Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 21 Nov 1919, p. 9

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Vil- lnwe 'of Downers Grove has: caused this bond to be «filmed bv the Mavnr. “heated by the Village Ckrk. and it: mow-ha 9m] to he hot-eh) affixed. and the interest coupons hereto at- tached m he exec-Md WM! the facâ€" ehnfle signatures of slid Officers this flint day of November. A. D. 1910. . lu'ru-n to and in the issuance of this bond have existed. happened and been per. formed in regular and due form. time and manner as retrained by law. and that the tots! indebtedness of said Village. including this hand. does not exceed any statutory or constitutional limmfiinns. AND IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that all acts, condi- tions and things required to exist, puppet! 'anq. he. performed precedent .p A15- L-..) PBBSEN'I‘S. that the Villaaznof names 080 in the tsy at DU PAGE. STA 0f lLiJNOl , acknowledge iteelf to owe and for value received. hereby promises to of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS together with interest thereon from the m hereof until naid at the rate of live per centum (6 per cent) per annum, payable semi-annually on the November. firlt day of lay and of of each year upon preaentation and surrender of the annexed interest eon. a as they severally become due. ‘3: first installment shall he for I8 month: and alnli be payable May 1. 1921. Both principal and interest of said bond are hereby made payable in lawful money of the United States of America. at the Rankin House of the CENTRAL TRUST MPANY 0F iLLlNOiS, Chicago. Illinois. And for the prompt payment of the install- ments of principal and interest of this bond as they respectively become due. the full faith. credit and re- sources of said Village of Downers Grove are hereby irrevocably pied . ‘l'hiahond iaoneofaaeriesof ilre tenor, except an to number and ma- ‘ turity, iaafugdngv said Village’njor the pnrpoae o u ing a certain t i rendered against said Village an: pu - mast to an ordinance duly passed and 1 adopted b the Council of said Vil- lage. whie was duly ratified and ap- proved by the voters of said Village at an election legally called and held. pursuant to and in full conformity with all the uirements of the Con- stitution and awe of the State of Illinois. A, __ ___.____ ____-._-_._ -â€"o~¢ .4”. A-- (I It W nun-u..- ..v.w. ,, TIMI. TRUST COMPANY OI‘ ILL- INOIS. at mm... mm SECTION 2â€"80M sold: not! m- m shall be in mismually up to!- bwhg ferns vi". the man var- kuou Io inflate the diflemt mm» bots and mummies. napedtvdy. to- wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF DI! 'Afllt VILLAGE 07 DOV“!!! (HOV!) WWII!“ rump“: ION“ --‘- A. B==;;='* btpppt” .. ua;=::°' 5 “a ’1 i. In” 1”” moo 1m moo was In» ifl’ moo mo in» 13' wm' Mimi: 395* in am My of "he ”and Sum of Arm-fl r! “‘09 Rankin: "an! of m CKN. â€"---â€"- MMIIAW n. I']- to be issued the negotiable coupon m of the Vllhge of Downer: Grove In the mat of eleven thou- and dollar- (tll.000). SAID BONDS Anny-two (22) In numberâ€"num- bered from on to twenty-two 0-22)- boflz [ninth-o. in denomination of five Mudnd doll-n (8500.) each. dat- ed November I. A. D. l9". bearing inbred. ”wowed by coupon. at th- at. Iva per ennui: (6 per cent) per noun. p. uni-wally on flood Non. Pris. c! Dada of lame: ”ME! SECTION lâ€"‘l‘lmt for the purpose :‘f‘smvlding funds for the payment of judgment rendered against said Vlllnge Ind sub to the favorable which is here- com o! the e by called-twin Mid on December 5th. A. D. [919. Quay is ben‘lgg't’uthoriud «yummymu.