Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 19 Nov 1909, p. 1

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R. F. D. No. 2. In: Gmrndo Nadeunfletr. mu Vlvhn halter. Ill- Haml “on; In Mia WIVES, I. Alice Pfafl. In. Am. Home". m- Purl xnpmm. I. Abbie M. h- m any, 1;- m m. Im- Coco": Won I“. link mm list We Patter Kin Horace Bulky lbs Harm Hillard ll. Ian Barrett I". umg owner m Soplla anon. Mm In": Funr. .‘Mu mm Vix. m»: Mnry Meyer. I". Ruth Fowler mm Dummy McKee m- Amnnrln Ruhr Mm Vlnla Clamp"! mu Ida Shannbruok MM Elizabeth Willis Ill-I Ullie Radte Mrs. Peter Johnmu. um Anna Wlflmlng. um Lot-He Chllvm. Anal Johann In. Herbert mile? no, '0!th mmuon“ Mr! FOR EVERY 7 YEARS' RENEWAL 0!! BACK GUESC‘RII’T'ONS. r0111 THOUSAND EXTRA. MARIN!) A MAI. 0P DIX THOL‘BAND EIGHT HUNDRED Vm. W and have your friends m4. III the minus who are giving the coupons. They are roll-Me undo people. “(I In a Iona-1 ma EVERY 7 YEARS' NEW SI'W KRIFI'IONS. FIVE TIIOI'SAND "TM. MAKING A TOTAL OI" 'IIGIIT THOUSAND FIVE III'S- DRKD YUP”. ml: MMWINU IN A IPH'IAI: mxrs OFFER WNW" WILL "0|." GOOD I’NTII. 7"” mum "0! moans P08 THE FIRST (‘OYXT 0N mm". NOV “1'”, 1‘ho Emu" In [mum-ml non-l mm. chm. um hr a! "worm u. lint-arc lo mint-m. In "Mr run- vnn [or no. “trunnion- nnd "nu III. “or. locum-r cm: unharrlmkm "an! that; till he “ppm-d m I" Mint-nu who till all I! IN! carv- hr Ila!» H sunk-nut. an M" mil I“ to mmmunh mum rum. (In lulu has on Nov. :1» will I» W I. .- ado-u. cuss-m Ann-Mo that that 0! IM piano ud nu! at." will. Rosana". that the "000 It: um it" by [Wu In In NIIMIBC lu- lu. "to hunt lunch" at vote: on film. Nam mu. u u worm who den-d1» 1M Raven". It tIII u no In all“ In mum; at In. Ili- nr 0! III comm. A 1:- of "n m- lulu“ III- lmnl lhll Hu- rm um o! m- Iltuo could «fled their man luv u"- pm». and If haw Inn and H than nun um mum on that. They um. All nun luuld In Don't [om-e! the IOWflliloll, They In that count .- we" I: men-aw mm”. PM the hm number 0! new nub- mum- molnd. :04 from mum“ made by both loll-plum. and Inner. there In no doubt there In common-bl. work being done by the comm-nu and the" (dent Ind (hone who an mulling now no Iovklng “on; (M lehl line. (or u I: cuter to "In ; u-n Ind minute I! early In the same. than I: u Io come (I u the "dark how“ sad In In outrun I" "to abort Every day there are strong mur- ancea thnt the Reporter‘s Prlze Voting Content in growing rapidly and there are likewise strong assurances tint the Interest will continue to increase proportlmtely with each succeeding day until the mm 01 the winner: an unnamed. The citizens hm have slgnlfled thelr wlmngueu to act as judges are Messrs. Judge D. (3. Graham. Marshall Geo, Helen and L. P. Nammore. As announced in last week's issue. the names are now made known of the judges who will count the van in the Reporter's Great Prizé Voting Contest at tlm first count. which will be Friday. Nov. 26th, 1909. at which time the Reporter will award $10.00 in gold to the contestant having the largest number of votes. JUDGES ARE GHOSEN Hill MS! 60"!" 