"o: DOWNERS GROVE REPORTE "ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE LOCAL SCHOOL BOARD view of the recent health conditions in the community. In the meanwhile the buildings are being thoroughly tempted. At a special meeting of the Board of Education Wednesday night, a resolution (was unanimously passed whereby the local schools were closâ€" ed for the remainder of the week. This action was deemed advisable in Score: Downers â€"- ‘23; Wheaton~ 9. Free throws mister]: Conleyâ€"4; Roget-H5; Curtiss â€" 3 Refereeâ€"â€" Sanger, North Westvm Coliegc Totals Vaughan L F . Kidnll C ..... Vix L G ...... Curtiss R G Gmmhans L F . Grotefeld C Totals Conley l. G Balaton C Voight c .A DeWolf R a Wheaton Edwall. L. F his rule a)". VoigM. tho rangy Win-atoll «Mar. and who it 'u rumoml has luv-en sign- od to pitch hast-hall for the Giant\‘ next year. showed ".0 award:- takâ€" rl by (he flw when ht‘ was ditched in the second for [our persnnal fouls. He walked out on the Poor and lmorkï¬l "w ha" out of tho haml- of "Honky" Stongvr. ‘nr samnim. acting as wit-roe. Stmgr-r gave “w hulls a chanrv for a fï¬ï¬‚‘ throw for (In! unsportsmanlike art with thn, "~- sult that Rmrs raged a basket. Fol'owing is the box stow uf the In the mod half the rumor- be gun to mt wither muxh Marlin. Wt {our lb:- flct that Hwy Nv Inning Ibo pm Owl nmhin‘kh \silh flair Muhhoflnl may of n ml dr- liherurly insulin: and "yin: In (rip Th1- nam! uhmw that “my mack u-n warmth whirl» "w n-frm saw. and The- local tum shown! "mm-chm a well banana-cl "ï¬xation. Th" and Munch- Iml loam wovlt In por- Fodbn and man "an once nw trirku al the nine. and by such um hum-n n Regen ml (Knuth-s. Md tho Whrn- u. may": mama; Imuml gas-pint for lunch. old-um“ that 0w)- arr. the after time fmm WIN-ulna terri- tory to the waiting hands of Iiidwrll. dutcfeld null Crumb-u- wow hon: used to glw them a limo actual nun "pt-Hem lo PYPMH‘ fur n»- ndwlule which h to (allow. Kklwell. with nix ï¬eld luv-ken to M- (mm. xlwvtal he was there with an old batting eye on the rho" gum. Curunx And Roars were up- puemly all over the floor at com and WWI by Vnuglum par-ml the ball few seconds later Tom Kidm-ll « lint blood by shooting a hula-t. drew from the loyal crowd of | waters 3 3'le which continual had until the end of the game. The game started with the ball in “Winston’s crn'tory, where the rush- ing tactics of the visitors kept. it for the ï¬rm few minutcx of play. The great guarding of Vix kept the visit- or: mrclcsa at. thix juncture and a Playing mid - season basketball from the ï¬rst blast of the whistle tn the ï¬nal signal. the Downers Grove American Legion team trimmed the Wheaton team by a score of 23 to 9 in the high school gym here last Sat- urday evening. It being the ï¬rst ac- tual game the locals have played this year made the defeat more humiliat- ing to the visitorx who have met some of the best teams of the county and come out on top. In fact, they had an unsullicd string of victories to their credit until they invaded thc local baliwick. Hitherto Undefeated Basketball Five From the County Sent is Snowed Under. .VOL. XXXVIII. N0. 