-- pfim. a judgment against the Villn e of ven Downers Grove {or the sum of Thousand Dollars (811.000.). and costs of suit. in the Circuit Court of DuPnge County, Illinois, which judgment is Migunnntisfled sad is an outstand- ing gation of slid Villnge, (or the payment of which it is desired to nuke Immedilte provision. and there bein nolundsin the'l‘msury otuid Vi. -nuilnble for the purpose afore‘ flimsy-‘0“. as IT ORDAINED} BY THE COUNCIL on THE v".- uaz or DOWNERS (move. up INOIS. _ __ . - -L _ WHEREAS, the Farmers and Her- chants Bank of the Village of Down- emeveyfllinois. on the (twentyâ€"ting: midi»; {or the W of Bond- 'uf (In “line of Dow-on Grove in the nun-at of Eleven Thousand Dol- la- (SIIMJ. and pudding tot the I" o! n Ann-u! Tax to pay the in- fllfimu of Princile an! Interest than! and “bl-fining all}! pal-i=1?“ INOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN that animal election will be held in the V of Downers vae, in the county of Du Peg, sum of Illinois, on Friday the 6 «by of December. A. D. 1919, at the Village Hall. at which election there will be submitted to the voter- an ordinance ado ted by the Council of said Villageyw ich is in words and figures as follows: NOTICE OF VILLAGE SPECIAL BOND ELECTION AN ORDINANCE ', November 21, 1919 mend mfim said 1920 t. to the favorable 1921 don which in here- 1922 l on December 5th. 1923 ; hereby authorized 1924 negotlaljlgcoupofl 1985 or!“ ii?" '5. u v the pa) 1m [HMPI 1“ t ma 3m: I,” author“ in: my n was from "a ms or my Imlmo “Ill the statement of “~ substance of the gram-nee printed thereon Is as fol- Puh'ifl'md: November 14th, 2131., and 23th. A. D. 1919. W. C, Barber. Mayor of the Vi!- laze of Downer: Grove, Ninois. Attach Chas. M. Hitch. Vfllaw (7'!er 'l'hsa M1101: usu-d at skid eloctian wflh A nproved 1919. A statement ofothe substance of this ordinance ska“ be printed on each of the ballots to be used at said election. Passnd by the Counci! of the Vi?- lago on the 10th day of November, A. D. 1919. Harry Blodgeu, Richard Blakey. SECTIO 6â€"-â€"For the purpo rpose «if canvassing the returns sad deeisring the results of said election. and to take any further action deemed nec- esssry or desirable. relative tome iosuance of said hands, a special meeting of the Council 8’0! the Vii- lage of Downers Grove is hereby enl- led to convene at the regu isr place of meeting on the 8th day!“ of Denny benA . 0.1919. at 8 o'clock P M. hThff‘gL‘owingedmmed permjgdare ere ,v 'm to act as . and clerks at said suede! election?s JUDGE81Wnlter J. Shuts. C. F. DAVIS. E. L. DICKERSON. CLERKS: Henry Manson, prove this ordlnanee. and the Council of the Village shall have canvassed the vote at said election and declared the result thereof. indicate the ap- proving of this ordinance by the legal voters of the Village the Village Clerk shall thereupon file with the County Clerk of Dow Pynge County. ill- inoia. a certifiedeop of this ordi- nance. In his eertiyfieate attached thereto authenticatin the same. the fact shall he certi that the voters voted favorablyand approved this or- dinance; that the Council of the Vii-I loge has canvassed the vote cast at laid election and declared the result thereof, and that the ordinance is