Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 27 Dec 1918, p. 3

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mmnummco. M15 We 'rw ni'wral by ”w _-,,“mA and) Ont-ion w! I not» "at : ”ll-hunk is in IN“ mum». II GEORGE DICK!) 1‘0 HIKE 0N GERMAN SOIL Dior Folk-z I'm Hun-n (Mn you I!” "or Brynn" you I‘m-loud. I rurr m M In [-1 "w “and" but “M! I hill on. Mr. Ilw mun-m in it u. flue u «w an m up our oh: Mom. Tho mm um! I Mvon‘l 5RD piling than nvguinr 6.- (MI I! Mn- mcd around {mm plm 1n plan at anew. Well my run” loner ha- IOU“ mt" My Ind it I. ha! mm- again a will any gawk-I‘M. M'dda'tm we have to get- Woo-MIMI will mamm- my, I!!!“ 101mm! amod Ind HIHMImlecwennbcm. m in mm expensive now Ui- yâ€" have to buy your turd». “ cl can “‘9‘ 1 Un- I 96m. My «all flu- alu- on. Show «at 75 to IM Line a pair. ”on! evennm‘ hon out"! new“: wear voodo- un- hrd job. During the oficmlve it was not an mom thin: to drive along the nod ad no dead man and Imus lying on both sides of they mm. which had {alien probably Just a slum time More we passed. and in the (youths and on the some of 0m hardest. home than were many mom. 0m- could 3‘: out with I largo truck and In um mim We. M up I load of helmet: and I‘M bayou“. knin-n and w mush. Wyn-diheofmmlluupon "Ill fmt too. I have quitn a collec- th- of m trophica ml piflum and top. I will be on.» to brim: them hm- 03:0. tit-cry never would have left i! Mind Milton there was going to In- w.'luyl.llmtwcomback to the United States again. but, I I have seen thousand: nf Austrian prisoners. they march them by five um! ten in n group, nnd_ they are a [may tagged and hungry looking lot. Very few at them have any under- mr at all and their clothes are in up. They have no socks, and wrap their fed in sunny sacks or most any oil run they an find. I hue talked to lots of them, Ind quite a number on spat English and have been in the States but they all claim they were over here when the war began, M but not much like real Ameri- I use up buying another bond Only 5 days more to buy l9|8 W.S. S. Duly Five Days More to Buy 1018 W. S. S. (Continued from Page Four) PM. Nomi-tr 17th. mu they will find that a pretty ”OWNERS GROVE SOLDIER BO ‘1 S Burn “Old Ben” Coal and be Satisfied WrL 271918 We Most Heartily Wish Downers Grove Folks One and All Health and Prosperity for the Coming New Year Love lo all. M Wail. I hmm‘l mu nay a! "at Dummy- GIIn'v {and 12%.)“. M M“ “.0 Ar gmmoâ€" snub. In! jm-l [Mon "w "mu ram 00' I at ”an Mrfiw and Wth. and Iflrr it ‘m- m" I '0' Path? 5 .\ .unl l’l‘ hall I I‘m minuh talk. but mm «in mm» a m tim‘ I \Vcll. m. min» of the gum luv [crunch mul for that mutter «and n'. ;l|:00 n. In. “an! on [he lllh. A! ‘um tum tho dilcfl‘lce uru wt. math-d I: you my well War, but m- have [nun and I. u m‘. uni ' hall lo laugh today who. then- won- uo enplnaiou our Mus. no follow in; lhv other wry elm-fly with 3 mod wry nimtbr to In au-u- mm- M ovrr. The follow: til at up wry «night (or I mad 5nd W at rah oflwr. trying to don M m: the mix" was. and our frllow n- mrh. ""07. My! Gun-- m in mum. "w tn wn",‘l‘unml out to hr Hm l‘ludmn Mowing up .| an- mmfilkm dump: That jun! mafia. yuu the “New. A month an no can ‘ml’c' haw noticed «MI mm s: Iii. Am outlawing a may of "to OHM uhich our (Benn-l Inn (sun out ,ihinlt it sceniZd funny and the harhex ‘shop was n joke. i suppose you will get this letter 3 Think i will stop writing for hisiin the service and out, who has con- time as its getting late and my cam’sciefliousiy done his best to help our late is about burned out. Here lately country and the allies win the gum: t I have been doing some “tutu kip- vlctory of right against hellish might. about Christmas and I wish you nlli a Merry Christmas and a Happy New lying” which in 33d Division slang for which God has vouchaafed to ua. bo- Year. my next letter will moat likely?