0F BAllflTS GMND 81301512 BONUS OFFER- FIVe Thom-d Exlr- Votes for Every Seven Years New Sublcriplion. VOL. XXVI -â€"N0. 13 I! 1-. D. No‘ 3. l P. D. No.1 GROV S Ahout Mtg-five years ago the Evan- gelical Amlnuon began Its mission- ary nrtivltles In Downers Grove 1nd lmmedlate vicinity Pinnhrm yearx ago the chum-h building. which Is now lot-med an Went. Maple avenue. then llocatrd at Larmn. now Mment. vns [purchased from the Congregational :Clmrrh by Marc": Fisher and Solomon fileru. This church lmlldlnx was lemme“ m l8“. and was; the that rhnrrh edlllre ln Du Page County. In 1562 the lmlldlng was mnved ln Slan- ley‘s corner. Jan. l?: 1364, the society was formally omanlzod and the lol- lnwlng trustees were elected: Martln fisher, Frederick Grill and Phlllo bellman. In 1873 the hulldlng was moved to the lot. on West Maple ave- nue. where R now is located. 3!): yam later the society was reorganlnd 3 and lnrorpornwd an the at. Paul’a Bo- clety of the Enugellcnl Association. Size of handing: Andltoflum. 42x 42 n. with a seating capacity of 223; choir and organ addition. 8130: Sun- day svhool room. 35125 ft, «momma- daung Hf- .aclmlars; class mm. 10:: m; pasmr’a study. 9x10; library. 6!?» Bamnem under 91mm.- building. em, me appropflate cost a! will he 310.000. Building commune of PH 39"“! Chunk: Rev. 1. s. rhnimon; 8. R Hall". C. .lno. mm". 0420. MN! [Monet Common: Mm. .\lr‘ Wollersheim: carpenter. .w Johnson. ; n. M I...» uuon an» «I: an Alli-glam. It". Mort-rt. In" Adduml. nu. nah-«l Ind RM. ‘39-!" Quin I nut-h" M "mutt m-m ('lnlrmm and XMQI'YU"! ant-nah! 'lhmv "runw- Thu lane uurmlnnrv‘ LM Imp-lo {mm Mk (fly (at. "Mom of "My ""an In III. mom TM . lam-Nu: I. :1 mm of "no shah-h rum! in; cm- muot _ TM Mammal mmnmnv In u do mum: to "w york-Ir "um \tr Arvhur flfltlvlman of Snprrilk. "I ' to. Come: M all the Sunday school "(Hahn-e. n. A copy of the Mslm‘y o! the so (My 3: m4 hy the “not 12. The names of the ”mung m miuec - 9, A my; 0! mll M the church at up" at 'he domination. 2. A Ila! o! m Nu m In "on app-"mom of the rim". to". :, The um 01 "no («3‘ mum 0. The name 0! the "time“. i- The mm of tip mnmm a. The unusual an! M Mr. Ann-r midday-n ol Slum"... lll.. donor of "no mmflnl cornerstone 7. A rap: 0' n nlble. hum look. Mumm- and can-mun x. A copy of "no [harm Gm: Re- MEI I. A IM 0! the mm" M n.» man hr?! of "to «My. M the Band“ 3cm. M I!» T. P A. at the unm- AM and of the Jamar Amalia. Counla d ID. bu 'Mrl um "luv-d In "t. mmomm a! In Hm Rumour»! Chunk- The choir 0! lb! Int-My mdond no rory lunulltnl mutual». M!" Hu- unnouuumrm a! nu- mmmn a! llw Inn vim-wt "no mo rammin- Ih- unno- I'll mm by In. W I). fllll‘ "ll h the only (no luminance. but for (h: malvldu-l and ulna [at the may Ha- chatty Ind wrv [curtain noted that nil nucmpl- to In; any on." (oumtnllon In M lullurn. The 1-star (Inn announced an: owing to a noun told «he hIIhop who «untied to uncut. upon m- mule: loud ll lawn-flue to be prmul. Bu whlb thl- In: A keen alum-ointment to I" ‘In numdd mm 91mins. yet the dlnupololmen! nu soon [or- uoutn sad I.” lnlvml o! nll contend 4n the "Mien! addtm «Hun-d In an. W. N. mum. P. Pl, who out-Mod In the Mun-Ian- of thy Int-hop. In N. Adar-w the unit-r bk! nix-«m cur [mm-Iv mum: lhr um um Jenn (‘hrtu The cougrentlon then Joined In xlnglng “How Plan a Foundnuon. \‘e smm of the Lord.