Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 2 Feb 1917, p. 8

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.goidiionewbolu had-expect- tomovo an on the nick ilar to attend to her in Chicago. ' Janna-redo . wedding an- in entertaining '; ‘ , of Omaha. ,. I-fhll'vlow avenue ’ .houhn' tor a tow hag, «Mod a no» we drni of But- hnd ytarntly have’ new Nnulow oi Rockford. Ill. be. hie recent notion- ” Clo-mat the [aha-enumeration- ," ,lmto-tartainingher ’laaeao um, of so..- .~anddauabtor Ruth lorry out londay wth In. Brian'- I. in Ooh Porn. 0. ml“! at- eardpariygivon "l‘rnnt andaavtaag yawning» hoot-hi and mom 'r tionai t‘hareh’oiti more On all stoves cycr $25. 00 bought during January and February we will allow you $5. 00 for your old stove. We connect combination and gas ranges free of charge. We will also give l0% off regular prices on all heaters bought during this time. J. D. GILLESPIE co. Telephone 30 * Day or Night , getting better. lilna Nora Luahor loft Sunday night (or a three woohn‘ vtnlt with relative- and lrtendn in Hannibal and 8t. Louie. tin. lira. lino Andnrnoo han tahen her place at the iroighttoflice. hiartlo White inmlgntod the Hell my home on Carpenter atroot. Wod- oooday morning whore lien Jonoph- lno Padeu ban boon ill with diph- thorta, Hamid Heidolman in viaitiag thin went with rolativon and lrteadn at Prodooia and Noodonhe. Kannaa. tie in taking a weoh'n nation iron: the "Q" aloe. where be in employed. lira. [An l’ulor. e tor-or renldont oi Downorn Grove. who han been very ill with dipththerla at her house in lathengoJerogortodtobolrnom tag a little. lire. hanh noggn oi Princeton. N. J.. gloom of for a low hyg' vigil tho tarot-rt oi the oooh with Ira. unborn. lhnioitTnnadayooo aiag tor Kanivno City. In I no new Ala/oi m (ii-.m- witlt I" l. tioodt. Thor-day ailernoon. A good attendance in any February l. haired. Born to lir. and tier-"find W. Glenna ni Highland avoono. Monday. January ii. a 1% pound dang The little atrangor arrived at the hide honoitai in Chicago. where anoth- or and daughter are doing Ina. Thoyoongooadlr endinfld- _ ward Mina. oi (hunter otroot. clipped on an icy wnlh on hia way to hiadugartoa May and bmhe an ar- Dr. Robb one called and not the , iraetoro. Quite a party at yowng iodine atr mad“ the gala oovioronanco oi Oraod Opera at tho Aodltortont. A“ the My were the linen- ltryoa. Dover nan. tar-on. lwaah. Iobortnoo. Iorto ant Rennig Ire. lei‘hynald. who hen made her ho-oal than C Dntlerhontoow lain ntroet. in very lit at the Ooh l’nrh lit-anal and her Ml are very Inch concerned over her roadt non Stanley Heatington. tho etdeot er- oi K J. liwniiagton. Jr. not with a aoworo accident on antnrday afternoon and to laid no at hotoo with a tree- tnrod aohlo that will have to be in a planter cent for oâ€"vml woo-ha Daridl- linearhaoaeeootedopo attioo in the drafting dooariorowt oi the hiaytag Ian-lecturing (‘o. of Newton. town. Hie llany irlendn d Downore Grove rrwlgratnhto him and wiah him noreewe. . - The Reporter. use now. 31.1: the The Victor R. Horton and W. l'. Clarh tatelllon have taken an apart- ment at out Langley avenue. Chi- me. and would he very glad to non their Downer! Grove Manda at any 61 South Main Street .TheY. P. B. C. oithelflrotCongl'n- gational Sunday School will have a nociai at the church parlor. Thorn- day evening. February 1. All men- born are urged to come and bring their iriendn. lit. and hire. John ll. Lipnoy, oi Ev candida. Calii.. announce the arrival at Sarah Iauige hlpaey. born January 1‘]. to". air. and lira. Lipnoy- were residenta or our town notuo eta your! are and may be remembered by many iornrer iriondn. Two new membern were received intolho Wohoi (good tinneol lodge on Jul Thur-aday evening. January lath. We. the newborn oi the Valet badge. hope that “you" are int-rented and will iota on noon. Any one over the n’o oi litoen adntittnd. ‘l'ho Dowoorn' Grove high echooi banhet boll play their Irat gone in tho ty Champiooehip tourna- Ieatal the N. (‘otleno Inn. at No- porvillo. thin nro noon to t than who winh About twelve lend a “boo” ride to Naporvillo Wndoooday evening. The journey wan quietly made being relieved by ell-cl and neat: lenghtor. After a light teach the return trip one an loyooely Ira. Iiary Ranawdlar, In. beetle ent- l.arnb. lien Eta-a Fletcher and Ian- one line attended the funeral at In. T. it. linen. at Ivan-ton. Wednanday afternoon. Ira oronn won the wtio oi a term paatoy oi the lothodint church hero. lire Dolor-linen and noma- Yo- nard wore in "ma. '1. lent II.