Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 9 Aug 1900, p. 7

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I hundred I‘l' ninety- h It. unti- um has given up the Baum: “ near, sud after Jamar! 1. . will we only the Centigrade. In tho Mu: the division homo-n m M and the boiling Mn! is into y m in tho Centigrade it is into V . .. 1‘02 My“ 1:. ;%§; "TIT;::’;IMIIW II can "a (no cm can. or further articular. call on or mum 51:1. amt __ m“-_ nu--.- t '0 now Innâ€"Eâ€" ut- 1159 o. m w_1_vutflmled t_nln mega «in ' ova mun In “Home-09:9?- tam- m. Returning ticket. an mum W149“. any: from ante of pale. Chicago Eastern Inlnolu Railroad. mammnhtm‘l‘umal ml! tho Chlmo man: told will Nae. on an Homo- mlcr’n «autumn tickets to mm: In Ahh-m Arkansas. "and; mu. Kentucky? Loni-him. mmgmmflm m 0n. rm f m round :21 W nr‘nwilllnfig) 0:,an 91p}? use A.“ _ m lultlful location. ban-(ml my, good hatch and mold. 1n- luuty from in (our, uh a II- ner man It Int-um, met, "I! maneuv- from the midpoint a health, rat and contort. Namyof'flo ulcsnoflor‘ Country." gout-Iain; A description or | lance“. “d the copper country. u- : drugs, with tour (4) cent: In my to. my m. 000. H. Bolero, 0m- Pmm Amt. cum. in l In one of me most cumin m m ruched via Chicago, luv“- keo I St. Paul lulu”. long "me. Why rent a (am when you can buy on. for less than you fly for not? Address C. B. Rollin. [And Amt. m Ln 3.". 8t. China. 111. crop no of tho but. work plenty. In. nuke", excellent cumin. put. not: met; had told cheap and on m nut-min; to com - (lulu. problem. but they no gong “out n in a. 1m; uy And will war we Ned. Born peoplv, u this will”. no. co Ihlnk that (In, I." .- gnu a pan). on their Mud. II Inked“ l iocmon [or a home. They vm ur- ulnly no atom n In the wrong '17 Illa. they Impact no beautiful lul- Iu country on the flu or the China). luvs-lee 1 8!. Pull Railway In In- llouo county. Wisconsin. then no Wot Kn." sum that a mm m»- um addition to a. boat I- coll..- ...m, “a an pun m m Mu mm for n .4le m to mull no room tor M My . .m or - utmo- doi- Iau m m and“ 0- m 1- dhu mam: smu- nm N “a" q). mt. nun-um! m min and «whom! In tho hill. ll mumâ€"Macs Dally WU“ lnnnt tn the Unltod Batu. num- tho mu hon-n nnd mi (not cannula-r- thoro‘vlll boon tho “Mnflnln‘mhnnmm n mum in". ply-Mun ones no I barber shop. In connection with tho Int! homo than will b. lull.- Ind mtlonon’n ates-In; room no cool. In: mono. Tho dnulu nnd noollu roan:- wlll be olnborntnly donor-ton III tho loan wlll I» laid in will. tllo. ln both cooling room will In built hm ornamental In pinc- Illch wlll be used to: hontlnn ”I" noun In nddltlon to the molar cunt: ballot. The work wlll ho nun!) count-too In ’0 duo. The lumvenwnt and tho ontln u- nmuonu 0! lb. hotel and ground: m undo. looping lo View the mum slant 0! tho whole. and Inn tho I.- mnnonln nmnlod for m (lo-plot» od tho haul and Inrmndln‘n will u Incl non ntlnctln (Inn Mon no you: no th- lround when the mutant hotel "0th o! tho null- .“ Immu- lprlnu 00mm In loat- M It mam Elnora! Springs, In- llm 'II wholly unlnprovod and d~ nut I wudarneu. Now. owing to tho “scanty o! the nimble modicum! m or the Influx! and tho hul- llg virtue of the toll ltaolf. We! run the entatptlu at M3101- H. I. W, there la located there on. at an In.