Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 3 Jan 1919, p. 4

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We have entered into another New Year and one of he most momentous since the beginning of time. Great Mom are up before the peoples of the \\ hole civilized Mid for settlement, questions that, we fear. IIInnIIt he “fled by a mere anyâ€"so. but that will have to gIIIIlunlly p worked out. i First and foremost, there is the big peIIeI talk that n the place in France this month. When the repre- ”we of the greatest nations in the onlIl gotheI ”and the peace table, will they so IIIIIInge international Intro no tilt dreadful war, with all that it IIIeIInII, be m banished from the earth? Let us ft'l'Vt‘lltiy hope so. Then there is the eternal qumtion, the one that is al- ly: with out the fight between capital and labor. The lormoun war wages that lmvo been paid the laborer the medianlc, the clerk and the Killt‘filllllll. will they and? Then the hi h-I‘Imt,~IIf-liviII that ban in II been a direct of «hoot o! the Iigh wages, will be ijueted satisfactorily? Our millions of soldiers and sailors, those who had real part in settling the war and those who never mg. I! the trtining stage. They v ill nll he lll‘it' mod. it is o Limitation In UK. year to (one “ill tlII‘v be RI :IleII 'i‘Ili back into civil life? Will suitable mitions be for them? Places that om o us good as the ones they It when they entered the might) IIIIIfliIt? How about Downers (Prov-.I " During the year just It this little Village has done “ nnIlI [‘5 in mm omk "I -‘r miter money. her time has all lIII-n pIIIIreIl “ithout I it! into the war chest of the United Ft :Ites. lloum and In of time have been on by hrI IIuiIlents fIII onIII I various kinds without hope or expectation of remuner-' Now that Victory has perched atop our banners‘ war work with the exception of the “clean up" is a : I. of the past. what are we going to do In the nature I public work? i Here is In suggestion. A large club room containing n I! mm the war chest of the l’mtr'tl Hates. Hours and The mm a. me “in": an hour out, In of time have been iven by her residents for work “1"" 'r' “Fr" art-m: as rv'wrws m- nrioua kinds without pe or expectation of remuner- “W“ '° W ”‘“ P" "M" “W" "' Ind in happy looking: lmmh in fimrnl. P..No' out vmry has [Perched atop our harqers The war wax finishul for them. They we? work with the exception of the clean up is :1 WW w" My", m. .00.", ,0 h". I. of the past. what are we going to do m the nature hm won rm I n..- 0100 mm Wm public work? all we hunk anon! m (lemmas mm . . _ in; and they haw wry much ammuw Here is a an l0". A large club room, containing nition. Anyonr that does not Mam- ing that name implies. swimming tank, gym, H film-M m up here «hm- !My can room, showers and a commodious hall, should 5"“ M" "‘" "m" "r " ”WW ”‘1‘" and this i: no joke Miller. “hide! I as a monument to the hovs who went forth from V e . ' . . . htxe w" oodles that he «lnl not have [Villa to war. The money for Its lnuldmg and fur- ”m, U, m» ti... Mm. fluid he raised by popular subscription. A com- l “mild up m MI 3011 our artlom a“ he formed and stock in the enterprise soldemm day In any but it would take ' too lone: no“; ammo day when l xvi Pb‘would not only he a monument but one that would but I‘ll spin you w yarn complete, ‘ practical use and one that the boys would appre- but now I'" inst hit I f” of m We than an hing else that could he done for thenlqh‘fit-‘fi‘: r 1 h r h.” "w 'Qb not be a . M. C. A. but a building and an axon-i ‘ ' f f?!" ""‘ ° " b‘. “ . “tint will include eve faction nd v 'n mm ‘mm""’ mm "3 rm" "" V Ty a e ery pemn I supplies and [M rommumatmns es- M vae- itnflishnl. it is then the resenrs grt ;their work out, if they hxin't been would suggest as the proper man. one that every hm Mom nt can believe in and look up to, the man toi Onv brim Sumlay morning after «landing in the min all night long ' ' A . .. M" l _ a prom “d can It 0‘“ t" {I ‘ UCC 5' ‘l ' COHCIU i(absolutely lhr worst night I ever put Hiya!