Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 21 Nov 1919, p. 1

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VOL. XXXVI. N0. 46 We still have in our bins a few ton of Poco- hontas Mine Run, the great eastern semi-anthri- cite, but soon this will be all gone. The time to conserve what coal we have is far past. Everyone must do his part in the next month or so, so that no one will suffer from cold. This leaves the situation just exactly where it was when the strike was still on. Coal is not be- ing mined in Illinois at all and in other bituminous fields where the men are working the mines are owned by some public utility company, which is diverting the coal to its own use, letting none go to the public. THE MINERS HAVE REFUSED TO GO BACK TO WORK UNTIL THE WAGE CONTROVER- SY HAS BEEN SET’I‘LED ONE WAY OR THE OTHER. Dry Goods. Groccrlcs and General Merchandise 28-30 Soulh Mala Slrccl 'l'wo Phones [Tl-I78 Lehmann Michel (In, lust. $6.50 “urn-m «nu-s m1 smur sm‘s. In .1: mm. m1 min. Ma war-- not: In yuan: ml- lnd min-en. Prim-d love! than In» an My lath). 8": [Mn and ,vml'll BI'V THEM! We haw in“ naive-d I and“ low M Talus Sill l'fltkut In colon and Malt. Tim-c an uilhly puny nodd- lnd lunuiwly auda- aud will nuke unkmfid K“ \3 [MIL I‘rkv “.3. rich. whflc TAFFE’I'I‘A SILK PETTICOATS For Gift Purchases The Coal Strike is Overâ€"BUT 10 0!. can Royal Cocoa. needs no sugar Wheat Heart Breakfast Food. per pound .. 6|!) bag Old Fashion Buck Wheat ........ 1 gallon can “Pancake Syrup ............... 29 oz. Jar Fig Jam ...................... 35 0:. jar Pure Grape Jam ................ Fancy Jumbo Sundried l-Jxaporaled Peaches. Fancy Santa Clara Prunes, per pound ..... Imponed Italian Olive Oil, pint can ....... Electric Soap Chip-I. per pkg. ............. bl bag Bran ................... - .......... (Barton's Fat Herring. tall ran ............. Mill) carton Milk Cracker: ................. Groceries at Service Prices J. W. NASH Phone Lord Lummr 60mpany CLOSED ALL DAY THURSDAY, NOV. 27 THANKSGIVING DAY POCOHWAS MINE RUN THE CORNER. GROCERY QUALITY THE STANDARD RST, LAST and ALL THE TIME AT THE THE CORNER GROCERY HEADQUARTERS FOR FOOD Phone after 6 P. M. 142 J Phone 59 - M DOWNERS GROVE, DU PAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1919 I'ieéf r7 'li.""i€pii'h"(.‘ B13»??? '0}? church. pmfm flu- mmmony. .‘lr. nn-l Mm. John W. anh :m- rnmn- Uw marriagn uf their daughtm \Iargzm-t (Yum-rim to Cunt-in Jun" .- A. (‘hildrmm of lai‘ollruo. Tram a! "u- lehovlist church. Mum-ml, Ill- imix. rm Friday. November Nth. Thr a-v 'M'Hflfi nlrht we nManirnllr' In"! mrnv "w nrh'ilrm- II" ".0 mm“ 'Iwm mnm' nwn‘ TM “mum hmun" MgM. 1hr nigh! Sn 'Iw Hunk nu whirl! llw h-Iinn mom will b:- mw-n In rm nf Um vmnur hm humn rhnnwvl (mm Wnlm-mlnv tn Thurwhn Tim luimmirr- Ivnliu-I "mt Wmlmwlm' rw-nint Min! pun". Your dollars are worth their FULL VALUE at this bank and they draw 3 per cent COMPOND INTER- EST. THIS is the TIME to SAVE. Open an Account in this Bank Now. Farmer’s and Merchant’s Bank Oldest Bank In Downers Grove tr nu- about Malawian" for tha- cm- ‘n. wintrr. TM Irm'on hm- manv form" high nhool and MM!“ nuts [and n gran! team in in pro-Inert. This mmmnw hm- mmh- nrnnnmau for Hm hirh school m'mmumm and prur- llrv wall ht- «mm-«I Inn". The SAVING value of a dollar is still 100 cents. About the mad mi in Dmmbor the official More a! the War Dov "1mm. mxh Nell and luck. uh "Hui: Boy-u." will be mom: for two M M» and" the nu» it" a! nu- lml at“!!! AM this: In. with I lv-rtumr in mun-z the post “bu-smug) lurk." an ulmlulou for will hr chart- NI. Adwmininz mun” giving «Ink-u um! nricm of Helm. will a war In". 