Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 15 May 1909, p. 6

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“when “I“ If MGM. clan. t). child '1 may Nun-It on m win- But (be vim vu mu 2h. and um. In. “I. “If I a“ Y; j: fill 5§95' 1 ’ Why Uncle Sam 8 New Navy 18 Obliged to Grow Slowly. I.“ I“. 'l." (nun u u nun-d tn- lau lu-u uou- u m Ind. In! the hammo- num- In. Ion tau-Id M no... of “my "on "to“. “I!“ M mum. "on no Ian I“ h. mun Du M h u w d “pk 4'}... $3133.10! 3% I! 3 >332 2:. r: In, I... I ll :33 3.: r... n! 4' III 33...: 3...! .vu I... a. ‘u-lofit run this... .8.- vuu tn. mm. M In":- Ioolon. the Ovn‘rold - ot L V. locum. a cue-p mt It'd-l Munch". Ill lllhd by ”It. 41-: n ma mm- o! o "I 0’ MEAN. am n.- h min a. a... mu m ml mm at an m navy of m WM Mll- Inn do. In nu II! It") hob. Int do“ that you then III has tum-Inc «may In an .901!qu o! (In mm cantata-nu. u {or Ibo In! (Io yuntlho awhile.- hr the ”human 0! 1h- -" “V. has amm In. no Mura- WI-M I. (h sumo. din nu It In loan} law-INC. In nun. In pub“: continent. to at the :9 MW- homlh “M13”. :0: (Ila u marl u an W curled m M "In [Mind]. harbor. and. "In I bolt from the blue. lhn Unltod Stun found lmlt lunvd to no to war. The munlry In not pro- pand. the any was on the mullet! kind a! a when foot- lng. Ind although an nation In to mature lit-nah I'm: a mouth-ad power, there I'll mullermuon everywhere. '1'th had In mm on (inure-I. While the regular nvpto- prlulou NM [or the an curled macaw. than in cad-d a lump Iu- ol W “for Milo-u! Menu" and u: mutton-l the numeral Improvement of In fleets and um amount 0! 34mm 1‘ and lb. punk-o u! now ~Il than" they could be found. In all. the W for th nu of an In! with Eula ”unnamed I» (ha nor-sou cum 0! "MIME. Thu-o mm mam "tryout. our. lb. but). a! atoll-(n bod bun mum and ll» Inc "can or lb. Illllhb u- m" and bean "out "my. Not much u- .14. Motor. for the "mum of bony and Inna-o- Im not Inch .- lo ndmll of «am 0! Ibo mallow flu! Ind undo thu- po-lblc. hon rm «kl 9! mm. In! In tho follow!“ mummnnm $021? M1- :MM m fl mm: WWW mun. ”“29”. ”ms-s mp mm: Jig-mm l mam MW [Nu-l W 04.0 HEN (bunn- adjourned It the clot. er! the am unit at in annex-emu non-Ion it w" nil-fled with it: appropria- tion: for m. naval nublilhmon! of the Uniled ill-tel. Then were not may Ibipl. it in true. but there were enough. in [M opinion or Sen-ton and neuronal-rivet. A iotnl of approxlm-le'u- thirty-one and I quarter miliiom or doll-r- wu tuna! over to tho Navy Input-«men! wiib which to maintain its Ibipo Ind yard- Iud con-inlet new vessels. And everyone "an apparently content. This win In "ET. The following year we Maine nu blown up in Human It 00 other way mm.“ mm: blufâ€"Wua. m 1.... lumdm. mmnum. nounndofpodm "W. In". lflnud any. of win! In ummnmgmd mun-om “In. tpmltlndthcnlndmt 'mmhmumnmmur mmhyfudlomflnhy‘l myudouyum" lit-natal mm. “1‘: wwwmm an m m. damn them.” “Wa the ban Ind cantaloupe. grown uncanny for u- II n Pam” nah mm. They come with um um Thn' an the melon. nu In consuming-mince.