Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 17 Oct 1919, p. 7

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E. I‘. wonsnmr. II. D. Physician Surgeon. om, Lindley Building: Phone ‘ Res. 50 0akwood Ave. Phone 1‘ olice Bonn 1:” to 5:” Pâ€" "L m" office hours by ‘ppointment. mam :5 "W A"- Titan-'35 “Ham ”0mg. "03.... W03... so Acres Trees, Shrubs. Ind Vines best for this climate. mutton! Nut-aria Phone 3214 October 19th, 1919. Eighteenth Sum! after Trill“? 7:30 a .3”. Holy Communion. 9:45 a. m. Chum}; SchOOL 11:00 a. m. Morning PM?" ' 4:00 p. m. Church Selma]. 7:30 p. m. Choir pnetiee. 81 8. M Ava-t Tm 1“" J. 1mm, lll VETERINARIAN Downer: Grove, Illinois WHO!!!“ WAI- CHM '8. ANDREWS EPISODPAL CHOICE 'l‘lc' Rev. Bull II. Hum-r munmmmndw f.,mmintheirdlllm m My morning It 9:45 for m study. moon may" m Mn xii: MM! one: Fug-M! 9'63““ 3": __A___ 0:91... q :13 .|_ 7b... a. M sun-1'31 .1 21 9!: up :0! on. .‘w . n.â€" 253 N. Fond A". ml Frdfi St. 611m hours 2 to 4 once 27 E. Curtis: Street‘ l. B. PHILATIIEA CLASS Hiram a summon MARYS. pm EM. w. 600mg “Ill-m A". G. H. BUNGE DIS. GREGG '15” m om 17, 1919 noun! Helen E. Gm Prayer .Grovo RemnndIIrLMII-s. Giddinqn “1]!!qu Lyman-man wedding of Hi- Julln Lynn all M.WnlhnD|y.Incfla¢oollw 3 Mrs. D. E. [exec and W! of Boston. Ian. “rived Tuesday for a two moaflu’ visit with her pain. Kr. and In. E. W. Pan-u. 8:00 p. m. Wednesday. Prayer and Paige Service folloved by choir 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship. l-In- joy the inspiration anl mg and praise service and hear the pastor interpret the realities of Inner Experience: by which we are assured of our fellow- ship with God. m by the yum. 2:30 p. m. Junior Y. P. A. and Catechetical Instruction. 6:46 p. m. Senior Y. P. A. De- votional Service. Remember all October is Rally Month "For a Bigger nd a Better Sundty. October 17th. 9:45 I. m. sauna. Stluol- C. 1. "381' SVANGELICAL CHURCH m3u4p.n. union In. J. 1. any". Combo!“ humbl- «cry My and Thu-by. 8-45 9. In. M. arm; W 8:” p. I. flock dunâ€"July Canada. 7 I. Ian’s Why not. a do («why of the month: lurid We... no etc In! My: You. Ladle. .- In Seem! My; Boy: and Ohio in the third S‘s-by. lldy but “out“. "If, F“! UKITIO mm CIVIC“ 0' RA" GIOVI The “en's chum meet: regularly at the close of the choir rehearul on Honky evenings. WWW, October 22nd. 8:00 p. m. Hid-week devotional service and con- fem. If. PAULS BVANGCIJCAL GIOVI STREET CllUICll Sunday. October. 3911:, 1919. Morning: The “Whole Family Service." Church School At 10:00. United Wor- ship at 10:46. Evening: 6:80 80th] Hour, attainments. fol- lowed by Vesper service It 7:00 o’ a ‘ SCIENTIST Sunday. October 19m, 1919. Subject: “Doctrine of Atonement." Death, Red?" Services, Sunday. 11:00 a. 111., Wed- nesday 8:00 p. m- Raiding m‘om, Monday and Fridly from 3 to 5 p. m. , wmry Hall 4 Fm the issue of Oct. 14. “’7- .I Soul-Whiting. ‘ 1:” p. n. End-g Worship. 8:00 p. ll. Weduoby- time a m. Morning Worship. Ser- Mykbodflzflnn. Allnmm ST JOSEPH'I CATHOLIC CHURCH. no In. Wu. Oldfield. In“ 9:15 u ..m 800d» M. It” u. u. lord-g Wot-Mp. 73pm. m Weakly. 9:45 a. In. Bible School. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. Bring your Bibles. 3:00 p. m. Junior 3. Y. P. U. Ila lurk Downer, Leader. “809.111. SeniorB.Y.P.U. Prayer W. I". 