Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 15 Mar 1900, p. 1

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DOWNERS GROVE REPORTEIW \‘h An stuck um Inuly made on C. F. Com", of Cherokee. Iowa. "mt nearly proved (AW. [0. came through hIs Md Myn. "In back 20'. m lnme he could mu stoop without xren' puln. nor sit In I ch-lr except propped by (-mhlom. No "may helped him until he tried Eloctrlc Bitters. which effected nurh n Immortal chnnga that. ho wrlm he feel. "It. I nut 1mm. This marvellous modlclno cum bundle and kidney muhla. paring: the Mood .nnd mnlldn up your mum. Only 501‘, at Bu-h Hmom'n Drug atom. 1 o'clock I). m. and chained at 6 o’clock. For the mammal-Hon or roun- polln will be opened for llm and fourth precinnu M Villa‘s hi", llinndnln; marl AMI lhird ptednfla, villa” hull. Dormer: (Mme. flflh precinct. lue hall. Lace. Officer:- to be nominated Ire an: ”alumni Impor- er. one Mr, one calla-mar, one town clerk, one jnslire of the we to fill ra- cancy In Lina district. nae mglnble to till mney in Down": Grove. \diatrict mm enlist-bio to fill van-my in lm dintricl, one commlnnkmer of highwnyx and three in" aluminum-n. By order of Hum M. Wank. Fuxx H. (mum. Notlee in henby given to the voters 0! 00'0"! Grove wwnship "In a primnry eloetlon will he held on flltnnlny. Mun-h 17th. 1000, lot the purpose of placing in minim township officers for Downers Grove township. Polls will be opened at Following lanllst 01 those mount: Mr. 1nd Mn. Edwin lluru and naught" FJHII.CB!IICI' llnm. Win. Evanu :ml nine! firm. Minn Blanche Rea-hr. Mr. and Mn. Clluor. In. Price. Min Polly Rallrrllam. all 0' China“; Rn. Lou and Rev. Karl Inning. E'nuglon: Mr. and "n. Jmcrllh llallerlnm and lamily. Mr. and Mrs. Herring and ”mil,“ Tho-In llrrw. Downers (Inn-e; Mr. and Mn. Prank "um and lamily, Mi“ Jonah: "ram. It. and Mn. William Ream-r and Frank. Nel- lle. Ida and Grace erukr. Mr Ind Mn. Arlhur uremry. Dana-Id Hui Harry Groin-r}. John (influx, Mnand Mm. Frank Chin-r“. Mr. and Mn. Mumkufilmmc Murckrr. Mr. and Mn. J llldfleld. Charles Oldfield. .ltullt's and Lullio Llulelm‘d. MI" )lxurr Smart. Mr. and Mn. Frank Cramr; Dr. Caldwell. Ch' 3;: Hi“ Ann: Iyrrs. lmwnern Gm .\lr~. . mli Cragmllr. La (iranh', Mr. Mn. J4 ex Crannilo. The [allowing an" 'Qurq‘h: Mn. Ira Emerwn. Mi“ Emily llran anil‘ Sill“: Holler“. L: SIIIO. "L: Mrs. Walla-r and “any. Flam-mouth. xi'll : Mn. l-Zduuuv; Ill all-phi?! Awaken. l‘lmn lirnun \"i- ;\ Mr. and In. V. (E. “'1". (imam Cm. lll : Ilr. "(I Mn l' H. Bilclllr. Mr and Mrs. l'uu Ind Mr. and Mn. I. Eranl, Chicano: Mr. and Iln. F. W.Winl~)ll, Springfiold. Mann: Jq-nr a and Ernest “canklfllin‘aao; Alma-Id .\lr«.£',, K. Rue. flan Lil". Inna Mn. ll. ll. Cuxmm‘r Ild hmily. Draw-r. Cnlu. Doubdm our feminine readers will be Inlet-stud In Inning that the bride wu druid in whih 111k, dnpod wnh wnon nd burl-d a bound of India‘- "any ud bountiful wen the tokens of love Ind «loom giVen the young couple, tins but on all being the new horn. and splendid farm. which they will noon occupy, prenatal to the brldo by hot grudlather. Mr. John Oldfield. r-u-lvlrâ€"l- ... â€" v ~V.