“ m- eflmthommhfmnhflm an the In burn tho me. The ex» flatmmlatmrotnlchn cum this fly. but only this can- Iy 0W wag (My Mn turnin- mnynooonhaa. hummer: h ale a "and mm A! data- chmtkhudumflvbohen- OM (an vb“ he not. a then. M Mum. l m m out front when! that reached Nov York. Th: m My. Thou In the limit of the weak I ”and I an" china" of when, mm and ham plum- me curve In from South AMem Mil-afoulandth-yvnld mum-mum en's chum-mitosis Ky" "Hndommlomthom dwnmr’mmfl. "ohthWy-m the dam and that QM! .1th («tantalum-Munch may: "(human-Mm mud loath. um m for they in col-mun rub-r tan." rad" MO PM"... ll. ‘00- lno (‘0‘. o. .0000 "M "l run our to "to arm an! an n "a ta In In (one! 0n. n. In! the-don Minn-mum '30. to mm‘ It the I'd-MW nice. munch-y Ho's-MM" In mad the films h] “on II on or m um um! encum- tho ”vim mo «3 "to WI." .04 I. H. To“ to 3 New Yon "on” In. gamma-cum w(III M III curb-sly Mood I. m and.“ it... u Halon“ u M‘ mm by lam-urn“ mu. on my“. In in «a rich mu hon III. ml. Emilio run an I). ht! to tho M. flInNn mum on dict m a! nu My. giving It. nil- unl pull-r of"! an “In M 0 punk! M hath-r m J ”8.0.. II II n rum-mu: o! “I an“: ICIM- MOI“. 0' I" lulu" In Inc may amen beau "noun NI. mm. an an; aunt: roll- All 0 full. A. Imu- do-nud In no. «and lot II. run-Du" In I). W at any “on.” o! I). nun-lo only nu. um. nylon-n! b hum-On or can. TI- M“ not. on.“ It. ”In!” and" o! (Nam-"1nd hm nub-nu all“ m lam tro- llutoo m (‘00 on] Alum-I. Tho ton-um of "do What an m I- m Ila-“om Note. an no“ u (to lug- lawman- Iho “I“ win In mum but an n M ”In at Tho om d In Ina-flu a! no mum Ohm annul- ulu nun III». “and". I0". )qu Mac-50m ciarl'zn'mom all“ lot the but" to: nut-cur Dom 00 N mi". indééi; upmqngnm OF 2’ arm Tho nun him mu the hell I! uWy atrial away would unnat- mm from (no Ind: o! the chief of In on award nd mun hounrlnmflltlnway; nam- nuany. when and to mt. unMMthntooltloboflhm to prov. tb- fullty of ml- particular pow-hr summon M than was flat “Ralph no Rover" of loath-y'- wnllatnown haul who Mn that Inc)- apo hon II m (Ml nae-tn! m; chum am: In wracked upon the‘ MM not. H. non-had himself. with :11 Ml crew, hem- of the ab- une. of in mint note, I the! known to m schoolboy.-Pam'n 'ukly. mummmmInp-mdh firmnuMKudfi-rlm yummym'fltmm dm-mlflm‘ [mt-ally. Mm. 1: laid out tmnmmnmhmdm ”warning-unwante- 601.150 (Not van Mad eoherwhunufiddfimhnm on ma whtuu’lm Ind Mum- lm («mmmmmtuun cc ($.an munmflofld'°fi'"‘w m the cm In. 0' Mn" and!!! m mm in m ”and“ "Myanmbvm'fimnk" mnmdthb'lhu“‘~ a... num- hn. u m In m M no min. and the In! mm: M tun-m. Thuhlr'unfll No. On- nm and tauâ€"Inn! cum: an on W? I30! [I m m: DAY‘I m1. 11w 1mm” of the l'nltcd mun a", l- dno Muir", to the fact (Int til. nation In baa Iotwd Into toils; ". poaltlo- u I I'Md p-mer. Tho Cu with 8]qu tonal upon the Amtra- p-opk III- l'htflnplncl. Guam and Porto Ilka In addition It 'Ol has"! to an our luv-ll. All that ouuylu pone-lon- md W100. and to .80“ protection worthy cl that In- 5 WI an, a mu. Than In "other “alumnae of tho rapid [math of tho any. “a that In found tn the tum-Ina urn-fly he will“. the (’omnl About“ and loath Am MMM Tho United Bum. u pun-lam no Mad" n! th um durtmn. h («o-pond to aunt-In I Ian! tum- out enough tn mflm‘ we". Itwwm that Ibo-Id bran wry. 11m maulry II Ibo mm. at I... Won-m u.