Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 15 Feb 1900, p. 4

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OuyLM-mh. fimmdmumvm‘g bun-«nu tun-mu no ‘h pot-yo. ulna-mus- "lflp Otrln N. Cum: of Chicago is fan! ”I. to tho hunt AI - probable undid." “Ik- lll (action can unite fur the 30. ,W Itoâ€"indium H. in making I “I‘M in the nut;- and lbs chance mink“ M be will no Sum the CU! m with n In; alive at lho Cool Ev}; . m M"!- . 'n- nau Mud- all RIM-h, a ~Wlmidnvlll ho placed an. midi-u nml ‘ood ill". on Fifi-ml.” to IL.- qu0 Gnu-hook m Effl. Minin- IM put neck. The" in 5 a... "I" «ma: I. «In pun. not k “We! Mn moo. hum of the mod P am}- Ind hula-owl yman‘ «mm-nu I I. :3... :I 1:; ’- Jinn-=2. 3-2:... I ‘- I VIII-«3.6.1:...33... 2" {f ti... 3‘. , 1.3III'I. r1323 5.: 3.. It! It!!! a... $2.... I.- T g: ITOâ€"6:.3-Qâ€"3â€"l r I 5.. 32¢... I glance-.1: r all I It. >¢.rf;93‘l I i ‘ ‘5‘".v. if 9.?“ mum-â€" m In; "pm-u. ” Om shun-MIMI»! I- w ”Emma“ ulna MN“ rises 31! If ’90. lIZH. I! Mtg-it 1...... =1! ‘ "Fill-8Fo33lvv ‘ 1‘ [hint-133:1... ”Vi‘yggrnfi .. “qualmu- 'j-Iw-u-um tut-dad afloat-Imam! of thn convention, with _"I In“ am "to conventions were held w “on.“ enchante- Vere chosen to the w ”Mum The IMO convent“)! W I”. to town the canton!- w My 0! MI drown Ia nur u! Ikr moo! MI“ and (alvotal youn‘ mmwu o! I“ II"... has”. hn- nullunu [I Ih. 10% I. ('un‘rulrul fun) .4! ii" W of u» um. how-l ..r trad!” inn-nu. W Hairy-n! ul unnL..w d W. ding-o- 'l'iw-r rrinl. h and mvfdk-o- a" nu ell-Hm, u I “(H Mam-g lbw-rm! o. a"... m h. m ”on-flow o! ”la puhlh M h I. Olflv (u! 0'1!qu Rm mum-tyn- hue hen ludq ”I“ It. union 0! you. of tin young an who Inn rated and occupy the ,~ out who China laundry u 0 Ion ddlfi loo-l. The tinge. an very utiolv it Mr wan, sad if, on lnmflpuol. pm m-Mmthum- should an ','I m one 9):.“ ”th- "gt-W. w M ”an". '- [chug mwb'iflr I'm-n ID. no. .Md-mou vun «HM ‘ . {Tb Bing-men county convention held " My dovoloped into I. attire between ml 3. honor 5 And 86an Cullom’ n giant-mains. m MM county will mouinite Kept-e _V ”Quin Guy L. Bush to succeed himuh #1le mommy. It ll stated that film John William. of Elgln will he Win-to (or the legislature Io miceoed , John Stow-rt m m . a m m null nut”. W in “Manning Ill epidemic o! W W. no has than Minn can. be- Downers Grove in fortun- "Milan, (m from inflation. and mm aim ac am fine. m: Intent cu- nt Ann-«u. I m --~'~figp QRTE “- Anetta HIM. M :5: n! uh hnlll hik- The nloollen! futures about our ‘flnrdvuro have convinced many people 0! the “vantage of buying he re. It. lu hoe-nu C. 8. Hughes given A: little better quullty god a little more all-- u‘lory prlcou, {tom Illglmuude Slova- lo lack- und other small uecmllieu. Notice ls hereby given that l mn by n th- ofllc- of Jamus Ml'Cliu‘uck. in Hlnsdalo, Tuesdays mud \Vedneuduyy- in" February lat, and nl Ihe pusmniw in Downers Grove Friday» and Sutur- dny: after February 191, 1900, (or the collection 0! wxeu. All personal prop- erty tugs must be paid llcloru Mun-h 10. 