Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 20 Dec 1918, p. 3

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This in tho slogan announced by the hem of the National Wo- man’s Tanker-nee Union. on Novem~ berll,whcnwenceivedlhethd m. o! the dose of the world’s var. IiuAmA.Goulonis-hoonenl Endomd hemwith find 3 ...... in {W at for ........ shares of the BOSTON-K T CKY OIL COMPANY at 15 cents per share. I am also to receive an option on the same number of shares at the am price. WORLD mom- _ BITION IN 1925 SAYS W. c. 1'. U. E. P. Gage Com ny, 161 Devomhire t. Boston "In , , , ,rflw. 7.. .u .‘ ..._ .....‘.v~. V. .«..â€"n.« .u, u-r ylllr yin: it u"- uvvn' (H II III! purchase. This option may be taken up at any time within six north: from Docemlrr [$1, 1918. regardless of the ruling price It With the shares any that be selling for. MAKE THE MOST of this VIM!!! opportunityâ€"ROWAN in oilâ€"{law 1mm" in the position when, a Tulle of yunr rur- tlnn you ever drained of. BOSTON- ENT YCKY is a conservative Corn ny. mama-d hy men who hm how to produce oil. is unusually large Ind a» capitalization unusually small. Buy your as now at the pn- mtlnpriceoflsqprruhanbefmd linglleglnx'l'heprice will go up as the drill ms dm. Hate My by bu '{ehefore the llm in price. This oferhg will not nitâ€"act nowâ€"obey that impulse-fill out the attached (”nation blank on cit r the ash or partial p- ment plan ml mail today. hill! Thi- Cc'pu Tel-y um 15:. n...- ha.- mmaummls 1M every Rum-r; Jm’fiéfikfifiv’éx? $317.. :30: purchase. in option may be taken up u my time within six the shares way then be selling for. mm "ammo. ton-Jun! am non-mun. No referred stock “I no hand; All shares will portielpte equally in etch and ewry oliv- Hlentl. The properties of the mm3‘-KENTL’C£Y Oll. (.‘O’lPANV WWH!‘ 1.350 sen-s anthem to the well-known Oil Field in Bonn County. lMoely. and 9m lens in Clap! County. The BOSTON-KENTUCKY Oil. COMPANY owns all its lands in fee! and l0” no beam. on Royalliea and no Rentals to pay. .rcry inflation points to tho net-rs: of the HONOR-KENTUCKY OIL COHPANY u in close proximity are the nut oil wells of my dividend-pom; ampules. lions of oil THE PROSPECT. Every clay the pm: of this country motion: the importation of reducing more oil 168,656,838 wen» shipped out of Kentucky in 1917. a very-"hole m over the vex-ions ear, Ind 918 will he the hi .t nor in t history of Kentucky 05h. ml ""9 should It” all previous an The DOST N-K UCKY OIL COMPANY show he. on importaat factor in adding materially to the constantly growing ion. People vx‘erywh'w are willly “thumb over these new fields and in mm if a few months the good ms will spread to the inventor: who have chosen wisely and well. . AN UNUgUAL Ergfitiagigg_mfity. Without cost or autumn. u"- mnnnexnmrmv ml. muvnnr .m .e... “A Only ‘|Q_days more to buy |9l8 W55. up: mm a mmm inn-Amt. item it I! run banning: douHP and "Pb“. THF‘. PROPERTY. Tho BOSTON-KENTL’CKY Oll. COIPANY is imm Stock ’flimg‘flVIE-J‘M and non-mun. No ,n-forrnl stock “I m hand; THE mmN-KENTITCKY Oll. COII‘ANY tolls m how In human in rt "in most hum oil. It duos mi man" how small ynur mus. how ""39 Inn-lust yon ' Iy hw- unllaMo for invmml ”Hm-4M Hunily for you to m n ink-wart in tho- nil hudm'w ls just u mt in pnworiion as though“ had I million Mlars Io invost. Tho M and advicv of the dindnr.