Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 18 Jul 1919, p. 2

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,". Wk. Ckri Mr? .1”; 0900 I. Inn. Movers. 22 50; C, R. Raw- _. Petty dish. 23 38; Mott-«puma! My C... Suppfies. 12.12; Curt. “ ‘ Std”. lmn‘al and hhor. :fl.“; Chimp Tokpbom Co. Rpm ‘ ”"5. 59,45; Chicago Frv-sh Air "th. Care of T. B. PIfif'fi‘t 242 a: 000. F. l’imkr. EXPDWS for [Inc n3 (2. John F Hoxtrrman. kjflo bin. 2050: A. R Dirk Co “a! paper, 4. 54; Whaa‘nn Laun no». Llundry 57:4; K R um 'Hieil. 23 75; A I Hawkor. Elec- Supplves. 2 40; Wheaten» Pro- ve. Printing. I5 25; Woman Gun 1 Electric 50.. Gas and ”city. 34 37; John F‘. Heston-man. M Treasurer, Almzhouse expo"- ' 106.24: N. W. Lien, Commiuee ' and expem, 7.2). George Fix. .5. c. B. Biodgett. £20. A. D. unâ€" , 7.75. Wm. Hammemhmidt. 8.80. _ Respectfully submitted. ' Charles H. Bier-mun. Chairman. notion of Supt-visor Hammer- the following repon of the Jury for the June Term A. D.‘ n- ordered to be male . mah‘ .: P. 5'. ”Him I CA. Supp‘bs. 3.12; Um!» Suh- Sdmol I: Cola-y. Can n! County inmtos. ll.’1 65!; K P. Haney. Etpmm on RNA outfit. I13; Fix and Srhmih. Rbpain on hw- mwn If. m; A I.. Kmmor “a Riki-m Ind am. ”150; Mm 1m Book. Laundry. 5 29: anervillo “don. Priming. I51”; Standard m 00.. Cl: and 06!. Ill 96; John H. Km Shades. 4.25; Georg" I“ Lain Oh. Donal for prison-m: tun RI); I: mum. moms ~ sum or summons I’M ‘ 8min. (‘0. "mm nan-w ”. 810 (I): F?! and Sthmih. Rn- firl on roll". 43 ."0. Wm F New m. Cnl‘y Tmaurrr. Paco" ball. “1,“. Con-(y Farm "meow. 230 Your (kmmilm on (fl-um m” h law to up"! that they have W all this» pmml Info"- M 1-1 mm Uw'pymt of h Win. all W! W dork Dr ‘W M 6-1» nnkr.‘ for the s"- OIII amat- h! lhc- srvrnl claim- “! .bâ€"vfi: Vo- mum of Ruwnisur Kuhky .- folk-win. "pad of Cum-nun on Oahu m «In-hr“! npprmpd: , If. Chin-u- 3nd Condom- of .- M a! Burnt-"It 'flw rhimn of t‘Aw-ul Fund-ank- matln' In Sn m with wlrnrd In W full ”and Willhm J‘ Yarn"). ('hmmun On motion a! .‘Nprviwr lllmmrv aim“! "to ('lum nf Didi/nu. Fl!“ huh m dlflllrd. Hairy F Scone. Ni N0 bin-hm- Kmu. NF .10; A‘ M. Iluplum Tram a!" of rmlwm- 8 70; It I'. Mull H. Labor 1m {flab Au! "and. l‘lr'Lll) P: L Halley, 1001!),- Ralph Pu, In Win. Rum! Hrr J‘lt-l) u: m Of Klu'ppen. Nillun 'l'wp.. 9L0"; A I... Spencer. "05"“)! I’m", an 00-, M. W. [kWolf, {-2 00' ll ll Nara-hall too, l‘wrrnfl' linuvmhuf. ll: On: “tour "ow”, Sonia-1 an Iluunl a! Ink-w. 1‘4 00 “'. W'. "va, 7': 'l) Harv F Sonar. Ni R0 blurhnvl Car! Kirrhhofl. Funding and in Addison Twp" 875.26; Betsey lor- ho. Winfield Twp.. 78.00; John For!- “. Winfield Twp. 75.00; Albert Nth. Lille Twp. [23.00; I". C. War- h-Ule. York Twp, 62.50; Chm, Shu‘ w. Wnyne Tim. 4800; F. (3. My- OI'I, Milton Twp., 7" 75.; C. "0". Blooming-talc Thu. 74 76; Jm-O‘ph Mum'Nawlwllr 'l'wp.. ’II 255-. PM. at Kmppvn. Millun Turn. 'Jl 00; A L. flpflm-r. Drpuly fur», m cm; \\ W. ”(WI)", {-2 00. H. II Nunlm“ we! and worn for the June ~ A. D. 1919. would beg lave Your Committee on Fees and Sul- nflol would beg leave to report that. M hue examined all claims presen- hd below them. and rcommend un- poymont o! the following. and that the clad: be directed to issue orders hr the uvenl mounts to the sev- en! chimnntu, loâ€"wit: 0n reâ€"convening. the following re- port of Committee on Fees and Sal- aflel was on motion of Supervisor Lien declared approved: ‘ Ir. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board 0! Supervisors: bi Tam. A. D. 1919. ii- Honor-He D. 1. Canton, Judge Proceedings of the Buunl of Supvr< visors of Du Page County. Illinois. at I special mes-ting held at tho (.