thrch Was a Gem of . Setting at Biggest of 'Church Feutivulw Despite the extraordinary inclem- ency of the weather Sunday, St. Jo- seph’s church was crowded at the 8 a. m. low_ Mass account a seemingly universal desire on the part of the .congregation to go to Holy Commun- ion. Friday, Agril 9, 1920 EASTER AT Easter is indeed the Feast Day su‘ preme in the Catholic calendar, and on this day the old Mother Church proceeds on the assumption that nothing is too good for the Taber- nacle of the Risen Lord. Accordingâ€" ly. the most beautiful flomrs decor- 1 ing to Main? artistic sensibilities, which inevitably, through Nature’s laws, exercises such a large influ- ence upon our religious life. ate Her Alan'sâ€"the ï¬nest strains of Music’s charms are are called upon by Her Chqirsfâ€"all for the ministerâ€" St. Jomph’s, a gem of interior set- ting. on this occasion seemed to be veritably a treasure troxe for the eye particulally with the soft. - toned wealth of coloring in its mm Art \Vindows; and it was noticeable the more too. bocnusc of tho somlwrly severe ntmosphvn- of Holy Week. when everything: is always covered with l’vnotencia‘s }urplo garhw-the Altar itself bereft of its "ml. it sort of desrrlion that so distinctly romlls our Lonl's own Ilt'St‘nlU" by His folâ€" lowers 21ml makes thc- mun-h room 1-. plum cold on! hum llvnm- tlu form'folm-r.‘ of tho vn:ll.n:x.<t, “him on Eastpr Mol'n' all is n-g'nunt with a joyous Ilnpo, 12ml Famh molt-s o'ol all our tvmw, ('hribt has mostorml Death. Dr. Goodwin grow wminiwt‘nt of mood. and in a sort of heart In Int-art talk infnnnulJiis people that. his 151)! Enter M pastur hrro. also was the )rar of Ms Siln-r Orulinntiun Anni- versary «lune m‘xt marking: (ho 25m milestonv uf his admission to (hr Priesthood. ylonnu' from tho- l'llilippinvs will pponlx M (lu- l’irsl M. H. rhurrh next Sunday morning, April lllh. at ll Dr. Putin-h in n More of Mulcoo. Allimn of Downrrn CNN“ and is a main- of gwnt MN“ and unusual "New“ 11w ormslnn in the nun-III Think Ola-ring wn'lro of 010 W. F. i. S. of “mi church. Tiw Mm†skunk! Ow crmwlml . Dr, erwrrn l'nrri-h. romrmul mi:- NOTE" \WMIAN SPEAKS AT 31. H. (flll'RCll SI'NII.\\' A. .\l. 1.0. cinespig 13,90. Thwo i! no washing mn- thinv. haml nr rlrrtrically npvratwl. “uh-h i: so nu?â€" vcrsallr new! in Downm‘s \‘I'n hmo many satIsnm rustnmors hero and can give \ou rm) numhm of names =0 that you can invmtigato the mmils II! this “35110? fm yoursnlf. \Vv sell on cash or terms and can make immediate do- [ix-cries. Come to the store and M us show you the many adv vantages of the Thor over the othnr electric washers. 6! South Main Street Phone 30 daysâ€"‘2†Nights ï¬iaiiers 'of High Grade Merchandise ST. JOSEPH’S mnnyA satisï¬ed (he Interior ORATORIO AT M. E. CHURCH SUNDAY NITE Thc Chorus Choir of the First M. E. church will render an Oratorio onâ€" titled, “The Seven Lust Words," at the church at 7:30 next Sunday even- ing. This was to have been given Easter Sunday evening but was post- poned on account of the weather. Mrs. R. E. Rassweiler who leads this choir is a local musician of we" establish- ed record, and the simple fact that she has made the above announce‘ ment should insure a full house. A REMOVAL SALE at Dexter’s Variety Store All Next Week in 6: Other Household Goods Crockery Granite QMNTERCHURCH World Movement ofSWrth Jmerica A WORLD HIRTY denominanons of (he a simuitaneous campalzn in H 1 a simultaneous campaign in the wee: or npru um- May 2nd. They are uniting because the task he too great for any one denomination; bee no duplication of eï¬ort; no waste. These churches lmow that the world needs many things; but it needs Faith most of all. They know that there can be no ï¬nal solution of our economic problems that is not a spiritual