1900. H. 020. l’uom \'. Ruched, Thuz ‘ mm rosnluuous be spend on our books of record and that. u 001), be doliverod to his widnw. E. W. human, Chairman 01' Cum. T. 8. ROGERS, Pout. Cumruauder. Gm. F.,Huunn, Adjulm'n . Resolved, Th“ we tender to his bereav- ed widow our heartfelt sympathy for her In hot sunny and louliness, sud trust and helium that the widow’s God will con:- Mmd amhln her in this but great at- Wham. by order .0! our Divln- Gom- undor on mm In“! comrade, Robert Buck, ha- Incn manned non: our nah ctrâ€"u w. believeâ€"4 higher and n Mar paw-Mon In the nnh of tho redoouh ‘09 ill “at better luud towards whicfi we no I“ upldly marching, and therefore he- llcvinu this our ton in his gnln, we will‘ not mourn him a. a comrade lost, but. my one gone on Ivonne and that we shill meefi him on God'- etemnl camping ground ; when parting ohsll be no more lotevet. “There Is a light on the hill and tha val- ley is put; ascend havpy comrade, my hbou are dot; the sunshine ol heaven nmund “lookout, and thy weak, hau- lng lockup: can Tulle: no more." in ng Amhmm-oodmmln*l mummnhzmvmmm ”In-In Maud-”hem ‘,_,,___v__ The” articles mulled FREE In exchange [or lion beads cut from front of: lb. LION COFFEE p110. 8!!ch Napkin-Ring. 2531-! halt-i e r- Accept no substitute! lmht on LION COFFEE, In I lb. pkp. 36k Unfit". (either my. or Outs). [‘3' Mafia. Used in Millions of flames! NOTICE TO TAXW‘ERS. sob-Bait and Buckie. l mug “I‘m. Chain. Dru-Flu Set. nubwflbuh. l’um'n'. We wish to notify the NULL-1H "I! V ' w (Juliet-ton this county Umt We hau- serum-d Hug} ‘GARMENTS FF â€" r agency [or Dr. Cnldwall'xb‘j rup “TN" ; v ‘ " about nu “Wall!“ cure for conutlphliun. indLl “any pea“. gntiun, nick hvudnche um] nlun.;u>h ; RECOMMENDED he re It. I“ "0“th ""1 ghflmnlea il. 10 do In Ie. .,! I“ n “1”,, ommonded. We ulwnyy koup the heat, 5’ F‘ J more “111- drug» on hand and solicit u call. prom" . mm, 3.0,.“ tub-g the very [mol at everylhhng “mm“. Youn truly, "run Blunswn. I Dr. Illlou' Pun Pm: stop "Macho. . 'lmlLIâ€" I)... _____ __A I». n. un_.a :- nicteuflmm. m out-cull 1 Incl. II I I ..:.;..-:':-:.‘.*, krona m ”on "Inlelorboelor" with. The Burlington Route will get! home- mker’s excursion tickets to puhilu in tho west. southwest and unruuwest at one "rat-claw fare, plus *2 001mm..- round trip. Rclnm limit. 2! dun. from date of sale. All through I‘zul [ruins stop at Dmuwrs Grove fur [unfit-“KEN decline! {or pniuln heymd Miss-unri river. Duhuan mu! St. Paul. 1) um nl sale February 6th and 20m. Mnu'll 0th and 301.