ful- Iv effective. and the County Clerk shall thereupon be authorized and re- quired annually in each of the years 1919 to 1930. both years in Isiw- to extend the annual tax as provided in this ordinance. n V‘Iv‘n . . SECTION 5â€"4”: IT FURTHER ORDAINED. Hunt in the event the voters of mid Village It said special election shallfi'ote favorpbly aid :33: u'n'a'}""""m_."co'"c¢}i{ may hot-m frui- 3:" null “Indra! tho Vlllm. or say at r fund that shall be for the (line available for such PKW- Ifrovn (he amends of an: when col- lected. u herd-above pmldetl for. SECTION 6â€"11.. boul- pmldnl for by this callus“ dull not be l»: med maul um. ordinance null Mve‘ m animal by the rota: at mid \illm at llw lucid «balm hunky culled to he held the WI day of Du» ml)". A. D. 19I9. It the "Iliuml Hull. in said Village of Damn Gme. a: which elmion this onllw J'II" be mbnlltod ko un- valor: of «lid Vim-'2' for approval. The W- lsro Clerk ls hrnbv dimhd to give notice of said election hy wbllatloa Ind mating the «an. in the manor rmided by In: M least twat, (20) (lg): prim: min-Id .elofh‘oa The poll: 7,- -A H’Lfii"éu§fi".fi£fi "6E ‘ mien is 7 o'clock in the morning find closed It F. o'clock Pt II. opiAtha-t_dayi___‘__‘ and u: hwy lot etch of the you: nfmld. all In cm I! nay klm ‘uny ponto- of Nd «an: small not Inn has collected in Hm to and the ”yum of the lam-mnem- of principal and luau! of «M bum-ls u uh." full the. u harem pm- VMM. Vflhr TWun-r ht her by «030th ad dlmwd. .3 «gram ,w Suitable pun-Mon 0» human the (all mnplhm with the mulmu of thin locum Ml be made And Incl-'0- ed In an} uayd uproar-lam- bill w--.“ .w w- pay the installment; of the brim-ha} Ind lawn-t of aid bond: u they W [rumble and (or no other wr- "°£‘ .Y’Rm’": . ;_A A- 1â€"-.._ gL- lull All of I.” ”Set when collected shall be pitted and have In t aunt: linking fungi}!!! .u-od to Err-n90); ‘Al _____ 1926 1927 Year {or Am. Lev- which ux M ‘0' in: Levied Interest 1919 3550400 upon all of the taxable property of the Village of Downers Grove, in and-- dition to all other taxe a tax sufl'i- eieat to produce um I from the annual levies in each 0 0w wars 1919 to 1930. both inclusive, the fol- lowing sums to pay the installments 9f principal and interest on said SECTION 3-Thnt for the purpose of providing for the yment of the installments of the p ncipal and int- ‘emtntxddbondsaslhe res tivo- yl become due, there I and t are is hereby levied for each of the years, 1919 to 1930, both inclusive, and until the principal and interest of said bonds shall be fully paid, there shall be collected a dlrpct annual tug Attest : ‘8“ng House of the CENTRAL TRU COMPANY OF ILLINOIS. at Chicago. Illinois. 1min interest then duo on its JUDGME T FUND- ING BOND, dated November 1, A. D. 1919. No. ....... VILLAGE OF DOWNERS GROVE. STATE (2)!" ILLIKOIS. No. ........ $12.50 On the first day of Ma (Novem- ber),A ..D 19.. ,the VI AGE OF DOWNERS GROVE. in the COUNTY OF DU PAGE, State of ILLINOIS will 003133 beaten TWELVE AND 50: LLARS, lawful money of the Unwind States of America. at the VILLAGE OF DOWNERS GROVE. STATE OF ILLINOIS. Village Clerk (Form of Coupon)_h ........................... Village Clerk. November 10th, A. D. .88 88 Mayor. Am. Lev- ied for Principal mwmmwwwmmwm ........... mmmmmmmmmmm ‘All‘n‘lll‘lll Mayor. pOWNEns GROVE REPORTERLQOWNERS GROVE. was 312 .50 Phone 844 Graduate Nurse nounv mama s manuals Physician