Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 26 Apr 1900, p. 3

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is? on, In" nun-cu. The untortmmte thing now’ Is that so many Christian m only half "her- dal. They hue been gained from the nu: gnu hum! of Iln Into spiritual m; 1}; 12:: :2; 3:13 11-; satanic: stretch out his arms in sanitation and the tearing of! of the bandage from Around hls java 50' that he could speak. What would resurrected life have been to Learn: it he had not been freed from all those cripplements of his body? .1 am and that Christ com- manded his complete emauclpatlon. «yin, "Loose him.‘ and let him go." won', I am so glad that utter the Lord raked Lazarus he went on and comâ€" aandcd the loosenlng of the cords that bond his feet so that he could wan: And the breaking on of the cement that bound his hum: so that he could ”than and n umighlincss of which a. resurrection of the lat day shall a], In an echo he cries "mums. eons forth!” The eyes of the slum- ” open, and he rim Ind comes to the foot 0! the steps and with great (wonky min: to ascend, for the comments of the tomb are yet on him. I“ M: fen. are mt and his hands are tut no the lmpedhnents to all his WM: am no great that Jesus anmnds: "Tue on these cem- M! Remove these hindrancvsf 11an those graveclothes! Loose Mn. and let him go!" Now all no whispering and m the crying and All the souls of sunning M an flopped. I; Is the silent-e of expects-er. Death no conquered. but low the "number of lath confront- “ “a prom. Amid the awful lush of 00 (club. the familiar name which cum had often had upon his lips in 00 Impiiaiiues of the villas: home no but): to his tongue, and vim a um than. Deeper down Into the claim" and deep"! The hot Inn of Jesus mll over his chats and ”lush upon the net of Ms hauls. Were not so may sorrows mar M o in small A apnea as In M g m on down an" arm, Ill'fh "no humming that he I“ no: come More? From lin- charm-teriauu twin-"vise doveloped. i judge that Manna pre- pared the medicines and made templ- ing diuhm or load for lhe puor appe- liio of [I10 Iuilcrcr, but Mary prayui Ind subbed. Warm and warm xell lax-run until (in doctor "counts on he cu do no more. Tim shrink that urn! up iron- link hominid when the int breath ind been an" ad the mo skier- !nte being ind by sympathize" Into tho adjoining my lil Ihuu- oi m an imlxio- who in" had our own Ienru broken. DI! vb! m not Juan than u in no one: in beta? . Pu any in the country dio- iricu. marlin. ball" other link. Io. unluriuuu- mu m. onuipotom Doc‘pr had not ban u "in! (lo-Ollie. will: In “many. Winn ni lui JOI- mhmi in ill-1M”. Luann land but burial [our city: and aluminum: Md uh- plus. in mm cum-n ib- Wihiou body dilinlruun no" fluidly (tum ln our». Ir. Immodinu-iy um dunno. «m w; iml boon Intnvd inm iiio. “hollow" might In" said M in only in - mmim out. or in A non oi man- and in] com vim m- animals-Hon or onwar- i’Ii stimulant til-lily land in" to- mod. Na? Pom dun and. 1'). 00"th cl an... ‘ A! "M doc: at tile log-mick" is I; crowd ni tut-avian but "to mm most; Wmhlo an 1mm, who tu me‘ hull; irlnui. and the urn hon-fl sir (an. Wt wont inlo ilw iradiiioul bub oni- Dvwmhor day. and ii is deep do" and dark. and Ilih torch" to explored It, We found it all quid that afternoon of our visit. but the all not": oi in lbs Bible more was prrs- ; all an excited mnitituda i wonder I.