“ Aner the nut In 0! : mlplun lesson and prayer the muor read a brie! nuclei: of the history both of the newly and ulna o! the old building. The examines were united by the pastor with a law word: 0! welcome. He also gave expression of the so- rtely’s Appreciation of the mum which the clllnnu o! Downer: 0MP are taking In the edlflce m under ronslrurllon. Although the weather on last Bun- day ntorulug threatened to make the day Inausplclous (or the laying of the cornemtone ol‘ the Flt-at Evangelical Church. yet In due time the showers ceased, the clouds scattemd Ind the sun smiled forth sraclously no that at. the aupolnted hour the services could be held without any Interruption. OWNER STONE WING HINSDALE R. F. D. No. !. Amie Haxmre. For Further Partial-n and Rule! Governing Congest. See Page a. Mhl Hm: Dlerh. luau Martin Steuben. m Ella-bath flown. Min Agnes Dunn Illa. Funnio Whitney Mina Limo Dion‘s. was Lucy Stubborn, Mlu 1m Schumaker. Mia: Mum! McDonald. Mb: Ben-Io Newman. Miss Marla Ahrens (Command on Pan 4.) first than: 8‘ Sumrn C. Puller Mt. Ed. 1"! .lr. Henry Mr. Peter ummqummedm-mmvm "Conm we mm. Undo John was nuts multil- wm yu- m Mm. wood] looted Vitll m I“ “- “Ola In 1 while he would break out In one of the old pmlm tunes he used to snug. And say, It m worth matching to bar sun .1... M mom-r. "A" I had to do was to (end the are. Uncle John he tau-m the ket- tles. and dipped the syrup from one “I remember one night I in out there In the bush with him. sun. It was so all" there long about midnight. that you could hour the little lower; way down under the snow and hawk unfoldfnx chomselvm 1nd reaching up ready to break thrnugh soon as the sun would warm thing: up. "Flrst M'd your the .9 Into the Mg Rot“! and start s Me beneath 1!. When It had boiled am. Iomr thick- ened up 3 Mt, he‘d dip It out Into I. mm smaller kettle and again I'm It was thicker and more syrupy he'd put it In the mules! kettle Ind boll It do'n, When It gut thick and most marry to turn Into sugar he‘d have to turn It night and day. "Beneath and line he won“ pm. a hmket and the: the an has to run he‘d go mm! from tree to "no and pour It Into a couple 0! Mg harlot» that he‘d swing from a sort or yoke over Ms «haulers. 11m up he‘d put In a bl; barrel ale-Md! no my house where he'd rigged a fire‘ pure wllh three Mg ketfla and flat] 0! m human [or the firewood. "In; chm! the mm 0! I'm ‘Mn Ibo hula on (In tub-u cu imam-g to no“ and m MM sorter In! min; I mun. Uncle 10M: Ital to sun out I. M. sugar cm Inc :- ut the .0. would holmdeInmcpluuufinm In” turn pretty clan. that he'd nxmmmnmumm- Maturationbo‘dbonnm In "an side of a mule ml us. the splk, In.“ "WMthgIIN-udbm can an hr! of (to In. 0“- u an. but that was ht! for the cm and so Uncle John took up um: the mm long heron other mm. did. Ha tn than than loving mun): My tree- nnd halal M m than down. vr Run.