- Woumnvyhmclwodl‘ufindm on men There won two or thou laid 6mm In 1m, Ibo Canton)“ and the Want Vlmnh. and “an. Additional In low. the Colorado. Maryland and loan: Duo“. In 1” the am of the My moat-m batt'ublp- were Authorized. Cou- peu. with the lea-on at the Spunk WI! fresh In mind. did not hauls over 10ml. but mmlnhed Ibo not!” wry to bulk! (hm untvlau battle- Ihlpo; the“ "mmnlly were the Indiana. MAI-acumen: lull Oregon. In none the low. In provlded for, In mm the Kenn-m Ind Kemmty. And In In. followlu you tho Nah-Ina, numb: and Win-0mm There wu- I Input of a your. but In I“ (I'm Immu- shim um laid down. the Maine. Ill-gout! Ind Ohio. wall. In «M yen Imvedlm the Georgia. Roman and Virginia wen anthorlud. In dank-u. the naval hm of that nu pmvldod for the mortal "not"! minar- that now are I («lure of (In Auntie-n of 1808. During the last decade um um- (ranted each year by Cousteau to the navy have been ever luau-ml. wlth only two exceptions. tho-e belnl In tn: ’2‘" 1000 Ind 1001. Then exception. to the general rise. however. Vere more than overcome by the bill of 1008. which was the greatest ever pan-ed In the blatury of the country for the use o! the navy. It was not until lBSO [but the first boat 0! lb. new navy wnl autlwrlwd. Thlu was the Decomk'llu battle-Mp Tenn. long since dlmrded u of small Immruucp. Two yarn later the first Armored caller wu provided (or by Congress. and the New York wu the mull. Both of these vessels toot part In the naval mutant on Scull-go In 1808. when Cenen‘l fleet wan destroyed. I/an" at My rm annoy-0m. m.“ aircrew: nut-awe ”mafia- §§b~$ .ha‘unhbafikhs .szsxxC-u: ales-.503 unskthsCGS-u \6 55 x 05'9’1: 35034 :5ch " -â€"- «:7 .o. aurora-«am m mmmfium lapsrarnflmmam too D WHEEL duo v: REPOR r51: witnw.mmn ”was. The M you do um you stand out In M mutant from the mg m..- of ml. '1” are throwing uuy cmr mflm and have not gm and mm mouth to do anything ml whflu. it to me any m mm to I. m In the val-Id. In other word: than 9: Mann: h «during mm". In hklnx I stand and than” morning to the Our” «mtyuknotmtohu mm or In lnmmun; that you are going to I. no Men on .W‘nr future; that you are [Mag to Dmmra ymmf M something out of the 01’1"!)an guy bayou madloemy. lomethln‘ urge ma (rand. Tho m mt”. of My!" u ambition to mat to making in the world. of having g and life-aim. it worth everything. fly! I writer in lactat- Imam Tho mi you «meme- lod it“ you or. dad’ln- ‘nrnut; mu you nun Dailies: that they cannot shake you from your dQ' termination to at an in the M6. armbymoiyourunoorm ymtow-uliluirivoioumln'gyou will not only be an inpiriilg mph mew. mmmM-wbonn throwing any their time will also :4- ain your mad. m it. Ind mm:1 by it. md you wili m- in nblo to pro toe! young" from n thou-mi “my- mcal Ind time-waters, and experi- ence: which would only Dinar you. hflulhtmofhorao-nfi that auntie-.uw than” M- moth-r lei-mung. in n mnmmu-mm no Ion-l-mvo-o-c lam. who: Inner Cort In. Money can't buy everything: The" an no :ulmlsslon tlclmu to o unset; you mldn‘l crude the look to you boy's eyes when he greets you It night for a million dollars of ny‘bofi'l money; and it you keep a well-turmoil ed mlnd you ran go Into It my than you llk- as you would Into A child'- plnygmmd and ammo yourself womb log your nought: play loop-m with each other; â€"me Pm] W. In unea- man: no. I no Mvevflcn 0! Wm. Christ I: sovereign of the will. To will to do I thlng ls “malt lo do IL But u must have a sanctified wm. God helm I man who help- himself. You can become mentally, cull-mum Ind physlcnlly whu you will to bo.-â€" Rev. A. 1‘. Osborn, Mum-fan. m as City. lend tor In“. The mm 0' Mn. My tor molt: lads men lino corrupt pr» ties Amrdforwowormdnnmi :of than: no ‘0! hinder profit. but ‘ Into! mm a mum of soul culture. ‘wRev. 1" Mun! Burr. People's Pul- pit. Milnukee. The flavor- lawn-o lied... To rum mu to Massif. to MI phea in mine. to society and to God‘ m an comprehensive mission 0! mo Son of Mn. Ind it is the supreme IDIO- don of His thatch in the twentieth «Marxâ€"Rev. James B. Ciayton. Ev tin. Washington. and too 000-. N b I» N Inf pm "at I! 