruit. end or- nsmentsl trees, shrubs and plants which are cnleivetsd end for ssle st the Downers Grove Nursery. The list sm- hrsces s collection of the very best nursery shock snd vsrieties the: ere peculierly edspied to this sell end all- mete. The trees end shrnhs which he cstsioguee end oflsrs for eels ere much larger then those ordinsrily ofl'ered by‘ agents end those shipped in from s dis-; Genes, end ere fine end stocky. Ir. Austin hes hed sn experience of over twenty genre in nursery end {rule grounds, sod phone me, feel essured um eny stock porch-sen of him will be entirely es represented. end will he more nibble so ehis ell-sis then esy he see he porcine-ed elsewhere. . ', ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1900. store. Mrs. Will Blanchard has been quite sick with rheumatism. J. Thompson King of Chicago is as- sisting the REPORTER force during a rush at job work._ Do not (all to hear lhs LaGrauge Mandolin club at the Baptist church Tuesday evening. February 6th. Grandma Blanchard is slowly recov- ering from a. seven weeks siege of the grip, being qulte seriously ill a portion of the time. Every sun or overcoat Brunson turns out strengthens his reputation for fur- nishing the best. His prices are con. sistent. with true merit. A. J. Lumber]: of Riverside is here doing inside wiring for electric lights. President Gallup la the first. to tune lighting fixtures placed in his sinre. Guy Lilly, son of Dr. Lilly, will leave Hlnsdnlo on the 3rd of February for a trip through Europe. Mr. Lllly will visit. the Purl» exhlbltlou during his Ibsonco. W. H. Burnhart has just received new umplc books of wall paper. It contains the mm «flock in silver, gold gilt. embossed and lugnlu paper. book n his umplao before purchasing, Every pupll o! the public schools old enough to enjoy mullc should hear the laflnogo Illndolln club It. the Baptist church Tuoadny ovonlng. February 6th. A upocl-l run of lac-nu ouch has been and. to I" mrholnn. An OIL-lung. very trutthIIy any»: Tho “mt trouble um; many pooplo In "III (on In Nut. Inflow! o! letting what. may he" go In on. ur and out. of tho other. tho, lot It 30 In both an and out through their mouth. flam- nlcn prlm II" he ulna nwny at the flunon‘n mnrquondn dune. on Palms-1y 13m. A costumer will prob- »I, In out “on Chicago u) tank-h "to do“. um. abbot-to Old pun wlnnlng cannula. ‘l‘bo «on! will no doubt “mod Anything 0! (he land «or glun In Downon. 8"“ 80mm:- Bum hu "pm-Mod the Powhatan: (II-Met for so many you: um Springfield noun Mum“ Ills. hon. w Mm. II. will In I cunn- d-u for “om-r um, Ind doc. 00‘ look [or opp-man um “on. Rap»- unlnuvo John Sui-fl». It In under- stood, doc: 90‘ dam to be returned to the Home. Suponisor Backus. o! HmpnMn. h wmlng to nuccoul him: â€"â€"EMII Courier. Oll. Family Safety. No smoke; no more dlm chlmneva. The best oil in town, only No per gal. At. 0. S. Hughes Co.’s hardware R J. W. Dion, the poultry funchr. hod his mum and pigeons toured In the nm at the Four, Poultry Show In Chicago lost clock nod as usual car- ried on, o pochu‘ul of bin. ribbons. ond other prim 1!. 'on tho silver cup with Ms gun. tannins. and all his ontrkl called for some pfh‘ of hoo- or and value. The ollur cup In on ox- Mbmoa in the show window of Bush Simona» ood Is 3 beauty. Ilr. Dion ls hovlog piano-1nd success as o broader 0' lane, poultry. Tho mu 0. A. R. encampment M. Jmknonvlllg tMs your will be the big‘ gun In the hlslory of the auto. Ad- miral Davey has mounted the knit!- tion to In prune“, ad the commit“. will ugh thalobnuon memorable in other respect. also. The encamp- ment will be held Key 2d, 3d end “h. On the lat any will be held the meet- Ing of the council of administration. All ch. putlic receptions will be held the evening of the next dey, Iley ad. The Willa]. of HM dey includes the lint formel nation 0! the encunp- meet a me. n, pende n 1230 p. m. and amp fires in the evening. Dietrlct needing: for the electlon 0! represent» the. will uh plea at the close of the session of the afternoon of lay 2d. leoh winds 5nd Manitoba gusu Mn picked Downonflmvo as “no place In which to not“: their old (and. ad for two Guys not they have been chu- ing such other up tad down the streak and phyla; hide gnd wk ground um ..._â€" r_, canon. Their prance has cut a chill out the