1. Alfred Nan-en. Punt. Rev. Tho-nu 1. Owen. Hill-ta. CONGREGA‘I‘IONAL CHURCI! FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH fivery inc is invited. : Practical Work or Porno-â€" n. Mu Sanka. WELCOIE! In Geo. Dulloulin us may mrprbed hat Wednesday when her Tyne-h, Mr. nnd Hrs. Bucklin and aunt. Mrs. Hutchinson and In. Sun"! of Belvudere. walked in. They hu! 3 nice visit and renamed to their homes "l8 Ilfllx Intel” um! "In sum beahletoheup Thehull. avery valuable animal. was sick at the time of the attack and has since died. Mrs. P. Schultz and Mrs. Sehling visited at the home of Mr. and Ira. F‘. Schultz Jr.. at Downers Grove, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huggins of Chicago. and daughter. Mrs. A. Malice of Toronto. Canada. visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Porter and Rosella Sunday. At the business IneetIng held at the church for the election of oll'ieers to till the vacancies caused by the leaving jot Mr. and Mrs. Grifiin. the following were elected: Mn- Thos. Stanton as deacoseu and Rosella Paral- as the clerk and at the Ladies Ala election. Mrs. Howard C. Barker was elected as treasurer to succeed Mrs. Grime. Kr. and Mrs. A. Schliog of Royal Oak. Mich. is spending several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. l-‘red Schulta. llr Schling is doing some carpenter work on the house which willmakesbigimprovement lip. M Schling is a sister of Hr. Schultz lire Geo. Duloulin was uneasily WHEREAS, The following sons of Du Page County lay down their live.- in camp and upon battlefield for home and native land. THEREFORE. BE 11' RESOLVED That we the members of the Board of Supervisors of Du Page Coanty in ses- sion this 6th (by of October. unaniâ€" mously vote a gold star medal to the memory of the deceased soidiem and that said medals be presented to the nearest relatives. Names of gold star men: WHEREAS pended to the call of his country to take up arms in defense of Justice Freedom and Democracy, and WHEREAS. In the performance of his duty he made the supreme sacri- llee, winning for himself immortal ho- nor and the gratitude of the nation. WHEREFORE. BE IT BENLVED That. we the members of the Board of Supervisors of Du Page County in session‘this 6th day of October. 1919 do hereby unanimously tender to the relatives of the departed here a gold star medal. expressive of the appre- elationandloveofthepeopleofnu County to its illustrious dead "c. s. Blodgett cm a Imam, A. D. Killer ............... i At the business meeting held at the church for the election of ofl'icers to fill the vacancies caused by the lenving of Mr. and Mn. Grifiin. the following ___ .n. Mr. Bmkemyer. who had three ribs broken and wu hmind by nn attack from a hull on the Joy Horton farm. is getting along nicely and will soon be able on be up. The hall. a very vnluaue mind. was sick at the time of the attack and has since died. Mr. J. Young of Aurora. spent Sun- day at on home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dufloulil. Mr. ml Mrs. A. Grimm k'fl Ila-‘5; morning for Chicago b w a for a.” with lheir as. Arthur, and other I'd-Utes and friend: More surfing for England. They will leave New York 0cm:- 25th on the S‘ 8. Adri- uk. for Southampton. m on man: 0. Lucy- rte-Hm. lv‘. )lycn. first vkc-pmunt; I... Pel‘ It... and vice-NM: J. L ltd- dy. mum and P. “Ina-Mo (m- mnr. Thy have ll” WW 3 “mm-nmmmwm any one tuna-10¢. Twit Ml gut to be such I nah-co an: m- an" hultobedonufldth" mthpmhldNWc-uku punk have u- p." open and dr- “mutual-comma” other M's prove"!- ‘ ' -â€"- 0' "3.):‘1 for the truce-.321»: c. "Cali-u. Dow-m cm 1 nan-‘0- lwu upon Coon- u. 1“::; Mllwllzuaflomn“. hiu|"‘r:: mm” .- 7... and 3......“ n. -'Dolnu¢ia¢ 3%. W. J. M 1m fun and an enjoying thou-ohm d"'°“°‘n°:.:f‘""‘~ “M den-hr». Ila-Dru: ‘ ‘v. C. H. m a...“ an. Ohio l" 4 ‘ Damon mo, bob. 3! V. “I. Chum. ud (Wm of tho WNW::1‘- Dovrnrru (3m Pub- -*- b“... "-th (Ion... . ”a". a 8"“ ' Own'vr r. I‘.souc..w.1.suuu, The (unen- " u“ "WW " Unl- Your «ammo. on Pm ad ad". ‘ ' (‘. L. M l. C. . P. Mama W“ ‘ PM“ MW“ (or would he: lam b men “12.0 a“ c. J. wLJr. «z. u. a..