Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 30 Aug 1900, p. 8

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BUCK 8 TBA COFFEE Robert Buck WW3 T. MORGAN.‘.'. $900311 SUPERINTENDENT \ 0F SCHOOLS. ' a" E’yMoaton College.. Manon-nan mm at». ”fl "1 gnu. cut-v“- J-(r. Aw high but 10th, I”, Jun- *.1”. A “. MJnlyflJm. ' 5b .80 through, flaunts. :Wn tubal: incur eon-by. You like good fragrant coi- temnsmsing that rich del- icate or Iound only' In the mgnades. The satisfactory ' t I cell will suit you , , who“ the [allowing prices: \ ‘M I:- am prevailing In «his Ldaya-ddcndnalhaugcaugdfiy mm IV we “9 Louisville Nashville Railroad, hum m m u- a “out and (he Minter bu Bright's l, _ _, Ibowomlonnol Mable. ' ' .pKllzm'nEmnnp-Roou newdia- ,, h‘hettuospeclflcforkldmy .bhddq alimony troublu. lthucnrodthomndl y howls: "knell“, an" all other huhllod. AM dmgmgn 1mm an ”Ml. 1.09:»ka (9"ng ubout Sump- 3 . “often the malt 0! Id l kidney trouble I: dkowod to . 7. the “(hey- poisoned Hood will muck WM organs, or Poms Runny s themselves down and waste away cell by cell. the rlclmm of the bloodâ€"lho dbumen gum; and Ch; Micro; bu Bright; m,m pneumonln, he": Influx; "um, mutton; I I“ luv In and Non... can 9"ch AID "munch m lb the [bud ' g; lam-ulna Older: called lot and de- livoted. (.3in me a "in! odorâ€"drop a and or all vN-l. ROBERTS, M D in,“ Ave-Iv, let! loot Va! 0' Int-001 loan... m. II nu courmousIâ€"n ”mm“ 0’ 'IlIA‘I’ON. H to Locato? HOUSE C... Ufllllmu. “nip.- Khalid “£333., 3“ halo- .Btu .mcu ‘ECII .5“- 1ch- .na- .Ocu .45 cu A)“. .6“. .« ch .45 an 05 :n tou- Dcu a mun-e9 of .n (in asfi u ' n K...“ Ollifhthrfi. m m Dom-men “m! (3.: wealthy lad owner of Sabina-y mmip, 17mm mafy. ma . lifelong deno- m‘ghu ramuead‘nry‘u. m em out gnu-rely f’ot‘ lyeflnle‘yuXfln ,nd 9:1).an Mr. W “in be en- mlqflllottkthlhi cm platform. if: ‘5: he ‘1’]: actuality '19}: _fo_r lic- Kinl'cy. hut w! I!“ Him" to r- “: moronic ”Earle. .~ I” ‘ otemheI-Inlly leg-blunt. Judge ungenecker. of Chic-go. de- partment commander n! the Illinois 0. A. 3.; while on his wny to Xenon». took n In": vote on the train. which resulted: McKinley, 109; Brynn, 9; noncommflul, 17. Judge Innueneeker say: he finds the nine overwhelming unfli‘nnt for chlnloy end good times wherever he goes and there it no Mb! n to the glofloul victory for; the fl‘pilbfleen My this 11".} Is not to b: though! of. or we Inn-0. continue to do exactly what we are do- ing. That In to say. we mm! first unp- pres- Agninnldo‘n rebfllion‘ and then mum-in "n suble form of govern- monf under American control.” V The plain common acme of the sinn- Hon is just um: Elmer wr must abun- don (he Philippine: Ibsolulely. 'wIIlch The hm damn oi M. Rrynn’n de- dwflon onMradkt each other. If '2 an to "lmnre I «IN: form of gov. ornmpnt" in (M Philippinel. we mm! keep troops there to wake! the “form a! govomment“ from man-throw by for- eign poweru or by domestic revolution. I! we keep troop: there m prevent Agulnnklo‘s or an! other native chief- nin'a “form of government" from over: throw by foreign powers or by rival chlohnlns, Hun we do not grim “cou- ple's indppondenee.” flow um we gnu! then; “complete Indopcndc-ner' â€" which. H H menu nnything n m. mum Ibuolute Mo- rlom from any tutu-{create whltonr on our put, while “innurlng to them I stable form of government." We eon-bl; nre In pol-ruin 0! lb! Philipptnos. , WM! “all we do with (Mm? Mr. Bryan up nm M be be clue-I'd prnidenl. he Irlll all 0 special union of emigre-o m detornlne what no dull do with ”sun "Id "In! bl! will recommend 00 congress n.» policy of gruflng '0 "ma “complete Indopond» enu." while I! ”he ulna "rue we I. 3 nation are (0 “lmmn- in than a It.