“, Apr-i! 3.! um! 17m. } I want to let the people who uulfer from rheumatism and sclnllcn know that Chamberlain‘s Pain Balm relieved me after a number or other medicines and a doctor had failed. It is the best flnlment l have ever known of.â€"J. A. Dodger), Alphuretta, (in. Thousands; have been cured of rheumatism by this i‘omady. (One application relieve»: the pain. For sale by Bush . Slmonsou. Hood's Pllls “Knickerbockcr” Watch. Pm at no. Handkerchiefs. An mam; -- am. (In. hr "I In - 9.‘ ,- M (n! ”1122112 A "man!" â€" T0 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. d the um. Ladle? Pocket-Book. .On retiring, and tomorrow your di- gestive organs will be regulated and on will be bright, active and ready or an kind of work. This has been t 0 experience of others; it will be yours. HOOD’S PILLS are sold bv all mvdicine dealers. 25 eta. It your liver In out candor. canal». Billoulnelo. Sick Hamlin, Head- hurn, or Constipauon, late a done of J'Wlfi mm, mm! um um Tabb CW”. I?! 1 (Valu- flt "- n:ln.nndhmfiedk1 man 0 dinin . rum 0! the II Iblc axnl kitchen aim Ibo on the nxnIJnnnd yo. Mo mm mm b I Ih m an It". I‘ll» riéh “)0 3 lgcgg cor- ifii Innu- Children's Pictu‘re Book. Boys‘ Pocket-Knife. Century Cook-Book. g Burckngfiiifihl figé’fim’i’mmm Tnanmv Immune Tu: llunrn RECOMMENDED-AN6 suzxnflraao 3v S. F‘. HALLER. fCHIGAGO HOTEL in Connection, "°2?.':o’p°:a 3i? fifififififififi$fifi¥¥fi¥$fifififi¥fififi muum*m¢ummmm Illlll'll II. “II-“Inn llflll l-l --â€" _-- nowmsns GROVE 61mm Smatl Steak. ...15 Pork Cho . ......‘ls Whitefish........... Brm’lst Veal Cullen. IS , Breakfastpga‘con. I 5 Fried Perch" Mutton Chops. 15 Salt Pork. fltoiled‘. Salt Mackerel .. Brolled “filth. ..15 Fried Sausage. Fried Emu ......... and sup”, Liver and Bacon .15 Lake Trout ..... ,15 Scrambled Eggs" .. Endless Varlct at Good Wholesome Food Properly Cooked. at Model-am Pril Lndieu‘ an Gentlemen s Toilet Rooms with at and Culd Watt“- and other Cunvenlencen. Pen-{cert Service. Seating Camllr > 700. villi DINNER Extract from Bill 1)th: WHEN IN CHICAGO Y0" MUST EAT kn" 'TIT'EREBY lusuama THE UNDER GARMENTS FREEDOM Hum Rusr Spurs mun hr IO loll lulu-ninldxa! ::.-" 1;:f" M NH 0' uu20auelemdws mummy! mm! with nicely "MOM“ hnvn when: h'mu In you ran (rt an ID- Oonmnm. flaked \Vhlteflah Boiled Trout. . .. Salt Mackerul.. ln‘rled Perch Ruaat Beef. . ‘ . Smail Steak . . Veal Cullen. gagging Shops. Try uon cornea and you wlll again» any other. It i: absolutely pure Com. and nothing but Conn. r- - lA-l AA...”