Surgeon. Ofiice, Limfiey Building; Phone 1 Res. 60 Oahood Ave. Phone 10 Office Hours 1:30 to 590 p. m. Evening office hours by appointment. Downers Grove, [111110]; Phone ll J. ll. CHENEY, D. V. I. VETERINARIAN l Office hours 2 to 6 Mia: 27 E. Curtis: Street bingo Phone Downers Grove Austin 1129 Phone SOD-I G. B. POPE, M. D. "nick-68 WW. "ii; i". Wonsuzv. M. D. 30 Acres Trees, Shrubs. and Vines best for this climate. Uttlel‘ord Nurseries Phone 3214 Landscape Gardening our Specialty C. A. DURKEE RIOS-1136 {uni-hid on new or old Proéeeds of sale of bonds to be and to pay 0!! jud ent recovered by the Farmers and "chants Bank 0 the Village of Downers Grove. on $56.00 to} Interest. End 51",0'00 {or prigcipai._ fl 8. Pan-u Ann-n Tm 105" puns. Principal of bonds to be pa? m the first day of November of eu- of the years as follows: $3,000 in the year 1923, and $1000 in each of the years 1924 to 1931, both years in- clpsiyg. PriqgipaLangjnteE-gst to be; be issued shall be ELEVEN THOU‘ SAND DOLLARS ($11,000.), dated November 1, A. D. 1919, hearing int- ggest at_5 per gent peg again-paw: ble semi-annually on the first day of May and of November of each year until bonds are id. upon presentr tion and sun-e er of interest cou- ecu-am ls Hal-d An Tun-m “MI-m 0.39.... Jain; 7.35. a. “751.3" MARY S. DIENER F. W. KETTENRING tmtor Builder . ) , ,n.,4 N. Fae! An. and Fan“! 5'. "IVSICIAN SURGION Dav-«- Gun. iG-J Downers Grove Res. 12 I. mple Ave. Shall Bonds or obligations for the par pose of raising the mane (necessary to pay off a certain jud mi. in the sum of eleven thousand dolars ( 11.000.) be is- sued by the Council of the Vill of Down- ers Grove, Illinois. as provid for by ab dinance, the substance of‘which is indicated below. OPTOMETRIST w. u “w.” am DRS. 63m To.“ In Helen E. Gregg 4:16 p. m. Church School. 7:30 p. m. Choir Pr'actice. Irgzvernber 27th. 1919. Thanksgiving y. -s:oo a. m. Holy Communion. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH November 26th .1919. Wedneuda : 7:30 p. m. Evening Payer and r- November 23d. 1919. Sunday next before Advent. '_7: 30 a. m Holy Commqnion i 10:“) a. m. Community Thanks- giving Service . Rev. 1'. J. Owens will preach the Thanksgiving address. 8:90 p. m. Thnnksgiving Prayer 8. ANDREWS EPISCOPAL CHUIICB [)fl’ipg, Purge" A1 Meg-hunt! no! Bail 'g. "niacin, nut-Iai- a g ”Ammo-3p... ’ "cubs. 1 it I. 9:45 3. m. Bible School. Classes for 1" ages. Graded lesions for the children. One-lame united class for the young men and Ind-es taught b) the pastor. Visitors invihd 11:00 6. m. Thunkngiving Service. 2: 30p m. Junior Alli-nce.‘ 6: 45 p.m . Senior Aliiance Thanks- gig and Devofiond meeting p. m Evening Worship Thanksgiving Dug: Sundlv Services: HIST EVANGBLICAI. CHUICH Ien'o acuity Ind-0'- “0"“ Sadly-“hominlnrfld'. -mlmMnYn-cm‘ ms...“ and”: Ben-d 0"" ”maiden-any. nu, tarmac-mu PM fmlflhdll. 3.3.!!{87‘ sp. .4...” 30.3.353i1: oniooiiflviroaig. 81.039873: 3-33.; fiu‘gruutfi’“ (mafinnvollo: colic-ti. a 0A 9:45 a. m. Chur'chVSchool.’ “:00 a. m. Morning Prayer and This being the but day or “a thumb-mt. Memorial Sam. the "who: will in In hoopla; wth on than“! of the any. UNIT” m CHOICE 0' BAl'I' GIOVI fl. I‘AULfi EVANGELICAL GROVE STREET CflUBCli WITNESS my land and the corpor- ates seal of said Villages this 10th day of November. A. D 119. Chan M. Hitch, Villa.” Ole-[13‘ .