Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 25 Apr 1919, p. 5

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Paul W. Friable in in Cincinnati an I [amines trip. The Polish Reiie! tag day in Dow- ner: Glove netted the sum of $139.39. In. J. Parker Orr and baby of (nun-go. visited her brother. 8. J. Brown and family last week. Kin Lucy Smith spent Sunday vis- iting friends in Nlperville. A sure sign of Springâ€"4h: light .mw flurriea yesterday morning. usual-hams Gaunt-Who!“ Bring ymir clothing here and have it CLEANED the RIGHT way. The Dry Cleaning process is not a mere brush- ing as many persons assume, but it is a thorough cleaning of the fabric by spirits and solvents, and requires not only a positive knowledge of how to do It, but a very efficient equipment with which to do it. Many establishments claim to “Dry Clean” when they merely brush the material and sponge the surface to a limited extent. This leaves all the dirt and grease in the center of the cloth, and in the case of lined garments the dirt is left in the interlining, padding, etc., and in a short time it works back to the surface and the garment is as soiled looking as before being cleaned. BUY A BOND! ‘l‘lcrclsnodolu in your mwuto the right plot: the right place to get good groceries is I l ER E to not good [rm-cries. We want to prove to you um am.- Is your order! out! we wil YOU Should Not NEGLECT YOUR CLOTHES! HARDWARE 36 8. Mill: Street Telephone No. 29 MERTZ (a MOCHEL The the I: now a! hand I. pupae for Spring Clank; and bent- ulu and we but a I." apply of nut nodal article- 3- ALABAS'HNE and HYGENIC CALSOMINE ABSORINE AND CLIMAX PAPER CLEANER PnttLambert61F|ooran-n‘nh . Johnson's Floor Wax PERSONALS CLEANING - DYEING -â€"- PRESSING and â€"â€" REPAIRING JOSEPQ K133457521; Spring Cleaning? A Good Assortment of Paints Enamels. Brushes. Etc, Etc. BIA I( IS ( n‘rOOl) 1919 Won! has been received that Clif- for Reid is at Hoboken. New York, enrol-1e for home. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Scott and family aspen: the week end in the city visiting relatives. per cent column on the Victory Loan. BUY HERE. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Curtis: and family of Haywood, mmomd over on Sunday and called on wlalives. Ilr.andln.Arthurlu-wluwd NEW Avenuefiom Circle www.mmmm- jfmfly went [at Sunday It the lab spent I pleasant Ana-noon mafia; In: his heme with Mr. and In. Ben ‘mmd Fuel- home. It the home of Hrs. Phelpa Weatherhee is now with his mother, ‘ Mrs. Con Steele at Oak Put. Mrs. Mr. Gustav None at Falrmout. "fl- L- L- Chemm",‘_" sewn” Eocen- recently graduated in». tho Mlnn.. is visiting his cousin. Henry 3P0” Saturday hem vismng at the West Suburban “08qu u a “"9“ Sucher. home of Mrs. George Kenny. “I.“ nurse. Help put Downers Grove in the 100 00mm GROVE mum humans 6mg” mom Claw of Plus-field. m a Visitor In town mane-any. m in looking for viohton of the M0 km W W tna the Marin! 9' "Chm “we“ was doneluneduflncthe ”ch "‘9" In the Creek. BinyShanabmkw-hommm llmeritl Clark wm hr at 1h:- Dicke Theatre again. Sltlflhy, April 20th and in a picture that in sun- to please y.ou She make: three "Wo- mu haters” change their minds, hut â€"-they can't be blamed for thatâ€"- we believe we would change our minds under similar dream. adv. State Game and Fish [sweeter A. Tod Curtis: and John Intel play- ed on the Chicago University Tenn {fichefimgmedthemon lanky. Quite n ”fly of ladies from the village gnarled and enjoyed a box Hm: the courtesy of Ir. Irwin Wamfly spent hot Sunday at the bane d Valentine Mel on NO)“. Main Sen-«L Ir. lad Mrs. Henry Myer: of Chi- cago. Ir. and In. 84!. flock! of Fan-st Park, and mm? label and Ir. at! In. Lester Genig um! Virginia Leo. Mr. M In. Walter 1. SM: mu! Bray Jam and Edam Fidel visited at (he bane o! It. and Mrs. Dtvid Gash-rd n Nap??