-,_-.... Meanwhile tho lone table in tha din- lng room, beautilully dwonted and heavily loadod with mutant-ink and dullmiu of Hi kinda. was (ah-1y groanâ€" lng for relief, and notwithstanding the fact Lh-t it. Lima attacked time and than again. n was lound Impossible to mac. the supply and a feeling of full- ‘m coming over the mu visitors "my one and Ill retired from the com that, too tun for uturance. ‘ Early in the evening the many rela- tive: nnd friends of the happy couple mmbled at the well known and span- Ions residence, whose many rooms were brightly illuminated and approp- rlntely decorated for the lest-I occur m. Promptly at the appointed time the molt. sweet notes of the wedding much, played by line Grace Evans of Chicago, heralded the approach of the bridegroom ucompnnied by the oflic- letinx minister, and followed by Mr. Irving Ind Miss Core. Heartt, brother end sister of the bride, preceding the bride and her father, who, on inking their respective places under the can- opy of flower! arranged in the parlor, Iletenedw the beautiful yet solemn service of the Methodist Episcopal church. Following the prayer toAl- mighty God for His blaming upon the union, name the congratulations, none of which were more Imarty or more feeling” spoken than those of Mr. John Oldfield, the bride‘s zraudl'ulher. who, though wuried 1nd anl‘oebled by nick- new, was llblo to witness the marriage. Mid ihua give an added interest to the «reunionâ€"the three generations being Meipente in the ceremony. ( Hurriod~At the homo of "a bride’s plants. Thur-any evening, March sch, 1M0, by luv. J. II. Caldwell. D. [1, Bath. May, oldest daughter 0! Mr. and Mn. Goo. B. flair“. to Mr. Frank (ingot-y, I.“ of Cass, IIL Additional local in" on Mth m SEVENTEENTH YEAR. NOTICE OF PRIMARIES. A FIEN DISH ATTACK awn-GREGORY- Coma-inn We high 10 notify the mtlmnn of thls ronnty that \n have «turn! the mam-yin" Dr. Cnldwoll‘nflyrnp Popsln the grout mm for mnstlpnuon. Indi- gmuon. sh‘k hontlmhe um “clam-h trouble. and guarantee it to do In rec» ommendpd‘ We always keep tho but drugs on hnnd and when a all, prom- Max the vary but of outfit-Inn. Hovaral flocksaf will! [renovate mn Tuesday, flying northward over N». v“- Inge. Wuther’ prophets nay think I sure sign of spring. While the Sagin- ning of the spring flight. Is sometimes too early. and the geese AM forced by «van weather to turn hark. It Is re- garded by many .1: on. of thc suml nigm. Tuflah. . 1‘1 H» .‘l‘ 451 'VI 0(- 15 Tulal mmummq m mn- ~11, Au-ran' mm be: u! ”up”: ll" n-nrller » die Thnm‘mon‘ Lulu Ru.“ nh-r Anna I'flllull Jenn'w E Harman Han-uh A Hnflaud Flurry"? \"ohh ., Alln 3" hurl“ . Ca“: Hum-u Agatha hum Mamie ' humlum El (3r l'nuvrum Mil‘l" MIN-«nor Following is the report of the various rooms in tho Downers Grove schools for the month of l-‘ebrunry: The Downer‘nlirnveunards will hold abusiness meeting in the Auditorium l‘ridny evening. March llilh, at 7:30 p. m. sharp. All members of both com- panies are requested to be present. as they will then decide who will hold the ollices of colonel, major and captain. of Companies A and ll. They will also amend the old constitution or draw up I new one to replace line old one. The Attendants at this meeting: will als‘u decide whether the Guards will rom- menre drilling again or not. Nnne but members 0! the Guards will he admit- ted to this meeting. Notice has been giv-u that an elec- tion will beheld at. the villnge hall on Saturday. March ‘l'nh. for the purpose of voiilig on th- pnopu‘luon to borrow 338.000 with which to erect. a new school building on the Maple avenue school grounds and to issue the bonds of the 'tliatrirt for lhnl. amount. which bonds shall bear inlemsl all. the rate of 6 per rent lu-I' unmun and muture and become payable as follows: 2,000 in the year 1904. $2,000 in 1915, $4.000 in 1915, 30,000 in [910. $0.000 in I917. “Logo's" mu, mum 191940.00 in 1920. Polk open at I! and close at 3 o‘clock p. Ill. easy In :I llsh out of Inter when there in one around. There are about admfnn very aged