0.4.. m.._|.L.._ n..L. I._.I__|.-..._\ I (:nh- Wmhhum. “Ibo P'étltnhfiflfl x-ml Jury Conn-puff grin appointed The SPENDING value of a dollar is now only 50 cents. One a! the pmpouiu’ou bmught up it Monday’s meeting wan to mum a picture of each Downers (hove boy who guvo hi» life while in the nan/ice n! his country (or the Legion roomn. The relatives of the boy: an to hr ‘appmched on the subject IM If they «mm to an furnish I pictun- of their boy. otherwiu- the Lexion will deem it Ill honor to have In enhl'l‘t' yum: mu}: 9! a phohgnph and hue It cu] érthwin' Ukiblrlr'mnt'teru. rwhich unified than to the banana! bending the In- Since the temporary organization of the local post last summer. Carpenter and Bentley have been acting as temâ€" porary chairman and secretary res- pectively. During this time they have conclusively shown their qualifications for the important positions they hold and their election was (Iceland unan- imous. Both of these men have been very busy in the orgnniution of tho '09-! W'v.¢h°v have wiry."- We": (my L ‘Sirhbiaiabn and Walter J. Stunts. Sergeants-aO-Arms. with other ofi‘icers to same for the next year were elected at the regu- lar meetin held in their club rooms lit the Die e Building Monday even- mg. ‘ Robert CI nter is the first Com- mander of A exander Bradley Bugs mander of Alexander Bradley Bums P93}, Np. 80.__Ameripan Legiop. lie Local Poul Held First Electk Olicen at Club Rooms on Hominy Evening. BOB (ARPflHfR flffltD HRS] ' [WON (0M’ND’R {1,9371% (druid. bout to mend ml: The other ofl'icers are: Thomas Kidwell, Vice-Commander Paul Bentley, Secretary Dr. W. S, Bebb, Tmaqurgr _ NASHâ€"(‘HILDRESS i rmn. Tl \Ihfl.‘ x . -'. ‘ I'hT'HF'W‘" Ewnmkvl’ulh‘ Km"! I‘m-80' r1 TMm’ A .‘JOTIIER HOLIDAY NEYT WEEKâ€"J'fll’Y EARLY P I. E A S B Mun. t‘. ll. ltd-«l prim-nu"! "w nm-a- i-km! with a nun! mulv fnm' a: raw yr Mutmfir nirvr uf wand. Tho hw- fmm‘ nhirh Un- wood mu- mt. mu nhnlul “Iv-w Mn. Prim": homu- mm' 'lumh In; New? Don nrr. "w fin! nrtllvr u.’ Ilw \illngl‘. wot“ 10 do [Mn-.4 [or "w M'hool- and at)!" mgMLr l-nhfvpflmm. A mock-l romtltuflon In! 30%|an {run-ml by ”w Imo- ”tori-“ml. may MIopu-d and "up local brunch in mm The prI-nhlum wan rmpommi to mm the rhuirmm a! n-venl Import an! mmmflm. flwpc t-r wind Uu-ir mun working wrmvpml. , hating committee. appointed at n pn- \‘lmnl muting mm the "communâ€" Hom {or ollcvn of the mutton. The {ollowing baker: wow unani- mouuly nice-(«l .1 MW: Dr. W. 8. Babb. pnuklcnt; In. In“! Whlflvn and I!“ Wlnl. vice-pand- dcnu; In. W. J. O'Nefill. mart-rs: Fill. Huntiw. (rt-um". Tho thin! Thumlar «f rub mnmlo mu nlvcml an: an "mum. data n» "m awe-ling In bu inc-M Iiw'vmh-I "uh I! "w MIDI who"! .mmNy hull The Downers vae Parent-Teacher Amhtion was formed in the A» nembly room of the hi school 1! a well amended meeting y even- ing. “mt. imam wu mallow-«l by those present in the various plums origin; ngwyork they nn_b_king up. PARENT-TEACHER ASS’N ORGANIZED TUESDAY EVENING Whom it: the person in Downers Grow- so irâ€"mliglous that ho cannot muse for an hour on Thanksgiving Day to he .rcminded of the goodness of God «luring the pant. year? The mligions sentiment of grati- tude to God for blessings received gave rise to the