- blo form of govrrnmom." 0-00! lull-l."- Al-I-Iuntlu ll ltd In (I. ’tul. “A nation I- not ‘ new territory; I nation In I mot-l pen-malty. Th0 Mutant ldnl of I hallo. lo whim It pour: Noel! out» In Hu- u-rvlce of ID. world.” “(Jud help I man who h.- nm I higher conception of potnoII-n than hatred of another Milan. Why Ibould I. hun- England now? At IN. mo- IIIOII- our mlnhler to China. Mr. COI- pr. Ma (lazily and bundrrda of Ameh‘ lean thinn- In mixing not"; "on the Inflow (‘Mnon Bolt-nun the Rt"- l-h lqmoo under the Brllhh an; n hung." “The democrua urged on Io go ‘0 w", but we law the commuterâ€"In advannulhr "an." pleura. Ihe broken-hurl“! mothm. the cotton" (Int mun com to unno- bomn. But the war I. nearly our. Then only rs min. I III." nmnlnt of Insurgent. on the Inland of Lunch and II Medicine [.odp. Knn. (Jerry Simpson'u hound." “Four your» ago Bryan said price. were loo low. The republican: Igrecd with him and have rain-d them up." “Four year- ngo Brynn cried {m I"- ver at 10 to I wlthout the cannon! of anyone. Now It In absolute Innin- on that. Iuhject by unanimous con-rm." “The democrat: elected Clevoldnd and proceeded to 1m our bunhna Very soon they gave flu- workiugman unlim- hcd leisure." “Once in every {our years: we have one great duty to perform. and the democrats "slut in making our duty easy by never taking up Un- mme quenâ€" tlun mon- than once." “007d blew ‘her American soldier wherever he in camped (ti-night." “The American soldier is the Amer- ican mhoolboy with a gunâ€"not hnllns dangerous as a boy major with an un- nbridged dictionary." “My sympathies are with the Ameri- can boys. in blue who are fighting for the flag. and not with those who are Ihooting than down.” “I amvsorry for the Filipinos. [wish they had better counsel at home and betrter ndvlwrs in America." "This In the first year you ever heard the democrats have a good word for Abraham Lincoln. They are to be con- gra'tulnbed that at the end of this glo- rious century they have caught up with the middle of It." The debate recently held at the thhln Springs ,laemhly. near Shelbyville. be- tween Congressman Dolliver. at Iowa. Ind Jerr) Simpson. the sockless demo- populist of Kansas. will not be forgot- ten in many a dis). Simpson “illpever forget the trouncing he got. her will the people forget the wonderlul elo- quence. sarcasm and irony of Dolliwr. who is- elmply a marvelous speaker Simpson. was no match for the brillinnt Iowan. who hewed to the line nnd left Jerry's hide nailed to n tree. shut full of holes. Here are some a! the bright thing's Dolliver mid: "I'm glad that I belong to a party that has never hm]. dlrectly or indirect 1y, any trouble wlth the United States army or the flag." locum 10m Ilpm- la Seven], Igor-had by It. lulu-n low-n. “.10 um”: bomm I '""' nu- “ um OAICIIIOQ. ‘.'llr In... 1 "can me. will make u mm- I and capable u would I. whatnot. The". Hm ought (nub. no Inch thin an". :- “9.16233“?ng Ilia-42:; ”mum MID and. r and» um: han- ur no agulnnn“ to the urine at our Inm- euunl cm 1- m mo’fifl“ no a. hypo-Inpu- "Wm I a Genoc'ht 1'0“)qu cemmw vote for Ir. Michal". 