people there, mostly men. who are Just living to get in the allotâ€" ted time of man. The new building is an excellent mm for ulmylwuse pur- poses and the gmnd jury reported that they I'ound the buildings and grounds in excellent condition, and commend the qua and attention Superintendent Howe and wife give the inmates The laundry Is a model of purfection. The water for washing in heated by steam from the heating boilers and the clothes are sualded in a large zinc tank by steam from the same source. A gas muchlne makes all cooking pessi- ble on a gas stove. and the building in lighted by gas hurners.»WlIenlon lili- nolnn. The: grand jury finished its work Wodnesday oi last. week, rcporllng eleven true hills anti “vs no hill», hav- ing considemul sixlei-u rasrs, They Visited the jail, and in their rephrt commended the uncut. and careful man- ner in which Sherlll' Oorhmn keeps the jnil. M well as the prisoners contained therein. Wednesday they visited the poor l'nrm. nhich has forty~lour inâ€" mates, seventeen of which wen re- turned from Blglu as "mild insane.“ Principal among lb. inmates is “Big John," who for many years was kept chained In a barn in Addison township. The Schuslorgirl, who ligand to promi- nently in Hue. aims-house wandal about ten years ago. now wears more than 5 [lg leaf without. restraint Then there is Pat. Dean. of West. Chicago. who thinks himself dead. He is a. llvaiv talker for a dead man, and is mdy for nn argument on a moment's nolim “Charley," of Addison. is still waitlng for an appointment from President Cleveland l'ollticlnns always dislike to hear lvim talk. as Ms defeat for some position is what crackad his brain The womzm there who is a man hater always nukes aux lnlemling study for grand jurors. Sha can not bear the sight or a man, and la; my un- T0 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN WILD GEBSE ON THE WING. FOR NEW SCHOOL BUILDING. Your! truly, Bun! I; Salomon. WORK OF THE GRAND JURYA ATTENTION, GUARDS! SCHOOL REPORT DOWNERS GROVE, DUPAGE COUNTY. ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, MARCH 35. The annual mating of tha «lock- holder! of tho Fun-morn And larch-aw bunk was hold In tho dlnctorn' room of the bulk Saturdty lflarnoon at two o'clock. The old bond of clinch" mun ro-electedvconlmlng of W. A. Tnpe. president; Jnka Kloln. vlce pml~ «mm W. H. Edwards. ashlar, 1nd Connd Bunchmtn, K 0. Cum”, (no. Hewitt. Alba", 8m.“ sad 1'. 1‘. Thompâ€" son, dlmton. Thu umnI «pom of the ofllmn showed "II bank In In. munl hunky condition llmmclnlly. thank: m the mnunntlu unlim- manl. of It. ofilmn Ind (Mr-coon. Thu stock ply. good dlvldnndn and, In addi- tion, u handgun. surplus hn bun Ic- quit-d. Many of the friends of I". A. Root have started a movomont to make him a candidate for the position of village president at the coming municipal campaign. Mr. Root has «nod with credit and dixuncuon on the board of trustees. and Is thoroughly practical in his ideas or conducting the aflnirs o! the municipality. He is I champion of public improvementn, nnd hin knowl- edge of public work lino makes him a valuable mtn. He has I good,clun "cord. and his sound judgmont in IC- knowledgad by nil. Ho would make II idul presiding ofliccr Ind one upon whom all fiction: could chm. ‘ Servicex at the "anti“ church will _be hehl Sunday at thn usual hour. At “HT: a. m. the pastor will preach on “The Mission at nGospel Minister." the sermon being the complement of the sermon last Hunduy morning on “The Misslou ot a Gospel Church." Sunday school. Young People‘s mootlng and evenlng service It tho