‘uurt House in Win-awn, on Monday the 7th day of July. A. I). 1919, at 10 u'clock A. M. pursuant to Call of Ch " - ”Meeting called to order with Chair- mtn Boger presiding. 0n roll call. all members present. Minuu‘s of lam, preceding meeting read and declared approved. All bills and communications on file mud and the claims referred to the proper mmmitwes. On- mgrtion of Supervirwr Hammer- Ichmidt. (he Board look a recess for thirty minutes. fie Circuit Court of Du Page of Illinois. County of Du Page, mummummumy (om melmrial service forJohn Brynn next Sunday. 11-. awful-oath nai- Every Downers Grove boy who was a member 0f the army. the navy or Inn-inc corps is urged to attend the [n the end. Drake manages to put the girl and her brother in possess- ion of the money. and himself in pm- «salon o! the girl. which isn’t halfâ€" had . He wires his mother that do- ing things for others is all very well in its fly, but that it keeps I man in hot water and he is ready for a cool plunge. So .having received Merceâ€" de’s assent. he plunges cooly into the sea of mtrlmany. and heads for Broadway and Forty-Second Street. ELSERVICE MEN TO MEET AT 2:30 SUNDAY AFTERNOON At "which. Theatre Saturday July 19th. ‘ Tho plot goes on finding young Drake continually endpavoring to help «tho-rs and continually landing in hot “car as a mmlt of his well-inten- tianerl attivitiu. Every new move to help other! result: in ineanvenience to himself. Sn iwm ll!» West h- gaps. In Sow "a. Hum. Drake mu om Manurl lnpn, Ind" of an outlaw banal. who is bring pursufil hy the sheril. Stell- ‘ing adventuvv, Duke chumps clothes with the bandit. euablinq that follow- er at an ancient profession to elude his porsuors. Ind Drake leads the pa- rum" of law a run-r7 (hue, finally raking n-l‘ugp on (lu- mf of thi- «mmh‘ jail. which is the last plum m [hp warlrl the sheriff thinks to look. In the jail is Hercules Sylvestnr.‘ a thing of hl’auly and a joy forn'er. who has been imprisoned by the sher- vfl‘ on a trumped-up chm of mu;- (ling and Ted fall:- in love with tho «lain! y captive. TnHy Drab was that 1r” hon m a trpécal Nrw \‘mhr and he de- rwini tn 1n nut and do noun-thing for «(Mr fnlk. hoping to «Ivvelop an in!- vmt in lift Irv-(sway. THE KNK‘KERBOCKER BUCKAROO ()n Manon of Supt-wiser Kalgo- nunn "w mm a! the mod. mini-g hat and West through Du Pam! (‘waty am: known as China: Awn- uw. urn dung“! to lawn" Rood. On mafion n! Suprn‘hor Ijlln. m "on"! Mia-nan! In (“all a! Chair, A. A. Kuhn C‘IHI. m. medium a! Humn‘hor llnmmw- «hmkk. n.» Clerk wu nulhoriml to PM" 1 County W-rmm 100w Tm»- m-v uf Hw- Can uni In“ Road Aunclahnn for SIM. In In and in murmur: 0w (0km pain along «M ml 6- Du Pum- (minty. 0n “mum a! Supnuur Human-r- urhmull. "In Old Sohlwn Rrunlon Is In b:- lu-M u! "w Conn "mum in “hr-ton Wont-Fr "Rh. norm Yuri ....... D-uwm-r- Grow Lulu Vagwrwflr tiny would further report that three In» ”HR were Voted. l'hmminavllll‘ \\'u_\'n~' “mm-M M “(an ..... On motion at SupQ-n'ldnl‘ llamnw-r- H‘hmidl. John I"; Mush-71mm. County 'l'n-nnuurr. wzn allowml t'nnlilu by albuu-mI-nu o! "w 1')” [mum in tin- fullowinq tum-whim: Allallmn W5 2.37.91. All of which is respectfully sub< mitu-d. Bond of Supewiuom cause such celeâ€" brution to be held at such time and place as in their judgement "my seem ndvinlbla H. H. Franzen. Foreman. Filed June lllh. A. I). ma. Lewis Ellsworth. Clark. They would further report that in view uf the. great number of mpn from Du Page County that. have un- temd the Uniwd Slutes service dur< ing the present. war. and tha- noblv and gallant manner