“ Jesus will do! He (mi-n the dam" f or the grave removed and um: he be- gin. io dmemi lilo step. lay and India riose mm mm and the crowd My'Bihle is at the pznce of this text written all over with lead pencil mlrks made at Bethany on the ruins of the house of Mary and Martha and lanterns. We dismounted from our horses on the way up from Jordan [0 the Dead sea. Bethany was the sum- that evening retreat of Jesus. Alter spending the day in the hot city of Jerusalem he would come out there al- most every evening to the house of his three friends. I think the accu- pants at that house were orphans, tor the father and mother are hot men‘ tioned. But the Son and two daughâ€" ters must have inherited property. for it must have been. Judging from what I law of the foundations and the site of the rooms. an opulent home. Lasa- rus, the brother, was now at the head at the household. and his sisters de- pended on him and were proud 0! him. for he was very popular, and every. body liked him. and these girls were splendid girlsâ€"Martha a ilrst rate housekeeper and Mary n spirituelle, somewhat drnmy. but aflectionnte and as good a girl as could be found in all Palestine. But one day Learn on got Hark. The sisters were in con- Iternutlon. l-‘nther gone. and mother (one. lht-y [eel very nervous lest they lone their brother also. Dial‘nse did it: quick work. How the girls hung over his pillow? Nut mm-h aleop about that home‘no sloop at all. (Copyright. 1900. by Louis Klopsch.) Text is John xi. H: "Loose him and let him so.” I. Wand mo Bun-II” from III. urn-clothe- at Old lululutlal nog- nuvâ€"l’lloh In our!“ the '1‘.“ 0! ha. cumin-my. TALMAGE’S SERMON. TIMBLV DISOOURSE ON RELIG- IOUS DOCTRINES. on" In tho only Wand. Backed up by the teachings of yam- Blbve, just look through the tale-cop some bright night and see how many worlds there no and reflect that I" you lave seen. compared with tho 1.35:: t: :321; L: -::‘ We must remember that good John ‘ Calvin in a legit-tan and :- metaphysi- 1 cinn. Ind hr the proriirities of his n:â€" ‘tnre put some things in an nntortnn- ‘ ate ny. Logic has Its use and meta- )hysicn has its use. but they are not good It making criteria. A gardener hands you n blooming rose, den, fresh. but a severe botanist «times to you with a rose nd says. "I will show you the strut-tore of this rose." Ind he proceeds to take it apart and pulls ol the leaves and he says. "There are the petals." and he takes out the. anthers. and he says. “Just look at the wonder- fni structure of these floral pillars!” and then he cut: the stem to show you the juices of the plant. 30 logic or metaphysirs takes the aromatic rose of the Christian religion and says. "I win inst show you how this rose of religion was fashionnd." and it pulls of of it a piere And says. "That is the human will," and another piece Ind says. "This is God‘s will." and another piece and says. "This is sovereignity." and another piece And says, "This is free agency." this is this. 'and that is; that. And while i stand looking at the! fragments of the rose mailed wart, one whom the Marys took for a gardener comes in and presents me with a crim- son rm, red as blood. and can, "In- hale the sweetness of this: wear It on your heart. and wear It forever." I must confess that I prefer the rose in full linom to the rose pulled apart. m... I. Conduit-I. “nut." you My. “ll lu lllo an» all! 1mm. and John (‘Alvm load "all n wall In lln prov-M. nlndeul of Ibo Scrlplurn.“ You; no It I. In» sum old mm In Ibo Mun”. but In our (law ll lu- mm- to mill; «haunt-coupon null plaomanpln. II In «M mm old wan-r; but la our mm" It has put lo mnnln: alum oulnn. II. II (M } um old «lulrlclly: bu! In our "In \ ll bu heroine n llflalulu fooled or- run! My 30 M In (M old lllblo. hut now uppllnllom. an um. mm In. ‘ Input-Hana. Tau mun Walla-r lhol nlnrlu "W In! no yum Imm hu- annual flair malls. and noun 0! lion amt mun mm: and mm lea. I «In not lM-l: "ml Jnlm Calvin l»- llnnl, u w my M Ma. ll the dam- mmm or llhnls, animal. mo 0' m mm hm rllumln would m In lu- ply "I“ the" I.