¢ham¢lou¢liwun REAL bash-u â€than the ma mum of milk!†a! come kind. And the am kind 0! publicity for a lots! “on In Um lac-l paper. perm-1y. um mun-Mm or mu. (“tum an do without adv-mung. be an do without humming. too. The man In each imam bolus :- bout tho um. Vlc mm": to my that on an av- "boners Grove Rename: Entered at the Downers Grove Post Wine on second class mail matter. Advertising rates made known upon application. Subscription rates $2.00 per year. Single copies 6c. Issued every Friday morning from the ofliee of the Downers Grove Publish- ing Company, 37 North Main street. Downers Grove. Illinois. Expert Building Advice Quickly Phone my 20 Lord Lumber company ""8 NWT A JOKE C. Ii. STAATS. EDITOR not div. is MICKIE SAYS When you have a building or repair job, come in and talk it over. You can draw on our years of experience in the building business. We’ll get right down to brass tacks and settle your problem in a jiffy. Don’t wait on ceremony. Drop in any time you’re down our way. For years we have handled lumber, lime, cement, root'- ing. brickâ€"almost every- thing that goes in a build- ing except the plumbing and furniture. Our job is to please you and satisfy you so well by selling you what is best for your particular job that you will he a per- manent customer. Phone after 61’. M. 142 J However. we dd no! and Eannoi huticmuwl why all the bitter veeri- mulonx bctum the two camps. Boih um llcpublium, both are nhiving (or the Republican nomination. ml it in «Meat that nlumld either (m ‘31. the «her will turn mound aml‘ work MN! for NI eitction. 1 The other upinat. Senator John- son. tanner Governor of California, mum to be dmoot up in the running. It will be one hot 03M (or the nomi- nation ml the: another for the el- (L: m- think he in the best! man on the Republican horizon today for flu! high place to which he aspires. lone of the best Governor's Illinois has over hul. We are trunk in uying that at the prawn: moment we are for Lou-din 1 Both have ï¬ne meant». Wood in his own particular branch or army ulminiunuvc work anal Lou-den as one of the best Governor's Illinois Prom pwsent indicaitons the strug- gle for the Republican nomination {or Chief Magistrate of the Nation, has simmeml down to two. All that one can judge on the surface seems to point to the (not that It is either to be ank 0. Lon-den or Loomml lay the boat m win. If you want to learn a little more about advertising in the Reporter, just call Phone 188-J and ask a rep- resentative to call. Ho will come loaded with facts and ï¬gures. i What do We mean by an interesting ‘ad'.’ Look up the H. E. McAllister mlvertismem. in this issue, that all is intent-sting from the ï¬rst line to the last. Think. you Downers Grove people who are after businesa. who have in- vestments here and are not only will- ing, but anxious. to draw trade. think what this means to you. Your an- nouncement in our columns every week, will be in a Medium that is read by more than four thousand peo- ple. Why it cannot fail. The": is lyonly one stipulation we make and that ixâ€"that you make your message; to our readers inteiesting. Make the} price interesting, the way the articles are described, the way the ad is ar- ranged. and we will guarantee results. eragc, and this is being comer/alive, each Reporter {vs send out is read every week by four people. We mail one thousand papers to our lists. This means that at LEAST FOUR Thous- and people read the REPORTER EVERY WEEK. WOOD VS. LOWDEK â€OWNERS GROVE REPORTER. DOWNERS GRQVE, ILLINOIS 33 S. Muin Street Judge M. Siussor has come out with the flat statement that he will be a candidate for welection to tin- cimuit jut ship in 1921. Mr. Had- ley stated hat he would consider it a great honor to be elected to the The prediction is made in contain cinch-s that the states attorney “ill hau- a real ï¬ght on his hands. \\ 1m 'Hs hardest opponent “ould be is a‘ matter greatly to be debated. As: yet there has been no out and out statement made by any one that they" will oppose Mr. Hadley. i I Now. then, all aspirants to the of- ï¬ce of states attorney of DuPage County take notice. Charles W. Hadley will be a candidate for m- election to that office this fall. A Progressive representative called on him this morning and he made the statement that he expected to be a ,candidate for rte-election. Whatever “intimations†may be guessed at by politicians or newspapers ,in the county or out of 'it do not