“good sleeping". and I owe it to two ievea the prize to be worth the price. be written {mm Germany on it is'thlngs. Frist, I am sleeping on on And We should be devoutly thankful rumred we will have an eleven dnyzhonest to goodness bed with springs to God that the awful coinage hnx hike on German soil. As ever, George (Dicke). EXPIDSIONS “SCARE” AMER- ’ [CAN BOYS \ and a mttlesu under me, and “bean- coun" blankets. Second. l have ceased to can whether the nights are m llIght or cloudy. for in either one ithene are no erry aeroplanes coming [over about ten o’clock to give us Our- 'nightiy allowance of G. l. eons. ml no sheila. l have had follows all me that they had gotten used to Jerry oensed.Allhonortotheme-nondwoâ€" men who made the supreme sacrifice. and to tlioae who are maimed and crip- pled for life. and to their loved allot lwho have laid such costly gifts on the him or Liberty. The army training has meant much to the men who have had it, and on the whole. 1 think the war has given ‘ Prum' November 234' ”'8'an his bombs. hot the avenge fellowiour country a healthy shnking. nod ‘ikar )lr. Stunts: ‘ A few weeks ago I wrote to you taking you for a copy of the Downers ‘tiiow- Ill-pout” at intervals, but nlnfl' then you hun- boon w kind as to mn' me the u'ukly edition regularly. and tonight i N‘t'l'h‘t‘tl thi- Hewitt-r for (ktoht-r ltl. and the fifth copy of all the good nwn from home which has reunited mo in five comutlro weeks. They are all getting to destination and i enjoy them immmly. A: the pa- per; tum-d cumin“ boioro my tutti-r could waxihly have n-nchul you my iequnst was midcntiy malted befon- ulml. nod l thunk you ever no much ‘u'ill toll you that it is something n-hiehi you can't get used to in a tlmuund years, and that is the truth. Then; in something about the hum of that douâ€" ; bio engine in a German bombing plane. uhich gives a follow the amps. or. ux the Engliuh Tommy says. “Gets; your wind up." You can hear the piano mminur when it in yet in long way» on. and then you "‘0 the light» shoot up? by the tcnu and twmtii-n looking for‘ it. Some-times they spot Jerry right; ”my and utart booting the anti-nil- craft gum: at him. and at other time» they never pick him up until be hot} dropped his load of bomb- and xot~ clenn‘tl our vision. I have been glad to note the ell'on that in being made to have a Y. M. C. A. in Downers time. The "get together" trait in human nature hon been greatly Wntuatml in the camps hem and ovomw, and I ulmnly hope that Downers tiny-o will soon have a V. II. (3 .A. i need not exmtlato on the need and “vantages of n Y. for they are too well known. I will take the boot from Seattle to IM Angelou. flopping over a few days with my lbh‘r at Sun I’m-Kim. Thank you for winding m the Re- porter. I played it with Corporal Roy nor )wr um ‘Year. my next letter will most likely be wrim-n from (kmany an it is rumored we will have an eleven day hike on German «oil. a! many lellowa of that claim but fall'edhnfindmllie.