1 [MM [[6l0N nvr 0mm . wumon mu G rave hum show many rump": 10 dnw This local chofls of nflicrrr for tlw past yea; warp real and appvm‘ml and other routine buxim‘.“ was: transac- Nice-Presidnnt ...,Mrs. R. l'hlhorn Secretary ...... Mrs. George Staigm- Tremuwr ...... Mrs. R. J. Dickson ï¬xeéutivo (hmmitter-«MN. Roland Schultz. Mrs. V. Carpentnr and Mrs. J. W. Nash. OMrN‘s for i921 wow elm-ted at the annual mun: of the [Runyon Grow Auxiliary to "w American legion at the Legion mums Tumulay afternoon as foIlmn: President ..... Mrs. G. I". Han-kin; Thaw indullmi umr: (.nmmnmh'r ‘ H ‘ï¬r‘. [Lona .Hufl’vrt Put ('om, NF. lemn Stu“ Liam. (hm. . link Lym'n (furl-m Collrrmr . ..\l.-. Lav-m "unnum Roam! Krrpr-v- “Mi“ thma ('amils .‘IMmâ€"s at Ann- Mm L Lrhmmm Chaplain ...... .\Ir«. .‘Hnn‘w "rink 8072mm . . . .Mn. Manure! Krnny 80min! ...... . ."l s. Lam‘s-«- Slick l‘irkr! ...... . . .31“. â€mild: Rnflt l-‘oflmvimz "w Inc-Ming wfrpsh mmfls warp wruwl Ilmsr â€rot-cm. LEGION AUXILIARY ELECTED OFFICERS FOR ENSUING YEAR 1 Is Downers Grove your "home‘ or do you just live here? If you really make your home in Dow- ners Grove you will be interested in everything which happens in the vlllage. You will ï¬nd some- thing of interest in what the schools: are doing. the churches, the Village Board, the bowling leagues, the Womans Club, the. Parent-Teacher Association. and an the other oi-ganizatione which go to make up the life of the community. Keep posted on what happens in the village, become. a regular subscriber to the commun- ity paper, The Reporter, $2.00 will pay your subscription for a year. Order now. T|w lkm‘nrn “rm‘r lmlgr. IAIIIM ‘0' "W Mnruhws, lvutnllnl their I92! amt-nu M "Iv lu-t mo'c'h'nl MM Inn! Friday awrmmr. Mn. 1'. H. Sta-I! mm m lmtnllmx (mu-n and Mrs. "rm-tun Wimm us Lady uf l‘rrv- monicu. va. Lee says the need is great. He told the audience that great ef- runs were made to get enough land plantcl in crops to food the people but the clcalth of men «Im- to the war. made it impossible. He gave one instance which can»: under hlr‘. observation to illustrate this. In u xmnll village near Coblonz eleven man were available for the army. Of these clown. sewn were killed and of the other four not om of the-m wax uhymally whole; one haul had both legs taken all. anotlu-r his nnn‘ and so on. LADY MACABEES INSTALLED AT LAST MEETING IS DOWNERS GROVE YOUR “HOME?†Rev. Edwin F. Lee, who was the Methodist army chaplain at G. H. (1., Chaumont, France, spoke on condi- tions in Central Europe at the Meth- odist Episcopal Church here Tuesday evening. Rev. Lee is a member of the Board of Foreign {Missions of the M. E. Church and also of the Hoover Committee for the relief of Central and Easlem Europe. It was while acting in his capacity as in- vestigator of these two institutions last summer that he visited most of the territory for which the present drive for funds for European relief was instituted. Spoke on Drive for Funds {or flu- Relief of Central Europe at M. E. Church. EUROPEAN CON- DITIONS TOLD BY REV. E. LEE 