Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 17 Oct 1919, p. 6

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“he mam of the Board is that , it mrdx closely its expendi- K lion will run short of money. ' ‘ will take the time to read the ' of the hearing before the sub- . of the Home Committee , man. he will see that ‘ [I not limited to $8,000,000. many an he find with {he d in nation thrown inâ€"â€" w Mi ”write that the M M to solicit almx upon thp duet. though this has happened. It, Men the Red Cross the Elks and M hatutitions which have shown Mach-en philanthmpically diamond hurt] the wounded. But this is char- fly and it is begging. and no other or trick of elocution an gloss Ova-.11” use is not analogous to " “ of the soldier who received free “a! attention from tho. Red Cum: ‘7 the battlefield or got a cofee-g h handout from a road- a”. am on the march. That was .neflve aervleennd in the str'ess of emergency. That emergency has 'l'hin dellhrrate homring of trip- flld fighting an must muse. Then» I. In still unis of the Gowrnment h who. [rim service they came by fish nfl‘liction. There may hp sum “3 will dispute the use of the term: Wag” Ind "charity" It is true a the Board 6099 not actually send ‘I'Ie American legion Weekly” 3!- “! awful fumigation ends it: in- m of the Pedrral Run! as foi- “a“ «f Franco and Italy. They “Wmmmtwhuthdr unalHIndWyMwm-Kn- dad I mall put of that was prom- “ MI. The old poi-sin train» in much litter than nnfillnl pmmi- h-Mthoymyhflnlrm w "you (hoax-Ives In. tho m Uh h “8 din of IOUâ€"I’ll lived h w! in the (nachos and hat- “flaunt-humupnmt. Vain.” and.) up: I! W “-1"- Th Nation-l 0' of tho Ammuumummm MdWNdith‘lhfiov *hlfl“.l§dhmir bun-l W Nun-hum m. “MIMMM'QMIJhQNdflM -wmiathth-‘n1h Mumlnnlwhn. Whom M "a... a mu night. that in sand 3 mt- , ,. d..." ~ In. mm and an insulin; chat “5,0...mmnd. Allwfifhbuifit Id. When the Government fails Mlle adequately for its wards N- am innitution mam goo-1 Q deficiency without charge. that “- PM “for VW ”cmwbflcundm 0390mm. however. will not b!- M l! the barrier: In: let down . balm!“ No one. mu he W In the country I! my bin! ”hmmmmfludu. “tun. "thank-”docks- wmththUumm- b mill 1- Influx-1M (to fit. the war or aim. ban even in I null mauve mpoulbk- for the pn- ut condition. am“ he donned. ‘1 m. 0r woman too. who ban by W tantrum or um. either dur- h tho war or aim. ban even in I “ted in the last. year it has been blind that Bolsheviam and Sovietism allied here from Russia. has been a hailing factor in the strike. One of the must ways of settl- ~ the unrest which now hug the My in its grasp is deportatkm of 'oldofl'nblc nliem. Deponau'on on A We scale of every man and woâ€" n. who can be pron-n to have Sovâ€" H ideas, which they In- h’ying to w on the people of thix countr), Wald noon curb the unrest. The de- mon should no! stop here. Eh A “MCI 1'0 Till NATION Ulited States official» investigating the Guy strike haw discovemd that radical “Reds" are responsible in :1 mun for the walkout. In almost mry strike which has been investi- m as second class mail matter. .mniaing races made known upon Wtion. Subscription rates $2.00 per year. Single copies 6c. ”red at the Downers Grove Post M. m tbs-av". mu Anor- ' m'rFfldIy morning from the if the- Downers Grove Publish- Wm» 87 North Main street, W Grove, Illinois. DEPORT UNAMERICANS bu hilly hik- m an the C. H. STAA’I‘S. EDITOR H In mi dis- 73%.riiuugii iԤs§:lq 113.111uii‘1 '03 e! .10.? :12... 