Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 26 Apr 1900, p. 12

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am: A SPECIALTY in!” H- KIY'OI'. I ...u Immouuggi r: "‘ “n. noun- .. .u. .. “mu-l Ann 1'. unsung EMAAAJ, ‘ Youlih good Ingram col- : , In, ng (lull rich do] we: found on in the Egg: on. The at lactory 4:3. 1 I Dell will suit you :2;â€"Nou the following pncel: , BUCK,S ETEA COFFEE I.-.- mm Items at loam Tim. agHueHesaco " Ilrblo Worn 7‘ N Y 0! Nu period I. :o are IO. $3. 0! non n 4 null-- cry. you “no o- a I run-in. II. will. 11-. when you can buy one which“ the work so much tutor) fobert Buck mmm: and dc- Gm me a trial Mneudorcdl Bifi‘VBVeâ€"hrings upmuhw. ‘ HOUSE {I NEWSPAPER 'tn- u n- «- IQ h..- Tu .- (It-AM n In. tia- Jun- Tu Madonna E “mm mm. b m. » mam. mug flag d «i ‘5 cu “do It“ ammwam WW fi®€ MI and Gy‘solinc DOWNIIE GROVE, - - ILLINOIS. No min or Iâ€" Dr. liiéfui Punt um- All P: n. 'gnomm-dm' Allmnkglmm on! M I.- lava-In- “ [hm-tar. D_DLINN : :: fl OFFICE IN THI COUITHOUSKâ€"A‘I 'HIATON. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. O can? o°_"o ‘q 9" °« 07 COIYDACV. Tum- PM HUT. I' PI'IIJG, Hm Yummy: No by the wnu'mn. - - mom sumo-.mmoh 0.10 no M ”In no! can noon. naval-g July. “and Woch I... I. on you. .0 0.. “III, Ola-n Dun-u- (:mu on: Phil-'- um: shop Tar-lu- Vlunl you n! punk- l- un."- “to" CONTRACTOR, CARFENTER AND BUILDER Downers Grows, DH. A. W. MORROW, Contact. Mon (or all dul- or building con-trucks. J. W. MORFORD. TONSORIAL PRRLORS, Money to Loan. CHAS. VVERT. glimflgyzzsv oumm muna‘nl C. A. PROU T. IUIVEYOI. Contractor and Bulld or! INTOIHOII. JOUIING WORK DONE. IHN‘H'A LII. HJJNHIH .- I...‘ “I“. Work Satialactory. unlu- II Illl or“. DENTIST Proprietor of “any our card in the window-«We‘ll do "In real mlinlulorfly. Luye orders al Bush A! Simonwu'u Drug Stone. IACADAIIII". L WIM'IDI". PIA‘I'TIIOI. «Incl; le gfiillie "T L m'ys. ON'T was“ Talley on poor» an M line. Gel the belt. We have It. Our Pen-- uylvanlaoil In unequalled rur llxlfl-nlviu' qualms“. Ghana while "(In sud (Smr to A «but Moll .) gu- 1am"- ‘eeguui’smn All our firm! and." should tall. want..- or the unpucodontod club. Mug oll'or we Into this yur. which In- cludcn with title ”nth. lows Hono- Itond. It.- Epoch! anon‘ [mutate dltlom. tho Poultry Farmer and tho‘ Funcn‘ Hutu-l lasunncn Journnl. ‘ Theo. four publication In the beat of their class and should ha in every turn: homo. To than we uld for locnl cmtn~ t, tad gwml nows ourown pnper and the Chicago woolly lnur (loan and link. the prion for th. six for on. your “.35. “our bolore was so muvh sup- ortor nailing matter altered for so mall In a-ount of money. The live pupa and which w. club with our own new well known throughout the wcstnml wmnsnd annulus to the m rnvonbln attention upon mere nation. The Honest-ad ls the great qflultunl and Iln stock paper of the ‘wutnho Poultry rumor is the most :pnctwnl poultry paper for tho farmer pafllshm in the country: the Farmers‘ lutunl lnsurnnco Journal is the spot-- in! Advocate on‘ flruers’ uI-operutlve modatlons Ind tho speciul Funnem’ ‘ ln-tilmr «illicmu are tho most prm-tl- cnl pllllnl'lvllflfl‘ [or the promolivm of 1 gnarl hunting over pul'liwlletl. Talu- Id'II-tnne ur thh great oll'er. Ill. “on. from his mum. gnu :- um flocked shuvhh. nml ”M: "l gum you'” have tn mo the not no...