‘l'heothcrdtyl aw Bill Heal. Wemnowhukottlwlineaina nice little lawn culled Commemy but believe we will leave noon. Think we will go tn Germany as am is a branch ‘oftbcmglllarnrmyand Idem» Have we will start {or heme for a few more months. Its a good thing the lighting is over or we most likely would be laying in some cold woods without fine. I am going over to ace Elmer Lehman tonight. Today â€" got a shave in a barber shop for the {Ira time in a long while. maybe you don? win): it mama! funny and the harbex shop was a joke. Uncle Sam has decreed that nflnr today he can dispense with the sev- vieea of myseif and a number of other officer-u. A good many hive pneeded us and then Ire man to follow. flun- dnds of men have gone from here. If the [Aim knew what a diap- pWNEnsfimYE REPORTER. .nomns GROVE. ILLINOIS Camp Lewia, Wash. Dec. 13, 1918. Dear Mr. Sta-ts: Mations be submitted for the Croix. We always travel by ambulance. Are dc Guru-re. Such is the record of thin like gypsickâ€" must lire in one’s unit Diiision. Dene. Met sacral very nice people. 1 The Commanding General «amt-i Went on leave September 12th. nhtes oflieers and men. soldier: of Spent a most delightful ten (by: the Gut Wlf.0fl .hose thing; 40M iCouple of days in Paris getting rune by them in the ServiceoftheirCom clothes; then went to Mar be: Rain. try. ;: very nice renort let sever-l Amer- By Command of Meinr General Bell. inns there, n it in a place, the sol- Willium K. Naylnr. Brigadier General. d‘iers m spend their leaves AM two General Staff Chief of Sufi. ‘days then: I went to Chaminix. which OFFICIAL: H. s. Hooker. Majornis. near Switzerhnd. A. 6.. Acting Division Adjutant. We were not very busy when l ..___.___......_.__ first came home. but nfter .- ten days! UT ‘11 I we got our share. When the big Ir- LIE H NG lance started on the “intern (minti ANOTHER OUT [we let no 31153 grow under our feet.‘ OF THE SERVICE The" V" in the operating room and, in worked 18 hours 3 day. Did at} Camp Lewis, Nashua-.13 1918.]mny as 106 in 24 hours , Mnmvd by (he firitixh nation. On September 260! and Ormbor 9“», as part of 0! First American Army, it carried all its ohjvflh'rs in the Ver- dun Sector and Inc-M the territory mm on both sides of the Henge. It has been unwed dammions by our How em! and our former French Corps Commander has asked that rmvmmn dntlons be submitted for the Croix Hlmrlly nfll‘r laming Nrn' \‘urk in; All mum-:- plwp in ”Ms. We 'wu .‘lny, WM [hr Dirlsidm hm! .431an day lhfly most of "w limr. hut um: Hm "Jud: in Hr» dqvfmu- one)...“ Irv-n- wry (cw ext-rm (hr (in! Animus. 0n Ihn morning of July 41h. (nun days but that we at II Mid- lfllfl. part 0! i: launch-d. aml Amer-Night. ”any day: In- wmiuvl {m irlns Mr "W first “W in Mammy urm Own-him! on lb» Mlllrfivlll with An». tmlian». \ ‘nning llw \idory nll‘ Int-l. Q'Q‘rfriw h)‘ (M Commanding Gnrrnl of Ur Australian Corps as “an historic I-u‘nt 02’ such nignifiranrc HIM it ‘13] Iin- form-or in ”w Inflfllfi nf nnr wrzywrziw nm‘mm.“ 1M «huh and [allnnhy display": on hi; ac- rasion “as mmniml h; [lu- "Hitch (Tommamkr-m-(‘hiof and wrarclnl Ir.- the King. The rungpmv-M had hr mocking rmulls. 0n tho 9"! of Au-' gust m Grossairr‘ Wood and (Tilly-filly the Division materially asaistrd llv' beg-inning of that Iiovvloyml into Ih-W final British admin» and won unit: 8 a. m. until 2 I. m. But when (Du-n arr downs «Akin; to hr "Maw-d of pain, and every mm they in“ gives them Imul alum to live. Only (In seven mm were! opt-ruled on “7071'. (ho other! trn' mm lo "I" hum- hmâ€" pilal. Sven” mm» days lb» :aws worn going nll lhn limo. Don't :h'rk unm- IN anythinx that ML». ll ((14 man» rm: lhan In m- an arm mlzm ml" Swim :1 kg ran 1“ rrnlarnl :n 1' vrn «mu 11v“. l ma-‘n "Irm- trips at clilfrrrm Uml's Lad wu mop! melting. (fault! hum "to big guns and hear 1hr flash»: and tin- ohs-rvation balloons, A" thy the machine were flying