Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 6 Dec 1918, p. 5

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Don’t fail to be" Mr. Smith with his chimes. They are well worth com- ing for. adv. In. Geo. Grant of Chicago is spend In; the week with Mrs. Frank IleCol~ Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Beidelman and non Glenn. of Kansas City. spent sev- eral days last week with his parents. Manuel-nae Ball. Sfinrday night. December 14th. For fun and frolic come to the Luce Hm. Good music. Rev. B. H. Fleming nttondpd I meeting of West Side minister; at Gar field Pirk n. E. Chm-d1 on Hominy. Wm. 8. Hart will not a soldier par! h the “Border Wireless" Than-thy. Kr and Mrs. Chas. Kuhn and dung): tor are in Ottawa. called then- by the death of Mr. Kolm'x father. "1'. Arthur Jmn‘css, of Park Ridge 5pm Tuesday evening with friends in Downers Grove. Mn. A. E. Olm is ill II her home- MI Olkwood Awnm‘. Remember tho host projoct‘mn. Inst music and host ventilation at [finite Theatre. adv. Dr. C. II. (‘Nlds W:..\ a local \‘isdor one (lay lad “wk. Miss Cora Mmhvl spout. a fat day; but I'Mk with Rum Whiu in Ansfin. Mr. and Mrs. Ianphorv of Chicago. attended I family dinm‘r at the [A Chafly home. Thanhgivinz day Mrs. Gm. Rom-o) is min abh- to he out after a wry st-rious illhm. Hanna Lindh-y h our of thv mm Viflilni of the "u. Charln: Ra y. Dick": Turmln)‘ Don’t min: "auxin:- Fairhanh at We: Saturday uh. Amlh" worm virhm n' Iho Hu i! In. Jakr nan-n. NH. A. I". “ordwril has Mn a! Hw- Mr‘ Pnnhylrrinn hnspilal for .wwml «law. NW A )lrl. 'J‘Hcr P. tin-Nit Ind \‘irrinin 1m vim"! in anrn'illv Tumhy. In. “3‘"! u \‘isilml‘ )wr tlmll'vh't In. W. N. Ray "n Maph- Awmw. Order Your Groceries" from Us ‘I‘ht cairn-Bonn" may hr “no. the H H the an. In I “allow M knu- AM '51- out, III! In I mtm‘ Nubia. mirth-tn- nun to the were» of u put, "an PERSONALS right now to make a fire necessary [or real comfort. See our line of stovesfi heaters Mertz é! Mochel bought 15. ms HARDWARE 36 South Main Street [hr- hoy wand" a! Good Eats. TELEPHONE 29 A very anjayable Young People’s Social Evening was enjoyed by man- ‘bern and friends of the Epworth league at the First Methodist Church last Tuesdny evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lovers and son Ward pf Roselle spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Lowena' names, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Boidelman. It cost considerable money to send our army to France. Ind it will cost just 1: much ho bring it home. fluke good your W. S. S. dodge. Ton young peopln wore received in‘ to ml‘mbenxllip in the First Methodist Chard. last Sunday by the pastor. Rev. B. H. Naming. Mr. L. F'. Boidnlman has mcmtly hat-n appointed Traveling Freight Claim Agent for the Kama City Southern R. R. Mrs. M. K. Bush has a display of (19¢an thin: and mltrry on uk- at Houseman: drug store. nth. Tb:- Allied fan-M mus rrmain un- dvr arms until wave is prrmammly vstahlishod. 