in which they have acquitted themselves. that, it would be fitting and proper that. some suitable County celebration be held in the m-ar futum to pay tribute to the service they have mudeml. We would, therefore. recommend that the They would f'u'uw: report [had ihv‘y have A-xuminml tim Chi)" Hours" :11le gruuml‘ and ”in public juil of .AHI (founly; zhc-y find the Conn Housr- in a very gum! stat" ui "resor- \:ilion and the gmunus surrounding Um :umv nvully kept. and they would mmnn-ml thn action 0! the Board of Supm'virors in causing said buildim: and ground to be so pmservcd and lured fur. They would funher row". that they find the jail in a very sanitary conâ€" dition, the inmates firmly. but hu- manva cared fur and they bolipve (he Shm'ifl'. George I". Lcineke .is un- titled to great credit for the order and diaciplinc they find prevailing at tho- County Jail. it'd-mouthmu $3779 nowmans GROVE REPQIITER. nowmms GROVE, ILLINOIS 1370 HIS 7H 4| :H 94’) 82 S. Main 8!. Damn Gm MORRIS SHOE STORE Shoes. 8“ pen. Rcbben. M: to? t e Entire Funny Funeral Pieces ”until!“ Bonnet: E Miss Hnunu \Vunnh-r had a delightâ€" 'ful surprise awaiting hor finldier hem, Coup lulu'md Landm‘f u! Nupnnille last lhul'sduy ou-ning. July 24,\§h1-n Vahout thirty young poopltr. who were her guests, gathered at the depot la meet him on his animl from Camp ‘lurant where In- juxt rocviwd his dis- ‘charge the day before. i 'l‘hu- surprist- was completn to say llhe learn: and 13wa greetings 1nd ihearty hamlshakos the party wander ,ml in the Wander home on North 'Prince Avenue whorv a general good imc was had. Miss Lillian Wander. acting as the bride, carrying a boquet of brown- leyed Susana; and wearing a bridal veil which served as her bedroom curtain on just ordinary days, entered on the mm of the groom, Miss Grace Haumcmr. who was a scream. dres- ‘xed in “VII '3" Sunday best 3nd wear- ing 1 mustache o! lamp bluk. The bridal couple were preceded by Mrs. Emil Wander Manx as the miniswr. and beuideu her mnnnish .costume Wore a high silk hat. of the vintage: of 1880. I Everything (IO-plan for the hide! OUR HOME TOWN BOOSTERS REAL ESTATE ‘2 S. Main St. M21 Fire. Accident. PM! Glass. Auto- noflk and «he? INSURANCE! Music and dancing uccupied the early part of the owning after which ice cream and cake were served. The fluid“ of the young folks had not been chilled by the ice cmnm and they ciamomd for more music and (lam-~ im; which was indulged in until a mock marriugo ceremony was perâ€" formed which broke up the party. Zl 3| 3. Main St. Prmrlflkm RETURNED SOL- DIER DELIGHTFUL- " LY ENTERTAIN ED (Wu-in! Pun-aim! LADIES n4 GENTS TAILOR 31 S. ”III SI ,\ full line 0' Weddiny Birthday l Birth Cmgnhlubn Cards (huh-nu ~ Baum. -- 80mg. Iain I Gr." 5“. The First National Bank W} fill \‘Hnln "stop: on lem- H "-lvoVu‘iiiilrie "(churn unord- 3min", School Supplin Both Ind “lg-thw- J. F. KIDWELL CO. Downers Grove Game Pro-fl Honk. by mm Mn NDT’S DRUG STORE .\ (fut-Md! Bantu-I Sonkr North Side Grocery and Market J. L. SWEARINGEN W. H. BLODGETT Print. and (knâ€"old“ Account- $0!th Wholesale and Rehil 18.1 JOSEPH MAZZA FLORISTS Ave. Downers Grove. Ill. M 281-282 LOANS [ lCmngMJ \ ‘ I It In - ntbar mun-1mm thing. WM ‘ _ nu “up In flunk am: It what one I; m don-r will do. u n In mm n,’ 3', work. TM: has Men lily-«nml m l -1 «mum man" an mrhn mslmn? i hy moans M I vm III-bk .mfiml. , 5 I! you mm! m no just no. "ll-mun! . ;: rule 1 author dollar of . dun-r NIH i play- In "no In» M - mmnnny M": In "so my to dn M. 1m mark a Mr M tho dollar and mm It IM'. wm.