customary hours. The wouk open: encouragingly under the n" pastorate. [Doll cungre~ gallons being prcnnl. M. the sorvlces and general internal. bolng manifested. A number of young ladies hrmeu the "bunch" tonk advantage ol’ the su- perior sleighing last Thursday evening and nrgnnized a sloighing party. (‘har lewd n hob and. with a careful driver. set mm. to enjoy themselves. Not a man was allowed in the party save the drivenanll he wan sworn to secrecy. therefore the numberof nor-Menu can only he, rmfsed‘ The young mm of Chm-L Wolf of "ins (lnle, formerly of Downers Grove, died there Tuesdny morning of A compii‘ cation of scarlet fever and diphtheria. The child was four years 0ch. Their friends here extend sympathy. Mrs. W. H. Bamlmrt. who lm'n been confined to the houn all winter, is now very much better. Her {riendn lira all rejolcell {hat Mlle is now on [he way‘lo her usual health. Mrs. Charles Del-'Iou Iliad Saturday afternoon at her home on East Summll stnel‘, from the streets of a tumor. af- ter an Illness extending over a long period The funeral washelnl Monday morning at 10 o 'clock. Miss Emma hiener is (onducling a dry goods and notions store In the north half of the Bu‘emnn store build- ing on South Mnin street, luv/in}: pur- chued the stock of goods from (San Batenmn. I". E Miller departed for “re West. Bids hospital on Sunday, and has un~ dergone an operation nudzr Dr. Mur- phy. Miss Ellen M. Blodgelt‘ who has been xpendlnx: the winner with her slxter, Mn. 1. P. Blodxolt, has; returned to her home In Belcherwwn, Mass. Levi Merl: has made definite ar- rangements for buildlng a modern home at the corner a" Curllm and Washington streets the coming spring. Tho Baptist church will give a recep- tion this evening pt Carpenter‘s hall in honor of Iheir new pastor. Rev. C. J. Papa. and wife. Frank Brown is able m be out again after threc weeks' sickness, and defih‘es to thank the many friends who ex. tended kindnesses. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Phil lip Binder. horn last Friday. Iliad Tues- dny night. Mrs. MichaeI Distor‘ who has been seriously ill for some (law, is some- what improved. Mr. and ill-s. J. J. Weir wm take up their residence here again next. week. Miss Corinna Islodgau has gone to Waukemm to visit. her aunt, Mrs. Asiel Blodgeu. who is dangerously I”. White Rose gnuollna. Nuh'n. National Light oil at Nash's. Buy Standard oil of E. E‘ Harris. I'] H. Huntington is quite ill at his home in Hinsdale. The Yeoman of America initiates two new members at. their meeting tonight. J. l'. Nidgway will move llil family to Clllcagu ths week to reside, The autumnal lllinoin make It mun- datory on township supervisors. trou- uren of htxhway commissioners Ind township school trawl-en m puhlllh mnunlly. at the clouof the "sell you. ant-haunt o! the amount of public funds received and upended by him during the yen just closed. in non. horny-per In tho county of gonna! clrcnlltlon. The pun-It, for "no nug- loct a! this duty Is a [In of not In. 850 nor mor- thln 8500. 80. Ilutd’a lllinoln statutes (or 1809, page ll“, nation 9. ll. um requlm ulmosl. mother month to couplets the olentrlc light plnnt. Work h-s Men retarded through a number of caunen. and l! m. plum In I- eper-lion by Apr" 15th tho villn‘o cl- conuldor Mull fortuntlo‘ Much 01th. mthrhl In: yet to am". TM- In- clude: the dymmo. l-mpu nd Mn an of poles. uwltchhnard Ind nppllucu. Thln nook noon Ir- lnlng Isld In Ill. conimtmn. 