1;. F. Hawkins. Retiring Seen-- “In. to "rad the Organi- zation lint. For IN Not You Toni suu-a- Lu! l-‘rflay Manila. DOWNERS GROVE, DU PAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1921 ï¬nitely We understand that Mr. L. R Puf- far formerly of Downers: vam ha~< ‘lbenn sent to London, Ontario, Canaâ€" da, as expert mechanic to adjust the automatic box machines of the Janet: Bros. Co., being sent there by W. C. Ritrhie Co.. in whose omplny he ha been for the past ï¬ve years since be- ing- ponsioned from the Western Elec- trir Company. Mr. Pufl'er expectp to remain in Ontario, Canada, indr- This sm-ios of lorturos and inter view: has been helpful to the boy lift: of many communities. and after care‘ {ul im-extiption Um local commuten believes that these three clays can be made an epoch in the life of 1hr younger generation. Avlmiswinn will be {me at all these lectures. On Friday nizl'lt at 8:30 tl'u,I sub‘ jert will be “The anance of Builclv ing Boyhoml," aml all parents. teach. era. Boy Scout loaders, arr- especially: urgvd to attend. E A “III-I'm: Yam ma" "mung “mi .hv‘ hl'Il'. “FNMA-day night, Jaflllill".é I26 I“ 8: 30 III III! high <chml anom- Ihh. to “hirh urn fathr and so"! ;mm H mo IIHIIQII. Thur-uh) night: at R nI'Iotk )lr Cami-I will «pr-ah Im (ho aabject. 'Iifv's Most Sarrr-II fumtinn." Thu Iotture is iIIIIsthi «I h) om of the mo<t man elm» mn- timI pidum mm prInIuI-ed and run-- wins twntiï¬mlh mun-t Informa ; tion Inganlinz anatomy and Iifr. HI"; (W50 of thr \mmlerful manner in which this ï¬lm open an nppmtunil) ‘ for a father to follow up the lecture“ with n III-art to heart talk with hI-I: son, ovary father is urged to athmll this lecture and sit with his boy. ' Mr. (SamrI «Ill ah-larcr thm Irr- hum in m mm. nchool «mummy», and r-pvnd his limr during "ll‘ th)’ in fulcrum“ “ith "In high yrhotl lmyn Nnnllflx their prohhnm of can- tlufl, work or habits. He has .wprm his Im- lime in intimate commlship with how. aml thousand.- hue hm! inton'wwu with him, during whirh mï¬ckmini amm- and mung-l haw luv-n giwn. Thi.- .uhor! visit Mil hn a “-nnolvrfnl opportunity for tho M- .UWs to (M in rlmm touch with a man who i4 nut nnly qualiï¬ed (0 hr- holpful in buildivm pp munlinoss, hm. who has smioliwl in churn-r anal- y<is and \ocalinmll guidann‘ and can "Err worth \‘hilo somatic"! about tho chain "0' .1- "To mark. The local committee a! [In- Y. M. (I. A. ha» nude ummmmtu (hm the county men-Cary, W. I". Ritrhir, «hon-by Frank H. Camel. Mm i- kno‘u a» "the (£4va of boy!" M In «wool a punt of next wwk in Doww rut Grow. To Hold Thm Bin Meeting: to flu- um. Schoolâ€"Jinn." in lmich to Cm. "BANK II. GAMEL “MIND 0f BOYS†HIRE um WEEK WAS CALLED T0 CANADA A GOOD START j A very enjoy-amt! time was had by all who attemlml the social gathering given by Trinity Commamlery at La Grange on Thursday evening. Thnsn from the Grove present were Mr. arm Mrs. Chas. Mochcl, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Downes, Mrs. Stanley Brown, Mrs. C. W. Brookins. Mrs. Herbert Dawâ€" son, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Langosch, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Behrel, Mr. and Mn. B. E. Balczymki and Mr. arul1 Mrs .Rd. Constantine. le house should be packed to (h.