- mu- 3 an m Mm ya. I doom»; our IN old “tun who" Ihv nu van a ”Hawk It. nu. can: Ill not In an and numb! an an In“. "c an to I". u «do. In’ M mm" a mm m o! In... numb! M a new“ um. into "to In} "on m km the gym, "on hunt-a nur. Bonn pouring oil on the lmhln nun "no "no Munro Inn mu my. I'm can" Mil-g "In an More 00 ions. :- m an“ In. um" at.“ but!" and mu.- when III: as not you know: do“! luv "n he III a human.” "Tho m run run ‘0' nun um )ruu hy l'mk Joh- nna-lay. u mun a ”I 1: mr It“ I... loath- "MM. um. I" lb. "on Mad out M It had no not. We not. (In - Marv. at um randy" "\m ur," million! the 0M null". "mm mm" hub In nun I «My. l'w can on much a: am much of my: n“. (In. .1 W nag-vhf all ‘Wh-l '- A war MY Wall, I nun In ma! Wit" It" you ulna not Io Imo- lhu? A war but II I not. at turd mulch-Ion: up!“ on and I. all than when they mah- mp!» nun!" ’I don't uponâ€"c uy a! you know am: we used to have u up: huh mm 0! lo“. dov- (hm than ou- Nu n-nuo nun-71M thorn ulllu mm- a! will" Ink-I yum-u! than. 1m: nun: wall. “0! mum the brick puma-ll. and the roman! :ldmllu. old the elects-1c light. we all the (launch you hum now am mighty Ito. and pic-nut." mm the old with! u be and. Mn- .«Il «Dillon-MO beam. the Null; In In Um mm: snooty. ‘Mt MN I mm to Ink-I the old way- Io M In in. u‘ the Hun“ I. and to do helm no Hunt- [at no emu." The solution which (or uses has been reckoned among the tiling: im- possible to unite man, is simple; to accomplish it you take the diameter ‘0! the circle or the diamond of the ‘squnre uniâ€"but. no! we will not rob the man whom we delight to recognize an a fellow ritizen. oi the glory of first describing his method in his own way. A forthcoming lump of a world (mucus scientific public-“ion "my eon- min over hi: on “(nature the ion: sought answer to the historic puzzle. until it does our lips are sealed. Neverthcleu. do not [Grout it. the circle in now soured ud ll mil Io rem-In For tear that too great exulutlon among his admiring townsmen will lessen the mu credit which he de~ serves we will whisper ii. sonny. "The treat problem in solvedâ€"our friend and neighbor has succeeded where Archimedes and a host of illustrious autumn tailedâ€"he has squared the circle." WI In addition to carrylnl oll the "In, horticultural” speaking. through one o! ".3 well known clum growing real apple: on a pear tree, our de- lighuul Mule suburb, by th- unlove- meat or another of Its wonky mm~ damn min has a niche m‘th temple 0! time lay ummpliahlng’m impou- alblmy. DOWNERS GROVE. DU PAGE 00" "an: A "Rd Shut. or nan In HI! m" Ind "no W! ”I." mm. mm, or mm» of a Big Dunn" ’ "Chums of common." "blfo for I mcn's nu. “mu. :0- The Lamar Aid Society of the Com negation! Clutch w'm hold 1 hali- day haunt In the church huement on Thursdny. Dec. 9. Various (nay "IL Mes will be on do. bums qulm. runs. wrong mm. «in. There wllI aim be I lam Mme!“ of hommmm bra-d. ales and Men. Pm» tham may be land. from 10 to 4 o'clock. ’nllm.hdoneofmbenml- ‘lnax MIA, evening lint ma Com“ ‘hu had when u m omnlml 3|!