‘ Nu- "aunt IMO awry mm run I _ man-a ma dam: mah- n Mo on "NI - hunmhqbeneflvedlt. Tkm' ll" will M I! 0pm. I No. name that Smith. lnstnd of buying Mn groceries from Brawn. Ind purchased them from I mm order house In a fur dim-2t city llld nut M- domr tq pa; f‘orjhem. Brown galley mm up Ms mount with Smith. Svnlm now has his don" back. Brawn h" been able to pay Ills plumbing M“ Jones has sqmred up with the printer. and an on. all around the circle. White. tho "II-pout”. for me work done on Ms dairy house. so now he mks: "11- dollar that Green has mld Mm and pay! up what M- m Whlto, White mu own for some lumber that ho bought fmm Smith. the lumber dmlor. so he takes the doflu and Hm Is (he Iny It works: Smith. the lamb" dalvr, «M first W the doll". My! mum [mt-1m M Brown and run for than with (hp dol- lar. Alum" mm mm Jones. no plan- anhohadmm'mtm Brown. send! his rolled»? around and Rmn my! tho M" with [Ms dollar. Jana or” nmn. the printer. a mall ndvfl'flfln‘ M". so he sands (Ms dull" with pmclhly mm» Mien. to 0m to pay Na hm Gwen had full pm the dollar In M! mall drawer than "I comm Black. the mlllrmnn. to whom Gram own a dnllnr for milk dollar”! at his house. Gm takes the dollar not of Ms rash draw-w and my! "luck. I‘m- some mm- Black has awn! J. H. FRANKEN FIELD PLUMBING â€"â€" HEATING me WIRING 828.Ilhst. maumwuvmum§ uni-Hyurwnimh- Wanna-nun“. PAYS mum Bf KITS (‘m‘p .Lamlorf. who is well known in the filing», just mtumod {mm EOVOI‘Sl'an‘ service with the A. E. F. .where he saw some hand fighting [having been wounded by shrapnel and :rTQ'Vt'D’L‘ly burned with mustard gas. Keep Ono Moving and See What It W5" Dolor Your Com- "unity. This is the longest dry well no ondy in the amnion lhlt we have ex- perienced in years. Cistenu and wells wen- very low and the ground was dry (or many feet down. The worst feature was it seemed to hit only thix section .3 they have had good rains all around us. A 'good shower Monday evening broke the two months drought which. was ruining gardens and craps in general. The leaves of the cum were curling (mm want or rain am. ima- tour gardeners were in despair 5e- rause the no sprinkling order prohi- hm-(I them [rum saving their wgcv tables. POWER 0F DOLLAR IS EASILY 3H0“ The ceremony was interrupted fm~ quently‘ by penis of laughter which burst forth from the assembled guests and the party broke up, there being no more “pep" left for dancâ€" ing after such a mirth provoking ('mm'dy and every one present is wait- ing for an even more jubilant time which is wan to cumu in this neck of the woods. NEEDED RAIN MONDAY BREAKS LONG DROUGHT (Tlnm’d Good- SANITARY MEAT MARKET d2 3. Mull 8!. Phone 21 WM! mam Haw Happened. Pn- thtln: Plum LOUIS KLEIN \‘rgdnhln 2H and their money to the mum order hm. they no not only hurting the home merchant Incidentally butâ€"n thing um important to themâ€"they m "hi: to be taking the bread out I the mouths of their m and:- Every sensible man knows that his llvpllhood depend! upon wheiher busi- ness in hls town ll good or not. It business is not (and. he annual make a good living i'ur himself and his family. no manor how hard he may work. and huslnesn cannot be good if the busi- ness men in the lawn Ire not making money. This in a nlnln hardness primo- union for every man and woman In the (annuity. By spending their mnney at hem they are helping the home merchant only lncirlwntally. They no Wu: their own brand. When they Thus. It will be seen am mg buy- at-lmmo mum Ia really a plush one with the man who buys the (was. He Is noQ hurting the home merchant when he lends Ms money out of town‘ any more "no he I: hurting Mensa". Rm. the [rm‘f‘ry man. on! I "um- «anvl dollars and mum my It. he I: MM fur the bankruptcy mm; When Jana. mo plumbwl'. can“: called the m whirl. I! who Mm fm arm"! or may!» 4- Wm Emu-m. M In Mack-d In (in same mm In Brown. AM so It can all around the ends at" n hm 8mm: of . damn slum“! who have am "Mr my on of (on mam! lothehflmofthemflm Electfic Wiring Electrk Plun- Nu. hm mnlllnly this 009 “hr by I hundml or n man-mu! or m: that and. Ono rwm may nut mm tn ml» much dlflan-m In "at "mac km. Own a momma-l doll-rs or own I W 00mm «Inn min I fllfl'er- m. Jmt n- M» AMI-r rm [to] I Men or I hundred small huh. I um and or I lhcmsnml dollar! will pay I mm at I hnmlrvd Mg Nils, m And "on "do; "on stands m m' drill“. M! In mm «(In mnlmkovl k that Smith "Iv man who am wk Hu- rlofl-r. In hurt M II mm 'M' M wad. that Mm out or! (m as lc‘ the home mm (mm than he night In" hang!" Mu nun-fin m (In m that I‘M 3mm: man "on Mar lo mm” or m «not «I, when Ibo mull 0M” Mm 0mm uh. "on dollar In an!» so far .0 sum. nMJmnMOmIMOMn-«M the We In Mmra 0mm in too- «pawl The can" am not" com- hark M pay guy Milo In 9mm- fawn. 63‘. :mW mt. mama mm "M Number: Jun" Mal-I not ban mm M: priming m": the Mum- mid tum- had to «and of! the will no: WM“. mo comm. would no! ban mleoyfnrlMMh-hd um (or (In mulumm and flmub would not In" N "no may rm: WI. «I'd Mu Inf Imam. ‘I’Mq In I" In Ilmplu that It mull“?! no Imam! of ml“ or Wan-w nf mum-"u to flmn ll am. An!- Downers Grove men and boys who served during the war in the army. navy and marine corps will meet Mon- Jay evening to organize a post of the Anlvrican Legion here. The meeting will he held at the G. A. R. Hall, PIX-SERVICE MEN WILL MEET T0 ORGANIZE POST J7 .\'. Main Printing of "try kind for “your. Good rod and right nice: 'l'lll'Z DOWN 'flh’ GRUVIT D’I'HIJSHI (‘untpnuy PLUMBING â€"~ HEATING H. 1. HAWKINS Bum Ono Who n Hun. Stenm flouting - Sewer Building Gas Fitting Fred D. Heinke P L U M B I NG "war I M Telephonn SLR IILLWOIK Mun Sali- For Sale by Hawkins Hawkins 63 S. Main St. Phone 287-] LUMBER Ame-Inn! Implements. International Fire Mm LEHMANN MICHEL GENERAL MERCHANDISE Lowest Price- 28-30 S. Main 8!. Phones "7478 REAL ESTATE 1ND LOANS 33 S. Main 8!. M 2“») Fire Insurance Mn. (‘yclam Inn-rue! Nuary Mic Dry Goods are executed from a variety of M!- ceptuble designs and every detail is looked after by experts. That is why our monuments always appeal to good taste. If you plan a memorial in your plot we will show you a great variety of designs to choose from. ARTHUR R- BEIDELMAN Pmflpflmq Cigars Main and Curtiss Ste. at 8:00 o‘clock. 7 It blank charter has been sound and this will be signed and sent to headquarters of the Legion for appro- val. Temporary Chairman. Robert Car- penter is interested in getting as many names 1“ possible on the ap- plication and asks that every ex-ser- vice man in Dmvnm‘s Grove and vici- nity be present . Our Monuments Main I Cnrtiu S45. mum». TI'IIII. {huh-Illa. -- lop-hm; ~- Sloan KIDWEI.L GARAGE C0. “ah i Warren PAV YOIR "ILLS BY CHECK ('Mna Wu". “nail: Wan. CIA. Wu". Stadium. Kihlhul. Llfl'l. l‘bnu and (‘onlmiomu Potter Manufacturing and Lumber Company Home 15 Phone 35. R N A PERV I LLB. \' \IIIPIT" STURE IE S. Mam SI l'hou THE FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK Home shoeing gm! Repairing 128 S. Main St. mam Bank in "ovum G I" 3. “I5! SC. MONTH"!!! TIRES .109. NILE." GUARANTEE IDLINMOHIIJ‘Z AGENCY H. 0. SU'ITER nucxsmm CHAS. HALLER PI’FI‘ER PHARMACY S. A. DEXTER Friday, July 18, 1919 (I PENNER l'honr 200.1 Noveltie- GOAL ‘0'." ILL

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