- day on a hunt for the otoairn cotton in" ion returned Rundoy night. iot- iowod by a dray on which renewed the "beg‘ horn hin treaty gnkioor rah» hitn liort etayed in Iodota to nowadthownoh withirioodoaodhavo anuher try at 'nwi Through noioo alionp. My Bot- ior. oi laOraoge. wan not pron-oi at lhoK oi? halliafllaotlnlalil’fl- day night when a total tantalhtion oi the oi the harem. lit- daio and where Grown lodgm wan to have been held. no will tnotail the local clean in Ziodt'n hall the lint Wodnahy evening in rehrnary. her-rat Meade oi Ira. ()rrio M or amend hor Thernday afternoon in honor oi tho annivnr-ry oi her Nrth. fire handrail wan played. nit- er which dainty (eirnnh-oota worn anrved. Tho norprtoorn enjoyed the afternoon hugon and no luring wiehod "Iethor Baher.‘ inany lore tinny birthdays. 1‘” 1" A? Y“! 3.5. {ms “is? Tole phone 30 Day or Night Than. H. lnce pmdnetion, tutoring H. 8. Warner and m Itarhey. Will be nhown at the Carlton. Theater on Saturday. January 27th. both attor- noon and evening. with a Triangle Kennedy guaranteeing three hundred inughn in thirty wantonâ€"Adv. l Downorg Grove Lodge No. m. l. 0. 0. it. will hold an open meeting on Jan. 29. obnorving ltn thirtysthird an- niroraary. Dr. C. A. Rubbing. chiei oi examiner-n and tantruetore oi the grand laden. will give an eddrana on the nebioet. ‘Proeent thy Oddioliow- able and tin Value to Bounty." All moo-born and Manila are cordially in- rited. In. John Bryan. oi Woodaido lo- tate. received the and nown oi the death oi her nintor. lira. Pour Init- Iand. who panned away on January I). ml. at her hone in Glendale. Cali- brate. Beniden a hubahd and two near. aho leavne a lather. nether two brother! and a ntatar. lire. linitland will on roan-bored by nanny friendn here an titan haneon Hadley. Tho ioliewlng naleo worn eloeod at tho oIeo oi W. ti. Noam: liar- hort J. Greenwood gold hta not lie- pio nroaoo heron to In. Iary DnVan and Rev. final 1. lilnoa hie reel- dooon on Went Maple avenue to In. net 0. Otto. Ir. Infiwttt build on the My adjoining. Ir. Otto will born in iro- the tar. and Ir. Groan- woed and ialuy will learn in about a month tor Canada. The Irnt inter-at hating party at tho 'I'nn Iota atria hold at loo goalie tiail. ta araaao.'lllholg. U sat-May analog. Joann Ill. The einb noun-n are: lilo-an lirtra Maillot and Grace Ila-non at trying Para; Itnhoi Vlago and Clara loo forth ni logan Ignore. Print loo out at (Maroon Parh. lyrtin Rio-o oi Hollywood. Itnio Noiaoa and Blanche Valiant-e oi Downer. time. ‘- .. weer VIRGINIA in ' A high grade fuel, superior to hard soft- coal on the market. It is free burn: ing. makes an intense, hitting fire; no clink- ers; a very srrtall per cent of ash. It will give . you the most heat for the least money of any cool you can buy right now. ' Place Your Order Now for a Ton EGG SIZE ONLY, .6. 75 DELIVERED. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS BUILDING SUPPLIES, LUMBER, COAL, MILL WORK “enrollm- Portable Gannon, Poultry Bounce, Cottagee, Poultry Equipment, Supplies "Old Boa" Franklin County Coal Intel 0 “ AA ” Portland Cement ompany “VULCAN” Colin Yardenmnoe on East Curries met. on POLICY Prompt Service, Beat Quality. Right Price: tho Shahoapearoan dogma. An an ex- ample oi what Bluebird connidera an evenly good and worthy photoplay. "Behind the Linea" will be prone-ted at the Curtlaa “theater on Thunday. lobruary lot. with Harry Carey and Edith Johneon. Itarc Fenton and a nooro of equally worthy canton act~ ore depicting the