‘ of this Company is lo buy I! may than.- I! yma an a! the 8TON<KmlICKY 0". murmur. at's friendly «hie? Ind slim” give m and your hm- fly a sun on Hw- "Rmd to mefit’.” Rem: mus show “u- posiNIiIh-s for you in Hip BOSTON-KENTUCKV OIL COMPANY; for MS” hand: of oi! and mad:- mrv SHIN!” in I) d. s; and [M Helium Oil inmate. thr- Gim I‘m! many parka-d m than I Conny-any. sine! um has M 850”.” in pmflu; sixty-five dollars inn-lad in "w Kari Oil Comp-n has ’3' av" 81m in divhlrntls {my the Quail-r City Oil (Tommy paid I nah divldpnd of “M on Nth 850 slun- of stock and "W ouston Oil Conway paid a stock dlutkml of am 1- ML T?" hunters in than companies you» of whom have nevor my: the oi! tflls. started .3 you will start. I"- hpu win: a may inrnfimnt. firming n us your earnings dub!» and indie. - _. ....._.... _ “m r“..- u u. w". l : m. "In (morn-Mu is urging IN- UIFV'PW 0! cu in: «on ISM {withihrfiovv'fi'r‘y' Prir:< {in «31 tom Irwr 'hm’v r. n'il is how. Bil m and mm." a! pump. ml tho BOSTONâ€"KENT“?! Oll. mnmmr in mg in do in dam in supplying am an at W. Your opportunity I. "Got AW“ and dan- in the pum- of this Cmy aw Mn. For quick (minus. slaggvflng M09 and «or whining tmith‘cmnu pomfilith. nothing "h- "w on inn-{ms Ms M?" Ma km. Panama on (mu: M” in up twinkliu a! an m-‘mlllivmim M In" mm. In! evrym hum the M»umr to I!» millimior has an anal ”that” to pnrflripalo mu: In: to the Ina-m he ran 1'0". to imefi. 15 $52.18 BOSTON]- KENTUCKY “kin If your heart's in the right place the dol- lar will be paid with the Christmas Spirit. YOUR LAST CHANCE Join The Red Cross! THIS WEEK CASH PAvui'N'r APPLICATION WARNING: With our mt flunk-m ”MON-KENTUCKY will advance to TWENTY CENTS p" Ihl't. mmrszs I! 0". Al! ICING MADE IN KENTUCKY THERE ARE thousands at M who in" won their way u (or! m- and lib-long im urn-fl I and in"! "' "'~,'!'.'..‘.":"":W":! !' "m 15:51pm 2! new new or ('w [and in w.- nmm mm for MT ‘mu luv! m.» City . mom Trust Con-my. Inner-melon! Tin-t Co. and Transfer AM: Hum" Trust Company. Bum “Old Ben" C and be Satisfied :: Dun or Bradstreet, Hanover Trim, Company. firrt'a wishing All the Hulk: litre nah the lugs “(Dun Ebert” A “Berg m 1918 mumsoemriuormewwimuminuumnm (mailman... W.C. T. U. Noam-tum tions, :0ch hndswiththeWoI-ld‘s from Im- stirring pmhmntlon:â€" W. C. 'l'. IL. and help bring to full “World democracy. Wild peace, “dill-union its hemic service of thirty- world patriotism denim world m lave yam on tenant or a sober world." hibicion. Representing the National} The Anti-Saloon League of Amid“ Woman's Christian Temperance Unio- tea. at 3 mi, Conference in Column or the United sum. ; republic .boui :bus. Ohio, at which than were Rpm-J ‘to write prohibition in its constitw ‘uentaflves from every state In the tional kw, we hereby call upon the Union. and several foreign countries, plea of ‘u faiths. and 0‘ all om“- sounded the same note. “Nothing in [’00 clearer," said one of their ape-ken. . thww V. , - n A- "than that. now is the psychological time to strike for World Militia." The Union Sign! of December 5th give: cheering news of work being done now in many lands. There are ‘ auxiliary Presidents of W. C. T. Ufa 1 in tony countries. 