'mklu «Ml Money mm». In I" right; In! a shank! ho ml. lo [Mullenâ€"Rot J, Wu“: Hm. flu. Temple, Kev York Clty no run-n.- Mn. Dawn mmxh IN "to 0! «mm. (M I": of kilo-fled find tho I". o! "09‘ can. no power a the (mum mi of the mum [on "In no lulu cl mumâ€"41". 0am A. Gordon. mun-m. Donal lfiflll‘l Donn-y. sun of to. an M 11!. have n Im- a! mum-u ml". The gran m' mot heal the Inn! goal of humanity. m m cut-1m has never been} In." than 3 album on man's hur- . m.â€"Rtv. C, A. Dunn. Clfldlu Idem“. lav-Wm 15. but». rum the fully m the but In! a (I. load In: con- to no "It mmummtmm- "v. m lid In first am In the many Inca-tn! wannaâ€"M. Iota L Emotuahlcht. Nov York “Ma-nu. '00me n u own-nun] Io u.- Ia-l; ad I» out, I” to than mt Magnum h lo be“). not m «a an". new" Oar-ion. mum. Inn-In. In... M»... Win! aunt-«Ion I. n In an. no- elu mm. sud youth-d mkrumt 0! out mum In «IMF-My. John MAI. Lorry. lebufllu. Pro" 049-007 to (In... lanky lo church lbw“ not to co.- unont no. pun luau "in nu “Ila-«M. Arthur 0. Jun Pro. "min. In. Alto-lo. Inn-nan". No not an boll". In Ibo nth-r- bod cl Ont-M MM 1-way. ml". Dr, Wm". Counrvnuoanlbt. Emil”, MI“, I“ ('W. A Imloda- o! tbcolou do.- no! has. I Inc-lodg- e! cumâ€"nu. L Mull. curs-nu. Inuktitut. now.» 3000‘. Confident Ia um '- pron-l4" camuuu advâ€"luv. Edward Yum mu. Pnobnuuu, Saw York. I! you puma In the mm recreation ground {Icing the III! you run rend - ublu Inscribed u lollowl: ”0n lhlu alto wu origin-Hy tho ”Ir-Inl- jun prim. nude {Imouu by me [no Chute. menu; In bl- wall-noun work. 'Lluh Dorm.“ " Jun than thin II the name of I firm at man-nu. Thu prison burn in In. window- It!" rem-In In In tho days when the plus had In mutiny crowd at debtors. Among the... I: I‘m to numbered. In menu can tub-r. whom tho noun-l nu detain-d and" the aunt ot Mr. MIL-urban ’ “Whoever goes lnto Marshals“ z place. taming out. 0! Angel court. [out Hug lo Bermondaey. wm flnd m- (out on the very paving stone. of the ox- tlnct Mauhalsen lull; wlll m In narrow Min! to the right and to the left. very little altered. It at all. ex- cept that the walls were lowered when the place got (no; wlll look upon the rooms In which the debtors llvod. and VIII and among the crowding (hosts a! many miserable years." Tucked away behlud a lot. of bulld- lngn, alter passing through I place called Angel court. (here still remains I portlou of the Mnrnhalaea prlson wall. The paving alone: of the little garden whlch faces thln wall are the actual stone: which at one time formed a portion or the prlaon. In the Introduction to "Little Dorrll" Dick- ens thus describes um spot: Portio- ol l'rlu- Hndc hum b! Bloke-s lay n. m. tn. Among the tow nieces still strongly reminiscent oi one of Dickens’ moot inmous worksâ€"«“Liitie Dorrit"â€"vis Mnnhsisos prison. n portion of which any be seen Just across London bridge on the south side of the Thames. says nn exchange. This plate is oimn sought by American visitors. but it is by no means easy to iind. There are several narrow courts and turning- to negotiate; and, as the inhabitants of the district are of the very roughest eiemsnt. inquiries as to the where- sbouts oi the relics meet with little response. Meet at the denimns