- ville last Sunday. 1 Win the MI of cities an m mrthemhhdhyinglsmfld. flflnknfletoMOnflm "HIRE" or will I! h fan-'4 to VP- mdn diet“? BUY A "le BOND HERE"! V Ir. WMrinhtho-n- encmminhthehlinmm hhlswmmm. "in ”amino for ant-alien's writ an" Wally. He would welcome (My am. Norm-n Aden-m not": 0! Ir. turd Mn. A. I. "Hm mind Ms ‘diqhnge pawn Tun-hp He ar- rh-M in Donn: time on Tun-lay emits ”l cw' '1‘. "" no- " mm M m: Mn. C. r. Davin. In. MIMI ol the drum dun/r out an M ”tidal-nun. In L. I}. “an. “In“, III. flrll "l. mu '0'. I".x’!‘ a" “in“. N" H K. M. "'" W “' W'- "”"'" Ila. u, 9 Jon“. In w. n. lud- i n my". “n..." (1")8‘ 'I.fl. 1“. I?“ J. ll. Vmfl'. ”I! [2. I r «hm! Ike (diap- M p..._ J. [bulk-y. In. H. (3 It“. In. Mvv pl ‘ ' L.” «cured by I... ”4 Mn. Jay‘A- 5.. 0m and Na. \. Pen-ma. [1"le "'- “"0"? " "" "‘ '3“ AM- mud-M Mom In! sa- ‘mm mine-rm uni-y Inv- (‘amp Mu. In. mn- M tn! 3. . M,png.¢hnsdixhrtd (mug-"via. mil... “#1,“. m , a... u. in m am. with a. mu. 9.. gram from unit a. Edwin In. New "0"" c"!- 0" '5' WW" '0“ h v"... an“... Mn .{e "H“, m 0! the nut Ian-How brunch: cf Ike mm. 0- Treaty eve-Int Mu mun pro 3 m hr Null NGWMI AW“ '0'!" 0' It a which um! mm o! No Ion] m1 and ”an A- ll. "Hm mod N ham. to bid um m m. I {mm mm. Trusty meltin- cl 3. Amhvu'n cum mm cam-M - Jew- '- Chlng. Tim-fly eve-am not! In!" M a can" ta Wm mu. “m by 1hr Monthly-40M Club It. In! NH. “com I Hmilh; cl Chin... who IH' no- lo Imam "WM. 0! IN MI am- dmr out an Saturday and up“ ll» mu rut ml "or home 0! Mn. him i A lug- mm I: expected It I!» [clonal bench. and Dam In “bury mu Sunday 0min Apr“ ms. “nu Mr ".9 ungua- of 8. Adm-”n W Chant. Dummy Cocky. Robert Conley and 6m New: were baptized In! Sun- d-y main; in the Bun-r un'kcu at the Find Evumellml Chunk fir. and In. Elton E. Bull" of (Man, up”! Sunday on an Jon-4 Pu!" hm when In, I) .1). Elâ€" uh" of Nathan. (30.6., h um vid- Nu. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mmanop of Oak l'mk. upon! Sunday an (In- hum» of their daughter, Mrs. hum-c Schuetz. fled, llL, will fill the pulpit of tho Congregational Chunk both morning and evening on next Sunday. Mm. Mary Winter of Clyde, spent a few days with her Hon Chester J. Winter and family the latter part of the week. A very haul host this morning following the cold or yesletday in be- lieved to have damaged the fruit thru this suction of the country. inn. Winnie Richards of Chimko, formerly of Downers Grove. spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark. Captain Gordon Reid, a flyer in the Canadian Royal Flying Come, in back home after seeing service on the west fmnt. Mr. and Mrs. Ballard Waples en- tertained a party of Navy Men from the Great Lakes Training Station on Easter Sunday. 1119 Rev. Mr. Owen: of Spring- [ nuv moron mm nouns: [ am am" *non mm ‘1'!!! Inc v mm: mm I‘ll 1on m A non»: V 1-!- h m: law an mwmummm. Indebmrmmmh. A ”meantime-dim Orders “ken hue-days. Thumb” and Sat- Ivith mine cluny 3nd fllet lace. lemma-em. Tryaancky mtfluflm’llmrnoofller. All I Lune- an on In Enrich. 75 N. Tom: Ave. Suits. coats. nuts, skim {and {my (Itasca. rude to mun laud ready-town". Materials Ill wool, silk. geomefle. wile, organic, {inguinal-l Hm. Huh: yum of iexpeflm .