â€" mun mom's": pnmne rolled-g) m: hath. the!!!" a Mo; of only tuna-Shy -mmmuwnyennum ordinal," I!" m Ind wry mm. 7"“ ""I' "I I'm" ”"dfl'irL-‘sLE-flmgsm! mucu- AM -_-Ian.. -1 Mn Ladies and _Gentlamen’s AND THE BEST PLAOI I. THE-- (:m 1 amp of and m» that "a uni; me“ when drum ”manna mendonthbd umeo-mdmdummm mmmm jun n the finger. lulu-non i ll 13 .mw We VII EMA BID. , inflating. unanau'nw- in. room Tho Inclcmund of mnMIrI-Nui lumllh” u: nppm rluo 4 nHS'II‘ :0:33 In: t rm uh to Ian- rr NH“. 8|“. Hxnfinchct FM RIM huh n4 a man no mnundnunnoa my rah-m. 15 Greeting" (Mm In 0 "on be“. at :n- [Jun C‘- O. If” and u loan! “up. A hi My nnlu‘k , Inn V! I rum the fine“ rur- lngmom Th0 Ilckcmund a! myfldtrl-Nuo Iurninhu . 1: ppm run mm'llI :0 "I. ’ I my mum had. 1" I all“ 'I Rout Manon .. . . . ..l§ Roast Pork .15 Rona! Val. .15 Boiled Ham . JS Hull Tungue. .15 Pork Chops . Breakfast . San Pork. [Hailed .15 Fried Sausage. Lake Tron! Flower Picture. ”4,156. 158 M0160 8!. #85 Turn (Man's:my estaurant ‘mL-euvI-«Iu com If... For ”In A” 1'. MW. m It”. MADE WITH A~ Soup. Pudding'l‘ Whltefish. Fried Perch" San Mackerel Fried Ex «.1 Scrambled Em Mutton Pot Pie. Vlll Pol Pie” .. york Ind Bum. piano Lie p. m I.” '9.“ n.“ In» In! a m nu ii: ’1! l0< I, u. airman 9.46 a m. g." ii.“ !‘:_.”"' m u. now-ii- 1: n‘ n. [)9 Pm‘ypr rm- m m:â€"1:m9m Liam“; m: p. - I‘m- Ilo varâ€"1:”; 9'9 I. n. “I: 52". I , ' f' i‘i"'"!‘v‘i‘i".§,""°v7m"' "‘ .n Q, ~ . aim . . o . . 5.9:nt Rhodium: ............ 6%. Boom- luau: no." bold lm Tuna, of the! month In the I": Ivy-It Ideal hull-g. Sear-M ..ol.lal .I.l at. 62...... 9...._..._ .n aft!!! TOWNQIHP orncnt supnlw ......... In. lent-mt. lulu. Ant-nu Suprvlum.... .L‘. I. I, (rm-"nurouzl‘nli n . Lag . . Tow. Clnt ...... ..l‘. I. [HI-c, Ill-duo Amt , . ll 0 Colleen-r”... .. hum of no Pol“. Can-amiable" o! air-If law-mu, J. I‘. Id 1. 1 an.“ Coo-hum“. Bar-unconfin- Wu" i03- I In! Poll" Fund-II. Trumanâ€"c. lxhgi hula-.1 w Collector. Anon-J. Polba lru Mun ”lama. Ifll.-.... . WI“ Cl County 1 But.- Anon" Cot-l Cloth sun ....... Reprint-out .u' fitboolo annual. Coma” , ,.-___.“, . .. .q. . nu. Inn-III" U «lieu-album Maul-manifest“ Wed-“days In out mu: 1- carve-urn hull. P. c. null-p. (humour. W. L. Ila-n, Ice. and Keeper. ADIIS’ LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. LI- bmu mm" o. Cufl- “not. In. In! Tina" M uni Doll. “3‘9 In. E... J. lulu. Pct-Mom. In.l.l:. an. nu. DOWNEIB GROVE LOAN AND IOII E‘fi‘i‘“"‘“§' John Hound. I'lâ€"L 0. .. D 0. IAIL'AI fl.- 0‘”. _- .__ â€"â€"v-vvll .1va w n. 01' f. m lean um and mm Wan-adu- at and mouth. VIIIIII‘ Knight. cordial] IIVIM. :. uh?lltbmi.c. C. E. J. W. u. I. cl . u OWNS-SGROVE TENT. No. HIKII‘II! 0! [be] fizz-hm- II...“ -â€"A L” lâ€"o- nu taco-d III {uni-M n of out month. vumq hon shun vole-c J. w. in“. V. C. u. Bar-hut. cloth. APLS GROVE LODGE an I. 0 loan um and mm “7.4 .4 ___--.- - v-u‘lvlvlflld aunt-III V Meet; In: a third Tuna” usual I- Workman lull. ‘J. I]. Hull-g, Anion. Colic“, Scribe. MAPLE CAMP M I. W. A. In“ I. c, A. RAM“ on an m nnd 4...... n“. V .. ._-_ --..