1nd tn no dom- would and pleasure 3nd take e In tho thought that m of coral Isaâ€"om of ,t 4.» religion- h when trlotlnn And hone- an louflen don In: rec- lud to Well qualified for no high and hogttlble I mun. " it u I am not a democnt. and u 1 bone" that In the present arm: It II “II not to sup hon“. I cannot nu my Ju- uhm Influence no In any other way ”an to lead me to out my ballot for Judge rates with ldllllf‘ the charmer 1nd ability of I. men "much u an! an ‘ lo Pollllell qulnn. "the ram (hut I nu I Jew and In. M- lelmlet In of Jewl-h parentage cannot In- fluencg my action. 1 do not vote on a Jew, but an .n Americtn clutch. WM! would we my I! lethodI-u would upped to their oomnxlonlsu to suppon I lothodht be- cause he a a memb‘or 0! their church? II we n2 to foolish u to vote for l Jew Im- ply became he II I Jew we mun be pre- pared to have amor- vote cums! Jewish candidates bounce they In Jown Jn- dium teach" loyalty to no! es. "Wm I : democrat thou cemmly "Bul the governor's In a pomlcnl «Met. Be my nude! comlu contingencie- in" the mm to nominate a senator. He mm mum find the amnunlty to Influence n.- nonnl legislation on finance Ind foreign policy :nd the like. Therefore. In my choice for governor. l amt weigh Ibo political pflnclpies. I cumot {In my vote to a gel- uemnn. however huh M- enu-cur. who mud: for mum-n inlet: ldeen Hillel“! 'ronl. -, _,....,,- _7‘7_7 "But no. to your second query. I have the niche“ uten- lor In. Mach-let.- I never have Ind the honor at meeting Mm. but all that kno' him are unanimous In Inâ€" tflflnc to M- nobility of character Ind MI aullty. Were Mn 1 men Matti-truth: o!- flce l ”mum "minty weigh then mum muons. Hh opponent I: o! eqnnl eminence and fltnesi, howevn‘ In the mm at either the mum of the flue wm be late. and now hold- the Aldo-l "spun-IMO for doll-3 Mn duly. lul Imly node the I.- Ianl- (M pvopony o! ll- Unlud mun. 7h waldo“ Md nod" IMI lml no chalet bill In «Home mom to the {own of Ibo Unll'd Hula. 1 com! Inn-I I port! which In no lfllkm for flu rl‘lul- ol the mummy" and Irlnplu men norm Mn under fool la our own land In IM touch. The con-rm o: no governed I- no- pnnlly not Noland when "to mod on Maroon. 1 coonol confide In no pro-â€" Inn of I only that would dlohmor nu tom: ol our land and build upon I found-- ‘tlon of munch! lmnlly. 'l'lo “Oil and In.” Poll-y. ‘ "Had I the ammo. I shook! wllmlfly abandon the Islands. but II "III mom would amount In pore nellhlmm and (on. Ignoring of nopolulbllmeo whlrll we hon "and or which luv- covno to no In the mm o! 5 war [or whlch mach-loved more loudly "um the den-octane pom. I would probably lu- llouo In my decision to run away. The democmlc plans"- do" not pronoun lo uh.- lho only loflcol step. namely. pure and simple abandonment; I! would lmpooo noon on I duly without the compondlnc Ham. "Wu Humid have to be ready to 611' the I'm In bet." or the Phlllpvluo poo- p“ wflhoul (he HUM"! "(It In dim! [ho-Ir all-Ir- In n way visual will Ive“ lmbh um. other nauonu. luv only on. of Ito annual"... H to tan no Imu- Im In mo manna»... than II I: not our nflnlr In m to It "a! a mob (autumn: be Gil-HUM In", and Il I: no! mu bun. “- Io prone! mm or to Mn any 0! Incl! tumult“... It '- Mw any bun-Juno than. "can [at our own at. It In menu-l that not author“: III" not bu In- lhan 00' mummy. l'nlcn I. ma loll-Icy. 