Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 21 Nov 1919, p. 2

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Your Con! 0mm Should Be Placed MW! Around'about the middle of October a little heat on cold mornings will be necessary. Be prepared by having a supply of good coal on hand. “Old Ben,” Franklin County Lumber Coal, will give you the heat satisfaction you want. Cement sung” ORDER NOW YOUR WINTER’S SUPPLY! Blocks m“ KINDLING FOR SALE 21‘: Screens We have a good stock of fine (1 kindling. This is Gr el f cut up waste from our facto . 0 large pieces, but av fizz? just right for light fires an starting the furnace (3'32“ ‘ moo PER LOAD, DELIVERED (5 to 600 pounds) ° Roofing A a hen Plaster w! lso, a ne grade of vy Tile Moulding WALNUT FUEL WOOD Coal '1‘“. $3.00 per ............................. 500 pounds Coke withâ€"h; “Wu-'38 v --_.., lie-(Rage; had spent mthon s in . vcmmen aspi- hl It Bulb lo and $1 the cot 310nm ls had lain Alfrod Hutchinson. side If Kanenn 'nntely describod .flm hospi~ h], the lumnndinms and locntion and g Alfred G. Hutchinson. a merchant of- anelkstflicguéi‘ {as heartlessly {M on w y a youn man who aid his mane wns Manley , I surged 99mm. . W :5» Med Mr. Hutchinson with a 1°"?wa of how he knew his son and that the official nygort 9f_hin It. Hutchinson's son. I"Alfred, was number of the A E. It in Siberia :fl! wu killed in! 39th}! ”Iggy _ . 101800“ Main St. REPAIRS REASONABLE. CONSISTENT WITH PRICE OF IIATEBIAL USED. Harm Shop. ”LESS HOAX .YED 0N FATHER ' DEAD SOLDIER Fdfi'WRDWYQUR DID MOSS/“VA“ All wood is under cover and absolutely dry. Our supply is limited so do not delay placing orders. Potter Mg. 6: Lumber Co. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS BUILDING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS LUMBER -â€" COAL -â€" MILLWORK OUR POLICY TELEPHONE Service, Best Quality, Right Prices ONE FIVE‘ are executed {mm . variety of u:â€" cepuble designs and every detail is looked after by experts. Tint is why our monuments dways appehl to good ARTHUR R- BEIDELMAN taste. If ygu glut a memorinl h your plot we will show you a great variety of designs to choose from. Our Monuments Mr. Hutchinson is the father of Mrs. Charles Kester of this village and gave the story to the newspapers so that others whg have lost sons in the war would not be imposed on by the same story or one similar to it. a flee rein in looking over the me- cords. questioning the patients and helped him with his search, but to no avail. He found that on one had been a patient in the institution under the name of Kane and that the young man's atom, was fabricated from the whole clo . u..., ._...v,., -__.~-7-VV So ausihle was his story that Mr. Hutch n‘aon believed, and after loanâ€" ing Kane ten dollars, at his request, took the train for Buffalo to investi- zNae. He found everything as it had teen described to him, except that his son was nut in the hosyital and never had been._ The gughonties gage him evgwtlging_99nnecw§ _Wit_h it. NAPERVILLE. DOWNEBS GROVE REPORTE!z DOWNERS GROVE. ILLINOIS I Anymv'hTomln the whirl h- named to am the mating which will convene at nigh; o'glggt His: Grace N. Smith of Chicago. a or {or the International Howa- ter Company. will address the Lisle out! Belmont ~lrnmwement Am tion In the Belmont schoolhouse u. night. Her Iubject will be “Bird: and their vol-ao- to Wu" ‘ lay tiller: 0! me not! know the ‘beneflt to be derived from protect!" the NM: of Mr forum But not who! Mul- dooerve the moat p - (loo nod M which one: lull to thlo territory ore helpful to for- mer. (hey do I“ hm. llu Smluu. who I- . lowr of birds will tell he: Mun - rm‘ my N25- W 9‘"! ’ The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs. Thomas Stanton. ‘1‘hursday afternoon, November 13th to tie a comforter and when they had com lewd their work they were in- vite ito the dining room where a hounteous dinner had been provided (or them.