put Saw (‘Imp at Calu- wbn l m) willo‘ “or follow with m "pork-«to doeu‘ not. my month about "mu. II I raw? day- nor. am [mu-m will in unr- lng (Mir but pk! «up. WNI. Mr. mull. H at (but you for «Min nu- the Report". which. mvdlvn to my. I thoroughly «by and numb". General Owinn No. I“. Then an Ids-uni Inning sinuous Im‘ Armmim M: M IMMI and that do (M the non» nrwn an" boy-Isms" hmr «and. .1 km: far "In (int ltd. M C. F. s. u my In "mi. TM mam (“ommhr called. Ifl‘ all in (mu M part-bk uh»: "uh mun-unity of ”wrung him-mu. Thy alum or full lurk Ms nmnv-rimion and with u a" "Inks u the lion chums. TM. wring W for (brir rfl’kkm Ind rfl'r'fliw' work. latter but this I." fly- form". Iru any. "owner. I am loo poor n "Mk-r who in in thin (I wrilrr Io try to "pl-bu n MM'LURI (minim~ Depot. \ fmling» whih Jerry u out loath: Angrlm I wul m- my a for mhchid. Ind bald“ “Mr-aid!" 0! The Runner. I:- n motio- fir-t nut-dam. nun-"LI 84m (I tm It In. In my an. {or the Frank" (in! fight I apt-u! In Prun- old Jerryi -~ â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"~â€"-~ fluid a mum. drâ€"n‘d on Ibo Rant NURSE WES and ”9th.. Door Polk: Shawls, _i i 8.0-- I an '75ng new all (hr William I. Inga!” bu I in" get «out! up. I ' In". ham in! I very int-mun. um- Ilmdquarton sad DM-bl. Amfinn'mr. In June I made my flu! "1' £3me Fort-n. km. on lo u malty ctr-rm. Hulk-m. “I'M-y November "0-. Will. nre an my"! Wu!- Io the Inn. And now that the Big Job is ubouf itinished the next question the follows am asking the-mocha and each other is, “When do we go HOME " and it is too big a question for me. On- thing 1 do know is that we are mov- ing back to the twining area but what we will do utter that is the quen- tion. and 1 don't think anyone but the General himself knows. mnending the wax-k of the men um dorhlsoommlnd.hithnm"nwith may at the Downers vae boys, to: uyauknow flwnnungoodmlnynf us in the 33d Division, I an sure that it will be of interest to you. nnytoonoontopiaseus.mpdce is sum high But I an sure “all Qiahtoaeoitflnhhedinjuatthe I '.ul"4' three hips at «lim‘r-‘M hmrs In" war mot! writing. ("mid hm: the big gums and hear the flashes and tln- «Mannie» balloons, A" day the machines were flying past. 83w 64 at one limo. The last. (3. C. S. mov- ed forward nine times whfle we were with it. Came home eel-Her then we upon"! or wish-d to. as (he mph". l m with made the commanding of- firnr of the unit I am hoping I can go min. but thon- are so mhv whoj wish to go that I expect that I must‘ be satisfied. ‘ mm mm rem opt-ram! on “vow. (ho other! trn' mm to "I" hflr hmâ€" pital. spun! mm clays ”iv :aws worn going all thr- timv‘. Don't :h'rk IMH- lu mummy that will». u fw! mow rm: Ihan to m- an arm tnkrn "ff. MW: :1 log an N‘ med :m' rm «mu aw. Amlm I fill Il'!‘ my mother'u a” of The Mom. Thank you for mull”: me the B.- portcr. l minted it with Carport! lb! "filler who in in thin amp with the Tbi- Ioflowln‘ tau-Min Hm b [all It” Clam um. a mu: 0! In. Ru leCollun. ‘ The army training has mean! much to thr- men who have had it, ad on the whole. I think the war has given our country a healthy sinking. Ind clear“! our vision. 