1h. boll-n In bola; Motel up M4] the mponum If. flnmflu' up Ibo louder fioodworlr. Tho sawh- Ihck has not 1“ bun run-d. owing to an {Act that a nanny plug wu aid-g. Volnrs should road the aruclo on the fourth page. "Facts About the School Bonds." regarding the contempllled Issue of $38.00!) bonds to tract a new school building on the Maple avenue site. A caruful consideration of tha matter has shown that the burdon on the taxpayer will be comparatively llght. That the building in moral, needed no one can dlsputo for n nlnglo momnm. Vote for the luau. of bondn at the elacuon Saturday. \V. J. Herring has completul the re- pairu on the Lucas house on Mapla avo~ nua which he recently purchaud. Tho house ha been thoroughly ovurlmnled. paperell, painted, and plumbing and furnace installed. The noun count: of twelve rooms nrranxed as flats, and they an very convnnlanl. and ntrlctly modern in nppoinlments. Mr. and In. J. l. Rounds mll occupy on. floor, wlnle a relative of Ills wlfo wlll occupy the other. Mina Minnia Willard entertained I party of friends at herJlomo, on Lina- cotl avenue. flattlrduy evening. the ocâ€" casion being the nnuiversnry of her birthday. Progressive hurts was the amusement. During the evening reâ€" freshments were served. The Baptist. ladies' Aid social, um serve a luncheon Thursday, Much m, In Um'roam of the ()ldfl-Id building lately occupied by J. B. Hm. T-bln reserved for gentlemen. Enrybody make it. a pufint to lake lunch with tho ladies on that day. Mr. and Mr». Mnrhr and family. who huve been spending the ulnar with her father, Georg: Spohr, have gone to Missouri, where Mr. Mnrhr has put- chned :- farm Miss Louisa Spohr returned Mondly to her school in the country, um- I pl ant Hunday spent at the home 0! he'r‘sinur, In. hunt Banning. 0! Al- rora. “ins Gram. Spohr was a gun! lljere Wodn'os‘lay. James H. Hill, of La Grange, called on old fricmlx and neighbors in Downers Tuesday. Misses Hnule Tmeger and Edith Knio. or La Grange. were tho guests of H? Coral Smith Tuesday. J. g. Nash ha a new ad this weak, in w ch he calla your attention In the fact llmt. he ls selling men's my! boys;, clothing. B IL Muzuy Inn pun-.hnxnd the oil business of E: B. "only, Ind now con- trols the oil and gmlino tad. of Downers Grove. The girls of the B. U. L. club «Ill hold their next muting at the bone of Illa: Flomce lloody Saturday. Much 17th. a: 2:80 p. m. D. J. hull“ has made a number of im- provements In his photograph studio, prominent among which Is a large printing window on the second floor. W. C. Bartlo ls “covering flow), from 1’ very sover- attack of wogrippe, which but confined him to the hous- lor over a weak. Mrs. A. H. Cole. 0! man. spout. Wednesday with Mr. and In. D. C. Shaky. Guy Wheeler visited In Down-u Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Curtis: hum re- turn“ from New Orleans. Electrician Sloat wired the nor-- of Mary Dinner and George Bahman this week. 0". A Family Sal-Ly. No smoke; no more dlu chiuncys. The heat oil in town. only 14¢ per fill- lon. atC. S. Hughes Co.'s hurdwno store. Mrs. Bulger, of Chiclgo. vialhd her I'riand, Mrs. J. B. "unwell, lull Ffldsy. The Burlington Rout. will sell hono- mkar‘n excursion Mellow (0 point.