- door!" next Tuesday evening. no. member that the not proceeds of this entertainment coursa wilt Ir dividml hen-new the Fire Tmck Fund an] the Downers: Grove Public Library. The third numbor in thr- (-nurs'o “i" b» givnn by Elias hay. ontertaim-v' and imporsonator. Tho dosing num- ber by Mal-gory Maxwell of (.‘hiv‘agn Grand Opora Association. Minna mekowsky, violinth and Alma Putâ€" nam, accompanist. Svason h‘rkrb. for this and flu- two nlmaining numhu-w in HM Mumâ€" ical Extrusion sm'ies, may 4i“ ho oh- mml at Hm National Bank or flu- Farmers Mm-rhante Slaw Bank. for $1.50 for adults or SLM for {hr (-hildwn undnr “who. Til-hot: “in bi sold at the door up to "or fun seating raparity hm mosidpmbl“ saving ran be main by purrhasinn season tickets. Threw (“‘0 artists wi" hr- mmw puniml nl pimm by Hi.“ Wanflw [hr - mnml, pianist, om- uf l'hirauzo'« brs' .\li.~< Raymund will aim emu-m- in u polo clisplayina hm- u'nmlmful mm- Il-I'y of "w lnrhniqm- of hv‘r :1â€. TV" program ax a \vholu pmmiw-s to hr HIP Matt thing that has been hr"; [0 Dim-nor: ï¬rm-o for many yvaw. TM pmmm will cmbrua- the but numb-rs from Hu- rrprnoin- of Ihrw tummy. 'l'lwmas Mrflmnflmn in u arty-pathetic lrnor [um-tuning g min- nf unusually pleasing quality and mum"! "mum. "1- is "u- "flay 808ml.†wlm umnwl Europe will: (hr l'uulipl Boy's (’hm‘r mm:- yum nun. Illo now nk-volos My lime largely to lmnvrrl. "dial and malaria. Olvy Syn-ah. musk-ll authority. now, "Mr. Tlmmm Mdlmmhan he» a lonov‘ \‘m‘n‘ of we! brmfly and his singing vs mmplidml in n manly unam-cllwl "mum-r." A prnw romrm-nt fmm llu- (Shit-Ian 'l'vibnno «1'0“ch Iv satisfying. â€Mr. )ldirnnnhun's lumulil’ul (um tmwhnl (hr ‘I’au‘r m Manuw 1':m--' with Hu- mngir M that timhw which ha.â€" mach Jnhn Mdfummck 1hr M0! at innnmrruhlr oars." Tho swoml artist! who will ammr cm Hu- pmmam nut Twsaluy «wu- imz is Mr. John Wrirhor. \iolinht. "o is! so we'll known in musical rirv‘lw that h» manly: no rummnt upon 1m wnrk- by way of iMm-hu-tinn. â€HRH ARIISIS AI D|(K[’S NIX] IUESDAY EVENING The smml number in the Hus-ital Pixiemuon Swim will bl! givrn at UK "who Thruln: nu! TIII'MII)’ m‘vninx. Jammy am. In! uzoo p. m. Second South" of Musk-l Evian-ion flcrku I. be Held Nut SIR. KNIGHTS ENTERTAINEI) km to be "dd 1" Tun-day Evening. 'Hn- vighl “mm-n in (hr rad. hav 6 how: rt-hnars‘ing fur “1-1va and ban- lhoir "mt. thn sumo hQWiMFS am" uthtlr «II-laiis lvltl-l' pmfm't. Thvy arr- l-vpvvting nno «J the tat-no.4 mow-t- ing: at tlm y-ar for tho- performanrv- Thuu- “ho lakt- pin-t aw Mrsdamfli T. A, V'mvlmuim. .\'. R. Pv‘as'oy. H. H. Huntingtun. Jun. 1‘. I". Kelly, B. E. Balczyn‘ki, A. H. Show, [’30va Huston and A. Loo lk-itkrlman. .erl \"v-«jnrsolay «I'll-mm» Hw- anau.‘ Hub will gin- a furrwcmw r-vly. "llmv (hr Story {Irv-w." in Mr arts as part hf the wgular Huh molding. “HOW THE STORY CREW" AT WOMANS CLUB WED); BSDA Y ’Hw lmlgr Inn hu-rn busy I" dur- ing Jhmmr)’ nmsflwr sï¬lfifl' WM- im: bring mllml for 0w awning whim Hu- ,wnml' vlomw- will In- mn- [rrrvwl on so-H‘Hï¬l' candid.