'We ul'nopeum'awmbem However, I am sure that everyone in the service and out, who has con- 's¢iofllously done his best to help our {commâ€"y and the allies! win the gut-at rvlctory of right against hellish might. iwhich God has vouchsakd to In. be- ‘ievea the prile to be worth the price. And We should be devoutly thankful to God that the awful coinage has ceased. All honor to the men and woâ€" men who made the supreme sacrifice, Ind to those who are nuimed and crip- pled for life. and to their loved one: who have laid such costly gifts on the altar of Liberty. um Odumv Depot. Whitt- In, lath .2 No doubt many officers nym- large financial sacrifices by entering the sender, but in my judgement. many of the waisted men have sustained lous- es which are far [under for them to ban r. there are In the camps of the United States. who did not w to cm the "bi; drink" to take a am It him, he and his gang of murderers would have quit sooner than they did. I am glad that I had the Important ty of serving as n Chaplain here. and below thnt as a Y worker and Camp Pastor at (Jump Taylor. Kentucky. Molourmmmform FROM FRANCE ABOUT WORK Yum. 01100)" I’. I’ll. 84mm” mu. Franklin 0. mun... . We had no hands or mm mm" nnd wen kept mutt cover until the sumumnymh mash-aJmublemmitfim ‘way It a. 30 p. m. while we were ‘u mean. I was asaigned to 2nd ms .t 12 noon. lore about the men h- We board"! ship I; ”:30 a. m. and it wu the S St St. Paul, an Amt-rial. Linc passengnr and mi) boat. We were lucky all the “fly for everybody m coming over on troop ships and aioux but were 0 K. It that The Iva- :most but this ship with mod! Mona for 900 onty had 550 passengers, ”Mien. ofiicen and nut-lea. We men were assigned 3d elus mums which might have been more comm dimshwnO.K.ltthaLThL-wn- ther as very clear Ind fine and the‘ mu m shining when we got and"; I can say that UK! A. E. I". is sun‘ a happy bum-h now with than! hon- Ind only Hu- finishing tom-hos to pal on. Its a tmsup whrhrr or not we haw 800‘er job afu-r wt- finihhh this )if» IH0 m, or [fit orders In null-ark for Him good old Eats Unis. This link job consists of finishing 12 miles of I lead connecting Paris and Tours. 1 might n we" find from the first and let you know how things weal: hum the time I left Camp Merv-m. N. J. on Earth 22nd Int. l l justlound now from 1 Sergeant that we no [trimmed to let the proplc at how know when we no, no Mu- ‘m Wanner. Belgium. but my In having um town murmur. I sup- We am a" gin-n ”w nm-mhmi‘) to with our ”ads with mu :1 unanu that "my will M given rprrial ddh rry 30 I am minu lo [(-1 run lumw of a I‘m things that l was hitlvl ‘1: "1|an- ln. but mm‘ "mt mrw of III- msondlip ngulations an- liftod. I an wmmut any riuk. 'lhwnotmnanyofflwl).6. boys but there are quite a few boys from Chicago when: “1! am now on - ‘mue march to Germany. which in Emu: distance from when we use now, Ikxar hm! hul u the VI: in now over they m- Iold In for only us. mout- no that mlvmhhchln Down-r- (imvv In April or Maya-dell hardy VIM. um Hutu-um ’ We”. lb: old has! Nu:- h tofu mucholunhnfloplmuw mmun-«mh.mwmu )orrywopummlnu “multilingual-Malawi. thfluhanfluu mnhfimhhéuodyhhu mun! wield phall- vuch hw- houn- und mun. A a! kg. Uh you mid. II: "I“ 1 Jan! w W In Fm. but hon: h [kl- dm wk".- n no- you could pd lell "mm Ind ham - w-r on am In u u. haul-a an- mad. I! h but 9:.” Mn- unl "w hub- MI in! New “up!" which mn- lights M .so till my (It! by:- .‘m this “no and «rm- '1.” have. Your: (mly, * Gnu-fl II (kin-man, l‘. 8‘ flat some of ‘hr how know- in "Ir Rrpmtv-r m l "mm.“ 1 I‘M“ haw- Iu h-rp up my Ind and will In. "ml “ivhm: In ”In Hnmv ($an and IN (hm-in. To" Hm I mall.‘ :I ”Mk-r nanny-annihilation.“ than mountain-nun... hanflhmolthhydhnm mm The fighting on our {mt Im- chub-a Jury (nun Man In El). BOYDSON WRI’I'ES T0 “DAD" 0N FATHERS DAY pm It till he mm In" laid- nlgm no they no hand an ever on w marching final. \ Well. I wished mung a night whik Illuminati-Prudential!» lianwuhdH-doucfllez. but I m we will get them. lh-venotmnarailgudtorluh a long time that I forget how out- looks. Beak!