'I‘ot "mu "mu I I'm will Ion-lot flour. 1 let to Inn! Iclflnl'y and II- lm I you” at l! Duly lam In I Ily to '1" IM dMlnl Inland- IM but and haul mum-DIM pan-1M1, l nnnot In»! I uni that an bot-n mum-luau! In Im- lngllu woman: of II- qmly In Inc-gum .. i ' or enforced by any president or law in thla ‘ “I cannot make up my mind. because acme details of my party's policy tail 0! my ap- proval. to confide the direction or the na- tion'a nifaire to a party when tundamental principiea on almost every question are diametrically opposed to what I deem ea- aentiai {or the continued pronperlty at our :ountry. The cry of militarism cannot frighten me; the day will never dawn when conscription will be thought at or proposed republic. i do not like the position in which we find ourselves with reterence to the Philippine islands. A [Di-honorable Cour-e. "But calm ntudy ol the matter has con- firmed my first impression that there was no helping of the ditflcuitlea unless we had resell/u] (mm the very outset to leave the Philippines to their own late. To do thin would have been dishonorable. it would have umountcd to shirklns a responsibility tor a situation which we helped to create. It would have exposed every white resident of the island to such treatment as Is now accorded the torelgners in China by the party or Chinese independence, the Boxers. Nor would our abandonment oi the leianda have led to their independence or to the greater hnppinean o! the people. Some tor- eisn power or other would speedily have called up the bay. it under no other pretext than that clvilintion demanded the ceaaaâ€" tlon o! bloodshed. which undoubtedly would have ensued immediately upon the depart- ure 0! our iroopa. The democratic plat- torn: doe: not declare that we have no dutiel in the iaianda. it auumea that we are reunonaibie to the world (or the «tab- llahtnent ot a stable government there. and alao tor the continuance ot the Independ- ence of that lovemtnent from ioreian a3- ;reaulon and interference. Pol-ta Owl the I'll-I llatlke. "i could understand that we mluht do. dare ouuelvea for immediate abandonment oi the inlanda without turther care [or their government or future late. But the Ichenie at our opponents amoufl’a to Mdlina upon uaa reaponalblllty without rorreapomlin‘ authority and without the pouibility oi protecting ourselves aualnnt the toiliea or wickedneaa ot the Philippine people. With- out the comm oi the powera we cannot el- labibth a protectorate. it we do eatahltah one without the com-rut o! the other pow- en. wa- moat be prepared to have our claim disputed and our dealrea ignored. Thi- will lead to interminable dithrultiea. it will (am on to be prepared to Io to war at any moment with any power. Thia wlii opea the door to the very militariatn which our opoomnia no iuatiiv now decry. Rev. Dr. Emil (l. Hirsch, the noted Chicago Jewish lender and preacher. in a letter to a friend. who wrote to him asking his opinion on \seversl‘ politics! questions. declares himself in favor of McKinley for president of the United States and of Yates for governor of Illinois. Dr. Hirsch says he will vote for McKinley and for Yates because he thinks their election would best subserve the interests at the country. His letter was wrltten to I. illumenlhal. No. H. Traders' building. Chicago: fl. land Jew“. Loader 0! chic-u Eur-cub lldonu lap-buo- .