“ ‘ M mx 3 "11‘.“ was Iain-n Whi'!‘ Un- m-mhvrs and \iyzilnn. adiounml In "w dining room (or n «lulu-Mun mp pvr >"'\‘MI by "w- I'Mlutlwn Clan of "In M. H. ('hun-h. â€In" “Nth. “hon it mmm in wrving nupprr. "now an- Hm!" "uh'wln'r." Four rnml’ulmm urn' inflimml in!†(hr m_\‘~ll‘fl¢‘.~' of "w Uvinl 411nm dur‘ mg "11- uflrmmm uni! luv-"I'M. (Smu- L042" Nu. “24. A. F. G A. $1.. hvld n uprrlul mating In! Sat» unluy .sluninx ul Chm n‘flnrk in tha- nlu‘rmum um. "Ming lulcr in tho naming. In mm-nsation with 3 Ideal av!- vertiser the other day the quns‘ tion of pnsilion came up and this 5.x what we aaid. “It makes no «lifâ€" ‘fnrnm‘P what. space your ad occu- pins in The fir-porter. whother it be on the second or back pug». m' any other. in its pulling power. That is strictly up to you. Make your an! interesting to our readers and they will marl it." That‘s the truth. If you really have some- thing to offer the buying public of Downers Grove and can tell about it in an interesting fashion, they will ï¬nd it, read it, and be" others no matter how hard you try to HIDE it. Those are facts. GROVE [DIXIE HELD SPECIAL L A S T SATURDAY Wain-d 6n Mum and Evening. Nomi-d ll NI "Tia-In For Rapper. Dul'am- County haul n Rpm-Muta- tion of two voting disk-gala. 'l‘lu-v m-w Irving Goodrich nml A. W. l-‘iu-In-r. Iluwunl Leonard, of Woodfnnl (70. 3mm re-olcttml a); I'n-n‘ulvnt, by accla- mulion. Z. M. Holmne. of Poor“ ()0. was also mâ€"elmtml as Vice~l'muldent. 1110 two days' session was taken up with business matters, vlnflion of of. “com. and wow-hm; by agricultural lenders. \mmnl May, this Year I Furn- (‘mm-dy. Export"! lo I)": Largo .hnï¬om. January 13 and 14. Mr. McGough is one of the eight members to return for another year of work on this governing committee. Seven new members were elected to 1take the place of retiring committee mm. As the committee meets from one to two days in Chicago every month and the individual working committees are composed of Execw live committm- members. a great deal of St'n'iu‘. is required by those mp- nrscntativos. ' Henry McGough of Maple Park. ‘Kane County, was again choxen to [represent the 11th congressional dis- itn’ce on the Executive Committee of the Illinois Agricultural Association at the annual meeting in Chicago on January 13 and 14. MAKE YOUR AD INTERESTING Irving Goodrich and A. W. Fischer Attend Annual Meeting .8 (bunny Delegates KANE COUNTY MAN AGAIN REPRESENTS DISTRICT ON I. A. A. ' Wl- arv 0w "My wlfakntmdhe " prurnssium. A Jug!!! epidemic of ’ >maanx in :1 any!» city will bring more u‘w-mw 91) "w “00‘0†"III I I’ quarh‘r or a contrary of vaccinnï¬on, hut \rt- arr Du- vangunnl in inflat- ing an ~unrirmmm. “in land the ï¬ght for purr- as!" and our! milk to pnu-nt (pivkmir! of typhoid l- " gain wholly to our vhtriment.’ ' “That slatl‘mu-nt of the case in t txact arrow! wrlb (M WOMI. H. tiporpr’r.a am! perhaps, beneï¬cial t. .hau- dim-rum of opinion on "It 'MYR-acy of homth m-axuren. Them- . i.