1 read to chi investors who- havn chosen finely Van}! ITEMâ€"i w“ "MN “W ........ ..... ... u". Wait . Without that or Mnfim. Un- BOSTON<KENTUCKY OIL COMPANY will give each ”UCK shares. an optign on .1 «gm! nflmbrr.of films at “w prion- pajtl‘ at (be time of urging! .0 a... u... ...:n.:_ _- ___.L ‘-.- NTL'CKY Oll. COIPANY is incorporated under (loo laws of [lu- Shh‘ of [bk-ware. Cnpiial I. No {referral stock ml 170 hank All star" will partivlpto equally in etch and Pwry div- N'l'L'C Y 0". COIPANV (mm-Han 1350 news MM! (0 the "ll-km England Oil Field in Ch Canny. The ”MN-KENTUCKY 0". COMPANY owns all its lands m (m and ha ply. .rery illiiaflon paints M lla- mss of the ROSTON-KENTUCKY OIL COIPANY as of my dividend-paying «unpacks. 87.50 buys 50 shares 15.00 buys 100 shares moo buys zoo sham 45.00 buy: 300 sham moo buys coo shim 75110 buy: 500 shafts 1501!) buys 1000 shares TO BUY “0' 1'0 BUY SBA IE8 DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER. .DOWNIEBS GRO‘ so... .3. 7...)! not! 1.1 on. «It. 9.71 £3:- E as .3 s .l in bk 1:: 33 .282} «I 1.325. It I! II: In... .2. 2!. 17:1 2:. _ and a way anon-u. -A M all yum-Ill- than... In W h than pm. Irv. h. K. not...“ an a mum m. In”. u “I (bu-0100'. 8le ~ II III. Dunn nu upon at Ouu Gun-u. It“ in Anton. : Jun. w.’ Fischer. an luna- m. M Pm DIP... Conny VI. C. 'l'. U. In. we. 5‘. luau-h. Wt 8:. lb- Rn-mo. the. II. c. ‘l'. U. Anya-e bun-tad, desiring [new “minor-abnormal» flytotheCouuyoflunoth-zuuh «NJ-Ion. Lu I!» we!“ a! the not! on“; In this My m “For God “I "can We have two 000an Union.“ would be (In! to {on new no It! in um_m Ind helm yéi Ourmmhvebenwduh ingthep‘atmnhnflLhM Cmudoflm-nrm New thtfluuodtorthwhm. In tmutheyvflltunvflhmdlc- tivnyhmbm ‘ We now hve'dght “ion. ... two olthcmwithumumhip film than one WM ouch, -- 3.6 one You: Peoplc'l Btu-i. DuPage County young woman was on the committee with Frauen E. ‘Willard, the organizer of the Wurld’a W. C. T. U. to dun a constitution for the Illinois W. C. T. U. Ind the m momma 'mm- - . .' E. P. GAGE COMPANY E. P. Gage Com ny. Nil Devonflu’re L. Baum, Mus. Enclosed herewith find 3 ........ Is firmer - men! of ONE THIRD on ........ sham Capital Stock of the BOSTON‘KENTCKY 0H. COMPANY at 15 cents per share, the balance to be kl in two equal monthly payments. I In alsopto receive an option on the name number of shares at the same price. iWAmngfi I good Wm: II! oil. PARTIAL PAYMENT APPLICATION Mail TM. Coupon Today Plural «who: "n W (m- N: 0a! m homo DIM-a Am.ydndnyluu| um mmunmjwnrmadmm who-m I’m on. m- ». mu mu. mfuo-Wtumumu may I. IN" Gm. when h‘ummmuumm flawlhhumm Madman!“ "Alkhwyllnwfvdbyhhvflr I and In (Nâ€" m ”0. 