- ‘Im years tgo. The degree tam. wild Old the “History work. 6M ”lend!!! work, and pruning to be m o! the but In tho Royal hum will: a Halo more W. Vlrtory Foam-ll wlll Mn an old times night the lot mam; o! the year. her. 21. Ind it It the tilt at llao Orator that every member of the Con-ell will be present to may and show then- apprcmlatlon of [to mom lhn an be- ing made to make Vlctory Connrll one of the heat (mutual orders In the vlnap, Nov, 31th um will be I looting o! no "000k My Lemme." mm low 0! fine Am binding. Chm. In, mm" and In. cook Inn ion on m an Int. but an Inn-pm. Int Invitations to "The Matteo." red- pmfly lay. hm lea manned by In. Inn and In. lander. III- Dryv and In. Bugs town a mild “in; on Tinnhy. Nov. 24th rm ho .- own Ming. R". w All!” will ml I no" on "Coupon” In.” on Ibo PI". 0! lb. mm“ Cut-r1.” A no! nude! mn- h ll pun". “on for um day. at... A mild vale... h queued Io 1mm. Managua-ton Put in I m nous, Tu mm «mum nun-Ind the Ooh um I. I an! aunt. Dam"- aron II. wt" mice, Mail a mo duh- ol the nu had only no twmhflm “I no 0. (l W. (X can the only club of Ila lune-tn mun-ht. an“. of Aum II“ had In! m u on. noun In lam I“ In. lulu. our mu. M I... my bowl-l Mum «I. The I.” 000- mvn by "In Nu {mu-Id by 1“- NM“. In had" a 9190' on "A (bio-u! Dunc." '0 "ma In Nu I“ claim ulnar, club 0- IM duv In. Chandler Null". lid in u out Icon nob, which and noon blow. us: 04 no in M hr u hum All u 60. 8h. an ill lboroulfli Nov. Huh III "Joy-Mo d" u the club. wade almond (“bro-drum. [hero um room- !or In those vlllunu when adult I! In to plm. ‘nplu ol ‘3‘ alum-o. on our (m (ho-o palm of plat-h- In; tho... 8, Y. D. unam- 0" There In many a the passlng mo crowd us which (use. some are small. and they ‘but the “In". It and never once may stretch us 0 . tread a rusty luck to : pair 01‘ lose our dearest (ml gnrment rand. are [If too (and of all of that I. (at. t! we never log show. In ,- lnl thing which bring; troubles we‘d {Mn w And some are 'u one and all. Ir of pinching loss 01 biz. we Us In our bones. pen lone. Fate . l' buckâ€"Ive um! I that's nothing thou. We can Ind our choic- bo told that Ive . but In spite hwy be no a pair or pinch- urk Ind srlm VICTORY man. [0. no. Victory Council. No. m. o! the RM "How dld he file lugar? . Why he just boiled t 9 “II It turned to syrup and than boiled It some mom m1 It was " finch): on the hrs of nature The story the old settler: thought. A: be a question flop _'_' pad the whole have the circle I'm much "am DEII‘M‘I’. Ilnl thing which bring; troubles as we‘d (Mn w ’. ILLINOIS. NOVEMBER 19. 1909 ~llrn. "I mark III mm to 8h- bonn may nor-m um It. mm of Mr W. â€"lAvl Mam attended the (ms! or hls uncle. Intro!) Bro-man. Br.i In! week Want-day. -â€"Look up the bargain. Ind ntrh the For 8110 m; it will be worth your while. â€"â€"-Get 3 home of Liquid Yam (or your furniture; in ho. At Plan'- Inrdwm store. *Mn. 0. 1 Venice! neared mm . mrnlyuc stroke Int Saturdty. â€"Mrl. Cool: In: ten confined to her home the put week with In my; â€"â€"W. D‘ Norma and wife entertained a mush: 1mm Racine Blond” night. 