11ml your savingsâ€"Buy W. s. S. Bliss Alia» G. Gmniry is a stuvknt; ”m n I.. (“my mu! ‘m. tug: at Hu- Aradrmy of Finn Arts in (Zhi- hump“ haw yr". :1 ”m, “Thu-m “330- last wrvl. A ran filled with tutu ' that Ibo was MNIUVIK exploded and burned her have Frw-rfly. Dr. Tow- says sho will (rt m‘rr ii shit“! and wiflvout scars. Tharp is n Mantiful display nf ham minted lrtirlrs at limits drug stern and done hy n [oral artist. Mr. and flux. Chas. Hoinko haw- hI-on sufloring with the Flu for Hm past I'vr‘k, I Mr. and Mn “2 F. "MM: c-nlrr lain"! "w Arnulinn Hub Inst Sumr day owning. Mrs. Frank Harm-r has whim! from a MS" with her “'24" an fluvi- inflow, Iowa. Ford ram. Touring. Kmhtvn or Trucks. Hinsdalr ”mm 58. Flu-k O Bm-bholz. adv. Mr. and Mn, Ray WM“ and daugh- h-r Amm Jan". to! (Taiwan. visiml lh-V [Human family Sunday. )Iru, Ava-Urn" ”min and «m "mt lard. «f (131%. \ haul w ilh Mr thw. (T. 1‘ Win!" Turmay. plo‘qlgv Mr and “u. Wm. Mun-NI and {mu fly apt-n! 'I‘lunlnvmumg “Mr MD and .“H. I.‘ Srlm‘dl l‘flh “1‘4: 1‘ 7N I'Mnl l’urtn uml Fan! "pain- ll lkm'l (um! Ihnl \Mmy Inn-t Iv pal (ma-win nun-“riled. I “had In“. in the- anvil." "ml-huh. "lnt‘lh'l‘ .1- ).mr “'ur 8mm! l'hnm VQOWNERS GROVE REPORTER. DOWNERS GROVE ILLINOIS The pupils of Mrs. Homer Dum gave a piano and vocal recital at her home on Sunday afternoon for their parents and n few friends. The lol- lqwing students were on the program: Mnry Bahra. Anna Blhrs. Dorothy The rI-latives of all thr Downrrs Grove boys in the Senior are cordial- “Y invited to hr the (Item of the >Woman's Club next Wednesday Wr- ‘noon. Docrmbrr Hill at 2:3!) o’clock at Library Hull, Sergeant Barre will Inc-tum on the subjm. “Over Then." Srrzoant Barre was passed It the Bank- of Chateau Thlerry and will undmnhtrdly have some humming things to toll. All rolatives of our boys aw. invited to be present. Frank Schuhz of Lisle left 1"qu day morning to vim his son who h in a hospital at Washington, D. (7. The young man was injun‘d on the fmnt line Over There and has Mn taking trntmonts in a Government hospital for {he last Home or four months. Tnln patriotism is displlynl in our way by a pmprr rr-spu-rl towards "Ir Amnriran Flag. l’nlr-xx it Is under “'1' Hm flag is always lowered at suns", Will the citizrn, who has tied "no flap: to a trap on Main Stmt kindly (ah mticv of (his mic? MN. I'. H. I‘Mrrs mtrflninfi! I11. l‘anl Dublin Mn. (7. 0. "qur Ind “H. K With. «9100! fr'wnds. and Iwr fist". .‘ln. A Kmhn at Iundwm WM- heyday Edi-uni Pin-Ml. who has hrvn Mr linmvl at (‘amp Imam. Honshm. Tn- .w. wm‘ disc-harm! [mm Iht- army lhu‘ :M and arrived Mn \"melay M'I‘n» int fur fix“ with his sistors. Mus ”sir l‘isdu‘l. Mrs‘ L. F. Horn-i: and Mrs‘ W. J Smalls. Mrs. K 1;. law hill giu- pn’mlr "\Mflk‘ilfl in flaming. unlu. («w-guy. I‘m In". and um sup InughL Fm [Quin-Inn and nmtmm: photo" “01!. adv. 1h.- Mu-y ’Hmnumm hunpmfl. ('hlmun. anluy mmniug. lhrnvmhl-r “Jud. 1|»er nml tlunphlvr nn- in"! aloinr WC”. Mn 1. W. Rex-w: and Slim- Glmly “0er Ir“ vau'ny mnmlmz far a xiul with frirmh and "Jame.- in Lm .-\nzvl--<. fall-(mum. Tin-y may “and" In wan-ml [hr “inn-v in "In! land «If [r'ln'llull nun-Mm. l'vhn'u- (Twil J. Mflrv in nu!» Ihn :h'nll 1’». l. S. N: l'nri» Lluml. H. C, an» an ulh r hat for his «aunts-Int mmkmum um ”w nnt- lunar. 