- mrh I “In an (In llamuumn 0! infants. A um: vlm be- llnos {n "w damnallnu of Inhala- Mn- nll :lmrvn in low henna. I do not‘ lloluk any good man mulrl "In“ turn; a mlblmr \"hnl Christ VI" do in! ‘ all n» hum»: in "w non world I ml- rlmlo (mm that M (lirl with the hum ln Palesum firm to hugged Item and kiss-ell "nu. Wllnu some of you grown D909" :0 out of (Ms world, your doubtful dmluy will be nu evn‘ barn-sumo!" lo ministers oflclallux at your 0mm”. who will ban to he mullom so us not to hurt sunlvlng friends. Bnl when the dnrllng children go more are no "m" or "buts" at guesses. to what Robert I-‘ulton knew about atranmhontn and reject the subsequent improvements in navigation. Ind go back to John Gutenberg. the inventor of the an of printing. and reject all modern newupaper prunes. Ind so bark to the lime when toiunphy wu thr- elevating of nix-cl: or the burning or bonflm on the hilltnpl and Meet the magnetic wire which in the tongue a! nations In to ignore all the enacte- and tho philoioguu and the theo- logians o! the int 836 your: and put your hood under the lie". of the gown o! n ulna-nth century doctor. I could (all the unmet of twenty livinx thyterian minintrn of religion who could main n better emu than John Calvin The nlnrtnnth oratory ought not to In- cailed to m ll the hot 0! the nixivcnlh. Many are bound hand and toot by religious creeds. Let no man misinter- pret me as antagonizing creeds. l have eight or ten of themâ€"a creed about religion, a creed about art, a creed about social life, a creed about govern- ment, and so on. -A creed is something 1that a. man believes, whether it be written or unwritten. The Presbyteri- on church is now agitated about its creed. Some good men in it are for keeping it because it was framed (mm the belief or John Calvin. Other good men in it want revision. i am with neither party. Instead of revision I want substitution. I was sorry to have the question disturbed at all. The creed did not hinder us from offering the pardon and the comtort ol the gos- pel to all men, and the Westminster Coniession has not interler'ed with me one minute. But now that the elec- tric lights have been turned on the imperfections or that creedâ€"and everything that man fashions is im- perfectâ€"let us put the old creed re- spectfully aside and get a brand new one. It is lmposalble that people who lived hundreds of years ago should {ashlon an appropriate creed for our tlmes. John Calvin was a great. and good man, but he died 336 years ago. The best centuries of Bible study have come slnco then, and explorers have done thelr work. und you might an In" have the world go hack not] stick no.4 comes to every minister of re- ligion. "Loom him. and let him go!" mm; up the stair- ot the tomb bolha hum! and foot, and the object of un- sermon In to help free their body and tree ”Jell- souls, and I shall try to obey Lha-fluter'a command um. comes to Thu are, Ilka. tannin, Mb- Amm- um t‘ll World. The United States II now the 'orld’l greatest producer and W of meats which form one of the most In- porunt features of the export trade. In 1887 the total exporuflon ‘of pro- visions and live mum]: m mun. m, and in 18” their tom value '1.- WJOBM. luv!" than MM alumna. Ind forming In 18!. 11.1 per cent of no tot-l arm at m Rock- and dams 1'“ You no more When on that eternal shore. Drop the anchor, furl am can! I am sue within the veil! ' The only part at the journey I and. years ago to Pnlestine tint I reeliy dreaded was the lending nt 1099‘. That in the port at entrance for the [ Holy land. and there are men] rocks and in rough weather movie annot ‘ land It all The hunts taking the poo- ”In from the steamer to the docks amt run between reef: that looked to me to be All)!“ 30 feet ”on. and one nietrohe at an annual or III unen- pected wave has not-cum been uni end hundreds lure perished along those reefs mum that. u we let: Port Said the evening before. an old traveler aid: "The wind in just right to give you n rough landing at Iona: indeed I think you will not he able to ind at all" The fact we: that when our Meditemnnn steamer drugged anchor nenr Jon- and we pet out for shore in the 3-1" hunt. the wear wen u still at though it had been sound asleep A hundred years. end we landed an easily as l entered this pulpit. Well. your fears have pictured for you ll ”pulling arrival It the end of your range of life. and they any that the me will run high and that the break- ers will