- In tho went, mouthing! and northwest u on. flnt-clus fire. plan ”.00 for ”A. round trip. Return Hmlt 21 thy: from link of uh. All through In: train. Imp at Downers (iron for [mammoth doth-d for point: beyond Ill-curl river. Duhuqnc and 80.. PIMI. Dun of uh Fobrulry 6th Ind 20th, MAI-ch Mh Ind 20th. Apr“ 3d Ind nth. I want (0 let. clue people who sufler from rheumaunm and sciatica know thnt Chnmborllln's Puln Balm nlhvod Inc “tor a. number of othar medicinal and a doctor had MIMI. II. in the but llnlment l have ever known olâ€"J. A. Dodxan, Alphtmun, Ha. Thouundn luv. been cured of rheumatism by thlu remedy. Ono nnplkmuon "Haven the pun. For sale by Bush a Simonson. It ha been demon-tutu! npuudly In cvory nub In the union Ind In mun, lonlgn 00“...le llml (:lnmbortlln'n Cough Rained In I “ruin pM'OnM- flu Ind can or cmup. lthn boconn an mum-Id nmody (nr that alum. I, V. Huh" of Liberty, W. Vt. only (I fill“ In. boon uld "mind ”I. Iohowlul ho urn-n: “I luv. and mbwlm‘a Cough that?! In In, (mil, (9r “not you: A Many. The populnr pnrnonall, conducted ox- curslonn to California on th- Burling- tonlo‘ve Chicago every week. A" through tralns will loop II. Down-n Grove for passengers holding “Ck.“ to Dubuquo, fit. Paul. "Inna-polls, Kaunas City. Omaha. Denver Ind bo- yond. Baggage checked through. Sleeping-car but!“ rcurved. Gill 3'. ticket office for any other dashed in- formatlnn. with infom- moo-u. W. ball." that It I. not oul the to“ cough rel-adv. but that II. stun cm. for em . h h- and the nu- ol our mm m 3 “allow..." m undybtu do by lush A m B. ll. Huzuy. the oil mun, hand!“ ”Iro- xndes of 0“ and two of gasoline, And the poorest is not un Inferior art- lcle. Why not use ll): Pennsylvania. all u 15 cent- per gallon. Ind lhun gut absolutely the best that. money an buy 1' The Mutual Indemnity Comptny ol‘ ChlcngoJllinols lawn the beat hullh. meldnnt luncral henelll. policy in ex- launce. lul protection and cost moot tho wants and approval of all. A thouroughly mllnblo and active lzont "and. “Ive references and writ. for lull particulum. AJhIng 0t baauty In a joy form-or. Our samples of Wall Paper just. go ahead 0! anything aver mu in town, and the prlco will lurprlu you. they If. nochelp. Call and ask C. 3. Hughes about“. ”one HAppinmâ€"tho Gasoline vau sold age 8 Hugh” mu do much to add u: the trapping: of your homo. Quick Inn! and Jewel. Don‘t. forget. about the B. mud B. an Line. They nro selling on night. No bother Shirt for tho many. Got: am. claw ticket and [Ida In the ”an coach. J. W. Nuh. all (militias for execution at will. Ind has hud your» 0! successful nip-flown in thnl. “no. (live Mm ncnll. Charges nuanabh. ‘ Wil! you buy the boy I. nu“. dill spring? I! so. ploue look at. Um "no of samples shéwn by Nash. The! will phase ynu in price and quullty. ll. guanntees the m. or no “la. Shirt «mummy-‘â€" uut’u whst you h-ve when you wear tho“B and B Rd Line. " Thoy' m different from than you find on shop uhelvm. and )ufl. l trifle less In price. J. W Nah, wlo maul. Hugh: 3. Gallup desire to uni. upeciul manual: 0! their dollclo-I chuu.’ Thu; [an I“ kindaâ€"Edam, “wk chm Th9; fun I" kindaâ€"Edam, mm. [Janina-pr, and 'un wry m New York lull cram chem on the murkot. , Isn‘t. it surprising how chap C. 8. Hugh" In selling his Wall Paper? And the pltterns Ire beam"!!! uud tho quality or paper so good. I haw mom} w loan on ml «an ucuflty. u q per cent [nun-L D. 0. Graham. Hughes Gnllup hnvo put in A stock or pum- tnd ailsâ€"tho Monarch randy mixed and Sonour floor paints. The Sononr floor punts an flu but on the market. For m. by Hugh“ Gallup. Wlll uxclmngo dentllu'y {or hay. dab.gnln, or potatou. Dr. A. W. lormw. ‘ Dr. Clldwull's Syrup Pops": convin- ou you of It: IIOI‘IL'I the that do“ you take. Bluo flame oil for blua llam- novel tt Nuh‘n. The only place in town to buy blu. flung oil In an. Nash's. Artistic will plpor at Buct't. Try Ilorrll’ Stand-rd gluon". Phno to rent; Inqnln at Smubo'l factory. I). (l. Grub-m has legal blank: uni WITH THE ImHAN‘I'I. Thurs will be A caucu- of the I‘ll rotor: of tho Vlllugo of Dow-m Gm. M. tho Anditovium. sum“, cm”; lurch Mlh. 1000. n 8 o'clock. In tho pur‘m o! nomlnulng tho (elm vlllugo one-nu. to be voted on To“, April 17th, vlz: 0n. pro-Mute! 9‘- Mg. board, chm member- of bond a! “mum (or :wo your: uni on. vflh’ clerk; Mao u; Inn-wt inch 0th.! - gm .3 ml, propcrly cum. “on“ «nous. V1.19. Townm, !. 