~ with" proprioty nor beneï¬t in trying tu obscure the isnue by rais- - ing the bogry of ï¬nancial pmflt Lwhl'ro no such proï¬t exists." VVVV-I ’" A cnmedy, "Ha: (ha. Story-.0“ ‘will be presented by club new We ask that at club m a specinl eflort to It My. . The music will be furnished " mixed quartet from the N ' Business College of m ' The- meral meeting of the DUI!- . .5. «TH vae Woman: Chb will he W next Wednesday in 1.3M†Hall. wnnANs CLUB To MEET WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON" Dr. Lillie contmws: "The health Ldrpartmrmt sends sanitary oflicers tn ‘invnstixato the vases, to make reports 'and placard the home and fumigate. if'urther than that nothing can be 'dmm as smallpox in a disease which comm smely through the victim’s «- Lwva-ssrnpss in refuting or neglecting~ to be vaccinabd." f0t< (u Un- undo-M disturb-MP. 1M IflsWI‘r H Um mnmuon ls Mend ï¬ve of dung:- In a" childn-n whoâ€"e pawnt: m" W'M it for them. For 1hr nmrul prnm‘ilim, it might In wc-ll to m" If“ 1 wulnrw W. W. Keen ..r Philadelphia. a man hm. out of urllw' â€mun, a Human who†work urn-r (aw him a ï¬nancial mum: m "w munagvmv-nt 0' wiohmics, and a sfh'nlisl uf min-malimml npuflo Hun. Sparking m a gathering of his rullmrw this war. Dr. Ken Odd. Small pox. dun-In. W put lav ‘Wm‘ku, has attain“ epithmio pui- lpovUoM in n «Ion-n imlllm than» on! “w nub. Tho Chic-go menl in cums-ill Ilw situation wmnvh-«l: “A: 18. In with: hau- w-ultnl: “on Mar.“ In of a mud lypv- um» mum (Mn lung filtering of "m lulu-flow it" u gmpuhtim "win-Md urn-[I7 n- »ixlanl by ,vnrrmut'mn. (H mm. tho my has horn van-rd that doctors m-gv- \ucr'nauon {m [Mir "I! â€luv "a! prufl Rn fur av: (but cry r?- TM foflowin‘, iwur Tm!†by llw Suu â€09.7"!!!“ o! lie-uh. my hr of [MI-rm: to our Nylon: u (N. limo. A clu‘w will be made to have every wlmol fhilcl vmiulnl immcdmly and it in hoped "III III:- oldar poo- plo who have not lull (Mu doll. for “wt-ml yum tho do it at one. Dr. Wunluy pronouuotd the dim a wry mud l‘onn nu! the gamut.- that have hr"! Mien nuke it mt impmmibh‘ flu! tho- vii-um ho synod further. ' Superintendent. .0! Schools Sam was immediately informed of the mum and with the consent 0! tho mrhool board ordered Hut the south uidh' school be timed Wednesday Ind ‘thc building fumintal. This in «Imus ml u a meeting Wednulhy evc-ntng it w“ themed ldvluhlo to Im-p them cloned until Monday mon- in; when achool will be remind us (mull. Russel Winchell, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Winchell, of South Fuh- view avenue, East. Grove .wu pm noum'nd a small pox patient by Dr. E. l-'. Worslcy Tuesday evening. It developed that the young man Ind attended all his disses thlt day it the high school, not knowing that he haul anything mom the mum-r with him than some kind of a rush. The south side grade and hill: schools were closed Wednesday to 3!- low the buildings to be Iumignhd following a small pox scare which broke over the village late Twenty, evening. Rum! Winchell Attended Clam While Shining From 0h; Contuiouu Malady. SMAll POX $0!le ' ([0st SGIOMS f0R fllMlGAflOfl V 1‘- Mid Hal-um. WHOLE N0. 1m‘*â€":.:‘