swallow you up. or that it you reach Canann at nil. It will he a very rough landing. The very opposite will be true it you here the eternnl God for your portion. Your dieemhnrkatlon tor the promised land will be a smooth as was our: 1t Palestine. Christ will meet you far out at sen and pilot you into complete snlety. end yon wm land with a hmnnn on one side of you end a hallelninh on the other. “Land nag!" Its fruits are waving o‘er tie M1! at {adden- green And the living wafer: hflug Shore: when heavenly form an com-g In. un ugn. “But." you uy. "I tear to go become (ho hum; I: to foil 0! mystery." Wall. 1 will tell you how to (not the un- urlu The lay-Inle- have «qu bothering me. for I do u the Judge- of your mum often do. They not All the unwant- tn the mo Ind thy say, “I um also Ihm poor: and sin you my decision out week." 80 l have heard oil (In argument: In "an! to the on: world. and noun lhlnn no uncertain Ind roll 0! luxury. and lo I told up the pawn lad mum uolll tho out world my docllloo thou! than I run than umdy all the an Itrln In honor Maul-n, for tho “(M cm In Mun and my mum”. utm- or. old I will at (he (fun-mm onloo- oohcn, who hon Md III the MINI- run 0! mm (or «alone. lo help um. um! I my in nor- umed nay-cl! humbly Io out the lord, um! I "not than um be only on myuory kn; um v"! be how on I. unworthy n lay-v." not Into ouch Al‘ tor-puma! plow. Cont up on d no upulrhrnl “adorn I! you on m Chrmlam by mm In Christ. can. up into (M Hutu: and It you In nlrudy m» Luann. mnimntod‘ Ml null hon your grove Home: on. M rid at cm. The command In. "lame MI. and Id Mn [0" One of our first realizations in set- ting out ol’ this world, I think, will‘ho that in this world we were very much . pent up and had cramped apertments ; and were kept on the limits. The most ‘ even or our small world, is water. and ‘the water says to the human race. "Don't come here or you wlll drown." A few thousand feet up the utmos- phere is uninhabitsble, and the atmos- phere says to the human race. "Don’t come up here or you cannot breathe." A tew miles down the earth is a fur- nnce at are, and the tire says, ‘jDon’t come here or you will burn." The caverns of the mountains Ire full of poisonous gases. and the gases say, “Don't come here or you will be oh phyxlsted." And, crossing s track, you must look out or you will be crushed. And, standing by a steam boiler. you must look out or you will be blown up. And pneumonlal and pleurlsles and consumption and npoplexles go across this earth in locks, in droves. In herds, and it la a. world of equinoxes snd cyclones and graves. Yet we are under the delusion that it is the only place ilt to stay in. We want to stick to the vet pisuk in mldocenn while the great ship, the City of God, of the Ce- lestlsl line. sues sailing past and would gladly take us up ln s lifeboat. My Christian triends. let on tour 01! your despondoncies and {rights about dissolution. My Lord commands moi regarding you, saying. “Moe. hill, and let him 3 . compared with ell the union or the hum race. How i'oolieh, then, for n- to think that our: in the only world ilt tor us in any in. I think tint an the stare are inhabited and by belnu like the human race in feelings and sentiments, and the differences in lung respiration and heart beat and phyaicnl conformation, their physical conformation ii: for the climate or their world and our physical confer- mation fit (or the climate of our world. So we shall feel at home in any of the stellar neighborhoods. our physical llinltatione having ceased. .m -.-_. ...... u..- that: memo! trauma... compared with an t e amt: of m nowmms 6W sonny In lath “up... It I. reported {hit the long feud between Rear Admiral Wlllhm T, Sampson and Rear Adminl Wlnflcu Scott Sonic] and their hleml I! and- ed oflclally, and Schley Is an new; according to the N" York Wofld' Scum will rank Sung-on 1:! tie. 1m», of nor admiral: and In a law mom wm‘be second only toqbone tiny {I the United Sula In”. Item's m have kept 09 mg w" ‘I'n Satan-n .