o! the district think you man s saloon when r you inquire for the “Marshnisen” and‘ kindly oilsr to show the way, their [00d untrue being only exceeded by their sniicipniion oi favors to come In the (arm of liquid refreshment. “mun" [TILL 1mm "011' um anion m; pants I- unwed to (men! many and II wen ready for use. Me“! etch funny mud m m pol. the work mm done by In an. n In M m most other mu mum Ho M01100. In an m Irina ud Inna Pol In made from a tuberous root M! the size of a largo sweet po- mm It is am baked um arter- wlrd pounded up with water until a smooth paste In Mind. much mumbling a wheat flour puts. ex- cept that the color I: I pale pink M I. Co m Havana": What In“ I! to "I. M 01 the War“. What brew! is to the America or nun-open poi In to the naive Ha- vana“. No meal ls complete Inh- out n. and for m great majority of the native; It tom: the princi- ple amok or am. [old and Iron. 'l'o cure hydmphohla may give I mmpmmd made a! crin- Ietl. and (or denul nmugh. aners In the balls of no cure, The Chinese all" frum us In ul- mung mince rather than comm. 009 ohm they claim cures rhenmt- nan. mother tuberculosis, but they are not Hamilton with the medi- cal mm” of arsenic, mercury. «an in I mortar. The weltâ€"nov- m's mm of states. hogs and flunk Ire not mun, hm my as m mung moat awnmng the W" m m": when may to drop them Into some M501! minute. E No pullout any a» In a hose In PM” vflhom all": down (no wane mlmllws upon Hâ€"mmmntly. m Imam a“ chdnn In their Int m m Mom! I! We door of than ‘dwmm M Me. An "on Cum" one am! mm In herb; and mm- noo nan very particularly (0r lhvlr any ”W, R In not surprising that Meal 0' l pharmarlst hwy la- vov n hernia. The shop a! In herb M In NH flu: flows". roou. seeds. 07 and men branches 0! tree: Ind ‘71”, a well a I vat-(y M plan. on my notice um the II'IQTMI!‘ [mm-u In no: lying “out, at nm M Intended («mm-g. m or you-ding vegeuue pro- 1m. and my Inn be (annual cul- out II Mun-«lun- by paying I M an]. III» I box Ind Ida-"ll “in ohm may mama um, “I. into-l Me. They wore (M van. all "IN-it» ”MIN mm of on yin-0.134 in}. '0 «tank «I I». '0 mm II 'I thank“ ama- IIp-nmlnnn. In n u ammu- ‘ '0 w calm It um m: to»: IMM- m 00 Cllnmn'n I"! m Mt M II IMIM I mm: at ml cm. In mu Iron-C In Irma To town I and (m- um". than II I on» Mn In." M mum: Hu- [lump-n1 A MM! Ins-k In Mum 'on- M Hu- Imhllo on Irv-mm! at 0' It! NM. ed spam I rNM'I In“ M know u from him Clam". 0mm "ally“. Whpn I eMM‘I mm Is to ho curt-4|. I rm! (Inn II can! or" "II abdomenâ€"a (in. of mine nun-i mmnmn mm film. ‘ Tn mmIHM "0va M um: um m rm Mumâ€"(My r" ‘m."«.Â¥p' Yam mm. M01 II .00. Sal» «mount in "mm in tho no new that tho Mu mammal 'I! not large "wall In mm a" 9-9 mm 0. Mn! H II dmhmfl than»! (MI II Hu- an- ln Iur IMn ram!" I turn” number M "mun POI THEIR STAFF OF LIFE. ”vary (‘Muu doctor Mint-My I” III m. than: M col-u!“ and who Huerta Iain M. lawn-nun. This led I! Cum. In now. by In. an" of mounts. and I. vouhlmwd than II t In tumult. .\'nr lho sun "on Io h I. llulu “I“ Ind cou- ulm In rum- '1)!“ n unarm- ‘ vu- o( mam-tad nun. non-i ham [or moon and pom» and sold to In» 5’ ”use. M In Illa A nu at [am ’ ban ".0! "In nun to dvllm- It». Chon- Mung I- u» "um. I. um m In A ulnaâ€"r 0! null ulou‘ mum will m uno- ol dlnn cm i mm; 0.0 plot- on! n um: by now um II I. «Mal In mural-l. who «mm It to In In! to the rum i yam-L m: In. In no on About to to «Mon rm: u. nun-n. a Chlneno'u pulse. to below the ring Inner (pmumbly the third hut) on the right and. I: I1" Indium the slate of an union's magi. the mid- dle 0! tho that and la. um mn- llne. The mule WI”. 