°’ _the Village of Down- v- uuuvu l‘ Lllvuunl‘u Wuunlw, duly passed and app proved by the May - or and Villa Council of the Vilhge of Downers rove, It a mega lur meetâ€" ing of said Council. held on the 10th day of November, A. D. 1919, and sub- mitting said ordinance to the voters of said Villlge at u specill election to be held In saId AVilllge on the 5th day of" December.A .fgeD 1919 “THESIS "a! 9.924 W! 3hr 59w."- Rev. B. H. Fleming. Put". no HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and fomgoin is a true and cor- rect co y of an on! name and grown!- ings o the Council 0! the Vi Inge of Downers Grove. relating to the issu- ance of FUNDING JUDGMENT BONDS of said Villaie in the amount quELEVEN THOUS ND DOLLARS. “0 Rev. Hugh M. luMu I. the undersigned. Village Clerk of ghg Village of Downers Grove. Illinois, STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF DU PAGE ss. uch‘lllwl UUI' 131:1. BY ORDER of the Council of the Village of Downers Grove, Du Plge County. lllinols. Dated November 10th, A. D. 1919. toElection called submitting ordinance tothe voters It election to be held Degegnhgr 5th 1919. IT. IOIIl’H'I CATHOLIC CHU‘CII. In. lam I. Godwin. Pad-r. Sunday flew. to a. m. Punching Jeni". 1:45 p. in. All on who... In. 1. Alfred Nan-en. Mu. 9: H: t. In. Staging Schogl. The I". 'I. Crotch“. M 1018) a. m. Vlrio’i'niifi W3nhlp {Gt-mum) 7.39 P; '2‘ Ernipu‘wwh'v; CHURCH NOTICES G. H. BUNGE Priest-immune l. Ililnolh. Lawyer WELCOME munity Thanks- Village Cleik. Washington Monument. From floor of shaft to apt-x the Washington monument In 555 feet 5% Inches high: th'e shaft Itself In 500 feet 5% Inches the mall nmmld which tops the shaft Mint 56 felt Thebnelsfiflfectlxlncbeuq-m mwunanwmmumm oflthe daft and m to 3 “Cw m It at In. _ . “Inc of less means and toner-out, gave the four Evangelism; while poor- er persons had to he contented with one. being generally the figure of the donor”: or of the child’s patron mint. AMI. 8mm. Apostle spoons. alm mmd "gm. moan." were gm moons gin-n by the mason m "min!" to a «Mid at m christening. They were so called be cause each spoon had a figure of an mouth on the handle. Watthy peo- ple gave the whole twelve Apostles: area with you; for really I do not run .to be Mm Wilberforce forever!“ â€"Boctou Post. 0M Had a Diner." mm. When William Wilherforre. the n- Iormer. wu a candidate for pull.- ncm his Met. nn Imlable end will, ‘ronng My. oflered the mpIIment o! I new gown to each of the when at those freemen who voted for her brother. on which she was nluted with I cry of “mu Wilberforce tamer!" when she Manna: observed: '1 that you. Memes. In: I cannot TN- T‘unhpivin' vow‘u will N- ‘II [M Emu“! rlwn-h M mm I .m. Amy-amt of pmmm rho- whn, Pm In! m the III-uh an!» "no Loni (or H! in PM. 1 1:30 n. m. Eamon» S'n'kn. ‘ Sm‘ll "Mun thmuchout (M wk. "moment of which m will notice elnwlun. Thin media; to 'mflluofflwlnwtflnltlunMI ‘hpfln "count. it In W- vho'u w t." and whom I" ran-o. ”union ".0 warm and won: of all “M'- pm- nh- on doc-Ind. Sumhv: 7:30. Evening Wonhip. Sermon. “Who hgpught the Gospel to our An- Wednesday. November 2m. 3:30 Junior Choir. 8:00 Ind-Week Devotional Service. Church school at 10:00. Narnia Worship :1 10:45. The Rev. Mr. A - linxhnm. a former putor of this church will present the Pilgrim Mem- orial l-‘nnd. , flfiveifi‘l‘i: 6:30. High School and Senior C. E. Sunday November 23d. _Morningg “_Who_le Funily Serviqe." Sunday. November. 23. 