00' t and an mum; mu. 0! m5»... MNv-lelwn.d!hlaluln-“hub-“duh" {humanly-mm» - faulty I. yum. laden, (‘00 Ill JumJMqum.Oâ€"~.Wufmm~ofw Paul. meN N- an" M “L‘m lot a. by; melnnhswwhfllmun' “mummnu hum. DI noun ""‘2';"'."."‘" tot- Q m m m“- \muuuummwum'mw hm mn am My maul-mdwummmmmumn s. mm County. luau... M It'd-u. eh [m a . yum mnmsw‘um‘eu-nurmm‘f .mmmmmu \ "a m unnd In mm..- to lb- Iuy Willi-Mn. In II. I“ an! mcbmmwnhnbfihulhh Dual- Pmk Del-My was born In Chicago Octet" M. 18“ and died It Dou-uru (Ema. nun“ Deco-hr M. 1913. W 53 yarn. Alter My from 8!. Iguana ‘Collou, Chm he mural punch Alp-ilhhuhtkrluthcw tutu how .- Delaney 6 Inn-fly Ca. whole-k “quot “an. a law woekm, but guard duty in the navy yard ink-waned and he was not (Mama! enough to mm a trip across. He m promoted to a Cook, and than on September 2nd, and dia- chlrged December 13m urflving home last Sunday morning. When he'tlist- ed Wilton wu in the eighth grade 1! school and tho under age warm! to do MI W for Uncle Sun. Schultz, Swnnaon and Jaws “Hutu ad In the Northwestern Univ/mm1 Unit of the S. A. ‘l'. C. (SW’B Army Twining Coma) on October 1n. ‘1’]! and were dial-urged December llth, I918. Schultz vu nude u Ber [out Oflober 26th Ind can out war In; Mm , David enlisted May 7, I918 in the Navy and was sent to the Great Lakes Station {or training. On July 6th be left {or the Brooklyn Navy Yard with 1 draft and expected to be at m in . ' Wilson David, Hume-d Schultz. [Gordon Swanson, Aubrey 3. Jam an “our more Downers Grove boy- who have been discharged {mm the new Eviee of the United States and are now home figuill at their peace time vov cation. 3 FOUR MORE LOCAL BOYS DISCHARGE!) FROM U. S- SERVICE DENNIS F. DELANEY Per Share (huge-Ohm!!!“ Telegrams from Wllter Fredefln- “RESOLVED. that n ~ gen and Jack Cupcnter received at eonddowflh the Wynn their hmesonTueodaystak-dthey mimfithvhhh ha had arrived in New York and would Divine Providence h much-r pmhflyhaflehamdmflnmmmthmform'bl «yum. whoordenanulhfilorfiofl ‘Jnek-iledforhamlmlune. ”RESOLVED.“ an. . whinflleNonbeI-nl'msunhingmmnnhldm Sqndmandluerhemdflerbenmhfamfldbm Ehninger were sent ha I Naval Avia- our friend Ind duo m ”MummishCMagope-m ' Mum-thousand. mow-um: wmmumrmnmmzmv.m- BOYS FROM OVER THERE MAY BE HOME FOR XMAS ‘; As (he must now stands Miss King's mien his ”M 520. Mix- Trut‘a 372. Min.- Hugh-3' 350. and lliss 8m 2.2. The most Mugm any one week was bought by Him King's section during the wt dosâ€" ing on November 18; the number ol‘ karma was 27!. TM mu] number no” is 1504 representing In invest- imt of 3376. This is a recon! of lwhicll the High School is justly proud. ‘ The High School basket I'll] teams so to Running for a double header n Friday night. of 03th week‘s sate graphically. Th' Selle on the chart In: made such “at. in order for a mtion (o "to over the to”, enough sump: would have to to, add that would avert” a War Savings Sump for rad. mom- Ier in the section. ’flw (our :t-r‘jon‘ of "t" stud! ha)! w": and u a basis tar comp-(Mum Spud «amp Inch wre issued 10 filth um and IM- wily punk- 1‘- vue checked up nth Monday morn- ing. A huge that! gave Ibo! rv-sulix HIGH SCHOOL I MUCH? 3376 IN mu. ». u. : W. S. S. DRIVE ‘7'” MP3“! Mu- mnmpummmnkornrm “no. u u- » n M Sunpainlhr nmwnmm human-unmaâ€" “the! h Novnnhr is um wilhn. mm 5" "no ‘0‘. '- 0‘» ml: of up ".4. vim-l oval wn nan, than 'l'lw Your :rr‘jnn‘ of "on slut}? ha]! the ”It Elm-l truth. "eh- I. In" nor-v0 as 1 61d: for cow-pinion ' m 0' “8 Mil Spatial sump emu.