“ unltarlunm la the Unit“ But... The mutual picture-nut” mndlnn Inn been mule mm‘ ct- Mn and tho hotel II a. model of contort Ind 010mm. hr tlu stator “comment!” or m who come In cont-nu: lacun- llx number: tron: every section of th- Unltod sum. .mngemenu have now been made [or the amusement o! the .10“! bulldlnga. The watt-ct In M natal-day by Major Kramer to: uldl- uou that wm «use an outlay 0! out 880.000. The Improvements wlll count of 1 low bath houu‘and an addition to (ho hotel. The Iddltlon will be two “one. In height Ind will occupy 3 [round um 80:16!) toot. I: provide- lorty additional tum dumber-I. The cadre muon will be hudlomly ad about: furnished. Tho bath homo, when commend, will In tho AT AN ‘NITLAY 0F $80.00!! Ida; Made to the Indiana liar-l ' Spring: (lndlanl) Haul THC IOXERS OF CHINA home. though In elevee mpeeiane mght for shelter eleewheee. 'nle fidelity wee suitably revel-tied. The reiiroed oflciele ave the bird eerte hleeche to eeereh for food Werner it pieeeed. end the public liberally eup- ‘plied it with can end other aunties. A einnier feet in thet on the three (eye when it filled to eeeomm the train e Belem enunevee need in- uteeeotenmzihhoeeru name- mutation in thet the the! all h! the letter elve- forth estee- which the‘ bird More to theta-on them engineâ€"The lee-e. tveryneylel'ne- lev e. lime-d- Ileu in he led-e so... There is a pigeon in Belgium which "gnlerly me- wlth the morning trein that goes iron Lien to Wen-moo. it began to accompany the trel- towerd the end 0! Jennery. end it he: done so every day einoe then. except on three occasions The train ltnrte at three minute to 10 e. In.. end e crowd other) daily to hen the pigeon go with it. The bird wheels mood the we» tion while the ma ere toting theirnnte.eedneooneethewhhtie ie blown end the journey begin- it token np e nation I iittle behind the lensine. end there it Ila, enrronnded {by the moist. though worn. neon. which it evidently enjoys. lt retells ‘ this poeition even while the trlin h penning through tunnele, end appendi- ly in not lneommoded In the least by the worn vapor. When the trein reaches its deetinetlon the bird lieu swiftly eiong the reilroed track beck to Liege, where it Arrive. about 11:” o'clock. Thh pigeon wee horn u the reilroed cation in Liege. end conne- qnently ie inmiiier with trains. emote end stuns. Until I iew month- m it Occupied. with eleven other-n, e contort- ebie cote. end when it was removed iron: the nation by order oi the en- tharitlee it refined to ehendon it: old EDWARD mm HAL. NURS- ING A SICK BABY ON 111' FLOATING HOSPITAL aloocl m. A lining" could all It I since than his vu no oral-try pc- solnllly. mothers speaking a ward oi cheer and carrying out his own doctrine ot lendâ€" in; a hand to the needy and the antâ€" terms. The little tot on Dr. glale's » hip is one or the sick hospital babies, and the photograph was taken one (is! when Dr. Hale was on board the host- in; hospital. which has become one of the best-known and most deserving oi all Boston charities. “on July until late in September the’ floating hospital leaves the Boston ‘whsrt every day with all oi its little white beds and cots filled with sick babies, who are taken away tram the stilling air of the heated tenements into the cool and re- ireshin; air oi the ocean. The hospital )- a very large barge pulled by a tugboat to avoid the noise and dirt and unpleasant odor 0! ma- chinery. Last year nearly 8,000 sick children were taken on tripe down the harbor. Some at then: were kept on board oevernl days or until they were well enough to so back to their house. Thls year the hospital hem its trips with twentyoone trained nurses and a regular medical stair. it is supported entirely by voluntary oilerinu. it is ‘ a part at the work or the lend-aâ€"Hand society, oi which Edward Everett Hale is president, and it is one oi Dr. Hale‘s "pet charities." Although now in his ‘llth year Dr. Hale is still actively engaged in all sorts of charitable enterprises. and he ieresdytospeahatanytilneoria