- Orphan A Mann Ian M In. Lela'ad Stanford has given the old lun- ford home In this city to Bishop lion of the Ctthnllc church, together with t 815” endowment to maintain it as an orphanage. lac-r. An" '3. Senator Quarks of Wlmmin de- ‘llversd a strong address against the sealing of Matthew Stanley Quay. The National Dairy its-aviation. the Fed- erntion of labnr. the rallway mall clerks. the letter rsrrinrs and other or- ganisations said to have planned to defeat lever-l members at congress al- leged to he unfriendly to them. Gen. Joseph Wheeler resigned his mt in mm Majority at ways snd means committee opposes requiring maniaâ€"- sinner of internal revenue in tell in- gredients oi olemnsrgarine. Secretary Gage tells wastes to establish a in- rean to have. charge of standard weights and measures Sultan may rs- lnse to permit Minister Strauss’ re- turn because he talked too much. Turkish reply to American demands received but not given mti. Sultan artlng on the American indemnity claim. orders rebuilt the olmroh W erty destroyed during Armenian mas- sacres. House discussed postofllre av- ‘ pronriatlon hill, pneumatic tnhe cans- lng most debate. House set aside May 1 and 2 for consideration of Nica- raguan anal hill. Committee‘s re. port favoring unseating of Clark of Montana submitted to senate. Quinn am in ban Mei-"d I. would mamas-Mn Awrirnu mim- nria only and" some mdiilmu as other (only; nubiaru Ilium" n Wuhlngim any in given bin pane puns. Home add-w) Imminent im- iung smallnu oi lranrllim lo bill lo mill-In "my nah-wr- temporarily in civil mitions In l’vwnn Rim. and the sent: minus to npprme than. A;- rimlilnl demrtment rimi-r urges the importance of good mails. Same will consider Quay. Sam and (,‘larll rue- lhis week. 1 The house. all" molt-actor dluul- ‘IIon o! the null approprhtlol bill. the prowl-Ion rnnbllnu the mercury o! no man" lo roman for Krupp If- Imr for lbw Inuloihlpn IMM. Ohio and Kmart. at $345 3 Ion, wu mud on! o! the um. Mn nu- pmvwon to rcpt-u the woo llmlllflol placed upon Hu- pflm of armor by lhr cumin DIV. Two aluminum" lo modlly um lmr "num- m lbw Inn-vau- or flu any. wild. ulhomn two Mttlnhiw and Ill nut-on. ‘rrw dalmlod. 01m pro- M to Add prod-hm [at In mmv but: and "a tuner In mm on! the provision for the hdlllnhtu. Apnl ‘ll-l‘l. Mum-hour labor hm ulna"! III Mun. TM an: 1""!qu com-w Idol must durrmlnn the avian-pulp M "n rum In flu nrvMpoluo. lands at which I: In rumour. Darin: "to your 1”! "pod: [film I». Vanni sun- to Ann and Omaha 50M 0 9" mm, The senate had under conulderutlon the conforms“: report of the Hawaiian clvll governmaal measure. Final Ic- lion upon it Im postponed until 8» urday. Thu Alaskan rivil-code bill In considered [or I brie! lime. Ilr. lv‘on- lur pronounced n eulogy on Lorena) [harm-1i. I former upturn-live from Ohlo. and the unlit adopted towin- llo-u unrealvc 0! narrow. lumen. April 10. Fate of Cuilom hill to increase pow- ers ot interstate commerce commit- sion will be decided by senate commit- tee. Sennte decided to Investigate methods of "committee on distribu- tion" that is selling "The Message- of the Presidents." Micro (1nd.) intro- duced hill to pension eat-soldiers ot the rebellion on mouthing the In of 62. Turkish mini-(er called at state de- partment and discussed American de- mands. Senate committee tavorahiy reported plan to survey lllinois Ind Despi-ineu rivers. Stump books to be on said Mn)’ 1. ' . The house debated the naval appro» printing bill under the five-minute rule. A motion to strike Iron: the hill the contingent fund of 3500.000 (or the navy department was defeated. Con- ference report on the urgent uenclency bill was adopted. Wad-Gully Aprll II- The senate passed a resolution intro- duced by Mr. Mason appropriating 625,000 for bronze mednia, to be dis- uibuted by the secretary of the navy among certain omcers and men n! the North Atlantic squadron who particlâ€" pnted in naval engagements during the war with Spain. Devoted the rest of the day to consideration 0! the Alan- kan civil code bill. Fold;- Diplomat. Wm Hal lol- I. new” (ml-unno- at (Emma In: I ,â€"-'l'urknh Bel-flou- lull Stu-III“â€" hunch-n or {Magnum-lac. "if WWESSIM Rim NAVAL APPROPRIATION BILL. Proceeding: of six Days In Natioml Congress. It'd-y. A pt“ I G. Gmmlnm w. F. Modes, a (In. Dismal at Indiana. [an aim than: an: m?