novernl mienâ€"Adv. URGES BACKUS FOR MAYOR'S CHAIR. January 2i. ”it. To the Editor oi the Reporter: Dear airâ€"l wiab to uproan uy ap- proval oi your plan to have tho atti- nonanigniiy theirchoieooinrento coupono the board oi eo-tniuioun under the now torn oi village govern Inont which will be Inaugurated thin luring. Your plan In a truly donto erotieonnnadiboooyonrreadorn will avail thoranotran oi the opportu- nity and pave the way tor the elec- tlon or a board at eonnianiooorn coo:- poeod oi enpahto' then. lly ehtni purpono in writing thin letter in to call attention to what I eonaidor at More i-portaaee in the unhono oi the new board. and that in tho oonitlon oi neyor. While we have a number at then in the village who are capable oi lliiag thin pooittoo creditebty. i an oi the opinion that none ocean» the Itnoan or auaiilentiona in on great a degree an dance 1. Benton. new patient at the mien. M Mr. Danton. at tho oonetnotan oi hie ore-at torn. will have aarvod tho vmagniorioeryoargandhnadeoo npiandtd worh in ntralghtonlog out the Inanriai tangle on were in on no- com oi the one at nooehl nan an can't Node. and In roronatroetiag or electric light and water olant h a toning moonitioo giving on a haunt ”lento a paying bout 1 giving an eootionoon ourleo. Daring the tear yearn Ir. Bee hannorrodthoritlagnitinproba. - hehan-ndanntoo-tatahuandno 9 Having abandoned the widely prac- Mood ayato- oi ndrortieing otarn and "big newton” an the ohioi attractive- noon at a notion picture. Bluebird Phetoaiaye have turned their re- aonrcne and their nlerln to noting "The Play the Tim." and than iollll 3.532%“ menu VI ”a": '76.% uctl {$333.35 oi hin note any horodtnpioooodnot! oionr eittnnno. hat theoghtial .an donotioohiorperbetton.andiiho hadnotoradooflotathewonldnni babe-an. [do ad hm that Mr. llaehn woeidnrnatdnrthoorooontthotoonâ€" torthoaenieeoithoviilogoiertho Mternoiionryoareatthohod aniary oi me per year. but. hariu retiredirooanetlvo worth-wind that tho dutlen oi mom will inrnieh W ht. with all the activity ho‘deeirno. in. lr-tyotthooainionthatwa would he eonnorrtng the bent tater entnoitherillagotiwoeooldprevaii upon him to hone-o a enndldate for Full Apple buttefie?35erahte 3" 30c can Monarch IOBCICananFanflySoapm F. GERWIG SON . IOITII SID! mm ID atom Will nmmmmmu semi-day. Jan.“ 27th enema ram- a mom-mm” Tueedny. Jan. 30th M “nary noun-act..- Thuroday. lob. lot ' WWII- “MOM non-non Tfll'. DICK]: THEATRE White; "Cany niche. Kyle; "Blithe Hostile.“ bk; 'fSu-owhro la lad Gap." Wilnoa; "Cap'o Old." Gould; "Green Innate-fl”. Baton; "Wild- lrn.” Gm; "Wall Street Girl.” htt- iott: "Heritage oi the max,” Bower. downwlo. "Day Sonata oi the Shenandoah.” Donn; "Lantern Silver woo.” Pat- tie; "Boy with the U. a Hall." Wheel- er: “Dottih Twila,” Partial; "lexi- ean Twin." Portion; "Boy Bennie 0‘ Loot Trail.“ Bergen: “Boy'n uio oi 'hlarl’l'wnln," Paine; “Llitlnlaldoi NEW BOOKS FOR ' PUBLIC LIHRARY. Through the kindle“ oi the line and “will. Department. oi tho Woâ€"n'o Club the following books have been ahead in the libido li- m: Rural Lilo and attention. Cather- tey; Tho Principl- at Dorian. Batch- oldor; Fonda and Beonnhotd lan- agetaont. Kiane a Cooley; How to Know architecture. Wattle: no Dee- oratioa oi Renown, Wharton a Cod- Inan: Textile; Veal-an I: leOow- an; Hint- on Honohoid ”raining. Narragannoit by.” Cnrtta. SLIPPIRY WALK CAUSES INJURY. Aetberennltolaialloaa'nicy covered sidewall Wedoeoeay. Ira Mary DoVan oi no lupin nrenoo. in laidapatthehonoeihordaoghter. lira. Hugh Wyliie. lira. DeVan toil, air-thing on her arm and lock. nereroly tat-ring the latter and bruising“ her arnt. Dr lehh wan mile-i. and after a thorough amioatlon laid her haehwao lured, but that wither-e aha wall! be up and around again am canicracvum mono or nrfiwm an. The Agricultural mines: ata- . tienoitbe Wyn-mumm- juntianeodthroonowetrcahawhieb ehonldbo «new to tram mimhvatharo 190 "cum It m oaihn Inga”; hm SHIN" In"? l'alt l-Ina oi Canned econ

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