2-5. Wu sum-dad by Mr. 1m"! Adair. .o! LaCrosso, Wis. His: Muriel Col- lim of Chm. played the wedding jmrch and the Rev. T 1.0mm: «I gulp First Congregational (mu-rah. n ‘ciated pronouncing the words Um! fmade the happy pair man and wife. The Mink. beautifully [owned in Mr min with at «:9an of fig- and new errpo. and carrying l hamlet of 1mm of the valley and red trons was “buried by Miss Evelyn Brown who won Mm- grey WI» and carried pink to: maps. The mm" Immediately after the ceremony a three nurse supper was served and Mr. and Mrs. Rasmumn were show- nnad with congratulations and beauti- fu! gifts.‘ They left for Niagara Falls on a short honeymoon that evening «1‘ Ir. girl In A. A. Stu-Inter on HIgMn-l avenue. Int “and" mu- iu when It” Gladys Sari". m of In. Shunt". m (be bridv «I Mr. Glam Mun-on. twirling wu «W at the homo SNYDER -â€" RASMUSSON N "and m hm" 1-H:- QIHI Ia- and «other than." (we nel- mouah Inmytowhmdw m-m-«mwmum may M (In! In Min-Chg mu. m mum "-6”. MM I'V- "0 I! W0 0"! Ill- ” “F. Mom I)» mm In lmrnflm! country M M the M at W, Um"! Shh an Vlfltfla M of NO" I" "it A" W M “L"f‘} at. m -m1m 8m an 8m"- Attorney Gamer-l Pulsar I. In in- terview at Philadelphia ll“. “PM ham «Ground in all pm 0! the country. I In land-ed- out "ca name candida. «Ion not pnvu’l hm. mu it will «as. ”film: the 1'.qu 8W ”w rod 0! food- hn (dbl M u on can. out on an be! has not do“ no la- b I... balm. that the pm" I"! M “Withâ€"flaunts! mevfiflhn-ddludâ€" ' Tho Democratic party through Sun. Daniels of the Navy, is repairing itsi political fences by cutting down on: the size of the Great Lakes Station: '1“ least that's what the Chicago 'l‘ri-? bone says it is. One leading between! the lines comes to the same qonclusion as the wrecking of $10,000,000 worth of buildings at North Chicago would, be a crime seeing the navy deport~' ‘ment contemplates building elsewhere. Why not one the present station. Great Lakes hon n meant second to none in the present war. lt sent more men to sea than Any other. It in lo- rated on the largest bodies 0! I'mh water in the world and strategic (on tor the training of youth» of the «n- tnl port of the l'nitcd States. The notion uhould he one o! the lowest in the country from a viewpoint of economy. but u the TM). hin'u, «on- omy ms to he the lut thing the pie-en! ulmlnixtntion in looking for. LEADER ADDRESSES WOMAN’S CLUB Mrs. Judith l.0\v(-nthal, a leader in the Illinois Equal Sufl'rngc Asrocia- tion. addreosed the Woman's Club Wednesday afternoon. The meeting was in charge of tho Civics and Phil- anthropy Department and it is too bad that more women were not pm- sent to hear this wonderfully gifted woman. Mrs. unventhal tallied on the op- portunities and obligation..- o' the “-0. men of Illinois in the lite of today and with ”will Wren-nee to the lllinoii Constitutional convention. Mm. Low-nthnl said in part. “Tin“ women of today have a gn‘uten "I“: wnunity than ever before in the hi». tory of the world. Having the vote; in lllinolu. they an with this ”wen. price fixing, asks congwss to put a duty of 25 cents a bushel on all the wheat coming into the country. He also wants an all valorum tax of ten per cent put on all flour and wheat products. We cannot umlemtand his jattitude. he says it will make the price of wheat products come down in this country, but. the opposite seems to us {will be the result . l I'll W IIIIII Guests at the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. R. Rasmussen. Leonard A- dair. Gladys Johnson and Lester Julius [Eamon- presidcnt of the Uni- liBOINl 0f MCI‘OSW. Miss Muriel Col- ted States Grain Comoration, the Hugs. Hazel Juem'. Roy Owen and company that is handling the wheat Dr. Jess 0W?" 0" Chicago, Mr. and for the government in its guamneeed Mrs. C. I‘nulson and Mrs. Gardner of "am you 10" th- “up? quiet in! very hu-flful Mm WE SfiE BY THE PAPERS THAT Western United Gas and Electric Company let us show you the Radiative and Hot Spot Hater: qt our of- 0' LOCAL API'UCA‘I'IONI. a may 3”...“ 7.“".:..'3'.§°“ ”' ”" mm.