any place for sulerinx humanity. Be is a striking More on the streets of Boston with his tail sad massive tom. his loo. gray hair and [riuled heard. in the winter time he wears a cloak. and he always wears a wide-hrinuned 3mm PET CHARITY (Spocltl loner.) Boston'l floating hospital nu to: it: ‘prelidont that. [rut-hearted, philan- thropist. the new. Edward Everett Halo, and he is not I more flxumhud otva president. He is genuinely in- nate-ted in the work at the lie-pita! and ha- mado more than on trip on the hospital boat, where he goes about among the nick babies and their I'lndu.‘ A-u-Ion- nth-w. la Imimkrnotkh‘rm Wilc- nuapua gum-non A FAST BIND. Punch. â€" Ila-mm man. AU'rno nun“; canto n. 4 4‘ l. J. Wendell. 1m "no of not. dirty faced urchin gathered About the door of Mr. Wendell’l home on M Thirty-eighth «not, and It has been (out noon-try to nah i rain that nmdthbon-hulrlufiomu- an After their Hand'- mun hour ammoluthmvo'ud In mu Evert ham Wendell In a blac- blooded Knickerbocnr, a member or on. of the oldest New York (will... Hr. Wendell b rich. all! Ill those than no t chiefly necldcnu o! Immune-e“ M mmu'wm Cherie-one Tower. who left Vien- n lent manner in become mheeeedor In It. Peter-hurt. recently gave hie Ire! large oflciei reception, on which man the Murine diplouete wore their new uniform [or the lint timer Anerieen dipiowaete have. until now, et In "In end in ell vixen elwen "peered in ordinary fell dreee, enl- for- not being con-idem neeeeeen. The change rune ehont In the follow- ln| mner. eeye London loom So- ciety: in the month of Magnet [not rent, when Prince Vladimir Aimn-‘ droVich end hie consort, Princeee le- rie Peviovu. celehreted their dim; wedding. they are e prdel My. to I which every one who wee invlied m7 renneeied to come in in" area. no evening dreee at e garden perty could i not he right. They he no miter-1e, eotheirocleoetnnetheworn.'rhne equipped. the Anericene remind to the garden perty. the only onee oi their kind. Every one we. enrvrieed. Ioet of en the Prineeee heneli. who, It in eeid. criticised the mine-Ma ‘ for ewe-flu in tint nttire. The let- ter, in eel! defenee, enered lb hod- e- mt in Europe it we: «my toweererreckeoetetgereeepertiee.’ "In Europe. did you In?" wee the u- teuiehed newer. "Are we. then. in Ante?" The newer is not known, but ee eon- u possible uniform for the Anerieen diplom were forthcom- ing, nude up: the new nettern. nee infutnretheywillheemredelleuh herrnennent on that point. lulu." for tho autumn and m In- "... m be not only ans-«I In wot! MI plied Maul! on A not“! Incl to m of «uncut «an II Mum; ud noblmy In our Dam”. The when a Wuh- mml-ioua In to um a mu.- tnn 0! Man" and congratulated u: cordially for tho "and: nutr- alu- d a. pro- Ill- Alulh Kmor. an colon-ltd ulnar o! maul. vu mun-led to Captain Charla Du Pout. Conan I- Nov York last wool. The ceremony In very plain and dumb. By direct Inflation I r I. Condom bu been a - ammo-II :- I." u I Iodu 0 "0mm! Our road to not built to but: thouund yam yet In 3 mu Mt In. When I road ll om built. It to n strum: thing how It colleen tulle, how every year, In It (on on. mom and more people are found to Will thereon. and other: In ruled up to repair nnd parpctunu It. and keep It all": no tint. porn-pa thin road at our- mu. from prepnrntlon to repanuon. continue to exist and be useful hund- red: of years titer we no mlnxllu In the dust. And It In my hon. that our (tr-away ducendnnu may remember and bless those who Inbound for than ‘ , mmium. ' fl whiehltr.nobertlaonll dressedtnthessuosnehlehinorder to induce then: to take to roed~mshlng. mdmummmmhߢߡrh 01 pesos. it shows thst Ir. Sterner -heartodnees was s reel end? son't gcpd prscticsl thing, not s more mum at the spirit: “Chieisi On this road met you hue made any toot shun follow. The Remus were the bravest snd greetest at movie: men milhfv with their hands. glorious fighters snd conquerors. To this dsy in Europe you mu go through parts of the country where in" is msrsh end bush. 11nd perhsps niter struggling through ‘I thicket you shall come forth upon an sneient rand, solid and useful as the div it wss undo. You shall nee men end women hearing their burdens slang that even wsy. and you may tell yourself thst it wss built tor then perhaps “teen hundred yesrs belonâ€" perhsps belore the coming of Christâ€"- by the Ramsns. And the people still remember end bless them tor that eon- venience, sud say to one snother. thst as the Romans were the bravest men to ilght. so they were the best to build "new nettle .«mng‘muwsussm assassinations-twee”. “rim “I” ‘ wonderfully impreseive scene. m Amen-icon should see it.” General 10- Ieph Wheeler esid: "In my Join-ht the wu- department 0! the Unit“ lilies could do nothing better then In “units the nu] bottle of leniln for the instruction it will silord ms ssvsl othesrs.“ his unequaled reproduction of the bottle thst made Dewey sn udnairll end won 3 kingdom tor his country. requires s building or about on here in else in‘ which to be given. Under the peculisr system of optics involved in the srrnngement oi the fly- 01 light that fell on the cyciorsms or circle picture, ouch object is magni- iled to its sctunl or nstursl sise. Tho nppliestion or this secret of the srt of exhibition has the eitect ot simula- iug nature. hence the great pleasure the attraction “lords visitors. In ed- dltlon to this particularly entruncing illusion i! it can he cslled such, one. 21:00 _on the deck oi the worship FRIEND 0' BAD BOYS. AHALIA KUBSNBR MARRIED. DIPLOIATQ' UNIFORII. New York a tho “best friend of but! birth. The one thing 0! which Mr. Wendell ll proud ll tho he: that ho Ill lnvlu‘ to paint I .5 w. In tho only can for lion- Inning, Bur-Ills. 8mm M Conn and Bunions. All for Alm‘l Min-n.3mdcbhmll” tum “sum-M3}: much-vb ”an an. mm a mum. um. I. Y- run- nmp nun-u. am an m prevented (1’6. run- ning 1m open dnvhridnl by I acumenu'u Dttent I!!!” M“: which n- n wane-alum block 9"- otal on “that aid. of the truck, WM! hm connecting tho Mock- with tho m m Mug tho block- out ti! nun - m anw ovum. for "town mfi‘t-clnzc "In do In A 1:qu x” and m Kamila” g o .1 “yum. Ml Dock-Mon 1 Jig-mam W- 5 quality. um I ma Inna '"M I Mod" 70- d.) '1. WAX: APPLICATIONS. II an an of no Gina-u. noon-“unions! chance, a m law-III.- Ian..- M “II.- l'or a number of week- put them has been I mmnuy Incraalu than at nmmnnun Hem- pun- lllg (trough Vienna. In ”rues of Iro- Mly to one hundred. n h and mu a. majority of Him wretched (on: In on their way to Cantu, when thy mum! to settle u [worm honour!- of then have been com- vflhdtodeumtholrbonec by a may mam: which Ind. It lb “hwy humble for than to an I Ilnllhood. i Ii. world” '3 In}! dun boom; deny-M m. .¢ 3:? when "It”, her-m no nub-um“â€" m watches IM 0,. Incl Wald. July 1th. I”. It. "nu-rial In burl“. nw-Iuh “I: a mm'yofhsonnslonr: II :33. ' ham 0 n a II. (III- at “IWCIOI. Rumour-on. In Ibo III-toot "Mr mponnnnI In no.- INI luau. ot a I am will I m I I no watch and. Il- ' may I 10M nanoâ€" mum flat-vac. VIM 00.. Canton. of that maho- m an ulna-M In lulu at- m .00 an" accuracy 0! MM. nil-Hm, under all eoMlIlo-I I." for "I“. "I. "WI-Na "put-“on Iva-II In." Iu Ila worn. a; lulu-I". moon of III. Mu- ndane: II In. caulk-I W “lama.