-. u-nv‘u-ulw ' , V _ w L‘ and fourth Thurman o! the man. Vich- Kn' comrade- nliuy- welcome. T. 9. Command". Chan.Carpontor,AdJIuol. ”OWNERS GROVE LODGE 11 LO. 0J1. Meet In an Inn mi In: and third 71+ daytof each month. Valli-u broth." alway- velcom. C. B. Blodptl W. I. A. J. emu. Socreurv. DOWNERS GROVE LODGE 750 I. 0. 0. I'. Mean ever Monda{ evening In hull Cea- Iral block. VII u hm huncotdlulyl-vhd. l-‘n k Hnnmmr. . G H. F. lacuna“. VICTORY COUNCIL no ROYAL LEAGU Malt fin! and lining. TM.- -__.n_.. . V 'mdfiibfi'fi'i‘m" "y'o'i'nfl non-"13' In laconic hall. Vlomu unborn alm- wclcuna. Mn. C. Muchel, . ll. MI“. loo-lo E. Hun, Scent"). NAPER POSTWG A. 1!. Most- tln m and fourth Th-rman nl m. .......n. “1.). VV,,,~,~V_._._..._. u...- U cur mend Ind (on); Friday cm! In each ”:3. Villflut humon- cordiallyh- vlted. am e. wane. w. l. EC. Ira-ml. Santana. VESTA CHAPTER 202 0. E. 5. In“. mid and {mu- Tnmnnw A! an. m... E io'cloci: ROVE LODGE A. l‘. . . G «or! mud :13. (on): Pfid‘.‘ Ema!!! vine Sud- at J: 1) a. Sun seiner it 2:31;). In. .8. W11: 0.. Supt. W (}l‘.‘luaANso LUTHERANâ€"Rani J. Must tutor. Sorvlcu awry alim- annals! gen lu (In Coagulation-l clutch. y hoot baton Ionics. ’l‘. HARY'S CATHOLICâ€"luv. P. M- nlevncx, Rector. Mu- avery and” not.- at Bud lOo'clock. Ev“, week I!” north: at R a'rlnl-l: v. Assocwnon; GERMANâ€"nu. lick- crgPulor. Services Sumy I! 10:3 I. I 3:: 7mm 3"%'W‘ “.1?" Cm : [I II. I 0! I Wanna” ova-II: at 7:45. ‘1 I PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL. 8!. Aldut'o Minionâ€"Ru. W. Rad Cry-“Roomy. gen 4.. ‘I__‘__ _. a.“ ‘ ,, Luna-a7 m. annual-1cm! It 12:00 I [Prayer "$1.. Well-coda, ml- ut 1:0! , Emma Loam Sunday mum at :03 ‘ ONGREGA'I‘IONA 30. 3.3.1:“!!! Pal. tot. Settles S n ”:45 I l 1:“) wax. and” Schools! I. Print “an; can-Iv mill at 1:6. Chum- Ind-IF vor Bum "qu at 6:00. ARTISTâ€"80v. G. c. floor, Put-2t. an fleas-ml; 1:10:45 I m and 1:: a I 3““ “'1‘”“.‘% o?‘xs.”'?’€‘u"i’" “a, 1 6'0! ll ‘ ' I I 0“ II I" p 51.7 major Unlomp‘u 4:1! 9 u. ’1‘ P] A Mama: amm... mam-ma: m“if.‘"".'Pa'-To}7'n" Te?- 5%" Til-9'5 :. “457-5- £~W.§sheol,,9t 12400.3, Inlay hunkâ€"war. Inna-us GROVE LOAN AND IOII Ila-d Anni-Hon. John Holland. I'l-I- ;1. w. Recon. Tnumr: an L. In“. tun. lid-y Minaâ€"ha. noun or haven-ton Agrg'wf'" "33%.... I Aflrfimr mmr D_G GPMJM ll '3'8“!.‘..‘.’..’:::‘ 3: VILLAGE OFIICIID. D. 0 Putnam a; n 0'.“ Tull on GPuum m -- 5%. . all Train. In! D Pusan ‘ I.” new 1" m Auron Page"... D G P Iona" tum moo-cor COUNTY Ol'l‘lcllb. ‘6‘ Tun-39} I Tru- 0900a”: WM 3...; p. I’m“ to" ' up an." n can-10m. u. c. 1mm: ni.’ non-u All. alto... “0 t... {3.19: v... Eamo-

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