5. Quinn. I“ J. n. nun-on, etch!" or an. “I Thoruvllln, (Hula, ind b." M” health by n uodom lung MID-bl. “ h. Mod 09. King'l New m Comuupuon. Them In In“: "a- u“ but ndiclnc I ova In“ 9" vmcoldor-Indcuoolllq . 1 din}. loop 3 ham- 0- I...” ' Inflow wlm Cough-flow.” Chou or Lung ore-bk who and no on“). on} ,. filial to“... In. It, ‘ 1 Th. Dhur hmfly, living With!“ ‘0! [Jo-non Grove. In Ulla tow”, 1 hnvn boon having nor-Mun Malina Io! trouble during tho put luck. '1‘. young dluzhur of llchul DIM. who has boon «Landing school It Nip“- vlllo. wu “Ian Ill Ind dlod mm III- d|y, lgcd two!" you-I. Tho fulfill wu hold at. Nuporvfllo TM]. 0. ch. name day Mn. Ohm, m d Mlchul And Ad-m Dlouor, cloud Jar long I". 0! uululnm Ind ya.“ to an Inns! of nut. For I comm Mun-she hm! boon In very («bk hunk, dun to tho Influnlllu orold A... fun. d-y the tin-«d or III.' "mu VIII thn burden of yearn, broio. Ind III. panned mm the great boyond. Th. fu- nanl wIll In held why and Inter-on made no. anorvlllo. In. EIIIIHI chhr Inn born h: Kllinhuum, my. Inc. or lieu. Dunn-ML. (lulu-y, w.2un,1ml. Deceased can. with her hulband And four children dim. to the hon-atom! In Lula towuhip I. the fnll of M40. 8m bu bun III (of H months. 8m run 88 you- ” I monthn of ago. During l“ M anon of Imubk Ind sorrow In. II. ehul Diouor hu nlm bun dam], nlck. though she In new report“ m. vulucenl. In; than lryln‘ putt ll- 0-“ 3|an In I dllflcull M II... good Impmlon Ind dhpllyod NI“- mblo ul-ut. Prank 8pm vu- good in a ulna. part. Ind Mn (rim- an am 0! mm; Mm II n non pub-Hob“ Fad 1mm wu mum, mummy in calond conudy, but M- W work In mor- urloul tok- lu "to". ha lmpreuod his mud- wlu: In. If {nun-u In nut. div-cm. and *0, would rum-ru- M- In heroic dun mur- Wn. Luv-on should Mum ell-and put- wlth Ian... R. In good. how-m, u out.» Hall. ht mains I both: comdlu. J. liking was :- mull til W villain ud mad. I woes-I o! M M ugmablo tank. 1!.thqu ”It. mount. of th. ung- Ind hi all Mot the vermin had- 0000"!” mom. and uni-talc. to the on”! Inch?- bon of an cut. John Browning-«ml (a bl" 5. well lulhd in “In part 0! _ urlmu, Ind comody chunk! will 50 his «sign-aunt hamfhr. HI- work was aeolian Tunday tuning. Ind no mum; In urn-WI, ‘Dobt 0! 80:30!" at “to , um: work oxoomng HI “I m clam. Aluminum“ ‘ and with good unkind 5m 7 cunt! “metal: for m Magi.“ olduud baton 1.!» null. 01’ It. CW Mu on an lint not, which cult curt-d “8:40, “I. doll] bill. I“ by “I. In. "rim! 0! I “but of “ arch-urn. ‘1‘ play Ibo" 'â€" huh uung and .u u. ah“. the M O" . u)- “:dequ plum ”who! u ”‘ commend-Mon of I". Tho cit-ill” of tho "bout" on “using. gm“, ll‘ f slat“! the Ilia. poop“, ‘lfll‘ m Budd Kalle“. In I non munc- put than ha find no madam. ill? quill oqnd to tho oooulo'n. Ind-“O1 Mt. as (ten. lurk 14-1". 110 '1“ W um b- an: only In WII‘M “F In; mgnadcomcdy. H- l- (and. In!- ovur. whoranr In In plmd Old b ncver lound wanting. Tho mm In u:- play um (um wcll Ind dour“ WWI. M for lhdr fill“, an nah-r m slat-d an nua- poopIo. (MI; my; honor drug-m: accommodations. Ill, nu also I gm: and! to “I. Mil front. Tho Down-n Gnu Mi Ivor-In Mrhutl’orn M“ ulna "My pwurmrm BANKER ROOT. A in.“ MORTUARY RECORD. "A 9:31me VILLAGE CAUCUI mum's,

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