observance of a spe- cinl day for the expression of this thankfulness for plotection. mercy and blessing. The day will have lost its significance for you if you forget its origin and cease to honor and observe the Ivligioua element in it. Where. is the perxon in Downers Mr. Little will preside. There" will be. prayers of Thanksgiving and special music. The service will close prompfi- ly st 11:00 o’ clock so that you will lime Elenty of time to pre m fox your Ix Turkev dinners [Amway]. The time for the service has beén set for 10:00 a. m. of Thanksgivin Day. Rev. Mr. Thomas J. Owens wil gypsy}!!! Thanksgiying Iggasage.__l}e_v. ‘ The united community Thanksgivâ€" mg service will be held this year in the First Evangelical chuucll on the corner of Maple avenue and Mnin at. The churches of the villa an: co- :rerating in this service (I sregardlng together any denominational distinc- COMMUNITY THAN X SERVICE AT 10 A. M. NEXT THURSDAY the new work they an hung up. Prof. Butler. chitin-n 017 (he noni- W‘H' "n TIL Hm! I):- '\ I"‘l"'\' wHw-r V 1"”: h "15¢ "In". "H! 1.1:"! I‘n' In :11,“ \‘2I . arr mm! N‘mlv'rf {3"}!va I: nut, «1-14: If (how wi'l p) In W "Ni-1‘ rank in Hominy it mu 3 a'm In \‘n'vmlr' 27m ‘1 A ann\ im" ‘1‘ hvu'ivlny in Un- yn‘ n' m- Thrrwln W Indian eulmmer is Hunt HNK‘ a! ”w \rnr aflo-r Hu- finrt sharp Ins! and h" furt- W snout of “MU" Mart win-n U)» clays an- \.arm and man), Thi> rm!!! ‘1 i1. Amp-ruin. "w tor-I (mm w-orr' many mMa-rv of bath an", Th. hmrmrs Home inn-gain». lint-d up. on Eh! rant .u'nk- nf tho fiv-M In.- 10-. mm! as (wall as Gina": liml up on” ”w 11rd. ‘ wan. things blunting "‘0‘" far MU ,,' Drums. .mwm'c-r, il um: nlmuut inh', .mnihlr I‘m (luv l‘mplr ‘0 win. GYM!" Ellyn In hm strong fur tin-m. TM! . h-um hug o-n-rthu wick-h mm- M f "w mall-rm «I a winning wit-w». r': i‘M. shifly plays. slit-NI and "mi- ‘ I) "not! at "firm or :kfmw. la In the 3nd quad" urn-ml had 1- ris-kmu by IM n-fvm '3th hon-p 1hr Pumk- xlwllulmn from nod . On- ‘imlum- m punk-0hr “can! mm mm“)! of W In“! moan- and pity urn nuke. A lung low-rd n which wu lde by pun. Ian-u mm um! ler omumonlu lat-law hing “ugh! by a Iota! nun. who nu ta «mu. 5 you! of the goal NM Info" Ming: «mot-d. wan m-rIIIn-d :lk-xnl, ”c swwn huluvn. uflrr wrung'hm with "w lurul “wrath-u. Un- wit-"v m0 4n].N‘ kin hm nl all-u. "In. "lxlh‘l lb.-. 4.1m! his M 6! mm- nonfat-Ind 1M. ”"1?!”- erd Dun-r hm'n nlkm-nl. IIm god line and won mm m on way clown. lb: whlullo 1 0n- quart" or hall :10me I’m-m. A! flu- le ”0“an Grasp:- P“In“! flu hall on (-h'n'n flu' )uni .mr uilh MM) pm [n gt a! a neon. All unemoou «verb hunk of the ram wont to Glen In and every time the-Jon!» lbw-had to new man! unlomn snide“ would Inter- “ to nave-t fl. Tito: when the [Math flyw- yen v10“... I'fl‘_0f um locu‘eleveu'hu'u on .11 mm uié gruelling content. 0‘ ch; for every I‘M-"In and :90 It the M 9W are and}: of. They {he i 7 7 7 Vb} the absence of Crumb“- IV was male :9 pin- beam 9! when, Ddi‘ifie. It is truu’that Wheahn hokrfllen Ellyn to u Ill-l9 lie several weeks ago. but Glen has played every other high xchool in the county, winning from them ull and to «late tho (ll-n Ellyn game in the cal one whom ybcamn me! high uhoo tum: {mm i In losing the mm the locals also ‘lost the County ham ionship to our northern neighbors w 0 now hold it in their msmssion. Not undisputed however, cause Whonton high think they have a chance to play for it. Whoaton's claims to thn