“ Mai-mfg- ' ' ”.09.” m m c mun-nth sun-m- “ out» ’ The Cuban «emu: reported In i" United Bates government showed I population 0! 1.572.197, of when “8.31 420 an read nun write: a par out at ”the num up! 32.9" mum Egan's popul'at-lon In 35.931. M election In Cuba vm be ma mu; “1 aim daughter a neighbor. After fleeing from an scene of the shootlng. Coven procure! a shotgun and streamed to kill In Pierce. the special object of hi: hatred; Henry Hartley. Jule: [with IN] MI Jealous lube Ian A-IC. Gmrge Cote". aged 17. rm 1mm! three mile: east of Tom Hum. 1nd,, Monday. He um! um ”ob- ably fatally wonnde! Anna Hartley. aged H~ and attempted to kill Ill other perms. Cm" wu gamma! with Anna Hartley. and was Insanely jealous of bar. He shot at her to" times, three of the bnfleu' “kin. elect. The smoklu pistol up law; and at Mn Catherine Hanm..iouer of his victim. and Mr». Bdiafd IRMA. The ml Is being how u YMM- hy the custom: omm- nd 00 cooll- Iot turned to land. for the "In! In no durum from Kohv. her port at den-flute. PM ”on“ I. a. Ink The prngrmlve «My of 8!. mm Inn-unrated u noveuy In the who!!! bundling llne Hand”. One at the alm- portable ochmlhomen recently MIMI wu deflated and may for an to "conned-Ia the ova-low 9‘!“ pm It the «hook when any vm‘ needed. These bundling: in In con- nnmed that they may he moved «on arl-no! In school :3 ace-Mon mflm. and we" «hated by the whoa! hard .1 n hatter mghod than null; um room: In the neighborhood of the our. "0de «hook. mi of the Inhom- roovna cumulus seats for alshty no": Thoy are light and confornhle Ind provided tub I" the modern school- room appoint menu. hum-so. rmiin urr mm In!“ mnhwl Inlo Vlrlnrlu. n. C. The un- pm; utter-am arm through In an. tum! pom a! nu mum am... a mu! any going In c-mmnu. '5". n In and may have he" «and by contnrl m not." II! (Wm on a. lung and In the orange mun. AI- oflm thousand ruched Victoria a! the donut: trump duller lilac. fn-p M..." an. L... Tim (rumâ€"Minimum muxrm It Houston. Tun. “opted rmiuliom tannin; the Improvement oi til. con- qu-r urvin: the admission oi imi- Im-iu u nun; I"! prohibiting uni- icmuon or load: I government” or puimoni 0! min-- and Illumi- and n cirmrlmrnl of «immune and in- duury: the imnmvnmm oi (Juno. ion harbor. lino [Iran river I“ (M mmuh M ii"- Hiniuipvi: ll» nub- iilhmeni ni tin-p ram It “onion: (in building of - i'nrilr table by con- srvuiouni auxin-m: a «boo! oi uni-n: lli appropriuiol lot the ill. Loni- uponition Ind «booi- Ild u,- lum- (or Indian Tomlin-y. (,‘riwio (fuel was damn I. "N! uni mil“ pint-v. ”ORE JAPANESE REACH POM. In. Con-It- luloldo by Diving III. n than 'II-O'I An unknown man committed suicide nt the works or the Prick Coke com- pany ‘by diving into I coke oven It Connellaviile, Pa. The coke worker- saw him only {or an Instlnt as in par pared ior the leap, Ha wu well dressed. For the slightest possible space of time he seemed to pulse on the uioping ground behinli the menu. than I]! run down the steps. Ellht [eel from the oven tool the ma not into the air. hlu hands polud shove his head in the fashion a! a diver, and um “ending uwmly dropped head first Into the head at an oven that kid burned to the white hat of coho in! below it In dream. A mail was man for the oven by the oven drum-rt. bui‘ all there van to show a. the man Hui n charred mun. Tun-Hubby (:0...