- wore issued (o "*0 Mn_.nn the m u «do student andlho wily punk. w “It "Ilium: m H E ViisgiroF- lvgifizig Azlffiu‘olgu‘sg. wiigii‘lv gfligtig ’E‘Iiithfis? IÂ¥3§osu¢§ :5. runâ€"3.8115... Ind was. new. It I. not Mamba-lulu.“ mmmmmdflum our Mb: .- dun- (om flow-anymuumm Mdurmm"). thud. [no thee-L in... a. boy- can ‘hom.gflherthonlmndlhllw mknfiktourflnutue-tdlthe- Mlhoylwkupnthpmflnlu- In M tmn!" but we believe in m-h‘dmwmuliuelf. Bufldamuynentino-r vflhccto pal}: oi him, eve‘y Mdérlovéu: pmhtion. Emerson an. “Virtue is The first essential to the luppineu at a returned ”Idler in 3 Job, Ind the ,better the Job the keener the happi- vneu. Whether in the trenches or in camp, I soldier gain: truits of hide-3 patience which unh- it impossible for gunmliveonhiupeople.andthme '0! us In a position a: help the soldier jut-ch himself to a permanent ply- roll should do it without putting our chest. and telling the world Whit nah ly good fellows we are. I! only from {the purely economic and mercenary aspect this is good NIUurdl. lining that .m- put him on the mud to per-cu! DIV-verity. we have “other duty of u lentimenul nature. AWhemyleflyouthltfl BUM A VIEW“ wdmllvh‘ wemmforonevbomhéi unworthyofurm" Thu it in but: hum-mil memory dour friend in ny“ mfliuhrmufmwfl tho-2 who were neuron: and to her; THEREFORE be it 'I WHEREAS, in View of the In Downers Grow Woman's Chin :hinedhythedeflhd’ourfrkfil mm “like Oh: Bryce, ‘ the still Ive-vi" loss W hm! foot and mm pal-In. van which are mm, ”an. The young ladies an him Mr. and Mn. Imi- A. I'D-r. N on the John Richer! farm. who'd {mm Nap-nine. The] have “I 1mm to hauling milk to II! CI shgfifinthebl‘siXMI ler Minor was driving the III. * Ibo. accident «and. mam». jury returned 0 I ‘S-t-M-ymuunua. Midpr.mrlhn.mlm seriously hurt. who (it nu. hMWy-vnrfllfl'.‘ ONE KILLED. ONE HURT IN ACCIDI NEAR NAPBI‘ ud-nyMa-fiu-anhr ”ICVMM thirty-two mu. 1’. th- I .9 M". Flu-co. an] “I. Ilium“. It. numb yin hr with" «in W1 jam". Ir. VII-d In. 5 Ian In! 3 EH tub-v. W V WAIhwlLWflhrdvI-bu "ll-k. Jun-my :3. “fl ingdWIbWO mnunm'no catholic-plum» “mum. am. my,“ .1 West. a 24. Jada. Bin-u took a. here ”WIMP-3‘1““ whiavlcumweunllud tudbunkedtonunriltbl quCIlmgo. ‘Ancrthc mum mullulleyIIhthbc Wthmuolflhh’d Joe Mich, on trial: der or mm Wuhrlch, nu, at West Chin“. Much: guilty before Judge Wednesday morning. _ Mich calm. ' ' _ Wujorich with a heavy Im- bing him of that 81.600. _ money he led 1 high [in time. He was fine-ted it V when he was uhd for Maj tion card. Ducl’illfioui of m: ed m, which wan lent out: Sheri! "3min tallied u I ? WALTER B. RESOLUTIONS dunno-u; TKNCE W I1. I

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