1! (on below we flag-«r on the loft hand. :10an In Ila [um and um mull Inmunu. I! m who In M: below we Indwx na- nr on the rum 1mm 4! bu lo do with the Mulder and the town pm of Ibo body I! m: an ILu- loh “do u menu an the Haney- no named, Then. too. this prolesslon ls olteu hereditary. and the son of a popular ohl'slc'lm has llule or nothing to study In the way of mmllcul science. He must learn that the body ls com- mand of five clef-nexus, namelywwa- tor. earth, metnl, wood and fire. In a ume of health [new five elements exist In equal proportions. but should the ballnco be dluurbe‘l. slckneu ls um consequence. A Chlnese doctor must. however. hive n superior know. cage 0! the pulseâ€"tor on that reu- nll only means of fllgnoslnx a can». The uudy of the pulse In all us vuriu. (lon- conlumen two yearn. The nn‘ gm of both hum: enter lulo um‘ Dulu study In m- muuer: To feel a large practice It is general knowledge that the business or n (‘hinese doctor is the very opposite of that wink-h we demand 1mm our physicians. We engage our doctors to cure us. and to make sick patients well, while the Chinese em- ploy their physicians to prevent ul- ness, to watch and see that the mem- bers of each family in which they are engaged do not fall in. Dr. Leon «9 Keyser delivered this winter a most interesting lecture at the met“ cal Hall of Brussels. in which he made clear the status of Chinese doctors ob- tained from his personal study and observations during a journey Le made around the world. Sorcery and super- stition enter into the practice of med- icine in the flowery land or (he .\lid- dle Kingdom As the medical profes- sion ls open to all, and medical science is extremely slmplt‘. it may be con- ceded that no great skill is required Othersâ€"Preqcnuon. Not Cure. WWW-mu fluid Their Ways Differ from § § W in amen-mamas“ Chinese an )1. D. or to build up Doctors 2 r hul “new they I!" to the dub. two "m [ places of on par. two bout-ohm This of par. Iooltnl “manly familiar ”a" } who. ll my Int-d l but reconstruct- than f .4 Ibo- to MOI. on ma amt uh-n “mum" b-nly- my!“ about»; tho ”.qu l mu out o! the am onto mun tbs mm II my "th "have" ”Mm non-Into It, can. I :17. I hut , m» 1: In"; mum to In" I Ill!" 0' a", ‘m. ptm I [on may "nun. wt . “"1"" I ma tutu! tt any "and“ "m Ann!» I mm In. land in rumor- m,“ k «I; It in mutton 1'on In. Do- l"mun-d It! «cotto- tho nun on Eran” Rm In Dancing. When the King and Queen vinlted Berlin Int month an gramme u m ball ghen In their Maiatles' ham or handed a number of dances my 9hr in the «ya when elellm was confldered to be I desirable future at department. 1w- !nct has prompt- «l nu English society of dune tenth- m to urge that the King chm” to!- lo' the ulenlld etmple m In the Kaiser and ammo to Include a re- flu! o! oqne of the smash) court mafmrveflodnlnmepm name at at least one am. hall Janna the calm. Many people one“ to dancing. and they hue Inore than n lime reason when one common the catch a catch ‘ean methods of Ming a partner Munch retail in the may of MI!- mouna today. Courtesyâ€"perhaps antely and frigid. hut none no loss ‘dellglm'l-wwu In amok" manual to tho 9W “caution o! the (neo- M court cance- of olden tuner. There I. no doubt flint n martin! rum men u out mated by the dunes coach- en mid undoubtedly be nlmd II nude Minn-bio by ton! hm.