- u n and) mituM‘aALu A'I'A an IEDICINE ti on m t h when later-any Ind ad. the lib-19.93. !mm.fl__ and require no expenditure of of- fort and can! very little to operate. no dirt v.1 ash. no snake of fumes You will find it unnecessary to start the [Irvine yet. if yam own one of these convenient and mt!- nMe G“ Room floaters. A Gas Ibo-I [Inter will aahk you to keep the thin and dampness out of every nook and corner of )0!" home. Phone ZIZW-Z ‘ ' HARRY H. MARTIN Hay and Straw YET SAVE EXPENSE “hummus!"- nymhhnnuhrlmmt in Aflnr mum the m Co My. chm "one amt qua-“on of W' Mutmmsnkmmtun- ”hr um: Chou and no no: Mam- Mm. Lowonthal «aid in part. "Tho women of lanky have a un‘nh‘h M‘- ponunit)‘ than ever before in "It hit- toly of the world. Having Ibo vote in "limit. they can with m. power. [may humou- living condition. In reg-rd to (he mn-titutinnal mun-n- “oa. tha "try any»! rot:- (or the dekntv» thompch‘eu. they nu vote for the chm [amt public «we-Mom which flu- conwnuou vi" «1 upon. the Gateway Amendment. the lama!- m- an! Referendum and the Inuit!- ”I mm» of mm: vunun‘ Keep Collonable Mal-awn they are attended Iw Mrs. [Anvcnthal talked on the op- portunities and obligations o' the wo- men of Illinois in the lllt‘ of today and with “will reference to the lllimh Constitutional coavcntlon. EQUAL SUFFRAGE LEADER ADDRESSES WOMA N’S CLUB Sandwich. 11L. Mrs. Nellie Smith 0: Piano, 1",. Muss Nell Shumakor of Grafton. W. VA.. Miss Alverna French bf LaGIange, and the Misses Flossie Watts. Lucille Bush and Ewlyn Blbwn. and Mr. and Mrs. C.H.Coles, and Mr. Kemwth Baker u! Downers Irove. "tuning Sunday morning :nd will mnbe their home in LnCrosse, Wis" when! Mr. Rasmuswn has been "any fer-red by the Burlington. manna-«new Downers Grove R. R. I Weerâ€"â€"lifeâ€"serviceâ€"â€" mile- ageâ€"safetyâ€"comfort. These are the things that count in a tire. These are exactly what you get in United States Tires,â€"-- general ail-round tire satie- faction. This greater total of tire values means greater econo- my~less cost of maintenance --le.:s repairs and depreciation. Car owners who do their own thinking prefer United States Tires. Their- merit is recognized everywhere. . We have themâ€"-a type and size for ever-year. ‘ We know United State Tires are good tires. Thet’s why we sell them. C. E. Baker, Downers Grove Hinsdale South Sales Room, Fleck Buckholz, Hlnsdale Lincoln Garage, H. C. Rammeyer, Hinsdale i Come in and let us demonstrate this famous electric washer and arrange to place ga Thor in your home {or a small payment (twoâ€"balance by the month. Telephone 30 Day or light 'I'he Thor is the product of an institution tint has manufactured washin machines for 13 years. It represents the utmost in mechanical skill and is fitted wit every device for th eaafe and thoroug washing of clothes. Little Rivets Parts of “The Preface" The works of Henry Van Dykc will be. discussed under the form of a Round Table with Mrs. Charles Idc as leader. General voluntary discus- sion will be invited. The program is as follows: From “The Blue Flower." Parts of “The Other Wise Man." Mrs. Vertlenius The first meeting of the Ad. and Literature Department of the Womans Club will be held at Library Hall, Wedncmlay. October 22nd. addressed the high school students I! he ! o’clock assembly, giving them a great talk. NOTES OF THE WOMAN ’-_‘ [1' AIDS THEM IN SOLVING THE SERVENT PROBLEM! 5'0. 61 South Main Street "in Retailers 0! High Grade Merchandise J. D. GILLESPIE 8: CO. 9’9 CLUB Fisherman’s Luck Selections The Blue Flower TheLInWonl 350,000 Women Use The Electric Washing Machine. Steam Heating - Sewer Building Gas Fitting Mrs. Coleman THOR Fred D. Heinke P L U M BING Tclcphouo SLR Telephone 30 Day or Night

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