- n Iodine, m to file Ho mist you in ”locum. l bu u nice W of waist: In [aor- getteg crepe-Mines. voila, eh. All. latest styles in hm “bu, Chi-sf Water Tender Burk) Riel!” mkmnfowlhysthlnmzekmn Arm law of nbnence. Thu-rally warning he reported a! the Oral Lakes Station for short duty. He is on his second "hitch” which will soon be done all he snys he will “sign over" for moth" cruise. HQ spent a few months in the hospltal recently a 3 result of another adding but otherwise is all right. ‘ llmmthbflmlonmal Ike organisation join the I. It. Phil- .thn Class. "We do things" it Our ‘motu and we live up (a it. Watch 1hr new: of the can Doings. ia the “‘3qu each week. W0 are d- nnndymdwfllinqulmduw to help I sink! or neighbor; get an hum-I with u and see how and: good it win do you. Service is our The “her” Lon Committee “In this mm of [hunting the In M Filmer O’NH, Gum Ray. William Ella". Win-m O'Niel, flurry Town [and Glen Singleton); for no kindly Ming the hills regarding! the Vic- ‘tory [an «in school loudly. I! mm to no: committee that W «themMMthiscu-Henm u that or (our. .‘lu‘ Km- lhwlino ol (Mt-5.."- unn‘nfl n nmbrr 01 (loud- I. a "man and n-IU'N‘. u (to lu‘mn Thain In (Mann. Inna-hi. Thou “overwhelm-animal my" ad (WWI. in 8. A.- dnv‘s Chum an WM ml- hg, April am. MW “at. D. Gondo- la“. 3mm. Mr Pom, win- nrd‘an‘xdoGumu-d PM Miranda. of the WNW lou- t‘whl Anllluy. wt" .nk lulu-ally upon lhrlr n: "pt-damn. Ilav. you ewr man the Arizona Dru-n or n n-al «bu-n town? I! not. Thur-thy. Nay Isl. will be a flu opportunity to get I glimpse of our um venom can-try. For such I: the main. of “Punun “no" to he um u an Didn- Mlm on that (hie. adv. K. Sch/ab. He man: over with the “(II Division of Blackhmflu and was in I’m-w ou-r six momhs. "e ii not holding a cloricni 'mfiififin at Madman": at Clmp Gnu. key new. Sergeant Paul J. Schwnb. Co. G. 342ml lntnntry ya: in (on: hen loudly visiting his limiter, Rev. u. f The Congmgntiolul Philathel Class ‘wlll hold a Children's Party at lhe home of Mrs. Edwmd Lacey, 116 N. Main St, on Friday evening. May 2. The Social Committee is planning to (23an the “children" and guaran- tees that all will have a good time. The Dicks Theatre will show 1mm:- thing entirely new in moving piclumu in addition to the main {oatum at their Tuesday evening slums‘ Nome- l)‘, high class vaudeville in pii'tum‘ If you see one you will want to see them all. adv. i Ellfwonh Sucker who was two ill in be continual with his class at St. Paul’s Evangelical Church last Sun- ‘dny. received the confirmation rites nt his home. Rev. Wm. Grolefeld. pastor of the church continued the young man. wmmmnm hem-mm Dicke Thea!!! EVENING â€"â€" 1:“ Continuous m I. II it w '- On the hot. parchml «mi of We Arizona (Inert. when few In. "or trod. she found lhx- low that she Mil tough! ll ni- m i- U homing millions. Good? Did you ewr PM an [Enid Bonnet! pith” M elm hm good? [mm min "Partner. “no! - "IMHO - . 1:!” (Min-n- Adlai-kn I) n4 2.: Win. var - law. may and damn. a" m I” Mun n4 “'3 s “of. 1m Nit-s Ibo an- in In r, ur Ihmt Hwy an. Ibo-M not fall A... w. In will rho-r yIIu Nu- pmumu o! a 1mm“. «am n”. and In 1th 0!! by their loneromv in - backwaodn camp were thus he“ IIOCIu-h-rs, all of "Mn muflmml “woman Intent." 'nu-y Wm than k the phrpou‘ of hiding (mm Hn- fair .wx. MI was fine. until one 0* they niwow-r "w low-lion: girl zukwp on their diran. Come and no. (I. M- II. 'D hi».â€" 0‘ 1-- u- §l1< 2.01.539 0»; «clâ€"£3.5- ! no. :03 vaâ€" ‘I .- llnfiltt. can» I. finalâ€"he: PARAMOUNT « EBAY PICTOGRAPH FORD EDUCATIONAL WEEKLY V 0 I) - A - \' I L HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE IN PICTURES! MARCHER H'E CLARK mung“ «gut s cm ' Saturday, April 26th Tuesday, April 29th Thursday, May lat “Three Men and A Gill” COMEDY â€"â€" “PEGGY MIXES IN” PARAMOUNT - BURTON HOLMES TRAVEL PICTURE 2

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