chance aw based on somewhat sketchy grounds tho and it is the only town in thc- (ounty that will admit the even have a look in. Every other high Mhool unmmrvmlly gives the title to Glen Ellyn when it rightfully belopgn._ $l.00 â€"- OPENS A SAVINGS ACCOUNT - Glen Ellyn high school students are jubillnt over the result of last Sat- unluy's {outhall game between that school and the Downers Grove high school which we lost by the over- whelming score of 34 to 0. Usually just before Chrintmas (-vrry your we pause to take stock of our resourms and saw how \m- are coming out with the gift m.:; If your bank account is not large enough to rover your pm“ start now for thr- Christmas season‘ of ninvstn-n twonty. A arid- sum in the bank each pay day does 1h.1 trick. 1 Downers Grove High School Eleven Lost a Hard Fought Game Lu! Saturday. mum fOOIBAll (llAMPlflflSlllP IS , NOW Glfll [llYfl’S Down": Ouplayed. Althoggig outpjayed M__Sg_!unlgy. Christmas Money, 1920 j All you need is the inclination and a dollar to start an m. FIRST NATIONAL BANK l\lfl\N NI'HHKR gland ”1mm. nkhnbtl 0!! a“ nnniwmry of their MINI... In {SMuan m-tjnin. Nmmhr I”. - erMiw-s ham Chicago. WM and Elfin won- [mm-M and. u'rlnfl: Ilium-r wan turned. 11:”: “(Mini owning vim-h followd W rnjnyvd by a". Hr Mm and Mr. «man. v-mr «Om m n olinvtar n! ”It a” «0' “inc!" fnr IM gmmmfi I“ :- lflnflflf In "if "a." ('o., m "0an lCM‘r WHIMN.’ lab. cu-r 0w 1-“qu- unl hum. nmmuu- how. MR. AND MRS. M. R. KNOX CELEBRATE” 20th ANNIVERSARY |:f"'.l|"'“ of "w comm I! win MM Mly Mr fun" ‘0‘ Hum. rn unhnlm MM lvu'vr Uta-m. ha- and H allow-l nmld buy A: In“ of In!" II lmv-‘rl. .- a." pun-W W old lllllr m M! M «It cut. of "‘3 Hum. vi! and I utory MW ‘ 0w Mr In 0w mr fulun. I‘m-rut plans of tho Midd- II! n building which whn coo-W Inavr rout in "In Deb-”W d (.00. Tin-y Mr. bmwr. Ln rvrn lam" plant A: WW .vnIiM‘Iu- jun-“flow ”It outlay. They "Maui-runn- olrdrkd “ cum-v.1. Mil Iliad". for em lam lin In-nyiutpnng: ‘thjo, iF'Q‘quRF'éaâ€"QK "in ‘61]; “lift-3} 3I$mfiugiq "Watt...“ ry ,u N "down-luau: In. :luaurwm-n. no.5:- ”(.0 ’l"_ [on (Mold “‘9'.” MOHR El Tiler ll you and do not cunt it 85160,,” think it over and then send in contribution or your chock b tho anl. nemembenng you nn‘ a M to be u ljbenl in giving '9 your ownrcommurityu £3}me man in M [om mg to ‘ Next week Izmict names of um; you Wm had to make up 'by varioul Item The Library must have help and '0 an: all_ ugh“! t9 givg thatfllwly. worn-out volimes on (Iii shelvavéi add to shelves without he! The smount received mm tu- each lye" barely pays the e of he employed .m an a- bout. 1 e other expenses ' hagtojgnke up by _varloyl_ _ help in mgflnx the Ubnry 151170]; “'61? . Gm coma in quot?- wueu we all an every war drive that was mud. duh mg the war and it in only (sir to II! sums it will «lo .3 well In the an 9‘ 1:332in _out_tho lfublic legnly: ‘J he! irg gouthtglegublic glint; - siat o ymu e W wecgnbgnstofinouryfl member it in youn' ind )6);th .79 be loud o! it. e “brag-y Bound guano} penile. l' Tfibflmdmmton «till-Pub- : 11me um ygxtwcgktoallugigt? acumen, Mr and Hit "A K Knot ‘ LIBARAY DIRECT- ' 038 TO LAUNCH A MONEY CAMPAIGN ‘ ‘0 all naked to give that Ml . Read rthq leMr that will 7_ ”It lull-of of "w corny. In 1 Nina; M!) n"- “mm b (h W . I list I. I)“ mfia‘s’lut'... to In. w “an. Tho-s: W old lllor d‘a MMJmttMolN wuo‘u: 1mm ‘Ac-mnv % flaw u munmm

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