- After dinner they had a‘ :xurprise party on Mrs. Reyne. They were armed with good things to eat grid the comforterway presented to Hrs. Reyne to show her how much they apprecinwd what she had done (or the Afid. Mrs. Reyna and daugh- ter left. Tuesday. November 18th to sail for Holland. Mrs. Mel Gri s is sick this week whh a seven cod. Mr. Ind In. Funk “turnover, Sr. spent a few days with their son-in law sad daughter. Mr. and Mrs. A. True of Chicago. FRIEND 0F BIRDS TO ADDRESS LISLE WROVEM'T ASS‘N r The ' Belmont Improvement Club has organized and Will hold their re- ulur meetings on the thin] Friday of govember 213$ a program will be given in the schoolhouse. Mina Smith give an address. the subject is “Birds also some musical numbers will be. given. The Ladies Aid Society will hold their bazaar Friday. December 12th in the chumh basement. Aprons and other qseful 31nd fancy artiglpq wil_l l_)e_ for sale and a sub 1'7 Will be held in connection with te sale, so come! The Advance Blble Class will hold their realm business meetin and soda! at the home of Mr. Mrs. N. D. Burke Friday- evening-Novem- ber 213C. NEWSY NOTES FROM LISLE AND BELMONT Brick Sand mmmw Etc. [Dunn- Iu uu PM , Your Committee on Claims would beg leave to report that they havn examined all claims resented before them. and recommen the ayment of ‘same. and that the Clark L directed ito lame order: for the several amâ€" ounts to the several claimants. ,Re ally submitted. (Shula , B mm Chm-man. l On motion] so: Kohler theehimofG:l'.4 who!!!“ nuuu pun-u- "VIâ€"1 ...\........_E,..v., ;,5.75; C. Leeseherg. Road Eatrol worlr Addison Twp.. 74.00; A. . Spomr Deputy fees, 48.00: George Riohvn Deputy Fees. 8.00; P. F. Dehr, Depu- ty fees, 8.00; Frank P. Yeahey, De- puty fees, 86.00; H. B. Marshall. De- puty fees. 8.25; A. M. Hopkins. Seen- ,ographers fan. 14.85; R. P. Hadley. Labor on State Aid Road. 135.00; P. }1. Hull .uboron snug Aid Road. ‘100.00; . L. Truitt, Witness fees. 'lnsunity use, 6.00; Lewis Ellsworth Tees. attending Circuit Court. 90.00: lW. V. Hopi. Coroner: fees, “.00' Jhlph m, Inspecting Road. See. J ‘15 D. 147.00; George F. Leineke. Clerk Hire. ”.00; (lbs. W. Mk3, Telephone Tolls and expenses. 85.5 ; A. A. Kuhnâ€"Fen in elections, 100.00. Recording births and deaths. 1111118 to 11mm, 236.00, Fees attendin Su- rvisors Meetin , etc, from fill 19 to mum, 5.58.00; awrence Hattendorf’, Deputy fees, 112.00. Respectfully submitted. Wm. J .Yackley, Chairman. The following report of Committee; on Claims was on motion of Super-‘ Visor Kohley declared approved: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of ‘ Supervisors: . m . . 777”.) Illa. cut. Vu- n >V.~._ den for the several smut; to tho several ciaimnts. co-wit: Hun-e3; Marvin. Rood patrol. D. G Twp‘ $38.60. P. C. Warkentien. Roar? patrol. Yor‘: Twp. 65.00: Mbort Smith. Road pawl. Lisle 1‘qu 55. 50; Otto Schhuder, Road ntm work Downers Grove Tug. 42.50; C. H047 no.5] patty! wqri, loomingdalc Twr V a“ - ,....| _.--I. Home in Wham on Toni-y the ll ‘4‘. of Nmmher. A. D. IND. at no 0%: I: n. In. puma-t to C." of Chain looting culled Io odor with chair- .m am.- pmldlu. 0: all. I" numbers pm! c Sop-who! “Word. I 0! last meeting rad not dochnd I" . All N!!- and comm-hum» on M- nod all the dull: ntenul to "In "Kr commute“. motto. of Sunni-or Fix. the‘ following '1 of the Grand Jar: for 0.0 r Term A. 0. mm In: onhn‘i to be Mk I ma" ol n- OFFICIAL m CEEDINGS BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Epiued upon. Proceedim of flu Bond of Super- visor: of Du MOO-Iv. III. a I meek! man held I! the Court m- Representing the Du Page County Y. M. C. A.. Mr. Walter A Rogers of Lisle. Mr. Lew H. Wells of Lom- tani and Mr. Wm. H. Richie. the county secretarv of Wheaten. will at- tend the Fortieth International Com vention of the Young Men’s Christian Association which opens November 19th. at Detroit, withmore than 5.000 delegates in attendance from all parts of the world and will continue until Sunday. November 23d. ' Ax this is the first convention the Y. M .C. A. has held since 1916, it will deal largely with the changed conditions the wet has brought about nvlewlng the experience: pined dur- ing the war and eetti forth the mom-um for the i to future. The fire dun; It Detroit will be days of vital concern to every