“ the railroads [My luv» omr how am like I wheelbarm on mils and w for Mind M‘Ir’e'vorw 1 Just 1 line to you as I received the Reporter this p. In.. and sum was glad to receive It. I havebeen in frame {or the lust thmc months and 1rather liked it. I have seen a little ‘of the fishing but nothing to all ‘about. I put I week in the hospital on account of a shell dropping to» ‘close to this laddle which gave me u slight math a! shell shock. but am GEO- concom ON THE MARCH 70 GERMANY Somewhere in Belgium. Nov. 19. 1918. Dear Friend Mr. Stats: Give my result“ and best wishes to all I know. U. 8. A. My, both mm for m.%aWimfifl.-Mm othnr from Boston. Hope that 1 iv!!! nothve to go home helm everything is all over here. and tint than than will be peace forever. Nari-m6" 2114!, ID ! R “Edith“! \mmaynmm manna-mums... ' mentor- ham! 1 2nd class arch! on {In bi [1km Ind Northme on CI? ‘4 Hunt ~' l’Zantfld. “0 M H “‘1‘ muons with us I" on the Quin. 0.1 can of canned Iifloy ad I has of “1 ibismits. That hall to MI! W1 for altho vu- nrrivnl It 8-": Flu-3 WE" § 3 E s 33” 5; mot any supp". It '15 "lain. h» air mid gain: on and minim." nwrv whvm in the sly We dept I: - trnts that night and the hat. I! *- ed mvry so minutes Ruhr ch "if nights "Mutiny-eventing” thing was new Email“; everything England I: I my m A country in the 9:11:1me wu green. The train m a Job. W tle an with the do." in h ad hauled by I little M were all «by from um I ‘ '11an I never will m; ‘mnh from the (input to ~ ' there. It m mm (or “ miles and under full pick. I I nmermldmhlth.‘ , ‘ In the course at Um hour: II '0’: l . gunloadod and m mother two m G a That new" ghoul 9 p. n. we (up! [ml WM! In Unwed "all" ‘3 anon morning when l [It Up '0 '1” It [In dork. . urwmrnollheil’llfihhua anrr ix «as u" «or my [an m; hold mo up Hath a mm I” ~ I ‘aM-er to «1 Mn \M in 'u AM Anyway. ~ 4 4: Capt-In of Ibo mum M. f “slab-k M Maud. W3". in 6x: pmtmuu-hq-IQE. puma nnfll l a. lb. ‘1 around but in 1‘ 1'1... M lupin-X80 Mrmrhdudthnllo" on n..- Ilrkhv Mun-l flag ulna!- um. (It! Ir". [Ml Milliâ€"ll lath ashram-um- nth tn an! au- on th- lufin [a Dutnnn «nu man out a! nyoloarguu. Wow-um“ mkmwrvhllhcmhmv N..MM an "inhibit.“ “Way-admnnuI-M ::xynm.~0'é“l1 h. .1 LinUIeMthell own guns. I! we “in. lam we in.“ he hm ch nuaflMyMlWM.“ :0? In: _ :33. "”3â€" 3.1) can i: I. I! ufig :93 ‘8 ca. 3.0â€" :!- 3 .PE ‘vnid .m and l was gurgling! ‘lor an hour but none the Lieu-.1 dwayl bond {or one» after um hut nothing no polled in that “no. Three din tried a little and poetic. vi 0 inch stern gun. Al. I m. may. At the third M til .1an sad that nib II pretty ate and it um. i and 0a the 6th day wo Wu. who. Ind one u, a. use a 33% 315% ll mull-u III- wax u no wt hrs-t alonnide mull it o! the 30th or ”the l“ Butthemniugdthlflhmm themau-demmmi-ui {nut dun-mir- thumbing“ medium". Wchddmdbm hour km in wuy. Iiy that sp¢mfin¢M I. max itmlm-Mupndoctfc “- w... . .w. w... w. u» how one mammary afternoon I won mill. to 6 and lay M M hilt» was regular chow. Like chick“; short rib «7! heel, [mum quads.- tlow,¢-r pie. cheese and whit not take it from me I filled up ever! 1 inc. . ' I'l‘hecmwwusBritilh‘ldI ,, ;could get over liking to but “I Cockney bulk. It kept an m most of the Hun. The manor remained clear “I _ wholetfipbutwmldnothvcm' lights on deck that sundown. I wu. not .170:th by the motion Ind Mt fine But. one morning I m unimv on the urban-d side mun-u M' 30 {wt {mm the “tar when the Id

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