- Ticket. 1 Indiuupolin. Incl, Nov IO, ‘99. Pep- Iin Syrup 00.139" Sin: ~We Inn hm knowing Muss (m- llva years and are non:- without Dr. (deefl‘nfiy mp Pop-Sn W. flu] nothing to oqmi it tor Mammal tron- b unduly chfildnn uh- h. :- wall a. y. Omynfgbtmmtly my wifo an ‘1 “It-Moonl- hwy,“ Kmmom.) cult. (our mm .lfl 4 year- 0M) Mod for In», no. "at manna told hon uh. mink I”: It am} than ab mid' “of t e t 9001171! income bhkqmflochmupod actual-Nor mr ”my“, man-I _" “‘3. I. 1‘. He writes: " Electric Bitun has card In. Brewer“ 'arrofnla, which Ind and In: gnu «flaring for you". Tor- rihle own would heck out on hot bead Ind ha. and tho but doctor! could (in no help; but now Im- Multh in excellent," Electric Bitten in CM but Mall parifiu known In the mpnme remedy for ec-; not, mm, all rheum. ulcer», htvilo Ind‘ running auras. I: cumulu- livor, kid- mo and launch, npok puma, help-«(ll- gnflon, buildn up “I. firength, Only me. Sold by Hugh .1. Simona». «Iranian. Continued. WANTED TO "LICK THE SPOON." Cona- (m Dr. D. B. Ccrgfle, of Wuhits, 'n:. w. A. "in... or 31mm: Ion. writing“ his ulna» mint-loo. may. from Ila-“I. In” : " Expo." nun necks ind-ad lath-a lung trouble, 1ka ended in Call-pin. l Incl M qlflll mugs. and coughed uigh‘ and day. All Quinton-dd l hat-no- din. Then I he's! a on Dr. King'u New [inter]. “m. uh", cured m Hunâ€"i and. tanned u o. u. "hie.“ .u‘ u, it never an. In car. mug can Ind Luna troubles.” Regular tin, we and fl. Trig! Mule. fm .3 Bash film'- H w- I." for Chauhulnio‘c Dough Ila-oily win (Iv-“Ma In. it in that O'I fume: in W to any “in. "I have laid Cinnhnhh'l (fungi My hr the pm! In your: wilt «I'M. uni. M10- lo .1." sad. nun-en," nyu Dual“ 1. Goldsmith. Von Eu". N. Y. “I have Il'l’l Ind it In my on fail]. but hr unlit-t] mil. nod cold: nod for the cough “Howl-u In vim, sud Ind ll vuy smack-I." hr uh hy Bu!- 6 8k m. «iv-“Mo. I “A. no “no I lulu-l ho- . nun ard- oflb nth," up (harp 5: Guy. duo! d It. Uriah, Wnnhlngtu, V. "A!- a: all“ ant-I wall Mac-dad Indh d.- with. nan. 1 Mod L‘s-hw- IAII'. I‘M- Bdn. sad .- plan-d Co say thoaMde-m-m-lhp-Iu I... «I n mph“ cm. and“, [allow-d." Sold by Bath 5 86-0-00. drum-u. all. 1‘0“", 80,7de Halt lib-mu, an. Bosh-o'- Amla thin will flow, Ito M by on“. 3“ 8M- Kmpuoan. Aha Cob. Bubs. Bun. Mk. Pub... lilo-n. find «at tot-I o! “In. (July 2:: min | hot. Can noun-Ind. sold by Buck Ill-cum, «Ir-uku- u on.» man 3]....“me plppln, 12-- Dunning it. Hath», is a typo of 00m“- pfion. The pow" 0! thin mind, in tell. on up”, Iona. Ila-clo- and NIil. But Dr. King’s Now Lil. Pill: no u .{o and out“. euro. lien in tho wotld to: Mon- uh. Hut, Kuhn,- and Bow-h. Only ‘25 can“. a: But film'- lm; 8mm. for the insane asylum uvul themselves {tom the awn-sch trouble-I. flu! drive {olh crazy by tiling Dr. anlwoll‘a Syrup Pepâ€" lln. It In gnlmnmd town every form of Stomach Nubia. Sold by Ball: a: Si- woman's. LIL. K. JOHNNIE Du not lune you! hand Talk puliliu but don‘t. get mud. 