“ fun In“ nod-d I bank a! Dr, Gold- woll‘l Syrup Pepin. Bold by Bush Simon-on. A Tom“ on Ian. 0.." opal an out 00‘ M» flu and "M to tho jot-lot to In" It "who‘d. Rum-II; homo ho found "to lost at I“. with. It II ‘ Mu mum too ..r. influx. hunks! but to tho jaw-kin In have that ~01 mod Imus-d 06 the now opul. Rot-Mug Into flu “or. M «M: "flay. lr'o‘ found the a“ at. no don't”. Ila-t nu m.’ "c an: M06 lo "more ll». Muugcr Manta o! [M Home: drug Iwnlnlorm um um ho lu hula; I mt run on Clumborhln'n Cough Remedy. II. n": llvo bout.- 0! um modicum lo on. o! any out" kind, and It [hr- ‘ml ullxhcuoa. In that day- ol Ingrippo Nun ll nothing lilo ‘Chlllhtfllln'l Cough Ready to nlop flu numb. ”fill up the non "ma-I ud lump and “In ullo! IItMa I very short u... The Id.- In [I'D-.I‘. um I" who try n. m plant! with u. prompt uuou.» Hon“: Chime mu, Calumet For ml. by Ruth A Hmon- noyn.’ Hln buck am no lam. he could not sloop without gm! pnln. nor alt In u did: oxoopt propped by cushion; .\'o remedy helped him until he tried Electric Binom, which «new! such u wonderful chum. that ho write- in fools like a mu: nun. Thin marvellou- ndlcluo cun- buchcho Ind kldnq troublo. purfllcu the blood and builds up your health. Unly Me n. Ruuh fllmonmu'u Drug Eton. An attack was lately and. on C. F. Collier, of Chorokeo. Iowa, that and, proved 1(5th camo'thmngh his kid- J. R. Garrison, cashier ol the hunk of leruvllle, Ohio, had been robbed 0‘! health by a urlous lung trouble uutil ho tried Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumplion. Then he wrote: "It is who best medicine I ever used fora so- von cold or a haul case of lung trouble. [always keep a bottle on hand." Don't Iul‘for with CougtholdmoranyThro-t, Chest or Lung trouble whoa you can b. cured so easily. Only 50c and ”.00. Trlul bottles free at. Bush a: Simonaon'n Drug Store. We wish w notify the citizens 0! this county that we haw-secured the agency for Dr. Caldwdl’n Syrup Popgin 1th. great. cure for constipation, indi-‘ potion, sick hoaducho and atom-ch trouble, and guarantee it to do an rec. ommonded. We always keep the but. drugs on hand and solicit a call, prom. Mn): the very best. of ovorylhlng. Wm. I.» u. 5: you wm...» u, 1."; Sonatina a forum. but. 1mm. l! flint. Dr. deoll‘n syrup Poplin um, you hlm 6 allow complexion. - jaun- ‘dQ, or call It our “on “(1 pt . "I” died look, moth pitch” and blow}!!! bath. 1'... dam mg, n 3...}. 5 am, on the skinâ€"all signs of leor Trouble. my. drug store. ° But Dr. King's New Life Pills glvo Clear V ' Bkln, Rosy Chocks, Rich Complexion. 1‘0 WHOM 11‘ “AV CONCERN. Only 250 at Bush 8; Simonson’s Drug W Store. UNPAIALL‘D OFFER. HAVING A ORBAT RUN. BANKER ROOTS A RUBBER. \‘uurs truly, Bvan a 81-05mm A FIEN DISH ATTACK. RICONIIDII‘D. got. no lame ho coula oâ€"Iacou moon's PILL: cm. leor nu. uu- Kifi'aiibiii'o'if nor alt WI "WW“OHI Mud-(mo. “”7”“. On! mama. 26¢. uldnn- Good hornet, curiages and careful driven Inmished at low prices Mien, picnics, etc. supplied. LIVERY. SALE. FEED ‘ BOARDING STABLE All'classes of work in the line a! carriage and wagon making drmn at reasonable rates. Horseshm- ing a specialty. Firstclass wovlr Q. Schmidt” Furniture and Household Goods Handled with care. Years of experience in our lmsi. nest enables us to gnarmr we perfect satisfaction. ! RECOMMENDED AND GUARANTEED. BY L. K. JOHNSON s. F‘. HALLER. I: sold hi all .trnggmz on glut-MR. fim humo. hunch” m Iumwv Inch. LLB/9"..THEREIBY .NSUR‘NG TNE "um Book on hem anal nerve-s Mn! it“. ohm ml Covmny. mun. u ‘GARMENTS FREEDOM flmu RUST SPflTS CAREFULNESS GENERAL magma amount: .