“ In Anne-.1140 “3‘ Mb. reductlou In °W ny lady who I- In. on“ "our out 0' "cm (on. In. I Mu of am" nnd bonny not noted“ ‘ “”th MI money an “m Duh-meal mmmentol Jinnpllm Wueh Inclurhnla orb".- IM Inn-"u nnd III unturned worl- mn “and '"MHI poor: In lb. thus: Villa." 70- city the Duelist-H wan 'llch I. III-prom. and "I. mum mf- g.- Wm. I}! ‘mIe-I and. plum n Auto-MAMMH wanâ€"nu witcn'l I" “Wm!“ â€"| wan-.3...” u ... “‘..$...W'.‘;..*". Oct no by all "ports u Ibo no“ It IAN. and mum“ Inlet on £50 an)!“ In bung. n qgtufihqfl 3M rod 3 both watch mun IM Inc an: In duo! “unduly to the maul-emu of m-‘Miv watch nonmem- u-d wuch can... on "- loom «vary elm ls com-aunt“ b the mic dlncthn or man. inch mount- nuu Inch run- :- WI ”no“ u n- ‘mnm hum-n point. A common glut!“ In pondgnl lath “A II. Doctor Wink Walt. DIG-mow (qr. the gun um um oomph” ml: lanl-Iiirrin‘ we in which the nan! Milo of lull: it fought in t nun in plain View. This mm "flu and moving picium o: vat-n It In hmmoimum. iii-”lion. van looking on a. conflict ill-If. Tho above truthful description of “I. am haul. at Hull; “plain why Rummoduuuolmlumbot upon uomuonuouotithI “80m WOMOYI.” night over n storm-toned not. No Manhattan 1- required numb: the mud anaemic. The Ictull real- lty u baton-e you. But an cum 0! the ”Willie!“ I- ruched in the [ Under the peculier eyltein of optic- ‘involved in the management oi the I!!! 0! light that fell on the cycloreme or circle picture, each object in muni- iled to its actual or n-tunl line. The emulation of thin eecret oi the'ert e: exhibition hue the elect ot elmnletr in; nature. hence the great pleasure the tttraction unord- villwn. in ed- dltlon to this perticulariy entnnciu inn-ion. i! it can he celled such, one. while on the deck oi the warship Olympia, the point oi observetion. see. the reel smoke and heul the reel thunder of battle. A Besides this grim but sublime epoc- tecle at war, visitors ere treated to I thrilling end marvelous reproduction of e Itorm in which wind and m. cloud- and rain. moon and stare ep- peu and disappear in plain view in I manner no realistic that the lpectetorl teel that they Ire sailing through the II. at Whom.” - Mont 11¢!!!an hid: “it h I awfully imam-in loom. Ivory Amen-icon mould In it.” Bonsai Jo- leph Wheeler sold: "In In! Jam-at the war department 0! tho Unit“ lulu could do nothing boner than I0 “1min tho mm but]. of mm for tho initiation it will Iflotd mu uni unicorn.“ m unequaled reproduction of tho bottle um made Dewey on Milnlnl Ind won 3 kingdom tor lilo country. mull-u o building or about on mo in lilo in‘which to be given. ‘ iimwifi'fiiu ”mm-"I‘M u um not! can In. mu yam. 1n» mud. "mamas or us may. WIRED llflflIfl flflllECE SI. MARY’S MANNY "Hummus-0mm Carter’s Little Liver Pills. ABSOLUTE SEBUHITY. WAT-1mm Mimi-0M“ Athomlnthobuhuvonhtvoln tho nah. Ion Try lI-h'Iâ€"lou. gnaw-”94 3.9m“ 2M '- m Shanon now bu two rim to]! dull. is": Iii. Fol-tunn- In tho 11:: who lou- his regulation. thin the hund- or spot tho hula. Better throw «and n random rub or that Ml. words. ”fluvial-www.- b m.mmmm n '11:. "mm “mun mu has Mod. Congressional hm: Mn (In: In to the Ina-quite bun. MID mama-'0 u. Wink Much-ca to Dumbo“ u. 1!. Gunny luv-7m}, ".000.“ I..- William!“ mm nib-mm. m gmMi-odummiu‘ath'w A can: gloves wlu unr «uh nu. NOTRE DAME. INDIANA w by a. m, u an m4m'iicgnii‘ PUTNAII FADELEBB um do not {:5 _§9-p.__ Wilma- OUR! "OK NIADAOHI. luau-Wu lab-“m” 'Wi'y'ifl'm' " " â€" EDBBAHOIAL Wow-abn- noun VI SOLDIER" , WWW“: __ “fig. dun-form M of ml. .1! If ya; Moan-datum“. to no for “TI. Con , bout-Ill Ill-1m“!!! nub-dupu-uui NEBRASKA ME THE uun , OF PLENTY 9*: Immune-u. AI‘I’II'I‘IO an n

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