“ 10h“ F. Kidwell . lin) we found ourselves well over into I The Star mm Banner Forever Shall Wave, The Land of Free and The Home of The Brave.” nérs Grove Reporter N6} NINETEEN NINETEEN C. H. STAATS, EDITOR Gun/e Pout Office an H-coml class mail matter. [sown upon applicatiun. Subscription rates “.75 mm mmmho-aemmmonwuinumune-M V memm mmcbamhenupmthehstndmto. .WWQMM'Miw-hm Waamhckinbifletnmgetfing ' n “mhmm ”$an WMMupmdmmwed. muzzgmfi 'emhgohckintheflne E Nu. nhmmfdthm-ryupinh from the oflioe of the Downers Grove Publishing Itmet, Downers Grove, Illinois. mm. by the writ" of n Chron- Has. an a lawn for the Input:- Ion of Mum "mm. which m m dawn (M M. Saul Ilium. Demoffyrmm chemumafhlt M Ma“ tr Mum‘s out.” W and mums-h. “AM In Tho town ‘of .lnppn «‘nv nm‘nr WI".- In “w rarfltnry of "In lanolin-s. In Old Tosmmmt tlmm‘ mu! m moon '1“: only casual rota-«m from "I! OH fists” writ": Than It Is NOT PLACE OF IMPORTANCE Revenue: (0 Town of Joppa Only Occasionally Met Wall In Old Tenament Writings. DOWNEFSGROVE “mum; fibwmzns GROVE. ILLINOIS i ()nv bright Sumlay morning aflor Islnnding in llK‘ min all night long lubsquQon lhr wmst night I ever put lin) we found ourselves we" or" into llnrry‘s land \rr- mow-cl forward and ‘lur 2nd battalion want in to wllcvv [Ibo much faggot! horas in tho front line. Our battalion look up Um supâ€" lport and it full to our lot to carry amâ€" munition to "In firing lint-4 Novomhor Nth. ‘ Wnll. l ha'w- an n carrying tho firsl‘ mart of this lottm- around in my pock- Eot over sina- I stark-d it and it is :prouy um" mess-d up. I tell you that 'l am mighty lucky to be able to fin- i‘sh it. Thu letter has hm. over an (op since tin-n. We went over the morninx a! the 10th and at ll 3. m. the nut any the guns stopped firing. We did not know that an armistice hd been signed till 9:46 a, m. and than we were inclined to think it most- ly bank. from the my Jerry was boiling than over, but sure enough It 11:00 I. m.. on the 11th day of the 11th month the big noise closed Byth‘eny.threetimesnia88m be 83d Division was in the line Ind ! Aflvr tho first pw-h of a hiflo “'0 ‘men mar“; pause tn bring my supplins and (M mmmunirltions os- Hnflishvd. it is ”Ion (hr rostrum (Pt itheir work out. if “10y hdn't hm“ hooded hoforo. “'n-ll, nflrr ri‘ [mum of nun-rar- Illlory |m~pumlinn IhI- lwyn in ".1‘ llnr arm. nu-r. Tim! M nnrhnl hmou' no‘ but (haw he): I'd-u‘rw‘ n h: on of rmdil. If um haw hut-n I dam «lu- llv'nl nf "w mililmy mmnlimu you \flll nmwmhnr Hull I bunch of Yank»: urn! uwr and malt JI‘II_\'~‘ [lb-“‘0'“ "u! Iw had had far {um pm a Th" mp" Awash-«l ”w slumllun “as "w mad Aime-m h-uum on "w wholv from." 1"!" rnanh) “hull lint Alum! n fnmmn Iuvr m jun A swim: n! high wood"! rulgm mnm’ng ”unlit-l In (hr "no 0! mlvam. Thu fad Hun Jru, hml hv'lql it [or M! Dang um“! il‘ Mw‘mzth [N u drfv-nsin- "union I (not! hr ”701ng i! mnhl not luv Inl- no away (rum tum hut In!!! of Minn! Mrv happrml Inn-Ix lbat Ir did n01 think pouihlr. I 'I'Du- nigh! lhu- drive guru-4‘ (Svpt. 25'h) “'1‘ won' matching [4,. lu- Hm», “I' kmw mu huur \wum bn- ,‘umotimc hrfurw lm-uk uf tiny. I! mun-«l [0 hi“ at I: mulrnixhl. l H‘l.\'U|in‘,: “:1: quid rxn-pl :m ”rational S'IK'" from Jrny. Iml u” at mum a mmhln- of (lhrlum gum:- uZV ‘0 our right au.l in 'l‘hr than n uunuu- lln- ulmh- {aunt luul rlmuwl; the nunlnlv hml bwrumh :1 mar and U“- .xty mm M up \nll! mm ronlmuul flunk. \\.'.~ lu-n' jun running up h-Mn-l ”w lung mnuv “EM and “ht" nm- of ”mm luhyn lrt m) 5! mark Iifln 3on1 hrlnu-Iu o". (\l I u‘ m. un- n-m-Iuwl our du-ulimllon and laid «kmn to hh"||. You run hrlivu- it or not but mm! u! an IIM rlurp "mm .hnpm' llu' war And Ihr «Mil. 'l'how hlhn arr pun- uirrp pro-lun-r». l haw bwn longing for a chance? ‘to wriw to you {or over a month. I. ‘have had plenty of time as fur up: that) ”mos but when I had time I wouldn’t; film-u paw-r and for the past week? H-uwlom-s ham been as scum-v as a! "yam-aki- and lhvy are darn mm in tour outfit. I saw mum- once hm they [were like Jorrys, prisoners. I Wvll. old boy, wv haw.