- ll‘.“ hunting. "mm nwm- 0007 law: emf-«O a" clan: pnm-' . ll. MRI. (3. L W. (in. at on." 1m. Tie (01W M ”on. than. "a mm... WI. “YT” :mmhmhfl. J. w. men; for MS {can cm. in uk- wwfwun’uwuw to; a» mineral hula. Mr. and In. Homo Schultz on: at!“ their am nal rut-No- from the fun and an cum-in. thou-ohm a! loan Var-no. Ohio. him. John Salty ml dunner Clan. on null; at Fulton Hnrhqr. Thomas MacDonald. a memb‘r of the General Assembly of Wisconsin. and his wife of mm. visited his cousin. Mrs. Robert D. McKinney, sev- eral (hys this week. The football teams of Downers Grave uni Lyons met on the lama? grounds lust Saturday and battled {(330, were man-ied at the residence at the bride's patents in Chicm on i'l‘uesday- October 12th. The groom has a large number of Meade in the Grove and the bride was formerly a résident of East Grove. Judge Brown has nppointed Chas. H. Carpenter of Downers Grove ofli- cial court stenographer of the Coun- ty Court of DuPago County. P. L. Kahuna, fommriy of Elm- hunt. has opened a general merchan- dining store In the Stanley building. corner of Muiu and Cuties streets. long to I 8â€"6 tie. IEWSY MES F30! ”S“ MD BELIOIT shoe repairing shop in the Burmtbe bonding next door to the bank. Benjamin Colwell of Downers Grove and Miss Josephine Kostmxskl of Chi- Cluck Nous. Sunday Schooi 10:00 3. m. Church Service. um .. 11:. Evening Service. 7:45 p. m. ty mmnt in five: of Junk Hunt, for .100. u 133in Salary pat mmndmetobeiuuedondw Intoletchmlth. M‘- Mdmfiuaflfifidr; OII motion of Supervisor Fix. the Clerk m authorised to tune a Com- On motion of Supervisor Lies~ the following Resointiona mm declared approved and 1W: ‘directul to issue order: for (he so. rnl amount: to the seven! claim-m. Respectfully submitted. Chm-{es H. Diem-M, Chaim. On motion of Supervisor "ammu- pchmldt 821!) shall he paid for Hub in; Notices in each Mon Oman. 32.1!) for Receiving mum. and $3.00 and five cults per milo «ch way for Returning Mich. be: have. to report that they live null-ed all claim muted Hon Chem, u'nd new the payment Mich china. and that an dork Ir Whlly whitld. Wm. J. Yak-thy. Chums. The (dieting and of (mum on Claim: \u- on unila- ol Supervis- or Hmmmhmm «that! Inm- ‘M More than. and mm the ”mg: of the chin and that m u..- a"! to mm .0 law owl"- for 0w m’efl' W on! claim-nun. Ir. CNN and Gentlemen of the Hard of flaunts-n: Your Mum" on cum. mm flint-kt. lot the Association ”a m w unn- Authority It also given to School ma societies, in curried on dually Dmtricuabundll. eithcrorbotho! by (and. nhoul through "angle 0! them. to file a claim or chins Humbled 'Cruq again. The ”.19 “on! the but. of William P. Cm. In December lot. themaltlml’oople {truckin- ” Chill“ by Quilt 0f m of It” STAT'EuENT 0'" "Ismail"? fighooludwm» mvlded, beta.” unnOmm-I “I Mm nw-anxhln m. On motion of Supervisor Hammer- schmidt, Chum Boxer, Superinten- dent of County Farm. R. S. Standige and Matron Mrs. F .S. Shudige were loved that this Bound authorize and confirm the nation of Henna A. Fischer. In. in filing with the sme- lion of the States Attorney. a thin against the William P. Com Estate. in the an of the People. for the me of Wm. P. Com was declared “opted: back taxes chimed by School District Meeting called to older with chair- man Boga-r presiding. 