â€" M In.) FAVOR SI. LOUIS FAIR PROJECT one of the heaviest rainstorm: ilood- ed New (mum. in the upper and rear sections or the city nits ind to he need to rench street can. The Illi- noln Central railway is openiln; I partial service. but the Northeatern ll still completely blocked by the floods in Mississippi. Additional rain. hove added gravity to the iiood eitutlon at Meridian, Miss. The temponry track work done will be damaged on all rail- roads entering the city and resumption of truillc will be longer delayed. The situation in cut-oi! towns in growing desperate. Foodstuiis are running short. The iiood situation around Ilo- hiie shows a more desperate condition and every hour the love In growing greater. PLUNGES INTO A COKE OVEN. nouns nu um sum «:3 Int-- w Mam“ “In; 1 wus- -- , . . ' iohn Bottom: m , :il VII! 0532' £10 children were drowned In th backwaters of Pearl river at Janina. Miss.” Thgir ggbin had been iiunditeq by m high ngen and in. mi: am endeavorinx to make It! mane in I Ivuon when the vehicle fell through A broken bridge. Railroad tunic ll ltilla in a very bad gondiuon owing to tho' floods. Chicagoâ€"John tint“. J um of m W count”, M In no“ tad WW kl! laid 13M tag-1i Mo. .. , The bi for’ m mm... u. gun. while 81"". In enber‘ were an my t an aggregation Dunn m- ii the more 01 mm tic-'1 Sign. (mam that sum CM am on Illinois nos-m Im no “ Sprint.” - MIL-Gen. ”I ceived m mud tho 4_ of Louis I. Inn“: ii Baum H Own a the Fourth 1mm. 1. N.- In! resident at Ora-rule. - on"... u cum Chlouo~1wo can! It _ .Il 'ere discovered on an was Dr. finial-a of m I‘M _ gent. On We“. m 1:". _ color“. reading It H“ Wu. fl dolph «mt. Woot- I. m "at um Ind Ion ski a val. ' and out vu that o! m H colored, (our year: ofl. “vu‘d. one: "an. 4; In. m n m Chunky-Coach III! “I! lb llnolu W m ‘6'“ quantum. mau- “Ifl ‘ vet, I!" order and“ mu donor Cue! does not um mend of no doe-u. . , Inn..- o-u. u a.» Julietâ€"Joint I.- u nan-III“ II (to cue. having am In. I uni-ton. l “40'. I30! m N and Inn Job-sol. Nat! M4 no down with "I. «can. ‘ Character-As a new at . In; of all tho nubllu to“. d ., my. luu I'm not In “Inf ‘_ aprlnlfleid. «maven tor (M ”v ., , Ann-Saloon lune. won ‘ ‘_ wan-nu char-Inc III!“- M by a local saloon-hm. W. I. ‘ , Genoa. alto at SWIM. M ' (one: (or an luau. am» ‘ ' - mm m. amen-u, no and M guilty. all. Mu M > tho an :0 lb. mum can. wan "land on baud. I'm nary" If. aid to have ‘ In. sum: Mn I. or“! to a“. dam to «mm m "M Iona" In I W C In, - Inn at tho much I. I. I“ Uh. n L: , Murmurâ€"TI. Clo In. G:- lu'n bud of Donal-.4 II - around “5,000 [or any It“. , 1!. [than at (321th m not. [or m use» mm Henry Yum-n an“ m hr mm to go to Int-u. 1'. In; Romu- o! Climatic a. _‘ Thhuewond ol Calm m I.“ ; hum w. n. helm at I”; paid [1.800 (or m- III-Ill. I chnu of nuns. '1‘ Ian- I» lulu-M. Benevmoâ€"‘l‘hc Jury In at “Q seven men chin-god with an ' of snarl! Henna Bamako! an unnamed wholunlo an round 3 "Idle: finding Haulnu guilty and was "no men: st elxhtoon yumln tho tentlnry. June- Allen. (loom. trey, Jam Ile0uchln. um ncdy, nllu Harry was. And _, b‘nnke won liven MM" each. John Dunn. the dull 4 ' ' ant. wu lound not nut, and dialely Inland. The fill urn (mauled by lhcfll uhooun‘ to death Danton and“. leader a! (In un me-m. a” bud been bully wounded by June. Bennett. a llnlll MM; an Indictment. will In mu 0 “fl lylo. camo- county, lulu no”: (5| rccupu uu‘ “ll! www- Much 81. were 3125.411 up! ‘ oxponlel Incurred $518,347; _ paymentl were $539,105.}? .. standing laden-dam It (hi? the quarter was ”0.9”. to m the Institution: hid in NW , . and In undnwn ”MW? 70!, to which II lddd-Wflfiqfij count 0! appropriations due “I” tho cut-nut uunmr. The My, Inmate. at. tho bellman! 9! 5!” tor vu 10.187. and u the clout . the name numbn- bolu 10.1.?‘1; , pu- capna cot: of minimum", : Ill ‘89.“ and the not)" ' ,1. cult to um um. nut The M of Ipproprlnuonl “an“ fl"fl clone 0! the curler wu ”mom- love" on lam enrich-i _ Sprlugflon~Tho calm ment at the condition at u ume autumn human-nor the am. board at charm“ I” ml receipt: tor the unplug [amnionâ€"1mm) 1. mi 1mm incâ€"0mm ii I“ Jdlot- music. a

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