'Jul I'M' Immmn u- luml hul The fun! mow o! the u-uum {1-H unrly 'l‘m-nuly month; Havering "w mm! with a manllr o! what. It did um um wry Iva. ham-wt and "Ir .-mul| Inn-punt": 0f mowballiny nml magnum full”. «Uh Uh- won. Mrs. Wm. l'onkt-r and daughter Clara and non Harold. of O-k Park. visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Sci-rank. Sunday. Lh‘utonnnt [-1. Raymond has "-1 ml m l'hilwk-lphia. l'n. aflvr 5)) ing a wwk'» have \vflh n-lalin-s fr‘n-mla' how. He was wee-"Hy . mispiunml in “It. Q. 5!. C. and is “mum! at l'hilmlchnhiu. llm. R. K. Sum!» rrlunwvl ml WML |u--4L'o_\' {mm a lrn day lrtp in NI. inn-«kn. "0 ullvmlml U1" lard I'm-u rm hm In‘hwu-d grandfather. (k0. I‘. flchwnh u! (‘luy (V'vntrr. mum“. Dr. Worsiéy is confined to his home by illness. Mrs. Val Wohlhuter and son Charles and Mr. and Mrs. Wasxman from Chi- cago spent Sunday with Mr. u‘d Mm. C. V. Mochel Jr. lh- ’l'lu: Svm'u-r l'mulus ('Inss 0! Nu- .\l. H. J. S. (-nh-rmmml Lu-lloy l'lu-lw 4“ [ho Ilmm- u! ML» I-‘zkim't-ulhvr uhih- lu- “uh lu-n- fur a >hnrl Mail with hi:- humv fullu. ”a 1‘ A «humNu-v. Iluu- Afflm‘. “n.- hmn Mr. and Mn. ('h-uu-r .l \Hntrr u! w “my 'llmnu-mn hunpunl. I'Mrmm. l'uuw and am- lhn- .\I. H 1 many hr at lhul t'nw ‘-- .\I. If. ('hnwh. Thuru u-«-'-n|Ir-I' I'.‘Jh, at K:l.’.. vil-ln-n 10c. An observer «by m ‘ AdulL in Imm'm: Harmon ul uwunlnl a at n- hmh [1-, "a- rm ~ ml Iilu‘u u. l'hilulhl' liumm‘ n-turn‘ spend- (‘Onl |r at ninx mlv Slfl . In "ma-s n! [wnn- mu Isl-Mm E W ”In bird lm’a‘I-m lu "rum, 5"... ;I"IK nhrnn'l a" night “-nh Inrmvrns ‘IM m-N‘ tram-in: \rv-nk ur won” *1]: "It" puma-d (or 1: am mfnutn’ 1nd. I‘mnvn "mm-um] lurks: Mme 5.“) "ms hot-n much! ‘1 n slnxle 5.13M. M whit-h mumlu-r n HRMhm {nan caught mm Mun-Ind hy Ming 1 a win» no! mmdvh- "no um lantern.â€" { Innrhmrvr Gnurdlun. 0n mofitm of Sunl‘rtisnv Kat-by. (ham W. Hadky was nmpowonvl In make nrmnmnnts with lawn-"m- l'. (‘onm‘vr to uh- ran- of "n- imam-.4 til Dnl‘agr County In mm! In th- adv-m of mu» of "v- I'Mmgu Talw phom Company. On moh‘nn of Suprn-isor "ammu- «hmidl the Board adjourned r, Call of ('hair. TM howl of A. dew-d (foamy (3| on mMion 0f Su «in-lam! animal All lulh and mmmunimunm an filn NM and "u- rlnimn of N. H. Mnllm. (‘m-M) Tmmrn for $726.“ for rluri Mn. .mdnm- and own” for an man rmlmg Now-mlrr mm. mm and "w rIaim- of «M fink-an Pm‘h Mr Dim-pin] (or N129 lnr run- of Ru": Mnminx. urn! yin-Gun! Ippmv- ml and IN- tlc-rl WM umhoriu-d to Issuo runny nrmnu In said chim- aMu for mid annuals. 11w bowl I»! John F. "Mo-ml. Ibo mwly ”MM (InuMy Tmmrwr wa- Md and rm motion nf Rnwtvi- sor Liv-2- Irns Mlnmd am-mw-d. "6190‘.“ 3‘. BIN "SQ!“Ofl." Thv i~‘|:m-l u! “vim-hurl i-s "up In! "I. landmark u! "u- hmh mlmllng {mm 1hr .\'--uh. and ninth! ulna-r nigh! "(Inning In our!) Sow-"mulu-r, they ’3! In HWnHv~~ :mnlm, I'm‘wlmgu of flu- lhanl of Hupu-r- \inon- nl‘ liul’nm' I‘mmty II". or». n', n nut-vial mun-hm Md at low "on!" Nun-r in Whvnlun. on Friday tlw 201?. ch)‘ ol' Nuwmhrr. A. ID. It'll. nl I0 o‘flntk n, m. pmumnl m mUmumm-nl. Mw'lml calla, lu mulvr \I'IHI ('luur- man Holm- pn-mlmn. On to" rail. all mrmhru [mt-0M «In-pt Suwnimr: Strum». Krmu-vlq W Crmm-r. Whllv (Iu- \umml h lull u datum“: mu. cm I! WEI:- wry [minim]. but l| um mm thankful that it I» Mnlwl' ruouxh that I ha» MM to In- nut and: help (bu hay! rrlrbmu' flu- "tuning; a! "w "minim yruu-nhy. and I can lull you It \c'u haw rI-lrbmllom I Minulm at law pmllnx mwiing nwl anal ulvvlnmi nmanwd. 