4m: from Canaan were It H. D Wylle's on Gilbert "em over San day; ~Armo-r'l butter!” for a). u L Kiel-‘0. #lln Elma Fletcher I: quite m at {m Iona. -â€"Spochl an In the Ramona Mano roman 1M- wank. -â€"â€"G. r. Grow-bod in m to St. mu on bailout ‘rlne mmncnt of bread Ind an boxes It M. Huh 1 Coin. .F'reah corn meal. graham Mr. rye and wheat flour It ll. Plot: Q Alaâ€"unnuâ€" huhâ€"Cd! 0-0-â€" #fifi_fl .- u-s-Iuâ€"Qh ”flu-~dfi_n-~ an"... w-a-n-ununuâ€" II fl-‘hflâ€"d_h- gun-nadhâ€"a-nl.‘ "o lam In swirl Ms riot-Hm ‘Ms VWQ and un- rhlflm. I! M- ‘lo'n: lore-Mn. o! (TI-lam: Janna. John. William and "an. d What land. «4 In A. sale-hm. d "I'M. and lamb of Namvmq Then are also ”(an din-lemurs: AM on amt-grandchild. Mr. and In Mn paced the" colle- wdflu tanker-r1 ('0 ”In an 'm- Is the am man. by an. In the fanny vlyde. M%¥fi . Mr. “renal-n III a wry pro-pr on: [armor and loan! a um! adult. "0 was A hard "It" and a may a! loam-u “MIA "0 "ml I plain. Map“ "to. Ill morn-(My "mm and W I. all M- {cull-p with Mo Mlov not "a m u and author and In Me. by I" who Ian M... H. II. born I. I‘m!" Gav-My. hunk-Mn. I. an. and an. In Pro-pod. "I. In "M. A‘Imlo lam lo rum. to .V‘l'fl'vulo. mum u: Ibo "daily at In Pun and Vinthnd. ID"! M "rod (It RBI-Ind" 0! III I". OBITUARY. If m. III on o! no a!“ dual- o! no «nanny. hula. Inh- Clan-h. earl-flu. Int-room in M II In and." at Nun. ville. amt-.mumm Tbo tum! unlea- m hold on WM). Nu. no. I! II I I.. It I). Mn hm l. "bulk“. n". Nelda“. at (to no Pu- Pro-by- Jncob Bro-nun. 87.. o! Whack“. M tron m- me on Bud” m In. Not 7. an" an Inac- o! I mm non (ha a mi. though to m but! In!" [or come nun. "a mum that Ibo o“ at his m- in an: And in wry numb nah-ed In M. m. Ma no“ to In; {or nu. m- but hoot: won nut and pom- III. Rev. Lurlor manned the High School. Wednesday months. on the subject. "Wonhy Id“! 0! Lilo." HI: mu In very much uppneluod by bolh stud-nu and luck". Sumrlnwndanl Butler wont to, Chanuulxn yesterday In represent our school In the High School Conlomce. in union there. All unus- at High School work um be «stunned at m- meeting. Mr. C. E. D home In Wisco (Ion next week. Allan Manley. principal of the ngh School, will lpond her Thunglvlnx vacation wlm "lead: at Clummlgn. Ill We are all pleased with the excellent spirit of work manltesled in all the de‘ parlmenu. May the good work com Unue to strengthen from day to dny. Miss Bessie E. Edna". eighth grade teacher, will spend Thanksgiving at her home at Fort Atkinson. Wla. The first reguhr examination will be held next. week‘ The school will be cloned [tom Thursday unll! Monday (or the Thanksgiving nation. Our school was favored recently with a social vlslt from H. A. Hamster, High School visitor from the Univer- sity of Illinois. DEATH 0! Al OLD mun ”00000000000000 School Notes 000000000000000000000 hoomooomooooooooi Prot. Sinker. o! the Eat Bide ngh School. at Naporvllle. lll_.. visited our High School Monday “lemma. Lora] Happml’ng: E. Dost: wlll vial! at his Wisconsin during the van- -.\'n. Jo“ RIM“?! 