1919. Subject: “80m and Body." Sunday Service: 11:00 a. m. Wednesday 8:00 p. m. . Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Reading room Monday tad Friday afternoon. {mm 3 to 5. Library Hull. r )lor women, meets in their clu- mom Tmry Sunday morning at 9:46 for Bible study. Visitor: and m mom- bera alwayl welcome. In. On Lower. Racket. 7:30 p. m. Pniso Service. Evan- golistic sermon by the pnstor. 6:30' p. in. 7 Epwortlg Lea e. All young people not worship ng else where invited. Sunday, November 28d. 9:46 a. m. Sunda School. R. E. meeiler. Supt. mhestru mime, Classes for all ages. .Speciul atwn~ tion 03 beginnernsu“ 11:00 mum. VPliblic Worship. Sor- mo_n__l_)y the pang". _ __ 9: '- . Bibln School. "'00 n‘ m. “main: Womhin. 1:00 o. m. Junior 8. Y. I'. N. 10 m Sgulor I! Y. _P. U. In. Tho-:- 1- Owen. Kidder. ‘l’hc M. E. ”Muhammad‘s- CONGBBGA’I‘IONAL CHURCH FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. “HEW FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH I". .l. 8. Link. Punt. M. E. PHILATBEA CLASS IICKIE SAYS Why the look. a In Hut. Tnlle 011nm an that tho she I- looking for another home b came the star boarder at is place In a railroad engineer m the government to an m cl boardlng home-I and let tho run them.-â€"Galvem News. :l ‘izil edge of a boot heel. and that n- uns were chap II thirteenth an m driven In the cater for luck. Iain?- M In most muntrlen 13 In I” spoken of n "the bth’l"! do...” ii” In mm It In called "a mhhler'l «up! There In I tndmon In that and u formerly there was a law M cobbler: to put 12 In": would b "to - mama‘s Inn. mum ~ ll lam-n or chiefly. flown in n] properly do no at night. m an. lug am: two ladies a mile“! ‘ walk on the outside. or the I“. I. rather. the nude Mm wild he fl best and his nonunion or coop-I- lonn fmm ohm-den nf dam. It B not mad form to him a lady's “ nnlnu to ”It“ her In Home "I. #Iy a l nbnu MW wpurvftzcjz: £1“. P ”10!! 35000 inn- 5 year: It. Meant. ' ‘ Pot mam Inform-lb. n he I. V. "EDSNIIAG N l5 9.. Mail! 80nd [amt-00“.!!!” When 1. the first, may - Ikytlne. u Indy Is not M b ”.3..:M~ *. 1.... u...“ . mm. In with unwind“. ”m “hfmm lMldlo-nnddud. mm that!!!” (emu-b an. P93 8511573113.")! Maw huy with {mm a «'10 £160.11 need-5076mm helium-I!“- with My noon-5km wam'r:n-wa_m on lul- um. “$60. or what. will :1 M I! mind. In man; now and can u- mdn ,whnt have you to Mu. r03 SALEâ€"Tn MI Map. up I}; Wait rifle. udoSâ€"giq f‘ ‘“ WéNTEQ-o'l umNorsuwk-s m 6 room house with 31r'13c3. 36.6 thing out 3 link: will In I! 036 bu good. custom” has: put :35. wnntu time on lid-nu. prfu 33m. WANTEDâ€"The b531, ply-e $6.009. um 7 mm}; 8(8fi63n?5i'l Bii’m“" btdu.___and _4 lute ”(ht goo-13.!!! j 9; .m‘ m, 3.1;: :33 @713: REALES‘I'ATEMSMI ‘5 “PR 84138-3191!) Wen! boo-0!" you ado: In only. won SALEâ€"A my high M:- «at Nut-nary Seat. Phone 814. In. G. REID. R. F. D. 11-!“ FOR SALEâ€"Three ulnar duo vl lininfiwdcondIIOIl. filo-II days. 68- evenings 11-11-1- LOSTZWxSEfi Grunt non-Ind tin on , 77' 15710:! did my VI.- 335.“ to Lou n “414-? FOR SALEenreé dihfifirfiu vio- I-‘OR SALEâ€"9' 'Hwifiififim Ki cop desk Ind chllr. ‘Inby . 7 Potter's Porublo Chicken MUTE mu outfit. 00 [a]. he ’ ‘ Mrs. . A. Edgcworth. WWI”. Phone 1074. 11-3143}! FOR SALEâ€"Base burner. an. coal healer. Three white ton Cocktail. One good 12 shotgun. Ft)! HKiedoror. HM Lincoln av“. Phone Vii-W. 11-21 memum fnyqt. lug lot 7.50:1”.

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