3 Lieutemt Emerum David hu II“ signed from the nrmy and arrived home Tue'bdny evening from Camp Grunt. when he has been stationed ‘since the middle of September. He was attached to the 18th Co. l6!“ Depot. Brigade when: he was drilling mokies and getting them rcndy for service when the armistice was signed. PROCEEDINGS 0!" BOARD 0|" SUPERVISORS He attended the n-tainwl at the : tor. fl:- wns cor Lit-utmnnt Some (linlely usigm-d n-coin‘d his (inn Hung-we. l-‘mum- nu Nm-xmlnvr l2!" that he will mun lu- ublv to [raw (ha- hm‘pilnl win-h- Iu- hux ban for lwn “I‘t'ka uml juin hi» umumm. Hr Mull. "Wn- m-w mnkinu m-ar (Dn- frum dur- ing: a firm» haul-n uu Ul'luhu'r 30th Mann a "un th'“ rullmlwl m-ur u.- killmu Um u! the boy. who u'I-n- win. Inc' and mmmliug nw in Uu- Ivfl arm." Licut. David was one of the men mm (mm the State University of Missouri to the S. A. 'l‘. C. at Fort Sheridan in the early part of June. He attended the first. camp and was n-tnimwl at the second as an instruch tor. He was commissioned a Second LiI-ult‘nnnt Sam-tuber 160: and 5mm»- that! ’w huxpiml “I‘t'ka u ALBERT AIM-:1 Engimwl Lilmg-‘s. LER’I‘ SHERI- DAN WOUNDEI) “OVER THERE was commissioned in So am September um. and in usigm-d Lo Camp 6an 1 his final clischarm- Tue: Sh Ir wulnn wrun- l l. A Kuhn. "w mwly (fink. was ma (Ind Supn'isar Lint [I'M In of ‘ his ‘ u 340' - ubiq- In” I] Kuhn T. C. at Fort part of June. 1mm and was am an infilruc- med .1 Second 6th and imnun 'np (2mm. "1’ arm» Tuvalu; :mm 1 : THER I" Lam. 125,; mullu'l' (mm, uumlwr IZHI U mvorxlty ol 1 \ I I » | ‘ 1- lo Imuv [Inv‘ bun for In» mm). Hr :~.‘ud. lhc- fuml vlur- lh'lolwr IHNII lmlul mm' In Clark Evening. 1:45 to 10:3. â€"- Adm IE uni 20¢ incl-ding war In. Buy Pictognpl Mr. Smith entertains with his beautiful, melo- dious chimes at all shows. The Sued thiné is that the soldiers are after Hart while he'a after the plotter's. but his work with the little puts him 0. K. all aroundâ€"and Berlin loses some valua It's pretty hard luck on German spies when Wm. 3. Hart is around with his shootin iron and a determination to see that the linked Stage: gets a_ square deal. .. WM. 5. H_ART “The Border Wireless” Suiting. no show â€" 12.3 Adah-ab. l!- od 20: Incl-ding war «I. enacts a wonderful picture of the great snow; in “me law oi The North” Charles Ray Bulwllohts'l'mell’iflle Doug always sends you home smiling. Don't miss this chance to be happy. mum ~ 1:10. Altai-don I. 0‘ I}! ind-flu. Wu Tn. Bunk. ~â€" 12” h was, Adah-ion l3 u‘ “I M I. In. “He Comes Up Smiling” Douglas Fairbanks Thursday, December 12th See the Great Westerner in a Soldier Role Tuesday, December 10th Saturday, December 7th DOUGLAS fiAIIiDA'NKS u:u¢C0;hC| UpSmlmx' Charles Ray pictures are thrillets. They are enjoyed by eyeryonc. Puts new joy into life in Christie Comedy n. w... pm N1 Don? kflmmh Fall Weekly

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