'l‘ln-u .4qu Bush 3k Simouwu'a Drug Store And get 3 trial hot- tle of Dr. Culdwell'. Syrup I’opniu. CONTRACTOR, CARPENTER AN D BUILDER. Furniture and Household Goods Handled with care, Years of experience in our busi- ness enables us to guaran~ tee perfect satisfactior A LIFE AND DEATH FIGHT. A (m9 COUCH IIDICINI. (,‘oulravta taken for all classes of . bull-Hm: o-onmruruou. CAREFULNESS ”RAIN!” ANKLE CURID. J . W. M ORFORD. A HONS‘I'ER DEVIL FISH. A WEALTH 0P BHUTY GLORIOUS NEWS Expressing and I General Moving. IOHBING WORK DONE. DON'T SLING MUD. TWO CANDIDATES OUR "OTTO. final: @Fa and hit-val. later: In mum-vial "Hie lam “mwlnmmmunlunhm mmmmwm ' Putnam: Klan-enemy“ mull rad dun-[thlmmg political «Iv-Ith- HI 13130!!! Ila-new column never mfielflu‘e» n. mnma fol-Wing!!!“ Widen pl m.n¢urnpaflarbflnuolmy mumprlnno'm ummmmufoksmum‘ mummmmmmnm WillinpflnI-hn um non col-mm Mummmmlfmtnm no "cu-um 0. 11-13 mm! tumour tum «II! 0- “! Inn me than you Mulbundmauwmmeol- n In MN opinion- mad I: tank-n In "MEN-v but Is In nu.)- fair to In hum-paw for bright 3M Moll-I'm! peo- ple. lug-Me npmmrmm'lothlnk. knot-cumin! com may Mm- nmlull "damn plan bola m but nnmtlnmuumum word. Chicago Tribune Downers Grove, fimmyw It. hy‘, «an. “ANITE A SPECIALTY TONSORIRL PRRLORS, Evans Bulldlng, Chas. H. Kayler. CHAS- 'WERT. Patent take?) out through us receive special koh'u, without. charge, in Tn: PATENT Bloom,“ Illustrawd and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send [or sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOF_ J. _E‘V_AIS I. 00., Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the t- abllity of same. “How to Obtain a Patent” sent upon request. alente secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. ' sgwawwwwwmwwmwmwu i! BOUGH'l, SOLD AND EXC‘HANGED. CULLnCTIONS fl AND LEGAL BUSINESS TRANSACTED. :cchco HOTEL in Connection, ”23:33.“; 32?. iiiufiltfifikmymamailalilwi 5A1). G. GRAHAM Inna VIIuca-I I5 “00W 'l‘w-I ..... I< Nll "kin-L H V!“ Putt... .V I5 luau uni ........ Is Nan" final-m...“ {all can»... . In Inna than... I5 Ila-6W "In” .vl.‘ LI": and "at“ .M MI". anoly M “and W‘alnmuo rm: I'mp "mu In"... Mum“ I'm Pk . I: Hun-l l‘wl Nun! Von. Haul". Ma. . H .. “or! Tut's. ...... H l‘ovi Chip! ....... u III-15h“ Dun-n ,. H . Null Mahmud“. K Putt III-Mn. H 0‘ ad Nafia'm ....t< D'rw Ku- ....... ..ll [also ‘l‘umt. ls Nunâ€"w “1....“ up round. at Ideal. hm Ladln' and roam-ur- - Tun-I um.“ um. um .uld cuu Waco: and “but Can-born. Palm! Honk-t. Hull-I Capri" ‘nl Blhflmmllotl'm: mnsuummumu finkafigmfinfixnfldimflfififiifl Exchange Office. WHEN IN CHICAGO Yflll MUST EAT, AND T". HIST PLACI I. 7“. ....................... Burcky Milan‘.’ Work Satisfactory. lublo Worn Proprietot of The Fire {a Life Insurance mu iii-EM VIN Putin. . ‘ luau M1,... Haul! mull” \‘ralL'llloI.. . ”7-110! CW. RENTING AGENCY Real Estate mm Samumn'n CON VEYANCING NOTARY PUBLIC POLICE MAGISTRATE (Patent Attorneys.) IS IS l5 "Inn-int Dun-- NJ” Pu! “mud I'm... "mu Imm- "uni! I'm! "an! \‘eM- .. Haul". Ma. . uni Tn"... Dr.unlbflalmmg_ H e‘art Cure my... ... "mm: WWW m .. flmik mflmmmumuM“w noon-I PILL. own that I... I.- Iomnou. Indication. mam lacy u into. 0.01 to man. I... hold did ' ohm fintbczt’loben «moniker. ..*.:.m-~:.-:“..-: “my: Fafiwfm In“ In. I ‘estaurant ARANTEED l DR. MILR' WASHIIC'I'OI, D. O. I! I5 I!

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