Itate. couny tr. nllmnd, studeu end city Y. M C. A. in the country. u the scope out policy of_the whole future work will: The Sixth Annual State Olden Boys (,‘onfemnce at Aurora during the Thanksgiving homing promises to be a. mcord breaker. turns are com- ing in of large delegations to be sent fmm all the towns of Du M coun- ty. It is expected that 50 boys and adult. leaders from our count)V 1nd 1, 000 from the whole state Will be on Wheaton high school boys voted unanimoule on Monday afternoon to have 1 Hi ' club. Prof. Russell ar- ranged for Mr. W .H. Richie, the Y Secretary for the county. to talk to all the boya of the school during the first period. After he had told of the objectives of such a club, and how the school spirit would be benefited by its organization, suggestions were made of what service it could lender the community. The adequate sign~ lasting of the roads about Wheaton, the launching of a campaign for a new high school gymnasium; and the arousing of public sentiment for a lake for boating. swimming and skat- ing were suggested and appgoved by long applause. An organizahng com- mittee to repute a. constitution wan elected. his committee will report next Mondav after school. ‘ COUNTY “Y” NOTES On motion of Sunervimr Dooley the Good Roads Committee was instructed to attend. at the countiy’a expense. any meeting on Good Roads in the various counties of the state. as they may see fit. - On motion of Supervisor Hammer- srhmidt, the Clerk aws authorized to issue a Count Warrant in favor of Jacob Hunt or $125: as Janitor's salary per month. begmnin Novem- ber lst .1919, and same to issued on the lat of each month. bf Chai'r. A Corn-tic Word. We never run lam-us the word “hab- domdni" without thinking of a com in the bend. On motion of Supervisor Hammer- schmidt. the Board adjourned to Call On motion of Supervisor Steven the auditing of the Books of the County Officers for the ear endinl! November 30, 1919, was It. to Mal-wick, Mir. chell. Peat (x Co. for the sum of $8§0.00. . «we; untilflle goat Imaging. "On motion of ASu Wino? Kinchhofl‘ the Plat of GA . nmn’s Subdivi- siogn was_decla_rgd uppyoveg.‘ We have a few regular $2.50 value men’s shirts in only three sizes, 14, 16 and 16%;, which we are going to sell as long as they last at the very low price of $2. A large selection of colors, shapes and sizes in the best caps in town for the money. Every one is full of style and really worth while. PRICES RANGE FROM $1.50 T0 $3.00. With a Good, Winter Cap zmmmm Lehmann (3 Michel Men’s Ms Garters, m Genuine Article ' Fol Only ......................................... 25m. meTIueMeaningolSewice Come in and Be Crowned TO BE COURTEOUS TO ALLâ€"- TO STUDY THE NEEDS OF THE CUSTOMER AND TO PRODUCE GOODS BEST SUITED TO THOSE NEEDSâ€" TO BASE PRICES ON VALUE GIVENâ€" TO 'WAIT ON YOU. AND ANSWER PHONES PROMPI‘LYâ€" TO KEEP UP WITH OR-A-LITTLE-AHEAD OF THE TIMESâ€" TO ADJUST ALL CLAIMS AND ERRORS PROMPTLY AND FAIRLYâ€" 'I‘O TREAT OUR EMPDOYEES AS THO THEY WERE ONE OI“ THE FAMILYâ€" TO MAKE A REASONABLE PROFIT ON OUR INVESTMENT. SO THAT THE BUSINESS MAY CONTINUE THIS IS OUR IDEA OI" SERVICE TAILOR AND GENTS’ FURNISHINGS South Mnin Street V. THOLIN Shirts A most interesting talk was given at the Kindergarten last Fdda af- ternoon by Mrs. Carrie Monger fang. Mrs. Lon talked on the Dunning S stem 0 music for beginners. She il ustrated her talk with two childnu from one of the Chiugo clams. children gave ample proof of the thor- oughness of the method. doing lessons in harmony. ear trainin and transpo- sition with case and e iciency. At. the close of her talk. Mrs. long told the audience that Mrs. Boa: was just graduating from the teachers! course in this method and would soon open a. clean here for beginners. iss Katherine Mills. a profession! violinist, who has not come among us rendened two vio in solos .showinx great skill and fineness of touch. ILLUSTRATED PIANO METHOD L A S T FRIDAY grandfllher‘u clock‘ to a Hewlttâ€"Tlmea have changed. Jeweltâ€"Yes. fit 18 u long way {my m I11I In November 21, 191!

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