community which an noi. be union oil, and the people hnvo "tired to mom: heated with stone Ind warm radiator: until tho ii." is again elm. Zero wash" has com. in ennui, nnd that hat night um the coldest of the you is generally minimal. The ther- mometer at], this morning showed I. numpontnn of olovon dogma below are. This «a fin expound plums, but. sun In psrtly "NW upon, Iron six LIE... dog”;- bolow wm mend. Thornton-hrs vury, and vapor“ vary um non. but no on. In- MOI found whothluhtbm hll bun neon" norflnjthomtymihnm. The lire alarm Sunday night. brought out the fire department in a hurry. but their work was not arduous after ar~ riving at the scene of the enppoeed conflegrationâ€"the Maple avenueechool building. The blaze was discovered in the ventilation shaft 0! the hulldlng and was undoubtedly of lncendlary or- igin. The fire did not gain much head-y way and was under control when the how cart arrived. The damage was slight, but. the building would have been destroyed had not the fire been discovered in good season. It is eup- posed to have been the work of boys. At a later hour several windows were brokenin the North side school build- ing. The alarm of lire Sunday night dem- onstrated that the people of the village are very ignorant of the location of the lire wards, and of the method of announcing the location of lites by the lire bell and whistle. For the benefit ol’ those who do not know we give here- with the location of the lire wards toâ€" gether with the signals that should be given. First wardâ€"that part of the village lying east 0! Main street and nouth of the railroad. Second ward-â€" west of Main street and south of the railroad. Third ward~weet of Muln ntreet and north of railroad. Fourth wankâ€"east of Main street and north of railroad. When the alarm is sounded by the lire bell, the bell will toll slow. ly the number of ward in which the llre is located. The tire whistle will give a series of short whistles an an ultra: and long blute denoting the number of the ward where the lire in located. 0n Isnturdny evening. Jennery 27th, occurred I genuine nurprlee et the home of Mr. end Ila. Geor‘e Eioher. of this city. About twenty nintlvee. knowing that the next day wan hie 77th: hirthdny, surprised him by coming tu‘ hie home with beekutn and percele. bearing heetty oongretulnllonn, end npending en eujoyebie evening. The friends were glnd to meet eech other. iwhile music end eong enlivened the occuion. Alter retmhmente were eerved they bede their hoet And hoeteee :um: “5n on u». marrow. Tho lump of m. compuy Md and. ample pro- vision [or I no“ bounulul dinner. a; which tinny-two 0! th- nI-uvn did (all jungle; Altar dlnnor all unborn! in tho parlor. than “other nurpriu .wnwd u». host. Rov. 5. N. Baton. In Ill npproprlnu mum. pron-Mod Mm mm a pum. the [m of "to con- pnny. uni ulna with I Inhunlhl can. tho 5|“ 0! Dr. J. J. filo”, of Chicago. Tho spat-r coocludod M- nmulu by saying: "An I Dun pro-Mod you this pod mu» Mayo-hoof «a, cuu for your bodily mpport. lot In. 31.0 “in you I gulf In Ian upon from tho word 0! (iod~â€"tha 234 Mm." Omunp won Also glvu tron: the following: Mr. And In. I). D. Pooh". leIllo. CoIoI-Ido: Ilsa Con Pusher. Downer: Grow: In. Elton Escher, In. Dr. atoll. It. um In. J. J. Bun- pr, Chicago: In. (loot-go Bung" Wheeling, lll. Tho hooi. upruud his gum-uh no“ lullngly to ull pm.“ for ihoir thoughtlulneu, and shove nll to God for his loving kindness 5nd hithlnlnonn. After a song, pnyor In ofl‘ond for God‘n continued presence with our valonble Mind. Music, son; and "minimum oocupled "I. re- maining time, when tho company tape and, luvlng their good With”, and Ming with Mom pie-uni momoflu of ihoday. The following wen pment: Ir. Ind hrs. II. E. Escher, Mr. and In. J. 1‘. Each». Miss Ann: ll. Each-r. Ir. Elton E. finch", In. Elizabeth Paul, Dr. J. J. Btoll, Mr. J. J. Florence, Chi- cago: Hr. 3nd In. II. F. Bangor. III. snd In. S. D. Iehl, Down-n (iron; Ilia: Liable Ichl, Northflald, Ill; )(r. nu! In. J. C. Weeding. Hr. Georg. anger, Whullng, Ill; Mr. and In. . 8. Bangor. nghlann Put, Ill.: Mr. tad Hrs. D. melor, Ru. and In. 8. F. Entorf. Hr. Ind In. J. Schlemlor. lit. and In. R. H.W.gnor. of this city. jâ€"Naporvillo ClIriou. My wife 's good advice saved my life writes I". M. Ross of Winiioid,1'cnn. for I had such 1 Ind {cough I could hsrdly breath, 1M“, grow worse under 0100, sor's trntmont. but my wife nrgod me: to use Dr. King's New Discovery for‘ Consumption. which complain!) cursd nu." Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, in (hippo, Pneumonls, Asthma. Hsy Povâ€" or sad oli unisdiqs oi Chest. Throat Ind Lungs are positively cured by this marvellous modicum. we. sud 81.00. Eur, hauls gnu-sated. Tris! at Bush In almoosoa's Drug Store. mum :ur mania: pence; W H , 1â€"”- . H w. MW m . Plovonflon in better than cure. :3.” your blood Jun-e, 3:1; mtg; SURPRISE!) AT NAPERVILLB. SUNDAY N [GI-IT'S FIRE. ms WIPE “van HIM flusio lovon of tho VIII.” m: . recipients of III oxoopuonnl ”at” ‘ day ovoulng u the spools! unbufl * song at tho Consumption-.1 all” For the put month tho choir hu. Int under tho tuition of Carl". Tucker; the Chicago Hunted 'oollogmuul N afloat of pursuant dfllllng I'll up.” ont. to Hi In the Impronmnt of .vocalmmon. Talon» tron shroud up onumd to mm m nil-Md choir. An appuolulvo nudlonoo ‘ . the church and unconfined tho pining“. of «at» In tho ml... Tho “than I“ chorus work of tho choir was out}- tlonnlly “no. _. .. n_-n_' “My Pilgrim-go,” by Dndloy M.- as int/"proud by m:- Anna We“... was thoroughly appreciated by tho ill“ «1mm. who Hound with up: “but“! to each succoodtng strum. . Mr. Lewis F. Crumm, oi ch. Chimp Musical college. cream 3 distill» inn premiou by his undiiion oi Buddy"- tenor solo, “Sun of My 803i." ‘l‘li. theme of this bountiful ”amour“! with the harmonic cldonoo of II al- moat. perrcci. muaioul potting, ‘0qu many. Striking In in limpllony wu tho I. cmlonal, "The Home Land," and“ by the lull choir. unwoonpuhd by the organ, an" the oflutory. . , ,, n._A‘- A low well chosen «on» Iron Pinto! E. H. Libby punctukd them It?“ ice and and u a fitting phi“. to the grand “them, "flow but mu I Forgot Thu," whlch wu the «out; ploco of tho profit-Inna. land by 00‘ choir. the mdlonoo jolnod (to. “-0 b lino In the old hymn- ol '3“ I“ Wot-Icy. chh wm fulfills! h a. Special attention I- now bola. “W to the music o! the church. I.“ In.- dn, an ”than new to the ”I. will I. pram-d. The mule-l con-ll...“ the church bu Arr-and [or u not” urvlco or song. Bun-flu uni-(’- pvt gamma ban; the am 0! tho so“ nul inum-nwn m with; In a I npld nu upon Wu. Jackal o! - bonu. the lodml occur on _ -|-A-A All 'who [in It. Mr dam w b. ”with! I blunt tonn- ol mum. IO U. out. Thou blah. when M,“ lllod In um “paw. one. I» ah oncowhu habnulylo Ill. 0". Mom. n in MM M WW .1. b. In by how», nu». mo. na- wm houloutmnum In“ town-Mp, M In tho law an“ m. comm. (non, lllm and You» two will be nqulnd II out h"; 0“ In such cityud on lo mom-mi uh! city. The work In! N 40-. Out“ hm tho month of Jun, I“. .x .,A Tho onumorflor will III to col ‘ _ questions, and (be yooplomuldh g: b. pun-prod to noun hi- mm, “to; tau-u: Mu nap-m lit-I: want u: know, upon; one tap. your one. nth“), I... you “- than and when they bole-a; tho "'7 you run And now Inch: Ibo m " culuvnu cod tho flock yo. I“ _ will at you about your Mm... ' Han and proporty. your may; misery und your mm Io , want to know when!" you (my god did for country hm or In 0 - , ond when.” yon'n boo- |I uh“? not. and I! not. why not hon-I j thou-and outer int-mung on! “i clue-Mona you'll bin to W. “‘3; fl 1. but to 31¢ road] now. P The Burlington road has ”a“ novol («turn 0! pup-nu. all 3! who his their until II “all“. wm‘ . two-Min)! mo, m n u- i mu w a” to "Pl”! “-0 «IIâ€"I! The nor-Ia; sup-uh ?“ an. Ii-gton stallions. 30 Am a more um: ordfinry mm the choice Moon: have but each sun: In packed II Ice. and mu If. not to tho lull dumb-flagfl 4mm. Lincoln, not. ad a. I eph, lo. ’At that. cub thoy ”I portlonod w the dining an of its! sad an cold-sch! of «ch on gfl III-traction: to“. “at mu m who patronize. “n "din!" I. .fi I flower. F5”, J. C. Shem“, tho m “C Vermontvlllo. Mich. Echo. Mi fl and tho rennin“. mm of old pooplo young. For yuan In _ oide‘d Nonomm, Slap“... Y anion, Hurt trouble, , ' ‘ ‘Bhoumlflm, by W , 3nd ho writs: It can't (I. highly. 1'. MI, ~ ‘ ‘ . non, m m staunch, ' ' my I'“ .â€"vâ€" â€"â€"_-_-_ reopen-Iv. chord ‘i; “(M of A ppllofllon- (or Wuhan. u a. ow non: up: round; TWO CINIUI 1m NUMBER L" The - ‘5 actual“ ' - I an air @0qu

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