â€" landon My News. i The folding hon! In Its mm for!“ Imus On met this «mum On some intol'. hut «m have: mmh In in 'denm-d ad Me n": an (Mk-nu m and). Tie ordinary lifebont o! to [01le ritually the use as for a Junker o! yous II the put. 'no menu of latching the lifeboat. how. mt, have hen inn-oval. Th old dad! has my truths-h. Inst modern am In ”any Inca "no mo unwed {no cuppa-nus for m. put-m. Releasing genr- 0' “no!“ type- Ire Aim not on no manet.â€"Am«lcln Review of Re vial. The Input "mu have . m portly M "on forty In any mic no I! the mm mmplwmm be m:- n at 2.400 n VIII in um um rm Buy In an" of and hunt- vlll tr mud. The mm. than not men n ml! of oral-an hosts mlrl he amidst). Sal» "immune mu "rum in tho on- M Hu- Imhllo on arr-mun! at no tar! that tho Mu mammal in not large "wall In mm a" 9-9 mm 0. Want it In dmhmfl than»! (MA I: Hu- an- In amâ€" nMn ram!" I turn” number 01 "mun ”nofillu um "an!" m nonn- od um I mm on the lurfm, In! col marl. and any". all Imam-l (My um "MAN I. "A! Mg not Inn. unbaul Mo. n91 inc (in pan. u! "um-4» ”mic-.1 mm of an you" «a rim to emldl't "l and to wonder min" why thou pom um. in“ they were [or and run beam. obtho'u. Now I know. I um. um. not" no- Indny pmorvod‘ [ "They were schnnky built our ll- mout. when“! In thaw. a Very dark green, IMOII Nook In color and 0! about the “me upedno nutty n cm Iron‘ You throw on of (how our. union! 1 rock Ind it might chip the rout but u would hue no «lien on the poor. Thou our! never [0! tlpe; tho; uny- remain- ed of Just that "me known. The" were no Ippln um '0 could not bite into. but thou ban! pear. were proof oven union the tooth 0! our youth. Solution of a Mytury that Bothered the Middle Aged Map in His Yoyth. "When l mu 3 boy." mm the mid- dle used man. "we used to come acrou a pear tree occasionally that hml pear: to hard you couldn't [mo '01:). Maybe you've seen 'em. ! There Is as much etiquette among the Hawunans m eating with the fingers as with modern table tmple meuts, and the gracelul motion by which a. portion 0! not Is twisted up on the fingers and transferred to the mouth would not shock the sens!- billtles of the most refined. An In- vitation to a real luau at which poi. baked pig. fish baked in leaves and cocoanut in various forms were the chlel features of the menu Is an ex- perfieuce which every vlslmr to HI- wal! sincerely covets. ‘ Pol was always eaten tron: wood. ‘en bowls or calnhnhen and Vi. eon- ‘veyed to the mouth by the ham one. two or three being employed In- cordlng to the consistency of the food. which [act establishes a «ionic nation or one. two or three finer poll White poi eaters now usually employ a fork or spoon in lieu of huge", although it is still com_m0n even in the highest families to give native dinner: or "lunus" at which knivoa and forks are taboo and fingers onli used. the until-In. have an!!! m ed the old method. Many of the white midant- ol :5. islands eat pal to almolt um um; oi‘ the untivel, but the mm In In” ly acquired and nil-unset: seldom care {or it. Poi has I high good value, according to Haiti: Culture. and since it formed the priuoim loud oi the old Hawaiian lame per sons credit it with the splendid phyu. cal development of the flue. NOW HE KNOWS.

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