- boon up and at 'm'n for ou-r a month now and hollow me Jvrry hm; bu-cn Catching ‘hvll too, of mun-w. m.- got our share but it must ho (hum- lo be on the ulhl-r r~iIlI- of thv "no. Judging from what lw nu-mls u\l~r m m. mu! "‘1' malts Al mllu‘r warm ul linn-x. but he gets about fun- film's n4 llHlt'h hack. A! the (mat. Nuvumber Gm, 1918. Dear old pals: SACKSTEDER ALWAYS HAS COM- PAN Y WITH HIM [HIERS fROM OOWNERS GROVE SOlOIER BOYS Telephone 30 Days The stoves are the best by years of test! People who have used these and ether makes of stoves will td you that the Pulimlar is THE Best Buy. During the month of January we will make a Special Reduction of FIVE PER CENT on any Peninsular Gas or Coil Range purchased from us. January Special part of m» Mid-I ho forth'l‘H. I hear "no buys I’mxn Nau- \‘mk am going In Or «helm-god hufmv (WM-(mu from "vi: ramp. so I hnpv M lrwt Hull wn lllllwis boy: ‘5" hr (1" ml of "In! job to do n. Thrw um quilv n Int be.” In Nth rump {mm lllimvia um! Hwy an all mutton.- Io 5" m‘fhflr‘flfl'. MI! I! mma l:- N lhiu part of m» Mid-I ho forth'l‘H. ‘l'hiu in Saturday ullvrnooti and II N raining [rm .0 l haw a Mule mm- for nIyu-lf and though! I much! drop you A few linen to uk you 6! IM war in over in Illinois. an it it umn .- though llw pi‘oph' In Georgia an- out «,un Mm- nhunl II. I thought that pro- l-uh’y we would a! Inn! haw A lib th- rm! rwn If wu MM not Iv Iumw )‘vt. But I I‘ll! (all you. Roaming in thin camp In what Hwy all ma- er‘ gun rllrlt nml that in Mum" HM. and n" "10‘ fl‘rl "r [N Ia pm: mar «at am! navy link of "ml. Thr lav-C 10h 01' all in Ii. P. am] If M- van (Tm-up Hanmk. GIL. Doe. 2| Dmr Mr. Swabs: Your 8th lulu-r received this morn- ing and am sorry to hear that you 'nml Edna haw been sick. Ilopo this will find you all M". and in Ibo but of spirits. EICHHORST DRILLS HARDER SINCE WAR’S ENDING the long, long trail. till then so long. I We". kiddo. the way things look now I may be home to lu-lp out some !of that canned stun. For bmukfnst I {want lmnmkos, oatmr-ul and coll‘oo. For dinner hot biscuits, jelly. ten Ind ‘nny thing also. Corn meal mush with ungar and milk will do for supper or also sumo more Dam-3km. seems to me I could eat them "INC limes a day. ‘ Wu". 1 must cut this short or else you will never got Ibis leucr. With love and best night»! to you all. 'l‘ho boya in this Division are gob ting seven days leave now, oncI lot jun got back 'and {mm now on we understand a bunch will get to go almul. every two wm-lm. Don’t know when my turn will come but it Is “(out suit." auras Itchy as a pet coon today. 1 Don’t. mind them so much now as the-y afl’urd lots of pastime ridding your shin and no matter where you am you are nm'er alone. I think I will soon b1- coming buck 533332 3'" 61 South Main Street “$3313? 2 Five per cent Discount On Every Peninsular Stove Sold this Month (mnt‘mwi an In,“ 0) J. D. GILIESPIE - CO. Stephen ( Sulsteder). [918. PEIIISULAR comm Gas and Coal Ranges WWW Pelimhlfiaskams‘ The reason {or these popular pr'coa at the Curtis: lms boon made possible on account of extensive hooking: with the Better Class Picture Companim. Only hi? new pictures, will be our continued policy. Watch for nmrc announcement» in your Reporter. Sat: for Children l’rom now on will be but 5 cents on Tuesday and Thursday night: and Saturday natives: Adults, 15 cents net and on Saturday nights. Children to cents and Adults 20 cents. jSessua flayakaw Please note with satisfaction that the High Cost of Entertainment hm been reduced at The Curtlss and the quality bettcred, if that were posihlc. The Hearst Pathe News, and a2 Reel Billy West Comedy “His Birthrighl”, This Saturday, January 4th Special Matinee at 3 Night 7 and 9 Ware: Eaters Mary Pickford in her big tin! New National Production l3 ! i l in his Latest Production We Offer Today Direction "mind Cupbell. Coming Soon Fridgy, January 3, l1 Telgphpne _30

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