mean a‘ thing deï¬nite, but the statement from the present incumbent does mean than if anyone else in the county of Du Page is after his jab he is going to have a merry fight on his hands. ‘ w Charles W. Hadley Will be a Can- didate for lie-Election In His Ofl‘ice. ASPIRANTS FOR STATES ATT’Y T A K E NOTICE You will be particularly well pleased with our silk hose. Knitted full in the leg and narrow at the ankle this hosiery ï¬ts smoothly and snugly without wrinkling or binding, some have seams at the back, others are plain. Col- org are black, white, brown, navy. blue, cord- ovan. smoke. green heather and brown heath- er. $2.00 to $10 {Made of durable saâ€" ‘teen, Heatherbloom, Taï¬etas or silk jer- seys in attractive plain or floral pat- terns, scalloped or with fluted 0r accor- dian pleated flounces they conform to all the demands of the fashionable s i l h ouâ€" ette., at H. E. McALLISTER (‘3' co. Priced at $1.35 to $3.50 “HTRITE†PETTICIMTS .215th Eishio Oils Doniaz‘zfnpcfrméf- This store is ï¬rst in offering the ‘new conceits in neckwear for spring. New Van Dyke point collars, dain- ty net and organdy collar and cuff sets, net guimps, are shown in many pretty effects, all moderate- ly priced. - Easter Neckwear It is not always that one ï¬mlx surh charm coupled with prices so delightfully attractive, and newness is a distinct featurc of these waists. Fine Crepe-«le-Chines and Georgettes are lwre in a pleasing lange of styles and colors. plaitetl frills. lace edged or turn back cufl's and some with short sleeves, little velvet bows accenting the throat and many other style features. Prices are $5.00. $6.75 I 87.95 Not only is the political pot boil- ing in National aflairs, but locally the people are beginning to wake up and understand that an election is to be held for County oflicerx in the near future. Unusually Smart Styles in Silk Waists l’ol‘itics Buzzing. The above “as minted in the Whoa- ton l’mgmssiw. “ho started some- thing in their issue of the week be- fore when they said “it is rumored that Mr. Hadley wifl not be a candi- date for m~olvction as he is after the position of United States District A!- torney for this district." Status Attorney-Charles W. Had‘ ley. County Surveyor A .L. Webster in all probability will be a candidate for reelection. Friends of Dr. W. V. Hopf insist that he run again for coroner. So, to date. the lineup of’candidates for county offices is as follows: [ Lewis Ellsworth will be a candi- ‘date for reelection to the office of circuit clerk. Mr. Ellsworth isn't a beating around the bush one bit in letting it be known that he will run again. As to Mr. Hadley's appointment to the district attomeyship. it wasn’t news to the states attorney. circuit bench by the people of the judicial district but he added “I do not expect to be a candidate for the oflica" County Surveyorâ€"A. L. Webster. Coroner»~W. V. Hoyt Circuit Clerkâ€"Lewis Ellsworth. Downers Grove. m. Prices are $8.75 to $21.00 New styles keep arriving to assure'distinc- tion to the wardrobes being assembled for Spring and Summer. Whether they be of rich silks or simpler woolen fabrics, they are delightful in their little differences and seem certain to be very smart with sweaters or the new coats. New Separate Skirts of Quality Silks and Woolens Priced at Satisfaction is assured the purchasers of these well lit- ting silk gloves. They are of enduring quality and comfortable spring weight. Both long and short, black, white, gray and mastic, ~% HARDWARE 36 S. Main Street Telephone No. 29 Gloves for Easter Garden and Field Seeds MERTZ é! MOCHEL COAL and FEED March 28. 192.; .Pnlm Sunday: 1:30 A. M. Holy Communion. Blessing of the Palm Branches. 9:45 A. H. Church School. 11:00 A. M. Holy Communion and Set-mun. ‘ 5:00 I’. M. Evening Prayer and Sermon. The Rev. S. R. S. Gray. Rector of the Church of S. Michael and All Angels. Berwyn. Match 3], 1920. Wednesday before Easter: 4:00 P. M. Children‘s Service. 8:00 P. M. Preparation Service [or the Easter Communion. The Rev. W. D. Elliott. Rector ‘of Christ Church. Gary. lud., will he the visiting preacher. ‘ S. Andrew’s Church PAINTS, OILS, CALSOMINE, ETC. POULTRY AND LAWN FENCING Full Line Of I Your wardrobe is not complete without one of these fancy cami- soles. They come in plain messaline, wash sat- in and floral taffeta, some are lace trim- med others are plain with ribbon shoulder straps, $2.00l0$3.50 Telephone 190 ’1 $1.00 to $2.50 Fridaylymo