0n roll call, all members puesent. Minutes of last preceding meeting read usd declared appmved. No. 36. any expense in connecflol with such claim to be borne by "M school OFFICIAL PRO- [ CEEDINGS ,BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Henna: A. Fischer in regard to En. Downs an!!! Diogenes wasn’t «hunt! to turn Mn (on pork?" Inside not in a vnln at- tempt to lmto his keyâ€"~when return- lu to the tub Ifll'l' a brief mjonru at tho duh. Key-rings. upon which you can con- mtnte your "spatially" In. an mount-n «ammo; on the nthef hand. If lost. the who've hunrh mm! he ”pint-ed. I consider the "101’? of the Mlle Inch frequenter. that of welt- lhu the Nth-house key on I rubha ring around the neck. ureter-bio to a, other method. It nhuolutely mum ho loot. mm the tutuw '~ eaten by n llllrk.-Eather (I. llahstm. to m mun-1pc. www.mmm The by II I" urkruvlmlxuwnl If mm'n m-lmwm. Ir uwry mun NW- Nl Ms m-xM-or'n ("015! mu! prhIcy, we should nut he hmm'nnl I'Hh (Influx lfl'fl. In Mu or panic-u, hunting for "Iv-m In I punk. nml [mm-ml] Imam m- mlulnylng them, Wo- Inqu- the are m' I door key. In unit-o key. I trunk key; I surety-MI kwy (I! m- no can- pon-nmeru); our loam-r key If we Ire "NW“. and tulmnnhllv and garage keys. if we own them luxuries. Kry! mummy mulllpiy mm our outward gunmen". [Hogan-I, Ilvlng In I ma. I'll I hlpp’ mn. In far I: ma re- Ilponslblmy of it” wont. Ind Illhmuh sumo peaplo night prof" more may IpImnents for I p'emanem-y. I! lean! Du County. to is held at the Court no in the Chy of Wham. it Did Du M County. on a» ne- contl “why in Jnmry. A. D. mm as in by I" required. not! which a“ sun In sull pending. Mb Ell-worth, Ciel-k. llungo. "arbour 1 Schmidt. (Tnmplnimnt's Sow-Rom. «7. Paul. AIM!!! vs. woman. I. Ax an. Gnu-l No. of». Notice to inch, (in. to (In at“ William L AI‘II M the at.” nnw-d (whim! knew"! Med Mr Bill of Consult-t in and 00.11. on tho (Tannery nick (hm-e0! and M a mum them” tuned and mid Court satin“ the above and «fend-at. MUM ohm fl hr MWhmdfl-ecgmjt I_(‘ no! I 'm diam-n n" " -, ' ONES A CHANCE SAYS T. B. ASS’N. f: a? is E! % Wm. ladle. W. W. m. The known Wm "dams. and otter mrfly lid-Inn uni-“r r as! or now of I umu of mung-gm. or other murmu- 3" first Nathan! “all of KI‘ATE OI" ILLINOIS. . COUNTY OII‘ DU PAGE. :- Concerning (he '0V.0Nvfll 00 Lock- ommn and the madam...” 00 loin. Lock“ Out. (75ml! (bun. County of Du I‘qr. Jlnmry Tam. AA 0.. [920. In Chan- any. Punk Album vg. William l. KEYSâ€"THE"! USE AND ABUSE mun! 6mm [116-365 die whfle they in yet children . authors. By all mu give them a dance. Alum than an Mill writers, statesmen, leaders of the me- and women of buxom. Without the chance {or better bait}: through To help guard the lives of then lune emu»: the Illinois Tubercukr t-in Amhtlon in preparing to bunch the biggest drive 0! Red Cm“ Chris- tmu nah in its Maury. The work or the Misti“: .nnd it: 48 Jili- nted necktie-I, in urn-Sod on chiefly air (1' A um! NCYI'ICR Wall "and. 10-17-4-C filihr. Mioc- will do}. mummmmhm m of f i .34 price infurtl'gévfi‘. amnd Ill" Mi mu SALEâ€"At a. db- , her. one 9! duo-9 A Pb!" Elia bow. FOR SALEâ€"Very can!“ nfle terms. :33 3.5.8 32;. I 32.3? 1:. as: picnic-o. iguana 18.. sworn. .6 “a. l2...» .- ofiann E... . radii .9. ‘.8.~ 3.391101.“ fifli i when 8200 in [Anny M ‘ simuahvinlaorormm" WANTEDâ€"4 rou- Mu m n her of lots. mm have an ad er city or gnu! we" "m. convenient to tutu. Prie- _ 32m, with mm. won an. hp mull menu. FOR gA r-Weil built In)” I! “It“ REALBTATE WIS“! for two my}. a! " null: pvt-m. up log "7 “A q mod-rhea”. WANTED-Por W. I gr FOR saw-4mm”: last. at. Phone 524. .â€" "-- WANTEDâ€" A m ‘ mu room sud b niahed ms for light ~ But a! Moreno”. J (:10 Reporter once. . ' ' K iiViclri’TSibli’ENL-Wom ' " Start one of any Spoddtvum FOR SALE- Acorn hunt quire 74 No.01“: mm. 10-17., WANTEDâ€"Good l'l 1‘ 1.“ over for ”Jim 3 “:88. 0 in family. 321 SM LIW Phone 1558. ,, ’ dress upltlirl, 21 E. m WANTEMII‘I for the did only. Inquin Central Hotel FOB SALEâ€"Chin mom. to Val-t luau-hath 1m .34

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