- Doctors Failed. 13‘ coll-ltd whhom main. DI. Wlenc:ndN¢mnnd [#:1de me. Today lmvdlandmong. . That ‘Pfltt 0 tion 32. in township 3'), north. ramp] .east of the thin! prlnvlpu meridian dancrlbed by commencing at the center at said section 32.31"! mnnlny thence east on ha"- secllon line. six and 57-AtIJchalnu; thence soulh. 754 dezn-es went. a) and lSâ€"lw chains; thence ml. parallel loun- government line five and 25-11!) (5.5) chains; thence math. 7}; degrees wen. twenty and Luau {uls- chain» to line township llne; thence was! on township line. ‘ thirteen and Rib-10013.“, chains; them north. 1" degmn rut. (any and Juan («)4») chain m the halfâ€"section line; lhcnce east on hall- Ioclion Humour.- and 90-h!) (”10) chain: to the since at healnningxontaluln (arty-four and IUD (H.118) “ruminant“! in t t- Colllty of ”flu Pure and State at lllbnoln. The entire line In the said premises. including the down inleml n! lllf underuiynrd lherrin. will be will at aid ale. Dita! [his SM day 01 April, I'll). Luvntcu I" Luau, Admiuiunlrix «l Ihr tsun- «1 Henry M. L; um. deceased. . Goonlucu fungi“. ”a Au mt, 1893. 1 VA: nt- (“Edgy mulch and nav- “ion. For 1: Ivan confined to an m up! most 0! Oh; that to k ’0“, h! 3" d! I!” am fill“. fiat bunk rue-:5: 0' my but. look a. heart and acne; rut ha. i Public no: t y uneu ma , ,\ firm» of adecroe and ordero! um naid Court made and entered of record in the sham: entitled claw on ma 2d day of‘April. 1900. Launch 1’. L 'man, ndmlnistralrlx at the aunt: of lien: ~ . Lyman. deceased. wlll. on Saturday. Hu- 5! day at May, mu. at the hour u! 10 o‘clock In thu‘ Imuoon. at (In fmnt door of the milieu-:1: ol" said Mmlulslralrix, in the town at Downers Grove. In said County and Slate sell at public undue, to the highest and hem b‘dder. for cash. «nah; premises deucrlbed in said deem and aslgllown, onil: Expressing and General Moving. Slate at Illinois!) 0 as Com!!! of Du age, ' In the tonal Conn 0 RIM county. anancla P. yuan, Mmiuiulmtrlx u! Hu- man: 0! Henry M Lyman, deceased. vs. Walter C. Liv-map 1_nd §aray E. ng'ma‘u. Auomeyi (at said than. BLACKSMITH WAGON , AND REPAIR SHOP.- WI nun-r. oun uo'rro. ADMIUIUI'IIA’I’OR'I SALE III" mun. “TATE. REAL ESTATI. RRNTING Coal, Wood Goods. Exchange Office. n F ‘3 E fiwwmw»wwmwmmwwwmmwmwmwwwmi Juli. BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED. COLLECTIONS E AND LEGAL BUSINESS TRANSACTED. E- 11.. mm "it" Furnaces and Economy No! Mr Furnaces. and Ti“ Work. GASOLINI OYOVI. OLIANID AND IIPAIRCD. Rooting. Eavctroughing, Ind General Repairing Done. Call um] get Estimates Furnished on Tin Work and Furnaces. R. M. Hevenor, 00...”..‘0‘9.’ 0...”.000000 O 0.. ICC”. .1 AD. G. GRAHAM Hughes Gallup, Fruit. and Vegetables. F‘re-h Celery. Baltimore Oysters. In Quart Cane. Fire fa Life Insurance L. KLEIN RENTING AGENCY ‘ Real Estate CON VEYANCING MEATS. Scrunch! Ice, chy and Fwd. NOTARY PUBLIC POLICE MAGISTRATE FIE!!! ‘10 Ill T Groceries. Cor-or MI- 90!.“ .I‘ I.” Ava. Paints and Oils.

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