solution, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Golden Rule. fort? the Church is uusn there must be They have had the courage to Survey the whole task. and to ask for a budget large enough to sustain (l) the work abroad, (2) the work at home including the churcn's part in am;- huge task of Americanizatio’ (3) the colleges and {4) hospitals supported by the Churches, (5) the reli- gious training of the young. and to provide (6) a living wage for the Church‘s ministers. The budget is large in the aggregate; yet if each person who lava America would increase his contribution by only a few dollars the whole amount mld be easily subscribed. We face the mix of rebuilding the world. Let the cornerstone be a strong and vital church in every American community; and the measuring rod by which the builders build must be the Golden Rule. Th pit/int!†ofï¬m alwrlilemenl it urn/I pm“: I, the (“main of Mir!) Jnamiumm. Unicod Finn nchl “Mimi“ By the Golden Rule not by the rule of Gold DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER. DOWNERS GROVE. ILLINOIS REBUILT The Epworth League of the church will hold their annual election of of- ï¬cers at the church Friday evening. April 9th,!ollowed by a social. ‘ “1"" -..7,V-7 - Re\'.\Clyde Hay of Chicago, will speak "on Sunday School evangelism at the Philathea Banquet on Friday evening. The undersigned wishes toi an- nounce to the public that he has pur- chased the shoe repair shop 0‘ Barr; Schmidt, and asks the public to give him a trial, we guarantee to give you quick and good service" Ie Church are uniting in the Week of Apnl 25m- A N NOU NCEM ENT A. SCHOROW, Downers Grove, April 7, 1920. Mr. (3. ll. Slants. Editor, I wish to voice through the columns of your valuable newspaper my apâ€" preciation and thanks to the voters of Downers Grove. for their loyal supâ€" pon at the election April 6, l920. Chax. Ki Roe. Handsome rain coats in many «lit? fcrvnt materials. Spring suits in 801159, l‘uplin‘ Jerâ€" sey, Poirot Twin and 'l'ricutino. Separate mats in many styles. Best nmtorials, latest styk‘s and lowest prices. A nice ussurtment of Georgette waislx Try a Bar- clay Corset-onc yvur guarantee. International Tractors I’IION E "‘9 Ptices tor Junk. Nou'qmpwu, 100 H». .‘Iuyazinn. I‘M) "n". Roux pm puuml ..... ()hl ltuhlu‘r [u-r puuml 'l'lu- Inuit plifl'n nun-r uhl mvmls. CARD 0F THANKS FOR LADIES AND MISSES A i=5: lg.†= 2.52 z .125? as. :5... 2% 5:... r M,- _ «a: 5...: n1- unmnl DRIIII . R. C. ELLIOTT lmplunn-nts of All Kinds. IMPLEMENT DEALER 75 North Fores‘ Avenue WALLACE 2222 Hunt anh- Ave. MRS. EMRICH Na s‘h Six Soven- Pa s' venger Car I s Roomy and Comfvrtable 'l‘ckphouw 55- W. For the man who requires a car of generous seating capac- ity, whether for cross-country touring or for city use, the Nash Six Seven-Passenger Car is exceptionally well suited. It is unusually roomy and comfortable and its Nash Per- fected Valve-in-Head Motor assures ample power, quiet- ness and economy of fuel. ‘ (i3 for imn uml S. MAIN ST. in many «lif- and Fa rm Phone 16 .31‘ 65 c ‘ A Liberal Trial Offer ‘- mm: an m mums mun If you don’t believe that the PREMIER ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER WIL BEAT YOUR RUGS CLEAN, I will put one in your-home for a free all day trial on any day you say. REPAIRS REASONABLE, CONSISTENT WITH PRICE 0!“ MATERIAL USED. Harness Shop. 101 South Main St. p‘dï¬â€˜ mnowmun. om MOI-ZS AWAY! KAMMEYER, PROP. eroy Phelps Telephone 231-M ‘. PENNER Hinsdale, I"! 71:2] WI VA- Mh-J MG. Downers Grove, Ill. Fiveâ€"Plblenle' Tourin‘ Cu."5’5 1‘ w o- Pneuon‘ar Roadster . . . 31595 Pan 1‘ . Put-enter Spot! nodal. . 81745 Seven-Pusan!" Tooï¬n‘ Car. #1765 Po :1 r- Pnuond" Coupo. . . . . 3749’ Seven-Pnaomger sum. . . . . . 82795 Price. t o. h. [M (â€ma ‘1;