0! ll mum on her Int-u - HM samba on In! with! ova-III- 849va «M m“ In. Dun-n um. um lull“ to M- In a. [-0 o! 500 with In 0mg- frmdl. thinly ruminat- van land. A “W (at. M I lulu. ml can In. A (tour My n hard-.7 mug and I w on Why "alum 3m- “: a. m Bail-unioalaP‘, 33! cal"..- 1.‘ :3! .3 are i o. 3.... on: In. lot-l! it; gala}; 9.0! :8. it. 3.03. I! to: on {a a?! it 3-9 52.3 on curt! .30... ~In Ian. on.“ the Nation! hm hideout-unendin- pun-u! I... a m In!- W Mn. Id "MI-I '- uo WI who ud In mm Flu-nor no no. tun-1 .I-u 02:1 '3! gull on so an o! 3.308! a I. .10.... 3.1.25: 5 on: .x I. 3.3 .42 0T3. .33. a... is sungl- CIA £2. 9.. .2 o. 3.00 1:3: 95.23 .5! The: In" (m - haunt-l M .umulurnumuuutuu. ~11“ uni-l chm Into" 0! lb. ladle-f Md not”: 0! nu. I’III'I (mun-I u (ho Author“: VIM! alum m In: popular“: by (I. lup- nun-r a! popl- that um.» an (h 00"". ~13. lob! nut-r C“ 0! Oil. cumin-hi.“ Inna-w ".40. N do: 00W“ nu.» In Illn NM 0! 0n“ OM lug. Mlchl. “and bar aha, In. Wllluy. for a law can (lb Int, Mn. Nlrholl I. I [no-lust Im II the Girl-u.- Ochoa cum. ‘ ~Mn Pour [armada-1h. win In. In,“ um... [or was “no, VI: to the Marlin [lo-pm! In Cit um “and” min; -â€"-Auul luau, Ila-u. Doc. 0. a Consul-Mon! Church. to to hold II- at tho anus- at 00 W All Io- ckty. K... (I. “a II nu -â€"Nlnul 0mm. I“ lay-o Nu- dolhaler loo-t Bat-rt: OVGIII‘ and (Sunday uni (Bolt "land. I“. An. Elan-1. II. II. hau- ot In Maul. â€"ln. mum- Vernou of 03km fluted her ulster, In. F. C. [and- culor. on her mum from I "canon trip to Nu m â€"-E. 0. Lemon bu Mum“ from - tau-tum Mp In Wisconsin. Ho ro- porn 3 twolnch In" of now It 00!:- konh Monday nlchl. â€"-We ure advent-In; the Ipnm number of real um burg-Inn thi- week (In: has ever hoan “mulled In the Reporter. - ~Don’t an to see the Purlor Sketch "Fascinations." at we Auditorium. Saturday evening, Nov. 20. Be. mo- 5mm. page 5. ~Pmo New York buckwheat floor. the ammo Had we hove Mild [or 16 years. None “Just a good‘ J. W. Nash. â€"Mra. Emily Hadley of Golelburg, "I" use the guest of Mr. “(I In. J. w. Rogers Frldny and Btturdoy or last week. IVOIIII. was all“ to 8!. ml- Sunday by the dam of her (other. «Mn. by Harrington u: been v10- Mu with Mr. and Mn. Goo! and family for tho put an dun. -.Iln. Law!- In holding hit kinder. marten acron- tha «not on account of the mumps when: the 'Wlu" Lumber-Paint: P. A. will “no in Joplin. 110.. vmlo IL I. Bh- vm has mm to lung. . (OI-Mount) “I”: In! m. '10.“: III-l “a "mu-er Ink. mm: M Cal can". mu: 1“. “ aha. 0.10: N m "4.: M NI than". “I: 1, fl. .vlh’ Ola: mm on my. It“: AIM m mflu 0‘. may. mu: 1. V. In. .1: You-a 0 Allan W. "I: 0. on; run-m 0'1““ m u. mu m n m 1 mm Wall-v u. a I. “:11 mauWrmfi-flhu brawn-filo. An «Manama-tun! umuuzlotmmuauu ordinances and menu-3M maul. I'm-meaty?!” am And Huey om.- nun-or. m; ” emu. mm H. mote. cut; mun-=33 LVN-nuuuzlllufllh w. nan-Jae: 1'. many :9an “aminoâ€"diam!" magnum W o! “II-II m monthofchr'a-uflu dudnlmonm. mundanuumdw anaummmumf mandammum' The regular m M _ 1m. us and on or“ w _' Hadley ' Ron «I! m pram! "I. Handy. mm «am but 3H1 WWII; H VlllABE Downm am “1. Opt.- (cultâ€"lap.“

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